ter!' anid Mr._ Fisher, . "is made from poor butter melted down and chilled . F is after th; of foreign substace. Lo ley alagned 'at pigent, he need not s ofthe government che- that Canadian butter {sale on the waler ques: . Lolly' abject in ial * standard is to guard against any lapses in the fu- ture. The English market is the ove which must be cultivated, because.it is the one which regulates the = Canadian trade. Yankee ingenuity has failed to affect the Canadian trade because it is protéctéd iby judiciotis legislation, and ibis hoped this will always be ths | cmse, ; \ i eh! aE | fd EDITORIAL NOTES. | + Mr; Gamey put: higsolf in the mar- ket and (to be mad because he could not sell himself,' his virtues The Lowell cotton will strike is t lasted thiee months and in d a Joss in wages lorie of $1, = he' emplloydes surren- Phe. numbée and a; ancy, of ithe "| Jews 'in New York he poli: ticlane some concern. There are 350, 000 in the east side, and a tollision between dey sd Gentile is. now 'ox: peated. LL NF 5 er, 80 5 oy 4 PE -- i 2 Times suggests that : on' Bp its streets a bit, It is being friend. Now lét. Hamil: ton tidy up a little itself. Ite streets fare in an awful plight. "They are cit- ed ax a horrible example of municipal" mismanagement. : Trinity University Review does mot think the theatre established its claim of "| which they had been together. with blood is better than having to £0 away back and sit down. Pertinent Enquiry. Montreal Herald. What's this 7 Don't members of the British parliament even get 'passes'? Possibly they do not get "trunks" of stationary, either. What's the good of being a member of that house ? Too Inquisitive, Re Globe, here did the money come from ? Where did the stolen bank deposit slip go to? Why were the leaves torn from the cash book ! Who put up the $5007 After Big Game. Hamilton Herald. John Mitchell has achieved fame, A lawyer is suing him for $200,000 for furnishing him with the plan upon which the coal strike was settled. Evi- dently the lawyer thin of labor is a fat one, ---------- DOG AS A WITNESS. S---- Figures In Incendiary Cases Near Huntsville. Toronto, June 24.--Inspector Jolin Murray, chief of the provincial detec- tive force, has returned from investi- gating some incendiary fires in the timber limits of Tait & Tumbull, near Huntsville. As a result of his labors bars awaiting trial on the charge, setting fire to the firm's lumber camp. A figures 'as 'one of the impor- tant witnesses in the case. After the fire occurred suspicion fastened upon Miles, who was a trapper, and who was 'informed inst by another trapper, place Miles had been in a blacksmith's shop near the camp. A'few hours' af- nged ned he sho si , tur up at ti p and whined around for some hours as though looking for his lost master. It was surmised that rhaps the dog had become separa from his mas- ter in the sm and dust of the fire, and had returned to the last Hines hf dog was brought into' the courtroom when Miles was being examined, and by Detective Mu ® request was turned loose to for ite dhaster. is the. Prin denier oy te spite privoner's the ac uaintanceship, the dog's demonstra Sort oof joy i too evident to he mistaken. magistrate accep! the testimony of the dumb witness as afin cireumstantial evidence and Miles is held for trial. SOUGHT GOLD; FOUND DEATH. -- Titled Englishman Killed on Voy- age of Adventure. Halifax, N. 8., June 24.--Fifteen 0, C. H. McLeod, of Picton, in a vessel in the Straits ile there McLeod says vered an island rich n to obtain the wealth owing to the ility of th aatives Recently he snoceeded in fong- ing a joint stock company, with » capital of $100,000, to fit § vessel and go to the mysterious island of Pata- zonid! to secure the gold, and the schooner Hattie L. M. sailed a month ago from Halifax. Among her adventurous crew were four titled Englishmen. NewS came ides ss sta them, Sir Cooper, . Was lost overboard and dr d. He was at work on the deck when a bdom struck him and knocked him over the rail, and he was mever seen again. It was not expected when the Hat- tie L. M. sailed from Halifax that she would be back before a yea sel was provisioned for ks the business § retired to the dining room, where a 8 man named Miles is now behind the | #0 be of | councillors 'present, except Peter Just before the fire took | Marsh took the a , with hair slightly | the councillors » The vee ried a beautiful botiquetof white bri- dal roses. She was attended at the altar by an old school mate, Miss Grace Denby, and two maids of hon- or, Miss Eva Kerr, of Crystal City, niece of the bride, and Miss Edna Wright, her eousin. Tue