HE 2323253 gE23gzE seEaeeiisd wa. - z= 32 oe Brg mex - tgs 0000000 + Tyo have 'e have so Keen Business Enterprise. Talk about business enterpridh! A ed stranded i which he made er and secured Change In Military Service. The arrangements for the military service on the cricket' field on Sunday Hay eh; will likely be Shunged #0 a8 to have it at two o'clock in the after oon, ini of at ten in the morn . This would be more satisfactory ness Lo assist. ------ Race For Elevator. The steamers Mon le and Turret Cape had a race to MN. T. com pany elevator this morning for first place in un . The latter work- ed hersell off the shoal at Four Mile Point and started down. She was nearing the Monteagle, which was on the shoal off Mooers' elevator. An- other pull by the steamer Donnelly, however, released ber, and off she went for the elevator, and secured her berth firdt. Easy On The Pocketbook. 30 lbs. raw sugar, $1. 3 kages mince meat, 25c. 4 1b. packages laundry starch, 25¢. 4 packages corn starch, 20c. 1 gal tin apples, 20c. "3 large tine pork and beans, 25c. 1 Ib. pure coffee, 25¢.," at Mullin's. : Spotted A Deserter. An artillery escort went to Toronto by early morning train to bring back an R.C.F.A. bugler who deserted from the barracks. Col. Drury, it is un- derstood, spotted the deserter on the streets, and had him arrested. Red Ripe Strawberries. Fancy stock for Saturday morning. Pineapples, 10c., 15c., 200. each; ban- anas, .s 200, 25¢. dozen, at Car- novsky's, "On the Corner." New American Styles. In young men's derbys for 81.50, $2, $2.50, at Campbell Bros., the young men's hatters, Dewitt C. Kinsey, one of Winnipeg's pioneers, was found dead in his room in a pool of blood. Foul murder is suspected, as he was wealthy. "SPRING SUIT. not 'made your selection yet you'll find it an easy task here many lines to show we are bound to please. S16, $20,572. | was never better, and the -{ announced, Chwang with a 1 t ima | uu of 'the %{ ther -reported- ri | there is mo doubt that the Pekin m- | government will appeal to America, DAILY WIC. FuiDAY. 8 Anadt 3¢ in London. eh "Pekin 'B.~The Ruswians, ve reoccupied New large force and also in the forts at the Liao river. They are fur- to be making extensive IN. arlike preparations. A ondom, May 8.~Tipang Ta Yen, Chinese ambassador to Englend, re- ferring to the that Russia had' New Chwang said, to-day : "If the advices that Russia has occu pied New Chwang are true they come the nearest to foreshadowing war of any bews yet received from the far cast, It is evident that a coup d'etat ultimate object the complete Russian occupation of Manchuria, and gives the lic to Russia's assurances that she has no i on Manchuria. Chine is now so prostrated that she will not offer any resistance to the czar, but England and Japan. In my opinion these powers have so much at stake that they must compel the evacuation of New Chwang even at the cost of hostilities." The annothocement is taken here to mean that the town has been re-occu- pied by the force, the withdrawal of which was announced in April, when the Russians said that all the troops, except the men necessary for the po- lice guards, had been removed. LORD SACKVILLE'S HEIR. The Claimant's Application Re- garding Witnesses. London, May 8.--Another chapter in the sensational claim of Henry Sack- ville-West. to be the legitimate heir of Lord Sackville, former British minister at Washington, was heard in the chancery court. The claimant whose full name is Ernest Henri Jean Bap- tiste Sackville-West, applied for the appointment of a commission to exa- mine witnesses in France and Spain in support of his claim. Counsel for the plaintiff explained that the action was for the purpose of perpetugting testi- mony in support of his claim to the title and estate, as, while Lord Sack- ville was alive, the plaintiff could not bring action to establish his rights. Henry Sackville-West, counsel continu- ed, claimed to, be the eldest son of Lord Sackvilld by his. marriage. with Josephine de Portage previously had been married to Antonio de la Oliva, who was then and still is alive, and is not divorced from her. The court granted the application, A Railway Bill. "Toronto, Mav 8.