dras med. Some ry and with Fe CHAIRS The best made and the only chair that will give comfort "and durabllity, from $1.25 to $4.50. 'Boat, Seat, Oarsman's Seat, Cu Qofs,' Camp Chairs and Folding Tables. ROBT. J. REID, 2 Doors Above Opera House, Princess St. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, ETC. Ambulance Telephone 577. or \ 0000000000000 0000¢ ' S000 lee Cream and fo Cream Soda With Crushed Fruits FINEST INCITY is PRICE'S Y ro OIFINIIPNIIIIINNIIINIe SIDEBOARD SILVER Numbers of useful silver designs not ncossarilv high priced, but with good {slue, . alwAys in evidence. FANCY CHINA ne' of the best "Potters" in and on the continent. T GLASS re Md' ean' interest intending Pp "of Cut Glass and so .imvite you to our store, il only om' a pricing vi wg SMITH BROS. SEDER © DHE and: Shihpoornr Parlors, removed 251 street. Latest noveltied in Gow Coats, Wraps, Tailored Suits. Shirt' Wists, etc' 11 orders" exeguted with featnéss and dispateh; 'best c spular ' prices, E.. ELDER, street, Corner Sydenham EL : PARKER' DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS 109 Brock St., Kingston, "Phone 408. Conunencine on July 1st, 1908, all goods midet be paid for when delivered Positively no departure from this rule T. B HAWLEY, Manager. BOARD AND LODGING. FIRST~CLASS BOARD JND LODG- ing, by day. Ww and month Largé ®irv rooms--newly furnished Cool. verandahs and Jawns. Mrs §ill's residence, 196 Johnston St. Kingston, Ont. FOR SALE. mE STEAM YACHT, IN GOOD ORDER Apply to J. 8. R. McCann, 51 Brock street. TWO SEATED BUGGY, GOOD STYLE, used some time. Address at Whig up-to-date -- eer found in the city. No matter a pi reg REGIS? Ly how large or small your idea of Ji ba sid for $20 cash. Apply to a souvenir may be you will find SE -------------- a full assortment here. We ----p SANTED. study your souvenir wants. in the store 1s 250 King street. a et A (PEW. BOYS. FOR STEADY WORK BY RELIABLE PUBLISHING HOUSE m wr' for Kingston District eighty dollars per month and expenses. Address, 165 Soraurer Ave., Taronto, $1,050 MADE BY ' well * & Co., London, Ont. FIRSAVCLASS CARPENTERS, JOTNC JOMN ORI, Jit: Hee. Secy ra and bench hands for sash 44d RJ. ELLIOTT, D. M. door eh Mighest wages ia 9 Ny wi : Com t men, Avply LoST. 40, Whig. 1 . THS, TWO JULY 187, FOR TWO MONTUL. ie rv Mill and Upper York - Ei. § cook pnd ou o4, | the ADDRESSED PA VELOPE, « i. connection, | desire to express my apr 4 ADOT ont. | Apply. 'suating taining money. Rewar proval of the act respecting mumiei- wages, to rs. Eaton, 324 West tum, lo this - === | pal houses of refuge, whereby munici. 83rd stress, New YOUc'chy ON THE EVENING oF THE gr palities that have not already made r~ : x B ~ petween Tete du Pont Barracks an Be oviniofn for the aged ond Indigent MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRAD: the Royal Military, CONeEls NE be required to do so within a Jacks diligent Je in _one METAL, C'oferea "for 1ts return 10 | aocanable time. £ the adjudidat moi th than shops in one year. Free yh Office. The amendment 0 the adjud icatwre SE Ese ERR an ' ' >hi- Drowned. high court is established will, rust, > Moler Barber . College, Ch Two Lads Dre gh 118 ] - 3 ate the administration of jus cago, Ills. al, June 27.--Two young | Tacilita : he ior cotrt 1GHT Vout "i! Mayor Michiaud, of St. | tee and enable all the sapere ints POR OFFICE WORK, SIX BRIGEC:jsond 0 Cp llevue, aged fifteen and | to dispose more d A io ic ung men, between, nif Anne Ik ning | cases that come before them rom "teen and twenty years of age: "% pd coventéén yore drone rg A time to time. ures Penmen and (Uk Steady Pehle attempting to, TH the C.P.R.| 1 notice with pleasure the increased Only. . those WCU, ply ind Ottawa river, near toi +h in the facilities for transporta- em ment need apply pp in the boys in the growth in ! ,; stating salary ex bridge, There were fot eis against | tion as shown by the unusual number of ees. 1 ALL a con t and when it was Fs Ro the charters granted for steam and elec tion he considered stri bout 2 of the tiridge two 0! , a in different ta: of Sdentin), Box. A.B.C: the abutment of TA thers were | trical railways I disere parte: ---------------- rants escaped, 3% | the provinee: hese facilities, to Open Cay bythe eurnml Wh [Cr with the measures for the im: drowned: } -- ee Sell APPLY TO MRS. CLE- ND BOYS TO CLEAN MICA Bros., mica works, Princess Apply Kingston Hosiery ONE MAN LAST household necessi- Did you make as much? Try ways wellipg.