es swiss ibs a Tha for himself the, fro ERT tof submitti F dames fos es for 6G. Cadet A, arin Gait leman. a ane Pessenger agent for the y The to 4 le 0 lr a hart © | din marie thw will sot allow them Dott | Yate ©. Wesley Walker v.J6ne bf those tanght, wah saved from . | cided upen, Jr phoukd ies be artanged # v Hliara T, Snelling, Montreal, fb in "friends, and will re Wf ds deo ie it Towel: OT itkoriny Monday' t 'by arriving here to i "Millar and of Miss M.A., Lyn, H a Sgn. 3 een ETO i's hart yup Was: pone _ fo" begin her ¥ ' Thousand Island points. Steamers . Pesvia, | New. Island W $0: : lS Ki eva, or niount and cenkorts will' likely clear to-night for Fort 'William; tug 'I hom- son arrived up with three light barg- Gwoling vachis down the river i idly ta W t ness for snuilly Loking way Pham 1s- lands by the steamyachts. The Cana lenirry ppiséngers, but the United Ph ' ions are rather lax, this. Alderman Bassas n_beliaves that two ier baths, one for on ei the fe Rodll thesia wie the nd taught a num- ber of young the art of swin- ning in the ¥Y. M. C. A. gymnasium baths, and that there was a good desl of ridicule whout the matter at' the time. He allegés that twé boating ac- cidents have occurred and that twice drowning through. bei Ho, thinks the girls should have the same as the boys, and that when a public evimming place is de- able to swim. for AF idiom Te is rumoured that the matter had to do wth a Collegiate t staff, severe "is instant] res ¢. | fd by Gis Hed Cross Pain: Poople~What Re those who came to the city + of Bt. Johns, Quebec, ul ; "Yoft {oF Mon: i lasted 'un: dead with dyspepsia, of | i my stomath and back and {do 4 sg § on Monday to in the R.M.C. hare not. returned | Ihags at Taylor's Palm Garden drug : istore. 3 Car Noo. 7 left , the track at the this a switch in front of the Y.M.C,A. ing, and delayed traffic for oatmeal cream; 25e. Board of Education till nearly ing oi the management committee. latest i he There robe, » A ------------------ A Soldier's Troubles. fotivs, A He looked at the police offic ér's wiiform he said: Well, I've fought for my title, but when 1 éan be arrested by a drummer boy I ghess 'it is tithe to uit," The volunteer sobered up before morning and at court, the macistrate gave him a Httle fefendly advice, and alowed him to go. einai C.M.B.A. Officery. "The grand officers of the C.M.B.A. of Canada to be in Kingston on Jul Sth are: Grand president, Hon.» M. ¥ Hackett, Stanstead, Que.; retary, Mr. Murphy, Cayuga, Ont. nd solicitor, Hon. F. R. Latchford, Jtawn; grand medical advisor, Dr. E. Ryan, Kingston: grand trustees, Nr. § x; Mr. McInerney, St. Rev. Mr, "Crinion, Entrance The entrance examinations started this. 'morning. There are about 100 boys in charge of Principal Ellis writ- ing at the Collegiate Institute, I - tor Kidd presided at the City hall where 101 girls. were writing on the vgrious subjects. Fred. Aylesworth, principal of the Frontemac school is one of the reading examiners. tip ees, Known And Liked. The longer known, the better liked, is trie of "Ready Lunch Beef," pre- pared by Wii. Clark, Tt is beef at its best, ready for' the table; simply take off the lid and serve, ed Thousand Islands and Rochester. Steamers North King and Caspian, Commenting 28th Jute, leave Swift's wharf, Sundays, at 19:17, for Thousinds Telands. Returning steamer ledves at 5 p.h. for Rochester, N.Y, miei Fined $8. This . morning Magibtrate Farrell fined James Fither $2 and costs for kennees. "An accident" will hi at any time] 'but always SGibson's Red Cross Pain-Killer on d, 2c. dem jar rubber rings, all: sizes, Be. per 'dozen. McLeod's drug store. Militaty hip corsets, B0c. New: York dress reform. OVER THE FENCE. Neighbor Says Something. The front yard fence is a famous council place on pleasant days. May be to t with some one along the street, or for fiiendly gossip with next door nbighbor. Sometimes it is only small talk, * but other times ®-ghbor has souiething really' good to offer. An old tesident of Baird, Texas, got some ighty 'good advice this way once. inking coffe ¢ had lefe me hiarly ney and Howel trouble with constant Hog an weak I could starcely walk," he save. 2 ? "One day I 'was 'chatting with one of my ndightiors abot ay trouble and old » ¥ believed: + cofféd hurt me. i knéw lots of people ostium a trial. 