Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jun 1903, p. 8

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in | Cann Cat arranged to hdve two detectives us to sell such stainless lack Voiles and Grenadines, Crops Voiles; Spot Crepes, Dotted ~ Grona- dines and plain cameo weaves, 41 in. wide, beautiful qualities that wear and shed the duet, at 75c., D0c., 9c. 1, $1.10, 81.95, R1.%%, BL 5 SEpLhen and shrunk, eotroct weight. i hy and that 1 contained in a concerning a dead man which been sent out from the ich street police sta- ine panition of the desk sergeant, and oe was. at first » [ Cathedral 4 en its Parsons has been released ning wince is pearance tr the home of Mes. Lowrey, where he had heen living, re tives had watched - the ngwy Re to 3 sergeants noticed a similarity ina a Aescription in the report tioh Mprch 3rd. He referred to the message, which told of a man who had been found dead in bed in a lodg- ing house at 134 State street. Advising Mrs. Lowrey to visit Rol- ston's undertaking rooms, Sergt. Me- ASsotipasy ae there, but through a mistake woman failed .to meet on the appointed day the detectives, and it was wot until the other day that infurmation was obtained from the It corroborated the sup- 1: collage 'was visited. There in cooling room Mrs. Lowrey learn- the gruesome details of her fa- thee death and the disposition: of is She told the detectives he had left his home on February 6th, and it | he had gone to visit a Jrother in : Toledo, O p France was seventy years ol form- heen a bridge contractor. He leaves five children. i ------------------ A Pertinent Question. } Ex-Alderman Toye was seen this morning with reference to the state- ment made hy Alderman Mcleod av Thursday's special 'meeting, of the] Saundi], \ouchi touching the subway question, | rman McLeod tried «to, clear Py -- reading selections from minutes of council. All that ex- Toye had to say was this v did Alderman McLeod tell the council all the facts relative' to & joint meeting of committees from the city and county 'councils, relative to the subway matter, and arranged hy motion of. ex-A sn Donnelly be Brea " 'Alderman McLeod. had i meeting; A have made 5 rman King would not hix cowardly attack npon Mowat. Alderman MeLeod Purpossly Jept the proceedings of this com Obscure, so as to proteet himse " ¥ An Historical Fence. hai man of Parks Walkem will ag. code to the request of the Kingston Histrical Society _ that the piece of separating St, George's from the new Clar: once. street park be left standing. The stockade Js all that remains of the first enclosure about St. George's church, and is three-quarters of - a century old. . Alderman Walkem has avery respect for the cedar posts, erect. ed, he says, to keep the Indians from church. 1 The bit o fence will he 'straightened, and led as a great euriosity for or A number of the fruit 'trees have been removed, = but most: of them still remain. His wor ship the mayor is to all the fruit that remains' upon them after the small boy has dong his work. The Shuitman states that an application has heen 'redeived for the right to oe tablish a refreshment booth in the park, but it will not be granted." The Steambarge Released. The steay Parsons, owned hy! myo Whole" Chasen, Ny Ww ught a cargo ¢ wh go, 'was scized by the Sherill of From for 8105 salvage. Lhe claim was by the crew of she Calvin teamer Johnston which hrought the atsons into port, after it had hrok- ey in the pried" nel. Capt. Wheoler ount, but has now it, and Not Yet Released. } The steamer Turret Crown, To ran on the above Nine M Point Friday moming, had not been. peleagd at one o'clock this The steamers Pierrepont and New 1 and oF sudmer were still at wy § her off A posiad her was brought down on the ot bogs vs ib |The Musical Programme. Quoen Street * Methodist church -- Mo Brithen "Nearer 'My God to . Birch and Shor, Eve He arrived facts relative to that | J from | time we me Se in : Philadelphia, Rec Record. LA in Mrs ave left to spend the Mes. Norton- hore shortly, and somed. aly will arrive to. "to spend the sum: John Ta oo nd her children a on pe from Ba- tavia, 1, te ta poy i visit to Mrs, Taylor's father, Rev. Sterne Ti oe. pod t is expected home shortly and will