ftiuin around on the second in when she accidentally stepped to the stair opening and fell to the 'bottom, 'being rendered unconscious, Ww pigkad up it was found that the # Nar Yoft iH 5 oft arm Were broken in two dees--the wrist arm ~while the bones' protruded from the fidsh. Two physicians were summoned to attend her, Nervous Prostration Palpitation of the heart, pallor, 'wenknoss, general debility, ote., per [foctly enred hy the use of Ed 'Morin's Cardinal Pills, y | Women or girls, suffering from any | of these troubles or any others pecu- Tiare to their sex, should immediately use this adinirable tonic. First Communion Suits. , , of the New York clothing store, has received a large assortment of Boys' first mmion ' black suits, in merges, worsteds and cheviots. ; Gropt variety tojchoose from at ex- tregjely low prices, { +3 ------------ 'Do you use a ribber sponge. Get one at Taylor's Palm Garden drug store; you will like it, last for years. King for Ottawa Mon- day and Thursday, 6 a.m. J. Swift & Presh Picton strawberries at Fergu- son's. BRICS y Reliable Goods And Are , Sincere When We Say That re: Cheerfully Exchanged At All Times. Have It, and at the Right Price. WASH * FABRICS That not only wash, but look equally as good after they have been washed. Linen Batiste 82 inch wide, real linen color, only 19¢,, 26. yard. English Organdy Firm crisp finish, beautiful quali ties, 20c,, 20¢ , 80c., 860., 40o. yard. American Fancy Batistes Handsome designs in varions stripes and floral patterns, distinctive styles 16¢., 18¢., 80c , 8Be. yard. GLOVES : * White and Cream Silk Gloves Pure Bilk, only 8&c. pair, Black Taffeta Gloves + Finished with the new dome fast- eners, firm strong qualies, 85¢., 40¢., 60c., pair. Lisle Gloves : Greys, Tang, Whitd, dome fasteners, | only 266. pair, French Kid Gloves °_ Dressed and undressed, with elf and colored stitching, every pair guar- ranteed, $1.25 pair. : Elbow Silk Gloves * Black, White, Oream, 'Dent's Make, only 800 pair. i '| A Big Decline in Montreal Street Railway Stock--Forced Liqui- dation is Said to be the Cause.' to-day, owing to points compared with a couple weeks. ago. only explanation. Many new pls were made on the decline. stock to a fresh low level at 1173. Bush Fires Dying Out. ' ported that all dangers from bush fires was over in the districts been so seriously affected, no mely, Nt. been a slight rain, . but 'most all of the available material. Reports from other fires. MONTREAL CONFERENCE. 'The Statistics of the Membership And Givings. At the Montreal Methodist confer secretary reported the present member: ship within the Montreal conference to be 36,448 souls, or 267 more than last year. The total amount raised for the missionary fund was $37,105, and for all connectional funds $66,272. The total of the moneys raised for all pur: was $37,714, an increase of bir i) over last year. The reports of Sunday school and Epworth, League work would appear to be incomplete for the first shows a decrease of 923 in the Sunday school force, as against an increase of $2,171 in the funds, and the latter, while reporting 142 fower members, also shows an increase in givings of $2,270. The third Sunday in September will be observed in all Methodist Sunday schools as temperance Sunday. Rev. G. G. Huxtable becomes sec retary of the Quebec branch of the Dominion Alliance. Conference endorsed the appointment of the following delegation to repre sent it in co-operation with the Dom- inion Alliance and other. temperance orgmnizations to secure proper legisla tion: Reve. W, H. Sparling, B.A; W. H. Lambly and Alderman C. W. Cate, K.C., with power to add to their num- ber; also to resent it at the coun- cil of the Dominion Alliance in Toron- to: Revs. G. G. Huxtable, D. T. Cum- mings, Messrs. S. J. Carter and Abram Shaw. The Alma Mater society of the Wes: levan Theological College, Montreal, held its annual meeting and elected its officers: President, Rev. Ernest Thomas; secretary, Rev. G. 1. Camp bell. The society approved the re-or- ganization and extension of the col lege library