1 did not SHY mproreant begs immediately and © got better every day I used Postumy. a two weeks all. my pains, were gone; now al and strong and can eat ng I. want to oritowt dis- tress. All of this is due to my having quit coffce and used Postum regular 1. "35.50n who was troubled with. in. Har ioaght that if Postim hap. jm. ed me' so it might It did too, and he is now well and 'strong again. We like the Postiin as well as Tel rt lly ond a my Co., Battle Creek, Mich, by Postum caves, otc, over o yet. ts vir the" kindergart: sunburn" instantly re 's Red Cross borated Lights gleamed in the rooms of the mid- night. They say it = was a grade meet- suggestion regarding 8 g house is to dig a tunnel to . fower in. Macdonald ;the bathers could dis , and gain easy access to the wa- ate of the 50th Regiment got soon: after wrriving in King wton. 'Police Constable Page picked him up on' Ontario street, where' he Was trying to "navigate" on all quetn and country many a merly real estate agent, took place Wodnok oo rplog at "The lng," on. the ty ot road. Rev. Dr Anthiff lormed the ceremony. The newly married couple, left on a trip to '| Montreal, "My howels bocamerregular and ind 51 bon of the move fa: comnimved do OE will be clear Withii a week or two. i The entry of ¢. 8; sue iis cham: ion: amateur tof 5 :Awerica, as been poi ge the rican e co it hy iio ners in the vi g will be 'held | Ph rejection' 1s Airidlér rate 10; of t o% yr ete shed ee eult tio Hive y oi 2a ; wa 0it, Janada's eu , Jee bags, ba caps and sponge , left New York ov Mh dap for: Rochester. She will go by ithe Hudson to Albany; and will then lie placed on 'pontoons, and 'towed 'through the canal to Oswego. 'She is i at Rochester about July dth iufing the refusal 'of the Quebed Rughy. U on to receive . the 'Rough Riders, the Ontario Citizen says : "The throw-down was mot umexpeett ed. Bt was unsportsmanlike of the inion to give the R: Riders a raw deal bn a techmicality bai the union itself will be the greatest suf: ferer. It an opportunity to ad mit a strong club and declined to take it' The 'ihference 8 that the clubs were afrnid that . the . Reugh Riders would carry off the honors." }H was a horse that' never before finished. first past the post that won the American Derby, Satwday.: The Picket sat the pace every step of the distance, was never challenged, and won in a gallop of six le a was a race without the thrill of an exciting fnish: Fhe erowd of 70,000 people which witnessed the sixteenth rulining of the event, saw a contest that was decided when the field, turn ed into the stretch. In front of a struggling field, The Picket ran so tasily and true as to leave no doubt where he'd finish ? Baseball On Tuesday. National league--At Boston, 0, St. Louis, 8 American league--At Chicago, 7% Washington, 2. At Detroit; o Bos ton, 0. At St. Louis, 6; Philadelphia, b. Eastern league--At Toronto, 4; Wor- cegter, 2. At Bufialo, 16; Providence, i The Sunday Excursion Law. Henry Folger, president: of the Thou- sand Island Steamboat company; says that excursions which formerly came to Kingston' are how being: rin to other points on the river, because of the 'dis- favor with which the lé noross the line: regard: the Sunday Bo enforcer here. ingston. he 'says, is losing, money by an umnecessary prohibition of Sunday 'excursions, . which; he claims, are