Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jun 1903, p. 7

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o Liquor Defhr 206 Princess Street, artin's old. stand), Bottling Works of Ginggr Als, Plaia ger, Lemon Sour and hate. All kinds of wine ® promptly attended to, cn dialeheatad Copeland's." pd Lager: also 'Fisher's or. Keg: Ales lor stock. Tie athatear cook! without these im-, kitchen you.cannoby e Imperial Oxford" jan evenly heated of "your 'oven § the ww-out grate makes erfect €ooking with? .s Limited Vancouver 6 L wool, only $8.50. nd and features given so much thought an D FURNISHED SO out board, 5 r Fh ROOMS, hi 9 Daren ve oe er---------------------- FURNISH! 'ROOMS, "WITH OR rh with modern im Yitheh 160 King street, corn. MS, WITH OR Queen Street. 3 SPECIALS J Kid Verandah Chairs Strong, and comfortable, | Ostermoor Mattresses rd igerators mh ahd Foie best ms See These Before le : You 2 Buy, BT. F. HARRISON C0. JAMES REID- UNDERTAKER / | Springs and ! - Maresses ts wi a | TRIMERS TOT Lasts 27 ; No.8 Look Weave, Woven Wire Spring, al stg, $3.50; regular price $8 portant feature. p 18 coiiucted so tha al fhe sabes must fall which is large and roomy--no scraping, shovelling up ashes in taking edre of this heater. "Inno other furnace are the unseen, but really important. little "Sunshine" furnaces make Bouse-warming easy, cheap and sure. * Burne 'Coal, Coke or Wood. Booklet Free. «=: Sold by all enterprising dealers, . swollen ! rest day or night. I tried several remedies but could get | friend advited me 1 43 Doss Doan's der. McDowal. McCook died to-day. distinguished himself during the civil "In most furnaces the ash. pan is considered a minor detail ~~ the "Sunshine? it is given 88 much care as the most im- d care. [Feet and Ankles Swollen Could Not Steep at Night. | Backache and Kidaey Troabie the Canse. Doan's dney Pills Cured ATtet Other Remedies: Had Falled. : These Wonderful Kidney Pills witl Care the Most Obstinate Cases of Kidaey Trogble if Only Gives a Fale : Trial and Used According to Directions. adie - Read what Geo. H. Alward, Whites a has to them: used Doan's Kidney Pills hk and gidney trouble and --, in this a 1 was > kidney trouble that Point, "This. is to ce: oF ys pnrgelin] he house. My feet and nnkles were so and that I could get no no relief whatever until [3 ; # decided change ile, sous paresis decided change Dimes when I'was able to do m ti le a com Doan's Kidaey Pills are go cts. per box, $1.25 ll dealers or igen con | plete care Lt Sas TRE DOAN KIDNEY PILL CO., TORONTO, ONT. Fadeless! | Tear Soap. You can't wash the colors " No mess, no trouble" when willig it. Tt dyes to any tint. Mayyolo, Soap Dyes. ! 'Sold everywhere. age. for Colors, age. for Black. +. MoCOON DEAD. A General Passed To Rest After Long Service. Dayton, O., June 12.--Gen. Alexan He rs had vidos J roars No Wir war -. Seven of his brothers took rng 4. wae, only" $9 he part in the war for the union three of bhi whom, like their father, were killed "Sateen Mattresdes; 6-inch border, all yo Gy, (he service. Four of the eight American Pancy These are speciale; bity belore they are all sold. y | JAMES | REID. : ih Bice Typ pewriters, r: § 'Machines AED DOBBS & 00. : a. 171 Welllpgton Bt "Waltham , ware storehouses, i rable. The Balmoral hotel and Church of England barely escaped. Loss about { McCook brothers attained the rank of rE Strips Mattrasses, general. wool in both sides, only $3.50. Big Fire At Yorkton. Winnipeg, June 12.--Fire at Yorkton esterday afternoon, destroyed Holes mple mnt house, livery and feed sta- bles; Bell's house, barns, ice their contents; J. house an > : | Smith's Jumber yard, grain and hard- and M. Appleton's $40,000. No Hat Union. New Haven, Conn., June 13. -- The growing habit among Yale students of walking the streets day and night headed is heeoming popular, mt young women following suit. nt ------ John R. Brown, formerly headmas er of Napanee Model school, has been ngaged as mathemafical master in Sault Ste. Marie high school. ee -- Watches | . : Known by their works. +The Pell on "U" American Waltham dh Wallop, ected American Watch, interesting information about aalches, ** an illustrated book will be sent Watch Companys Mass, The 'Gamey Report Will Now Be Taken Up--A Whirl In The Public Accounts 'Committee. 3 - Tototity, June T2.