rT MORROW im 09 UT i sold regulacly under . 4 " » 5» $2, $2.50, $3. 1ese Prices. ¢ and the handles are b FOR 75c.: # i = Quite a Choice. \SH TOWELLING. sight and make, the or price ioc. 11 Sales for Cash. \W& SON { | NHN APA, BUYER row ) , Yard. | . Shee Manutacturing ton i§ 'for the United weeks looking for the the lowest prices. We exceptional value in iI00DS his city that can buy irers. : HOE STORE oh Ranging from $3.50 to $25. Also 'our all Iron Springs to fit | Sanitary' Mattress. . Children's Iron Beds, with woven wire springs, irom $6.50 to $15. "ROBT. J. REID, WT PICTURE SALE- 'I'he. undersigned is pleased to an- nounce that . KH. O'Brien has consign- ed for sale a collection of PICTURES Comprising : Artists' Proof Engraviegs, Steel asngravings, Etchings, Fac Similes, Hand. Colored Engravings, Etchings, and Yhotographs, Photograveurs, Artotypes, Colored Heproduct.ous, Halistaegls,"Car- bon Photographs, ete, etc., Replicas of Old and Modern Mastors. The collection will be on view in ithe jarge warehouse, No. 336 King street from FRIDAY, April 3rd. AUCTION SALE Tuesday and Wed- nesday, April 7th and Sth, at 2:30 and 7:30 o'clock each day. J. MILLS, © Auctipneer, Catalogues later. y NOT HOW CHEAP ~ BUT HOW WELL. We clean Lace Curtains and Blankets in, a Scientific manner, Try us and see. Parker's Dye Works and Laundry TT. KE. HAWLEY, Manager. Phone 406. 109 Brock Street. AUCTION SALES J. A. Salter, Auctioneer, 58 Brock St. Experienced, . ralabie and , prompt. Sales catalogued if réquired. Get our terms and save money. Per -------------------------------------- TO LET. HOME HOUSK---MODERK ~ BROWN iL » Ne. & & by Dr. TD, O30, No. Sus "Street. Immediate 4 ry to. Mrs. W. EE T-------- GIRLS TO SPLIT MICA: APPLY AT » Keut, Bros. mica works, Princess St. eer -------------------------------------- A GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASI- ing or, ironing. Apply at 55 George street." be e---------------------------- YOUR REAL ESTATE FOR CASH. F, MEY i. McCann, 51 Brock street, ground floor. tp tnt peered ee: A GOOD UENERAL SERVANT. WELL recommended. Apply in evening to Mre. Uglow, 142 Johnston street. -------------------------------------------- A SUITE OF 2 OR 8 UNFURNISHED rooms. in, good house near City Park; for overs] months. Box 21, Kings ton. ---------------------------------------- A .GUOD COOK, MUST HAVE REFER- to Miss Hora, 45 iar . LY aiar seven o'clock in the evening. ------------------------------------------------------------------ YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES GENERAL oflice work or position of trust, Ex- erienced, references. Apply box X, hig Ofiice. ee -------------- CIRCULAR AND SAMPLE DiSTRI- buters wanted eyerywhere. No can- vassing. Good pay. Cooperative Adv. Co', N.¥ COOK, NO WASHING OR IRONING, Good 'wages. Apply between and § o'clock in the evening to Mrs. B. W. Folger, King street. TWO BOYS THAT WILL WORK ear ood pay. Apply to sendy Souig & Lo Smith stree., opposite 780 Princess street. DINING-ROOM GIRLS AND CHAM- maids. F ber . Fifteén dollars per month if they stay all summer will pay Siighteen dollars. Crawford House, Windsor, Ont. BOILER MAKERS, PATTERN MAK- ers, machinists and moulders. - Nine . Address 'Vancouver Fn- howe oy Works, LdAmited,"' Van cuuver, B.C. BE INDEPENDENT, EMPLOY YOUR- sell. Bsteblis a asics. ou everyday by og. a ke 'forwanes. Write G. & ud Co., London, Ont. SALWSMEN, TRAVELLING OR 1LO- eal. Bi de line 25 per cent. comiuise sion. Goods new, sul So, every hugh hd . Sample case e rr Band hers: Co., 112 FE. 125th St., 'New York. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE Huvesial offer for a Geen duis oo ¢Apriy. Tools, juition, a "tions P aeiudod: Time saved : by © 'atalogue and parti- Salar n . Write Moler Bar- ber C Chicago, Iii. ' PERSON ~ TO. CALL ON RETAIL trade and agents for manufacturing thouse: . local . territory; salary $19.50, id - weekly, and expense money alvpoed, previous experience umnecessary: business successful. in- close ssif-nddresmed envelope. Stand: med House, Caxton Bldg, Chicago. FAITHPU PERSON TO TRAVEL for stabli few Ee ---- Jenkins my hatter. Queens Alma Mater Society meets, 8 Fh 4 Fo-morrow will be the fifth Sunday in Mev. G. L. Starr will in Conv cation hull, Sunday, 1 weak in. . A here Will be twelve hours and thirty three minutes of sunlight to-morrow. March 28th in history : Canada ceded ie Francs, 1632; Raphael, artist, died, 'The more imagination there is in our make-up, the more prong are we to ex- ageeration, Death is so common that we some- times wonder why we make plans, why we ever toil or spin. it, is the exhausted emotions of age which men call prudence that are ever warning youtlr of its follies. The sun rises Sunday at 5.50 am. and sets at 6:22 pau. Monday at 5:48 a.m and sets at 6:23 p.m. A taste for reading ix a more me portant factor in a nation's litéfary life than the birth of a second Shakespeare. A AAS EO LANGLEY WARE Erglish Fire-proof Ware. See our display in Jugs, - Teapots, Sugars and Creams, Vases, ~ Coffee Filters, etc. ROBERTSON' BROS. ({ GRAND) OPERAY(HOUSE. |) Tuesday, March 3lst The Rig Melo-Dramatic feast, a New aid Modern Stage Story. "JAMES BOYS IN MISSOURL" A R tic love tale, a marvel in Scenic Splendor, a Cast of Sterling worth with GEORGE KLIMT and AL- MA HEARN in the leading roles. Popular Prices, 256c., 86¢., 50c. Seats on sale at Hanley's. Thursday, April 2ad, "HUNTING FOR MAWKINS.™ Found! At No. 332 King St. were not then consult they were. In the eliminated charges ; the charge remains. Ww is wider than the , for trial of con- i in this iogislatuce, is made of restrict: 1854, Mr. Meredith, / LOCAL MEMORANDA. | AnrEm ------ . : The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves by. Seappied. Sas Oppo. Co PREMIER ROSS. |= MADE A MOST EFFECTIVE | 1 charges; now the in asked for a free hand [RESIST CLAU: was pointed out "in British, Dominion, anitoba precedents. A deserved in this case # as fair a trial as turel, Gibson, Graham, bord, Harcow lop. Leo, Littl, (Nor The Modes of Trial Discussed --- New Toryism Ruthlessly Con« demns a Man Before He is Tried -- Whitney's Reply and Toronto, March 27.--~The house yes- terday, as Whig reports have shown, began with electrical discharges, thus it ended also, but in a happier vein, one of which the reports in the morning papers gave no inkling, for he who speaks at the midnight hour receives short commons &t the hands of the press, from Mr. St. John spoke for three hours and a half after Dr. Pyne had thun- dered out his exaggerations. The for- mer has an effective delivery, ad impressive voice, une do, Pattullo, Pense, to public interests ¥ arnegie moved a want of con- fidence motion, which met the same fate, and the opposition insisted on a division on the main motion, which # carried without any cha: The premier 'proposed that Iution be presented this honor by such members of the house as were exocutive council, | The premier also proposed that the address in re ply to the speech from the throne be h hanging his mind; t be could, The o Po- J& we abandoned trial hy this was not a new pressure of time. sn; Ottawa reached Mr. Whitney demurring, asked if they could not business at once, Mr. Whitney said he would not he withiw his duty to do so. Farther discussion supply hill for April, which he would present on Monday, and Mr. Whitney promised to try and reach a conclu sion on the remaining points, the ad: journment and the evidence hill, onday, if the membors were in at- tendance for voting. The premier thought they all under stood the necessity of despatch, the house then adjourned at 10:30 quite probable that the commission will meet early. next week. atives adopted judges in them behind in their would be left behind. ruthless condemning a (is tried ? The political 10 a man's head with: so self confident as to: be drawn out far beyond. the range of the efiectiveness he imagines. The liberal members sought the smok- ing room in batches, and Mr. John talked chiefly to the gallery and to the press, though the latter had a poor ear trumpet Globe, usually magnanimous ponents, compressed three and a half hours ned judges and reiter- hich: were gross exag- not. a fraction of the Fative rule at Ottawa, ivrapped itself in a hat remove the mask Mr. Smythe, Algoma, followed with