mot disorderly as some people suppoke. The . excursions" 'on their boats 'on Sunday are remarkably quiet, as has been proved fn years past. It must be admitted that the feeling in Kingston is strongly oppos- ed to the rigid law now in operation, Which refases to allow excursionists to and. -- A False Modesty. Some of the ¢ity fathers think there is perhaps too much false modesty in certain directions in Kingston, and say they eonld see no hart in having a public bathing place at Macdonald Park, or elsewhere, provided the Bath- ers were properly robed. The sight of men, women and chilreni in' ®cores bathing together at' many American 'points is a common sight and never arouses adverse comment. A edi Prize List Revised. A meeting of the directors ofthe Kingston , Fair Association was. held last night. Mayor Bell 'was jin the chair and there was a lacge attapd- ance, The principal business was the revising of the prize list, and the pre- paring of the same for printing. = It was announced that Ald. Craig had resigned from the board of directors as he finds he cannot act. Ald. Hoag will take his: place. The Map's The Thing. Thirty-seven maps and thirty-one il- luktrations are two of the features of the "Two to Fifteen Days' Pleasure Tours," on the New York Central. This fs No. 8 of the Four-Track Series, contains eighty-four | , with routes and rates. A copy will he sent on re- coipt of two two-cent stamps by 6. H. Is, G.P.A., Grand Central Sta- York. | Hunter-Cliff. marriage of George Hunter, t, of this city, to Miss, Ber. fi, sister of George Cliff, for- 'tion, New he tr A eq by X At The Post Office. New swinging doors have been plao- ed in position at. the wan entrance to the post-office and although the glass is mot yet in them, nor are they painted, they. give decided promise: of improvement oun "the old eonditiod of affairs." A few other minor changes' are Also to be made at once, S ---------------------- Known In Kingston. . Rev. Maurice By Baldwin, M.A. as been "offerad" rectorship of All Sainte' church, Montreal. He is a Bishop of Huron. He lived And graduated as a min: Fin ot ine ogee was for some time i ; concern, The St. Catharines Rowing Club he Biles i Hoot for. the. en- ; t, which work is being i] rapidly as possible 'for ti tal tion of the large amount of mew ma- chipery io be employed in the mand facture of epreal foods. This machin: Hery is the invention of FA Detroit, president of the Fo '| Cetenl 'company, limited, and is. ected by lute patents. Mr. ~Weg- comes here sg. tional reputation in the of cereal I y Under Mr. Wagner's skilful. man: agement, ably seconded by the most capable and experiénded men of his selection, the success of the is assured beyond any ots A xe: market now awaits the outpu of this plant, as cereal foods have become a staple article, being 1ecog mized as a valuable, substitute for meat and more healthful, the demand being largely in excess of the supply. The m: ment will be directed by Pres rg iy and will be compos ed of capable, experienced men, who have made a business success of siri- tions - | Targertient. of eer tain Portions 2 hair natalia: Fonténac fully to personnlly vise the. erection of. the machinery, hy experts 'of intermhi intends making hie plant the 'model of all food menu: £ © ; LAST W. J. McCullough, thnér for the Ma- son & Risch Piano Co., is in the city. Odors: dlready * filed will receiv, prompt attention; others desiring his eorvices kindly leave word with D. A. Weese & Co, 121 PRINCESS 'Strert, {Dealer in Wall Papers, Pianos, ER ote. wie ar 1} y 3 wh ator 1 oihall a col y, li , Which has been in corporated under the Ontario com- 'panies" uct, with extonsive powers, and has acquired as a going concdrn the following well-known companies at the city of Singston im the « Opunty of Frontenac, Ont., carrying on business as elevators of i i The Frontenac ited and the Kingston Hiargtor and Transit company, limited, including trade, fixtures, trademarks, trade names, copyrights; 'good will, together with the real and leasehold property situated in the city of Kingston, Ont, The possibilities of foreign trade to which it is pw pd to extend" the business of the Frontenac. Cereal com- pany, limited, are wonderful great. The elevator is kent busy day and night in the nasehipment = gra in transit from the great wheat fiel of i north-west 17 the Ablanisio sea- 'bodrd. 