~Festerday's sion was almost a record breaker of the conspiracy. y. grounded their hopes for the go hut fleeting "'moral. victory ures of crown, or te was to be the feature of ™ session, the Gamey ruction always and at all times ex being an éxtra of 'the rarest kind. y yearn: or an excise for an outcry upon Yack of fair pla 8 is ever an of oft fective resort: in a enuncie sade. Now Fo Graham, PP i§ not a good' fellow in parts but ul through the "and as' chairman of "the 'public socourits' comptes he tried to "be more than 'fair, --to be even indulgent and courteous. He was tlso 'caroful not to injure his party by wet of ® iol "or 'restrietion, He had, in , won the rave gift of a publicly "expressed "well-done" from the other side. But in the midst of political life we are ever in sodden death; He had been informed by members of the government that, un- der arrangement with the op ition, general business was to be id last. night. Therefore he had 1 bring the ittee work to an ending yesterday while ope or two witnesses remained unheard. Crusader Matheson did not know of the eafly closing plans and he raised his 449th breeze. n the hooge, as already reported, the elements expanded intp a gale, the conservative whip contributing to t unsottled atmesphere by Yeclaring had been misunderstood pis hl He had, act, not consulted, or notified BA and colleagues, and there it stood as. a mishap. But Chairman Graham did not mee ly take the blame, but put up such a fod "defence, in common with Hon, Messrs. Davis and Latch ford, 'that "the attack of Messrs Whitney, Matheson, 8t. John, Dufl, Reid and ~ mythe, with "pestiferous' and "malodorous" charges, such" us they in oti times put into navy stink- pots, almost harmlessly. "Milt" ining of Parry Sound, was the humorist of the occasion, and made a certain "speckled hen" im- mortal. A Lavish Hand, After six hours thus spent in riot ous living, 'the house settled down, for the invariable calin, during which bills are rushed through' with a don't care air, the government being relied up- on ior careful watching and steering, Sixteen bills were read for the third time; including 'the new municipal acts, the ponderous municipal consol dation, and the Frontenac bill for toll-road inspection, upon which Mr. Matheson nl a '"'carried on division," because it created a new office. - Seven bills passed. the final stage as well 'as committee of the whole, including that for setting apart additional will. lafids for To- ronto University to provide for a wo- man's residence, The bill mentioned two townships, "Make it four," says Mr. Whitney, - "Agreed," said the minister of education, and over flowing measure of the umiversity was heaped that much more. It was a brief = dramatic illustration of the rivalry between the two leaders, to ain the favor or rather avoid the aggling of the 'university propagan dists, The legislature will wake up some bright morning to the evil of their indifference to the by-play. What This Vote Means. Now four townshi cover twelve bquare miles: and 92,160 acres. The pine alone is reserved, under the bill, and these Northern Ontario lands sell for at least 81 an acre, often for $2. Yor the woman's residence only $50; 000 was asked, and two townships were 'ample, especially as the crown lands department is 'to manage the sales and keép the accounts free of ex- pense to the university. The bill als» provides that if any lands have ul ready been; sold in the four town- ships to be selected, the money re ceived for them shall he taken from the general exchequer and . placed to the oredit of the educational octepus. The $50,000 mre promised yesterday for university convocation hall will come out of the cash endowment and Le replaced by fhree per cent. of an mal vote. What $30,000 or £100,000 will be asked for next week no one vet knows, Every bill but two was disposed of. That of Mr. Latehford, to create a provincial board of con ciliation and arbitration, was with- drawn, because of divergence between opposing interests, which could not be satisfied in the limited time afford- ed. At midnight another day for work seemed unavoidable, and' a morning session was ordered. Ly | -- Friday's Agitated Air. A motion pf the minister of public works proposed to transfer the subsidy from Lake Nipegon - southward to the Thunder Bay, Nipegon bay and St. Jog railway company to. any other company which will construct a liné from Lake Nipegon southward to the C.P.R: This fi Whitney declared to be a climax to that concession given fish Soul any for twenly years over the: lak hich, his followers had al- ready foe raved was far too geémefous. It had not - been brought before the legislattire' and was open to suspicion at leet, if not direct censure, One of interest, for coloniza- neral in: the_gu ing, and how could tion and devel House Over The Work