another of these surprises which maid- are serving out these days; he ¢harged furiously on liberal reputations, making wholesale -asper- sions - tolerated in none save a begin in which the death of ters was the expecta- Talk Of the Lobby. the opposition in their persistent battle for a Commit. the house instead of an en quiry by judges may be measured hy On the spur of the mo- ment, dt the conclusion of the Gamey charge, the premier promised a com- mittee of investigation. in swenty-four hours, declared that if euch a whitewashing expedient was reso speak for five days and help to a vote, until Christmas 'even. over an hour in favor of a commities felouds on the honor of The sincerity of from each side; in: this ickard, of East Durham, e Rickard, of Fas the lant, highest justice winding up a dreary night with ma- terial for convulsions. In lighter vein but in dead earnest, he grappled with the opposition with a force old stag- ers would have hesitated to 'assume, pausing at the end of each discharge with the ringing proclamation : 3 why are we at it?" but well-tempered cri- stand as a mosaic in 'who was also warmly weary repetition of speschas in oppo- sition, at the apparent insincerity: of who would hive twice as furiously agai : "The best place ih the Sty to wot your meals. Special rates to table boarders. Short order work a specialty. "WE NEVER CLOSE." CONGRESS RESTAURANT CON, MI N, FRED WILLIAMS, Proypgietor. Manager. We want you to weigh well our pro- mises. We want you to see the value of these pieces of property. We believe they are worth all we ask for them. We be lieve your best iaterests will suggest your buying. In price, terms and results, we ure here to pleases you, D. A. CAYS, 346 KING STREET. AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE, HANDSOME CABINET GRAND PIANO, On Thursday, April 2nd. I have received instructions from Mr George Ulf to' sell at his residence, No 164 Barrie street, all of his fine furni- ture, viz, Handsome Cabinet Grand Piso, Drawing itoom Suite, Fine, Pictures, Brussels Carpets, BP. Mirror Centre Tables, Bric-a-Brac, F'ne BW Sideboard, H.W. Extension Table, Hand- some Brass and B.W. Furniture, Hair Mattresses, Toilet Sets, Cheftiner; Odd snd other Chairs, Dinner Set, \ Silver Tea Service, f(Hlasswure, China, Sou venir Range, Refrigrator. Kitchen Uten- sils, Lawn Mower, Garden Tools, and goods too numerous to mention, Terms cash. Sale at 10:30 aun. Piano at one o'clock. v JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE! HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. RB " > VY 1 HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED B Mr. Kirby to sell on TUESDAY, March gist. at his residence, south end of Stas his ~ household furniture, Tapestry and other Car- Cain Seat Stuart street, consisting of v bere Viate Glass Mirror, 3 Chairs Rockers, Bureaus, Couches Feather Bed, Fitlows, Bedding. Lsve > i Cobk amd Heating Stoves, ail Las ' Crockery, Ladies Halli Lamp, Oil Cloth, Clothing, Garden and at 10:30. Terml TEN, the anctioneer. MEDICAL. , -- USE: evn Stable Tools. Sale the judges' "Thin | means. ' Member Onldwell has presented the petition of the Kingston and Gana railway company for launched many years ago bv Fisheries Inspector Judd, others, but practical work was not reached, and the charter lapsed. Now its revival will be _ advantageous, in view of the certainty of the Ontario electric road along the front, and of the growing demand for radial lines. The projectors were authorized to run north to Perth, along the Rideau ea- nal, from either Kingston or Ganano- respect for the fair aus of ™ by ir re sinking it in sp islative ¢hamber was - vei ry Mr.; Whitney first the member for K: ing the member for gross and unfounded charge, as a sia in a young member, who, though re- ting truth, was not in the same ax the gentléman criticised. Then he twitted the members for Brockville, South Oxford and Port Arthur with being supplanted _ ip eabinet tions by the member for North * (McKay) whose energy was in retin for assurances given. He taunted ed on the four Toronto members, orvatorical windmills, thew and their associates to return to