"and other Articles. until hine and sparkle, Sunlight will wash 'other. things tha, , Sa 4B ¢v0edovsntvses ymething 0: Tempt DLL ir. delicious chocolates; is .always certain of r quality, 40¢. and 60c. | We | sell: [Lowney also, ave xen been in tok' PALM GARDEN oosboecossce » | "Phome 59. oVevsEsevOOeee : DOES YOUR PIANO QUIRE TUNING ? and Risch thorized Tuner, Me. "WS. "MeCul- of Toronto, Will be in y Next Week. wish your Piano most carcfully and put: in 'best possible condi- 00000000000 00000 a skillful), experienced, and re e tuner, kindly leave your order A, WEBESE & CO. 121 Prin- reet, or drop a line direct to either Mr. Mc- Lockheed, MA Address. to h, or I. T. Saperintendent) | Hot House .. Florist. Garden For 'Sale. premises formerly owned scupied by Chester Follest, son street, consist of large ouse .and . Dwelling, both 'by steam; Stable and oth- tbuildings, and two large 'rich garden soil. . kcellent chance for a mar- rdener and florist. LL BE SOLD CHEAP on easy terms of "payment. ..R. McCANN, BROCK ST, GROUND, EUR he qualities by 'which arling's. Ale ad Portersave on distingtion are ab- lute purity and perfect d 'thorough aging, th in wood and in ge. x pt £ al Estate Bargains le 'Brick, 94 and 96 Bagot le Brick, 23 and 25 Fron- Street. le Brick, 234, 232 and 230 am Street. le Brick, 181, and 185 Cler- pet. and see our long list of ies. for Sale. a it. E wry "CAYS.. ska ihc. STREET. antly until June Jou as follows : WASHERS Fon en Telephone, © NOMI wht AT x piv | $30 Ea Fos Big $35 ii a 41h, Goin JUNE returning Awtil AUGUST dth (all rail or SS. Atha- pasca). Goin 18th, returning iar avGO i cutee HAN ni, ". t ni ke fu a not good on ""Im- wal fm articulars K. & P. and C. P. n Tibet Gide Opa o St. Ek JR. Gen. Supt. "weed, au HORT LINE 13 and all lo- Traih leaves City Hall D- F. CONWAY, Agent, i Special Trains to. Manitoba and the Canadian North-West, 'With free colonist sleeping cars will jeave Toronto at p.m. every Tuesday jn April May and June and rum via ao loniat rates from Kingston $38 08 Denver. Col. et 43.08 Via Wi 43 58 elsvn, B. Portland, Ore. . I or Ross: Seattl .. EE. 46.05 EXCURSIONS To Canadian-North-West. June 4th and 18th and July 4th} Tickets good for 60 days For fell oi apply to 903, HAMNLEY t, i City 'Paps. ot. J #MONTREAL AND QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL. Pominion, May 23, June 27, Aug. 1 Southwark, May 30, July 4, Aug. 8 Iberian ...... - . June 6 Canada, June 18, July 18, 'Aug. 22 Kensington, June 20, July 35, Aug. 29 BOSTON TO LINERPOOL. Mayflower Commonwealth New England . un: PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL. Irishinan, May 30. Tauric, June 6 Norseman; June 18. Englishman, June 20 | AVONMOUTH DOCK AND BRISTOL. From Montreal. { Ottoman, June 6. . Turcoman, June 20 Manxman, July 4 Iberian, July 18 BOSTON TO MEDITERRANEAN. :Nancoyver, June 6. Cambroman, June 20 | For further Piiticulais apply to ANLEY, G.T.R. Vv. P GILDERSLREVE, 42 Clarence St. Vi Dominion Line, Montreus & Port- | AUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. fiver and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes. | | Twin Screw Iron SS. ** Campana.' 'With electric lights, electric bells and all | modern comfort | SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON Lind! DAYS 'at 8 'pun. 1st, 15th and 29th June ; 18th and 27th July ; 10th and 24th August; 7th and 21st September, | for Pictou, N.S., calling at Quebec, Fa- ther Point,: Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Cove, Grand River, Summerside, PF and Charlottetown, P.E The finest trip of the Ls von for health and comfort ARTHITR AHERN, Secrctary, Quebec For: tickets and staterooms apply to J. P. HANLEY, or J. P. GILDFR- BLEEVE, Ticket. Agents, Ont Kingston L.0 &B. of Q. Sth. Co., Limited The Bay of { Quinte Route end TO Rochester, N.Y. Steamer' '* North King " leaves Swift's wharf on Sundays, at 5 p.m. for Sum- merville, N.Y., (Port of Rochester) Nr 1000 Islands Ramble Steanier leaves at 10:17 a.m., for tour of Thousand Islands, calling at Alexan- dria Bay, Rockport and Gamanoyue: For fgll information apply to J.P. HANLE AGENTS. BY, J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, ALLAN LINE From Montreal. Tunisian, May 23, 9 a.m. ey 28, obese p.m May 80. 