'The revenue derived. from this the flouting mill ich has 5 capaci- ty. of | 350 Abbe oe gd. 300 barrels of corn meal per day, will pay a e dividend on the entire in- ¥ t and the 'elevator, 'affording free gtorage dor - wheat in the manufacture of food products. Hon. William Harty, M.P., a direct or in the company, and a hiost ar- dent supporter of the enterprise, says that the acquired plant is in every re- res red pe vantage as ation, 'wi wat er on three sides and Grand Trunk and Canadian = Pacific railway tracks irect to! the shi , She t Being 'loe , col \ § @nd equipped with a view of manul ng at the very lowest minimum He i in i is, erprise oh liberal returns on id mr t, the history of all cereal food manufac turers Being: an undispyted hranie of abundant -- success and safe invest- ment. Kissing In A Tunnel, A distinguished British ' novelist, whose works are extre Vy popular with the fair sex, recently faund him- wll ttavilling in a tailWay) Bhfridee with 'twé very tulkative Wome, v- ing, recogniged: him from his published foltsaits, they both opened fire on jh "in Yegard to his novels, which they' praised in a manner that was unendurable to the sensitive . afithor. Presently the train' entered a tunnel and in the darkness the novelist, who | understood women, lifted; the back of his hand to his lps and kissed it soundly. When ght returned he found the two won arding. in joy silende; #78, ade with great Suk®ity "he said: "Ah, 1a. dies, the regret of my life will hereaf- ter be that I shall never know which one of you if was that kissed me." : -- Kingstonians In Chicago. This motning when talking of the Approag old boys re-union, a citi: zen said t 'must be thousands eof former Kingstonians in Chicago alone, There were 180,000 Canadians or des ¢cendants of Canadians in that city. He recollected, when & young ty-five years ago, that a Club" had been formed there then, and that it had a membership of between 400 and 500. He expected 10 see a great many from this big American Rh ---------- # J Bxcubsions To Réchestedl | For ---- ay ahd th 51 Suly,] a mer I Nort ling," .'"Alexan- dria" h Castan," on Shela Tne eturn, a ls going J o 82 gould br and Wh Judve 1) os rel food to n till 6th July. Full in- |' ormation from J. P. Hanley. good old 'standard family medicine, Ayef's Sarsapa- A splendid tonic. BANG. 5G ERD, Lovet, Nuk , vie, § illing company, lin- 44 the plants, machinery, tools, stock in] branch together with the operation of §, city here during the July celebration. | J 4 9 1 ACHEYy Bright Fire a make tant weadhot 00 fast $he' Kind to cook with, too. Let us fill your bid, whith yo! x wil . BOOTH'S COAL. Phone 188, Foot of West St. FOR SALE That commodious brick resi- dence No. 100 Stuart street, al- most. new, containing twelve rooms, hot water furnace, and all modern conveniences, with lot 50x110,. will be sold cheap within the next few days. Owner leaving the city. TELEHHONE 490. We can supply: you "with : everything you want for Picnics and Oampin~ We bave very choice Canned Meats, 'Pickles, Catsups, Sauces and Condensed Milk, Lime Frui Juice; 'Artigur's Vigeral and Cor. Pine anf Patrick Sts. . EE by TH pit I - GLASS FARE ne and July 1st. 4 Jhlyi2ng, 1903. Office, Ontario St. .. uF. A, FOLGER, JR. hy