Daily British Whig (1850), 13 May 1903, p. 5

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e waterproof days a stup. Over-garment your: pride, it's a water- ill preserve nd by serv. purpose it pocketbook, will prove a tment. _RAINCOATS 2. 50, $15, JELEBRATED to $10. nd 4. .and C S : 3, $3.50. . ® "a narrow ave a lot of 'ine Ameri- Shoes for 8 ORE 3 k ain h Wrappers in r stripes. We n regular value good honest | Each. cin light, me- y in price from Brskirts rcerized Sateen ade. $1.50 is they last « Each. om 75¢. to §3 RO and picking ntly watered and attrac- } best. human race. hed rightly best dressed ave you see ashery you if you 'e, Or prices nd the pick. ts' Furnisher, of. _ made at pon 1 opcration. * «I had an abscess in my side in the-fallopian..tube... (the.. tube is a connection of the ovaries). I suffered untold misery and was go weak T searcely geturound. The sharp burning pains low down in my side were terrible. hysi. ¢ian said there dor me less 1 would Soha Hy : and be operated vem. 'T. thought before that I would try Lydia BE Pinkham's Vegetable Compound which, fortunatelyg Raith and it has fhade ame @¢ stout; h hy=woman. My adyice to all womicn who suffer with any kind of female trouble is to commence taking Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vegetable ry at once." -- Mus. IrasS, How Stilvideo, Ohio.--~ $5000 Soot if Bist of a above letter proving gemul) It would seam by this rate. ment that wom would" ga d mi Nie knems fmol go ia "Ev es 1 uty. Vegetable Compound 2t once, and. also ie Jo i Mis. Pin or special ade % It Tren free ee always helps. No other person can give such helpful advige as Mrs. am to women who are sick, IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. News Of The Districts On Both Sides Of The Line, W. J. Marsh, late of Consecon, 'is now located at Kakului, Hawaii. Kenpeth H. Welbanks, 'South Mariibiteg, ded Sunday evening, aged twenty years. Di. Ki C. Campbell," Carleton Place, disposes of his practice.in June to Dr. H. W. DeRenzy, Arnprior. Mrs. . John R.' Smith, formerly of Picton, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Reuben Sparlier, Hey- ckimer, N.Y., aged fifty-five vears: She i8 survived by one son and' five dangh ters. Mrs. John Houston, passed away on Thursday last, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry - McDonald, of Drummond. The deceased was Barba- m Paul, a sister of fhe late John Paul, of Ramsay, and he preceded her fo the other shore by just one week. Country Produce. Nontreal, May 12.---The receipts of gus to-day were 81 cases, as against 815 yesterday Owing to. the continu: ed small receipts, the tone of the market remains steady. and until they fhereaso little change is anticipatéd. The demand is fairly good and sales of No. I stock ina jobbing way "were 124c. to 13c., and No. 2 at Hic. to lle. per dozen. ) Busines ¢ in beans. eontinues Juices anc pricesr are unchanged at $1.75 to 81.85 per bushel, % 2 There was nothing new in honey to Hots, We quote : W hitq clover, in Sob, 12. to 13e.; te 'strained, in to T0-h. tin: . to Ye; and buckwheat, at y Te. to Tie. The J de mand for potatoes in a job- bing way was good;and the tone of the market ist firm with choice stock in car Jots selling. at $1.15 per bag, a in a obbing way at 81.25 to 81.- ---------- A Store Robbed, The store of Simmons Bros, , plamb- 1%, ete., Princess street, was entered Some time during thé hours of dark- Bess last night, and a number of mall articles, such. ag pocket kiiived, Catery, éte.,"{akén, as well as a small Shenmy of change, which had bec n 3 Ao the till. "The theft is thought ko have been committed by a boy. Mirance was gaitied: 1 ev 2 hrough a rear Something that appeals to the busi ess fod 2 good meal cleanliness and despate » at The Keswick, 57 rock sre 5 --lf ay A COMMERCIAL, ------------ NEW YORK STOOKS. From Metropolitan Stock Exchange. Jaton Pacific," 2 why gs Nanhai aad 160F 1604 R 1414 1413 Peopie's Gue ~~ 'Cre WEE 85 65% Sugar © Uns 1 1024 bs nu 31 Steel pid * Ae A Loui &1ron 2h a Southern pac. 2114 oni & Western ks 3 oh Louis & N 120% 120} ock Tatarn 1174 111 ET 3 & Pacific 1 HF . pr A F oF > Merican 1ocol Gog 604 mal, Copper hf 1 oo) a ada p > Hid lado Ry. 0° RY 1314 al Se. 3 a1 Sas Blo Sy By 25 jpiiax St. Ry 107 win (on. Fdectric 'Ty. 100} Dome. tY Transit DO Buona; Cable 000" Bets Telegraph chepnone, Co. other is 1% Pay toad Cota = nk e Nax, Cop 3 Dy fario Bug } oming : ie" vie Bank Steel p D, Coal 'Mrs. Holfiger 8 moved wittonfa surgical Es SUBJECT of 1 MUNICIPAL {0 maging wilt Be Considersd by a Spain) -- Bills in Which n is 'Interested--Graft- Toronto, May 12.