9 a.m.; May 30, 6 p.m. June 6, 9 a wm. Rea 6 p.m $65 and upwar Second hi vin. Livegpool 'and London- ugh, & $37.50 to N43 90; London, $2.50 Third Class, $25 and $20 JLiverneel. Belfast, Glasgow, Lon Zio MONTREAL TO GO DIRECT ony Sininn, May 20, (2nd and 3rd class Kiting, May 8 | First Cabin, $50 is $75, 2nd #85; Third clas, J. P, a Pana Fo HARLEY, Agent, 8.7% SLEBVE. dn Doorbells. Electrical Appliances Of all kinds. All promptly and neatly and vou will be pleased with our prices. BRECK & HALLIDAY, G. BOGART, ta car, im HOUNE SER- feon of the K n General Hos- tal. Qos , 188 Wel- lington (nearly = po- arisian, Cabin, , City GILDER- t work done, "Come to M Breakfast." 3 a welds Salt when » dit of the crisp, rich brown, whole whieat' flakes of Malta-Vita is' "Solfo fo you. is mot eaten only because it tastes, good but because it 7s &ood, agurishing and whole- some. No Werk, No Heat, Just Cream--Then Eat, Had ito Give up and go to Bed. Several Doctors Attended But Did No Good. ------ 1 Milburn's Heart ana Nerve Pills CURED. Read what Miss L. L. Hanson, Was mide, N.B., says: "I feel it my duty express the benefit 1 have received i uri Heart and Nerve Pills. A Tr ast spring I began to have heart ure At first I would have to bo working and lie down for a while. Then I got so bad I had to give up altogether and go to bed. I had several doctors attend me but they did me no good. | could get no relief until urged by a friend to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, Before I had used three quarters of a box I began to feel the benefit and by the time I had taken three boxes | was completely cured." ) Milburn's Heart. and Nerve Pills cure nervousness; sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart, skip beats, and all troubles arising from the heart or nerves. Price 50 cts. box, or 3 for $1.35, all dealers, or THE T. MILBURN CO., Limited, TORONTO, ONT. 'Special to SOME BUSY MEN wHo ATIEND 1 10 oTHER|E: PEOPLE'S BUSINESS. The Inte Department to + Be Put in Good Order--Bills Not of Government Origin Are Likely to Die. e W Ottawa, Jule 1.--The work of par ligament is proceeding so slowly that members are resigning themselves to a summer residence in Ottawa, how: ever mich 'they may dread so severs 8 penance. Only private legislation is advanced rapidly and' when goverh- ment business is attempted some irre. levant matter intervenes and pre: cious , days are lost in discussing vigorously and at length questions which do not appear on the orders of the day. For instance it is not long since an earnest debate arose, at the suggestion of 'Mr. Charlton, on the supposed ' system of "ragging in the British Army," on the supposition that some' worthy Canadian had been ill-used apd his promotion retarded, just because he had risen from the ranks and was so good a soldier that his less educated comrades failed to apprecigte his merits. His whole story turhed out to be utterly with: out foundation, but this was only discovered several days after the de bate when a cable advice came from England, stating that the supposed ragging regiment had no Canadian in it. Mr. Costigan's motion concerning home rule in Ireland was another si milar case. Why cannot we mind our own business, espec ially when we have so much of it. The military 'suthorities here eould not understand why the 14th Regi mental band joined the Army Service Corpd at Kingston en route to the parade on the 25th _inst., while the regiment remained outside. Lieut. Col. Kent has in a. letter to the. press explained the situntion and it is pity that on occasions of pational rejoicing the civil and military elanents cannot work harmoniously together. Had. the usual rule been observed the parade might readily bave beep concluded at o'clock p.m., and the whole force a well-earned half-holi- one left to enjoy day. The headquarters staff has been incregased by the appointment of Major Denny ag chief of the intelli- genve department. This officer is here for organization purpvses only and the appointment is limited to two years' of colonial service. In this period the pew hranch will be, put in working order, and we will then be ready to..go-to, war, Major Denny is a vonng English officer of suitable at tainments, and a pleasant feature in his case is that he will at once be: come a lieutenant-colopel, a, position which he will not find lonely for hereabouts the woods are full of these officers. 