« Write G. ences, stating whether union or non- {Bex rE stesl-filled. New' yor Sy L ---- ecture on John Wesle church, Sunday, 8 p.m ¥ any a nan imagines he h as u Tow to hoe because he dislikes id pale Saas vaudeville attraction at oX a uria, Berk this evening at 8:80 A $ necessarily a figure i just 3 ) gurehead, an, hecause he has. good head for A man doesn't hav ¢ to work when nd « overtime Prat) Omes 10 waking a fool of An egotist is a m ' an who is unabl disguise C ne Heute the fact that he is pleased with Queen Victoria was ¢ Poh PRL i. crowned on June ath, + Sixty-five years ago to- Though the wa, KgOon tongue is silent it always wets ther i Bvays e¢ nhead of the rest of he sun rises Sund; Ti § ay at 4:20 a.m., and sets at 7:45 Bo on Monday, at 4:21 am, and 7:45 p.m., vel s day in history fen Tsin, 1900: Joe Smith, M prophet died, 1844; Pullman Strike, 1894: Charles' XIT., "of Sweden, born, 1645; Cairo surrendered, 1801 : : To attempt to save money by issuing cheap circulars is no economy A circu- lar poorly printed, on a cheap grade of paper, is seldom read by its recipient. It usually voes at once to the basket, or into the stove, DOULTON! We are showing some very pret- ty designs in Queen Street respectively. Allies capture waste Jardiners, Fern Pots, Jugs, Cuspidors, Toilet and Dinner Sets, You would think these goods should be expensive, but they are not; they are very reasonable. ROBERTSON BROS.. (LAKE 1 ONTARIO PARK) Enlarged Pavillion--Seating Capacity 700, ONE WEEK "gas Monday, Jane 20 Evening at 8:30, Matinee Sgtardsy, 3 p.m. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE J. FRANK ELY AND L. FLORENCE ', in Comedy Sketches. 'LE HAZEL SEYMORE, in Trapeze Act 3 CHATHAM SISTERS, Singers, ers, and Acrobats. Big Picnic Dominion 'Day: Baseball, Sports, and Games of all kinds, CALEDONIAN PICNIC SATURDAY Adwission 10c. and 15c., when going bv car, Admission to grounds free af- ter 7:45 p.m. * Found ! At No. 332 King St. The best place in the city to get your meals. Special rates to table boarders. Short order work a specialty. "WE NEVER CLOSE." CONGRESS RESTAURANT CON. MILLAN, PROPRIETOR. her Danc- We Souvenirs We have the most complete and collection to be Every article new and of the latest design. We have no old or shop worn goods to offer you. |p. B. CREWS, i| successor to A. C. Johnston & Bro. ; mei NOTICE. A MEETING oF . trict L.O.L 1, will be held 80th inst., All membe to attend at 8 p.m. rs are requested = ow m= ON FRIDAY EVENING, DIS-! , No. " TUESDAY EV ENING, BETWEEN TANEERDING Of The Debate on The Gamey Case. A VOTE AT 5PM. GOVERNMENT HAD FOUR OF A MAJORITY. There Was No Applause or Coun- ter Demonstration When The Final Result Was Reached-- Whitney Supported The Gov- ernment. Toronto, June 27.--~The legislature closed yesterday after |a session of three months and a half. Mr. Gra ham continued his forcible speech, which the evening before had stirred up liberal enthusiasm. He spoke for three hours, and Mr. Foy followed for two more in a critical and compre- hensive review of the "report, respect- ful to the judges. Then the long awaited division occurred, at 5 p.m. The liberal amendment of Mr. Richard, censuring the action of R. R. Gamey, member for Manitoulin, was passed on normal party vote, 41 to 37,--four of a majority, there being many pains. The original motion, adopting the judges' report, was carried on «Ul same division. The proceedings were absolutely tame, no applause or counter-demonstration, a ¢ r ending to a debate which brought forth ex traordinary feelings and features. Then worry arose over the subsidy bill for the Canada Central railway, for seventy miles from French river to Sudbury. The project came for- ward at the last hour, and was thus open to objection, but the surprise was the protest of a government sup- porter, Mr. Pettypiece, against furiher gifts of land, adding to an enormous total. Then a second surprise eventu- ated, when Mr. Whitney attacked the preceding speaker for false