--=To-day the at- torney-general delivered a judical and comprehensive review 'of the subject of municipal ownership and operation of public utilities when asking for a. se lect. committee - of five. members to securé réports and deliverances on these. questions. They are so much now in the public mind that the case présénted was not only interesting but waluable, It was in fact a brief for the municipa! committee who are to take up the subject on Thursday morhifigain' connection' with bills: for a municipal fuel trading franchise, asked by Ottawa, Hamifton and Brantford: He gave the substance of an English municipal, commission of investigation, which was not favor- able to municipal operation, .The nub- lic water works concerns had, 'snuc- ceeded, but those for electric lighting Hid not as a rule been prosperous or comforting. Indeed, the tax-payers in nfuny places were appalled at the in- ¢réase gf municipal debt. Thére could bé no questiod as to the propriety of investigation on the iy ies materiaily wfiecting Canadian intefests and Cana- dian' minicipal opinion, that the ver- (dict of the house, of corporations and of the public might be well-informed and fair. Mr. Whitney claimed that the at torney-general had arraved his facts %o as to sustain his general ohijections to municipal ownership, and that, in this view he was at variance with the majority of the people of the provinge though they may not have, as a rile, studied sthe question deeply. The appointing of a committee was pot opposed, since there was no desire to 'stop the progwess of bills, for municipal exploiting presefited this session while a year was spent in searching for es 'and pointers. Mr. Crawford took a view opposite to the attorney-general's as to muni cipal utilities in England, urging that great debts were met largely by valu- able assets, The premier closed the debate by declaring that there was danger in the municipal agitation for utilities and that the wisest thing was to enquire into experiences of other lands. The committee proposition passed. . Another Cataract. lor the evening, oft motion to con- tinue supply, Mr. Beatty Nesbitt re- peated his © speech of the d%her day; charging the government with neglect of public interests in not providing for Tull development of the power of Niagara Falls under provincial exer- tion. Mr. Gress replied, showing that development was - taking place at great cost; the government was now inviting municipalities to follow this up. t was. not true that the gov- erpment - had given away the fran- chises, there was one still left within the park, with several outside the park. which could be leased, to mu- nicipalitics, for whom chyice of privi- leges will be reserved. This was the best of public benefits. Mr. Kribbs re- turned to the charge, calling the pre: urier's bill for municipal depelopment of the power a "fake," but his views as to facts' were corrected by the pre. mier and he sat down better satisfied, and the debate closad at ten o'clock without the expected amendment and divigion. Some of the opposition forces' were absent, Mesers. Pufil and Sutherland charged that the government had wasted ef- fort and means in bringing a wrong glass of immigrants for. farm labor- erd, to the disappointment of the ag- ricultural community. Only now was a better attempt being made. Mr. Davis replied, fort and growing success of emigra- tion officers in London. Mr. Ricard applauded the worl; he had last win- ter secured forty imported laborers showing persistent ef- for his constituents, and only 'two Lady Kirkpatrick, widow of the late | Lakes Superior and Huron: About were