of mare: by. instead = oe and we because it is to 1 to know 'that a Il answer for both par weather . _-- . $ >@ sodanstoriare sk to see svenor Raincoat n Fine Imported Worsteds, $10, a ® carry a complete .aincoats, ~~ pring Hats who never grow HAT, $2. r $3 for this hat. ce this price. . IN & 3Y .CO., k Hall, 'YER'S irey's Shoe offering the Y OD 0 000000000: ) 1s Here. . era House Block MAN make the man, but dressed man' com- him. It's just so the best dressed rter or finer gar- and our new Suits, The fashionable vagger as his heart 1, also, find styles an Ours you, Sir, you will to the matter of ur patrons do -- an't we do busi- and Gents' 'Furnisher. cess Street, 8. : cssunhil) 2 to Creditors. te of Jessie Ann Mait- te of the City of King- the County of Fron. ipinster, deceased. HEREBY GIVEN PUR- Revised Statu of ' OUn~ Chapter 129, that all cre- hers having claims against the said Jessie Ann Mait- qd on or about the 19th A.D. 190k, are required on loth day of "Apwnil, A.D by post prepaid or deliver itland, of the Township of man, administrator of the heistian, and surnames, ad- escriptions, the full. paiti- claims, the statements of and the nature of the held by them take notice tioned date that after the said ad- vill proveed to distribute the decensed among the d therito, having regard aims a which be shall thon ud, that the said adminis- wt be lisble for the said part thereoi to any pers % of whose claims' notice +. heen received by him at uch distribution. Lith day of March, AIPLAND, Strator ofthe esta ate Brewer's Mills P.O OF SHOP LICENSE HERERY GIVEN THAT | to the License Commis City fer leave to remove e and. Business stom wher: 268 Princess siraet] tho West, "and that they ame on. MONDAY, March 4 same time and place I upon to wit, Police at 8 pom PER TYO. 1909. AV ich There's Marked Activity In the Kid Glove stock iu THEY ARE TOP NOTCHHERS. auf A PACKAGE AT YOUR GROCERS AND DRINK AMBROSIA. Prices--8$1, 70c., 60c,, 50¢, and 40c. ger ib. At Your Grocers. tmnt Every woman in town is going to have a new pair. of gloves this spring, and we're just in the position to give thom the very hest service in this particular. Everything right up-to- date in this. departinent, All the new Spring shades, in popular lengths, and the prices just as low as can be possibly quoted for first-class goods. WHITE KID GLOVES, BLACK KID GLOVES. GREY KID GLOVES. FAWN KID"GLOVES. { TAN KID GLOVES. 'Wrown KID"GLOVES. CASTOR KID GLOVE 8, OXFORD KID GLOVES, ETC. We are Kingston agents for the world-renowned glove called FOWNES. We guarantee and cheerfully: replace any $1, $1.25, or $1.35 glove not giving entire satisfaction, Special bargain for men--in Fownes Kid Glove, sizes 7} to 9. Each pair well worth $1.25. 1 OB. whe. a, Sale Price 67¢. a Pair. .CRUMLEY BROS. (LE 132-134 Princess Street. ra Accept No Substitute for {IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP - Inipader closed in tight THE Reynolds ville = = = ~ my 0 ~ 09 LA eo 2 a Ve JAMES SWIFT & G0. 'Phone 135. ATENSION SALE PARLOR SETS. 5 plece English Velour Set, assorted with "Sale Price $25. Buttoned shades, 5 piece Silk Parlor Set. Bands, Seat and Back. . Sale Price $30. 5 piece Wilton Rug Set. Sale Price $40. Have your Parlor Sot, Couche and Matirésses done over at JAMES REID'S COME Bob A THE RUSH MYERS, Bs Brock St. FEE and all the il wish to secure a fine deliéate flavor of pure sap syrup. Sorup is. put up in sealed tins 'e brand every can for the consumer's Try one can of Imperial Maple Syrup and you. will be dell IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP CO., Limited, Montreal. ROSE & LAFLANNE, Agents, (00 St. Paul Strest, Montron). freshness ls rotection, shied: Troubled with Kidney Trouble for Six Months. Meri and Women Are Troubled Kidiiey Trouble, Some For Less Tiree, Some For Longer--No igo To Be Troubled For Any If They hy A Knew of The 3g "lade B O00AN'S KIDREY Backache Is The First Sign Of Kidney Trouble--Then Come Complications Of A More Serious Nature. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS TAKEN AT THE FIRST BACKACHE oF MISERY. Mom SIGN 0 WILL SAVE YOU YEARS Mrs. William H. Banks, Tbrbrook Mines, N.S., tells the pub lie about the Kiddey Pills in t qualities & th the follo lowing words s--I of Doan's was troubled with fo trouble for six months, and had such terrible across my kidneys all the time could. hardly get around. After taking dae 1 one box of Dots | Kidney Pills I oe to feel better, bores 1 time I Iker three boxes was Hmpitely Prion 600. per box, or 3 boxes tor $138) all dealers or The Doan Kidney Coy Toronto, Ont. LOTS. CORN AMERICAN AND CANADIAN CORN FOR BALE IN CAR Write or wire for prices, delivered your station. « Me siag., Terente. | T A WITZE Beard of Trade COMMERCIAL, NEW YORE STOCK BROHANGE, March Union Pacific ~ St. Paul Munkattan . 3. R. Transit .. Sugar Piople's Gas U. S. Steel Li. 8. Steel, Pp fd. Tenn. Coal & Iron ... Miss. Pacific ... Southern Pacific Ontario & Western NYO OS # Atchison, Pid. Louis. & Nash. Rock Island >, Pennsylvania RR Texas & Pacitic Atchison wal Am. Ice Amer OR Anial, Copper .... Canadian Pacific Montrial Street Ry. Toronto Street Ry. Pwin City Transit Detroit United Halifax Street Ry. Iotedo lL. & ww Rich. & Ont. Nav, . Montreal Power . Dominion Steel . Dominion Steel, Nova Scotia Ry. Nova Scotia Ry. Dominion Coal Lo bes ne Dominion Coal, Pid Commercial Cable Montreal Telegraph . Bell Telephone .. Owilvie Milling Merchants 8 ation )ominion Cotton na Colared Cotton Pavone Mining Montreal Bank Ontario Bank ts. Bank Merchan National Bank Pld. Pid. 18th. J home. SHIP OF CHURCHES. i Setting Forth the Desire for In- ter-denominational . Comity -- 'Committee Will Have Another Session. Toronto, March 18. --Commitices of the Preshyterian and Methodist churches appointed to meet in joint, session. to consider what steps could be taken to co-operate in regard to mission work in New Ontario, the North-West and British Columbia met here, yesterday. After comsiderablo dis- cussion, a resolution, submitted hy Dr. Sutherland, was adopted expressing the opinion that certain initial steps | might be taken which would test the] principle of co-operation and also have an educational value to both ministers and people. To this end Dr, Warden and Dr, Sutherland were requested to vrepare a letter to be sent to the min isters and members: of the two churches, setting forth the desire for inter:denominational unity and commending this important movement to the powerinl sympathy of the ministry and mem Rip of the two churches. The joint committee will meet. again at a time to be agreed upon. TWO RELICS FOUND. sWorkmen Unearth Two Valuable And Rare Relics. While excavating Clarendon hotel, workmen unearthed, deep down im the earth, an ancient brass candlestick of antique desig. Save that it was coated with dirt and tarnished, the candlestick is as good as the day on which it was made. Clerk O'Connor tawk possession in rear of the of the curiosity and refused to part with it, though ofiered several fancy prices, TO MINISTRY AND MEMBER: ; : It is A Season When Most People Feel Miserable, Easily Tired and Fagged Out. The spring weason affects the: health of almost @ of couse in dit ferent ways. some it is a feeling of weariness after Slight exe rtion; oth- ers ave alllicted With pimples and skin eruptions. Bo *appetite, sallow chdeks. and Jack-lustre eves are other signs that the blood is clogged with impurities and must Bave assistance to regain its health-giving properties. This is the Season above all others when evervone--young and old--need a tonic to brace them up, and the best 'tonic medical has discovered is. Dr. Williams® Pipk Pills. These pills tone. the aorvey and B11 the veins with red blood. That's tite and 8 cure vo dp a healthy appe- ood and nerve dis: cases--annotiia, skin diseases, erysipe- las, rheumatisny, pedralgia, palpita- tion of the heart and a score of oth- er troubles cansed by bad blood and bad blood alone. Williams® Pink Pills will give "you' new blood, new life, new -=3'Ol cannot do bet- ter than start taking them to-day. Joseph Poirier M.P.P., Grand Anse, N.B., says:, "Both mv wife and daugh- ter have heh greatly benefited hy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. My daughter was in very poor health; pale, thin, and apparently bloodless, but through the use of the pills she Bae roguined her health and is able to enjoy life, I think Dr. Williams" Pink Pills is the best medicine when the blood is poor." Substitutes ave sometimes offered, but they never cure. If you can't get the genuine pills from' your dealer send direct. to the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.; and they will be mailed at fifty cents a box or six box: es for $2.50, An Auditor For Years. Parham, March 17.