Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Apr 1903, p. 4

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AUCTION SALES EMPLOY THE BEST 1 od some of it belongs to South On- : and to one who was only a few days '| what have these things to do with '| a corporation which has expended a '| on the country roads, but it cannot be | ounits to over £80,000,000. Last year |eentage is so small that it may as "| ing. the greater, is going by the Am. free and there is an J 0 trie tis only 2¢. or So. per Bush- Yroflected hy the deputations which where there | thousand: If this majority is releas- | tario. If Mr. Borden, therefore, real- ly intends to remove to Toronto and to stand at the' next electicn for South Ontario he will probably take good eare to be also inated for some other and safer constituency, otherwise he might find himself out of parliament. - The constituency of South Ontario as it was created at confederation was contested by the Hon. George Brown, who was defeat {ed by soventy votes." Tn the light of these facts one can understand why Mr. Borden took the matter into his serious consideration. He knew there was a redistribution bill coming down and he w to see what it propos- @l. If the "boundaries of South On- tario are changed he will not be a candidate in it. ---- INSULTING THE JUDGE. A conservative member of the legis- Inture, aéting on behalf of his party of courde, and with the concurrence of his leader, has asked if any mem- ber of Sir John Boyd's family is an employee of the Ontario government, and at what salary. The same mem- ber wants to know how much Sir John Boyd has drawn from the pub- lic funds 'for various services as a referee, arbitrgtor ox commissioner, The object of the mad is 'quite ap! parent. It is to show that Sir John Boyd has been a beneficiary of the | government, directly or indirectly, and that he may be personally in: clined towards the government at this time. The idea is simply insulting, 8go referred to as a man of fine judi- , & man who, though a libe- never beén a politician in the acceptance of the term, and for whom the whole legal pro: has had the greatest regard. t a son of Sir John Boyd been appointed to the civil ser- , and that Sir John has acted hitherto in various 'public capacities, i : lr FET £ £ the Gamey charges? Do they dis- qualify him from sifting the scandal with the thoroughness that is so characteristic of him? Surely not. Then why 'the insult ? FREEDOM OF SHIPPING. Among thé"issues which will come before the government next month, which the marine men are pushing to bolish, with all the energy they can command, is the abolition of the ca: nal tollsc A toll of any "kind is a hindrance to trade. It is sometimes a means. of recouping a company or large sum in a public improvement, as argued that the government can ever be repaid for its canal outlay by tolls. The capital invested in canals am- the revenue from them amounted to one-fifth of one per cent. This per- well be abandoned, especially as it falls upon the Canadian ship owners and adds to their oppression when brought, as they are" into the warm- ost competition with Awerican vessel men. Even the Canadian grain, the donuval movement of which is becom: erican route, because the canals are 250. 'and 30c. a bushel from Chicago \to Kingston, the canal charges, the spection. fees, and the customs' penses would net be mended, but they represent a serious * imposition: 'when el. "The city' council has passed resolu: tions, endorsing the position of the board of 'trade on this and kindred subjects, and public opinion will be will visit Ottawa for an interview with the government on April 7th. 'The agitation for the reform began in | Wingston, and very fittingly since this port has been' affected by the diver | ¥ sion of trade to other routes than the Anke and river. The St. Lawreiice is the is a safe liberal majority of about a it recommended .per capita' tax he increased to £500. The local government went further and prohibited the immigration. The pre- mier intimates that the British Col. umbiand were informed that if they amended their legislation, so as to make it applicable to the Chinese only, it would be allowed. The limit will probably be acted dh, and the Chi as a q e, become scarce in the land. He is an industri ous person, but always an aMlen, al- ways incompetent to act as a citizen, and with no {terest in the land in which be lives and makes his money. In a sense he is a degenerate, and scarcely seems to Know it. EDITORIAL. NOTES. 