uwnageeptable after trial. Several lieutenant-governor of Ontario, is in [three years later, the Egho is inform- votes for agriculture were passed. The the. city, the guest of Mr. and® Mrs, | ed,' a fine specimen was caught on the house rose at. eleven. ( lark Hamilton. Saugeen River, With. manly pritle th» Major James Galloway has. been | lucky angler sent his catch to the an Kingston's New Wings. gazetted lieutenant-colonel, and is | thorities at Ottawa for which he = re Among the new bills presented was econded for duty in - the district | ceived a ten dollar bill as a prize nh that for incorporation of the King: | h adgadriers at "Toronto. | so far as we are aware, this was the sten anf Frontenac railway company, The three Bickford. bre thers, of 'o | onlv one caught up to Inst week, when whiel hé had that morning passed th: | ronto, left SV steeday for Rot in n Indian succeeded im landing, at the Goniities oh: Standing - orders. The | their new gasoline yacht, built by the | power house near Sonthampton," an- Kingston, Gananoque ard Perth Eleo- | Kingston Bloat company. 'The little | other fine specimen. The strangest part tric railway passed the railway com- | vessel is twenty-five fect long in that this latest catch resembles the mittee today, with extensive amend- Four local "candidates to-day wrote | po citic salmon more plosely than it ment in form, to prevent duplication | on examinations for admittance to | gos the Atlantic species, of clauses of the general act. The com- pany .is «to be permmtted to bond for £20,000 per mile, after five miles. have heen completed. The clause allowing the company to receive public messag és for its telegraph and telephone lines was struck out, as the power has been riven to colonization roads only, not in old settled countries, The rights Kingston and other municipalities con trol of highways, as to selecting route, laving of rails, aud, purchasing of ex « isting lines, are well protected The chief promoter ig: J. C. Judd, and he has received emcouragement to pro will be held - soon. afterythe bill has | Lino citizens in the vicinity of the [ launched in the Davis shipyard Won heen finally "adopted. Ofcourse. the |; C. junction vesterday, for sub- | da The boat was built Ly Andrew Kingston and Gananogue: section will seriptions towards "Deseronto fire | uclon, dnd belongs to Captains W not ha built if the Ontario electric line | moore He did not obtain much | L. and H. W. Visger. She is the Jar is started cot fron Wing<tcn money. gest boat launched here in twenty five The Lanark commty bill for securing "Captivity and Rescue," is the sub- | years and is one of the finest on the free roads and better roadd"was pass jert of Helen M. Stone's graphic lec: | river. od, the interests of opposing sections ture in Sydenham Street Methodist | e-------------- having been. satisfied by several com- | church, on Thursday evening, May | Frontenac Rural Deanery. promises in details. 11th. Tickets, 25c., on sale at Cp | The meeting of the rural: deanccy of bell Bros." hat store. | Frontenac. began with. a eelebration Making Grafters Pay. : jo | of the Hols Communion in the cathe Fhe municipal committee had a field Booking Many Excursions. dral at 7 30 on Neduonday morning. dav over Mr. Auld's bill to emable Thé Thousand Island Steamboat | The morning or n hia devoted to cofinties having houses of refuge to | company has booked more excursions t hearing Xoponie ny atious par "harge other municipalities more free- | jor this summer than ever before. Chief | ish od Jn The, J eens, the im e I than they can mow do for paupers | among them is that of the mail gar » 8 Sova Mh n of Sun who av over the 'borders accidental riers of New York State on June In oy matlors, ly. The shirking of béirdens of public | The number | guatanteed is 1,000, ut | rth . Pg a support of destitute and helpless has | double that number may come be | + On Thursday, - ith, elen WM. been a long-standing scandal jin Can- | excorsionists embark at Clavion, but | Stone, She) uitmie gh sionary, will dn. It wes a common thing | a few | itis not vet dmown - whether or not | speak in Syden am treet Methodist airs aco for township councillors and | thev. will come-to Kingston. a Jyshuiuly: on her Fr deity and ransom. icers. 