Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Apr 1903, p. 3

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be opiuad in a few but; to-morrow, (Sa- Ye. will eerve our 8 Ice «Creani © 'Sedas eshiyp crushed fruits. Chocolates;. 40e. r 1b. ey's Choedlates '80c. 3. TAYLOR, naceutical Chentist. ingeys S¢., Phone 59, ssor to BC. Mitchell. HELLO persistent we push along, pers selling Nhe a song, hitch or evem & "bribe, wb take for our guide along and join the throng, that will Taft you long, nor fading-will wot "destroy; | Papers | are a household joy. Vall Papers Took Well On. ovens Jang. hig.efficlent staf pajier sand: lott your and arn in two raga Js 3 RANDAHS nd olf kinds of d Working! n shortest notice at 3 LIN'S MILL OF YOUR OWN i 4 few of the many pro- have for sale srt St., Brick, 9 rooms, ck St., ry, Cor. William street, oom dwelling, extension 7 rooms, Brick. sion street,'Rough Cast, \ large lot, street, Frame, 6 room nd stable. er properties too numer- ention. R. McCANN, Street. Ground Floor. LEPHANT y Mixed Paint r best paint on the mar- -durable, finest colors, xight. : : agent for Kingeton AN, a + Mershant. ) : TP NORROY AND SEE OUR DOW TO-DAY. ATE MUSIC. STORE, PRINCESS sTanEy. A ELDER ' NEW "to May - 2nd. . Canada, M on Tay 28rd. Southwark, For Military Tournament and Horse Show, Toronto, April 20th "SEHUCED B. RATES, UNTIL JUNE -16¢h; 1908; 'COLONIST RATES FROM KINGSTON TOY a Rasiadd Seluon: ha 9 ticulars at K. 4 P. and C. P. IRE an Tok poner JE. RAILWAY N "SHORT LINE FOR: - Tweed, Napance, Deseronto, 'and all lo- cal points. Train leaves City Hall D- pot at 4 pm. F! CONWAY, Agent, B. Q:Byw! HE ihguon; ot MONTREAL Ll 9. Kensifig iil AND QUEBEC VERPOOL. . ton, 18. y 80 N Tv AIVERBOOL, Commonwealth .. May 2 New England a "May 14 PORTLARD TO LIVERPOOL. Tauric . + +o May 2 Norseman . May 9 Englishmai a... os MBY 16 NVONMOUTH DOCK AND BRISTOL, From Montreal. Tircoman, May 32. Manxman, May 16 BOSTON AEDITERRANEAD. Cambromen, 2. Vancouver, June 6 Cambroman, rend a ov apniy to July 18 a MILITARY TOURNAMENT : AND HORSE SHOW TORONTO. Round trip tickets 'good going. Aprn RIth only $5.90. Tickets good going. April 30th, May 1st or 2nd, $7.70. All tickets valid returning on or he: fore May 4th. The above rates include admission. coupon to show. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, { - Oty Pass. ULepot. ALLAN LINE Froin Quebec. od a.m, «May 2, 6pm Bavarign, May © May 9, 6 3 m. Jonian, May. 16, » ne "May 16, 7.3 First Cabin, $65 and upwards Sccond Cabin, $37.50 to $42.50. Third Cabin, $25 and $86, Liverpool, Perry, Belfast, Glasgow, London. ONTREAL TO GLASGOW DIRECT fardgnian (2nd & 3rd Slass oriv), May: 20 Sietlan |. ay J. 'P. HANLEY, Agar, ogo Shy Depo From Montreal. Corinth.an, May, 2, 27 Lo Urs etoak. . Betablished Half Oontury JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker, 254-35 Princess St. Open day and night For Ambulance "Phone 147. "SPRING . REPAIRING OOUGHES, PARLOR.SETS, ODD CHAIRS; we have a large stock of coverings to select from. Also Mattresses Tenovated and made like new: ' For house closing usd our Furniture Restorer, for profuing. a beautiful polish... JAMES REID Phome- 147. ALLEN, THE AUCTIONEER, Cenductod all the important salés dar Sutistastiop ridken oF dna ths wae your, [And ais Rooms -- 27 Brock Street. [Lin "Phone 88, rr 0 Weak Spells. Mr.R.H. Sampson's, Sydney, N.S., Advice to all Sufferers from i Merve Trouble Is "GET A BOX OF MILBURN'S 3 (HEART AND NERVE © PILLS." He says: "I have been ailing for about a year from deranged nerves, and, yery offen weak spells would come gversue and be so bad that I sometimes thought I would be unable to survive them. I have been treated by doctors and have taken nuniérous preparations but none of them helped me in [18 Jeast T'finally Zot a box Bf Milburn's H and Nerve Pills. Before taking them 1 did not feel able to do any work, but now I can work as well as ever, thanks to one box of your pills. They have made a new man of me, and my advice to any "person trogbled as I was, is to get a box of Milburn's Heartand Nerve Pills." Price so cts. per box, or 3 for $1.25, all dealers. or THE T. MILBURN CO., Limited, * TORONTO, ORT. There is a Julcymness, Tenderness and Teaotie ness in Clark's cog Lunch Tongue quite unlike other tongue. f you eat Pork and Beans eat CLARK'S they're delicious, W. CLARK, Mr, - MONFREAL. stands * ue WOOD YARD REMOVED, ASWHELIAN-MASSIE HAS REMOVED as and Ontario streets to the opposite the weigh Bouse, on ATUEGISLATURE[:S: THE CONSERVATIVE | TON. - TINGENT QUITE SMALL. 