who have once en. ness and flavor c t any but is t PORK end BEANS &ot CLARK'S they're TT ---- 000000000 bg GAINS 1; allet's Almond Soap ® (good) 2 for 5¢ shes, 10c., regular and Wine, large sire Hyposphosphites, lar- C. Iron Tonic Pills, 25¢ ed Sponges, at 10c. PALM GARDEN JG STORE eet. 'Phone 50 GP OOOOIOPOVCOOCOOOIRLEEES ER, prise the main line of which are unex- for artistic beauty, desigm, coloring or 121 Princess street ove 4. EESE & (0. e celebrated Mason & Save yourself also loss by' insuring r in good Reliable AN ACENT the best, it's the » long run. We re- eliable companies. » terms to suit you. nd on our looking t in settling losses McCANN, Ground Floor on , 1.--For ordinary cased y far the best dollar icine known. elal cases--10 degrees per ] st for Cook's roan. Take no othe? res and imitations ave na. No, 2 are sold anc are sold in Kingston druggists. nt nad eer ie Your Sale arauntee you satis We don't brag y work. ' Nothing your best interest The Auctioneer. Feb Bahia T, M.D, C.M, ENT. HOUSE SUR ston General os- gELOn, Papa ily o Telephone, 47 Limited, T 'oronto, 10. any person can pros -. this prove het : is soap cantsine or contains any injurious chemicals. Reward 2 bogs who speeind' to the Whig in my last letter, was strangled on STRANGLED, joagd gl 3 TnE CIGARETTE. BILL HAS CEASED TO BE. ensigns Redistribution. Bill Will Go Through=-Other Measures May Be Pushed Aside--May Get Decorations. 23 As foreshadowed the cigarette hill Monday: evening Ottawa; May +7 Ask fer fle Octagon Bar. eet ee and the manner of its end showed ERE Re , | how easy. it i8 to Suilipais the deatls May 28rd, y of a dog without choking it wit tts May Both, 1908 Deranged Nerves pudding. Other public bills in the § i File Bi ph 1 ' hands of private members were post: seekers' Excursions AND poned: ar referred to. committees, and ome: hd 2 this action means, in most cases, fro--= that they will be head of no more 3 this session for Monday was the last (Canadian North-West Weak Spells = day allowed for the transaction of June 4thand 18th "and? July #th, 1903 : . such business. g Pickets good for 60 days, Mr. Monk's insolvency bill was put Full particulars at K. & 0. and C. P ---- & out of sight, but there is a wide: B GonwAY, A. FOLGER, JR. . spread _iuelings hath in parliament * Gen. Pass, s 5 en. Supt. An throughou e country Wr.R.H. Sampson's, Sydney, N.S., some legislation on this subject, AS res THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR , Napanee, Deseronto, and all lo- points. Train leayes City Hall D- pot at & p.m. ¥F. CONWAY, Agent, PB. Q. Ry., Kingston. IY DRGTL Sc: VICTORIA DAY xcursioN Between All Stations in Canada Lowest First-Class Fare FOR .-ROUND TRIP. B Going dates, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, May 23rd, 24th and 25th. Tickets valid returning from destina~ tion on or before Tuesday, May 26th. Tickets to certain points sold in ac- cordance with above will not be good for passage on trains No. 1 or train No. 4 J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Pass. Depot DOMINION LINE STEAMSHIPS MONTREAL AND QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL. Dominion, May 23, June 27, Aug. 1 Southwark, May 80, July 4, Aug. 8 Canada; June 18, July 18, Aug. 22 Kensington, June 20, July 25, Aug. 20 BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Mayflower i May 21, June 18 Commonwealth Jupe 4, July 2 New England . June 11, July 9 PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL. Nomadic, May 23. Tauric, June 6 Irishman, May 30. Norseman, June 13 AVONMOUTH: DOCK AND BRISTOL From Montreal. Manxman, May 19. Ottoman, May BOSTON TO MEDITERRANEAN. Vancouver; June 6. Cambroman, June 20 Por further pariculury apply to +. Py HA. +» G:T.R. ¥. P. GILDERSLEEVE, 42 Clarence St Dominion Line, 'Montrea: ALLAN LINE { From Montreal, Quebec. Tunisian, May 28, 9 a.m.: May 23, 6 p.m Parisian, May 50, 9 a.m.; May 30, 6 p.m. Pretorian, June . June 6, 6p.m First Cahih, and upwards Second Cabin, Liverpool and Londoms derry, $37.50 to $42.50; London; §2:50 30 » extra Third Class, $25 and $26: Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London MONTREAL TO Sardinian, May nly S GLASGOW 20, DIRECT (2nd and 3rd class Sicilian First 335 J. May 27. Cabin, $50 to $75 Third ck $25. Agent. Cabin 2nd G.T.R., City P. GILDER- Depot. BE, Clarence atest. JAMES. REID- UNDERTAKER RRR EWR OE SRR We rr, SEE WINDOW