EY t harden or gy 1 Sunlight Sodp of he oils ang fats ence of free alky SHINGLE fA ol ¥ TRACHAN rare 'Mérchant, Kingston, =~ CS - 980000000 00004 GAINS !: ° i ° Gallet's Almond Soa; : hés (good) 2 for 5c : rushes, 10c., regu ° ° » and Wine, larg c @ ° Hyposphosphites, lar- ® Fo * t Iron Tonic Pills, 25c ® ° ched Sponges, at 10c ® * ° ° S PALM: GARDEN $ 2UG STORE . Street. 'Phone 59. © ° 100000000000000 iy F Scale MASON & RISCH amine it's special features elsewhere. Ask to sce the ked pin-block, the il, the unexcelled ju won ow Farjvador pug Wall patent patent Photographers and 121 Princess St. pond with ochheed M. A, iperintendent Toronto. King* ; own a home on our tle down, and regular, ents will give you the lesire. s have good some cash buyers, but Wwe terms for the worker ay all at once. RS roel. McCANN, Ground Floor o 2 are sold in Kingston le druggists. . tli ene im fave Your Sale | guarantee you satis- Its. We don't brag the work. Nothing ut your best interest VICTORIA DAY .. 1903 .. iLL, ISSUR RETURN TIGKETS AT Single . First-Class Fare Going May 28rd; and '35th, returning patil May 20th, 1008. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P. R. Ticket 'Office, Ontario St. §. CONWAY, FA FOLGER, JR., Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt. THE BAY. OF RAILWAY NEW A ChoKT Le Fon Tweed, Napanee, | Dessronto, and all lo- gal points. Thain leaves City Hall D- pot at 4 pk FY CONWAY, Agent, V ExcursioN Betwoeg All Stations in Canada Lowest First-Class Fare FOR ROUND TRIP. Going dates, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, May 28rd, 24th and 25th Tickets. valid returning from destina- tion on or before Tuesday, May 26th Tickets to Certain points Seid in ac- cordance with above will not be good for passage on trains No. 1 or train No. 4. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Pass. Depot DOMINION LINE - STEAMSHIPS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC LIVERPOOL. Pominion, May 28, June 27, Aug. 1 Southwark, May 80, July. 4, Aug. 8 Canada, June 18, -July 1B, Aug. 22 Kensington, June 20, July 25, Aug. 29 BOSTON 10 LIVERPOOL. Mayflower an May 21, June 18 Commonwealth .. June 4, July 2 New England .. .. .. June 11, July 9 PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL. Nomadic, May 28. Tauric, "June 6 Irishinan, May 30. Norseman, June 13 AVONMOUTH DOCK AND BRISTOL From Montreal Magxman, May 19 Ottoman, May 30 OSTON TO MEDITERRANEAN. Njucouver June es apreman, June 20 'or further ticulurs a to J. P. FHANLEY, SR J. P. CILDERSLEEVE, 42 Clarence St 1 The Dominion Lime, Montreai & Port- and. ALLAN LINE From Montreal. From Q h Tunisian; May 23, 9 a.m.: May 23, 6 p.m Parisian, May 80, 9 a.m.; May 30, 6 p.m Pretorian, June 6, ® a.m. June 6, 6 p.m First Cabin, $65 and upwards Second Cabin, Liverpool and London- derry, $37.50 to $42.50; London, $2.50 extra Third Class, $25 and $26: Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW DIRECT Sardinian, May 20, (2nd and 3rd class paly Sicilian, May 27. First Cabin, $50 to $75; $35; Third class, $35. J. P. HANLRY, Age, OTR: City Passen, Depot. . GILDER- SLEEVE, Clarence street. LD MONEY AND BUSINESS. I'WO 'HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL- lars in sums from one thousand to 2nd Cabin ten thousand dollars. "Fer particu- lars apply at GODWIN'S INSUR- ANCE EMPORIUM, over Express Office, Market Square. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR small sums, at low rates of interest vestiment the Post: Office LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company Available assets, $61,187,215. In addition to which the policy bolders have for security the unlimited: lability of all the stockholders. Farm aad sity property insured at lowest possible rates. ore" renewing "old or giving new business wet tes from STRANGE & STRANGE. Agents. 