'The council = has recommended the paving of certain streets, but will the people consent to it being done on the local improvement plan ? That is the question, -- The opposition in Ottawa Has it that divisions in the cabinet have oc- curred over the railway question. Mr. Blair says he has not heard anything of the trouble. -- Hon: Mr. Martin has threatened to leave British © Columbia if he is not recognized: as leader of the liberal par- ty. There are some people who hope he will put his threat into execution. Dan. McGilleuddy has retired from the newspaper business for the time being, and is now alternately resting and studying nature. Must 'the public see no more of his wit? It is hoped not. Parliament has authorized the judi: cial commission and the government is going on with its work despite the wails of the opposition. The waste. of time and money by the non-action o the legislature is very great. ---- Mr. Blair has denied that any deal has been made with the Grand Trunk railway in regard to the proposed Trans-Continental line. The government is not committed to the company in regard to either land or coast -: sub- sidy. ------ Admiral Dewey has heen talking about the Germans, and in a way to give them offence. The Germans may, not be as cute as the Yankees, but they are rn fighters, and William IV. has sea dogs with very sharp teeth. y The Liverpool Mercury cannot ima- gine that a political party in England desires Mr. Tarte for a seat in the Imperial parliament. It imagines that Ireland must want him as a running mate for Mr. Blake. That is really good. -- The beet sugar makers want a coun: tervailing duty to protest them against foreign sugar. There is now over $2,000,000 invested in the busi. ness, and the product of the factories this year will probably 'be 60,000,000 Ibs. of sugar. ---------- OBSERVATIONS. Is Prohibition Waning ? Oswego Palladium. w Therd ave' only four states in which prohibition prevails. | 3 Lhe . Devlin Did It. Montreal Herald. It is noticed that there was nothin, doing towards the relief of Irelan until C. R. Devlin broke into the sit uation. } What He Has Found. The Mail, ' it hae been discovered by Mr. Bal- four that the Irish land law does not | yet land Irish votes for the govern ment. ~~ ¢ Too Much To Expect. A London Advertiser. Mit: is possible to. make roland happy, there is hope that Sir Char og Tupper may some day forgive Lo) ] berdeen. ; Is That The Case ? Toronto Tel ; Cais lms were good enough to be killed on the battlefield in South Africa, but Canada's cattle are not good enough to. be kil on the hoot in England. <j i 23 rm -------------- 4 Direct From New York. that the { teachers are the brothers of Ploemel is known in English game. report paradise. innings. 1892, by the Chicago and Cincinnat 0, August 17th, -- ATTACK OUTPOST. And a Numbet of Killed. Elazong, near ¥oguig, Morocco, Moroccan situation, It is feared that the tribes in the is taking measures ' to eventualities. DISMISSED FROM FORCE. Hugh Fitzpatrick Ousted By Com- missioner Greene, New York, April 1.--Capt. Hugh Fitzpatrick, has been dismissed from the police department by Commission- er Greene. He has been under suspen- sion for some time and was tried on charges of having failed to close al- leged disorderly houses in his precinct and for permitting violations of law in a Raines law hotel. Patrolman Israel 8. Rosenberg was also dismissed from force. He was charged with accepting a bribe of $25 from a p'aintiff in a civil suit. Suing For Elljs Island. Trenton, N.J., April 1.--Back of a suit which came up for preliminary hearing in this city, to-day, is a story dating: back to royalist days. The action is brought by the "'des- cendants of the original proprietors of the lands in the province of East Jersey," and is to regain possession of Ellis Island, Robbins Reef, and Oyster Island, all contained in New York Bay. In the early colonial days the dividing line between the owner: ship of public lands by East and West Jersey was drawn sharply across the state from Delaware, Water Gap to Little 'Egg Harbor. This organiza- tion"has been kept up to the present day. In the present suit the com- plainants aver that the immigration commission has no right to Ellis Is- land, that it does not belong to New York State, but to New Jersey, and that Elfis Island is their property. Drath Of a Centenarian. Cornwall, Aprif® 1.