[THIS COUPON Li mail It 0 the Oma 8t., Toronto, tried Powley's Li will supply me a Seed The Aged. tation. Neave's, Food in two of and the: Village Home), aying it has provi vay \ GE, ENGLAND. pronto & Montreal. Gm New Hip Model &A S Long Hip eful fignre may be y a rigid Corset. figure may be made yy the proper Corset. Corsets beautify, orrect actording to ds, developing in it indefinable per- at is the keynote Long Hip model ompasses the entire ridge or line even wed skirt. BEST il RSTAURANT, n Europe, DAH, Manager' LEAD Toronto, Ont. A Cy:ifortable Shoes' Under all ircuimstances and yet wear longer than the average foot- wear is the kind we are offering our customers, THEY' ARE GOOD VALUE AT $2.50 and $3. H. JENNINGS, King St. WANTED For Immediate Call Large erowds of economical pur. chasers 'to "thoroughly inspect our well selected new assortments ot Ready-To-Wear Clothing, correct fashioned Gents' Furnishings, lat- est demands. ' Hats, Caps, perfect fit, wearing qualities and moder ate prices as inducements. J0S. SILVER fier ati 8 g. Furnisher, 102 Princess Street. FOR PRIVATE USE In your office or at your home, jor. pa~ pers, jewelry, etc Meilink's Home . Deposit Vaults "offer ev- ery. protection Only Safe at is Damp Prool. They are cheaper than a safe and much -bet- ter. All sizes and "styles te y BI every re- quirement, Spe " 'cial 'Styles for professional 4.R.C. DOBBS & 00, 1m Wellington St, Typewriter and Bicyeld Repafrers. Be Reserved for P, WALSH This Space | is | | ¢ +f Coal and Wood Dealer, | 55-57 Barrack St., Kingston. PES ll Matt Set Exc ) every rapidly « stomach Gould soarcely get up or down without help. -- Had a severe pain in '| the small of the back. Was trouted In the Hotol * Dieu, Kingston, but not cured. Kidney trouble wac the trouble. Doan's Kidney Pills Cured Mr. George Grives, Pitts Ferry, Oat. of 8 very bad ease of kidney trouble. He tells about the care in the following words: "I cannot recommend Doan's Kidney Pills too highly. Jneves took any- thipg that did me so much good. IThada severe pain in the small of my back and | could scarcely get up or down without [ help. 1 could hardly drinate, but when 1 did the pain' was terrible. I was in the Hotel Dien, Kingston, last winter 'and when [ came out I was some better but not cured. It was then I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised. Since tiking them | bave been completely cured and have not bad any trouble with my kidneys since." , Doan"s Kidney Pills, 50 cts, per box or 3 for $1.25, all dealers or THE DOAN KIDNEY PILL £0, TORONTO, ONT. Theusaads of Nursing Mothers Sound the Praises of Malt Breaklast Food Malt Breakfast Food has brodght more health and comfort to the homes of Canada than any other food preparation. Mothers find it an in valuable ' food during the period of nursing, as it provi the most ample nutrition for k up health § and strength; it promotes to a mar vellous degree the secretion of milk. ommended to nursing advan Food is 1 physician of ite many Milt Bréaklast day by viothers, because tages as a concentrated nouri Na other food if so easily and so gested and assimilated, and 10 other contfibutes so much to gene rol health building. If the mother's is weak and capricious, let Food for =a it will soon establish perfect healthful circulation and a flervous avitem. Ask Malt Breakiast Food her try Malt Breakfast week; digestion, ated There is one Lager which combines all the good points of the light beers of Germany with the wholesomeness born of good Canadian bar- ley malt--that's Wtotpérated Under tie Laws of 3h GAPITAL $100,000 FULLY PAID. KINGSTON BRANCH Clarencs Ghambors, Glarencs S. Phone rte British American Hotel, ']. J. McKENNA, Manager. Sot, Stocks, | margin gr for --- Provisions bought on y EEEE&ESs A thousand and nN Dye it! safe, sure. lant sad suy tint. Al. Maypole Soap. Seid srerguiars A % roc. for colors. isc. for black. LIX geREDDDBY Breses hers, laces. eic - re prettily i Maypole Soep usedfor BO troe 3 a The colors are - fadeless. It dyeato [HUB +A" VERY 'NEWSY BOSTON TIDINGS. LETTER. IL First Thunder Storm of the Sea- son -- New Theatre -- Beaches Open--Electrical Advertising Invention. : Boston, Mass... May 20.--Last Thurs- day evening Boston witnessed the first thunderstorgm of the season. At seven o'clock the sky was overcast by a dark cloud, soon rain began to 'prin. kle, which soon became a heavy down- pour. Sharp lightning began to flash, followed by heavy thunder, the rain continued to fall until about ten o'clock. * The electrical display was magnificent, and although several heavy thunder reports were: heard, no damage has 'been reported. Boston is adding another new the- atre to her already long list. This cne is being built by Weber and Fields, and promises, when completed to be Boston's finest. The outward struc treasures ing fire was aveaue. sw shutters on the (face, Ww vears that od. the trial Three other apparatus. hampered in their work "in the rear. of the fireman received an: incised wound - which moval, to. the Relief Hospital. This is within the last two building has heen threatened "with destruction by fire, For the first time in the history of the municipal court in Boston a wo- man as a. lawyer appeared as defendant for