gr se =f Bs i = is : wh ing a mistake in fighting the council of Ottawa. 'The scrap only accentuates the rights of the municipality, and Ot- tawa is disposed to protect them. Chatincey Depew is real Sorry for people who worry over money. He intinates that there is more than money in this life. So there is, but 1 there is not much fun to be had with. out It. Ea * Porinto University 'lin in luck. It ven behind $10,000 in 1892, "and the government assumed the deficit. The university is $18,000 behind this year, 'snd the government again assumes' the liability. How convenient ! rived. Gamey {| henring 'ubtantia said on Because Gen. Miles has committed to the secretary of war some of the veports - he learned, respecting the atrocious conduct of the American sol: devs in the Philippines, he is abiised by thy republican press. Gen. Miles has the temerity to do his duty, end it hurts the politican. ? ambien teen OBSERVATIONS, Without Cultivation. ia 'pertain, namely that tics constitute a fine hot- imer. ithe Barr colonists have each; but enerrv and per- the best capital in anew "ba tantial idea .of tax from off a little taking revenue. ------ . Will Have Fine Guard. Windsor, Ont.. April 30.--1t is gFo- Lord and Ladv Minto The Toronto master carpenters he decidod mot ty grant an increase ae vermmiont and hd not ele $6 in bib i deputy tario, but _decli without | permission of the supreme commander. He took an active part in the last election, on behalf of Mr. Smith, the. liberal candidate, in the county of Dundas. For this election work he was not paid. He was fur- ther questioned about his salary and iness with the Maccabees, but de- clined to answer, as ho was under had aos here eight or t the Walker, but had not anything in connection .. He and Mr. Bowen re- marked how closely the Globe inter view followed what Mr. Gamey had told, him. Gamey told him on September in the until the night of Sep- , the night that Bowen ar- ted . in Bowen's ber 184. to 'anyone in the city, Anderson and f Kemptville Suale, of ' ; 8. P. Grant, assistant king's print- er, testified that the paper i pret sgh" "ow uigition to any departments. "Earns- clifie" was not much used, but he re- membered that some was sent to the i + The linen- ined large envelope in which was en- closed the X.Y.Z. letter was of ordin- ary stock size ' and did not appear like any that went through his hands. As there were no other witnesses on hand the court adjosrned. ibn dst Changes In District Supreme Court Washington, D.C., April 30.--A num- ber of changes were made today in the personnel of the supreme court of the district of Columbia, consequent upon the retirement of Chief Justice idward F. Bingham. bangh 'sucpeeded to thd chief justice ship, in turn was 8 as as- sociate justice by ex-Senator Jeter C. Pritohard, of North Carolina. he nev chief, justics, Harry NM. Clg. was formerly attorney-general of Marvland and was apwointed to the supreme bench of he district of Col umbia by President MeKinley in 1590. Justice Cla- Korean Crown Celebration. Washington, - D.C; il 30.--The minister of Koren, Minhui Cho, has informed the state t that the accession Place to-day a - corated in honor of ent, dion s Jrom iron are to the t ittle kingdom is wach disturbed because of the insistent de- sire ol the emperor to- marry one 'of his concubines, a women of ori- gin, in opposition to his = family and advisers. i y HE To Commemorate Historic Event, New Orlesns, ba. i --! 100th anniversary of the purchase of the Loviciana territory was celebra- ted, to-day, by the unveiling of a handsome bronze table-commemora- ting the event. The tablet was plac: ed by the society of Colonial Dames in the abildo, where the transfer of the territory was made April 30th, 1803. : { Eastern League Begins Benson, New York, April 30.-The Eastern Baseball Le » begins today what promises to the most | sea- son since its organivaticn. The circuit i= made of eight goed cities--To- ronto, Buffalo, Rochester, Baltimore, Worcester, vidence, Jersev' City and Newark. The scheditle calls for + 110 games, the scason to close Sep tember Wun. : oe Faris appellate eourt stirs the sentine passed on on Henri de Rothschild of a ten franc [ne and one in prison for driving an autome- at excessive on the boule "' 'EMMEROR LI. HSL Pekin, April 30.--Emperor Li Hsi, of Korea, today, celebrates the fourth of his ascension to the Fis having taken unto himself a charming native wife. CIGARETTE BILL. Parliament; : Asked To Prohibit : Then Alt hh | Ottawa, April 29.