------------ A ------------ Any of thetints will into decbrations that are $0 ALABASTINE i is really beduti v For salé by hasdware and Never sold Th bulk. "If you don don't know how to decorate write free the " Housekeeper" TNE: co, nid, poss, Ont" : « Pelntors--Every | 's Rentinder, ," and will I very convent je The professional cook would not be sii without the- improvements and conveniences 'of the Imperial Oxford » Ta 8€ . His skill wotld only i} Dusiishd iit & poor stove. "The amateur cook' cannot expect anything satisfactory results without these im- provements, No matter what skill is employed in your kitchen you.cannoby do good edoking without the jconveniences of the Imperial Oxford Range. "The diffusive fie 'construction 'means an evenly heated oven; the thermometer tells you thie 'exact heat of 'your oven; ~the draw-out oven rack' makes basting sivhple; the draw-out grate makes ho Dab TmperiabOstord Range does perfect €ooking with' ce The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited i Toronto, Canada Winnipeg Vatcouver lies ote An, exquisite curve. 8 po other niakes of Corsets will Jo Sd thi u find this very iatest ai ioe. new tight skirts dethand thatyowwear it. 6 Small ahd large, best Sogn, : ul Sizes, $3.50. regular price $8. Wool, only $3.50. | JAMES a R. 6 DOBBS & ©0., sid which is large and roomy and sweeping up ashes in taking sére of thi In no other furnace are the unseen, b features given so much thought and. care. "Sunshine" furnaces make Bouse-wa: 0 * Burns 'Coal, Coke or Wood. Sold by all enterprising dealers. D FURNISHED 0000 out board, without board, 401 Qupen Birest. FOURS GOOD, ' w Bh, ¥ Elven veer __ vehaoiti al 197 University 'Avesue FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR thout Jourd, ¥ im) pe Apply 100 King treet, core nion street. MS, WITH OR Queen Sires! '$ispECILS 3 Hie ean Verandah' Chairs Wl Strong, and comfortable, | the In Ostermoor Matiresses| ¥ Nbne better. ¢; ; h uo Refrigerators et Julfering | kidney tro | the house. , swollen an "rest day © . but could | friend advi 'Pills. 1 TI. F HARRISON C0. ue a ! prete care | Doan's K makers. See These Bodors Lo You 2 Buy. i ------------ JAMES REID- aitesse IER mot sts aed | tO No. 8 Look Weave, Woven Wire Spring, Dayton, der. MoDow distinguish w es Sod rs Tae g Rass pt og br i war -. Sev a $4.50. : part in th whom, lik Sateen Mattresses, * 6-inéh border, all ; while in tl { McCook by American Fancy Stripe Mattrasscs, general. Wool In both sides, only $3.50. These are specials; biy before they are Ml sold. Big Winnipeg yesterday implement REID. pleases Bicycles, "Typewriters, are store i stable, Th of Englan | Sewing 'Machines <i Sh | John R. ¥ Trvepriter 1 171 Wellipgten Bt Sault Ste. Known by their v + * The Perfected American Watch,' of .inferesting information abou! wa free * o request. American Waltham Watch : Wala, Mass.