At. Gen, Supt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW I SHORT LINE FOR ge apg snc) | Wo at 4 pm, PF, CONWAY, Agent, Fi $8. Q. Ry, Rivgston. TJ NK at vay | ER EX SIONS, ol. Jean Baliste Celebration) Tous MONTREAL Round trip tickets, $5.65 Good go- Doctor ing Jume! and 24th. Valid return ing from destination gn or before June 29th. DOMINION DAY. Return tickets will be issued at Single First-Class Fare d going June 30th and July 1st. om returning on or before July 2nd. "Tickets to certain points sold in ac- cordance" with 'above wiki not be good for passagé on train No. 1 or train No Hea Effected a ale oh 3 | HOME COMERS' FESTIVAL TORONTO. RETURN FARE, 3. "ickets d ing June 80th gnd Ju- i ERR EL Se on or belom duly NANLEY, Agent, | Pills have 3 City Pass. ot. | I was taker so bad tha a for four or MINION LINE STEAMSHIPS | 2rd mer 00 was going me for som MONTREAL AND QUEBEC TO | worse. At LIVERPOOL. Heart and Dominion, June a, Aug. & aebt 3 two boxes 3 v y ug. 8, & 2 i A dy 18, AR. 22, Sept. 26 Agala, I sKensington, July 25, Aug. 29, Oct: 3 to those su BOSTON 10 LIVERPOOL. g and heart t onwealth, July 2, July 80, Aug. 27 Milburn's a July 9, Au~_ 6, Sept. 3 go cents p Mayflower, July 16, Aug. 13, Sept. 10 ao ir PORTLAND TQ LIVERPOOL. hy Nomadic, Jude 27, xlIrishman, July 4| THE T, | xTaurie, Julv 11, xNorseman, July 18 AVONMOUTH DOCK AND BRISTOL. From Montreal. Indian, June 28, *Munxman, July A xiberian, July 18, *Turcoman, July 31 BOSTON TO MEDITERRANEAN Vancouver, July 18, Cambroman, Aug. 8 *Cold Storage and cool air. Ci stor y For further particulars apply to OF. SUERERE Vo 4 Cpt. waa' QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY Line, Montreal & Port . LIMITED, Rver and Sulf of St. Lawrence Stmmer Cruises in Cool Latitudes. Twin Screw Iron SS. *' Campana,' with electric lights, electric bells and all fort. : RIL FROM MONTREAL ON MO DAYS . a pr 15th snd 2 i June Sod | 27th $ 10th an August; Tth and 21st September, Ploteu, N.8., callisg at Quebec, Fa Poi % Ms » Nop Perce, Cape Gre ee hy Bympiisice PE A and Chariotid wn, PEL noalta? The finest trip of the season for he TOR ARERN, Secretary, Quebee. , | For tickets &nd staterooms apply to J. P. HANLEY, er J. P. SILER. SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston, embed tiene eee DAILY Tl Send and rec opener uly | crowi see The § LINE TORONTO, CHARLOTTE, THOUSAND ISLE, BROCKVILLE, PRESCOTT & MONTREAL. LEAVE KINGSTON Daily, ekcept Monday a. GOING BAST. GOING WEST. 6:00 'a.fn. 5.00 p.m. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS Good oing Saturday and Sunday Return Monday, HAMILTON, TORONTO, BAY OF AND MONTREAL LINE LEAVE KINGSTON: QUINTE GOING EAST. GOING WEST. Our Coa nongay, Foi 2 2 Frhursday 7 a Sa rie | it Wer A . J. SWIFT & CO. ui v FANLEY,, ) Freight Agent. Taw i Sg conl reac I fad trem tie ) L. 0. & B. of Q. Sth. Co., Limited nd i dirt, sla 1 dealer The Bay. of Quinte Route) ®:'a. ho 0 Rochester, N.Y. © 1 Sts. North King and Cacpian C Commencing Juhe 27th, leave Hwild wharf daily, except Monday, at © ii Foot ) toches- for Suguuerville, N.Y., (Port © Koch ter), For 1000 Islands Sth steamer leaves {HOT COM Commencing June 2 at 10:17 a.m, daily, except iin for Thousand Islands, calling al . os dria Bay, Rockport and Gananoque For full information apply to : J. pomasuey, oo AGENTS. J. P. GILDERSLEEVE. set ALLAN LINE |BRE( aa From Quebec From "Montreal. 'June 18, 7 p.m ' i ,-9 am ao Tun Jasstngusetn 01 Hie TE | Tusinian, June 27, 3 Adu. Jue 25s LET | First Cabin, 363 and and 'Loudon Gerry. §a7 0 to $43.60; London, $3501 gpg ry C i, a, Class, $35 and $28. Tiverpon factory ano GLASGOW. DINECT. | but pe Sardinian; (2nd & 8rd cats oy - Corinthigm, June 17; Sicilian, SOL or died First Cabin, $80 to $75. or stu 5. Third clwes. $35. TR. City ARLE, Agent. STR oen | We Je bi Depot. J. F- street, . SLEEVE, Clarence