--~The application of the -Bruce Mines and Algoma Railway for authority to extend its line from Rock Lake, its present charter termi: nus, to Hannah Bay, on James Bay, was before 'the railway committee of the legislature this morning. The bill passed with an amendment providing for an extension of the line to a point on the main line of the C.P.R., between Chapleau and Biscotasing. The special committee of the legis- lature having in hand the new assess. ment bill, has appointed Wednesday next to hear municipal representa- tives regarding the measure, and Fri- day to hear railway representatives. Support Revision, New York, May 8.--Preshyvterian creed revision appears to be near at hand after a prolonged and, at times, acrimonious strugole within and with- out the ranks of that church, says the Herald. It is learned that 227 of the 235 presbyteries of the Presbyterian church in America, have voted solidly for creed revision as based on the ele- ven overtures sent down by last year's general assembly. Pa A Free Donation. Boston, Mass., May 8, Adrian reached here yesterday, hav- ing in her hold 180 cases containing the casts, and parts of casts, given to Harvard University by the German emperor. The entir® collection, com- prising relics of nearly all of the fam ous pieces of sculpture and statuary in the German empire, is valued at upward of $1,250,000. The steamer Mentally Disordered. Berlin, May S.--Prince Prosper von Arenberg sentenced in 1900 to fifteen years' imprisonment at Hanover for savage cruelties while serving ps an officer in German South-west Africa, has been declared to be mentally dis ordered by the Hanover court, and will be transferred to a private asyl um. Go Out In Sympathy. San Francisco, May 8.--To-night all of the boilermakers of the Southern Pacific cothpany west of El Paso and Ogden, and south of Portland, will quit work in sympathy with members ol the international union, who have been out for six months on the Union Pacific. The number of men involved is about 420. . te p-- Frome Poverty To Much Wealth. El Oro, Mexico, May S.---August Sahlberg, a malti-millionaire _---- man, is dead. He came to El Oro ten years ago from Montana, without money or friends, and, after many months of hard labor, struck the vein of what is now the famous Esperama mine, Which yielded him a fortune of more than $15,000,000. ---- To Help Starving Chinese. Washington, May 8.--Prompted by the report of Consul General McWade that many Chinamen in the Kwangsi province were starving because of the drought, the Christian Herald of New York, has sent $5000 to the state department for the relief of famine sufferers in that part of China. Left For Salonica. Toulon, May 8. Following the re- ceipt by Admiral Pottier, of cipher orders, the French flagship Admiral Pothusu, and the armoured cruiser Latouche Treville sailed for Salonica to = Nine men were "which has for its |- Foul Very Latest News Culled From All Over the World. . The 'revolution in Nicaragua is said he , and five injury rockslide at Eggleston of the York, An The ed, by Springs, Va. George G. Williams, president Chemical National bank, New died on Thursday. 3 An Indiana farmer, afraid to trust to banks, was robbed of $4,000 tiad hidden in an old lounge. Five hundred doctors saw Dr. Lor: enz operate on a number of crippled children; at - the Charity -Hospital, New Orleans, Six days after his death, from con- sumption, the president's pardon for Martin Guildford, in Fort Leaven- worth penitentiary for robbery, ar- rived. Count Harold, Charles d"Auzy, son of the Marquis d'Auzy, said to living in New York, shot himself dan- gerously in a barricaded rooms in on; eon James McGregor arrested at Van- couvet on a charge of murdering Frank Rogers. has been declared not guilty. The evidence was purely cir- cumstantial. The 0.8 N. company's steamer Wah- condah, from Greenock, arrived in Montreal yesterday, reporting very dirty weather. She took eighteen days for the trip. Fdrans, Man., a little village on the McGregor branch of the C.P.R., was partially destroyed by fire en Thursday as the result of prairie fires. A relief train has gone to the s]eene, Captain Stephen Hart of the brie Acacia, was arrested at New York, for having' smuggled seventy-two cases of gin. A fireman was held in bail of 81,000. charged with smuggling tobae- The sup-rintendent of the Law En- forcement League, New York, was of- fered any sum of money he might name, if he would stop the crusade against police corruption. This took place a few hours before the suspen- sion of Captains Hardy and Maude on Wednesday. .,. The barns of the Mohawk Insti- tute, two miles' ' east of Brantford; Ont., were destroyed by fire on Thurs- day night: Fourteen cows and five horses perished in the flames, and a quantity of hay and agricultural im- plements were destroyed. The fire was the work of an incendiary. A SUDDEN DEATH. Expired After Fighting Fire and Saving Her Home. Matawatchan, May 4.