be a gladly welcomed visitor at the dance of Monday week. Mra. Arthur Grasett, of Toronto, will probably spend the summer in her {rp baly ajor B. V, 0. Hewitt's-- Guarters at RM.C. Miss Rose,' * of Morrisburg, is paying a short visit in town. : . . . Mrs. Hiram Calvin has gone to Gar- den Island for the summer, Mrs. Lowe has hrived | in Son, and will open "Otterburn," it in confortable order for hr daughter, Mrs. Allaire Shortt, who will come: to Kingston with her children in July. Mrs. Tonaks 'went up to Picton to- day. An suthreak of mumps at Trinity College school "is raising hopes am- ongst 'the boys of extra early holi- days. - Rev. Charon Bineros: Tua. who was ordained in St. George's Cathe- dral, on Sunday, the 6th inst., and was about to take up his duties us curate at St. James' church in this city, has umforpunaiely been taken rather Jeriously ill, his health break- ing down suddenly from the stein. of recent overwork, He had just coma pleted his master of arts course at Toronto University and his thealogl eal. course at Wycliffe College att samb time, 'and had done altogether too. much . studying and hard work. Mr. Masters has returned to. his) mie at Niagara onthe Lake' in the ope that a short rest will soon re swore him. to da complete short stay in the city will deeply re- gret his illness and bo glad to hear of his Ee Jocovery. S - . 6 1. Starr, curate of St. Gore cathedeal, Kingston, will to-morrow "morning at Christ. hare e athedral, Montreal. At the esas M the fd sonadrons | jn of the King's 0 'olonials on the | anards, in ondon, "aptain Wiel steed, of the Canadian artillery mili- tia, was presented by Lord Grenfell ith a medal for the Riel rebellion. qu rons - are distinguished by I dges--a beaver for the Cana- dian, an 'elephant for the Asian, an ostrich for the African, and a kanga- roo for the Australian. FINDS SHE IS DIVORCED, ------ Woman Thrown Upon Hands Of Overseen, Of Poor. Rome, N.Y., June 13.<Travelling froth New York city with her two small children on a ticket given 'hy Comimissioner of charities, Mrs Joseph Terry arrived in Rome last night to learn.thas her husband had secured a divoree" "and that she is homeless and friendless. In distress she appealed to Over- seer of the Poor. Groddell and was provided with a foom at a hotel for night. \ Mrs. Terry left. home several months ago and borrowed the money to pay her car fare from a ueighbor: Claimed A Bride. The Canadian Mute, Beileville. Miss K. Freeman, for. the past three years one of our staff of attendants, resigned at the end of last month and has since been united in marriage to J. Melville, of Rinptaon, The marriage took place at the bride's home in Read, and their home is now in King- ston. Two years ago Mp. Melville, was font tip from Kingston 'to overdes the 4 piistiing in' the institution And is i nown here. Mrs. Melville was the recipient of some handsome presents het fellow Mtieudants and; all wish the 'm every happines After Many Years. Chicago Record-Herald. Governor Bailey of Kahsas winds up by marrying a widow who was one of: 'the swat] of © his boyhood. This shows once: how important itis when Sie ¢ throw "us oo Bo go ahead and become great. It is lly Slo nt conclude that a good niany; of 'them will be widows by the Good Advice nn whose exclusive business it is to \ Ei good advice to advertisers, and who "shows ndvice sense 'observes that "the with addressing the 'most can of the ae dor the > he Yas to' spend. means to the {newspapers _ 3 Ee "Bidamt Sen Down. © higamy in the to three. |: Grego, health and | | vigor. Those who met him during his advertiser Can. never evoryhody, He should content = a ETRE Sous 13. Robort - EEE made his rounds, he found Gregory ing by the neck to the cell door, Rag He had torn. up a sheet afd formed a moose of the pieces, with which to hang himself. The discovery save life, as_the heart's action had ceased. Coroner Kilborn was at once notified and visited the institution, the body and' taking note' of the oe- currenen. u"w to noon he had not de- cided: upon -holding 'an' inguest. was a comparatively young man. Up to the time of his attack up- on Keeper Kenny, he was. looked upon as a 'model prisoner. He had not caus- ed any trowble, and