'A Bill Brought Down By The Min-' {jeter of Bducation-Many Bills Were Brought in 'and Referred ' hat Estimates. 'oronto, | April oaromtoy of the ation. is' grow- ing more evident. At the opening 'of "the house to-day. only six out of for ty-cight of the members w Rey Pre and at no time during the ort a sion the number exceed fifteen. Among this select few, however, R. R. Gameoy wis in évidence._ his good health giving, a a denial to 'the teport 'rife. in town that he had gone fo , gh hospital for repairs th. prostrated nerves, The report, indeed, flattered the honorable member, since credit for the customary supply of sensitive ts- sues is denied him in widely extended quarters, The proceedings were the tamest on. wecord, long line of questions to ministers, delayed for weeks, were allowed to pass in re view, and to he followed by introdie- tion of bills. without two doz:a words being spoken on the "opposition side. They made the merest pretence of ex- istence, a strange contrast to the ag- gressive debate of three weeks ago in which hour after' hour they hurled speeches, full of charges and criticisms at the government. That the bribery investigation . has been the greatest boomerang on record a casual look in- to the chamber will proclaim, inde pendent of a hundred evidences . in court. ihe chief interest to-day centred in the bill introduced hy the minister of aduention, for government of lower grades of education in large cities, ap plicable now only to Toronto. It makes provision for; a board of thir- teen to govern 'the primary and secondary schools, twelve to be el- ected at. large (one man ene yotel, and not by wards; when the mayor is elected, and one to be appointed iw the separate school board. Spl boards were. the tule lin other coun- tries particwlariv-in:- the. United States. New York -aad. Philudelpha, with nearlv two mil':ons people cach, had 31 and 27 members respectively ; Boston, 21; Baltimore; 9; St. Louis, 12. In some United States cities the municipal = councils appointed the boards;. in. Philadelphia the judges' chose them; but. in most cities elec tion by the people was the zale. The minister stroncly supported. the re duction in number of trustees. A flood of railway and other pri vate acts proclaims thai a long ses- don is in 'prospect. The new assess- ment law cannot poseibly be consider ed except in part, and will be referred to a special committee to be Ahreshed out.. The committees were to-day ap- pointed, and were reduced in number save in private bills and municipal legislation,--a step in the right direc- tion . which might 'have been still greater, The estimates were to-day presented for current expenditure for 1903, being 23,901,601, ,with $490,287 on. capital account and £115,450 on the ever-em ing lide of sundries, in all $4,- 128, The increases for civil gov- ernment are 'totalling $10,883 on $126,413. Legislation at $139,350 shows & growth of $6,250, including £5,000 on indemnity, becaute of four new members. Administration of jus- tice calls for 2465655, an advance of 34.627. Education demands $922,241 as sompared with! 8376,567, and showing >xpansion on all: lines. of general edu- cation, besides 85,600 nioré to the School! of Practical Science, making § an addition of $5,000 to al | branfhes, making $20,000; and $13 versity salgry. 'intreases 'oi \$100 'en¢h are giv- ,200 extra to provincial uni and mining schools. Eight en in School of Practical Science; a professor of geology is added at $2, 000; lecturer in chemistry raised from R850 to $1,200, and registrar and librarian from $400 to $1,200. © The Kingston School of Mining is voted the 'agreed' sum of 500. For maintenance of public institu- tions on-an advance of $50,448 alto- gether, 85,000 is «<hdrged to. Kingston hospital for insane, 'with '613 patients. The increases. are, askistant physician, R100; second assistant physician, $50; & 2 storekeeper, £50; stokers, four, each, £25. Night sewage man goes an at £240, The salary increases are in all, allowir for decrease in mbes, £204, He total vote is $81,550, the main incréses are in the fn sums. for, provisions, and in $2,000 éx- tra for coal. The total vote for Rock- wood is 881,550. The vote for Brock- ville asylom is $84,203, an increase of 7,500. 