so as to allow of circula- tion. A resolution was introduced hy the Rev. C. A. Sykes "that as the sofiety has heard - that the Rev. George C. Workman, M.A., Ph.D., has been nominated for the vacant chair of Old Testament Literature in the Wesloyan Theological College, we de sire to assure the board of governors that such appointment would receive the society's approval." Though the meeting was the largest of recent vears, there was only one dissentient vote. The soclety thon expressed its Dr. Shaw as principal of the college, Bay Of Quinte Conference. The last draft of stations was read and the changes from the first list are: John F. Mears, Newburg: R. M, Pope. Rednersville; Hallowell, Thomas HW. P. Anderson; Milford, Arthur Ww. Coonestle; Cobourg, James B. Sain: ders, M.D, and H. T. Lewis, BA. ; Roseneath, W. J. Sanders: Enniskill en, Thomas Snowden; Nyrtle and Col- umbus, Albert C. Wilson; Pickering, .J, E. Moore; Seugog, George McConnell: Atherley, Fred. Woodger; Oniemee, Jo- seph H. Locke; Janetville, W. D. Har- rison; Dunsford, Enoch B. Cook; Wil berforce, KE. W. Roland; Peterboro, Mark Street, John GQ. Lewis; Cavan South, John N. Clarry; Bethany, John E. Robeson and Elwood Bowerman: Rlairton, W. A. McK. Young: Corde va, F. H. Howard; Ivanhoe, William J. Woatherill: Wost Huntingdon Eras tus BE. Howard: Bancroft, Martin .J, Bates; Fort Stewart, W. E. Honey : ar, Charles W. Demille; Flinton, H. C. Garbutt; Tamworth, W. H. Adams. There are two new chairmen, Rev George W. Henderson, Lindsav, and Rev. W. H. Adams, Tamowrth. The {oklerehes meets next year in Porer- oro. Dr. Chown Must Explain. At the ence Joseph Gibson, 'Ingersoll, exception to a statement Rev, Dr. Chown, secretary & temper- took newspaper reports, he had spated at Kingston, on Friday, - that and others took the ground that Rev. the statement were correct. A tele- Jertam was sent to Rev. Dr. Chown in reference to the matter. ---- Stumbles In Front Of A Train. Malcolm Thompson, ~ Collins Bay, aged about nineteen yoars, was killed near the Pickering station of the G. T. R..on Tuesday, about noon. He was resting close by the side of the track and rising up suddenly stepped by accident in front of an engine and was killed. Fine Canadian Strawberries. Fresh Picton strawberries arriving wily at Ferguson's, King streot. The & hest berries ut the lowest prices. They ph ¥ ro at, June wth condition was a ol er tined liqui- dation in many stocks, notably trac tion issues. The mget sensational de- cline was - Montreal Sibraet, which broke to compared wi al the close ¥ ay. Brok are over the situa- tion. The break in . Street is forty of Forced liquidas is the lev- Low prices in Canadian Pacific in London and New York helped to break that Montreal, June 10.--The C. EB. R. re- which had Jerome and St. Agathe, "There had eien apart 'from that the fires had consumed al- points say there has been a dying down of the forest ence Rev. J. A. Dorman, statistical son, nard, Alexandria Bay; ference," D. W. the crowd met as school gratification at the re-appointment of blacksmith course of Having placed 4 quantity of pipe on Plevna, Joseph Uc Robing: Vannach- Hamilton Methodist confer- made by ance 'and moral reform. Acdording to "The church had not yet produced the large conviction on which alone a. prohibi- tory law can be based." Mr. Gibson Dr. Chown should be taken to task if and hae heen removed jght Years. to-day of West: s" at the Bri: all the oid were glad to e each other. eight members in- cluded all attended school at brook in their boyhood days, and since them ga places of influence and afluence in world, in their respec- tive walks in life. x The gathering included the following: Dr. 0. Euight, Cincinnati, Ohio; ir 1 a ut ] N . Smith, Emporium, Pa.; Daniel W. Leo- MISS DONNA WILSON, Daughter of Col. and Mrs. J. F. Wil reScott, Ariz, who weds Col Duncan Norbette Hood, of Cuban fame to-day, Col. Hood is the second son of the famous confederate Gen. Hood. Miss Wilson is ope of the most noted of American amateur musicians Nathaniel Leo- nard, Enterprise; George