Of The | real 'work. Disappointed: 34 the por 3 and lowest Prices at Abernethy's. ville, who has completed a post gra duate course in has received gu call to the tional church at Berlin. it has 'lost the capacity for absorbing oxygen; 'thin blood which has not been properly nourished ; has lost the power to repair waste and build new tissue; blood that is lacking in red corpuscles -- all show that a reconstructor is urgently of rich, healthy Blood, in a form 50 palatable and easily digested | called for ; Yeas, a majority' of 4. Thus . railway resolution . of d oa mere transler at for the Grane line' has been under ion in poll out A the encow . proportion also of the dominion a "ay the 2Vrplemeniary pas session. ended. At lieutenant governor 130 pam. to the "house and assented to he bills la passa since last visit, passed at the inter: The, emo ve were concurred in after an ment by Mr. Whit ney, claiming Ontario was not had been rejedted adjournment took place Thasin y, when the premier, will move the adoption the Gamey commis- rion report. debate uj this is the sole remal work of the legis: lature. The supplementary estimates in the legislature provide $1500 for a pro- vincial architect and the premier an- nounced this morning that Alexander Fraser would Be appointed to this position." In the legislature, to-day, the pre- mier explained that the increased in- poi 4 to, -- 000 was« only for this especially session. He thopht $300 would lou be ufficient in future. The indemnity has bes $600 'since con- federation. WIPE OUT A TOWN. ------ And On Its Site To Put a Reser- voir. New York, June 13.--It is under stood that the eommission appointed by Mayor Low ito investigate and re- port as to available additional sdurces of water supply for the city conten plates wiping out entirely the town of West Shoken "to make a lake there four miles square, from which the eit may get more water. West Shoken is a small place in the Catskills which are considered the most prolific sourde of water supply the city could draw froin in edse of the need that may come from the delay in the' construe tion of mew reservoirs. Notable Events To-Day. June 13th is the anniversary of the birth in 1786 of Gen. Winfield Scott, at St. Petersburg, Va. Served in the war of 1812, and with Taylor he was a hero of the Mexican war. In 1852 he was an unsucctssful candidate for the presidency. Born in 1795 on the Isle of Wight, Thomas' Arnold, historian and famous' teacher at Rugby, Fng. Born in 1821 at Saugus, Mass, Gus- tavus Vasa Fox, assistant Secretary of the navy during the, war, commard- ed' the first moniter to cross the ocean and visitéd Russia 'fh connection with the purchase of Alaska, Born at Portsmouth, NH., in' 1822, Gen. Fitz John Porter, soldier in the Mexican and civil whes. His tijd! and fingl vindication in connestion with the charge of disobedience of orders at the second battle of Bull Run is , matter of military history. Cushendall Items. Cushendall, June, 12.~Farmers are all wearing, 2. sh a cheerful smile since the rain, whi so badly needed in this part . ot 4 country.' A verv large crowd attended. .the English church pichic at Joyriville on the 10th and report a joyahle time in spite of Yo Appoia sof rain. They inténd having an evening picnic on the same grounds. Mr. Bur ton continues very low. 'Miss Fanny Hamilton has returned from Visiting in Kingston. Mise Ethel Ward is dpending a few days with' her sister at Collins Bay. . Your General Debility. Can 'oily be removed'by taking Dr Ed. Morin's Cardinal Pills. They are remarkably efficacious in all casés of women's'or young girl dis eases. Sold everywhere. For Confirmation. Beautiful shoes all the newest styles Rev. J. Lambert Alexander, Middle Chicago University, Congrega Blood Starvation "Blood that is starved because weak blood which needed, and that without delay. | a few strawberries this year. All of the conditions of the poaestion a y. May cheese went out off factory on that the, fish compe ae a wld a Ferrol is the most powerful | Wednesday. Visitors: B Smith ahd L, ilwWay to si Ww. s; H. © - accomplish this by styring the regenerator of the blood known A emi oh ren ibfidy of another snd independent to_medical science, because it a a Wager's; Hearn at G. Mr. Conniee defended the transfer. } contains the very constituents | The grant to the old goad was highly Miners' Wages. the country be harmed by transfer to Le sion, has. notified another Campeny . He i. charged that .even an infant. can take son, har, Fr the, Ties ing oh «1 m 3, Heol to be a stockholder, but] and assimilate it