--8t. Patrick's day was not velebrated this vear in our village. Sugar making is the or. was unearthed in an old coin, a copper Another curiosity the shape of reverse s is a wreath of maple leaves, inside of which are the words showing the denowination™ of the coin, % n Sou. Out le the wreaths are the words: "Banque du People, Montreal." Mr.' O'Connor values the coin----veev highly. Black River Bridge Siftings. Black River Bridge, March i6.--Th- snow ia all gone. The bay is clear of ice and the river also "sings with pride the anthem of the * A few have tapped, hut the maples have as yet yielded but very little sap, Jarvis and Hobson are doing a rushing busi ness in - the sucker trade. Harry Grimmon, Picton Business College, spent Sunday, the 8th, at his parental A. E. Grimmon has disposed of a quantity of his evaporated chop. Miss Lena Empey does not intend at- tending Picton high + hool any more, | Edwin Hughes, eonfinid at the Tecnm- seh hotel, Picton, having had an op- eration performed on Sunday, the 8th, is recovering and is expected home | the last of this week. Samuel Danard and family, Royal street, have moved , 'into. John Miller's house. Arthur and Frank Powers, Cressy, were the §iaeis of John Miller on Sunday. Kibert | VanDusen spent Saturday at Picton! John VanDusen, Sr., bad his hand | amputated at Picton last week. The | patient is doing well. Miss Minnie Vanalstine, Trenton, i+ "isitiag her uncle, H. E. Ellis. Frank Robbins, South Bay, called at H. N, Ellis' on Sung y..J..and W. Hughes intend building a bakery on the former's lot shortly. This will be a great con- venience for the residents of this sec tion. Mrs. Samuel Jarvis and son Delbert, have returned from a visit to Trenton. ~ ------ Did Not Get Through. « The steamer Pierrepont started out shortly after nine o'clock this morning the foot of for . Cape Vincent, via th Wolfe Island. After proceeding four miles down the river, Capt. Allen found it almost impossible to get fur- ther, and aecordingly steamed back to the city. The heavy fog also had a deterrent effect. Another trial may be made to-morrow, if the day is fine. Last year the Pierrepont got to the Cape on March 24th. His Two Wrists Broken. Fred. Haffner, a member of the boys' gvmnasium class. at the Y. M. C. A., had . his wrists broken last evening. Before the class started, he was practising on the travelling rings, but missed his grasp at one of them, and fell to the floor. svmnastic In structor Bews took the" injured boy 10.8 doctor's office, where his injuries were attended to, and then had him removed home. s "The Crisis." Speaking of this © aftraction which appe ars al the Grand to-morrow night the Torbnto Globe préenounces it one of the most attractive and best acted plays that have been offered theatre- goers this season. It is not often that so much fervent. enthusiasm is witnessed at the Grand of late over a drama that may be justly considered of a high-class order x cen " Pine Russet -appies at Ferguson's. The largest car of potatoes that has ever come to Kingston was delivered to James Crawford to-day, it contain. ed 675 bags. At the parsonage at Melrose on 11th inst., Miss Emma A. Morris be- came the wife of George Sexsmith. Both parties were of Tyendinaga. No more coronation medals, nor specimen coins of 1902 will be struck or March 31st. aft = Me:; 0c, 40c. and Ble: Agu wt Firgosotis. iin at Ferguson's, LEAR == LEARN wr TeiéiiihY 4 | night, not gain nar. der of the day, but as yet the weath- er has been unfavorable for a good vield of sap. D. Goodlellow, a member one cent piece, the date of which is | of the A.O.UW. lodge, Verona, has Jost in obscurity, as it is not given | returned from there, after auditing on the coin, whic h is as. periect as | {he accounts, He reports the order as when [first milled. The obverse side being in & progressive wav, having contains a wreath of shamrocks, | their hall clear of debt and quite a roses and . thistles, around the outer surplus on hand. He has heen auditor rim being the words "Agriculture | AP pars i Ti Nanas ed there for a number of years. He is id Com as Canada nthe | 4lso chief councillor of the C.0.C.F. here, and is being sent to London on the-23cd as delegate to represent the order, D, C. and 8. Snyder, Oak Flats, have been through here buving horses for the west; they are a scarce