zg. huge supply of pretty Removed After Five Years--Re- markable Operation. Por ie, N.Y.. June 20.-Dr. John P, Wilton, of this city, remov- od from his throat a bullet that had boon in his head for five years. Dr. Wilson felt a soreness in his throat and with a mirrow saw the cause of the tro removed it with fore. cops. While examining a rifle five years ago the gun was discharged and the bullet entered the doctor's head near his nose. Promising Grain Crop. Winnipeg, June 20.--The North-West grain dealers' corporation has issued the following bulletin : Estimated aren under crop in Manitoba and North-West Territories, 1903, wheat, 4,123,663 acres; onts, 1,101,333 acres; barley, 381,135 acres; flax, 64,638 ac vos. Ares' under crop in 0082, wheat, 2,624,928 acres; oats, 1,001,212 acres; Joy, 356,562 acres' flax, 46,550 aé- res. The condition of growing ¢rop over the whole country is excellent. While in a small area of a north- eastern portion of Manitoba rain would be beneficial, vet in the large wheat belt of the west and south plenty of rain has fallen and wheat, especially, could not look more pro- mising. Canadian Poultry In Demand. London, June 0. ~Conadin, pout. try now Sapturing the trad and | of fashionable and the sub- urbe. Canadian chickens are having a great demand, realizing ¥1.75 to $2 per couple retail. Their highly finished appearance and flavor have demolish- od all prejudice on the score of non- British uce. During the summer and the beginning of the autumn a per- manent exhibit of Canadian food pro- ducts and industries will be opened at the Crystal Palace. , * He Will Be Held. St. Catharines, Ont., Juno 20.~De- tootive Greer arrived Yestorday from Ttuhte, and ge to the jail Wheto n Johnston negro suppec of complicity in the murder of Glory * ment Was made at the state depart: ment of the appointment of John G. Foster, of Vermont, as consul-general at Ottawa. Jolin G. Foster is pro- mwted {vom Halifax, where he has been consul-general for six years. He Wants Damages. Oswego, SL June 20.--Expelied London, June 20.--In the House of Lords, Foreign Minister Lansdowne announced itish minister Peter, nothing which econld be construed as a recognition of Mew government. Oné of the men who stands in the fore- front of international financiers is Senor Jose Yves Limatour, the Mexican min ister of finance, who is just completing a ew currency yitom for his country. The outcome of his efforts is awaitdd with universal interest. " -------- NEW REGULATIONS. | Proposed By - The Minister Of Education. Toronto, June 20.--The committee of the Ontario. Educational Association which is meeting here to consider the new regulations of the educational de- partment, suggested by the minister, to-day, endorsed the proposal to take | Latin from the compulsory list and to give options in French or other in its place. It recommends, however, that w another language is taken candidates shall be required to get filty per cent. The committes make the further recommendation that A | businesy. practice, commercial law and commercial arithmetic be added to the subjects in the commercial course. The new regulation probably will come in- | to force in the gutumn. 'MAY MURDER CZAR. ---- In Same Way As The King Of b 1. Servia. Berlin, June 20.--The leading Re- view Die Nation, today, states that the tzar is in danger of sharing the fate of King Alexander, of Servia, and of Disancester Czar Paul, who went insane in 1800, and who was murdered in his palace March 24th, 1801. 'The paper says there are wembers of the Russian imperial family who regard the cmr's weakness of char- acter as the greatest and most threatening danger to Russia. Some say that the czarina shares in these views. The malcontents' may deem it patriotic to murder the car in his own palace. THE CANADIAN NORTHERN, Will Not 'Amalgamate With Grand Trunk Pacific. Winnipeg, Jume 20.--William Mae- kenzie, president: of the Canadign Northern, returned from the end of the track and reports that construe- tion work is now progressing rapidly on the extensions, from Erwood and Grand View. For the extensions al- ready proposed for this season eightv cars of rails are on the way to Win- nipeg, and three hoats with 422 tons of rails are being unloaded at Port Arthur. Mr. Mackenzie declares that there are no grounds whatever for the assumption that the Canadian Northern is to amalgamate with the Grand Trunk Pacific. . rs. ATE TWELVE LIVE SNAKES. Alice Fairchild May Die As a Result. Logansport, Ind, June 20.--Alice Fairchild, twelve years oki, tried to ent a dozen live snakes, in emulation of a circus attraction, and is in a pre- carious condition as a result of nu- merous bites inflicted by the snakes, which objected to being eaten alive. Lust week Alicea was taken by her paronts to see a snake eater who ap- peared in Logansport at a carnival. 