1 think it was poor Max 0'Rell, who, writing of the great Ame- EXPORT LAGER. Is the wery finest beer made in Canada -- If you try it just once you'll sayso. | Nearly every dealer has it--those who have not will get it for you if you insist. The Sleeman B. & M. Co. : mited ® Guelph, Canada. JAMES REID- UNDERTAKER A Cn SEE WINDOW DISPLAY OF COUCHES A fine line of Couches with steel construction. Handsom? English Couches, fringe all around, Only $7.50. Beautiful Wilton Rug Couches, Only $12. Velour Couches, also Tapestry with Polished frames, only $5. Bed Couches, JAMES REID. Use Furniture Restorer. Weerinvinsagrenanard ; This Space is : § Reserved for | : -~n iP. WALSH Coal and Wood Dealer, : ¢ 55-57 Barrack St., Kingston. oe "DO NOT FORGET can gst 5h ah ard for 2 Tar rs rday) "nirictly | senate, rican republic, said "the 'population this continent numbers sixty mil lions, mostly colonels." We are now in the midst of a similar epidemic and we have got it bad. ! There was 'a curious scene in the House of Commons on Thursday even- ing shortly after cight o'clock when the electric light suddenly went out leaving the chamber in total darkness. | Mr. Haggart was a¢ the time sharply criticising the management of the In tercolonial railway and the inky black ness which followed his remarks result- ed for a moment in a death-like still ness which speedily merged into a hearty cheer, The staff of the ser- geant-at-arms quickly brought candles tof and coal oil lamps, and for three quarters of an hour the emancipated house sang songs and generally held high carnival. Then the light returned as suddenly as it had disappeared and the debate proceeded until. shortly af ter midnight. The celebrated Gough = divorce case bill is down for second reading in the but it is hard to belicve evil of poor Mr. Gough, who is regarded as a THE SUFFERINGS OF WOMAN. Many Irregularities and Weak- nesses, Much Pain and Misery Which Can be Permanently Overcome by Using. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food rns No woman can expect to have good health unless the monthly uterine ac tion is regular, and edy Breaking of this law of nature. pot only causes much pain and suffering, but may make her an invalid = for the reet of life. Nearly all derangements of feminme organism are due to thin, watery blood, a poor circulation ox ldck of nerve force. Whether the menses are irregular, insufficient, profuse, or pain- ful the cause of trouble rests with the condition of the blood and nerves, and goon disappears when thase are restor- efi to health and vigor. . The dull, aching pain in the back and thighs, the cramps in the abdo- men, the distressing headaches, the ir- ritability and feelings of utter weari- ness will disappear when Pr; Chase's Nerve Food is used to i the blood erves in pro condition. pid ix usually mn Pirhood that these Iti irregularities bave thair beginnings, and hence mothers, the necessity of looking to | the health of your daugh ters during the period of change. A few words of advice at this point may cave them from a life of ilhealth and misery. From girlhood to the change, in life, and at every for the nursing mother, trying time In woman's. life Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is of inestimab le value, be red blood, insures cause it' forms new, and revitalizes the good circulation, ted and depleted morve eells. It « health, strength, and buoyancy, rounds out the form, increases flesh and weight, and builde up the gys- Pn. . k Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is composed of nature's most powerful restoratives, and eannot fail to benefit you. He. a pox, at all dealets, or Edmanson, Bates & Co, Toronto. most quiet and fotiangive specimen ot gentle of + the militia rs on Friday; pa apne time and the vient ve the wnat information. As already Rinted 1% is 'proposed to slightly .in- te Tm. force, bat iin the present state of public business it is hard when this, and other | don ted '¢hanges will be made. The The suggestion ' to appojnt a Canadian officer' to combiand the militia does not find favor here, the popular feeling being that the move is at least pre: mature, and that if a Canadian is selected he should come from the im: perial service. From to-day until the end of the cession nt. business will have recedence Which' means that public Fis in 'the' Bands of private members are dead and buried, save a few ex: jons, such as a couple of bills in hi