rlPiyf BfaiEr ili 5 ii # ¥ Enh g 8 i : i , Miss * Machar, and Miss All may not be able to at but the Kingston delegates have hospitali A meeting of the Y.M.C.A lacrosse be held to-morrow night, after practice, at the Y.M.C.A. build ing. A full attendance of players and all interested in the national game is as business be transacted. The Field as a Straight Conserva- tive, Moy 12.--At x She opeting tigation, mom: a that the whony he was on quite intimate terms in conversation with Hon. Mr. Strat- t the parliament buildings. He "Suki together when be had not spoken to Sullivan from to March 10th. v The next witness called was W. H. Hearst, barrister, Sault Ste. Marie, whose evidence went to show that throughout his campai in May, 902, Gamey was a straj conserva- tive. Pr. James Fell, of St. Joseph's lsland, gave similar 'wvidence. In cross-examination he admitted that the conservative convention had not bound Gamew in any way. John Kin- ney, town clerk, of Gore Bly, gave Samuel King, Sturgeon Falls, and A. A. Riley, formerly of Little Cur. rent, also gave similar evidence. Mr. Ritchie juadused Mt. Blake's Jann to Mr. Foy, ing "My Dear Foy." It was dared December 27th, and therefore Mr. Stratton could not have had it in mind when writing to Gamey in October. The court then journed till to- morrow when other evidence will be The court will not sit on Thursday, Jub it is Loped fo heat argument on Friday and Sattirday. If not an ad- ome will be made till the fol- ing Thursday. re s Murvale Musings. Murvale, May 10.--There was no ser- vice in our church on Sabbath on ac- count of quarterly meeting at Hart ington. nuel Orser is erecting a Isaiah Vanorder had a bee on Monday raising his barn. Mrs. John Young was "At Home" to Miss Peart Talent on Tuesday. Miss Violet ston. Miss Flossie and arker, Mrs, James Murton is very ill. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. George Vanorder and the Misses Vanorder, Hath Road, at their father's, Isaiah Vanorder; Mrs. W. Buck, Harrow- smith, at W. Wallace's; George Skel- ston, at A. Irwin's; Mrs. 0. Aikins, Kingston, at W. Davis'; George Hom- ing, Kepler, at his daughter's, Mrs. Willians Irwin. Off To Dawson. able one. in commuter's ti restaurant, 57 Brock street. Sokota and Kano districts, end been added to Northern Nigeria, and Stone, the r Bros." hat store ty vears. street, Ald. like Kingston to throw cold water on every scheme that had civie holiday. Refe of August was struck from the by- law, and the council mav hereafter name any day in any month as the kitchen and woodhouse, which will add much to the convenience of his regidence. is visiting friends in King- Bertha rant spent' Sunday at Dr. Walsh's, den, Fort Macleod, Alberta, at Baxter Guess'; Mrs. A. H. Leonard, King- Michael Dillon, of Gananoque, was in the city to-day en route to Seattle, where he will join two partners of his deceased son and proceed to Daw- son City. Mr. Dillon's son died recent. ly, owning a third share in a rich gold deposit in the Klondyke. This was willed to the father, who is now on his way to settle up the estate of his son, claim is said to be a valu Come in and see latest - feature Keswick Colonial Secretary Chamberlain an: nounced to-day, as the result of the British military operations in the with the capture of the Emir oF Rone 100,000 square miles of territory had Stasi i¢ indisposed to-day. His majesty a severe chill this morn- he prog for the day On. Thursday, May 14th, Helen M. ansomed missionary, wil spas in Sydenham Street Methodist ureh, on her captivity and ransom. Tickets, 25c., for sale at Campbell _ King Edward and Queen Alexandria and Palace un Jevee, the first of such funct to be held in the historic palace for 8 pled that the to the water whose sewer had e. That committee ning "wanted commcil to a ! dont with the application of the street