Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jun 1903, p. 2

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has not | prov 8 i Thon Bh aor, : delighted with the charm | to make dha" pronfised ------------ ts, fe 0h, 2, E any that court at Napanee for the | 'causes. E. Bristol ; Sn -------- ans Saturday's Market, morning market was : fee 3 Hi 2 there is no place have riot with having a pretiior loca. . ted is a little United | States capital, ith A tha th it, and you will begin ev , Mich., are also interested jn i 'present. in the city for the pur f over the plant of the mienag Milling company. It is in- traded to anlany this, so that the building will be 100 feet long, seven . five Tock wide, and five storeys high. At the boginmii not less than sixty. five "hands will be employed. Contracts "extending the buildings" will if¥ 2s 7 axe ready, the ne will Be here from Detroit. "F W. Wegner, president of the new ey 'occupies a similar position i ¢ Standard Pine Pood company, || whose mill at Detroit is at present the - { model one jn America. All the machin- 'Kingston, {ery thersin was designed by Mr. Weg- week, a guest | ner, who holds ther-in-law, Chief Adams. the patents, Tmprove- ments have. since been made on this machinery, bringing it as near perfac- tion as possible, and it is this, im! machinery the patents of which Mr. Wegner holds, it is intended to Jinstall here, so that foodstufis may be manufactured here | better than has yi been placed on the market. In fact r. states that it is infonisd Kingston plant g one, 80 that intending builders. may apie be and the capitalists Rh him are to build food , New Orleans, Aus- PDVOIVOLIBOG | ture. The two last named' the west. vB, Wom! Nationals raised." Ome hottle ' Oross Iron Quinine Tonic | Deseron and pur $1,400 worth of bes a baseball team is winnl o, | too good can be said of it by 8 supporters. But when it gets 'a ries of lickings, it is reviled, The ritizens of Toronto seem ready to mob 2 Jits eastern league representatives when they return on Monday. Irish Before Savablg's race at Harlem be was held at 6 to 1, but showing of the colt forced his price Ra to 4. The new lacrosse rule which = was framed to stop rough; play; hy ruling an offender will have the effect 'of game faster. |The severity of the ryle Jan ~ pre: habitnal r aging their ordinary ics and gives meh. ho. have the shill and » b not strength, a chance to. distinguish themselyes. wil , The Toronto Argonauts will d their senior eight to Philadelphia on July 2nd and 4th to row. in the Am- | 8 'efican Association and P regn- tas respectively. In the first they will have for opponents crews. from Yale, Pennsylvama, Harvard, Columbia Georgetown. The. Argonauts', eight will be made up of : Wright (stroke), D. McKenzie, P. Boyd, Kent, Parmenter, J. McKenzie, Hamber, Hardisty, Reid (coxswain), One. son of George Grahgm, M.P.P.; lias early. developed into such an ex cellent. lacrosse player that two of the senior teams have been reaching out for him, while a younger brother, though still on junior: teams, as 'a shortstop, is called on fre uently by venion teas. Blood will lk the: position. have . frequently to 1. things warm off George's bat. He's Alaa ready for ground hits and The Galt association football team, senfor champions of Ontario, will tour The pla; will 'leave on '4July 1st and matches will be p! wn We yl i has gone extensively in. + 1% the question of food supply. and has found that the heel supply is gta- dually diminishing, ow Hy That which the Detroit factory now turns out is atknow the very finest on the market. a ---------- a Had An Esjoyable Time. . rs, (Capt.) Brdoks, of Waterloo House, Nelson : street, "has teturned from visiting relatives in England by | the steamship Pretorian, which arriv- ap- 38 mt Montreal on. the 3rd inst., hav- A my { passage over. Mf you bad taken two of Carter's i Little Liver Pills on retiring you would not have had that coated tongue. bad taste in. the mouth. this morning, Keep o vial with . you.. for occasional uge. 4 ; enjoyable time on the i BACKWARD BABIES, Their Food Usually At Fault. When the babyis and back- ward about wi or talking the food | will often be to be the reason. This can he' ir l for baby then pur girl was a tin in hud digesion and a t ough we did our |! nothing ed to help her. She was peevish and would not. even to. walk, and ore ou oan -- how we felt to see this litt wasting away. When she was two years old she had i i and we were very ] The doctor said she ad summer coniplaint and indiges- | tion and told wus to use Grape-Nuts. given her two meals of at Owen Sound, Fort Wilh nipeg, Gretna, Pilot Mound, 'rystal City, Deloraine, Hartney, vie - ? r, Portage - i Gladstone, and Plumas. © It is esti mated: the tour will cost $1,500. Of this: amount $860 is covered by guar- antees, Baseball On Friday: Eastern League.