independ- ence and general "cussedness" appar ently, and declared he was goin to support the government proposal, as a measure promising British capital and useful colonization, esars. Hoyle and Carscallen (Hamilton) called for reserving of minerals as well as white pine, and Hon. Mr. Latchiord added to his already gener- ous explanations a promise of gov- ernment caution. Amid a deal of fili- bustering the first reading was car ried without division, but on second reading a division was demanded. Quer hall of the opposition voted with the government, and the was earried, 57 to 13. Messrs. Games: Carscallen (Lennox) and : Gallagher voted nay. Mr. Pettypiece was the only liberal member so voting. . It was now seven o'clock, and the house adjourned till 8:30 to then meet, read the subsidy bill in committee, pass it finally," and finish the rag ends of husiness so as to close the session before midnight. Prorogation occurred at day. * noon to Speech From The Throne. Toronto, June 27.--The legislature was prorogued at noon, to-day, with the usual ceremonies. Lieut.-Gov. Clark read the speech from the throne as follows: Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Legislative Assembly ! In relieving you from the labors of the session, usually prolonged, 1 de sire to congratulate you upon the many measures of public importance to which'to have given your atten tion. The amendment and consolidation of the laws respecting municipal institu tions will, I have no doubt, be a great convenience to municipal author ities and to the legal profession, and will contribute to the efficiency of municipal government intimately con nected as it is with the prosperity of the province. I cordially approve of the amend: ments made to acts respecting public, high and separate schools by the es tablishment of one board of education for the city of Toronto. The courses of study in, the various subdivisions of our school system can be more readi- ly adjusted to the interest of the dif ferent classes of pupils whose educa- tion it is the object of the school law to promote. It gave me much pleasure to assent to the measure which you have pass od, enabling municipalities, either sing ly or in groups, to provide for the construction of municipal power works and the distribution and 'transmission of electrical energy. The adoption by the municipalitiés bf the privileges con ferred by this bill, I have no doubt, will prothote the development of our industries and prove of great advant age to the manufacturing and artisan classes. | am pleased to have amended the industrial school act with the object of extending its usefulness to children more advanced in vears than those at preset coming under its operation; and, in the same notice that you FA provement. of highways, will : aa to the, comfort hd Ml greatly residents of the ruryl districts the necessary appropriations for the current year and | assure you the sup. plies which you have voted will be expended ay economically as is com- jatinle with the efigizncy of the pub- ic service. DEATH MAY STOP TRIAL. nap Mental Agony Intense and Vitali- ty Weakening. Thomas, Ont., June 27. -- It looks as il George Rowley will not live to be tried for his crime. He is reported by Dr. Luton, his phy sician, to be in a state of mental and physic: al collapse. His mental agony is said to be intense, amd his vitality is weakening rapidly. The revelations of the past few days go to show that he has been stealing gince 1891. For twelve years he was tapping the till of his company and Jeading in religious circles at the same time. His methods were as unscientific as pick-pockets', and the extent of his stealing was up to the limit of his opportunities. With all his stealings,; however, he never took a cent of the funds of the church of which he was the treasurer. He scents to have had conscientious scruples in that regard, for he had ample opportunity. Since the suspension and departure of Manager Rowley his wife has been in a terrible condition, and her life ix despaired of now. She has not shed a tear, but up a moaning that is heartrending. She refuses to see any person. A---- WHERE DANGER LIES. s Bt An Early Ratification of British G Treaty, Shanghai, June 27.