Smith, Westbrooke; Dennis Sheehan, West- brook; - Alexander M. Chisholm, Kings- ton. After recounting boyhood stories, incidents, eto., a fishing outing was arranged for the Brothers Islands, "where we used to fish when we were boys," as Dr. Knight put it. Before venturing out on the deep, however, the octette visited a photograph gal lery and were "tooken" for future re- Leonard said: Though thirty-eight years have passed since boys, and many winters though the frosts of have tinged their hair a hoary white, they are still as frisky as kittens, every one bf them, and can give the younger generation pointers upon how to enjoy life, i old age. a couple of days together in the city. 80 as to attain fresh The party intend to spend THE CITY SUCCESSFUL. Judge Burbidge Prepared to Dis- miss the Motion. City Solicitor MelIntyre and J. M. Mowat, representing the city and coun ty respectively in: the Montreal sub- way matter, returned from Ottawa this morning. They appeared before Judge Burbidge, in the exchequer court, the first named to' oppose and the last named to uphold a motion to make the finding of the railway committee of the House of Commons, relative to the Montreal street _sub- way, a rule of court, in which case the motion being successful, the city would be saddled with costs to the extent of about £6,000. Mr. McIntyre was quite successful in his opposition to the proposal, amd was upheld by the presiding judge, who maintained that the order was not binding on the city in its present form. He was prepared to dismiss the motion, hut consented, frinlly, to postpone action until the 20th inst.,-- the longest date possible--so as to give the eounty an opporflasity of ap- peaking to the railway committee to have the motion amended. If the com- mittee will not comsent, the motion will be dismizsed and the building of the subway will be as far away as ever. Two Accidents Reported. Thomas Foster, an emplovee of the shop at the Locomotive works, lost the two first joints of the three first fingers of his right -hand in an accident which occurred Tuesday evening. He wae feeding old pipe toa steam-hammer- the pipe being in the hreaking un for casting. base of the hammer, he was arrang- ing it when the boy in charee of the machine misunderstood a sitmal, set ting the 'hammar in motion. The. two first joints of theo fingore'of his right hand were: cancht and smashed. The thumb and small fincer also suf- fered damage, but it is hoped to save these. David Anderson, an employee of the machine shop. this mornine had the thumb of his' richt hand hadlv mangl- ed. The. attending phvsicien Hopes to be able to save the injured digit. Police Court Tidings. At the police court this morning George Brick was arraigned on a charge of stealing $5 from a com- rade. As there was not an appearance against the prisoner, he was dismiss- od. : James McDonald, on a charge of drankenness, was fined $10 and costs, with the option of going to jail for oné month. Fred. Dunlop, on a charge of fight- ing on the street, was disnfissed. Prisoner Pardoned. Wesley Perry, "a prisoner in the Kingston penitentiary, has been par doned on account of his health being completely undermined. He is a com- plete "wreck, suffering from abscesses, from confine- ment. His home is in London, Ont., where he will be taken. J. 8. Henderson * has been: awarded the contract of supplying the loeal militia camp, wh 2rd inst. on the with pro a peny on 5 3 | WHIG: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10. ' hotel, The meeting was some time ago, and all those turned up on time. It was the first meeting: in Vhirty ight yeas, and. meet West then have become scattered, many of The cabinet offices have finally PRIA Hi di QUARTERS OF EARTH. The SS. Aleides, Donaldson line from Glasgow, passed Father Point, i g, 6 a.m. Tn Thompson, Collins Bay, stepped in front of a train at Picker- ing and was killed. Crown Prince Gustav, of Sweden, has announced his intention of visit- ing the St. Louis exposition. "Fhe sixth' annual convention of the Catholic Order of Foresters