Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jul 1903, p. 7

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| INTERESTING SKETCH OF RY Ha Sad your 'Holi tr rs. James G. Blaise ry fail. reduction in corsets' at New . Melville, Vermont, ate Visiting friends. always sends the street ing. to doubt if the de- Herebe ; vw Capturing Mahomed Salih, sit- | of camels and 1 stock. The who Ung at the feet of the seer of Mecea arious Sondition of the Ogaden cops ; in years now gone beyond remein- | try, into when, Mullah bad again 3. s 2 : brance, then planning 'the tri- | retired, prevented the projected pur- | this afternoon from Ottawa Mr. Alired Mitchell, F.R.S., and Mo | umphent' displacewent of the 'infidel | suit by the Abyssinian force taking | The new King street west switch Mitchell, have taken a house on within: the confines of Somaliland. place, and the Somali and Abyssin- |was used for the firot time this after- | Clergy street. Mrs. and Miss Dumble | a | In'those days, rather circumstances | ian sections of the Habr Awal took | noon. i ; : of Texas, will arrive shortly, to stay. a 0 'in Lydia E. to show that he was the earnest | matters inte their own hands. Their "America's" moonlight excursion to | with + Mrs. Dumble's daughter, Mrs. 3 *s Vi pound Sect after a better life, and a true | efforts were without material result. Cape Vincent, Monday, 7 p.m. Fare | Mitchell, J -K 7 ly health. Is heliever in the Scriptures as pro- | and the Mullah was left in enjoy- Ie. : Sat : * . . . : years with: general 'we Pounded by his elders. However, his | ment of his spoils. By this time the | Miss E. Tobin, Smith's Falls, is 'the | Lady Borden is expected in Ottawa and wn pains, Jomey. to, Mecca brought about a | influence of Mahomed Abdullah dom- [guest of the Misses Drennan, Kingston, | from Canning, N.8., to-day. Miss Bor: womb trouble, , M ' curious. change in the character and | indted ihe southern portion of his |for a few days. : den leaves to-day for Brockville, where | d I wom témporament of the man. . The | own protectorate, as well as wide | Miss McParland, Kingston, and 'Miss | she will be 1he fuse for a few. days wi : teaching of Mahomet Salih. appealed | stretches inland in the Italian and | Lambert, New York, are guests of Miss | of Senator and Mrs. Fulford before go- to his nature, and the Mullah re- | Abyssinian spheres. It had now be- | Molly Whitney, Prescott, for 'a fow ing to visit Mr. and Mrs. Findlay, of turned to his oWn country with tho | come an ohject 'of extreme import- | days. Montreal, at their summer ) intention of reviving the religious | ance to dislodge and to subdue him. Miss Hunter, stenographer "at the Jon an island near Gananoque. spirit of his people. In January, 1901, expeditions were | General Bospital, "has" gone to Téron- Mrs. Murray-Smith, and the Misecs | egctable pound, and | By name Mahomed Abdullah, and [arranged "in conjunction - with the |to and other * western pdints 'on 's Murray-Smith, Mackay street, Mon- am 50 glad I did, No onc can de- belonging to the Sabr Suleiman sec. | Abyssinian force, and later in the | visit. vey ih ' : real, left this week for Georgeville, : the it did. me. ! tion 'of: the, Ogaden" tribe ig" the | same year the first 'British expedi- | John Ahearn his, beer permanently | where they will spend the summer, 5 4 fl SouthWest of the Sonal Country, he | tion was dispatched. --Manchester appointed - lookman at Kingston Mills, . Ee Bg up my al h 2 |. had martried into the Ali Kherri, ono | Guardian. in place of Robert' Sargent, 'who 're. disease and; of' the Dolbabanta tribes in the ------eeieartiod tf Sd Seo BR iss southeast of "the "British protector *" Taylor's delicious 'chocolates, - 40c. | of Rev, C PY this means he had extended|., 1°, AD Ice Cream Soda. and O0c. Jb. ""EVSF tasted better anes? | Rev. J. H. R. Warren, late of : {3 in the | How dear 0 my heart is 'the drigk pp ss "Julia' MeCotnock,* (tenors, "and | City. The marviage will take place 1 The Of M ¢ phtalian So- that e'er yields me as Dedver, Watertown, were mar- {in the autumn. . after his ; ried in St. Gregory's churoh, Picton, | Of Miss Christin Dash, daughter of . he A Eup of um | pleasure midst on WA 8 Lads Mrs. Albert Dash, Toronto, to Mr. By' shopping. early. tonight you will | Jack King, is . announced. The mar- kelp the merchants and give the hard riage is to take place the latter end worked clerks tn ehanre:30 get home | of this' month.' ; in decent tie, : } Of Miss Antoinette Dolores Cassidy, 1 Mrs. Jobin Northoae, : Belloyille, who | daughter of Dr. and Mrs, J. J. Cas: 'naimus aqainet. the Betin out a round bit or Bing tharoduupitet, Sh. Street, tidy, Tatoo, wo Manning William , 4 A] Suzerain- ice . =. at Syracuse, 'di at 1 ok Jake, N. rity, auelph. v ober alilaid. and it appear- Of Thiper as cool as thesnows of Y.. this week, bd hoe Of Miss Kathleen Myles, da ' hier of ed as he Were content with the hom- Of the flavor of peach. ish. |. Miss: Bertha. Houston: purseintram- | Mr. Alfred H. Myles, of Hamilton, to Age. paid "to his learning snd