--The leading native journal referring to the recent secret megotiations between Prince Ching and M. Lessar, says that Rus sian aggression 'does not constitute so serious 8 national danger to China as the apathy of patriotism displayed by the exalted personages to whom the government is entrusted, : The Chinese - treaty commissioners have informed the Pekin government that they t the early ratification of the British treaty. While obtaining hereafter. under the favored-nation clause, such benefits and abolition of barriers as may be eventually ariahg-. ed, Britain, by the ratification of the Mackay treaty, will obtain for the 1 nations other advantages rable. The United are ly signature of the treaty waits only. the settlement of the question of opening 'Mukden, Ta- sunghad and Hi in, which in wing 'by. the Uni States Ji ministers at Pekin. SCHELL WILL RETAIN SEAT. ---- His Firm's Mistake Does Not In- volve Retirement. Ottawa, June 27.-The privileges and elections committee has decided that there was no warrant for de claring the weat of 'Dr. Schell, M P., for Glengarry, vacant. Mr. Schell had explained the circumstances under which his firm 'in Alexandria accepted an order for worth of cheese shooks from W. D. Scott, .commis- sioner to the Glasgow exhibition, not knowing that this gentleman was an official of - the' Dominion government, and that the check in' payment came from the public exchequer. This was the first mecting of = the committee since 1809, when the investigation was held into the West Huron and Brockville elections, The decision of the committee was taken at once, without discussion, and by the spirit shown in the mat- tet by the opposition, the latter earned the thanks of the government supporters. -------- WENT THROUGH A BRIDGE. An Accident At St. John's, Que., To a Team. 8t. John's, Que., June 27.--About eight o'clock this moming as Mayor Cousins' double team was crossing Jones' toll bridge, between St John's and Thenville, with a load of flour, corn, ete., the whole weighing about four tons, the structure gave away, precipitating the horses and load into the river. The driver succeeded in jumping in time and saved himself, With difficulty the horses were extri cated. The wafer being low at this point saved the lives of the horses. For some time past the municipali- ties 'on hoth sides of the river have been petitioning the Quebec govern ment to better the conditions here. Mayor Cousins is now reporting the matter to the Quebec premier and re questing his immediate attention to the matter. rn nd COMMIT TO JAIL. Mayor And Aldermen Guilty Of Contenipt. Stratford, Ont., June 27.-- Mayor Hepburn and each of the aldermen have been served with notice of 4 mo- tion, to be made at Osgoode Hall, to commit them to jail for contempt of court, in that they have not complied with a perpetual injunction obtained against the city by W. E. Bean, Dow- nie township, in 1809, restraining the city from polluting the Avon river, which flows by the premises of Mr. Bean. . Child Instantly Killed. Brockville, Ont., June 27.--Stanley, the four-year-old won of Ira Bedore, of Soperton, near Brockville, was in stantly killed by a heavy gate falling upon him while he was playing around the barn yard. His skull was crukhed. Defended Blair, Ottawa, June 27. ~The feature of the 1. thank yom for the Tiberality | which you have displayed in making red grandmother, Babatomanya, is buried. EEL ------------------ i 5 if Despatches From Near And | iin, "i. Distant Places, EVENTS OF DAY GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM, Si Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read Remembered. It is expected that a mew Hungari- an cabinet will be formed to-day. G. F. Smith, Montreal, has been el- ected president of the Uanadign Fire Underwriters' Association. Judge Street has given an interest- img decision as to the privileges of the press in eriticizing public mem. C. W. Coulter has been appointed county judge of Haldimand in succes- sion to the late Judge Snider. The building trades war was renew. ed in New York, work being stopped on all buildings except schools, The creditors of C. W, Anderson &, Son, private bankers, Oakville will re- ceive two on the dollar. one-half or