'Tte "coal account for 663 pa- tients is '$12,500, compared with Kingston's $11,000, but its meat is 81,000 \less, or £10,000. For agriculture $282920 is required ~+85,350 less for special grants (3166,- 950), - #14.308 more for Guelph Col lege ($68,309), and thete .are increases due to growth in experimental plots, dairy, ete. The Kingston dairy school receives for maintenance $2,550 as be fore; no _inoreases in this line; appar- ently the classes -- and work ate the growing parts. In maintenante and repairs of legislative building and lientenant governor's house a trifle is saved, £52,750 beingk asked, For public buildiNgs, capital ac count, $463201 is ven, including these items for the hospital for in- sane, Kisgston: To complete new tottage, 85,500; new boilers and cov- ering pipes, 'main building, $2,800, for general 'répairs' and rednstal- lations $4,750, The proposed hospital for epileptics, Oxford, is tg be start- ed with $30,000, Fhe addition to nor mal «cheol for manual training 'and domestic stience [is decorded $20,000. Part of the 1evete for- new Inikdings, TTIUST WHAT YOU NEED. Chamberiain's- Stomach and Liver Si Tablets, When you. feel dull after eating. When you have no appetite. When you have a had taste in the mouth, poh (Jour Tiver A torpid. dphted n "your bowels are cong When you have a headache. Shen you fest bilious, i yy. will improye your tite, elennse and invigorate your Spiele, and regulate your liver and howel els. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 23.--The dispirited 80: ment. Y Among votes for: olonization is roads. are : A , $350; Ar do "1 ana Kenn road, £400; Desert Lake, broad, ne; mas road ear. Aden ) § ones' sebion Hastarsen ro boro Wilmur road i phan Sia enh BE ty ond fon vont, MY "Perth to Bedleny and C } Jd township road," Parhatn road, Tamworth § sipor: os 2 roscilnd bridge, Disks oats © are actnrdur | se © ment outkide orown lands 'servis and locating are dmereased from $135,175° 175," including $80,000 'on new township surveys. f 4 : rr Discredited. ke talk 'in Toronto is upon the ra tion of the member for" Rane ulin by the conservative ty. ¢ His skip to Buffalo destroyed remnant of idence felt in his case; bis retnrn. was, sought merely: to give color to a continuance of the case.' To-day he has beén without friends, even 'these wha coaxed him back spen- iy saying they swantéd no more to do with, him, He gat alone in the legisla ture this afternoon, and no one went! forward to spedk to him. He accostod- 4 member at the close of 'the sitting, held brief talk, then glided out alone. A 'month ¢ifite he was a hero, taken warmly" fo the bokom of the party; to-day moreso poor as to dp hig 'honor. The moral is that If you raise hopes in politics you must deé- liver 'the goods straight. It does not. matter what. your method is--only* you must wing MARRIED UNAWARES. Experience Of Annie Moore, Had Two Husbands. London, ' April 24.--To be married" without noning it was the curious fate of 'Amnie Samuelina Naylor, oth erwise, Moore. She was ia young girl living with her mother, at Birkenhead when, in 1888, a cousin, Frederick Naylor, came' on the scene from America and made love to her, ' When he propied, she replied that she would speak to her mothér. He re- torted that he was not going to mar- ry mother. Thus commenced a secret engagement, . Naylor assured her that young women were not allowed to go to Am- erica unless legally betrothed, and he then s&s in. having. her go through a cerémony which was really a legal marriage. Then he left her and never returned Subsequently she married another man who Jeft her soon after the wed- ding. Ten years later she had two parts. She told her strdiige story in the divorce division, adding that she had been supporting herself nv teaching natil she could provide the money to atnlv to the court, and that Mr. Nay- lor, her first hushand, hod wedded an- other woman in 4 She was granted a Geico of nullity of marriage on the ground that she was induced to go through the cere mony by fraud. i fo Who r she discovered that husbands in distant Great Value In Clothing Made To Order, Prevost has received this 'day an- other shipment of Scotch tweed for suiting, They ave beautiful patterns and, good material. Pyito. suit: made to order for 815 up. 