swipe to the packing of fruit, Mr, Brock's humane act as to sending ani mals by rail and Mr. McLean's uni: ue measure 'to abolish Hudson's Bay. 1 do mot think morning sessions can be commenced' before July and .parliat ment can hardly finish earlier than the first week in August. I hear from a mineral water "experi that the sanatarium at 'Kingston, which "is to be built on the malt house site Will =oon be in course of erection, but the old buildings éannot he utilized except for the material. The change is indeed a marked one, and should be welcome to the west end, for at one timo the malt house distilled * odors' of acute nastiness which the neighbors spified and grew sick, while the board of health gasped and sat still. My informant spoke en thusiastically. of the manifold virtues of the sulphur spring, the waters ef which cure everything but croup. late benevolent owners of this elixir vitae valued it, at $7,000 and J under- stand that the entire premises were so'd to the mew company for rather moré than twice that sum, There ig a commodious . and well built what which hag long been the summer rest. ing place of gertain persons of infinite Jeisure, who were fond of fishing, and here also the vouth of both sexes bathed regularly, wearing more or Jess clothing, ang spmetimes only a smile. The name giyen by the press "The Al- wington Springs' Company," must be an crror for this fine old, place does wot possess springs, nor has it been purchased. The passing of the ancient malt house to the life-giving condi tion of a health resort reminds me ,of a visit paid te a similar institutien in the states, where an invalid, feel- ing. strong for the first time in many months, asked the hotel clerk in joy- ous topes, "What makes this place so healthy" and ihe long. lean Yankee re: plied "guess it's the advertisen." The by-law which forbids the piling of lumber in large quantities within the eity limits. is. now.in force and citizens generally, are sleeping = more soundly in their beds, in consequence, The board of trade and the lumber- men opposed this step against the al- most frantic wishes of ninety per cent. of tho public, apd in the face of the fact 'that two disastrous fires had _oc- curred ander like conditions within two years. During the past week the city was on the verge of a similar cal amity, but Nicki the, wind was blowing towards ae recently © burnt district 'and the fire was confined to Mr. Booth's lumber piles, where it ori ginated a few weeks ago. | In the same period we hate had an average of at least one fird alarm per diem, and four firemen have been had- ly injured in the gallant and fearless discharge of their duty. 'The minister of finamce has been ab- sent in Chicago on private business for more than aA week and is expected to return to Ottawa to-morrow. ---------- BRING 5,000,000 JEWS. Solutiofi of Anti-Semitic rors, New York, Juge 1,=B!Nai Brith has before it a prepesition to bring five million dlews from Russia to America. The sentiment of the Rev. Dr. Mac Arthur that in America con ditions is to be found the solution of the Jewish problem, has been taken up by Justice Lodge, of the order named, and a committee has been ap- pointed, with Dr.|Isador Singer at its head, to prepare in detail a plan of action that shal) afford relief' from the persecution which Jews in Russia, Galatia aml Roumania undergo. The affair is not to stop with the efforts of Justice Lodge, but is to be brought befcre all Jewish organizations in America. Hor- Montreal Provision Market. The following report from Montreal gives the general condition of the provision market there. "The narket for hog products was" somewhat easier all round in sym- pathy with the lower prices of hogs. ir avy Canada short cutmess pork has sold at rom $21 up to $23 as to brand and guantity, Lard meets with fairly dy enquiry, and for round lots otir inside quotations have been shaded both for pure lard and com- pound." There" is a good local énquiry for hams and bacon, and we hear of Lhame at cut rates. Quotations ar: Canada short cut mess pork, to 8 American short cut clear, $23.50; American fat back, $23. £24. bacon, Wiltshire, per lb., 1 .. 