fair play, decency and dignified act- electrifying the libe- rals, entertained even 1 and establishing a record as a dissbl- ver of heavy fire. The galleries were still filled, and listeners went away, so charged with memories of Rickard wton forsremind- threes ponderous' conservative speech- es, which preceded it, were relegated sporition have in a rancorbus t on the Ontario gevernment struck at everything in sight, through iste argh were against the min- sters generally, wit sof the house, . ally, and "yet mmediately surrendesed Rickard, accounted quietest member of made a stirring hit. through Dr. Pyne on the speaker, by alleging falie preferences, and through several members on oné of the high court judges, about to open a critical Manitoulin member was followed FH spies, and even he (Whitney) might be at a risk if he held the declared that parliament did not ap- point 'the judges; the premier with avoiding. being followed in campaign addresses. He that the governifient did. move in a he applied it to the influence on judg- es he disavowed. However, the judici- ary had to take other institutions in criticism. He ar- d charges were not against the government as a whole it fell through altogether. He claimed ao concensus of opinion against the gov ernment for not more fully meeting the impeachment. He denied that the Rrit- ish parliament had by committee; : the Parnell case was not a parallel: He charged that the Friday's Session. In the legislature to-day, Mr. Pease presented the petition of the Lough- boro railway company for an act of In reply the comnfis- of public works stated that Frank Sullivan had been engaged 'as an extia clerk in the accountant's de- partment for a brief time this year, at the accountant's desire pt $2 per day, and left of his own accord March 1ith. He had been a sessional elerk in part of the time. The attorney-general's bill to facilitate Gamey charges was again offered, but not advanced, Mr. Foy had. objections and the gov- ernment put the responsibility of its non-acceptance on the opposition. Dr. Jessop resumed the ivanturel has also been arotsed to strongest expression of may please a section of the party to spread bad odors, but Keep one eve on the indicator, and it will in due time detect the al 1 masquerading, To. ronto News, coming out as a morn: ing paper with design to supplant the Mail and Empite, 1901 and in 1902, observing folk in Toronto! WOULD BE CHAIRMAN. William J. Bryan Aspires to be Chairman of Convention, Washington, D.C., March 28.<Willi- am J. Bryan aspires to be chairman' of the democratic national committee in the next campaign. Senator' J it is understood, is willing to résign, but' Mr. Bryan has been advised by his friends that for place pow would do him no good, is understood to_ be the Nebraskan', plan (to commit to his support sul menthers of the present committee ns special friends and as likely to be selected for the new eom- trafficing in public domain, shielding election criminals. framing indictments for their own indictment and opposing manhood franchise. He laid down this for his party: The charce was not against one but hem to vote was to vio late every consideration; the provinei. al secretary had as much right vote as the premier had; that the en- ald be before committee: that the commission narrowed the case to the vrovincial sccretary. The eonsery. atives could have no confidence in any commission 'appointed by the lil eral government, noting west Flyin in- visligation as an instance. He si out "the member for Kingston nitled credit for fair plav in urging a search ing investigation in this election case to end the agitation. He made a bitter, vindictive charee upon the premier in connection with the letter Gamey wrote, *and deoiared he had taken a stand few public men two hours in a prediction ous ruin of the old "new liberalism." is oh of, conspiracy ad a the against Mr. Rerat- ton alone: he objected to the altera- tion of the charge. We realized that he had made Tt on his responsibility ns i wember and would substantiate it*hefore a committee. He repudi the charge if it was limited. inter) There wets three divisions. Mr. Fov's