three cents + A number of Finlanders, who previ ously refused to do so, but now ex- press a wish to join the colors, have been pardoned by the czar, It is estimated that manufgcturers have heen overcharged between $9) and $10,000 by the illegal schedules of rates enforced by the railways, A general conference is to be held in Chicago, in the fall with a view to the union of the Lutheran churches of the United States and Canada. ol. McLachlin of the 25th Elgin Regiment has resigned, and other of ficers threaten to do the same -becansp the D.0.C., Col. Peters, censured them: A cable from London announces that Justice Armour's days are practically ended. He is unconmbcious, and the doe- tors have abandoned all hope. News of his demise may come any hour. The signing of the nal treaties be- tween Cuba and the United States has been postponed until next week on ae- count of the delay arising from the questions raised at Washington, Kine Peter desires the remains of King Alexander of Servia, to be inter with royal honors in the Rako- vitha monastery where King Milan's Jand naval te and admiral, nod the royal salute fir- ed According" to the Macedonian com- mittee during the last two months ab- out sixty engagements have occurred in Macedonia, between Bulgarian re volutionaries and Turkish troops and Rashi - Bazooks. The aggressive measures adopled hy the Chinese government against re- formers during the last six months have resulted in driving all the re formers to the foreign 'concesrions. They cannot be arrested. Advices on erop conditions just rp ceived from along the Canadian Nor thern railway are, on the whole, fay- arable. In the districts of high land, however, complaint is made that the soil is a little dry and rain will be welcome George Wyndham, chief secretary for Ireland, is willing that the treasury should pay £10,000 for policing the automobile course during the races in Ireland next month. It is understood that the automobile club has refused to undertake any of the cost. Ferjervary, the Huncarian minister of defence whose resignation creates a profound impression is of a pugnacious and irrepressible temperament, every inch a soldier, and alwavs ready to continne with the sabre or a pistol a disenssion begun in parliament. Premier Avaknmovitch of Servis, is understood to have taken no part in the conspiracy, but his three colleagues are believed to have participated. One is known to have personally directed the execution, so that the constitution Lof the ministry may retard King Pet er's recognition by one or two of the powers, ------ . Directogs Criticised. Woodstock, Ont., June 27.--The local shareholders of the Loan company thet yesterday after noon, and after considerable discus- course of the meeting dintion of their individual lability. Protecting A Trade Mark. Toronto, June 25. --The Salada Cey- lon Tea Co., through their solicitors, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, have issued a writ in the 'high court of justice against John Segsworth, carrying on business as the East India Tea and Coffee Co., claiming an injunction re- straining the defendant from imitating the Salada tea trade mark. Blot On Stars And Stripes. Clarendon, Ark., June 27.--A mob of fifty masked men hanged Jack ris, a fhegro, to the porch of a build: ing in the suburbs of this eity, Harris the sheriff. Remains Recovered. Brantford, Ont., June 27.~The body Mies Jennie Reaby, Cainsville, which had been missing since Monday, House of Commons, yesterday, was Sir Wilirid Laurier's reply to an st- tack by W Maclean, on Mr, Blair, weg 4 ax minister of railways. was recovered last evening in the river | o° PEW, QUAND "Pa a What Hivtanes below the Hinge. It kood ig ong Lis the general impression t the { © baOnse avid And - committed suicide, bg ¥ Whig. ie defunct Western} neh from exposure. During Wednes- gion, decided to accept the third offer of five conta on the dollar. During the the directorsd yy, ind of the vessel which W were. severely criticised for their repu-' assaulted and seriously injured Johd Colburn, a white farmer. The mob for: cibly took him from the custody of Ede Ec out of forty-two white men od in the engagements. Two thon: | sund native ollere. waie made. pris: onets. : London, June 27.