-- The debate in the House of Commons ; ipsn' the aménd- ment to the motion to go into eom- mittee on ways and this after- ncon took a wide . Mr. Hackett, thé co méervative member for Prince, P.E.L., opened the ball with a demand. that . the "Dominion vern- ment in a contract' forthwith for the construction of a tunnel to connect the island with the mainland, at a cost of $12,000,000. In the evening Mr. Gal Lher, who represents Yale and Cari- boo, comprising silver-lead min ing district, presented forcibly the case of the miners, who complain that the industry is being ruined because of the lack of proper protection. While ac copting thé assistenes 'Promised by the government as a tentative - nn provided the bounty is "adequate," he for "a reconsideration, in so ar as the duty on lead is' concerned, 6f the government's determination not to readjust the tariff at present. Speeches were alto made by Messrs. J. T. Schell (Glengaery), Jean Baptiste Morin (Dorchester), William Ross (South. Ontario), A. E. Kemp (East Toronto), and DN. Henderson (Halton.) The adjournment of 'the debate was moved by G. D. Grant (North On tatio). Mr. Bickerdike this afternoon intro- duced "his. bill to prohibit the importe-: tion, manufacture and sale of cigar- eftes, and in doing 'so explained that there wad nothing in the bill that was not 'contained in the resolution which passed the house by. a large majori- ty. 3 George Taylor raised = the objection that . the resolution called uoon: the government to introduce a bill, stweested that Mr. Bickerdi¥e drop his bill and lef. the government assume the responsibility of introducing it as Sir Willfid- Laurier replied 'that Mr. Taylor wasiin error in wanting to minimize the! powers of private mem- bers of the house to introduce bills. It was true that a private member could not introduce a measure which impos- es a burden on the people, but this measure did not come within that ce- tegory. therefore, Mr. Taylor's objec- tion did not apply. This was a aves. tion upon which the government had ot beep called to formulate any po- icy. Mr. Tavlor insisted that the govern: ment were attempting to shirk their responsibilities. Jabel Robinson called attention to a statement made by Rev. A. E. Mitchell in Erskine church, Ottawa, in a serm- on on Sunday last, in which he was reported to have said it was a shame that the speaker was compelled ~ to wait [for enough members to open par- liament, ard that there. were only thirteen mentbers present when prayers were said. Mr. Robinson said be had never missed pravers but once since being a member of the house and he had noticed that on the government benches alone there were always more members present for prayers than it was: stated were in the whole house. He hoped that this revered gentle: man would take to heart the lesson that ministers of the gospel should not only be God-fearing men but truthful. At the. same time he hoped that the araeraph would induce some members to be in their places more punctuaily. There Are Others. "Sav, od , CH ar chap, can, you read Scotch "I've written several stories in it." "} know, but can you read it ?"' It his practically been settled that the official British building at the St. 1 ovis expedition is to be 'a reprofive tion of thy Kensington Palace oran ry, thy choice of Sir Christopher TN, ns an exam of Faglis " den" architecture. oe ie Clyde shipbuilders will wediee wages i and the workmen threat n to strike as » couseguence. § When the first warm days appear you'll want a-Smart Spring Suit that has that cxtra dash in cut antl cloth, the latest twig 'in the shape and slant. Nowhere can the most particular man find a finer. frgsher 'or more satisty ing lot of Suits to choose from than 'is Here at this moment, Fine Tweeds, Worsteds,. Cheviots, Clays : and serges. The prices are pr ices: you'll like to' pay. nh '$17, $16, $15, $12.50. $12, $10, $8. We'll do wonders here in fi xing you out just as you would like to be fied. We're at your service. y New Hats! We sell the Barrington Hat, and if t's not the best $8 Hat on earth for the money, we don' t know. it. 4 Newest Shapes, Stiff or Soft Hats. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. One Price Clothing House, Oak Hall. ~ High Class MILLINERY. OUR STOCK Is pow overflowing with the finest range of goods shown this season, TO-DAY'S ADDITIONS of Paris and New York Headwear are beautiful. 