--Since we wrote 'last we find that a few - errors were made with regard to the -infor- mation" received about the fire. The Methodist church, reported burned at Vennachar, is still standing; through the supreme efforts of a few 'who kept a steady watch. The store belonging to; Wesley © Connors, and its stock, valued at $2,000, were entirely de- stroyed at Vennachar. Only two buildings stand uninjured in that vil- lage, which a few days ago was a lively little hamlet. We regret to announce the death of Mrs. John Thompson. The fire at Vennachar coming in the direction of their home, Mrs. Thompson, who has not been in good health, rushed out to help fight the flames. The excite- ment was too great for her delicate state of health, and in"the evening when all was over and the home sav- ed, Mrs. Thompson passed away. Heart failure is supposed to have been the cause of her death. The fune- ral takes place to-day to Matawatch- an cemetery. The services were con ducted in the Presbyterian church \ere by Rev. Mr. McLean, pastor. J. 0. Lingenfeiter, hingston, arrived here yesterday and will again take charge of W. D. Wilson's cheese fac tory for the season of 1903. Had not rein fallen to some extent on the evening of the fire, it is hard to say how much more damagé might have been done. About twenty families, as far as we can learn, have been burn- od out, and left utterly destitute within a radius of ten miles. RETIRES FROM OFFICE. First Will Take Three Months' Leave Of Absence. Berlin, May 8.--General Von Gossler, who for seven years has been Prussi- an war minister, will, it is announced retire after three monihs' leave of ab- sence. On General Von Gossler's be- half it is explained that two wounds he received in the Franco-Prussian war trouble him with his in'reasing years and that the emperor permits him to take a long leave of absence. A Disastrous Fire. Odessa, May 6.--~On Tuesday morn- ing a disastrous fire swept away the home oi Eddie Clark, who lived ab- out three miles south of here. It is claimed the fire originated from a spark from the chimney. All the con- tents down stairs were saved, but those upstairs were burned. The drive house was' also destroyed, along with a new cutter purchased last winter, and a few farming imple- ments, Little insurance was carried. On Tuesday evening. Mrs. Mary Laid- Bell, Sharpton, selstine's, Fred. has been en njamin, As- and daughter, Mrs. G. Jonah, Bos- ton, Mass, are renewin, old ac- quaintance here. Mrs. Ea very ill with grippe, is recovering. iting with her son and daughter, C. Mabee and Mrs. F. Burt, Morven. Did Not Make A Trial. Gourock, Scotland, May weather to-day was well probably being influenced by the re collection that ~the cup meet with a disaster on Friday. No More Strike Pay. Amalgamated Society of has notified the Clyde strikers as the strike to the instructions of the council: hie family from lev was united in 'marriage to William . : to work in the cheese fautory. Mrs. A. Boothe Williams, Mrs. Benjamin Mabee, Ottawa, is vis 8. ~The, ' suited for racing, but Shamrock III remained at her moorings, her owner and skipper challenger ert Glasgow, May R.--The council of the Engineers that strike pay will not be allowed them was declared contrary George Pickett = last week removed ETERAN DEAD, EMERSON COATSWORTH IAS PASSED TO REST. | ------ : One of Toronto's Mmicipal Wor- thies--An Action Against the C.P.R. Has Been Settled. Toronto, May 8.--Emerson Coats- worth, city commissioner, or over thirty years, died this morning, aged seventy-eight. He was the grand old man of Toronto's municipal world. In politics he was a conservative and 'oneé contested East Toronto "against the late Senator O'Donoghue, but was | defeated. He was a Methodist and he | leaves a widow, four sons and two daughters. gl : The U. P, Phas settled an action brought by Mrs, Jennie Winger for the death of her husband in a colli- sion at Islington, on March 7th. he court, this morning, confirmed the set- tlement by which $400 goes to the wi- dow at once and $1,100 is paid into comt pending the birth of a child. 