a client. Monday Miss Amy F. Acton appeared in behalf of a peddier but lost her case and the ped- Those who witness made a hard "the third time dler was fined $5. some fifteen engines and The firemen were work by closed the building. While at building, a necessitated his re- this say she fight for her client. --EDWIN PARKER. "Love Laughs At Locksmiths" As South American Kidney laughs at ture is completed 'and presents a fine | disease. It's the seemingly impossible appearance. The front is very artisti- | doors to disease that it uglocks that cally designed. The interior décora. | makes its cures almost incredible. But tions are said to be of the most mod- | for every cure there is a proof if you ern style obtainable It will be com- | card to investigate. It is a liquid kid- pleted by September 1st. ney specific and it never fails. Makes Sunday was the hottest dav this | and keeps men "fit" and well. Sold season. The thermometer registered | hy Henry Wade and H. B. Taylor.-- seventy-nine in the shade at noon, | 142. The beaches were crowded with people seekitig the cool breezes and shelter Mrs. Robert Clark, Brockville, {ll from the melting sun.' Tt is estimated | since January last, died on May 20th, that there wcre 35,000 people at the | aged forty-nine years. The hushand Revére Beach in the afternoon. The | and four daughters survive, - Evert E. Hale and Dr. The home of the Yate Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of America's greatest philosophers, the one hundredth anniversary birt} will be celebrated all over the United States on Sunday. Dr. R, Heber Newton are among the cele- brated ministers most prominently connected with the celebration. of whose bath houses are not open yet; some took bathing suits with them and took their first dip of the season. Opposite the North Station Elevat ed railway is an electrical sign board, which can be used to advertise any thing by its mechani in, and certain ly reflects *invich cradic on its inven tor. It is the forming of letters and words by means of electric lights, op erated on an automatic switchboard One of its great features is that, by its brillianey it attracts the attention of all within sight of it. The chang ing from one subject to another is done instantly by touching the letter after the old sign is shut off -by means of a switch. These boards are being placed in different conspicuous parts of the city and are as good an ad vertisemént as a Sunday newspaper last' fall there has been erccted in the cormer of "the public garden opposite Arlington street, an enclosure, which to the public gener ally has been an interrogation mark a8 to its purpose. They are now pre paring to put in place the statue of Channing, the deccased rector of the Arlington Street (Congregational church, which is just across the street, for which this frame has heen erected to protect the foundation and to hoist the heavy foundation stones to their place. This will be a Nince early enclosure relief to the street railway conduc tors, who have been so many times "n see d regarding this mysterious struc ure Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Regin ald C. Vanderbilt sailed for Europe to spend their honeymoon. They arrived in the city from Newport the day be fore. making the trip by auto in Mr Vanderbili's foreign toaring car. The trip was a record breaker, some Bos d to follow them to keep on the When they Hotel they ton reporters said it was like trving track of a Kansas oyclone. arrived at the Somerset who tri | were surrounded with cameras. Mrs | Vanderbilt shielded her face with a { camera and made a rush for the ho ! tel. The dock was crowded where the { Dominion liner New England sailed | from. The police kept close watch on | the costly wedding jewels whilst thm were being taken from the hotel to the | steamer | The city and suburban towns are | busy fighting the brown tail moths which or the past two years have i waged destruction on the trees in the streets and parks. As they do not | build nests but to the under | side of the leaves, it makes it diff cult | i to exterminate them, which can | only by spraying Panama hats ar | appearance, trunks | for the seashore, be done continuous again making their are being packed and instead of the {card on the office reading 'Re | turn Monday 1 p.m." it reads, "At the sea-shore, return Septémber lst." If Boston is favored with as cool wea ther this season as last it will be as door well to remain in the city Mrs. "Jack" Gardner, the Rack Bay society woman, is again in' trouble Last Thursday some mscrupwlous law-breaker fired a shot through of the stained class windows in her Venetian Palace, The bullet grazed a fino statue in ils course, and aleo passed close to the head of a guest, who although not #truck, was badly scaved. The window, it is said, cost 300, to say nothing of the transpor: tation and putting it in place. She notified the police, but claims she re irived no satisfaction. Saturday she anpenled to Judge Emmons, for what one BRELOQUES POUR DAMES, "that the gs fatal | "1 shoul path nce be vou would | "I notice, | | "Say, "what is a ma Rea "0! she's fair," sighe know 1 sha her love." Why sh yuld cured, Station, one of his bh kinds of mec relief. Two tic Cure cure not had a | years. This put up in be treatment, 5( Hard or sc applications at Wade's. A man things ing them. about new life ig he called necessary protection. As her palace gontaing so many valuable art 6. Al igen, Nonsense!' 