'A firstclass fit guaranteed. If you are in need of the latest New York colored shirts at a moderate price; see our swindow. Imposed Secret Penance. Rome, April a Sarina Netto, patridgrch of ' Lisbon, a rectly claitned 'cortain rights rivileg which "the. Roman' caria fax pealed to the Supreme Sobre of Porty. gal. Therenpon the papal nuncio, at Lisbon, informed Cardinal Netto that he was gxeommuriieated. ipso facto, '.v aphealing to a secular tribunal from a papal "decision. Owing to the immin ence of a conclave and the possible agitation of the Portuguese clergy the pope 'has - absolved the" cardinal ia posing a secret penance upon him. err ------ Canada's Comihg 'Crop: Ottawa, April 24. Mr. Stewart, the member for Lisgar, has just réturned from &'trip to the west. Hé¢ says that steding in Southern Manitoba "will have been finished by the end of this week. The prospects for an enormous crop this year are éxcoptionally bright. The - acreage is fiftden per tent, heavier than Tast year, and com- ditions corre spondingly favorable. Just how this enormous erop can' be handled by rail is one of the increds- ing pmezies of the commercial situs tion. A ia Massacre Of Russian Jews. Bt Petersburg, April 24. --Twenty- five vig were kil d 275 were rn may of them fatally, dur ing op "Semetic riots at * Kishineff, capital of ' 'Bessdrabin, April 20th, when 'a number of workmen anized an attack on the 'Jewish inhabitants. The 'minister of ' thé interior has or dered the adoption of the special measures £0 restore order in the town and disfriet. cenit gi . We Heve Broken All our past records in 83 shoes dtyle dvd "valud We have 'always wold the-béwt tien's $3 shoes that conld be produdéd for the money, hut (this sen von our value, fit, variety and style excel all former records, McDermott's shoo store. Important, Abernethy Nas same of the "swellest lines 'of 'footwear, ranging from $1.75 to 86, for ladies and gent's, A "society of Londén: Canadians has heeri formed; Sir GHbert Parker; M. Py Dr.. Crozier.) Si Clougher, 'of th To ronto Globe; Hon. Mr: MeMieken and Roy Somerville, are "among the sup- porters. 'The government is considering . ap i pointing Field Murshal | Lord Hoberts as special commissioner to represent Great Britain at the St. Louis exhi: bition, rapid fo ar Wither Midd 'the watioualddt me CT a 1SH GOVERNMENT. i hm Mr. Ritchie Made a Calm, EE olarine dat oT duit 3 i wab in gi Commons, yesterday; - show po utpenditure for for 1908- aT Gi wget, x im: ot #710, 000. The' chancellor o« the shar Me. t 81,085 an maaalable. for' tho 8 The estimated revenue "fe bhsis of thxation ia' 850,000, giving an wealth gueylos of st, Budget t dav attractive, and ny 'this year, as the J the fivwt- police budget for four years. The house was well filled, and there visitors in the galleries when he Chancellor rose to make 'his wtatoment. The duty on tea, which 'the sndeex: ected 'wonld he. reduced, is not, Shang od. Mr. techies , Proposals ing! the following: The' abolition of tax. The government whips had ex x trouble over © the, "budget, petal warned their followers that important 'divisions were impending. No sum- mons was, however, required for fill: ing the benches and galleries. Nr. Rit- chie' was 'Hot un 'ofator not a man of of original penius. 'hut he had 'a méssage for the nation of thrifty. shopheepers and oyerburdened taxpayers, This han- | dy man of She Inia had won the stronghold the' tréasury, Hot oy! great : a Tou 'by "business-lik habits, damlerity n arranging "detail and p ing try Cinlmesteri the sub, in _hend. qualities : were revehled in his first t spac h ¢ delivered quiétly 'dnd almost as wiech-! anically as though he were making an_annnal Alafoment to 8 hoard of bank directors. It was dry, precise and 'dull, 'without a A of _bumor. In place of the usanl budget 'jokes ab- out the. mrt ity of 'millionaires and tho frofits of intemperance' was optimism about the magnitude of the war deébt and the decline of consols, Th