9000000000000 $ Swift's $ Coal STOVF, EGG, NUT. . PEA, GRATE. Best Quality. © JAMES SWIFT & 80. $ Jus SWF 8 50. "ELEPHANT Ready Mixed Paint = very best paint on the mar- y most durable, finest colors, 00060000000 ' ---- a 10. Heme Pobre dfs te yo BABY"S OWN "SOAP Pure, Dainty, Delicate. Beware of Imitations. Hl ALMOST AFRAID TO GO TO SLEEP FOR FEAR SHE WOULD NOT WAKE UP, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART. | SHORTNESS OF BREATH. FAINT AND. DIZZY SPELLS. Mrs.Wm. Bingley, Grand Tracadie, P.B.L, Hasa Very T Experience, but dg ' MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS : She has been restored to perfect health. She writes: "'About seven months ago I was badly run down in health and be- came very weak. I was troubled with fluttering "of the heart and shoftness of breath. When lying down at night I was almost afraid to go to sleep fear I would never wake up. When I arose is Pp. the, morning I i pha ring I would feel a little better, soon as | started to work my heart would start fluttering, my héad would 'bes come dizzy, faint weak spells would come over me and it seemed as if black objects were floating before my eyes. I was grow- ing worse every day until I gota box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Whea the box was half gone I could feel that they had done me gdod and by the time it was finished I was in exceller.t health and would advise all sufferers from heart serve troubles to try them." Price go cts. per box, or 3 for $1.35, all dealers, or THB T. MILBURN CO., Limited TORONTO, ONT. ! ee eee eee eee and baths at the: MAGI CALEDONIA SPRINGS will be in full operation May 27th. Can- ada's greatest springs. The hotels -JAMES REID- UNDERTAKER SEE WINDOW DISPLAY OF COUCHES | A fine line of Couches with steel construction. Handsome English Couches, fringe all around, Only $7.50. Beautiful Wilton Rug Couches, Only $12. Couches, also Tapestry with Polished frames, Only $5. JAMES REID. Use Furniture Restorer. Velour Bed Couchss, This Space is | Reserved for P. WALSH Coal and Wood Dealer, 55-57 Barrack St,, Kingston. Pees vsanas ~ PURE ICE CREATL Now served or delivered in bricks. AT A FIRACHAY, HARDWARE MERCHAYT. A. J. REES, Princess St, ASS 8% ¥ SHERI Hearing Quite A Few Dele- gations. FARMERS' VIEWS PAY THEIR OWN AND RAIL. = ROAD TAXES. : Any, Right, Power or Permission From a Municipality Creates a Franchise -- If Valuable it Should be Taxable. ' wu Toronto My i9.--This morning the special comiiittee on the new assess: ment act held another seéunce, at which, however, farmer delegates pum- bering thirty, from different parts of the province, made no mystifying passes. Rural committees were notified in plain Anglo-Saxon , with no eva: sion, equivocation or mental reserva- won, that if they passed this oppor: tunity by and did not tax railways and other general utilities they would be passed at next election. Secretary Smith, of the Farmers" Association, combatted the claims of the railway advocates of last week to an, ordinary dividend on capital when that capital was inflated to $95,000 per mile, when a fair cost should be $30,000 per mile. Yet they were earn- ing as much on inflated capital as were farmers on actual capital. Con- ditions of Ontario were paralleled in Michigan and Maine in population ta the square mile, and yet the taxes were but a fraction in Ontario, which also serves several United States lines for direct inter-state routes. The rail: way companies, despite generous treat- ment here, charge thirty-three per cent. more here for passengers and twenty-five per cent. more for freight than in Michigan. The government bill for railway assessment would be too slow in action; the Pettypiece bill for prompt action was the proper re: sort. - Mr. Annis, East York, challenged more of the railway advocates fi- gures; the tax on woad-bed was not $20 per mile, but rangéd from $3 to $6, and rural assessments averaged nearer ten miles than fifteen miles. Then the railways earned as much per mile as in United States., while they discriminated against Ontario on rates. Grain 'was carried to the sea from Duluth for llc; from Ontario 164c. was charged. In the republic the railway commission curbed the rates; in Canada it was inactive. Farmers were not earning 24 per cent. over liv- ing expenses; they were tax burdencd and demanded relief. Mr. Bowes, West Lambton, gave a ample case of taxation. London town: ship had twelve miles of Lake Erie and Detroit railway line, containing three stations and sixty-one acres land; the tax was ouly £42.60. The bonus given this road was $14,000; on would be $215. The government bérus was $3200 per mile; on that value the tax would be over 8700. In view of classes were discussing the question; they could not understand the immu- nity of 'railroads, and had to pay their own and railroads taxes also. He seriously advised mem hors of the legislature; if their mem- ber for Glengarry, Mr. McLeod, op posed the movement he would not again be elected. Any tax the govern the legislature could be well intrusted