'hwsday Alice's brother caught a dozen small snakes and that night the tried to eat them. She was ht sousulsions with the makes wriggling about body. oe- tor suid she may die. oH Accused A Woman. Watertown, N.Y., June 19.~William Crake, widower, summoned Hattie Wilder to court, alleging that valued at $40. Tt appeared on the thay Crake had promi the woman $200 if she would live with hiny, and had then tried to get a blank mar- boycot by aarpenters' local union, Albert W. Millott hes begun an action to pel his reinstat and for $5,000 damages. She left him because he failed to pro- Jduce the $200. Judge McConnell dis- charged the woman and told Crake would be lucky if he were not indict ed for perjury. ¢ ---------- a wd 'had stolen from his house articles examination before . Ju McConnell ringe certificate at Carthage so that he could fill it out aml show it to his deughter. This attempt failed. Do you cough? . lungs pain you? Throat soreand inflamed ? Do you spit up phlegm ? Does your head ache ? Do your ay He Navn Spi . HE INQUIRES 1s your appetite bad? On v afternoon, Regina, N.W. T., passed from its status of a town into the more exalted standing of a . gr hy the Ontario legislature ad- journed at tem o'clock om Friday night Gamey was still talking. He will resume on Monday. It is expected that there will be a tie-up of all the building trades in New York city. Seme 70,000 mechan- are to be supported by the state. people of Panama are organiz- ing for a separate republic and desire their nection with Colombia be al pont demand: that the canal treaty be ratified. Thomas Taylor, of the township of Otonabee, Ont., died. on Tuesday last at the age of eighty-eight years. He was one of the oldest citizens in the locality and was greatly respected. Hugh D. McIntyre, the well-known racing man, secretary of the Brook- lyn Jockey Club, died in New York on Thursday night. He was very wealthy and it is said never gambled. Miss Nettie Albree, of Syracuse, N. Y,, dropped dead while sitting at the supper table with the family. She was an accomplished, young girl. Death was due to organic heart dis- ease, brought on by rheumatism. The strike of the Chicago waiters and cooks has been settled. The hotel and restaurant proprietors are to have the right to employ what help they choose, no matter whether it belongs ta the union or not. The fuperal of the late Rev. Dr. E. H. Dewart was held from Sherbourne Street Methodist church, Toronto, this afternoon, and was very largely attended. Rev. Drs. Cleaver, Briggs, Parker and Tovell conducted the ser- vice, The Syracuse, N. Y., police became mystified at mysterious music issuing from St. Paul's church at one o'clock Sawrday morning. The edifice was in total darkness, but the organ sounded forth. Investigation proved that the organist was simply practising a fun- eval service. To get the girl he wanted Claude J. Rich had to follow her from Harlem, N.Y., to St. Lawrence county, and to keep her he had to struggle with her mother in a tug-of-war on the street, and prove his marital rights in a po- lice court. But he won, like knight of old, and the mother-in-law weeps, and a sister-in-law weeps, too; and Lady Love, she smiles. The young bride's name is Annabelle Cropser. THE CANADA GAZETTE. Makes Announcement of New Busi- ness Firms Created. Ottawa, June 20.--~According to the Canada Gazette, G. A. Clark, of Grand Falls, B.C., has beon appointed a clerk and landing waiter in the cus- toms, Hollis Newcombe, of Vancouver, has been appointed a fishery officer un- der the act respecting fishing by for- eign 'vessels, Benjamin Dunlop, of New Campbellton, N.S., has been appointed hatbor master as Bras D'Or. A. T. Guird, W. M. Lowery, H, J. Dawson, J. T. Kittermaster, of Petrolea, and F. W. Kittermaster, of Sarnia, have been incorporated as the Canada West Oil company, with a capital of $125, 000. The charter covers an extensive business from ranching to oil wells. Morsey Morris, W. A. H. Kerr, F. G. Jennett, S. Lowell, W, Bain, M. Lash, and R. Richardson, of Toronto, have been incorporated as the Saskat- chewan Bend company, with a capital of $3,000,000, to deal in North-West lands. The Club Jacques Cartier, 'of Montreal, has been granted letters of incorporation, with a capital stock of $20,000. A Montreal syndicate has been incorporated as the Canadian Bul- lock Electric Manufacturing company, with a capital of $1,000,000, to de: velop water power and electricity. The Phoenix Bridge and Iron works is the name nnder which a Montreal syndicate; headed by J. M. Green: iron manufacturing business with a capital of $500,000. A new company, with a capital of $200,000, has been chartered to take over the pulp and saper mills of John Fisher & Sons, of mndas, and to extend them, H. A. Willey, F. 8. Willey, M. Murray, of Port Arthur; and Hamilton Cassels, Toronto, have been chartered to es- tablish the Canadian N. W. steamship company, with a capital of $250,000, It will do business on the great lakes and the St. Lawrence river. NO BUTTERINE FOR CANADA. Factories Driven From United States Are Barred. Ottawa, June 19.