article to . get. J. Shellington has started sawing in his mill. G. Howes is sawing wood in the Wagar neigh: borhood. Andrew Black, of Sault Ste, Marie, has come to visit his parents here. J. G. Black spent Sunday down east. A number from here intend go ing to a wedding to-night at Piccadil ly. A. C, Wagar is preparing to keep a store, Visitors are £0 numerous that itgwould he useless to take up a hall a®elumn of paper naming them. The remains of the youncest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Bender, Long Lake, were interred in the cemetery here on. Wednesday, water in the flats is not so high as it has been in vast springs. Carson Barr was brought home from Burridee on Saturdav feeling well; he is on the Dr. Genge is kept quite busy this weather attending his pa tients. ------ Shanties Have Shut Down. Flower Station, March 17.--The mighty bluster has again given way under the chafing influence of gentle spring, causing the shanties to shut down for a short term, hut bringing with it that most pleasant of times sugar-making. The small boy is busy making his well-known paddle with which to stuff his little stomach ith the goody. The water in the Clyde rapidly rising, and the drivers . are only waiting for the ice to break un the lakes to begin work. The I. 0. F. is intend having an oyster supper ' at Clyde Forks on the 27th inst., for the benefit of ite members, and have invited a fev outsiders to take part itt the entertainment. Adam McGone gal lost a fine mare yesterday. She dropped dead. Mr. Sheridan, Watson's Corners, bought the-pretty team of colts owned bv Stephen MéGoneeal, of this place, at a high price vesterdav, The wedding takes place to-morrow at Thurlow's of Miss Mintle Closs to George Jordan. John Larocdue leaves here to-day by settlers' train for Ee ho Bay, where he intends to take up his abode, Miss J. Dodds. Perth, came last night to takin the place of Miss Ross, former teacher of Clyde Forks school, Miss Dodds is heartily = wel. comed as she is well-known here both as being a good teacher and a friend of the young people. An English Chemist Writes : "Brown's Bronchial Trouches are most useful, and | never kmew an article so universally well spoken of and gain such rapid notoriety before.' Those who are suffering from coughs, colds, hoarseness, sore throats, ete., should try them. Price 25¢, a box. James A. Lewis has been choten to fill the office of town treasurer of Smith's Falls, made vatant by the re sipnation of R. W. Bartlett. * Fhe Ladies" Aid of St. Picton, made a new de their "Salada Tea" at Frank Boulter's. There was nothing served but salads of various kinds, bread and butter and tea, but many varie tics of the dainty dish were offered, and all were delicious Damage to the Rideau Queen may be more severe than would at first be expected. All-the handsome furnish- ings were stored on the main deck, old the water will ruin these, as. well 'as warp. the interior of the fine dining 4 Andrew's; ture in room. The. accide nt was most unfor- 'tunate. : Vien. FP Woaddonald, Carleton Place io in city, having been called home by the serious illness of her wother, Mrs. Williun In Paris a vouth has been arrested, who. attempted to kill his father in order that, as" a widow's son, he might escape conscription, The Prince' Edward Agricultural So- ciety has decided to provide a werics 8 races for Victoria day, May 20th. D. L. Bongard has BEER double lot in Falling and expects to 'wréet a private i Tating noth File | has lived which w ould fill the lives of MADE nN WA: LABOURERS, mri Experts Have Cone Their Work--The Report Likely be Sent to Mr. Bertram at Toronto, Montreal, March 18.~A notable ins | stance of how the biog fy Toke aa nig arin last night; 'at a meeting of the build. The building laborers for an increase was before them and it was agreed to of: fer thom $2 u day. These men, wh are divided inte two or three classes, dh orm such work as dieing founda tions and other rough' about building . constructions. They have hoes getting 81.25 to $1.50 per day anil the ler of the contractors is consi jump for the men. The offer will ely 8 accepted. . The Phil ia representatives of Lloyds, of London, the underivriters of the fire insurance on the steamer Mon: treal, of the Richelieu & Ontario line, have concluded the investigation into the recent fire in order to form & bas is for