with their "share. thé quoted value of their stocks. He hore testimony to the ecarrving of In diana and Towa produce for cheaper than that of Ontario farmers. ? Mr. Small, Nérth Bruce, cited an- other case. railway bonus of £43,000; the munici pal tax gathered was 86 a mile; total EE ------ Pains In Chest That Tells of Approaching Pneu- moonia or Serious Lung Trou- ble--Prevent Further Develop- ments by Using OR. CHASE'S SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TURPENTINE. When it hurts to cough, when cough- ing or a long breath causes pain or a feeling of soreness in the chest, when the linings of the throat and bronchial tubes feel raw and sore, when you feel that the cold which you expected to wear away i8 getting the better of you, 'turn to Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, and you will get prompt relief and cure. John Clark, coachman, Rort Hope, Ont., writes ! "Being exposed, to all sorts of weather 1 frequelitly catch cold. Last winter I was so bad with a cold 1 could not speak above a whis- per, and had great pains in the chest. At last I feared-it would develop into consumption if 1 did not succeed in getting proper treatment. "A friend advised me to try Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine,; and 1 began tolimprove before 1 had taken half a bottle. Ome bottle cured my cold, which I believe would have proven very serious if I had not used this medicine." As a prompt cure for croup, bron- chitis, whooping cough, asthma, all throat lung affections, Dr. Chase's Syrup bf Linseed and Turpen- tine is wonderfully effective. Tt is not a mere cough mixture, but a thorough snd far-reaching medicine, which acts that value of ownership alcne the tax why farmers ment collected was for the people, and lailway companies complain of lack of dividend, but you conld not buy some of them at double Annabel township gave The Danger Signal lands. _ Mr, Ewing, West Wellington, = de- cldred the farmers were ings igher tax per, acre than the farmers. reé townships in his riding had fifty-seven miles of lines; and the companies were On almost the same mile: a in Michigan $40,000 was exacted, of Ontario r did not seek that haul hut i some "to jus joe. The government bill did not at: tain the proper assessment for len years, too tardy an action to meet public opinion. Mr. Slater, North Waterloo, claimed that net earnings on a farm of a han; sired proper justice, than the gov: bill pledge. 1i they were now by, some other class would be Jater on. Uncle John Hyatt, Prince Edward, said the farmers had asked for: justice" for years * and no man would come back thee from the counties, nol even a government, unless a just tax was leviéd. Then the franchise men got in their pleas: Mr. Lynch Stanton, for the Rell Telephone company, contended that it was being three times taxed, first in 300 municipglities, at full value of visible property; secondly, by the Ontarid government as a fran chise; thirdly, on shareholders' divid- ends now, & fourth tax was proposed on value of franchise, a clear duplica: tion. assessments had been in creased by $705,200 to over $1,000, 000 in Ontario, since the scrap iron re sort fell through. The new bill aims to abolish personal taxation; now fran: chises . personalty, A si tax advocate was mgainst dis) taxes, but so long as theg were retained these big corporations, which use. roadways, should be the first to pay. As long as it gave a pro- fit a franchise was valuable; it 'was to a leasehold. an "Mr. O'Brien, for the Toronto Elec trie and Power company, denied that nse of streets for poles and con- duits, was any more a special fran- chise than driving a cart over them. It was no longer a monopoly except under contract with municipal corpor- ations. A voice--How and for what would you tax wireless telegraphy 7 No re sponse; the infallible authorities were busy with other thoughts just then. Mr: McKelcan, city solicitor, Hamil ton, would tax companies for right of occupancy as public utilities, other wise as a special franchise. The eity solicitor of Toronto Jdeglar ed the city "did not receive taxes on the electric company's poles. At first they were so eager for the benefits they pave the rights freely, too freely. ie declared that ®e new bill vould be unfair in pooling the large taxes on big stations 'in' cities with lesser tayes on rural sections of lines, striking | a néral average. This view was chin} enged by several persons, who con tended . that "the province yemorally provided the travel to big places and should share in the benefits. Mr. Thompson, of Toronto, a stu dent of 'public questions, frequently consulted, declared that a right power or 'permission from a municipality created a franchise. 