--Mrs. Catharine Berthiaume, who died at the residence of her son-in-*aw, Alexander Roach, Eighth concession, of Cornwall town- uction of scientific players. Brockville dréam- that the The should have been held till to-day---All Fools' The longest game of baseball in' the past twenty-seven veafs lasted twenty It was played June 30th, Beams, Duly two i sighteen- inning left; "great bargains. Our $9.40 suits are the same as sold nes have - been play. in twenty- i seven years, and they were exactly in othe Stores for $22. You'll have t6 hurry to secure twenty years apart. The first was ane. won by. Providence from Detroit, 1 to 1882, and Angust 17th, 1902, St. Louis and Brooklyn Hlayed a tie game, the score being 7 French Are Paris, April 1.--A French outpost at has been attacked and five men killed and many wounded. lt is believed at Oran that this attack is the result of the interior of Morocco are being incited by Europeans. France prepare for This Is All F ools' Day " The day when the small boy expects you tp kick the hat, or pick up the package with a string tied to ity Still there are other ways of Being fooled. The month of April is not responsible for all the schemes presented for the pur- "pose of trying to fool people. We know, of clothing.stores that nearly every month in the year hold out such bait as £ this : "Buy now---regular $10 .suits for $7.98--only a few: i READER, BEWARE ! For this is far more than an April Fool. You had bet- ter kick the hat with the brick in it, than to be roped in by such bait as this, even though they angle for you in January or July. THE H. D. BIBBY G0. One Price Clothing House, Oak Hall. LAL; ALA A - CET SOTESS FD @ O93 GEO OD SHOE SALE ; Season at SAWYER'S $ ' Having purchased W. D. Carey's Shoe Stock at a low rate, we are offering the entire stock at 'a big reduction. Some Great Bargains Here. W. A. SAWYFR, OO PFS 0 0OTOO0O00IX "Phone 159. Grand Ope ra HousBoc k. - EES Bocanse of its purity and exquisite flavor, which are the result my Of the greatest.care in manufacture and placing in sealed tims. IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP Pleaser people who are most fastidious io what they eat. We depend upon quality to sell our Syrup, and all we ask {s a trial of one tin, bat he sure and get Imperial Maple Syrap--in tins only. ¥ p IMPERIAL SYRUP Agents, ROSE PLEASES THE MOST FASTIDIOUS €0., Limited; Montreal. AFLAMME, 400 8t. Paul St, Montreal. ship, was probably the oldest an in Stormont county, having first seen the light of day near Tyotown, in August, 1802, over 100 years ago. She leaves four sons and four daughters, and a large numbér of grandchildren, great grandchildren and even great great grandchildren. " United States Not In It. Berlin, April 1.-Count Von Revent- low, in the Tagblatt, compares the German and Amegcan navies. He says Germany's first squadron is homogeneous and always ready for instant service. "It could," he adds, "smash Dewey's heterogeneous as- semblage, which had not a single mo- dern armoured cruiser." What's The Trouble ? Is it sick headache ? Is it bilious- ness ? Is it sluggish kver? Is your skin sallow? Do you feel more dead than alive? Your system needs ton- ing--Your liver isn't doing its work-- Don't resort to strong drugs--Dr. Ag- news' Little Pills, 10 cents for 40 dos- es, will work wonders for you. Sold by Henry Wade and H. B. Tavior.--85, \/ Dust. Nuns From St. Pierre. . Halifax, N.S., March 30.