was always will- ing 'to' obey orders. Tt is' presumed that the discipline following inearcer- ation résulted in "turning his mind," which . accounts for his attack upon keeper Kenny. After being subjected to a short term in the punishment cell, he was removed to the prisen of isolation, be- ing taken thewe Friday afternoon Gregory seems away with himself. With this end in view he tore the sheet of his bed in- to strips, and with these made a noose with which he successfully made away with himself. No hlame can be attached to any member of the staff, as each one per" formed. satisfactorily the duty assign- ed to him. An inquest will be held to-night at 5:30 o'clock. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Reporters On Their Rounds. Pine "apples 10¢. and 12§e. Rolled butter, 20c. 2 packages malta vita or Force 12{c. each. Crawford. The boat house of 'Frask Partridge, 'néar Portsmouth, 'was | broken into, last night, the oars smashed and the boat abused. Remember Oddis]lows' = excursion among 1,000 Telands, Wednesday, 17th. Brummer merica. The attention of the travelling pub- Tic is directed to the advertisement of the Grand Trunk company, as to change of hours of local trains leav- Kingston, 'otatoes in bags. Crawford's Miss Edith Knapp, daughter of Al- derman Knaffp, Johnston street, leaves Monday to visit her brother in linois, and later to #pend some time with friends in California: Don't forget the C.0.0.F. excursion among the isjand, 17th, Steamer Ame- rica. At the police" court this morning William « Campbell, fori 'a :ehdrge of in- decent exposure, was sentenced to three months . in jail. A charge against a Princess street hotel keeper was dismissed. Dr. Frank S. Patch, B.A., formerly of Kingston, read the valedictory, ad dress at McGill, Medical . Convocation in Montreal, on Friday. He was the prizeman of his year. A Call Down. "I've got a good story to tell you. over told it to you T don" t think 1 before," = "Is-it really funny 7" "Yes, indeed, it is." "Then you haven't told it to me before." was made by Keeper McQuade, who | at once summoned 'assistance: and bad |. the! body cut down, but too late to | viéwing ¢ {osccured:. this ot. _ fully up to 'the sta i Values. fF 78 n rridenires | SPEC 312 "A Beautiful rich black, of will not cut, full 2% a 'wide. | pquality i is sold regulaely at-75c-a yard.' Gtgory seme. 10 Juve bronded oval} a . 7 Vos Home 23c: yard. MONDAY We have. just secured : ably good bargain oD wo Chiffon, and will offer the MORNING" We will not take up space here, telling how we bh. to know. they are dard and are exceptional YARDS BLACK TAFFETA SILK good body and This IT, ' YARDS BLACK - TAFFETA SILK Pll 22 'ihches wide, of 'weight'afid will not cut, This quality is never Sol at less than $1'a yard regularly. "color and ' 8x # 4007 Our Price for This Hirer 5 on Monday SILK CHIFFON Both Black aid while, full 42 "inches, wide. "The regular 45¢. and s0é. & yard'q Monts) 200. yard. ality. SALE OPENS AT 9.0'CLOCK. ... FOR CASH onLY. | ARAN son "LALE SALes For Gentlemen LIGHT PEARL GREY CANVAS Very attractive, not easily soiled, very. easily clean- ed, comfortable as any slipper, Goodyear welted soles. Price $3. 8 § ELE Se tah Who » Railroad tracks, young girl, ka 2 no TT I E------ MOUNTAIN SIDE CAVES IN. Thousands Of Tons Of Rock On Railroad Tracks. Asheville, N.C... upe 13. ~The ste of a mountain caved in on the Southern burg and Asheville yesterday. ands of tons of rock and dirt plunged dovmant ot filling one of the ny or br Hilda Frazee, ¥ os while she was ander C Arist- noe (reatinent. Pine Spples, $1 "don, 2 packinges malta vita, 25e. 3 packages Forge; 28: Best peaches. Crawford's, coms cured a three tions of Pecks Corn A a The lg between Spartans- Thous. thers, It is ma the mountains hich jhews. al a mer will youngsters with hright eyes. gist. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE. PS.