iE fH fh If § fi ji f } : ! i 1 io ihe 2 | a {1 £ ifs 1 F i i | : i | £ ¥ i Z= i ; ¥ : i i | i " sii i | ith Hib SEB 4 £ ef £° srFiscs 5 5 FEE iE i "between. the ---------------- 8 NO HOLY WEE X Rome, 1-1 ---- that the facts ut King Edward coming to Rome, and. the possibility of his COMING HOME -- Canadian Cotton Hands Have Been Paid Of. ell, Mass, April 4.--The mills paying off their help yesier- wi the sum of cash distributed in three Saye bei $108,300. On the train going north, last night, 300 Ca- nadians departed for the Province of 'Latimer Laconics. Latimer, April 2.--Farmers are be- ming spring's work. Mr. and Mrs. ton left for Watertown on Mon- day. Mrs. John Bruce is visiting friends in the Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lyon i 2 visited at S. A. Lyon's and P. L. "dwards'. Melvin Hughson paid this ace a visit on Thursday. ine . Taylor, Sydenham, ig gre) days at her home. Wil . Taylor is very poorly. Mrs. Thomas Traves has returned. having pent a few weeks at Belleville. John aylor is ng his house. Messrs. Richards 1 William Duffey are doing the work. Miss Louisa Smith is visit. ing in the city, He Has Many Friends, It is the ber of dd EEN hk or. Mr. Calvin's Opinion. ) uirers i a Clin J. lo, Fog, | 51 St Sl 8 : in the On. . All had a k tario ove it was much Joe. the Hlartricus "o% monber or more ¢ Pp than . fervent hope was the commons at Ottawa. It is in order | expressed | that soon ral for u good many to revise their be to od or 3 "7 A Request. A Lasting Benefit We t you to call and see " Easter lopteanr" Tait "styles, low Th Sheumatiam. One prices, at Abernethy's. Statice, On. Ha' had hematin Tn The maple > season is over, Bo Kindy of madicies whe ered a not delay lon Tong 2c your sup- | relief, Two bottles of Hairs Floun ply for future use. We guaranteé ours tir cure cured him completely. He has pate aml guod. Jas. Hodden 4 Co. not had a pain or ache for three ; years. blood Marshall Mink and wife, Monmonth, HL, have heen driven mad hy taking lessons in hypnotism. They have been put in an 'insane asylum. for Easter Fnovelties, eggs, chickens, ete. "| secre Ki - | daughter, Mrs. E. P. Daugherty, drawing room, which was prettily de- a bouquet of white carnations. - The } 0) * I the ceremony the guests repaired to supper was served to about sixty peo- presents. conspicuous among them being a hall rack, which of which Miss Johnston was groom left mt 11 p.m, where they took the for Belleville and other western points followed by the hest wishes of their PITH OF THE NEWS, relatiyes for some time. Thomas Sin s ae mons a staff of carpen em- The Very Latest News Oulled played fitting wp o residence and will orld. an te house w! com to death, pleted. W. Laishley has purchased a by a fall of rock Jersev cow. N. H. Howard has mine, Dubois, Pa. returned from Elgin, where he has . Guardians, Liver- | been making sugar and maple ne department, as president, and C. Duncan Scott, as ing Wdward and King Carlos, vis- intra, phe summer residence of ager in Portugal, on Friday. There were enthusiastic in strations all along the route.' _ Advices from Sofia say the Bulgar- ian government is taking active mea- sures against the Macedonian bands and has seized a large thei arms, which were hidden in, The Royal Canadian Humdne Asso ciation has decided to grant a bronze bility. Italy will make a notable naval dis- ig at Algiers, when President Lou- visits that, port. The squadron will then go to Naples where there will be another large gathering of war- ships on the occasion of King Ed ward's visit. Rev. William Tweedie, a retired Me- thodist clergyman, died at Hampton, N.8., on Friday, aged eighty-three. Prol. Twepdie, of Mount Allison, son of the deceased and Hon. L. J. Tweedie, premier of New Brunswick, is a aw. The Hayti cabinet has resigned ow- ing to the «nate having passed a vote censure against the ministers for falling to, proceed against these re- sponsi or the interpretation' of the sitting of the chamber of i on March 30th, by the firing of rile ts. While descending the cellar stairs, Mrs. Howard Jones, Philadelphia, caught the heel of her shoe, and she fell on some bottles on the cellar floor, one of the ragged pieces of broken glass, severing her jugular vein. Her aged mother has become crazéd at the