DISPLAY OF COUCHES | : A fine line of Couches with steel konstruction, ! Handsoma English Couches, fringe all. around, Only $7.50. Beautiful Wilton Rug Couches, Only $12. also 'Tapestry with Polished frames, 'Only $5. JAMES REID. Use Furniture, Restorer. A Cosy Bright Fire a an attraction for every one. heat cherry glow and immense felt of our coal will make itself With pleasure during the cold Velour Bed Couches, Couches, Weather. It's J . just the kind to 00k with; too. Let us #1 your with BOOTH'S COAL. » Phone 133, Foot of West St. PO NOT FORGET That youican Lim two pounds of heay- he ans Jacd for Jc. Nnotlder. hams. Oi) A] strictly fresh SKS: k sumerous preparations Advice to all Sufferers from Nerve Trouble Is "GET A BOX OF MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS." He says: "I have been ailing for about a year from deranged nerves, and very often weak spells would come over me and be so bad that I sometimes thought I would be unable to survive them. 1 have been treated by doctors and have taken but none of them helpedfme in the least: I finally got a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Before taking them I did not feel able to do any work, but now I can work as well as ever, thanks to one box of your pills. They have made a new man of me, and my advice to any person troubled as I was, is to get a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills." Price §o cts. per box, of 3 for'$1.25, all dealers, or THE T. MILBURN CO., Limited, TORONYO, ONT. Metropolitan Stock Exchange rated Under the Laws of Maseachusétts CAPITAL $100,000 FULLY PAID. KINGSTON BRANCH Clarence Chambers, Clarence St Opposite British American Hotel, *Phone 400. J. J. McKENNA, Manager. Bond#, Stocks, Grain and Provisions bought on margin or for cash. Pe Our Coal Is As Clean As Though It Were Washed and Brushed. Fach lump stands by ithell. Good solid coal--so much solid fire. After ceal reaches the surface of = Lhe earth trom the mines, impurities are picked out by hand. Thereafter it is screened several times before it reaches you, and dirt, slate, etc, really have no chance if the dealers are careful. We are very careful. Crawford COAL THAT SUITS. Foot of Queen St.--'Phone 9. WANTED ! For Immediate Gall Large erowds of economical pur- chasers to thoroughly inspect ou: well selected new assortments ot Ready-To-Wear Clothing, correct fashioned Gents' Furnishings, lat- est demands. Hats, Caps, perfect fit, wearing qualities and moder- ate prices as inducements. Clothier? and Hats, The hotels and ba hs at the: MAGI CALED SPRINGS will /belin{ operation' May 2ith. Oi ada's greatest springs. there is every chance quired, anc a government bill that next session will be introduced. Mr. Charlton has had another shot at the senate on the act for the re lief. of William Francis Schooley, who, for good reasons, sought a di: vorce from his wife. The argument in favor of a Canadian divorce court is linsed on 'the fact that under our present system, legislation of this kind is A luxury which is only ac ecssible to ~ the rich. On the other well be doubted. Nor can it be said that the senate is so overburdened with work that it is desirable to re lieve it of a time-honored function «hich has been at all times faithfully discharged. The public works' estimates were first tore up on the 23rd of March. and have been under discussion for firtcen days and nights, to say no thing of lengthy debates which have aceurred on motions to go into com mittee of supply when it was intend od to proveed with these estimates. Afr. Sutherland is a patient man and requires to be so, under the heavy erosg-fire of questions which are in- eopsantly rained upon = him with a pertinacity which would ordinarily exhaust the patience of Job. I .am informed on good authority that Sir Frederick Borden's militia bill will not be proceeded with this session, and if parliament is to pro- rogue beforé September, it is likely other government measures will be ab andoned. The redistribution bill is be ing slowly advanced and will certainly be passed before the house rises, Meantime, the story of impending dis solution is being stoutly denied hy to happen. sommended by the Canadian govern ent for the new imperial service de announcement of these and other hon ors will be made on Victoria day. will probably include Collingwood Schrieber and J. M. Courtney, both of whom are qualified