of the ovince of Ontario is in session in eterboro, with ~overagne hundred legates present. del ope of high breed shorthorn cat- tle was held at Hamilton, Ont., on Tuesday. Forty-three head were dis posed of for $8,205, the average price per head being about $191. Samuel Kilhorne, Brockville, a well- known painter, dropped dead in the yard adjoining his residence on Tues- day evening. Heart failure was the cause. He was about fifty-five years of age and leaves a widow, but no fam- il y. "Signor Pi Briogile, Italian minister of the treasury, has submitted a pro- posal to parliament for gradual con- version of all Italian loans. terest. rate on the consolidated debt will be reduced to three "and one half per cent. A lacrosse match was played at the oay afternoon between senting the University of Toronto and the Detroit Athletic club, resulting 'in a victory for the Canadians by a score of seven to four. The '50th annual convention. of the Congregational union of Ontario and Quebec opened at the First Con rega- tional church, London, Ont., -Wednes- day morning. The convenvion will be in seseion until Monday, 15th inst. The election of secretaries and committees was the first business transacted. The Presbyterian general assembly held its opening session in St. An- drew's church, Vancouver, B.C., on Tuesday night, when Rev. Dr. D. H. Fletcher, of Hamilton, was unanimous- ly elected moderator. A contest had been expected, but Rev. Dr. Armstrong of Ottawa, withdrew his name. In view of the steady increase in the Russian naval force in the far east, and growing signs of serious compli- cations in Chinese waters, the Ger man government has resolved to rein- force the east Asiatic fleet strdngly. Several of the finest ships in the 'Ger- man navy will be added at once The British Columbia conservatives have decided on an immediate appeal to the. country and dissolution is an nounced to take place on June 16th. been filled by Minister of Mines Green, tem- porarily taking over the portiolios of education and agriculture, George Carley Black, aged sixteen years, employed by the Bell Telephone company, was killed a short, distance east of Brockville. In company with a companion named Ross Malev, he boarded the train at a heavy up- grade for a jaunt to Cornwall, and was in the act of making himself se- cure between two cars when, in some manner he missed his footing and fell. The wheels passed over his right arm and right leg, severing both. marriage was performed on a fly- ing C.P.R. express, the ceremony tak- ing place just after leaving North Bend, B.C. George Frederick Knight, Vancouver, B.C., was the bridegroom and Miss Mabel M. Lennox, Regton, N.B., who came out with the family of a ministerial delegate, was the bride. Rev. M. (. Odvim, Moncton, N.B., solemnized the marriage. A purse of $50 was presented to the bride by the Preshyterian delegates. ' HORSES BADLY BURNED. ---- May be 'Able to Save Them -- A Very Strange Accident. G. W. Bell, V.S., was called to Har rowsmith, Tuesday to examine the horses of A. Ward, of that place. It will be remembered that on Thursday last the team were injured in a pe culiar manner through a load of hay, driven hy G. Pixley, taking afire. The burning hay was dumped over on Mr. Ward's animals, as exclusively report- ed in the Whig of Friday last. Mr. Ward's horses were painfully burned, and it was reported that one would have to be destroyed, but hopes are held out that it may be saved. The ears, eye brows, mouth, nos trils, ete., of the poor animals suffer. ed a severe scorching, in fact the ears of one horse. were burned almost off. The horses have since been unable to feed or drink, but after treatment they showed an inclination to eat a little grass. The horses forth a valuable team, and Mr. Ward feels keenly the damage they have sustained. : Polo Injuries. "Are you not afraid you'll get hurt 2" "Oh, no. Polo has broken me several times already." ------------ Of On A Tour. In the course of a few days Alder- man. Angrove will leave for a two months' tour of England and Europe. He. will