3 SPENCE & CO., Mls Niliery Sort 3, , ® Probable Successor To The Late London, M.P., is mentioned as the most pro- bable suecessor to W.. Henbury as of a mem! North-West Suffolk seat since 1895. Weds Daugliter Of Gen, Mills. Washington, marriage of | day Mil 4 ton, U. to-day ¥ pont.Cirele. Following the ceremony there 'was a wedding Rauscher's, Capt, ordered to the presidio of San Fran- cisco, and 'will take his bride to his new post, New York, April 30.--One of the interesting weddin that of Smith, dav Hopkinson hart, third secretary cmbassy at Constantinople. The cere- mony was performed this afternoon the Church of the Incamation and was followed by & the home of the bride's parents. at » IAN, MALCOLM, M.P. MARCONI PAPER. | Philadelphia. { Southampton, April 30.--The steas ship Philadelphia, of the Americst line, which arrived ' from New ¥ { published an edition of an ocean Bow afer, at sea | yesterday. contained a summary of the news Mr. Hanbury. April 30.--lan Malcolm, the late Hon. R. esident of the board culture, r. Malcolm is the or for Stowmarket division of has held the title of the paper was the Philadelphis Marconi Bulletin. The 'Philadelphis # sipped with wireless appafathd. Cattle In and. London, April 29.--7There has bee very little change in the condition of the market since this day week. Choi Amerie; n cattle "have | med steady with sales today at [2fc. and cho Canadigns at 12e., but the price choice Argentines is je. lower at He. 'the tone of the market been stronger and prices vance of le. with sales 134c. Livery ool, April Cunidian abtie was steady with pres unchanged sat 12¢.- to F3§0. tie Alexander Fraser, a Smith's Fall olasterer, fell from a swaving lnddet into the elevator shaft at the ote! Rideau, landing on the basement ty fest below. His thich was hrokel but he was werfectly édnseious , treated his injuries lightly. D.C., April 30.-The Miss Constance Mills, ter, of Gengral and Mrs. Anson to Capt. nfield Scott Over- ., was celebrated at noon, the family home. in breakfast at Overton has heen show an - of choice ® Weds British Diplomat. of today was Miss Marion Hopkinson ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. mith, to Heron C. Good- of the British large reception at TR me e---- Neglected coughs often' develop into consumption quickly cures coughs --~prevents consumption Pleasant to take /__ Sold by Draggists $08. and Prov * For four years | had s severe T was vo weak snd exbagsted from cor 0 attend ty business. taking two bottles of Angier's Emulsion cough wb pong and J he pel way A. Ian Canada. - ANGIER CHEMICAL . COMPANY, BOSTON, MASS, U. S A . \ ------ = Published on Board the Steamship 1 The pape 3 the \ of: velets, § aa aa Sosaeaohe. Th for sheep het = 99, --The 'marketfor 8 Agents Wanted to represent us in wll cities and towns who can COMPANY, Bankers & Brokers, 151 State St, Boston. sight & Freese Co. KINGSTON . -, ONTARIO." r. Brotk and Wellington Streets tocks, Bonds, ° Grain, Cotton. 3 for our DAILY MAR- | L LETTER," and our | # GUIDE TO INVESTORS,' Both puss, free for the asking. 'Determining the character and Mnancial responsibility, of your roker is as important as selec- Rion of right stocks. stropolitan Stock Exchange Incorporated Under the Laws of Massachusetts APITAL $100,000 FULLY PAID. KINGSTON BRANCH » Chambers, Clarence St. Opposite British Americhn Hotel. Phone 400. J. J. MCKENNA, Manager. ds, Stocks, Grain and Provisions bought on or for cash. i. F. DEVER & CO. BROKERS | _ . for. Brook and Wellington Sts. 6. NH. POORE, CORRESPONDENT. ovisions, Bought and Sold for [Cash or on Margin. | Interest charged only. when istocks carried over Sunday. Telephone No. 588. { G. A. BATEMAN ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, LIFE & FIRE INSURANCE, BROKER. Difice, 81 Clarence Street. "Phone 39. Evening Address, 23 Sydenham Street. HOUSE OPTIONS g mew In Stocks. Write for ' REGINALD CAMERON BRO #N, Toronto Memb rs London AT RT AMERICAN AND CANADIAN OR CORN FOR SALE IN CAR LOTS. . : Write or wire for prices; delivered your station. T. A. WITZEL *5 nd Leanadian Pacific .. .. 8 vledo Ry. ontreal Street Ry. .. Moronte Street Ry. ©... Jol Mecrie iy Twin City Fraudly Jable" _. FE Commercial Cal Monreal Tel h Bell Telephone ¢ atontreal Cotton . + Dominion Cotton . Canada Colored Cotton Rich. & Ont. Nav, san Dominion Steel Dominion Coal Winn) Electric ... vi. . Ogilvie Flour Detroit United "... . Montreal Power . Nova Scotia © Montreal Bank .. . Ontario. Bank NEW YORK STOCKS. From Metropolitan Stock Exchange. NY 29th. BUY. SELL. i SLE 90 Sugar People's Gas U.S. Steel U.S. Steel, PI Miss. Pacific ... Sputhern Pacific Qdtario & Western NoX. GC .