10 1c.; extra plate beef, per bbl, $14.50 to 815; lard, pure, in pails, per Ib. 103¢. to lle; lard, compound in pails, $ to 9c.; hams, per lb., 12. to Three Anarchists Caught. Paris, June 1A despatch to the Patrie, from Marseilles says three anarchists have been arrested at Men tone on suspicion of being engaged in a plot against King Victor Emmanuel on the occasion of "his approachifig visit to Parise. Five other suspects ascaped. The police found incrimina ting papers on the arrested mien. Thousand Islands and Rochester. Steamer North King = will leave Swift's wharf, Sundays, commencing May 31st, at 10.17 aan. for Thousand Islands, Returning steamer leaves at 5 p.m. for Rochester, N.Y Northern Nigeria is. 40 baye anew police force 1,000 strong, .on the lines of the Royal Trish Cons . H. Cunningham, piaso tuner from Chickering', New York. Orders re- ceived at McAuley's | if LUN CAPITAL, $15 The com y has been formed for' the Fa eal LA AA rT Ne re raat rt dor, your of the 'mast Also Ww modern oe and BATH HOUSE in con- nection with the Spr The Hy etaen den i. with the enter- rise have: long under obseryation the unrivalled a dvantages affo - the davelopivent Pon combination of of St RIG A Ah REST CURE with all the &p| al u FIRSP-CLASS HOTEL, Pl Te . only of recent date that they have been able to secure the property and Springs. The property contains about ten acres of which. {or beauty of situation cannot be witpassed on _ the. continent, Kingston Po thousand; it Is bexutifully situated at the foot of . Ontario 'at:the head of the River St. Lawrence, bounded right by the entrance to ° bay the Quinte, the jsjeuety & along the margin of which is & turesque 'oscription, studded with isk ends which are the © ommencement of the far-famed Thousand Talands. It is called the Sandhurst or West Point of Canada, with its Military Col Ate sive grey stone forts and artello Towers, rich in their own varied charms, the bay and harbour of Kingston can fairly claim to stand amongst Cana scenes pre eminent for a annificence. hilst consid- ering the claims of Kingston as a health resort aad for an institution of this king it is. oly proper. to take inte t the climate and salubrity, lew Piste 3 th ual, ey oral Islands form o breastwork against they yautumn empests and in the summer the 'hedt is tempered by the cooling breezes from the lake, dean Jakes, hai en at parts of Canada, it an ideal location for an this kind It is the.jn build such an ation sof ote CANNOT STORE UP COAL. en panies Busy. Philadelphia, June are SeOTUig anthracite coal as fast as it canbe ined, «Present indica tions are that railroad coal com: papies will succeed in stocking very little coal between now and winter. The, production of anthracite aggre gates ahout 5,000,000 tons a tput. ha hy pe dead for domes: {ie sizes, particularly from England dealers, that. they cannot fill their orders wit the supply of coal .they are getting. There is Wome 'acc umulation of pea there is no discount by the fact that to tempt 'buying in on steam sizes advance. On June ist ithe allowed on prepared thirty cents a ton and the retail price will be udvanced ten cents to 2645 a ton. add ---- State Of The Market. New York, May Tuesday's and the absence of a surprise and ins Several plausible theorie in explanation; but the true reason lies in the inevitable reaction follow pited fresh caution. stronger than six months. ago; that other hand there is still a big mass of securities overhanging the /market and seeking buyers. Some of these "are held by strong men, able to abide their own time for selling, while consider able amounts have been locked up in syndicates or pools which must expim In some instances these pew creations. have been held by rich but inexperie need operators until cheer exhaustion has forced them to cell. Not only is the supply: of securi ties greater (lian the market is capa ble of absotbing, but at this awkward functure we ate treated to an enorm ous increase in the supply. The .Penn svlvania has announced an 'issue of 875,000,000, and other leading rail road systems are contemplating heavy juxues for improved transportation. There ia no occasion to fear a panic; simply because the material for aps nie is not in sight. Business continpes on a large scale and a lower range of prices for both commodities and se cutities should be a reason for streng {hening' not impairing confidénce. Tt is. remarkable that so extensive a de- cline as. that witnessed in the last six. months should be endured without disaster. Stocks are. steadily passing {rom weak into strong