10 ship their sick, helpless, | The" company has had a. number of | Tic ets, + 20e., a amphbell a to cities, 'to be} applications from ofganizations wish- | Bros.' hat store, nd dependent aa, or in hospitals and homes sus. tained by the charitable efforts and givings' of townspeople, There was a general smart-Aleck custom in vogue, the Royal Old the number of fiew members attending | coed anew. A meeting of the directors | | 4 tramp. beyond doubt, "ing to gi wi i ome lave hs Sik ouses .are as one to | three in four, and of course they ab- sarb paupers from the shirking munis cipalities. To make them may ig fairly" this' bill was passed afte threshing out. of the. subject, with hs one hand against showing that' fair: play is a jewel, in legislators' eyes. strange as'it may seem, Reciprocity In 'Order. A bill to enable Fy C. Scadding, of Ohio, to practice dentistry in Ontario, on: partial. exam'nation and without attendance at Ontario Dental College was. beth ported and opy d. very TROOPS "oF tA EMIR FIGHT : BRAV ELY. Chiets Stand, by Their Flag--De- tails of the Capture of Sckoto by the English Tell of a Bloody Struggle For Suprem- acy. London, May. 13.--Details have beef strongly. It. was claimed on the one hend that he : had passed a regular college itn! Ohip; and had practised for filteen vears and would be no graft upen the . profession. On the other hand - the bill was opposed be: cause it weakened Ontario College, in waving aside matriculation or arts examination, in abolishing come final test, as admitting éne. who had Leen chiefly a helper to full status, and as doing for 'an Ohio student what Ohio will not do for. Canadians: The hill was held over for a day. Making Hospital Solid. Mr. Duff, Simcoe, has infroduted an act declaring that any manufactory exempted from general. taxes shall be liable ito a rate not exceeding one | mill on the dollar per year, on its fuil assessment, in addition to school tax, to be paid to a local hospital in lien of payment for care and treat. ment of its employees. This would be an expansion of the plan by which Queen's College students benefited so { well this past winter in connection | with Kingston Hospital. es Kingston's Néw Line North, The act for the Kingston and Fron- tenac line. will be consi in com: mittee next Tuesday. The/ subscrip- tion | and allotment of stock are guardtd with. wnosually restaictive clauses. . The capital stock is 18 he $100,000 in shares of $100 each; bond ing power, $10,000 'per mile, a low figuze; head office andjmeetings to be in Kingston; company may lease roll- stock; its' telephone and telegraph « to be restritted to its own busi and no poles to he erected. with out consent of municipality. Councils may by by-law exempt thé company and its property in whole or in part ing In nes from taxation, for a term not exceed ing 'twenty-one years, and they may give land for right of way, station connected The usual grounds or other purpdses with the traffic of the road. power is given to erect elevators, docks, as' well as warehouses and offi cer, to acquire vessels to carry pas: sengers and freight on Loughhoro and Collins lakes; fo erect snow fences on private lands along the line for win ter months; to make connections with or to lease to, the Kingston & Pem broke railway; the poad to be begun within three years.and finished within five years. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Reporters on Their Rounds. Montieal, Mrs. James J. Johnston, reached' the city to day to visit friends "Black. Cat," Thursday evening, at 7:30, at E, P. Jenkins'. Be sure to gee 11, King Ben attended a meeting of "tention of people of small means who received of thy capture of Sokoto, March 14th, by the British column oc ded by Colonel Morland, The engagement lasted two and a half hours. The British numbered abot 500 men, with four quitk firiny guns and four maxims. The wnemy's forces, horse and foot, were -estimated to number . some 6,000 men, the riflemen being armed with modern