--At Jersey City, 5; Toronto, 0. £ ' National = League--At Chicago, 5; Philadelphia, 12. At St. Louis, 12; Boston, 3. t American League--At Philadelphin, 2; Cleveland, 1. At Washington, 6; Chicago, 11. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. dsm. What is Going on in Harber And Elsewhere. The, steamer" Islander was on the ferry route to-day, , The steamer Susfanet leaves Davie' drydock to-night for Alexandria Bay. B Richard : sons' elevator : 4 Chogners "oho, . from Napanee and Granger, from Wolfe, Island. 5 The steamer St. Lawrence is taking the steamer Islaider's route down the {river for a few days. The is steambarge Simla glears from Garden Island to-day for upper luke ports, to load iron for Deseron- OQ, Swift's whar!: Steamers Spartan up: Rideau King from Ottawa. On Sunday steamers North King from Charlotte; Toronto down and up. MT. company elevator : Rosedale, from Fort William, with 80 - 000 bushels wheat; steamer Colonial, from Chicago, with 53,000 bushels corn; steamers 'Turret Cape, Whitaker and Donnaconna clearer' for upper lake ports; tug Thomson, up with four light barges, and clears down to-night {with four, grain b ------------ We Should Say So. Belleville Intelligencer. e would respectfully draw the at- tention of the Kingston Old Maids Club to the Fact t a gentleman came all the way from the ilippine Tslands to capture a Belleville young lady. Comment "is needless 1 John P. Oram, school trustee for Victotia ward, hak fendéred his re. signation; owing to his absence from the city. Its quite lo that John F. Birkett willl offer: himself for the vacaney. F ------ i ---- Present To A Church. The communion service given to 1 Sydenham' gtopet church was presented Art) Cho Dn 4 , i sd family no . KN. P. Chown' memory o the late Arthur Chown. = ii + Beautiful shoes all the newest styles nd lowest Prices at Abérmethy's. i Si for the entire match N hel: Steamer }. F og mation. Fie The relive till worping at 00k, & walery spell of thirty- strawberries. crushed with batty sods [at the Red Orosé A 'ehange of time in, the running of GAR. 0cours on Sun- iculprs will | found drug ring up a lot wert potatoes ey them Whig" counter with his usupl Xpression. § ® 'have ene, two and three burner oil stoves also blue flanie ofl stoves, Ov- end for gas and oil stoves and al} kind of cooking utensils in tin and agate ware. Coe and See them ng I jor & Hamijton's. a Lin ife t isagreeable weather evening, there was a fair 'atte f oN : YP ilie performance in L io Park, present company coneludes its ment to-night," and then leaves for Montreal to spend a webk re. ; A big excursion from Utica, AX. was to have come to Kingston Fri. day afternbon, but it was cancelled on uccomnt of the. rainy. weather. - © The Meamer St. Lawrence was to 'have brought it from Clayton, The Trusts and Guaraniee company, limited, Toranto, has been appointed administrator of the propecty in the Unpd ae bel to the hate late ree Washingto be the 'wea tramp who died in ng ilton hospital some tithe 'ago. This consists of money on deposit. in dit ferent banks in Buffalo, Syr é and Bachester,| amounting, to over BB, Po-morrow. will. be celebrated through the Roman Catholic church nod, the great demtivel of the Fete lien or ion Sunday, in: which the Holy Eucharist is exposed the adoration of gdig Mary's cathedral hs Proll. will observed and 4 number 'of 'young peo- ple will partake of their first commun- Bnd Tout of Fernie | do 850 NEVE thelr BUSINESS COLLEGE. eden enna plaa'ty are As low 3§ a carefy »2Ran could wish. Our Mey, And Boys' clothing i the best on 'the marke: u Ou want a bargun | elothing, or in Gents' Far nishihgs, come to us. Boys'. Communion A Big Assobiment at Low Prices ." JOSEPH SILVER # "eon ; Should always carry Fomnthin Pen, in . other words, A PARKER LUCKY CURVE, We guarantee each ¥ one. to SkS0 wp: * Soldiin Kingston at e ¢ : al " e TAYLOR'S PALM SARE # ® e ay DRUG STORE, 194 Princess Street, +. YPhose 80, (THE stoi that dots 16% pace). "hepesesdnrecccg Nw peli ivi fan Budget Of News Prom That Busy. J Institution; Vernon Cambridge, coniinerdial stu- dent, who was ps appointed to a ion in the Massey trie com pany, Toronto, has been to thei branch officee, Cleary Nerd: eat Territory, as head book: at a good pwd Wi B.. Storms, dn duste, left on Wedriesday to 'accept 5. position as sten her it (the of of the Canadian Pacife railway -com- Ran Many. Rose + Fillion, , who A position in 3 Son bank," Toronto, 'and R. 3. ier, for. the Elin Rogers Coal company, limited, of the mame place, 'are: spending. their hqli- days in the city, Robert Wood, a student of the Sollege and late steno- §rhpher for R. J. chowall,. this city, ft on Tuesday for Calgary. 