hands; many good securities have shrugk 20 40 40 points and over, and when Jiguidation has run its course there will he only these obstacles viz, the crop, money and labor situa- tions. . and liquidate, ---- Three hilly goats were placed on board the Ratelite ad mascots for the vacht Constitution, at Glen Cove, on Thursday. i Nothing Goes Right. Nothing gore right while the sto- mach apd bowels are wrong. er's Petroleum "Emulsion i the ideal re- wedy for all forms of bowel disorders. "It © fide digestion. improves nutrition, éreates rich Wood, firm flesh, and maRes life welt | worth living. Pleassut to take. lation of twenty, rods rists and pummer vis: Ruud Kingate ir. home during and in; the centre of one institution ' gsompany to as Th in keeping _ Demand Xeeps Producing Com- | 1.--Consumers month now. which is a normal, ot a maxi New who are compinibing and 'huckwheat coal, partly explained discount conl dropped to 80.-<Henry Clews, Renewed liguidation banker, reports: z ues on the stock win' vnssttied ere recovery. really splendid range of + Thursday's breaks in unfavorable news, were s were offered ing the excessive inflation ich Sl 1902. It perfectly rue minated in JO [1 1 Bian 4 . inch KINDLY FAVOR US WITH A CALL liquidation has already been severe; that business and general industry J H SUT continue on an active scale; that there . is no occasion for alarm. But on the I ™ SOE Ev. . to a gopd recovery, b "Sith the Hiagnificent beauty of its bur prosent. roundings. - "he iiding will contain about on on. Wh Nundred hes rooms, accordance the . Jateat hygenic ror, ae' ath house connection with the. hotel, (ftted eich the most TS form of baths Ww "cooling 'will embody all tl Aatedt Sibling improvements, vate fom a a] Machits win be furnish Fi ff IN WN SHRMIOu Oo Re His : INCLUDING on ed by the fact of its advantageous and Dons, where so many thy I the year go to" look for quiet and " a L only, Temaing for he rg erec socure a share RAR BY ER TENCRD] of of these vast numbers who are att ENDANTS. for such _a place to w y : The waters of tha spring contain all] With clas i the, ingredients that are mired for | polntinenils, combined w eleminating from the system the various | ficient surroun ucts found in suc dissgan as rhe] scenery and the benefits to. at skin - matism, out, neura : liver! diseases and complicat! Jah of the and kidnays. -------- The following 'analysis is by the late |' Dr. Williamson, Professor of Chemistry, $s Queen's University. UPPER WELL. Specific gravity in an imperial pint, 1.08: Grains, Carbonate of lime. » «.. « + S265 Carbonate of magnesia . . . . a 2653 Sulphate of sodium + . . . ,. 8.4716 Chloride of sodium .'. . . . ; MONE Sulphate of magnesia , . . 4.3000 Chloride of ealcium . . . 1 112,8025 | Tn.2700 Iodine and bromine (traces). (Gases, carbonic 'acid gas, LOvwIR WELL. Specific gravity, 1.010, have. a. wate Spr will pi nt Te wth ox rf no eter in Er ol the in canto ton t ' : RE Hf July, August and | Chloride of sodium . Fa vias om 8 Pp "ew IU Pou id ;pailway and. boat service. on Dhals al a bray 35.00 Jew geographical pesition, co! venience tw pride ol CRAIC. 4 4 4 + + as 15.48 | Joss 0. ; any large cities, such as Montreal, To- | Chloride magnesium .. of. 1b met fical profession. ronto, Ottawa, Syracuse, Utica, Water- ant! & lication fon of town, Ogdensburg. Hochaster, in fact all 117.524 to [megretary. the northern part of the state of New 1 i. 4 : y agk, and-being in the midst of one of | Gases, earbonic acic 410 | i) tande: | the Dest fishing whe 'boating districts, } fing and trace of sulphurated hydro- on N dg also' in close proximity 40 the famous don. purpose. T i waters are strongly impregnated with Liron, mad. compare; favorably with the celebrated Kreuznach Springs of Prussia, Twenty-five plication, po ty davs anda t the directors, ahi i June-is essentially the month of: Roses (and of Brides) This season we "have 3 all the newest 'and daintiest creations so necessary to prospective brides We.will be pleased to siya e our FINE SHO ssescvesonnssevibise seve s 9 009e® 6 ) ©@E€ GOOF ++ +4444 444444 i Men's $3 S As good as you can get anywhere al paying a dollar more. Pay us $3 in- of $3.50 or $4 elsewhere and j le the 3 i changé in your pucket and wi : : i | smartest shoe in town. Most o pl sir ? All Good Lo fasts. i i packs ) glow heat of our coal will lelt with pleasure di