rallway rounds on the ny for use of the fair 1st and civic holiday, aldermen thi t the com- wittee should handle the matter and report it. Alds. Walkem and Reeves each gave Ald. King a " " jarring to Ald. King's opposition to ing down." In re- of; a park on Clarence said "it was just a tendency to the city, and Ald. King seem {improve y 8 to have the disease very bad," Ald. % | King had referred to "certain charac- 'fters who promenaded Clarenee and King streets after hours," and Ald. Walken intimated that he had ocou-. pied an office on Clarence street for twenty-five years but did not know @o familiarly referred to , who had been on the short time. ruling, Mayor Bell cut to be a protract- il. However, it two hours to trans- act one as business On motion of Alds. Craig and Behan a committee, wonsisting of Mayor Bell, Alds. Meek, Mcleod, Craig and the city enginecr, was apvointed to intarview the management of the G. TF: R. company, relative to rumored changes at the » outef junction, and with a view to having the main lin: closer to or through the city. On motion: of Alds. Behan and Mec- Leod, the assessor was instructed to assess all dogs found in the city while making his assessment for 1904, This will relieve Dog Bailiff Conley of much work. ' Ald. Meek gave notice that at the next regular or subsequent meeting he will introduce a' by-law regulating bill posting. #0 as to prevent the expos- ing of obnoxious posters in public places, A bylaw was adopted confirming tariff recently arranged by the proper ty committee for the use of the citv and Ontario halls. This by-law will he made aovlicable to the Frontenac Cheese Board if it makes use of On- tario ball. A by-law was adopted regarding the rence to the month civic holiday. Every alderman wae present at last night's meeting, a most unusual oc- currence. LABOR MATTERS As Reported on by Secretary Glockling. The third repoft of the Bureau of Labor, of the province of Ontario, ending December 31st, 1902, has just been. issued. In it the secretary of the bureau, R. Glockling, gives some very interesting information touching labor and industrial problems in Ontario-- information, the value of which justi- fies the step the government has taken in the interests of labor. From reports sent in by Kingston unions, it is seen thit the following wages prevail : . Mason's, Builders', laborers' Union. otal membership, 75; average earn- ings per week, $9. ourneymen Tailors' Union--Member- ship, male, 20; female, 59. Average Shmings per week, male $12; female, ~ Laborers' Trotective Union--Mem- bership, about 60. Average earnings per week, 87. Journeymen Stonecutters' Union of North America--Membership, 30. Aver. age earnings per week," $18, Carpenters' and Joiners' Union-- Membership, 7S. Average earnings per week, $12. International Association of Ma. chinists--Membership, 90. Average carnings per week, $11. Tanners' and Curriers' Union--Mem- hetshin, = Average earnings per day, $1. Amalgamated Sheet Motal Workers-- Membership, 24. Average earnings per week, S10. In a table of strikes and lockouts, oceurring between September 1st, 1901, and Decomber 31st, 1902, is the {following statistics relating to King- ton : Machinists' strike--Septomber 25th to September 30th, 65 men. Cause, re- fusal of firm to reinstate discharged employee. Result, unsuccessful, Journeymen Tailors' strike--October Sth to October 11th, 80 employees. Cause increased scale. Result, com- promise. Tanners' strike--April 1st to April ith, 25 men. Cause, increase of wag- es. Result, compromise. Tinsmiths' strike--April 21th to Ap- ril 38th, 12 men. Cause, increase of w .. Result, successful. mchinists' strike--Ajril 30th to wee, 65 men. Cawse, objection to placing of handy men. Result, un- settled This annual report contains a great mass of statistics of interest te work- men and their employees, laws gov- erning strikes, lockouts, etc, employ- ment bureaus, returns of organi tions, ete, A Special Course. Lieut.