bridesmaid looked charming, arrayed in white or- gendie, trimmed with lace insertion, and medallions, and made sll the more attractive by a magnificent bouquet of pink roses, which pb carried. "The at- tendants each wore a pearl ring, the gh of the groom. P. K Rollins, of illarney, ably supported the groom, the ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. L. Armstrong, of Fost Rouge. The house was artis®cally de corated with palms and ferns. Music was furnished by Miss Stella Camp- bell: Directly after the marri mony the bridal party remained on the floor, while the youngest Jaughter of the house, Edith Florida Wright, ; was baptized. The happy party then sumptuous repast 'awaited them, the table decorations being in pink, green and white. After doing ample justice to the good things, the bride and groom left for their new home amid storms of rice and good wishes, Vetoed The Measure. The Essex 'county councillors ay tempted to 'put through some legisla tion at the recent session to increase pay for. the' members. There appeared an understanding between thi La Marsh and - Warden Wilkinson, and when it was proposed to pass a by- law increasing the daily indemnity from $2 to $5, there was little discus sion. Warden Wilkinson was of the op- inion that it was a joke, but La mattér seriously and opposed. When 'the by-law was finally passed, Warden Wilkinson realized that were very much in earnest and vetoed 'the by-law." He claimed that it was against the - sta. tute, and it was discovered that the councillors may be paid $3 per day, but. that there is mo provision made for an increase. The warden then re fused to sign the pay sheet of the councillors at per day, claiming that the by-law just passed had an- nulled the previous ome. He was ob- durate, and they departed for home without their week's pay. ---- An Earthly Paradise. Rocky Glen News in Brockville Recorder. Our council is all right. We have a colonel (Checkley) and a lawyer (Ful ford), both filled with knowlcdge. We call the colonel our councillor for he represents our side of the township, and we are proud of him, too. There is no language too strong to proclaim his merits as colonel, councillor, citi zen or neighbor. We have a gocd coun- cil, good elerk and good treasurer. Of Suutee there are a few outside e guards or gu or grizzly grumblers, over all those we have a czar. But there isn't a Gamey by name or na ture ia the whole sanhedrim. i Removed For Immorality. Washingtoh, June 24.--President Roosevelt has si an order remov- ing Judge Daniel P. McMillan, of th: court of New Mexico, on charges of general immorality. Judge McMillan originally was inted to the position from Buffalo, N.Y. Judge Clement C. Smith, Hastings, Michi- gan. has ; beeh appointed to sucseed a. Weak And Exhausted. nanouh weak and exhausted 1 was unable to eat. After taking A giee's Patroleum Emulsion for ten I was able enjoy big Dot Slvcative ; {the io BAaY] 4 No where can the most particdlar man find a finer. fro. mote satisfying stock of suits to choose from than is here . 'moment. Yet with all thé character and style which our good B+ Clothing possesses; prices are as low as a careful man could | her or at thig ver wish, dor ok EOF Pond The new Dundonald Suits are here. These smart garments 1 to Washington to talk to the not "madb Hy the best and most skilful tailors, and the cutter has members of congress, She made 80 wil REC thrown In every twist and kink of style that fashion Approves, | big a hit that it was decided to have por P Our suit prices start at $8, and' ascend by easy steps to gy her speak in other places, and the Jrli nor frais 4 The "tore There is not a weak spot in our entire line of suits. | major became her manager, He felt in sig oud | these profiminacy trials that he bad | SUL ECEE SE uh SEY one ho THESE RAINY DAvs some talent for the servics, and his | 0°." ny patil. SUGGEST $ going into it permanently 'made for re 3 him a continental reputation. The | The citizens will be pleased to learn Co : : i "| conviction grows that not one half of | that cereal foods--the demand of the | bless 3 / 4 3 the men and women strike the pur | age--are to be produced here in great y 4 suits - for which they are best fitted, | quantities by the Fromtemac Cereal $ -f and so they do not score the success | company, limited. Tne concern has y Ask t6 see our 4 f hex dos. Many expodionis have [had ofecs of bonuses, exemptions, [ good health. 1 will be glad if vor wo 7 \ $ Ho logy, palm [etc., to locate slwewhere, but loyalty | perience will be of benedt to wwe | § | / Grosvenor English Raincoat $ reading," ete.