¥ th, tiner for the Ma- 0 Co., is in the city, filed will receive thers desiring his ve word with Wo " : 4 : ngs Kingston, Agent. 7 Fire § fob ott] Gas. end © imanense will make itself # during the cold ist the kind to Let us fill your Boa zsn COAL. ot of West St. yus brick resi- uart street, al- taining twelve furnace, and all cos, with lot 1d cheap within Owner leaving AEGAN. HOME COMERS' FESTIVAL River and Sulf of St. Lawrence July 1st. d, 1903. ; letra X & P. and C ! ario « AN e PP. THE BAY-OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, 'Na Deseronto, and all lo- ol aia ledves City Hall D- CO! Gen. pot at 4 Pym, FF, CONWAY, Agent, B. Q. Ry. Kingston. TIERS EXCURSIONS Joan Balle Color MONTREAL Good go- Round trip tickets, $5.65 _- ee dea and 24th. Valid return- ing from destination gn or before June 29th. DOMINION DAY. Return tickets will be issued at Single First-Class Fare Good going June 30th and July 1st. Valid returning on or before July 2nd. Tickets to certain points sold in ac- cordance" with 'above will not be good for passagé on train No. 1 or train No TORONTO. RETURN FARE, $5.40. Road going June 80th gnd Ju- ly ist. Valid retarning from destination ou or before -July 6th. ; J. PU HANLEY, Agent, 5 City Pass. Perst. ( JOMINON LINE STEAMSHPS TO MONTREAL AND QUEBEC LIVERPOOL. Dominion, June 27, Aug. South war *Canade, ul *Kensington, BOSTON 10 LIVERPOOL. Commonwealth, July 2, July 30, Aug. New England, July 9, Au~ 6, 'Sept. Mayflower, July 16, Aue. 13, Sept. PORTLAND TQ LIVERPOOL. Nomadic, June 27, xIrishman, July 4 xTaurie, Julv 11, xNorseman, July 18 AVONMOUTH DOCK AND BRISTOL. From Montreal. Indian, June 28, *Muanxman, July 4 xiberian, July 18, *Turcoman, July 31 BOSTON TO MEDITERRANEAN. Vancouver, July 18, Cambroman, Aug. 8 *Cold Storage and cool air. xCold storage. For further Rarticuls J ANLE 0 land. Pharos QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY . LIMITED, BS Ro 3 10 re apply to Y, GTR. ok Clarence St. real & Port- Stmmer Cruises in Cool Latitudes. Twin Screw Iron SS. ' Campana" with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comfort. . paaiLs FROM MONTREAL, ON MON. YS a 4 X and 3 Bi andi th A 3 st September, for Ploten, HS., callisg at Quebec, Fa- ther Polm, i $a. Rerce,, oa ™ 0G erside, P.E.1., rand ) d Charl n, PEL The finest LFIp of the season for health : and comfort. i ARTHUR AMERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets &nd staterooms apply to . P. HANLEY, er J. P. GILDER- 1, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont. J LINE TORONTO, CHARLOTTE, THOUSAND ISLE, BROGKWILAE, PRESCOTT & MONTREAL. VE KINGSTON Daily, ekcept Monday GOING EAST. 6:00 a.m. SPECIAL EXCURS Good going Saturday and Return v, HAMILTON, TORONTO, BAY OF AND MONTREAL LINE LEAVE KINGSTON: GOING EAST. GOING WEST. : .m. 11:30 p.m Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. SWIFT & CO. Freight Agent. -- L.0. & B. of Q. Stb. Co., Limited The Bay. of Quinte Route 3 TO 'Rochester, N.Y. Stes. North King and Ca-pian Commencing Juhe 27th. leave Swift's wharf daily, except Monday, at 5 pm for Summerville, N.V. (Fort of Roches- ter). For 1000 Islands 28th steamer leaves except Monday Alexan- GOING WEST. 5:00 p.m. TONS Sunday QUINTE J. Commencing Juno at 10:17 a.m. daily, for Thousand Istands, calling at dria Bay. Rockport and Gananoque For full information apply 15 J. BP. HANLEY . 3. B! SILDERSLEEVE. AGEN ALLAN LINE From Montreal. From Quebec. worse. again. » Pure, Dainty, Delicate, | g Beware of imitations, A ------ ose ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., Mfrs, MONTREAL to those suffering. and heart troubles." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are so cents per box, or 3 for $1.25 at all dealers, or THE T. MILBURN ©€0., Limited, as Unable to do any Work for Four or Five Months. Was Weak and Miserable. Thought She Would Die. Doctor Could Do No Good. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills Effected a Complete Cure in the Cuse of MRS. CAROLINE HUTT, Morrisburg, Ont. She says: "It affords me great pleasure to speak about what your Heart and Nerve Pills have done for me. I was taken ill with heart trouble and got so bad that I was unable to do any work for four or five months. and miserable that my friends thought I was going to die. me for some time but I continued to grow About a year ago I got so weak The doctor attended At last I decided to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and after taking two boxes they made me well and strong ise them too highly om nervous weakness 1 cannot TORONTQ, ONT. The Perfect Send a 2c. stamp to pay postago and receive a nic opener---opens Gold Seal and other crown corked goods, . EXPORT LAGER. Beer. 'kel-plated pocket The Sleeman B. & M. Co. & Limited Guelph, Canada.) t frem Bay ; Jog ,-9 a.m. June 13,7 p.m arian; Suge 13 2 a.m. June 20, 7 pout : 8 sm. aie 27s lpn First 6% and upwards. Netona abit, 3 "Liverpool and Loudon: Gerry, $87.00 10 $43.50; London, $2.00 LET Apd I will guar the mi put by hand. several times rt, slate, gir dealers are careful. We are Craw BRECK Our Coal Is As Clean As Though It Were Washed and Brushed. d i jump stands by itself. Goo rT much solid fire. Afar conl reaches the surface of the sat A nes, impurities are pic Thereafter it is screened before it reaches you, and etc, really have no chance if very careful: COAL THAT SUITS, Foot of Queen St.--'Fhone 8. HOT WEATHER'S COMING ! re for it by getting one of our Electric Fans. We sell or rent them. All gizes, all prices. & HALLIDAY, PRINCESS STREET. Prepa ME HAVE YOUR SNE © antes you satis- THE SOLD iN ------ sagan of Some of the 4th Hussars Slept At the Armouries Names of 'the 49th Regiment. The camp proper really' started to: day 'when jor the first time all he di ferent regimehts "were under canvas. Between four o'clock aud eight, the 19th Regiment, from Hastings county, the 59th, from Cornwall, the 3rd bra- goons, Peterboro, aud a portion of the ith Hussars arrived. Those reaching + the city by six o'clock went over to the camp. Others, were stationed at the armouries until this morning. There are eight companies," each of about twenty-four men connected with the 49th Infantry Regiment, which comes from various parts of Hastings county. The officers' of the 45th in Licut,-Col. ¥d- of the civil | ser: Orr, Madoc; Maj- company Ne. 1, camp this year are: mont Trison, now vice, Oftawa; Major or Smith, Sudbury; Capt. Graham, Lieut." 'Keith; No 2, Capt. Mckee, Lieut. Green; Neo. 3, Capt W. G. Ketheson; No. 4, Wall bridge; No. 5, Capt. W. H. Ketch'son; No. 6, Capt. Arnott, Liet. Bywater ; No. 7. Capt. Woods, Lieut. Symens ; No. R, Capt. Bleeker, Licut. Lout- titt; officers specially attached for ser- vice in connection with this reginient, Lient. Carstairs; surgeon, Dr. Alger; adjutant, Rev. J. Thompson; QM.S., Capt. Slater. The men of this regi ment were in camp at Niagara' last vear. They expect to profit con- siderably by their annual outing ani are glad to come, to Kingston. Sergt. Quinney, Ottawa, is a popular official. He and several of the rank and file have seen service in South Africa. There will not be as much musit in camp this year as formerly. The inten- tion is have hut one regiméntal band, so the corps do not bring along their respective musical aggregations. The Prescott and Napanee squadrons of the 4th Hussars arrived in camp ently vostertlay; #nd At one proteaded to prepare for the next two weeks bi- vohac Those belonging to the two squad. rons from Kingston didtrict did not reach the city until 'late and were quartered for the night at the armour- Blankets and other necéssary stores 'heing secured from the supplies at the fort. Arrangements as to reals and fodder for the horses for the one night were made with local hotels. These cavalrymen are in command of Col. Clyde, who has been in camp for many vears and is |'well liked. Major Leatherland looks after "A" squad ron, Mavor Loyst after squadron "B," Major Vanluven, attending to squad- ton "C" and Major _Banningfon, to squadron "D.'"" There are all told ab- out 275 men and 225 horses, The second cavalry regiment in camp is the 3rd Dragoons, Peterboro, whose bright whiform was familiar on the streets at the last camp held here. J. R. Orr, the senior maior of the 10th Rerinient is the publisher of the North Hasting Review, printed at Ma- doc. He iz well liked by His brother officers. Hagy Forsythe, Clergy street is in camp for the first time. He is connect: ed with the Field Hospital Corps Major Bonnveastle, Camphelliord, arrived in the city yesterday, and will he one of the officers in camp. Officers who registered at local hotels last night and went to the camp this morning are: Lieut.-Col. E. J. Wur tele. Quebec; lLieut.-Col. Checkley, Brockville: and Lieut. R. WH. Burton, Prescott. Rain, mud, small lakes, little rivers, ote., did not afford a happy greeting to the travel-tired volunteers who ford reached the grounds late Tuesday ev- ET E--------ETR TET. Heals Inflamed Itching Skin Cures Eczema, Salt Rheum and Tetter, Leaving the Skin Smooth, Soft and Natural. Dr. Chase's Ointment ie. As a means of allaying inflammation relieving the dreadful itching and heal and curing itching skin diseases, s apd eruptions, we believe that can prove that Dr. Chase's Oint- ment is the most potent preparation that it is possible*to obtain. So many extreme cases have been cured, so much intense and continued agony has been relieved, and such a hast of people have volunteered their vidence in this regard that we chal anvone to produce like enlorpe ment for any ointment or any prepar ation which i= recomme nded for such ing ule we diseases. I) Chase's Ointment certainly ands alone, unapproached and un ivallid as a healer of tkin and posi | tive cure for itching skin diseases, ! From pimples to eczema, from chil blains to ulcers, each and every form of itching skin disease has been cured this great ointment. G. H. McConnell, engineer in Fleu- r's Foundry, Aurora, Ont., saves: wi believe that Dr. Chase's Ointment is worth its weight in ' gold. For about hirty years 1 was troubled with ec. coma, and could not obtain anv cure. 1 was so unfortunate as to have blood apd this developed into eéze: t dreadful of skin diseases | poison, ma. the mos «1 was so bad that 1 would get up at night and scratch myself until the flesh was raw ard fSaming. The tor endured is almost bevond des and now 1 cannot sav. emve Chase's Oint- and 1 recom ture 1 riplion, thing too good for Dr. | ment It has enred me mend it beeanse 1 know there 4%. nO- thing <0 good for itching skin." | Dr. Chase's Ointment is known in + every community. Ask yonr shore about it. There js probably marked cure at ° your door which von can investirate. The eaves mads i i ti v this preparation will stand inves y ; at all dealers, oT 28; Tiverpool. results. We, don thin a mn: 60 cents a hox. 1 pohird Claas, $35 and $00. don factory the work. No € yationiofi enn rant MONTREAL, TO GLASGOW DIRECT. put perform bie intatest ot-Edmanten, TROL fo si uralita Sardinian; ¢ & Sra glass ony) dog. saerificed, but ¥ I ye portrait and signature of Dr. Corinthi = une 17; 5: 2nd Oabin, A She En the: famous ae for 2 CE i studied tioneer. ' ih oe on every box of hi§ remedy. hii © HANEY. Agent oR City Ww.) MURRAY, The Aue + thor are 8.3 ; oe lw. J Passenger Depot. v Py nD : SLEEVE, Clarence street, Hi RS! * or THEY ARE NOW "ALL Omeis of | plage a little-be ane assigned » 4 'better t to i but. encroaching upon the pre- havo ce Army Corps, in their prayers, if their reli- gion had not been entirely washed out of thew. requisitions which the quartermasiers of the Niferent fegi- ménts weft ih were proniptly attended to by Lieut, Sutherland, supply offic, er, and his capable stafi, The trans port officer Capt. Dean, then took over the Fabiogs for the regiments and with a. J of four waggons, quick Ee ont to The Res of the régiments. : In spite of the fact that the rain pou down in torrents all the time this. work was going on, not an ounce of the