be on business hent, and af- ter spending a few days in England, will tour France, Belgium and Ger- many. - Made A Sale. D. A. Cays, real estate agent, has disposed of two dwelling houses, situ- ated at the junction of Alired and Brock streets, and owned by Dr. Mun- dell, to John Hyssop; Pittsburg towa hig. + iemtmnhins Going to preserve any pineapples ? Then get them at Ferguson's, OF WORLD}. The in- |! Detroit athletic club grounds on Tues- |4 teams repre- {i PETTICOATS To See Is to Buy, To Buy Is to Profit. We mention just:a few out of a large assort- ment we are now showing : * + Full sizes, trimmed with embroidery flofinfe ' and 3 fine tucks. : Price Only 75¢.: WHITE SKIRTS. ' With hemstitched frill, full size and well made. . ' Price 75c¢. WHITE SKIRTS Lawn frill, embroidery insertion and tucks At 99c. White Skirts Hemstitched frill and wide inser- tion, new design, Leda Price 90c. hite Skirts At $1.49, $1.50, $1 99, $2.25. White Skirts | l ow At$a49, $2.75, $2.99. $3.99. White P. K. Skirts And White Duck Dress Skirts, just opened a new lot at $2.25, $2.49, $2.75, $3.75. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON... $1.65, $1.75, VERANDAH HAIRS §gerencs' motel and Fuk Tonto. nein] # Dooty Above Opera WE ad 4 : st age, La 120-172 Princess Street, Kingston. --------i-- -- -- THR NEW SHOE For: Gentlemen LIGHT PEARL GREY CANVAS Very attractive, not easily soiled, very, easily clean- ed, comfortable as any slipper, Goodyear welted soles. Price $3. S---------- THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE. P.S.--The same boot in .white canvas, same price. a eva Sa -- OOS and SLIPPERS For Misses and Children. The styles: are particularly neat and pretty this year and low shoes and slippers are more popular than ever. We have them in patent | leather or kid, 'with patent or kid tips, and a 'large variety of styles to choose from. All sizes 'and prices. McDermott 'Shoe Store 4 EF FEY ¥ EE ~~ LAA HE BREE wcrema. Funded. i$ Shiv schend pest made and the only chair that jve comfort durability, ry "$1.25 40 $3.50. © Boat Seat, Oarsman's rs: R.EID, House, Princess St. UNDERTAKER, = ETC. Yoo Our optical: Department 'is We after your Spec- Eye Glass Wants BROS., AND OPTICIANS, EXAMINED. ;and Matting Boards, aad usually found in a ILL BE RECEIVED AT LR where plans @ when) up toll SSA x, A6Lh inst. ades works required in * Home and for remod- Wing at the Kingston ': tendér not necessarily INWWELANDS, Atchitect. " Omce Pagot Street. APILL1 EORMA. METEALTRY TORI, PRO. th of hair at any ely "and falling hair, is « | r dandrufl, neuralgia anc i \Ction _given or money : BE ELDER 215 Princess street, =. JO LRT on. BOARD; t Mrs. Yates, - pasar = oa i CHAMBEBRMAIDS merican Hotel. AY ON at Bri aS NH AN TO ASSIST IN GRO- : er) an A dar gtore. Apply to T. 3 ay: . THE ish NT -- ema mt = WANTING BTEADY POSANIEY Gould's factory; ©0p° posits 780 Princess street. SUMMER COPTAGE, ON WATER front, to | pent 'or purchase. k Cann's Real Estate Agency, Brock St. ' "e FA MILK STRONG. or MAN TO MT . . and de chores. Co a al Fred Albree, work. PWG RAR > ORY FL whisk _ inakers. Steady i Jared. Apply United Fac Vorien. (Limited ¥, Toronto. ns oH hanes, BA Vie and APN NAR ice 2 {figent, ovracti sein experience in ™ oF Th WoT 3 «Wi was committed THE ARST-OLASS TRST-01 a SAAK ET TALL CAND "SEE RRO aw fd ( ! Eas rock street. © % ly Affo girls wags. fv letter E Anply 11 <S necessary o naran!o® "Pemmple Build BE i ADF BER TRADE ane Free CE TH a "ent ' Industry ne % lives upon ho Diligence is and God giv In the Aff saved not 'b it. 3 Plow deep you shall 1 oer June 11th rebel Boers, have [5 Sqfition. today. |e s oe ject for xO They are somely. dec 00 "To; «ROB at Every Event NE Comedial As will ag our iRcomparable stock of | HELEN Artist Prools; Engravings and | Etchings, and together with our immense &hd ua-| Novelty raaning facilities, we 0 Howe of Artists' mé-| 1 sohsd Passe Pariout Bind: | CHILDRE IS 1 ia Only Sofi pore the d of 50 ond, | poptl men, laged neigh Pet tholi day's discu at J cong! e | - | healt 1 he 7.080 ty. 4 Arch