--in order to discern the | to Kingston has caused it to remain Vn ey fierer. Th tha th / , , S, 3 mental drift or inclination of young | here. For this decision Kingstonians | full name De Willioms® Pink 3 She / Good Bain or Shine, ® men, and they have failed. The materi: | should encourage the company's pur; | for Pale People" is printed on the $10, $12.50, $15, $16.50. $ al bent of a boy is sometimes dis | poses. Whapper 'around each ox Sold by. 4 / k * covered by a careful observation of dealers or sent by mail at 50 his movements, but as a rule he is OBSERVATIONS, ory So ot Willioas: Norirs oo £ Gurrie's Goiehrated Goats Es aa al rm rag 324, Wom': Stand 2. ee ; / $3.50, $5, $6.50, $7.50, $9, $10. " é wa ' [cordingly to defest and discourage. | lecent information sbout the Irish | MARRIED IN THE west | 8 , ment. One man in a hundred strikes | land bill would suggest that a gift ------ EF UMBRELLAS i YH borse is getting its mouth well looked | A Newboro Bride Weds Winnipeg ; it rich because he strikes the business | © Man £ T5¢., $1, $1.26, $1.50 to for which he has the aptitude, but he -- Winnipeg Free Dede . ES » 1.28; $1. $5. 2 does it by the merest accident. Very Probably Will, A quiet wedding took place at the | & . d Toronto Sllcuram. the hich home of William Wright, af 40 Ban- : ¢ 'onmee, of " ighest court | natyne aven t eight Wednesda ) THE FRAUDS INBUITER. | [of Justice. in Obtaric rer eoort [naive avenue _u ein, Miss Gen x . g Hon. Mr., Fisher, the minister of ag- |from the finding of his learned bro. ore cof. Norbore, um. or 18 . viculture, has wisely projected legisla. | ther, Hon. Justice Gamey. united in matrimony to Ronson Eaton One Price Clothing House, Oak Hall. tion which aims at the suppression of --- _ the Imperial Fruit company, of butter frauds. Mr. Fisher is expressly 1t Would Appear So. this ety. The ticle pa prwdly of > ; of in pursuit of the patent butter men, | Ottawa Citizen. i i applique and chiffon trimmin ~ and Be ap who, being driven out of the United ing ad Bevin Oe i French tulle and sur with it one Pretty and shapely. They are the very things to add the finishing "touches to 'the gay, dainty * The Time Is Here | 3 hosiery 'so' fashionable this year. Proper for all occasions. Warm weather brings Made in Patent Colt, Pat. Kid and | THE OXFORDS - $1.25 to $3.50. & > THE SAWYER SHOE STORE FE i % * Made by Judges of Good Tobacco A= 7 7 de 7) lk - ... For Judges of Good Cigars. A -------- EE Te -- 000000000 GREAT SALE jg vexs 'This Week Only! We secured a big reduction, the balance of a manufac- turer's stock of hard finish ed serge suits in both black and blue. They are worth easily $9.50 a suit, but our cash buy- ing will enable us to offer them at a very close price. In or- der to clear these suits qu ickly, we put them on sale for | ONLY.$4.90. These suits are pure wool, coats full faced, vests double or single breasted. Come and see them; they are the great- est bargain you ever saw. { ABRAMSON, ™e Peoples' Clothier and Gents' JOS. Furnisher, 180 Princess St. : etween Crawford's and Redden's. #£60000600000000000000 NO RELAXATION OF EMBARGO Earl Of Onslow Will Continue Policy. London, June 24.--It is gvident that CENSORSHIP REVIVED. Rain Dampens Ardour of Wel come to King Peter. Belgrade, June 21. Great prepa the Karl of Onslow, now president of | tions have been made for toda) the board .of agriculture, is determin. | coremonies in connection with King od to follow ar Hanbury's policy | Peter's arrival. = Arches span i and make no relaxation of the em- | strodts, and venetian masts aboun h bargo agaist Canadian cattle. ot 8, at the Farmers' Club, 'of the recent arrival at Deptiord of Ar geatine infected cattle, he said the bosrd will spare no pains to protect the flocks and herds of Great Britain from the dread disease which threat ened to desimute them, but the decorations appesr dismal and /draggled amid the unceasing rain. The spirit. of exultation displayed durhny the past ten days has been somewha dampened. The tone of the press i trifle less heroic, and the serene com placency has been slightly disturbed by uncomfortable predictions regarding the immediate future. The censorship on foreign journals has been revived with all its rigors. ---- "The White Helmet" .is not white unless you use Blanco or Pipe Clay, Gibson's Red Cross drug store on the harket has it, H. Cunningham, piang tuner from a it's a Jfious attack, take Cham. | Chickering's, New York, Orders rv rlain's and Liver Tablets ceived ' at. McAulov's bookstore. sad a quick reco: cert; | sale by ail very is ain. For Special §0c. corsets, steel-filled. New York