the amount which will be ow | ed. As the insurance was carried in the name of Mt. Bertram: for the Ri: chelieu company, the report will like. ly be made direct to him this after: noon, Liberty. Joha Hay. What man is there so Uold that he should say "Thus Jad aia only would I have the sea For whether lying ¢alov and beautiful, Clasping the earth in love, and Lirow ing The ile of Heaven from waves of ame y Or whether, freshened by. the busy windy It, boars Ale trade and Davies of the world '0 gids of use or stern activity; Ur whether lashed by winpests, it gives way To eternals fury, howls &nd rosrs At all its rovk barriers, in Wila lust Of ruin drigks' the Mood of living thingy And strews "ies Wrecks "0. er Jougues of desolate shore ; Always it is the. sea, and all bow down Before its vest and varied majesty, So all in vain will timorous men essay To set the metes and. bounds of libérty, For freedom is its own eternal law, It makes its own conditions, aud storm Or calm alike fullills the unerring will Let us not then despise it when it lies Still as a sleeping lon, - while & swarm Of ymat-like evils hover round its head; Nor doubt it when in mad, disjointed times It shakes the torch of itn terror, and cry Shrills o'er the quaking the fame Of riot and war we see its awful form Rise by the, scaflold, where the crimson earth, and ip axe Rings down its grooves ®the knell of shuddering kings. For always in thine eyes, Shines that high Ligh world is saved; And though thou slay us, in thee! Oh, Liberty whereby the we will trust Hog Products. "A new situation has been created as regards the hog products market," said a representative of a Toronto pork packing firm. "I'he shortage of he in the United States this year, with the largely increased demand for all kinds of hag products, has brought hogs to such a price over there that Canadian fat hogs can be shipped to the Buflalo market and malize as high prices as the top prices paid for light hogs on this side. AX Toronto firm last week shipped: a car of heavy hogs, such ns would be regarded as too heavy in this warket, 'and the price realived in Toronto, after the duty and freight. were paid, was 88... 60. One reason why they can takp the heavy fat hog-is that a trade has heen created in the Southern States, in supplying to the negroes the thick fat which is trimmed off the backs of the hogs. The hogs thus trimmed are as good then for packing 'purposes ns the fancy light hogs which command the top prices heie. The demand for our fat hogs will thus enhance the prices here, and the to advance the ducts," packers will have prices of their pro. The Lenten Girl. The Earl of Rosslyn, who will be seen here on Saturday matines and night, March 21st at the Grand Opera house, has had a career in the short span of thirty-three years which he three or four ordinary men, At the concert in the Grand Opera house last night, Miss Sullivan was presented. with a bouquet of flowers by St. 'Mary's choir. Mrs, Desrochers was her accompanist. Cadet Basil Hall, Hall, Peterboro, is recovering ost. satisfactorily from the efiects Eh attack of typhoid fever al the Liener- al Hospital, fob Porstes; West Virginia, ap- secretary to the tudo) pointed assistant is a graduate of the od] president, He oc son of E. H. D. Columbisn University law school. Sonim getter than ote Comipou #ovup of Sarsaparilla for a spri blood medicine, large bottles, The. Leod's drug store. A econviet from North Bay reached the city last evening to spend two Years in the Kingston penitentiary for Potatoss, $1.20 bag. ing contractors. A request from the | ~creal Shield evry bo Scott's EE is (tot chi and the Ee of Ary w Any child who needs more; nourishment than it seems to | from its ordi food will For the past three months our | ayes, buyer bas samples of the best Canadian and with a view of obtaining for Shia gtors om x uy newest styles. Our big January sd le" cleared ou past season, and we can now ann ¢ unce the arrival of the Ia portion of spring orders, feeling cd nfident that at, many Pats will feel particularly well pleased {with our ) promise will be sold at the lowest quality of the goods. We will be Quality, and other lines. ------------------ JH SUTHERLANI & best all but pased to show ya the'n At house % "these is al run the risk o } for the sake of me We have these ladders in 4, 5:6 78 McKELVEY 69 and 71 Broc : ad