rifles and using smoke- '9 powder. The British camped during the night of March 12th, a mile and a half from Sokoto, after a hard march of 100 miles from Kaura, with but little wa- ter and having passed through a dif- ficult country. At daybreak, March 11th, the Prit- ish moved out in a square formation toward the valley in which Sokoto lies, Immediately after the Britich appears ed over a ridge, the Fulanie charged with fanatical bravery, undetesved by a withering maxim and rifle fire. They had no proper leadership, hut the iso- lated bands contimned to advance over heaps of dead and dying, refusing auarter, thay aeere shot down while shouting. "Allah" with their . "last breath. The main body of natives was final- ly routed, leaving a remnant of ab- out * thirty chiefs around the Fmir's great white flag. These chiefs were de- fiant to the last and thajr corpses found hanging t were to the standard vhen | the British, entered' the cits which' consisted mostly of thatched Hts semi-ruined walls extended seven miles round the place and were pierced by eight gates. A few days later the populace re- turned and the Fulanis tendered their sihmission to Commissioner Lugard. who arrived March 19th, and installed a new emir. The British then retired towards the coast, leaving a garrison of two companies of infantry. houses Schemes And Schemes. There mever was a time in the his tory of this country when there was more rubbish in the guise of invest ments put on tha "market than now, Lqw-priced shares that attract the at are now prosparous--but there is a day coming 'when the people who in vest their savings will have green cer- tificates which ate absolutely worth less; fraudulent mining and oil pro perties, happy home furnishers, finance companies 4° get-rich-quick speculative pools, horse racing schemes which pro- mise to pay ten per cent. a week on the so-named investment; all of which are put out with the most alluring promises to catch the eredulous people of moderate means. A well known shoe company is on the market with 810 shaves. The con cern has spent large sums in advertis ing, and claims to be making and sell in more shoes than anybody else fro, the largest factory in the country. If after such a record and such a reputa Temiscaming railway commission in Toronto vesterday. where he constyuc- to-day for Fort William, on C.P.R. left will be engaged tion work. The police this afternoon arrested 4 tramp on a 'charge of begging. was soliciting money for fire sufferers. Military College. The ex aminations were, conducted hy Col. | A Fine Regiment. Nontizelion in the Annirie nd | A Kinghtonian whet: redhod homies we ingston, iananoque F torday on Nontral in : 8 Perth electric railway bill for an ex- | va g's er 1 ssa) that he : ¢ vears passed the rail rw the 5th Rova cots on parade tension of two yours Pe wigan lart night and a smarter regiment had onto News, | 2 way committee he To ui Tote The, Cools oi 30 n error, reported that it was turned jown [} A marked feature .of the Kingston i Boys' Association at Toronto is The rush they will | each meeting, roahd July 25th on the good old town | will be | one. respectable a live { looking man, A fairly run. Sunday excursions to Kingston, but on account of the. Can unless the runs are of combined secrecy and vall, but gra shame and 8 stricter law has dually shame | it is cheaper to fake your meals at the last five or six years the firm is The Keswick, than it is to pay car [ obliged to go to the investing publi fa i and board. : two or three things should be careful Are s v considere he Sage" fe: Capt. Andbew Dunlop returned this Iv considered. First, the business is a al failure, or else, second. the manage morning | from Toronto, where he : . . ag | ment is a failuve, or else, third is spent a few days on business. | 3 al , se, third, it i Kingston and Hamilton schools lead | A stock jobbing game. Whe should those of the province in attendance they after a rently "gfx or seven pereentage. Not much truancy can | VOnrs of success'come to the investing prevail ' public with ®10 shares in their com V. Redmond. B.Sec.. of this city, | pany ? Wiarton Echo He Don ninion Fisheri¢ Ieseronto' | ited a. quantity of Atlantic py Wo fry strength, od with the was ean- | pew in commuter"s tickets. The Keswick adian Sunday law has had to decline | restaurant, 57 Brock street. to handle them, made to river points ou the United | 7:30, at E. P. a te ' side. a § tion has phtained during the course of men F ALLARY] | Woman Fosovers $12, 000 From a Railway For It. New York, May 12. ~--Her_ la ry plea that her ' beauty 'was ruin as the result of a trolley accident is be- lieved: to have ' Inrgely infludnced a jury in the Union County Court yes: terday, at Elizabeth, N.J., in award: Ang a Verdiet for $19,000 to Mrs. My ra -Rése Searles, thd young. wile of Dr. Frank Searles, a physician of Plainfield, Mes. Searle and her sister, Mrs. Cpe: rie 1. Bristol, of Plainfield. daught of Dr. Henry H. Lowry, 'of that city, were run down by a trolley car of the Elizabeth, Plainfield and Central' Jer: soy Street Railway company, on Au- gust 18th, 1802, while driving. Her counsel, Craig A, Marsh, of Plainfield, dwelt strongly on the fact that his 'elient Was one of Mainfeld'e handsom- est women before the aecident, and then pathetically asked the jurymen to see for themselves her present altered appearance. They were out less than an hour. Dr. Searles was also awarded 83,000 by the jury for being deprived of the companionship of his wife since her mishap. Mrs. Searles sued for $30, 000, y Notable Events. May 13th is the anniversary of the birth in 1730 of the 'Mafquis of Buck- ingham; British premier when the Am- erican 'Stamp Act" was repealed, for which his ministry' was deiven. fom power, but after the close of the re. volution he was recalled as successor t0 Lord North. Born in 1825, in New York City, John L. Le Conte, famous for his investigations and contribu tions on American fauma. He, has been called "the geeatest entomologist that this country has ever produced." Bern in London | in 1842, Arthur Sevmour Sullivan, composer of 'Pinafore' and other' popular comie = operas. War against México declared in 1846, It Nourishes Infants. - No other baby food is as mourishing: wholesome or 80 universally used. It is a perfect substitute for mothers' milk. Nestlé's Food Sample (suficfent for eight meals) free. LEZMiNG, MILES 4 60. wowTREaL. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. odo fi baad oo oe on Suites, ansuring J A HENDRY, AGENT. - POOR POT IEEPORPREES EPR OREEREE OQ) Beet t-------------- MODERATE plices' Bedroom, light and attendance tacluded; from $6.50 per day, , Breakfast, from goc, ; Tanch, Sse. ; dinner, §r.g0. 7 a 54 10% A mbestus agfvid dom Shout 4. Lda £9 Telegraphic Address : Cecelia, London. ered ia: ASA pba a ama oo grade id ies' --Imitated in' style minor concerns, but Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of foe For Caught A Salt Water Salmon. Some seven or eight, years ago the Department depos in some of the rivers running into having cight fill companies. cave, will he delight who, Besides being on parade; gre ngstontans, he Scots aor soldiers ood fellows New Steamer Launched. N.Y., May 13.- Th was Alexandria Bay, steamer Captgin Visger, Jr, Come in and 'see the latest feature 3 ; : } ying DECAY ade, jolly | NERA Ter when not so engaged. & ST when not so engag (S$ ml a Foran ES Fa ke ] yy ys py ROOFS ENTS RUST ON {For Sale Only by' A. STRAGHAN Hardware Merchant, Kingston. in Kingston at SUTHERLAND'S 8,000 pairs turned out anfactire day of 8 hours--The most suc shoe in the Ristory of Hie shoe quality, fit and TY BOOTS, $3.75." ., : OXFORDS, $3. by t never only - ARR SHOE: STORE McKELVEY LAWN REQUISITES 69 and 71 Brock Street. Lawn/ Mowérs) : «Gorden Tools, Garden Hose. i3 mph 18 & BIRCH, - Kingston, old Standard Family Bread: In use for fifty years, and still i in hg lead. A Standard Bre workingman. A Full 2<1b. Loaf. TOYE'S BREAD. . tad Gs ES. a ree i ad for al, especially the ¥ $54 y nr Red x LEARN BELEGRAPH Graduates. Only Roheol in World ron by Canadian Mallroads FAC tne And endorsed by P. "Black Cat," ' Thursday evening, at Jenkin', - ; it

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