--The office ii i & 2Be Fi has received a tol maliland, enabling it to cor the French report of a Britis ter. The lass news of the Mull that he was hovering eastward British forces, threatening the between Furo and Bohotle, were the only British means of com- munication with the coast. Manning was expe.ted to reach i riik ments. -- THE NEXT CHOICE. Of a Commissioner For The Alaskan Commission. Toronto, June 27.--A World's spe cial, from Ottawa, says that it is said that the choice of a commissioner to take Judge Armour's place on the Al- askan tribunal has fallen on Hoh. Cliffiord Sifton. The objection that Mr, Rifton is a member of the government A strument in preparing Canada's wi could be answered by the fact that Secretary Root, one of the United States commissioners, interested in maintaining the United States case, The World despateh hints that one, and, perhaps, two of the government will retire shortly and says that Charles Hyman, M.P. for London will be taken in to fll one of the portfolios. i A-------- MAKE PROTEST. A French Gathering And Its Re- Paris, June 20-A mestiog, organ juad by the advanced sts and socialists, was held, night, to protest against the Kishinefl outrages and the oppression of Finland, Two thousand Joie were present. The chief speakers weré Messrs. Jaures and Pressense, Jaures said that the most serious feature of the Kishinefl affair was the complicity of the regular aw tharities. He not accuse the czar "haw to take mote of the ponsibility which rendered e+ the wore horrible. Pre the owed SEETHING DISCONTENT. i -------- i Is Said To Exist In German Empire. 4 London, June 27.-The Times" lin special says: It will be impossible for the government, though the a. tempt may be made, to treat the sig- nificant socialist election triumph with indifference. It furnishes an ovi- dence of the amount of seething dis content throughout the e.pive, which in positively alarming. Some friends of the government comfort themselves with the reflection that leading agiths tors of the agrarian league having dis- appeared from the reichstag it will now be easier to obtain the ratifica- tion of moderate treaties of commerce, But the ratification of the moderate treaties have never been doubtful, the chief subject in doubt is the ability of the government to conclude them on the basis of the extreme tariff passed by the reichstag. Dr -------- SPRANG ALEAK. The Crew Had To Endure Hard- ships. Owen Sound, Ont., June 27.=The schooner Eric Stewart, owned by Pig gott & Sons, of this place, was towed to port, last night, by a fug which had picked her up near Cabot's Head, twenty miles from hots, yesterday. 'T schogner left Byng Inlet, on Tuesday. with a eargo of Shortly after clearing port whe sprang aleak, and sank ye walter, was shout her deck. aber prevented her from sinking. "crew suffered day and Thursday heavy seas swept' over her deck taking with them Grenville, Southampton, was in, com, wo in dry dock here. a ----------_ FE i TERRIBLE DISASTER, . | po in Occurred oO sersafion.; g andthe. mm sy mcholars were instantly " "the other) and master and two scholars' were badly, injured. The remainder of the scholurs , " * Har: | escaped ia -------- A Place For Gardiner. Toronto, June 27.~H. EK. Gardiner editor, of the Hawilton Times, it is understood, will be appointed - super intendent of the Institute for thy Blind, at Brantfovd, in succession to the late Dr. Dymond. The position is worth Sh800 a year. : % MONEY TO LOAN: hotle, on Jume 26th, with reinforces | was for vears | mbar for Lhatham ions of, the: desk Toad." Cait; Somwih IED, CHAPMAN-On Jun the residence hg man, Harri H man, aged SUIS. he funersl will Ya : bury ut two nd acqual an mn ed to attend, © € ? AVE sell at the ilar, Any Burs vets, consisting Suite, in Silke ai Centre, and Other other vor inch in Carpets, Black Wi Sideboard, very fine Dinner | Hssw are, ete. i 3 row, (rim ane or ari to 0 mention. 180. A PUBLIC MEETING rate puyers of Wolfe Island w a in the Town Hall ON MONDAY HVE ING, June 29th, 'at 7 p, to the Ferry Question. x : THOMAS FAWCET™ HL, ONE DOLLAR stock certifical fel - Guaranty C John H. Mills, auctioneer, has be ed a large sale, to take place in 8 near future, : HE