5 The Italians of the city have decid- ed to build a Catholic church for themselves. They came to this conclu: sion at a meeting on Wednesday night. Other events took place at that meet- ing for this morning. Dominica Gen- i tile issued a writ for slander against Vinceto Seampeno, claiming the latter called him a robber on that occasion. IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT, News Of The Districts On Both Sides Of The Lime. Several parties of American anglers are already at Charleston Lake, and reports indicate a fair catch of .sal- mon. News of the sudden death of Robert Gordon, Winnipeg, was received in Tweed this week. He is survived by, his wife and family of six. 3 Miss' Bessic Warren, well-known in the musical world of Montreal and Belleville, died this week at the latter place, after a-short illness. 5 The assessor's 'work is done for this year at Carleton Place. The town's yopulation is 4,147; real property, £55015. personal property, $67,000; $11,550. Total assessment, $018,495. Mr. and Mrs. income, Mathie, Carleton Place, had fifteen relatives involved in the great Turtle Mountain rock slide disaster at Frank, Alberta, last week, of whom eight were killed, and seven injured. ) . Telegrams have been received in Brockville hy relations of the death on the rail of "Forrie" Mohan, but no particulars have yet been learned. He was home on a visit tochis mother a few weeks ago. Mrs. Ann Haig, one of Gananoque's oldest and most valued residents, who remembers the induction of Rev: Mr. Gordon, to the pastorate of St. An- drews, in 1836, was present at Rev. Mr. Gracey's silver jubilee. Samuel Graham, of Healdshury, Cal., formerly of Kemptville, Oot, died on the 17th ult. He was prepar- ing to return to his old home in On- tario, when death overtook him. He 'owned considerable at Kemptville. Frank Rose, of Smith's Falls, who injured his eye some time ago, with the end of a crowbar, had his eye re- moved by a specialist in Montreal. He suffered intense pain. His other eye will be saved to him. At the last meeting of the village council of Athens a motion was pass- ed dismissing George W. Brown from the position of chief of police, on ac- count. of his leaving the country and not attending to business. William Hillis was appointed his successor. property Stock Market Report. New York, -May 8.--The market was quiet and inclined to decline during the early hours, but a rally set in ab- out 2.30, bringing stocks up to their opening prices. Copper was very strong and sold above 67. There still continues to be heavy buying of the stock. It should go to 70 next week. L. & N. sold off slightly, but rallied at close. St. Paul sold off about a point, but recovered its loss. C. P, R. sold below 132, recovering to 132%. There are tips out on Atchison and New York Central. Think they are good to purchase. Pennsylvania sold ex-rights to-day, the rights selling at 3). There was a very small volume of business to-day. Think this recession will serve as a lever for advancing the market, > < WC Renee He Earned The Money. "Please help the blind." "But you don't look blind." "I ain't, sir, but the 'Blind Man' has gone out to see the baséhall game and I'm taking his place till he gets back, sir." like you're The King's Daughters Meet. The annual meeting of the city un ion of the King's Daughters and Sons was held in St. James' schoolroom, yesterday, when there "was a good turnout of members. The reports read were very satisfactory. Satisfactory Test. Paris, May 8.--). Santos Dumont, the Franco-Brazilian aeronaut, to-day mad? his first trial of his new dirigible balloon. The trial was most satisfac tory. ih Ames Guilty. Minneapolis, Mas 8. --Albert Alonzo Ames, former Mayor of Minneapolis, has been found ' guilty of accepting a bribe "of $600 while chief executive of this city. The franchise tax law, lately passed by the legislature at Albany, N.Y., has been sustained as constitutional by the court of appeals. A Massachusetts judge has ruled early today. : oye. Athens to Gogan- 4 that a theatre-goer has a legal right --We have just se- mc son Be -- pe -------- = cured from an Em- broidery Importing firm in Montreal the best Embroidery bargain we ever had. 1 here is along story back of how we captured the lot. Enough to know the goods are here and will be sold on 8at- urday Morning. 