by eminence anc length of service. It may also be saic that in the natural course of harness. The news that Lord governor-general Minto is to re for ~ another the cable advice received from Eng All the cattle on board two steam ers, at Durban, from Buenos Ayres d. disea: ing the Kidneys, Liver LIVER PILLS. rrr had appendicitis what of their ailment? Did you ever ques tion a person recovering from typhoid fever as to what brought on the dis- ease 7 in each case'you will find constipation to be at the beginning of the trouble And yet you neglect to keep the bo wels regular. It may be you have not resorted to proper treatment. This i= why we suggest the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Jf is well: know that bile is natu cathartic, and hence it. is necessary to keep the liver actively engaged in fil tering the bile from the blood and pouring it into the intestines. When the bowels become constipated the kidneys and liver become clogged. as well, and no mere purgative will af ford lasting relief Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills not only. regulate the bowséls, but also strengthen 'and invigorate the action of the liver and Kidneys, and so ensure a cleansing of the whole system. It is undoubtedly "this direct and combined action of this great medicine on the filtering and execretory organs of the body that makes it so successful where other remédies fail. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills posi- tively cure kidney disease, liver con: 2 fime and Nem te dhe "Phone 570. Or plaint, bilioneness, and constipation One pill a dose, 266. a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Ce., TOROMAOs . . . iiioivs sv yummie mae The Deaths 'Re¢orded of Several Napanee hand. the wisdom of giving greater J fncilities to those who wish to dis- card their husbands or wives may many memhers who sit on the right | 15 Xvi of Mr. Speaker. while those on the lelting company of -Brockville, and left are not in a position to be. de was largely interested in other ndus- finitely informed as to what is going Certain civil servants hdve Leen re coration, and it is supposed that the understand that the list is slim. but it events neither are likely to remain long in main * . gear will be received with general ap Under construction in the boat plause throughout the country, where shop of Horace Bolton is a trim lit he has ruled with wise and steady | tle naphtha launch, 20 feet long by judgment since .his advent nearly five 4} feet beam and fitted with a three years ago. | am informed that under land, his term of office will expire in wi'l use it for correspondence and November, 1904. newspaper work next summer. $2 Shoes For Men. BOWEN SNUBBED. (ood looking enough to wear for fir shoes; strong enough to wear for | His Undiplomatic Conduct Gets work shoes. MecDermott's shoe store. Him Into Trouble. Washington, D.C., May 22.--Criti will be slaughtered, because many are ILLS THAT COME WITH CONSTIPATION Emphasize the Necessity of Keep- and Bowels Regular and Active By DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY- Did you ever ask a person who has was the cause If you have, we venture to say that Persons. we May 22~James Pearson, an old and wellknown resident cf died of Sunday last, and was buried on' Tuesday. "Jimmie as he wos familiarly called was known to old and _ young in the town. was seventy-two years of age leaves a grown up family of ' six children; 'thrée sons and three daugh- ters, one brother William of Leon, arrived Thursday to attend. the funer: Napanee, 'The sympathy Of the town is ex; tended to Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jones, Richmond, in the death of their son, Walter Scott, 'aged twelve' years. child: wad taken ill on Sunday last. and the doctor pronounced the case appendicitis. He was removed to the General Hospital, - Kingston, on Tues- dn, and the operation was ' per formed, but on Wednesday the little sufferer passed away. His grief strick- en 'parents: brought the lifeless body home the same day and the funeral took place yesterday aiternoon. Walter Coxall attended the funeral of 'his mother, who dicd at the home of her daughter; Mrs. George Gilles pie, Wolfe Island, on Sunday last. De- ceased was in her ninetieth year. John R. Seott, Virgil, Ont, is in town for a few days. W. T. Detlor, Toronto, the summer vacation. . M. 0. Fraser returned irom Manito- ba on Tuesday last. He will return in about a month and take his family back with him. ~The rain which is so much needed in this section seemed to pass all abbut us Tadt evening, Scarcely enough "fell in Napanee to Jay the dust. M. B. Deming reported so seriously ill a fow days age. is slowly improv- ing, and his friends will be pleased to hear that he will soon be around once more. A daughter "was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Anderson (nee Dora Hu- lett) on Sunday last. PERSE KILLED BY FALL. Brockville Man Meets Death in British Columbia. Kamloops, B.C., May 21.