'Lots of © Thats 5 A rilla will do f The Slow Wooer. said the slow extreme cold weather to a great many sheep." 1 think," said the girl, her ing about exhausted, "that be afraid to venture out Well Posted. unma," queried little Ele stag party *" 1y dear, is an abbreviatic replied the knowi 1 Encouragement. so sweet, so angelic and « Lovett Fursyte. "Hut | II never succeed in winning | § exclaimed Mary ther men have n't vou?" Sharp succeede Safety In Numbers. ips for years, used bottles of Hall's Rbeuma- "exclusive pictures, it is an easy matter to do much with a single bullet from-a revolver. Just before four o'clock this morn- was discovered on the iourth floor of the building, No. 304 Atlantic alarms were rung in and - in court wooer, has d . all licine without getting any ie, » n A Lasting Benefit, TF ¥ ur Don't suffer with rheumatism. Get | ma Born in as did Johnston Larmon, Oso | lawyer, nator Ont. He had rheumatism in | interior South American Nervine d him completely. He has Stakes Mian h it Seam fadiast i pain or ache for three ] ey enr mes the blood, aLiate t great blood purifier . is iin t on ¢ ¢ net H bul Is rttles containing ten days' te ----- pe ' a pi 1 opie veil, ) cents at W, Ai Be ed h ade's. This wonderful remedy has had a . : charmed experience' and has done i= i" Soha sured with three greatest work in cases that the medi of Peck's Corn Salve, 100. |.) fraternity had promounced Lope way know a lot of wean himself without repeat Health Pure and rich blood carries to every part of the body. - You are invigorated, d. You become steady, courageous. SE ' Te marin less. Sold by Wade and H, B Taylor.--140 Henry The One Thing Needful. If you want to live to a green old age, take care to keep your blood pure. Impoverished blood is account: able for nearly ali bodily ills. Take Wade's Iron Tonic Pills, and you will find your health benefited, your blood purified and nerves strengthened. 50 pills for 25¢., at Wade's. 1f you once try Carter's Little Liver Pills for sick headache, biliousness, or copstipation, vou will never be with out thew. They are purely vegetable; small and easy to take. Don't forget this, Two heads are better than one. = cept when the rule applies to of o fouily. Chambéslain' s Stomach and pin When you feel d dull hor Safing: i ohh 5 you have no $44 FEE ETERLL $n : When you have & bel at i th south. Ail : When your liver is torpid. ia When your bowels are con: : oe pha | When you have a headache. Ld Li BYE a de | When you feel bilious: it 3 They will improve your appetite, cleanse regulate: your) liver and bowsels. 25¢; all druggists. ji i When Admitted by dressmakers to be"the bes Bast GOL Corticelli costs you no more than poor silk, why don't you > 45 Ask for "Corticell1" and politely, but firmly, refuse all substifgteg, ng which some clerk may say are just as good. a ; Wash Silks IN PATENT HOLDERS. The colors are fast--the silk the best. Put np in | Patent Holders, which prevents waste by tangling or soiling--keeps each shade separate, and automatically by art gocic Brannigan--Come home an' teck sup per wid n Flannigan. measures a correct needleful. Flannigan--Shure, it's past ver sup Recommended as the only proper way to put up per time now; ver wife'll be mad as a Milo and Floss Silks, and used b hatter . where, Over joodiffere: t shades Sf sik to select from. Brant n--That's just it; che can't ick the two of us tm. eee ree Spoke To Him. NOTABLE EVENTS. 'Did you speak to papa to-day, \ ar! asked the blushing vourg | pates on Which Eminent Men Were hing I did mptly replied the amor Born i ous swain that is, I kept up a run May 23nd th wary of the ning conversation with him as far as Jbirth of Frederick Auten Messner the gate." German wntist and wer of the -- doctrine of ' r anime al They Were Different. Eg Fh Hood, fame ; ng his humo r » Out-of-town visitor gt the horse a a | how--I never in one place in my life ogie wn y saw so many really beautiful girls his av "¥ i Ly E » | his mos opular + or, or 1812 8 | Baltimorean (throwing a chest tin 5 i | Certainly, Mis we pride ourselves distingus 2+] on whose ; 1550 ends Out-of-town tor feontinuing mus TS 9 "X I | ingly)=Or so many homely! min that -9 SEE THEM ON TABLES able. stipated. 4 and tare 7 pour tomach an ASIATIC DYES Corticelli ture, When soiled a shang a pps joc great favorite with 1 onable 8&1 you are not alreadyn sabseribes 40-Qarti- celii Home I dremel Magazine, Fullinformation bur Applieatius tC to Corticelti ee pany, St. Joan, P. Q., or any other 24 every. N SALE THIS WEE »3, 3%, 4,6, 7. Job Lot Ladies' Oxfords. - Sizes, 2% AT THE DOOR FOR Prices were from $1.25 to $2.50. RTT +4 POOH +4444 44S REE Men of Personal Apjdariinos' Are critical shoe buyers,ifor comfort and style 3 OurH. S. and H. 'Spocial Shaes' For the exact man are a triumph of shoe art, medium weight, Goodyear welted soles workmanship shown. on every pair. + give satisfaction, madé in Box Calf, Titian Kid | and Vici Kid on the latest fast. Sizes 6 to To. $4 a Pair. McDermott's Shoe