--The same boot in white | LAGTAT : , Sathe price. F00D pishment. Lactated Food, a perfect substitute for mgt s the most scienti- fically pre hops milk plaged before mo- i to ideas and Suge tions of + of that famed chemist; Baron the world al) Real ins, and» "For weak nd a mourishe! me iy pti & off oT trill bow the | fants, Lactated Food' to gins ll the south. gon gp needed Te ing pe Po i \ oF { stron, and Jf mothe \ sire their habie# to he happy and wel To Make Enquiry. in the hot ther, they should make % Toronto, June .)3--Coron on Lactated Foods their regular diet. ry issued a wattant ho ir AS (Spiecialistil dh children's ~ disorder prescribe Lactated Food in preferent to all other foods, and intelligent mo day-pecorgnend u Po ET he! baby in fu Rappy® and cheerft faces re from your drug large and 7th hair hom ingston | onceit. of hole. Parade of mouries, 8 Any association, Meeting | committee, ! The sun | val um sets Grand 6d fellows meet High Lake Ontar Rideau It clas Tick Tenders ic weaknesses Ev ery tiv tut hb office of Win a It takes © kl make a ha riage R embe If You Lo Auierica.'" oar y ty Te eo Ww . heing * Jenkins : strongest h Some of e can't without be June 154 Heats signed, 12) tricity, 17 1514, Jet of English Legh ing" Willi } ;Sesthelide 2 La say 50 fergus, Irel no, 8 Err geri Tnei te rc 'JENKINS te ------------ 3 Tr free REST | YOUR EYES Our. Optical Department is in béttér condition to-day to look "after your Spec- tacks or 'Eye Glass Wants than ever before, JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS. A EYES CARBRULLY EXAMINED. 70 BONTRACTORS. HRS WILL BE RECEIVED AT bry +1 the undersigned (where plans speci fhe = be seen) up to a pil UES SDAY, 16th inst. for the al A works required in buildipg' a Nurses' Home and for remod- elling 'the Nickle Wing at the Kingston General "Hh Lowest or any" tender not necessarily WML. NEWLANDS, Architect E ob 258 Bagot Street MADAM WANDA sell 40, six- We hav pigee s you ject for yo hey an somely de $1.75, (DE Enlarge ALL vening af High EGYPTIAN PALMIST Cometin us be a% ~the Windsor fer & short HITATRe °. Se ---------------------- | ai T0 LET. -- Sentime! WELL FURNISHED ROOMS; BOARD "Sl g™ also table boarders, at Mrs. Xates, 64 Wiliam Steect 7 "FOR SALE. { eer A A FIRST CLASS RUBBHR-TIRED rutiabout. Apply at this. office 755 bud TWO SEATED BUGGY, GOOD STYLE, | meals. 8 used some time. Address "at Whig Short Office. " 0 : LOST. ING WITH AME- CONG! LADIES (BOLR ING." tn et hi a. arn to 297 University ave Wanted William street IN OR NEAR MAC- & Park, A GOLD BRACELET stones Finder will be gh peturning to Whig Office NDNESDAY, . er A © "APPLY TO MRS. CLE- 250 King street. MEN ND..BOYS TO. CLEAN MICA at Kent Bros., mica works, Princess street. STEAM YACHT, 15 TO 20 MILES an' hour. J." 8. R. McCann, 51 Brock Street. & incr eee IMMEDIAZELY, A HOUSE MAID Wages '$10. Apply to Mrs. Breden 24 Stuart street. BOYS A) GIRLS WANTING STEADY worl Ah Ss Gould's factory. oP posits Princess street. MAN COUK FOR STEAMER PETREL oing' . to' Newfoundland "or woman nd Sp du Apply ad Fwilty ofice Swift's office ONE MAN GNE MAN LAST u "year a a household nbcessi- make as much ? Try Always selling. Write G. London, Ont. RK. A GIRL FOR ee ry alee women to wash dishes. Apply to George Gibson, 671, Williamsville, Kingston, or. by leiter,, 'Mr. John Gibson, Tremor Park. ON PERATORS > machines, steady Also girls to yply by letter 444 St FIRST CLASS kirts on power work and good wages learn skirt-making. A : oC. : PAIR OF SPEC- PRG 2 (Potter, Torente) at Hand Stand, Macdonald Park. Mrs I ( , 64 -------------------------------- S | THE TRU ti nN Si C P. Suoce: r---- The require EXPE] knowlé the m and bt qualific Salary free pe and aj AGEN LAND, Englar sro BIG to nas May & Co Jauigs street, Montreal, Que JULY 1ST, FOR TWO MONTHS. TWO wirls. one as cook and laundress, (00 other as housemaid, for a © tage "near. Rockport, Ont Apply. stad i wages, to Mrs. Eatoo. 321 « 83rd street, New York city AGENTS, IN ' EVERY UNRET resented "district in Canada | 0 Bs cident and Sickness Jnsura BY str pot absolutely ecidlent and Guarar tee Com y, he Agctert Temple Build me, Siontreal. "iE MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE All the advantages of steady, rae tice, instructions ete, un _ Be or Stan Pons ar » 0 ha ro we nied, Rarticulars Barber College, anteed, tools pre mailed free Moter / Chicago, Ills. cpm | that's prac rtically pas pg jou look the Red Cross bargain counter, over. 4 Ho! for Oddfellows' excussion, 7th:

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