-- John Me- Laren, the well-known lumberman of Brockville, is dead, at the hospital here, of injuries received while fifty miles up the Northanson river. He had gone on a, tour' of inspection, and while riding a horse the animal reared with him, the horse falling backwards with the rider, pinning Mr. McLaren with the pommel of the saddle in the abdomen. The shock was so oreat that Mr. Mc-Laren was rendered help- ess, and had be conveyed to the' hospital here. . Brockville, May 22.--Mr. McLaren was a very popular man and very wealthy. He was a manufacturer on a large scale. He controlled the Ontario Glove works and the Canadian Oak is home for tries here. tr ---------- TWO YACHTS BUILDING! msn One For a Millionaire--Other For a Correspondent. Alexandria Bay, May 21.--John W. I| Gates: the famous financier of New York and Chicago, intends to join . | the summer colony of wealthy Ameri i | cans on the St. Lawrence river. He 1 | has ordered built in Chicago a £60, 1.| 000 steam yacht 100 feet long by 16 jet beam. She will be one of the most novel of her class ever con structed, as with provisions for a ten days' cruise aboard her draft will . | be only thirty inches. The boat is be horse power engine. Arnold, who ing built for Howard cism of a complaint against its sup * | posed part .in the matter has caused the state department to repudiate re gponsibility for publication at the government printing office of the blue book, containing the correspondence in the Venezuelan peace negotiations. Montreal Live Stock Market. Montreal, May 21.-To-day being a Roman Catholic holiday the butchers were slow in coming out 'and having bought freely here, yesterday, they did not need much to-day. About 250 head of cattle were offered at the East End abattoir to-day and none of the sales Ib., but some choice exceeded Bc. per beeves were sold, yesterday, at from Sie. to Ble. per Ib., with medium ani mals at from 3ic. to 4c. and the common' stock at from 2lc. to 3ic. per Ib. The calves offered to-day were chiefly the culls from yesterday's mar ket and sold at from #10 to $3 each, per 1b. for large sheep. and the butchers paid from 3c. to 4ic. per Ib. for the oth ers. Lambs sold at from 22.50 to $4. 50 each. Fat hoge sold at from 6c. to 6ic. per Ib, weighed off cars, Shippers paid 4c FOO Notable Events To-Day. Mav 22nd is the anniversary of the pirth in 1688 of Alexander Pope, Eng Jish critic and suthor, noted for inve tive and sarcasm. Born in 1735, Tench Coxe, said to be the "Father of {he American collar industry."' Born in 1756, Arthur Tappan, one of the founders of the American Tract so ciety. New York Journal of Commerce, Oberlin, Chio, college, and was. first president of the American Anti-Slavery Richard Wagner, bon in distinguished . German musical The steamer Savannah, the society. 1812, composer first to cross the Atlgntic, sailed ip 1519; 'Richard Crant White, eminent American scholar and atithor, born in 1592. Porn in 1554; Tach 6G. Schur man, president of Carmel college and firnt president of the Philippine com mission Violet Sec. Toilet Water, Farina Co- Jogne in 4 oz. and 1 1b. bottles. White Rose and Violet, Cologne, Imported Bay sm in 8 oz. bottles. McLeod's Drug Store. i Lace curtains, art muslins, at Cor- get tired of it. MALTA-VITA ready to serve. WILL HAVE MONUMENT. -- Mayor Hall Has Given $2,500 Towards It. Ogdensburg, N.Y. Ma, 2 burg is to have a soldi monument ext year. The question of raising funds 'for the same has been agitated more or less for a number of years, but it remgined for a Syracusan to give the project an impetus. He laid the matter before Mayor George Hall, Owdenshurg's popular and. beneficent exoentive. Mr. Hall promptly announce ed his willinopess to give $2,500 in the name of himself and his wife as a 1.