tragedy. Arthur DeKermarec, formerly of Montrea), but for the past year a resi- dent of a syburb of Washington, com- mitted guicide at th residence of his on Thursday evening. DeKermaree was fifty-seven years of age, and was for- merly a teacher of fencing at George- town university. -- Married At Kepler. Kepler, April 3. --A pretty weddi took place at the resi yi J. " Johnston on the evening of Thursday, April 20d, 'when his nly daughter, Minnie, was ied to Sidney Ab- bott, Elginburg. At 8:30 pom., Men. delssohn's wedding march was played by Miss Knapp, Kingston, while the bride entered the room, leaning on the arm of her father, followed by her cousin, Miss Alma Johnston, who as bridesmaid. J. F. Johnston, brother of the , assisted the groom. The cere , conducted by Rev. J. Treadrea, was held in the corated with pink and white. The bride was becom attired in cream duchess 'setin, trimmed with chiffon medallions, and pearls," and carrying id wore whire organdie, with trimnvngs, and chiffon * and ribbon, carnations. After also carried pink the dining-room, where the wedding ple. The bride was the recipient of many valuable was presentéd by the Kepler church, also a beautiful Bible, given by her Sunday school - class. The elds ona midnight <rain See Ferguson's wi gee EE ------------------ Pure gold hot stuff st Reddens. 7 itself on record as quantit of iddlem + Yi medal to Fireman Laszewski, Mon: treal, for saving the life = bum: ing of Constable F t, when' the latter was in a state insensi- replat] P. Murphy is on the s. Edgers is getting some 5 ist. better), is / Fine Weather Promised, As the date of the New York Cen- tral's Washington excursion, April 7th, is- two weeks later than usual, fine weather is assured. The capital i its many recent improve- ments is more attractive than ever, while Philadelphia end New York (where stopovers are granted on the return trip) are always interesling cities. Round trip rate jis "only $11 from Kingston. Réturn tisnit ten days. Special fast train without change of cars through to Washingten. F. A. Folger, Kingston, agent. Marks Bros. The Grand will be opened on Mon- day next by Marks Bros., giving for the first time here, "The Crimes of London," a five-act melo-drama, which has been well received wherever it has been played. 5 The London Advertiser says: Miss May Bell Marks is repeating her tour of popularity, which she made a few years ago through this part of the country. She is well supported by a company of sixteen players, who form a repertoire organization much above the average. Fractured His Arm. Davidson, contractor, met with a most unfortunate accident ab- out half past ten o'clock this morn- ing. He was in the city hall making measurements so as to tender for the new hardwood floor to be laid. To reach the platform he stepped on a chair, but too near the edge. The chair upset, and in the fall, Mr. Dav- idson sustained a fracture of the left arm above the wrist. He went to Dr. Bele office and had the fracture re duced. v. Brother Nicholas, of the Chris tian' Brothers' community, Montreal, died in that city, on Tuesday last, af- ter an extended illness. raged was a son of Capt. Robert Milne, of this city, and was much beloved by the members of the Christian Brothers in Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal, where he labored as a teacher, the bereaved re- latives are being tenderéd much sym- pathy in their affliction. The Comic Opera, " Patience.' Great interest is being taken in the coming production of Gilbert and Sul- livan's beautiful comic opera "Pa- Since, April 16th, by a Clever Son pany 135 strong, assis by h Andrew's Highland Cadets as Dragoon Guards, new costumes, special scenery and orchestra. Tickets 25¢., 85c. and 50c. Plan at Uglow's, to subscribers, Monday. * Strong Credence Given. : The fact that the New York Central Railway com is 8g anxious to lo- cate all possible Kingston ing houses for summer traffic gives strong credence to the likelihood of the com- ny building an hotel here. Mr. Daniels, the general passenger agent, recognizes in Kingston an important terminus. : - Ernesttown Couple Married. At the residence of James Clark, Pine street, on Thursday evening, Rev. S. Skil united in marr Byron Nelson ' Jackson wad Miss thom Snider, both of