--~The man who wants to eliminate the cow in the *of buttermaking is to have no foothold in Canada. This was set- tled in the House of Commons to- day. The house took action at the re- quest of Hon. Syduey Pisher. 'The minister of agriculture, seeding the wonderful expansion of the butteg ex- port trade and recognizing that pur- ity is the quality t tells in this expansion, asked the house to pre- vent the making or selling of all but: ter substitutes, and, after a short de: bate, enrried the members almost unanimously with him. Sentenced To Death. Berlin, Jung 20.-The so-called Fe- bmale Bluchoard, Fran Przygodda, who poisoned four husbands with arsenic, dnd who was detected by the filth putting the same poison in his coffee, YOUR Seg, 10c. yard. 467" shields, will carry on ite steel and | THE ED found guilty and was sentenced Thousands of sufferers, while enjoying summer, are full of fear an be danger and death lurking cones again. Dr. Sk pare for war," invit FREE TRIAL TREATMENT | Worth $1.25. A specific series of remedies, ages. One bottle Psychi Oxojell, and one' bottle charge, with directions name of post and express office DR. T. A. SLOCUM CO0., Limited, 179 King St. West, Toronto, Can, And thie free medicine will be promptly sent. Slocum's free offer in American papers will please fend for samples to Toron- Mention, this paper. and balmy breezes of the «cold weath gs wide the danger signal--*'In time of Peter re locum fin " ing you to test his system of treatment free of charge. consisting of four large pack- ne, one bottle Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, one Coltsfoote Expectorant. for use, Simply write your addresses, and mail to Persons in Canada sceing Dr. Week by week we are constantly on the watch for any price concession that can be secured, and as we pay spot cash and buy in large quantities it enables us to Secure many a real good thing that otherwise would go to large stores in Montreal and Toronto. an instance of this we have just receiv- ed and will have ready for Monday morning the following : 14.3 7 YARDS WHITE VICTORIA LAWN " Different qualities, ranging from 15¢., 18¢., 20c. a yard regularly. | | Contains | YOUR CHOIC! Sale Opens at 9:30 O'clock. JOHN L § Zen Valanciennes Laces and Insértions All different designs, ranging in, value from 35¢., 40¢€., 45¢C., 50¢. per dozen. 25¢. 8... All Sales for Cash. LAW '& SON... - WIDE AWAKE Ghances Are Often Lost by the Sleepy Ones. OCKETT SHOE STORE Is the place for GOOD SHOES AT LOW PRICES. Trunks and Valises just as reasonable as bur shoes. Er ---------- SCHOOL OF ART. . Evening classes, Tuesday and Thurs- | | tay, 7.30 to 9:30. Thess Classes ore Sunlight Soap Washes the Clothés LEV: Childr en's | Solid S| Summer Shoes Every Desirable | ------------ Style and Quality. Se ------------------ PRICES: an 856. 1081.50 J. JENNINGS, King St. HE d | { { COAL THAT SUITS. Yoot of Quesn St.--'Phone 9. Bicycles, | Typewriters, | | Sewing Machines w=: tre REPAIRED. arters. 171 Wellington St. Kingston | Toadies' Qollege Residential and Day School for Girls KINGSTON = GANADA. Re-opens Sept. 14, 1903 For terms and other information ep- i Ply to the principal. EDUCATIONAL. Wecially for mechanics and imstruc CHARLES BE. WRENSHALL. Principal. Rooms 3804 Princess Street. 31 Queen Strest, Kingston. SUNLIGHT SOAP 18 RECOMMENDED BY THOSE " coper' wishes to know the best soap for washin -- You could not have asked mean easier question, ay unhesitatingly that the very greatest satisfaction can be in this respect. ~ It makes and keeps all cottons and linens a be a remarkably small amount of labor." Follow the dircetions pr * Domestic Science," ! TS ASK FOR THE OCTAGON BA White and wo ER BROTHERS LIMITED, TOR Tea Full Size, F f Ho. 124 $2.50 per half dozen A | \ 3 or | Express fur Coal Is As Clean As Though | 1 pot pore It Were Washed and Brushed. | weer fa RVI picked | 118, ou, and Yor Could s or dowr Dieu, f LJ. R. . DOBBS & 00. camer Kid | | Gured Hr. § | Ontsy of 8 ver | He tells ab | words: "I | Kidney Pills | thing that di | severe pain | | could scarce | help. 1cov | did the Sra { Hotel Dieu | when I came cured. It ® Pills adverti been comple I any trouble [tion is given individually te suit sll | Doan's Ki trades. | for $1.35 | THE DO/ J -- a Ta | KINGSTON BUSINSSS COLLEGE | E TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE) ed TORONTO. The ver ket, mos and pric Sole SEND FOR A STRACI ER FRAER