amendment for a reference to the com- the debate had been too ex tended already, and f for a personal allusion to the premier, because of a feature of bis campaigning The end appeared him to seek the speech in Zincoln. Mo be Timms' Pati correspon , hay! A discussion on one side. He was in excellent form, and spoke with notable calmness honor of the house was as much the care of the opposition as of the gov- ernment, but he was convinced of the propriety of taking the investigation of legislators, who had spoken violently and thoughtless- ly, who acted as if political ruin of a minister to ride in- remote when the church in' THE REDISTRIBUTION. out of the hands New Ontario Will Gain By The |"tepa March 28. Toronto will gain in representation by the redistric bution to be made this session. The | thive York ridings will include nouns of ithe city, the government being de termined to maintain county boun- daries throughout the shaking hands with the member for Manitoulin, but it was an invariable rule of his to be on good terms with members on both sides; he could member only one member during thir- ty years with whom he was not on terms of courtesy. The premier weigh- ed the three modes of trial, by com- mittee on privileges, royal commission. he mmerous instances committees had almost invariably di- vided on party lives and left an open- for the older part but New Ontario, as it is gain two more 'representatives. These will be given to Algoma, pulation is now close on eight government, not which an enquiry by judees would not - afford, Trial by committees had pais. ed ont of usefulness; and even judges were pot called in so often as they AHormerly were at Ottawa, during eon- servalive power, while house for nineteen Change Of Time. Rtember dor Cape Vincent will: leave Kingston, 2.30 p.m. (daily exespt Sun: 1, exira trip on Monday at 5 a SCREWS. condary, but impottant, however, to be omitted rhe ve Deen tonmu! years. Section seventeen all probability, be moet by the drish nw the majority which is desirons chase. In a senso, i the bill: one: for the compu chase of "land in the case of a lord wishing to_sell but dogs not hint at compuisory sale ii the oe of the eatate ix estima and Phin a prescribed time, to fixed hy the estates' ' ty- { London, March 28.-In the lobbies of parliament, lust night, the opinion pe- gording the Irish land bill was rath or loss enthusiastic, It was recognised 10 be a measure of such A that its only chance of existence in the rather doubtful possibility of all parties consenting to accept, in a generous spirit, and that an active opposition from any quarter in: evitably wreck it. The alti tude of John Redmond's supporters is giving the government onxidty | and it is believed, if the show & carping .wpirit towards the Tand bill, many unionist supporters of the if ernment will counsel its withdrawal on the ground of its unpopularity, | ---- ARRESTED THE PRIEST. | -- Joined In Dentonstration ' To- wards Sisters. i Paris, March 28%.-The superior af four sisters of the order of the Litkls Sisters of = the Awmmuption # before the Correctional police' court: yosterday on the charge of violating the law of associations, The was sentenced to a fine of $20 and the sistirs to 810 cach. Their departure from the court the occasion for a demonstration 'in their favor and a counter-demonsten: tion. Five hundred persons surrounded the carringes convey the sisters, half cheering. them, hile: the othe 1 he republic." | 222 shouted, "Long live 1 priest who 'was prominent anon demonstrators was arrested police dispersed the crowd, THE CHURCH IN FRANCE. Orleans Says Its Only Safety Is In Monarchy. London, March 28. ~The Times' Paris £7 5 Orleans has followed up a recent lot ter from the duchess deploring the lack of plety of the republican he' with a letter to Senator de ja Mar wile, declaring that the time is not Franee, | "recalled by persecution to a just ap: peciation of our. ie tradition, PT ape years. The government were not tek- mitted on privileges ing the case out of the house, al first disnosed-of, The hough they could do so eonstitution- ally. The house as a whole is: choosing