--Word was received that religious teaching or- 'ders are to be banished from the French' island of St. Pierre and the altars and ipus objects of the schools have removed. The and the nuns of St. Joseph. My Lungs. You forgot to buy a bottle 'of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral when your cold first came on, so you let it run along. Even now, with all your hard coughing, #t will not disap- « Prevost, Brock street, has received vo. cases of the latest styles in soft : coloured shirts from New York City. See his window. Sizes M to 19. T main avenue of ' color most Beautiful patterns to choose from. Every "shift gaarantoed © fast % - Ww ie x i - 8 0-00-0000 V00C000PRY | EASTER SUNDAY WILL SOON BE HERE. There is an old superstition that good luck will abide with von throughout the year if you wear something new Easter morning However, whether you are su persiitious or not, there is one thing certain--every man, woman and child delights in wearing a new out- fit on Easter. This outfit or part of it we are in a position to sup- ply vou. We have the grandest assortment of spring overcoats, "spring suits in Men's and Boys', up-to-date soft and stiff hats. The latest designs in colored shirts and neckwear ever shown in town It takes but little money to procure your outfit here, and it is not too early for you to make your purchases. The sooner you eall the more "advantageous it is to you. Before the will get better attention and you have choose from. JOS. ABRAMSO hi People's Clothier and Gents' Fursishor. | rush comes on Vou the cream of fashion to 180 Princess Street. Between Crawford's and. Redden's, This Space is Reserved for : P. WALSH Coal and Wood Dealer, 55:57 Barrack St., Kingston. Great $10,000 Rit in Music. HIAWATHA, a sixty-cent piano plece Gur price, 30 cents, as long as supply asts. SPECIAL A Melodian for sale, in good order, suitable for child. See it quick. cash, or $10, $4 down and month until paid. 1 Everything in musie at; | 286 Princess Street, Kingston, . ARTHUR H. HOWELL, REPRESENTING THE LONDON, (Jing.) College of Music, visits Kink- ston els each week. ay of Address Rox 878, Rrockville. Ont. AUCTION SALES + . "1. G. BOGART, M.D, C.J. NT HOUSE SUR-{ J. A. Salter, Auctioneer, 58 Brock St. pt. t our Senerat Hos . § Experienced, liable and z on. (aaarly_onbe Sake eatalomied if required. } Telephone, {terms and save money. oe : Ev 2 Ce Pay al ~®: > SPS RE Pee #94 RVOCOV0VCOTOTOC 0OCOO- { Thought She Would Di D05ir Coll De wo.ao Milburn's Heart ano Nem ws Pills. EE a orate. Cure in he © ont, She says : "It affords me great pleas to speak about what your Heart pt Ne Pills have dobe for me. About a year ; I was takenill with heart trouble and: 50 bad that'I was unable to do any, w for four or five months, | got 50 wi and miserable that my friends thougt was going 'to-die. doctor "atten: me for some time but I conti ued to gr worse. _ At last I decided to fry, Milbu; Heat and Nerve Pills; und 'after tak Wo Boxes they mage me well aad strg again; "1 Gabino praise them too hil to those suffering from nervous weakn and heart troubles," Milburn's Heart 4nd Netve Pills 50 cents per. box, or 3 for $1.25 dt dealers, or : 5 THE T. MILBURN CO., Limite 4 ) Reynolds ville ¢ Lump Grates. ; JAMES SWIFT & 3 "Phone 135. Geet Metropolitan Stack Exchang Incorporated Under the Laws of Massachusetts CAPITAL $100,00¢ Clarence: Chambers, Clarence St 00000000000 00000000¢ ny 3 MKENNA, _ Manager. Bonds, Stocks] Grafi and Provisions borght on margin or for cash. : + AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COR CORN FOR BALE IN CAR 4 LOTS. 'Write or wire for prices, delivered your staticn. T. A. WITZEL ®t Vote. EE ---- COMMERCIAL. oro MONTREAL 'STOCKS. AR April 1st. Buy. Sg. Canada Pacific Ry. .... .. 129 = 1283 Poledo RY. iv viic mii iis cue BY 80 Montreal Street Ry. . 270 269 Toronto Street Ry. .... . 1094 109 Twin City Transit ve we 110§F 1104 Commercial Cable ... . 165 151 Bell Telephone Co. ... .. . 162 000 Montreal Cotton Co. . . 162 000 Dominion Cotton Co 50 45 R. & O Nav. Seo-4 104] Sh Bank of Moutr wisk 4 Ontario Dank " ' 000 130 Merchants' Bank . vues 170 000 Molson's Bank - ... 209 000 Dominion Steel ..... 27% 27% Dominion Codi wi oo 1083 108 Detroit United LL atest Tig Nova Scotia Steel .... ... 99 a5 Montreal Power .. .. ¢ 951 Ogilvie Milling Co. ..... ... 1344 000 NEW YORK STOCKS. From Metropolitan Stock, Exchange. April 1st. OPEN CLOSE. T'nion Pacific .... ~ 91% 91% St. Paul ,163% 162} Manhattan ... 394 188% B. R. Transit 664 66 Sugar ...... . 1244 124 Peonle's Gas 102 101% «4S. Steel ... 36 364 USS, Steel, P! B5 LL Ry Coal & Iron 654 A41 Sh PRGIBG oer erase oveens Southern Pacific + Ont. & Western Western Union . N-XoC. rman i Atchison, Pid. . Louis. & Nash. Roek Tsland Pennsylvania RR. 188% 138} Roxas & Pacific 86 B86 Col. 1. & ¥

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