dress reform, and its hen a os Oh fe As sap. | ping away and she has no hopes of Jpine being Such was my 2 ie 56 at any health-was | caussd by pre prak or Rall caugsd by sounded like a womb. words "knell to me, I felt my Bal had sct; put Lydia E. n's Vege- table Compound | 10 mo as an L lelixir of lifey "it red the lost forces and built méWp witil why' good 'health returned' to" me. For four months I took tha medicine daily and each dogeisdiell hEmth and strength. J am 80 thankful for 'the help 1 obtained through fits usc." -- Nas ; FuorexcE DANFORTH, 1007 ) les Ave., Mich. 885000 forfeit f original of L above [etter proving genuineness cannot be produ # of Lydia E. Pink- ble Compound can- 3 dl save time and 8s if they would N Pinkham, Lynn, Eadvice as soon as any D appear. Symph thizes With Methodism Re ' "Education Bill. Halifax, June 21.<The Nova Scotia 8 Methodist conference adopted a me 'morial 'assuring the English Weslevan conference, sodfido weet in Liotidon, of its sympathy with that body in its position on dhe Britigh education {© al bill. This wy on cotifgrence Surges, jeopaili- Gs | i ame. frog § dom of Methodism in Eagland, ------------------_ VW 4 . Just Before The RM.C. Baill. * Jack Hardup dead we a fiver, sold man, and } shall be everlastingly that's what I'm Marine Notes. «gy The st © x, America went to Gan hig altrnoon. She Sagies an doh fro these to Uagton to ght, . The schooner Northern Light ix Jiadiog hay at Marysville for Cape . The steamer Pierrepont. took the Cape Vikeent ip this afternoon The Parks, Caretaker bi Parks Phillips is paying particular sttetition to the parks now antl Fag they in good "order. He has &pressed. the hope that cattle will not be allowed to stray through Vietoria Park. « All Day Among The Islands. } Steamtiér New Yak: Mayes Folger's * Wiad, Friday 'at 8:30 a.m. for Ogdens burg, calling ad all river points. Fare Boe. Strdwbérries, : caches, A Plums, ete. At Ferguson's, King street. COMMERCIAL. . NORTAGAL, STOCKS Fath. E Ak. Bia. k Bhnada p : 1253 13L% BS Boiedo. sips. 264-00 Montreal Street 232 314 fonto Street Ry 100 94 Halifax Sireet Ry. . 95 95 'Oat, wb ih, 4 L SO4 © OER 3 mercial Cable 1694 nie ntreal Telegraph .. 160 135 | Telephone Co. 160 154 htreal Cotton Co. .. ... 122 1164 'Dominion Cotton. Co. 50 x R & 0. Nav. Co. . BS Joid ; k of Montreal 248 0 Merchants Bank 160 000, Dominion Steet 17 16% Dominion Coal ... ... 04) Nova Scotia Steel 034 91% Ontreal Power ... i.e. 481 78% Detroit United Lo a8y 7% Ogilvie Flour: § Sd. gre 120 oR NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Jighe 24th 1 Close ion Facific 151 hy an . - a Manhattan . 1364 1364 ni 15 ie 0 91 30 292 80 791 51 51% 1033 1024 . 48 47 25. 2413 . 127% 1281 Atchison, Pra. 94 1c Re ae ail d 104% 123% 8 '89 a 2% sun OF MA] RECE A Sydeg The For § Sydenha tor} : By 15th: ifst., of the 3rd answer-"b turk, © It writing in any discus farmer fri worthy fa his dispos imagines } ject of m who lectur and who | practioal suhject of useless to tone of h there is a his 'mental says, be twenty to harrowing his. milk even if he L know of checks do two hundn friend's, wi do. keep, t good, swee day morni will take ¢ ing townsh care for th fifty cows any man | my maxim worthy far easily find minds me sees in the mighty" he cheesemake) but when along he d portion of made for h he hastens some one w Mr. Farn makers whe o'clock Sun to them if have three ate - hours But here | knows what ers have m ope am. 8 vat then a earhier and he 'a positi is known 8 finished abc kind of chee tories, Jor 1 lar Cahadi and_where not get his day and be day Farmer sa proprietors No, I suppc all patrons this, I. will greater pup prietors wou the Saturda irons were milk, and*1 jority of fa are men o whengthey apart from Saturday ni would unhes rather than night after aty my wo ing and Lhe thinking fa bear me out ments Now a fev Kepler, whe milk. Ope 3 tenor of hi heard thing sent home morning. ing for mu sent home the factoric Sunday nig! either neglex lessly cared pens during Now, wy are certainly mands. You tor to take property. 1 has only b in another's the (8) be: not take ca of milk, spending an night, a few and might © of milk at | his factory. Yes, itis; | take the on perty. Ww hen you could from Lobor like a few ) want to g® work, Sat morning, at it i woyonur tories where great enoug Monday mo! prietors hal more vats Sunday ches of the past he made fre milk than is not speaking practical e know that | sense, whose warpd the their natu truth of my Your mci would not write under reasons of 1 nom de plu more and your letter style. It is ing languas weight of t sense, but