provisions was wet or spoiled, and every quartermaster was delighted with the new arrangement. Out of chaos, order was restored, the hungry fed and supplied with bedding, ete. The last of the incoming troops did not reach samp until ten o'clock Tuek- day wight. «They came in under diffi- culties. Raff was still falling aud the "gravel crushers" had to wade through pools and: rivulets ankle decp while the mounted men . had narrow cscapes from being hopelessly stuck in the deep mud. Willing hands turned out, unloaded the transport|waggons, pulled them out of the mire, reloaded them awd @ent the divers on their way rejoicing. In this respect, a Herculean feat was performed by Liegt. Sutherland, ASC." A transport waggon had 'be come mired in a ditch and an extra team had been sent fog to help haul the load .4e solid ground.' Lieut. Su. therland came along and caught the tired ho:ges hy the nose. With a cheerful word to advance; he gave the fagged beasts a pull and, lo, the load was released and the ed to their, destination. Loud cheers greeted the feat of the . junior es of the Army Service Corps. Along about ten o'clock , Tuesday night, a regiment, the 46th, entered the camp, the band striking wp . a lively mai The fatigued aud wet soldiers already in camp turned out en masse and cheered the incoming troops, the greeting being heartily re sponded' t6 hy 'the new arrivals. The same thing happened as each $ucces- sive troop or regiment entered camp. "Lights out" was unheeded, and ta ers burned, until the eary hours, be- camp grounds. It was another mani: festation of the spirit 'of cheerful en durance which made - the Canadian troops famous in South Africa, This morning the weather was little more favorable, the sim' shinin, forth brightly, = which, with a fairly stiff breece, quickly dried Gp the mud and made the camp ground a little more tenable. Drilling began to-dmy, the medical officers also had their in spection of the men, and the veterin ary officers the horsds. 2 The ovens and abattoir of the Army Fervice Corps are objects of curiosity on the part of visitors, of whom there were a large number to-day. IN OUR OWN CIROUIT News Of The Districts On Both Bides Of The Line. * The 15th Regiment, Belleville, visit Napanee on July. Ist. On Tuesday Mrs. W. Dunn; Belleville, was married to Albert Irwin, Stoco. At Rat Portage, on June lst, An gus Crawford Dickson, son of the late George O. Dickson, Belleyille, was married to Miss Maud Victoria Bont er, Trenton, Edward Bruyea, Deseronto, wae upit ed in. marringe. to Miss Margaret Na phan, Belleville, on Tuesday, Miss An nie 'Naphan was bridesmaid and Charles Bruyea groomsman. The lieutenant -gevernor-in-council has granted a charter, crouting J. M. Stoness, Perth road; A. W. Gray, Bed ford; Dr. G. H. Berry, 1. H. Arnold, W, S. Ripley, M. M. Ewart, all of West port, a corporation, to be called the Westport Electric Light company, limited. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, Wolfe Island Council All Right. Wolie Island, June 23.--(Te the Edi tor) : 1 see where a ratepayer has been writing sbout the council. I don't see anything wrong about them. It is the people out side of the council the trouble i¥ with--sach men as never did any road work. Now they have to toe the scratch with the ret of us, One man was, mean enough to put a bar up and ask for toll for crossing his farm in winter. ~-RATEPAYER. a will Summering In Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Adler, Baltimore, are spending. the summer in Kingston, "They are very fond of fishing and have heen on the Ridean at points near Kingston Mills, several times this sea son. In a few days they leave for Jones' Falls to enjoy the scenery and a week with their rods and lines, Rain Beneficial. Mesers. Lundy and James Norris, were driving in the country on Tues day. Farmers told them that the heavy rainfall, generally speaking, had been beneficial. Where it had done harm in one spgt, where the ground was low, it had proved a boom im nine