1 not valuable it was not nesessable, but if valuable why not tax 'it? A éommission wou be A fair tribunal to work out uni formity and practice. ad ourned till Friday. large government expenditure for On request of the county of Went charities and insane and for protec | worth the. full municipal committee tion, the farming element expected | approved an amendment to the act {wo-fifths of the takes to fo to the giving county councils the power to government. regulate tires and lock shoes and to Mr. Wilson. Alexandria, said all | abolish bicycles from sidewalks. The county will be relieved from liability for accidents on sidewalks erected on county roads by township or village » | councils under the premier's road bill. Consent for such walks must also be { obtaiped from the county council. The House Tuesday. A dozen bills received third reading with happy despatch, including those of Ontario Electric railway, Western Shoe company bonus at Campbell ford, debt * consolidations at Ganand Yue and Deseronto. Hon. F. R. Latchiord introduced a. bill to ad- the Temidcaming or govern ment railway. Messrs. Gibson, Pat tullo, Preston, Graham, Crawford, Hendsie and Murphy were made the special committee upon municipal trading A bill of the minister of education, permissive sixty-five per cent. privilege for pupils to attend high schools in other countries was passed, but it has little interest for Frontenac, since it would not be available till a famine sets in. The attorney-general's children's protection act passed to third read- ing. Each electoral division is to have a committee of six, half to be one' to be the M.P.I. vanoe giving a women, and Fach member shall be a children's apent, and co-operate with rescuers. They are charged with promoting philanthropic sentiment on behalf of the neglected. Children charged with rime may be 'remanded to the sur- veillance of probation officers; no one under fourteen years of age can be committéd to jail, but shall be placed in care of some relative or benevolent person. ~The premier's bill to protect and improve the banks of the Niagara from washing" away, between Fort Erie and Chippewa, apd to provide jor a trolley lipe, was advanced a stage, us also his act to improve highways. It facilitates the acquire ment of roads by county councils; for giving road grants to townships and sections, to reimburse them for taxa- tion for county roads which do not directly benefit them. ° The premiers bill to impose a li cense on iravelling circuses or mena- geries; those of twenty cars or over will pay 8100; « those under twenty cars, 850; each side show, $10. An inspector is to protect the public from imposture. Penalties are provid ed for. In answer to enquiry it was shown that fishing leases haye been applied for for Hungry Bay, Mink, Rock and Ink lakes, Frontenac; Westla Macoom lake, Midington; Bast and West lakes Prince Edward. ' Carpet Should be done 'early before the rush. At 'works, Ontario street, old, dusty carpets' made 'to on the whole system, and drives out look almost new a thorough' pro- disease; 2c. au bottle, family size |cess. Moderate pri Carpets on (three times as much) 60c., at all | up and velaid if demired. , or Edmsuson, Bates & Co., Pini nn, ) es in Tayler Galen 1 | -- 3 3 Lo THN DAWYWHIL, WEDNESDAY. dred acres: was $150 per acve. They de | The committee STIFFNESS hod aad v FOR ODDFELLOWS' HOME. PSite Purchafed Near Oakville Costing $7,000. The members of the Independent Or- der of Oddfellows in Ontatio have within 'thé past" few days, through their tréasurer, Mr. McCormack, a special committee, purchased a piece of property just north of Oakville, on the lake 'shore road, for which $7,000 will be paid just as soon as the title of the site has been proven. The de sire of 'the order for many years will then be realized; and' a substantial structure, costing manv thousands of dollars, will be erected, to be known as the Oddfellows' Home, in which aged members of the order, widows of dedeased 'members, and orphan. child: ren of deccased members will be tak- en care of. Fully £20000 has already been contributed: towards this work, and the recent purchase of the