Ernesttown. Only im- mediate relatives were present. The newly-marvied couple will reside in Ernesttown. came sib ei bg with a large passenger ight list. This afternoon no change was re ported in the condition oi Joseph L Haycock. He is still very critically ivi « Secure vour maple syrup now for next winter's use. We have the gen- wine article. Jas. Redden & Co. Rev. Dr. Milligan, Toronto, is the guest of Rev. Mr. Macgillivray, at sled a Ji, at $1.25, $1. » ' ; LADIES' NEW ° : : Tailor - made » ' We desire to call attention to the fact that Ladies' READY-TO-PUT.ON-SUITS now represent ART in manufacturing, ' The people who make these suits are masters in their busi- ness, people of brains and ideas, who think out the finished garments and perfect them. No guess work--no haphazard will answer in these days of exactness. : The styles for this spring are smarter than ever. Convince yourself by. seeing our new suits is ) Ladies' T $1 1.75, $13.75, $15, $8.75, $12.75, $2.75, $14.99, $9.75, $18.50, These prices are merely to give an idea as to the assortment of makes, \ Ready-to-Wear Skirts, 26 Different Makes, ' Each week our sale of Skirts is increasing because the styles are right and the prices are the lowest for reliable make, : John Laidlaw & Son. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Children's Boots: : Dongola Kid, with dark blue velvet. tops, sizes 30 7, AT THE LOCKETI SHOE STORE, ONLY 50 CENTS. Chocolate Kid, with valyet tops of same color, sizes Boots, with kid tops, 3 to 7, ONLY 50 Patent' Leather sizes 3 to 7, The steamer Aletha made he frst | ONLY 50 CENTS. i ip from of Qui te to the 3s gil : : bei. o i ly Ay $n the bay as Dongola Kid, with patent leather ti Shoes. x to for ay Picton, Friday afternoon, and | ONLY 50 CENTS, hit hy Ladies' Kid, neat sha ts pes, \kid and patent tips. A , $1.75, $2 AND $2.50. Don, TRUNKS AND VALISES, Chalmers manse. Tabasco ketchup at Redden's. FP. G. LOCKETT. A ; 3 6 * : \ BABY'S OW] SOAP prevents . roughness of th skin and chapping. ) § Beste toilet and nursery use, o ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., Mirs. MONTREA New Spring Shoes There are many ne styles in Spring Foo wear. Every one is he ready for your inspection Our new Spring: Stoc comprises ~ **Everythin in Footwear for ever) body" at prices from $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.50, $: $3.50, $4, $4.50 and $5, Is truly a, revelation g¢ correct taste, -and a tho roughly reliable qualit at a very moderate price We invite you to ste; in and seé¢ them. SHOE McDermott's STORE §000000000000000000C EXPORT LAGER. The Perfect Beer. Send a 2c. stamp to pay postage and receive a nickel-plated pocket opener--optna Gold Seal and other crown corked gobds, The Sleeman B. & M.' Co. Limited Guelph, Canada. tte niet ------------------------ Notice of Incorporatio NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TH! an application will be made to Legislative Assembly of the Province Ontario at the present session there for an act to incorporate a Compa under the name of "The l.oughboro Ra 'itimay Company' with power to co "sthict, "Jay out and baild a railw; wom & point at or near the line of t Kingston and Pembroke Rajtway Co {pany in the Towuship of Kingston the County of Frontenac, thence nor easterly along the north westerly she of Loughborough Lake to a point the: son at or near Loughborough Bridg where Siid lake is crossed by the pub) highway leading from Perth to King ton; with power to build, equip and o erate the same by steam and to bui equip and operate telegraph and tel phone lines, to acquire lands for rig of way, station 'sites and all works am + Sigcessities, to acuuire and receive b nases or aid refor from the Gover ment of the Dominion of Canada, t Province of Ontario or any municipalit corporation or person and to amalg mate, vonnect or make running arrang ments with any other railway or co: pany with further power to erect, mai tain: and- operate docks, wharves ol vators, shops and stations, vessel stedm and other boats and ferries connection therewith on Loughborow Lake and other lakes on the line of same and for all such powers and pt vileges as are usually given and grant jos. VERIN & HAYDON, icants. day to railway com MG v for appl Dated at Ottawa this 19th March A.D., 1903.