other cases Trip To Ogdensburg. Friday on the palate stéamer New York, leaves Folger's wharf, 8:30 a.m. Fare 50c. oe r regiment. ever, haye the effect of 16- - tokening busy spots' around the long * - ¥ IB EN Do WS OF a/ hi i in London, Justigs Armour is rest ing day a bough a little w Wis progress if slow but satisfactofy, and Io is 'going on as well as 'opuld found guilty of mubdering Miss Ca: nile Holand, at the oat House, Sufiron-Welden, Fasex; - and has beétn sentenced. to 5 it is in New York that the resignation of Charles M. Schwab | as president of the United States Steel corporation will probably be anholnc: od before, the end of the week. Herman F. Robinson, a young law ver, New York city, son of Dr. Bever iy 'Robinson, andl' prominent in Aqcial and chib cireles; 'committed suicide hy shooting near Fort Pond Bay Station; LL > J Prof. William Caldwell, who for nine years held the chair of moral philo sophy at the Northwestern University, Chicago, has accepted the Macdonald chair of moral ilosophy at NeGill University, Montreal. fhe fall of rain in the drough stricken provinces of China, Kas great- ly relieved the antiety of the gover) | went. it. having, been feared that | fa- mine, resulting from failure of the crops, would bring about further Lime sarrectionary troubles. The United: Chambers of Commerce at Tokio, has passed a resolution con- demning recourse to. domegtic Joans for the purpose of naval aria- ment and advocating instead the fm: ployment of the procedds of adminis, trative economies and. additional tax: Beis The court entertainments in honor of President Loubet, during his visit to London next month, including & han by a diplomatic official reception: on July 6th, a gala performance = ofop ora. on July Tth, and a state ballén July Sth. : It Now ny eta Ws a perfect substitute for mothers' milk, Nestiés Food Samplé (sulicient for sight inkals) free, Urine, Wilts & 00., Wowvatal., REID- CAMP UPPLIES CREAT Woven Wire Camp Cots with' roll up mattrasses to fit, Folding Canvass Cots, Folding Reclining Chairs, Folding Tent Tables, also Mirrors and Pillows, etc. JAMES REID, 254-256 Princess Street. AMBULANCE 147. own have our They fi) have Suites at that are original in de A Just now we are making a three piece We make our own: special desiens and covers. one whole flat, 36 x 90. Yon choice not excelled in Canada $20 and $25, sirn and rich in color effects suite, Mahogany, Inlaid, ib rich, colored silks, $90 for the three. T. F. HARRISON 00. welf- Pe u aa Serionci Dougal, has been ques 'at Buckingham Palace, followed | op " Bl a heat. Range out ¥ Lge Wile 0 , The "pedtraay do Hod T 0 SE FOR SALE BY SI wand ol od pcp : Gurney Fouhdss Co: od ft 4 Two large wholdsale Tem, one' i Wohtedkl, th thir to make such a huge p bellivig gid dotinrs for 400 2,00, soft, «i ok and Whites, Whisks | red wt of beautiinl po oF pout Blue and Grey, colorings, value is 20c., Ie, fon Thursds y Morning. 12%c a Yard. Bargain No 2. 100% = In 4 Jois--2,152 Pairs Women's ands, Childrdald.- Fine Faney. Color work Stockings. Also Black Lisle Thread and; Cotton, and Ribbed for children. 40e. and 30c. Openwork and Litle Stockings for We. pair. * 0. and 3c. Plain Color and Fafiey Stockings for 1d. pair. 20¢, and 2%. Lluis 'and Faoey S 12}e. pair. 15. and 8c. Plain and Ribbed 100. ith Persian comb bo i Bloe, seared "owing 10 vain and: cool =weath er Musline and fine favoy Lisle and Cotton tempting offers "ware given us to clear. ge. purchase, but when f J it witl a le nk, Helio, YellowsC 35. Stockings for Stock igs Jor | CRUML ASK FOR Thé Purest and Most Halt and Half, Wiplhg Strictly, Wirey, Oval, THE CANADA METAL CO; 1 ---------------- Ro ----_ em tick. Crinkle rginals, and hla +25 - | | wer, rumNasD ROOMS Fo WE a ho FURNIS ROOMS SO A OY WELL FU RO y al od FURNISIIED { [9 H ble iam » ons, A Bon a KINGSTON BUSINSSS COLLEGE TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE ' Oweghalled facilities tor securing posi wnt. in Casnde TR, Agency, 51 -- ---- rouR, Goon