-Col. Davidson, Major Merry- wether, Lieut. and Adjutant Petrie, Major McCrea, Guelph; Capt: Scale, Montreal; Lieut.-Col. Hurdman, Majer Arnoldi, Ottawa; Major L'Aleberti, a . W. C. Good, Wood- stock, N.B., Major Macdonnid, Co- hourg, are in the city attending a special course of instruction at "A" Quebec; Capt. Field Battery. 4 S------ Fine pi guson's. Jat fir the "Black Cat." chusetts coast two weeks ago, when a | sel's sails and drove her far out at Their. baggage and portions of the > 12je., up at Fer All Had Prepared to Die--Little Vessel, After Battling With | Death For Two Weeks, Ran Ashore. Norfolk, Va., May 12.--A thrilling story 'of 'the experience at sea of the parkentine Vera Cruz 111 came to Norfolk over the government sea- coast telegraph wire from 'Hatteras, | HC, ; The Vera Cruz with 433 Portuguese immigrants bound from the Cape Verde Islands to New Bedford, Mass. was within 135 miles of the Massa- terrific storm carried - away the ves- sea. . 1¢ was thought the craft would founder and most of those aboard abandoned all hope. Jury sails were finally rigged, but another storm came up and carried them away. The barkentine arrived off Ocracoke, help- less, Friday afternoon. : Food of all kinds had given out. ship's decl load had to be burned for a fire fo make as good condensation of silt water as possible. The ' shipwrecke immigrants are still being cared for on the coast. Of the immigrants 390 are men. One died from starvation. The others are well. A revenue cutter will soon garry the shipwrecked foreigners to New Bed for PITH OF THE NEWS. ng The Very Latest News Oulled From All Over The World. Forest fires are blazing away in Pennsylvania, miles of timber being in flames. The Philippine Islands . are not ready for the gol standard, says Secretary Edwards. The citizens' banquet to Lord and Lady Minto will be held on May 28th at the King Edward hotel, Toronto. Two Indians, in British Columbia, bought a lot of Florida water, and are dead from drinking too much of it. Creditors of David Marks, whole sale diamond merchant, Maiden Lane, New York, have had a receiver ap- pointed. ¢. The grand jury brought in a true bill against Walter Romaine, on charge: of murdering Louis Gold smith, in Toronto. Robert B. Trent, cotton manufac- turer, Warwick, R.I., has assigned; liabilities $250,000 and assets three times that swum. The government steamer Lady Laur- ior has arrived at Halifax from Sable Island, and reported all well on the island and no wrecks. Edward © Hoover, telephone linemen at Auburn, N.Y., fell with a pole, which, being set in a marshy place, tipped over with the man's weight. Charles and Henry Tierman, bro- thers, inmates of 'National Soldiers' home, Milwaukee, have been united after a separation of half a century. Immigration = arrivals at Winnipeg on Monday numbered about 450. Two special trains arrived on Sunday, the first having over 1,000 on board, all foreigners. . Al. Adams, the "policy king," now in Sing Sing, will, with Milter, of syndicate fame, be removed to the state hospital at Dannemora, both be ing seriously ill. The Seaforth Milling company's warehouse and elevator were burned, all efforts to save the buildings being fruitless. Loss on stock $15,000. In- surance $25,000. David W. Edgar, mail-carrier in Brockville, is dead, leaving behind him a memory of a straightforward, up- right man. He leaves a widow two sons, and onc daughter. A plot to murder the 300 members of the Chinese society of English edu cation, San Francisco, has heen dis covered. The would-be murderers are the presidents of the Lee Yup society. A twelve-year-old lad named Dennis was drowned at No. 3 dam on the Trent canal, seven. miles from Peter- boro, on "Monday evening. He was the eldest child of a widow with six children, . Miss Eva Booth waited on Mayor Cook, Ottawa, to-day, and tendered the services of the army in relieving suffering. Lady Ritchie made a similar offer in behalf of the women's council. ' The public accounts committee has ordered the attendance by Thursday of Sullivan, T. Charleton and P. Shannon, to be examined re sale of timber limit? in Rutherford township. to Shanoon, The car "Montreal," hearing the re mains of the late Justice Mills, reach ed Toronto, by U.P.R. at 5:08 am. and was immedidtely transferred to the G.T.R. train, leaving at 8:30. a.m. for London. The schooner Laura, Capt. Creaser, sailed from Halifax, N.S. on April 8th for Louisberg, C.B., to load coal for Yarmouth and has not since been reported. She carried a crew of eight and was 249 tons. The Michigan senate has adopted the house resoletion of welcome to the governor-general of Canada and a committee of five, three from the house and two from the senate, will visit Detroit on Wednesday and re present the' Jaginluture, ; Hon. Clifford Sifton and his' dsso- ciates, engaged on the Alaskan bound- arv guestion, have been © at Lord Strathcoha's 'country house this week. Christopher Robinson, K.C., has ar- rived in London to assist Hon. Ed- ward Blake to prepare the Canadian reply to the American case. ayor Cook, of Ottawa, has receiv- ed the following cable from Hon. Joseph Chamberlain : . "Havé heard with great regret of the terrible fire at Ottawa and shall be glad to re ceive further details by telegram." The 8S. Manchester Commerce, Manchester line, froin Manchester, passed Father Point inwards at 7.05 am. The 8S. St. Enoch, from Rot terdaan, inwards at 7.20 am. The 88. Cervona, Thomson line, from Newcastle, inwards, at 7.40 a.m. I of the year clear out many lo GOODS 'just before their. stocktaking "at prices The Montreal and Toronto Departmental Stores are keen afte these lines. In spite of this we have this year secured many par- ticularly good things. much below their cost. Your Ger 25¢. Dozen. In this lot there are some very fine French Valaociennes Insertions, marrow widths, Children's wear and for Undewear, Trimmings, also fine enough tor Handkerchiefs. 05 Pd eX To-morrow We Will Offer the Following : DOZEN VALANCIENNES LACES AND INSERTIONS Ranging in price from 45c. to 75¢, per dozen. ~ Three Specials watching the wholesale hanses, who at this; ts of SPRING A Wi Ao Coming Near The Smith Bros. + 195 DOZENS WHITE LACES AND INSERTIONS Heavy Cluny Designs for trimming Sum- mer Dresses... This Cluny Lace is now having a very 'large sale in New. York for Summer [rimmings. The regular valves of this range from gc. yard. tg 12}4¢c. yard. YOUR CHOICE romomzow IC, Yard. { 11 Fine White Muslin Pillow each. YOUR CHOICE ronorzow 793C. Each. + SALE AT 9:30 O'CLOCK. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON... 120-1272 Princess Street, Kingston. Shams and Bureau Covers This is a Sample lot from a Swiss Maker and many of these are very fine, being Hemstitched and: with fine Embroidery and Lace inserted. The values are $1.50 DIFFERENT STYLES, DIFFERENT TOES, DIFFERENT HEELS. We keep them all at the LOCKETT SHOE STORE. NOTICE. LA laige stock of Trunks and Valises. Old Standard Family Bread In use for fifty years, and still in the lead: A Standard Bread for all, especially th¢ workingman, A Full 2:b. Loaf. -- TOYE'S BREAD. p-- n yY JIRST APPEARANCE ON Thrsday Evening: 7:30 0'CLOCK IN THE WINDOW OF Tir TO! Se DAILY | Royal Arcanw t ni . EB Stock house, 8 p. See .m. the ** Blac) dow to-morrow ) The sun rises and sets at 7:1€ Frontenac run George's cathed: If you have ni it is a waste © ou can never a women or at A balanced becaus middle. Not long ago man's nine As weather We craved the Well, here it May 18th in attack on Maf 1900 ; fAifle E Louis