8. M. Detlor, N , commercial graduate, leaves to- y to 'accept a position as book-keeper for the North- rop Iron works, Valleyfield, Que, Ethel Wilmott," has a position jas book-keej with, Mesgrs, Lemmgn, Claxton. a Lawrenceson, sity.. George Keys, graduate, has secured & position with the' Canadian eile railway, company at Winnipeg. Mamie, Donovan, of Tahedowno, shorthand graduate, has secured a position as stenograph, er with BR, Simpson & ©Op:, Paronto, Grace Hiscock has REppinted stenogri , in the office "of K.- Chown Sons, city. W. MH, Swin- ud he graduate; ig with the r railway company Qs. hawa. Hattie Laidley, shorthand graduate. of the Shorthand ment, has pe appoin © in the office of AL i ity, Amey, Shes, Jackister, NY dvank Wednesday next. _F. Clow, comnter- cid] student, has pecured a Position in the office 'of W. Bailey, & Co., broom manufacturers' of this city, Miss He. ot id iA eC angh: hand depart eo money you interest. J. S. 51 BROCK pl a course i "and. eaves for. Montroald iy Four Money 'Where It Is Safe. Nail It Whiees 1. 'Car's, Get Away. An investmidpt in réal estate is the safest and most profitable. We can give you one paying 8 tq 10 per cent. net." | We will supply you with what require ad low rete of McCANN, . GRO FLOOR. R. STREET, ment last week have rete the course in bhook-keep- : following have graduated from the shorthand department, : i cock, Catherine Farrel, May Weese,, R. Patterson, 0 ¢ Nash, , fie oore, and Helena! Staley. F. Howes has graduated from the commercial gisterad for Annie His-{ ven { 188 M. GOBER, M. Ay ~ Pv -D. Bch ; A Nod a position told am inte, G. he. of this city, . Walter 4 --; of the octlige, bas Homme, | ISSUER OF Way compe oa fat bh.» raile } IT SAFE Swan : ogy SN J or SS ca). poping JUNE 18 until K {BRANCH LINE In Effect June 14th, 1902. N8 WILL LEAVE CITY DEPOT, FOOT TRA OF JORNSTON STREET. * GOING EAST. | GOING WEST. No.8 Mall JL 88am. | No. os Mail..... 1.08 am. 5 ern "3 F Sos. 1, 2, 8 uid fran dally. Now. ig wonday. Nos. ©, 7, 11, daily, except Sanday. Direct route tb' Totohto, Hamilton, Bufialg Loudon, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw Mi gl OnAWE, Portland, St. Joba, Halifax, Boston and New York. +1." Por Pallmén A com apdation, Pickets and all information, te other in . J.P. HANLEY, Agent, | City Pass. Depot. | DOMINION LIE STEANSHPS i b EBHO MAL ASD qu adiiy LIVERPOOL. j "June 18, July aon June $0, July «Dominion. June J Aug. Southwark ... « " " 08 Jom wealth y " O Pagland , NORTE LIVERPOOL. pane, Norseman, ne 18 Lib ae rae 20 ONomadic, June 27 | i AVONMOUTH DOCK AND BRISTOL. | tH From' Moxtreal. rae 0. Manxman, y Puls 20. Me oman, Juy 31 . LEY; GTR. ERSLEEVE, 42 Clarence 8 1 Dominion Line, Montreal & Po | i "QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY + LAMITED, fiver and Gull of SL, Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes. Go S i 88. Camp! 4 hes. "slentric bells and all i dern comfort. . . Mon-1 SAILS FROM oN ON. 7 J : 10th asd and 21st September, | at Quebec, Fa- | , Mal Bay, Perce, Oe Pe | Coxe, Grand River, Summerside, PEL, and Chariot wn; PEL ite Bheat Ante of the season for health and camfert. hy Secretary, Quebec IR AHERN, Se ly to 2 hue + dnd staterooms SUPER Ji, Ickes Agents. Kingston. Ont. 3 gee L.D. & B. of Q. Sth. Co, Limited 0 The Bay of Quinte Route ' TO 1. Rochester, N.1/ " see tat ing ** leaves Swift's Areamer * Worth Bing, p.m, for Sum- i Sundays, [aprile NY (Port of Rdhester). *5 for" 1000 Islands Steamer 'Jeaves at ay am. i | nd ands, aw, or ay Rockport an or fall information apply to 4. P. HANLEY, A BVE. ENTS. J.P. GILDERSLEEVE. DALY { Sun- | F calling at | @A d Ganan- foot | | | LINE ¢ OUSAND ISLE, PRESCOTT oF 8 MONTREAL. | 2 Sr LBAVE KINGSTON rp : a [AST Monday: oING WEST | : R00 as : 5:00 p m, HC 4 EXCURSIONS ood RCIA saturday and Sunday HE BIUNUNTO! BAY OF QUINTE a PON, AD MONTREAL. LINE : CC SSuLEANE KINSSTON; y GOING 1:80 eo SWIFT aL J. Freight Agent. | | { ' wad ik «1 BOING KAST. bay, 4 Pan. pom. | i is 1 pm. i k: ad London- | nit . : aE a7 50 to 49.90; London, $3 a Class, 2 5 and $26; Liverpool. | Derry, Belfast, tie mt London. | | i { \ { { ,, City | PR DEN { }

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