the lobby the' biflante "of opinion was that the budget indicated sn ear- ly dissolution. ' Business men in the city were {bilan when. the tickers an- nounced the reduction. in the: incore tax to eleven pence, and they gave practical expression to their views by hy consols up threeeighths to ninety-two. Mr. Ritchie's dexterity was shown in bis manipulation of the sinking fund figures and the permanent' debt charg- es #0 that the surplus available for the, remission of taxation was increas. ed to pay £10,816,000. No expert cal- culator had forcasted so large an am- ount. The inconie tixpayers were lav- ored with a reduction of four peice or a penny move than had been expected. Mr. Ritchie, being a new ¢ of the exchequer, was bound to consider the traditions 'of the treasury. Custom required that! direct and indirect taxa- tion should share. the benefits of 'any reductions. Coml, tea and sugar could not he touchec the corn registration duty would licve 'the government from ent agitation over the bread tax. Protectionist tories were not pleas. od with the removal of the corn duty, but the best politicians in the house agreed that it helped €o make the bud- eet. popular; and would 'depiive the liberals of one of the most effective is- 0 Eb 'gistration dutv was not large enough either to vield 'much revenue or to 4 benefit. the = avrioulturdl Thdultries of the United Kingdom, and an oppor- tunity for mpking discriminations in favor of the grain of Canada or the other 'colotties was wasted. The duty is now 'abolished in order to 'balance the remission of income taxation and to convince the workingman! that some. thing has been dome for him. The ra- dicals, under the leadership of Sir Wil liam Vernon Harcourt, were very will: into to | gunarrel with the budget, but thev could mot object to a remission of the corn duty, and their protests against the reduction of the income tax were hol Dropsy Asxtd Heart Disease. "For ten wears 1 sufidred 'greatly from heart disease. Fluttering of the Heart and smothering spells made my lifo'a torment. Dropey wet in. My physician tokd me to 'prépare for the worst. 1 tried Dr.. Agnew's ; Cure for the Heart. One dose gave great' re lief, one bottle cured me gompletely Y: Mrs. James Adams, Byfacuse, Sold by H. B. Taylor and H. Wade. ~107. 3 Infringments On Patents. London, April 24,-It is reported that 'Sir Oiiver Lodge, F.R.8., may sue Signor Marconi on the drouhd of an infringement of his (Lodge's) pa: tents, in condection with the installa: tions in America ' the Ttalian in: ir ventor's Oliver vertical ri od i Negotiatins Suspended. Berlin, April 24.--The negotiatibng which have been in progress for some time past looking to Hritish rlici- pation in the construction of ihe Bag dad railway, have suspended as the British government has refused to consent to the German conditions, Carpet Cleaning Should be done early before the rush. At Carnovsky 'street, old, dusty" "carpets made be look almost, new by 'a thorotigh, pr cess. Moderate prices. Carpets taken up and relaid if desired. One And AlN. Yvervhody our spring is welcome to inspect shoes. We have the t Pay water rates and save discount. . of | duty on grain, the takes on SN -- coal are unchanged, fourpegte |. (vight cents) is taken off the income hut the abolition. of | | inconveni- | | sucs in the general election. The . re-h works, Ontario | makes, . Abernethy. ' ; i Ses: the latest in -eowsets, military hip, from 50c. up. New York Dress | \ trimmed ey Fr 8, BY wT F - Lot Ne. 2: Ladies Fast Black Pupisoh, with oii dio, y few olfoptming Gent's size, with steel rod; usual $1. ' A Lot No. 3. Geat's 8 ts Parasols, newest creations," Neavy Globe Wash Boards, Hc. Spools Black 2 Darnbrs, 1. sclls 'at 450. Curtain Poles complete, 15e. ' Fancy Ohninber Sets, 6 pieces, $100, White Tromstone Ohambers, 28c, 3 String Brooms, 10c. Sifedvy Chrpot: Brodms; 190: hilo) Pepper or Salt Glass, ae tac i 3h Package Laundry Staroh, 20. "Bist Corn Starch, Be, i }44 Garden Sets "Ladies Hoavy Ribbed Hose, extra | Suding Hoe, Rake; 15¢. value, 'ond § a ot LE O00: DOPEOVedEeE ©9 15 18 NEW Wh aia TE on OE a Tidurated Fibre Ware aa 'JOR SALE BY ALL VIRWF-CLASS DEALERS. INSIST ON: k SETTING 'BBDYS

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