--Ogdens gift and 1904 will see a handsome sol diers' monument unveiled. 1t is peculiprly fitting that a monu ment be erected here, for the sous of Qt. Lawrence, who gave their lives for the union, as Ogdensburg led off with the first company that left this county for the front io 1861. DEATH BEAT HYMEN. Stopped Marriage of Aged Man to Young Girl. Orange, N.J., May 21.--Evan Lyons, of Washington, came to Orange yes terday, expecting to be married to morrow to Miss Harrison, a daughter of Thomas E. Harrison, of Minton Pla e, this city. This afternoon he was found dead in a chair at the Har rison home Mr. Lvons was sixty years of age, and his prospective bride was' forty When members of the family found Mr. Lyong unconscious thev summoned Dr. Bradshaw, but the physician found that life was.extinct Kenzie years his junior County Physician N granted a burial permit, giving the causc of death as heart disease. The hody will be taken to Washington for interment A GENERAL MASSACRE. Jews In Roumania Is Feared. Berlin May 22. The the Dorosoi district in warned the | Roumanian that Of All governor of government is imminent. Nae Dumitreseu, an offi massacre of all the Jews in Rou mania. The government according to report had adopted an attitude simi the Jews will be adopted shortly. Arrived at Gilbert's this week frcm Christie Brown & Co. : Social tea, arrowroot, th. ting, cafe noir, ginger 'nut, peach wafers, Napoleon, honey cake, oaten, oatmeal, rifle nut, lemon, sandwich, sodas, wa ter ice, rich traveller, high tea (mew). Telephone, 264 and 248, "Healthful and Refreshing' the cream soda water at Cibson's Cross Drug Store; telephone, 230, A. Beattie & 'Co'¢ block, at Mary's, was damaged by fire. The loss on the Deattie stock. of dry goods will be $45,000. EE re ITT Oswego (1 nursery ice Red H troubled with Chamberlain's Pain Balm a trial. will not cost you'a cent if it does no good. One application will relieve the pain. Jt "also cures sprains and bruises in one-third the time required by anv other treatment. Cuts, burns, frosthites, quinsy, pains in the side and chest, glandular and other swell: ings are quickly cured by Applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price, 25 and mal rigen's, | 50 erate. For sale by, ell " the and cooking. wheat flakes is sufficient without any: other food, and is so delicious and wholesome that you No Worh--No Heat--Just Cream--Then Eat. nuclens of a monument fund. Dur ing the ensuing year the post will raise an amount equal to Mr. Hall's Rowmania, has | the" situation there ig very eriti- | cal, meaning that a massacre. of Jews | cial of the Roumanian, ministry of education is credited with re-organiz ing a secrét league to. procure the lar to that adopted by the local of | ficials in Dessarabia and M. Lassar, | and have = durable hard wood mini of the interior in an inflam- | 5 matory speech, has announced that | frames. They are right. "We further repressive legislation against cheese walers, | & Soca - Hand soada, Ci ing, Fura 5 3 |¢ | Stoves, ets. iways "hand, | . | Clothing," Gent's' Furnishings, i We have When the 'very | Goods, Jewelry, Musical and best. Call and ins Warrant Every Bottle. | rheumatism, give | : 11. ZACK Res rom A "the Perfect Food " contains more, than you can get in any othes form, and is is opened. | One saucer full for any 'meal of the day, mping; Fishing; Hunting - very best' things' to eat ,TA-V] is the whole wheat malted, flaked and toasted 2 - | { i iq We have this week re- ceived many new and stylish lines of FINE SHOES which we will offer at exceptionally low prices. You won't érijoy the holiday thoro- ughly unless you 'are comfortably fitted in a pair of our Shoes. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO.§ $0 00O0P0E 000 OIEE a 2oi0s0 080 Be GET THEM READY! : You ought to have your secre ready now. The flies and u on quitoes are mot abundant ey but will be soon, a i We have screens to suit windows | { | { | are of substantial, but airy wire, i | | you to seb how good they! are. & BIRCH Brock Street : TELEPHONES od i Jes A { Highest cash price paid for New ana slaugh ly - xamd gs ode Ar Benoke BA Braves them and get. the cies) Electrical : Bells, ete, placed to. nitdre that mest space. 1 have everythin to an anchor to suit we a call. "public. 5g der. . y 5 BRECK '& HAL 271 and 273 Princess St., Second. door below Corbett's. RUBBER OF ALL, KINDS, Bi Le patty Bo