2 1 0 YARDS FINE SWISS ALLOVER EMBROIDERY With Lace Insertions woven into the de- sign, all this season's patterns and the va- lues are goc., $1, $1.20, $1.25 yard. YOUR CHOICE SATURDAY MORNING 39c. yard. YARDS WIDE ~~. "LAWN EMBROIDERY 12 inches wide, -suitable for flouncing, for children's wear, also for the new designs in Corset Covers. The value of these effi- broideries is 35c. yard. SPECIAL PRICE SATURDAY MORNING 15¢. yard. SALE OPENS AT 9 O'CLOCK SATURDAY. 34 JOHN LAIDLAW & SON.. 120-122 Princess Street, Kingston. BOYS' BOOTS That Will Stand Hard 'Wear at the LOCKETT SHOE STOR Boys' Neat Lace Boots, size 11 to 13; 75C. Boys' Finer Lace Boots, size 11 to 13, $I. Boys' Box Calf Boots, size 11 to 13, $1.25. Boys' Neat Lace Boots, size 1 to 5, goc. Boys' Finer Lace Boots, size 1 to 5, $1. Boys' High Grade Boots, size 1 to 5, $1.25. Boys' Box Calf Lace Boots, size 1 to 5, $1.50. A number uf very superior kinds at $2 and $2.50 F. G. Lockett G+ tt ttt 444444 tb 0004 to hiss the performance. wa RE A AA DREa SPLENDID VALUES. MEN'S $2 SHOES, new shapes in Box Calf and Dongola, good fitters and good wearers. McDERMOTT'S SHOE STORE. . We haye a most complete assortment of Men's Shoes. Every good leather made on every right last fn ery right style. McDERMOTT'S SHOE Our Specialty is Popular Footwear. When we say popular Footwear, we mean the best fitting, the most stylish and best shoes to be had . in the city at popular prices. McDermott's Shoe Store A HFN NAFSA Foe AAT ANN ATH 'Special in lron B It isn't necessary to say anyt fabout the superiority of metal | vi ha A Naryuody ges it. What 'we desire 1s Lo come and see the new lines beds we are showing. Here are ber of examples Heavy brass pnd up. 8.50, $5. to awaken ) foot, 4 feet, and iron hers raufing from $6.50 to ! ding all iron spring to fit. 50. Other styles from $3, $2.8 Good sanitary mat 50 $1 re ROBT. J. RE THE LEADING UNDERTAK s Doors Above Opera House, Prin KIRKPATRICK ART STO ~ESTABLISHED As well as our incomparable Artist Proofs, Engravings and and together with our immens excelled Picture Framing carry & terials, Post Cards, Passe Par fing, Mounting and Mattine Bo all the Novelties usually fou i First-C EWe Are Coming Ne fac complete line of Art ss Art Store. Fashiopable Wedding § ~----CALL A T-- Smith B (JeweLens, 350 KING STI i Ajld see 'what- they are ® the wedding present line. Souvenir goods of every * tions + ~ NEW CLOTHES FOR OL Bring your Dresses, Jackets, Bpring Uvercoats that are be d faded to us and we will | d Press them like new. ker's Dye Works and : T. E. HAWLEY, Man hone 406. 109 B _ TELEGRAPH OPERATORS IN THOSE WHO DESIRE T street, off Division street, city FOR SALE. . TWO MODERN FRAME HOU! Tot, Nos. 34 "and 36 street. Owner leaving city. premises. DR. WILLIAMSO! HAS REMOVED SURGERY sidence from King stre Brock belo Sa sireet, just Telephone 451. WANTED. eee A GENERAL SERVANT. A 18 Mack street. DRESSMAKING BY THE ply to 140 Kelson street. L. PRIVER FOR DELIVE! gon. Apply at 55 Princess SUMMER COTTAGE TO RE around Thousand Islands. estate agency, 51 Bi | A COOK AND HOUSEMAI have references. Apply to 45 King street, alter sever the evening TWO RELIABLE BOYS, AL: glass counter show cases awning for sale. Apply te 'Bibby Co., Princess strec -------------------------- A GENERAL SERVANT treal. ; Able 'to cook. N Two in family, $12 a ou ences. Apply Mrs. Bruc son street, city. AGENTS WHO ARE Wi work. Good goods and Men eafn $6 a day winte mer. Never out of seasol Marshall & Co., teas, Lox CARPENTERS IN TORON number of first<class wanted. Wages 30c. per h work to first-class men. secretary of the Builders eet SALESMEN, TRAVELLIN( cal. Side line. Twenty-f commission. Goods Rew; ; business everywhere. Sam) Address L.N, Co., 113 E New York. AN EXPERIENCED COO' $25 a month, also a wages $12 a month, for in a summer residence, ) ville on the river front. | quired. Apply "W.B." V ent ii sme MEN TO LEARN BARBE Short time required by Comparativel no expe naitions oy diplomas ogee w aily papers mand for barbers mailed Barber College, Chicago, YOUNG MEN AS CANV} Gi an 'the Randolph Hotel, K or Saturday or wr , inspector of age SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS n each state to travel