land is the erystalization of much effort in- to practical accomplishment of th: fixed purpose. ~°A WONDROUS FOUNTAIN Whence Spring Forth Health, Strength And Happiness. cure for the sick. AN the troubles caused by a disordered state of the blood and nerves find their remedy in it. - Strength, Health and Happiness, such are the benefits that sprin this marvellous, incomparable weakness, nervous diseases arising from the blopd to try this ugequalled com nerves, powerful tonic, this cer pound, this tain 'remedy. For sale everywhere. ---------- Pittsburgh Township Council. May 18th. --The court met and the made in assessments : R. J, Dunlop, assessment reduced by $200 on ord- nance property given up to govern- ment; and 'the 'name of George Li. Simnith entered as dwner of lot pt. 9, con. 2, and name of H. Alexander T. Roach, lumber, $5.13; H. Leheup, stone, 821.78; T. G. Rudd, royalty, $2.25; W. H. Rea, work, $7; R, See, and McCallum, work, 8% P. Mchenna, work, 82; P. Shortall, bonus on wov en wire fence, $10; J. McLean, bonus on woven wire fence. $2.60; E. Mo Master, bonus on woven wire fence, £5; W. Anglin, bonus on woven wire fence, $11.25; J. Davis, bonus on woven wire fence, $0.43; J. Wheeler, work, & A. Payne, stone, $1; R. Webb, work, 8 Joseph, McKendry, work, 23.50; E. Germain, stone, £2.50; W. Ennis, con. work, CO H. Wilmot, con. works; g2.50;, J. S. Gillespie, con. work, 83; AM. Tisdale, carctaker, £5.75; Ratbbun Co., lam ber, £10.50; M. Byrnes, coal oil, 80c.; P. Gough, stone, £10; James Hamil ton, broken stone, $3.50. Moved, Ruttan-Smith, that statute labor be abolished in the township of Pitts burgh, and that'a bylaw be passed to confirm the same. In amendment, moved, Greenlee-Kendall, that statute labor be not abolished. Amendment carried by casting vote of the reeve. Bylaw pasted appointing road over- scer. On motion, Kendall-Greenlee, a by-law was paksed fixing amount to be paid in lien of statute labor at 81 per day. Moved, Smith-Greenlee, that John Clark be paid $3, in full of his claim. Carried. , Movéd, Kendall- Smith, that the members of the cont of revision be paid each 82 Carried. Adjourned till * June 15th next. ---------- What causes that look of supreme satisfaction as people leave Taylor's Palm Garden ? The case of Gilmour & Co. vs New- boto Canning company, the plaintiff, got judgment for $926 and costs of action. Ask Him Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. He kaows si about this grand old family medi- cine, this splendid. tonic. Follow his advice and we wilt bo satished. | 0 nate &GATIRG Lord fe Proma 'is thé wondrous fountain of of revision following changes were struck off. Court adjourned and the following business done : Aécounts yassod--H. 'Toler, @ssessor, 840; J. A d Milne, work, 86.45: clerk, postage, greeable $1.72, W. H. Miller, culvert, $38.58; 3 % Largest and mo N Overlooking the pictures "MODER! : Bedroom, light and attendance included, fram $tiyo por day. Breakfast, (rom soe. ; lifnch, Sse. ; dinner, Sugai - Suites, ensuring absolute privacy, from 84 per day, Telegraphic Address : Cecelia. London. n A. JUDAH. Maneger. a rrr Re: OOCO00000 OC ee WORLD® 2) from |A% Toma, Te would advise all sufferets from exhaustion, tuber- culosis, dyepepsia, etc., in fine, all the and E : fre Ta FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS, INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S J. A HENDRY, AGENT KINGSTON. LABATT'S The Purest. ASK FOR and Most! fs Es. ole) OOO 0K O Beverage on the Market. . JAS. McPARLAND, A ge Be ---- : TO.LET. G00D FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR without board, 101 Queen Street. FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, with board, with all modern con veuiemces, at 191 University - Avenue. Phra an 4 " EDUCATIONAL. } SCHOOL OF A Evening classes, day, 7:80 te 9:80. suecially for mechanics . a tion is given (ndividuslly mane FURNISHED JOOuS. rh OR | trades. without board, Ww modern improve v Wients Apply 160 Kiug street, corn- CHARLES B. WRENS or Union street. 198 EARL STREET, 10 ROOMS, HOT water heating, h possession. 3 mediate Also other buildings, stores. ete. J. S. R. McCann, 51° Brock street. PRIVATE : TELEPHONES We have them--the very latest and best. . Call and inspect them. and get the prices. Electrical Belle, ete., placed to or- der. BRECK & HALLIDAY, f' oh during the ¢old weather: It's: just the kind to Let us All your dook with, too. bin with °