without award, b o hax appolated Et: would be a contractor, and defend difficulty. SE to: compute hington. of : miners' his right to vote and speak on the wages the sliding scale. project, though. the Opposition 1 Spmple fige. 7468 Yori, § bales for $4.00, - ' at all druggists, or from "A new mrrival' on onr Red Cross Tue Feasor CoMPaRy, Lies, sob oalde. WI op) i Willie Lafountain Rescued Cole- man Martin, Tweed News. By the quick action of Master Wil- to the outer edge and face of the jam and reached out and caught Cole- him from certain drowning, boys who witnessed the afiair turned with fright and ran away, but Willie which 'det he is praise. deserving of much SCHOOL QUESTION. Response of Hoard to Roman Catholic Request. Winnipeg, Man., « Jung 13.5In re- sponse to a request from a committee of Winnipeg Catholics, . to take over their schools, the Winnipeg school board has reaffirmed its position of August, 1901, that they would pro- vide accommodations for the Catholic school pulation, rént from them such buildi as are Required, and hire. Roman Catholic toacl on the petition of parents, the 'schools to be carried on so ax not to conflict with the public schools 'act, and no distinction of dress on the part of the teachers to be permitted. An amendment, offering to rent the present buildings, employ ing all qualified present teachers, and making no stipulations as to dress or curriculum, was negatived, only two voting for. it. NS i} ort yy He--Why did you encourage me? 1 didn't know you were married," She--Well, T dida't know you were single. ' Wagerville Wafts. Wagerville, June 12,--Another one of our Wagerville girls bas jumped the broom-stick, when Miss S. Sills was married to C. Walker on Wednesday last. She will be missed as she was highly respected. They intind to make their Home in Ohio. W. Wager had the misfortune of cracking his collar-bone on Monday morning last, Mrs, W. Me Cumber, after a couple of weeks at Brownville is now home alter a pleas ant 'time. A lawn social will be held at McLean's, June 12th. The men pealing tanbark for Mr, Black are all through. Head working has comméne- ed: A nie shower of rain came Sun. day night. The grain is quite greeg looking now. There seems to be auite Philddelphia, June 12.--Judge Gray, of the anthracite coal strike commis fit a fin the prope cv 124 King St. Wats Timon, he hargain counter, an slinfr of beef. a liam lalountain, and not without : : placi is own je in danger, . ¥ ter Coleman Martin was rescued from Dressers' es drowning one day last week. Cole ) 7 nan Jas standing on » log which jormed part of a jam in the river, ns +f ha and by the jar caused by another. log 'Appreciate style, striking t one on whic st . 3 he was thrown inte $he rapids. Wil fit and finish of Fit. lie, foreseeing the fate of Coleman - should no assistance be rendered, ran Reform Clothing; man by the hand just in time to save Other bravely rescued the little fellow. for #5 wa 6 8 hojving, Se dka astidions" The wearing and shape retaining quali- ties appeal to. careful men who like to be | well dressed, while the price, about half that charged by the custon tailor; is an item to every one. Suits and Overcoats from $10.00 to $30.00 Matta "Agencies from Cape . Breton to British Columbia. A PAINE SICELERY 6) ; Marvellous | Cure. in Clayton. \B.C... srk pe rena : ty "Qideohiraged, - iy attention' "wat drawn) to the. wonderful cure of; Dy McMahon, i etarhoro, Ont, by Paine's i 'elery Compound. pews paper story of this cute gave 4 ah enough Ary One Celery Cok pound. 7! tle did not cure mé, | me good, land cine day) after day; willl Th : x v Eczenia ix one of the most common of all blood. and skin diseasos. The skin ix inflamed and irritable; with vesicles or fissures from which serious fluid exudes. When the disegse is ox tensive, there is fever, a pallid ap pearance, *hsadache and loss of appe tite. Paine's Celery Compound is na- ture's: unfailing eure for the diveaws. It purifies and, gives feosh vitality to the blood, and supplies the neaded ele- ments for the repair of the whole | soven bottles, when I as body. Aunic L. Forman, Clayton, B.{ cured. 'T Have not 'the sl C., says: of the disease on any path "Since childhood [ have heen | and my skin tis, now se Paine's Celery ful remedy, atid 1 hel it to all sufferin other skin Ter Jy pb troubled with a serious eczema, nnd up to two years ago | gave up all hope of ever being cured, as the best doc tors 'could not help me. While great T Tam amma ASK F OR IE #. " tym} large one dolls botile for te.

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