Re c O'Connell died 2 ; sh : We have E. P. JENKINS. sets," in all Deut miss seeing this wonder. ~ mings to room. The and very © rnb Woddog Season | $2.29 --CALL AT-- \ JEWELERS, 350 KING STREET, " And see what they are doing in the wedding present line. ..ROBE AL Souvenir goods of every deacrip- THE FENB TO-NIGHT an GARES AND PASTRY |p - Have you tried our Florence, Colum- bia, Alexandria, Duchess, Melba, Angel, Magnolia, Royal, Gingerbreads ahd Va- 7 These are the latest out. "SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. , . Williams wishes to inform - re Sihat he will open The. age wick ant,' for business on ure, day sexi, May 14th, 1908. Thanking al those who were his patrons im his form. or place of busimess, he now takes pl liciting, a share of their ga- his. new location, Jpich a fitted up in better sha 0 Jive , the ~ Erompt "Brock St. THE gi . WELLING WELL SITUATED D and premises, ye 4 Ean street. east ilin " fo = Yo the te of the Jase Jane , . Favorable tei A Riv to John Mudie, licit~ or, 89 Clarence street. TO LET. ) STORE AND WORK ROOM, 197 THE agian street, also the building 201 and 208 Wellington street, suit able for surgery and dwelling or clap rooms. J. S k. McCang, 51 Brock strat. 1 G. BOGART, M.D, C.M., FORMER RESIDENT HOUSE SUR- goon of the Kingston General Ros pital. Office and residence, 138 Wel- lington St., Kingston, (nearly oppo- site Post Office). Telephone. 47 DR. WILLIAMSON, HAS REMOVED SURGERY AND RE sidence from King street to 355 Friday Matinee ... . Sat. night __. High class Peoples' 80c. Riatine sale. HELE The - lady $65,000 by "WiLL CIvE ee Dot THUR YDE) At 8 p.m. Fc At N The best meals. Sp Short or "y CONGR Ti Si Brock street. just below Clergy will 1 street. Telephone 451. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. P FURNISHED, CUT STONE HOUSE, . No. 57 George Street. Immediate Pousasion, Apply to Mrs. ; ie. 213 King Street. (Succes WANTED. ------ he Always A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AP- ply to Mrs. C. Livingston, 502 I'rin- w Cess street. Meebp------------------ A ; A GOOD 'GENERAL SERVANT, HIGH C wages, no washing. Apply at «1 Wellington street. 1 Ss A COACHMAN--REFERENCES RE-~ required. Hon. F. T. Frost, Elm- P ] ce et ---------------------------------------- . SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT IN OR around Thousand Islands. McCann's Jewe ock street. troft, Smith's Falls, Ont. ws estate agency, 51 Br 8 pairer. A COOK AND HOUSEMAID . MUST | lingto! have references. Apply to Miss Hora, | sss 45 King street, alter seven o'clock the evening. MON: I ------------------------------------------------------ AGENTS WHO ARE WILLING TO| A Co work. d goods and good pay. Men earl $6 a d winter and sumn- mer. Never out of season." Write Marshall & Co., teas, London, Ont 1 hila have r ----------------------------ieniieer: | R 9 MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. | in cull al offer for fifteen days in | United Tools, tuition, board and]... gt ay. Positions included. Time saved by our method. Catalogue and parti- city. culars mailed free. Write Moler Bar- | messer ber College, Chicago, 'Ill. ee ---------------------- YOUNG MEN AS CANVASSERS genteel business. ood chance pany ' IN is sai for | confes Students to ul money uring of he vaca on, at home or in say die | foun t. Call and see me for pa at the Randolph Hotel, Kingston, Fri- in wh ty or Saturday or write me. ville. acey, inspector of agencies, Lorne |/ "Per say © ---------------------------------------- SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS |Gibso in each Er travel for house | .., established eleven years and with - The i j¢ o Ag i ad erences and encl Reltaddrasted en- | mach ope. THE NATIONAL. Oazton | pPatrc 200 The. fit- | their re Not medy In bowe structors' Butter - just arrived from | IMP Git Lon