devo- peach--"a rare, ravish- |ig 'uf the General Hospital, left this | Mr"R. R. Harris, also of Hamilton. morning to spendther, holidays at her Ee 2 Mecca, in re- work or midst play ; Jed to Mon Fardo, 'hls place of res- From sunstroke, prostration and haat enpui shields me And sends me home smiling at close Oy . of the day, ing tid-bit ; y 4 Ifdowess, Orta nel The mellow, wool soga-- strdet. as a favorite color, appearing at As. "4 and Clayton. The Rideau Lake Navi. {those who » 8, | The best thing about. I oun excursion, Saturday, {©0 With a beautiful "gown of that ; ,_ gation Co. steamers leave for Clayton| Barly "fn. 1 he. raided the terri- | ' § July Sth, 5 am. 2 pin. only $1.25 | shade. The lovely twin sister maids How at 6:30 p.m; for Ottawa daily [tory of the Yunis, ahd, occupy- | And yet though fond mercy clings to | return. Tickets good two dave. . | of honor, the Misses Vivian, wore par- at @ ame ' "ing Bite, | Mullah proclaimed this rare drink, «A-maskinonge was naught ofi- th | tioularly pretty dresses. of amorbor ---------- his intention of Silay As ambrosial nectar quite fit for gy 'company's dole, Fietol, | by pleated cheiry gauze, over brown " "Cool Shoes For Hot Weather, ~|-85 his oN Phere ha. ing ; % dlinnis apfl Jit Thompson | chiffon, with brown belts and collars; Cheap and stylish "a8" Atirnethy's inaaedin \ > There nny heart iay when wa feel a weighing twenty-nine pounds, and mea. | HY follow the pretty. old fashion of headquarters for trunks aud valiscs. L n read heart-sink, suring. four feet four on always dressing exactly alike, which Fate : v gt ; 2 foating akin to a physical sting: Nail brushes, scismors and fles. Tay- | fCcentuates the resemblance of the ' James» De ne . T ¥ n ats when we've groedily gral | lov's Palm Garden dere sbore. ' sisters, : th lasek ang] Fa Jeffries, ere" horsemen Auded for the cool glass F. X. Su Charles, Sof. PF. X'S. Mrs. George Burn, of Metcalfe street, Fe a upon: Edward Grancy oc 3 . gobbled its contents in stacca- [Charles & Co., Montreal, general | Ottawa, and the Misses Burn, left this "the referee for the h wei : Barried Ww. to' time ; agents' of 'White Ri water, . is in week for their summer cottage at wr Plodsiip fight do Rake il , e throw on the Counter a fat spher- | town | to appoint' wn agent for this Cushing's Island. Henal ea oey hy Pin Ogaden and Its cool soda Presence' hanes" o T 0 beethanta tribes. His fame contin- Ie RS over I), in S| ille. i isi i Animal Showing Syfiptoms In | ed to inérense, and he Won wr me yet. ome in hannonville hoi bi During the royal visit te lreland, is . Hospital The Dominion | :Gbtton' MW Co's. | is arranged that ' the ing wi e Detention Hospital, J tle respect for his guthority by the hii flags will: remai half il t at nd revi the Fii- ew, y -- " i The fine i mn. at mast until | present at a gra A review on Cleveland, July 11.~A dog belong-} tribes electing to.regard him as ao 0 he ice cream soda, Monday, out 'ofl espéct' to' the' late | teen Acres Phoenix Park, and after , next summer, and ing to a family sonje' rhember of which appeal in their tribal dis- Ne rich ice cream soda, president. As FB: Ganit: that is over will attend the meetin, swell, striped Flan. ; had been, ill with smallpox, is under . Similarly, and with some 1 cool ie cream soda-- Excursion to 'Watertown, leaves 5 | of the Phoenix Park club, where it is - . i observation at the detention hospital. | measure of success. he strove to put | |. like it, you bet. a.m. and 2) pin, v8aturday; 'only $1 - | likely that some of the King's horses | Tr -- Phey've alréady out- @ He had symptoms. of small-pox, his | down faiding.. He also continued | _ - * 25 return Tokeds s vd dwo a yo NT I During his stay in Dublin . . Ihe tailofing and fi hide 'being towered iniE postales." The [kis pilgrimages tb Mocca. every visit | When all the town stifles and heat Mrs. E. Fetiuson. Piotr ty the king will hold a levee at the cas- | | 66 AN EX L ] T K | xpect from your best case is' ry in medical ' practige.. To adding to his reputation and in- Wien are. flying-- hioved remown as a herrv pioker: Re- | tie one day, and on another their ma 0 yi , | satisfy; us H Last whether uh arg | Ereasi Bis infMicnce 8 n earth Sees an oven to human- cently she picked 305 boxus in 'a day. | jesties will hold a drawing room at : adapted 6. | thing. for suminer, le" to "the disease the health ¥ innings, he initiat- W ity bake-- This. beats the record. the castle also. At the Vice Regal " officer will experiment with other dogs | ed in 1899:a peligidus Movement in | '¢ 8¢¢ everyone to the marbletop hy: Tourists' toilet requisitiés at Tay. | lodge the king will give two or more Wants of Infants. 5 . to try to give them the disease. The | Which he was at once joined by the ing, : lor's Palin Garden drug store. banquets, This will give their majes: Sin Citas. A: CAMERON, cm, MD, $12 5 * experiments" will begin ina few days. | tribes that Witherto Bad supported | And there stand impatient their | At Lake Ontario park lust evening, | ties a busy time of it, if, as is stated, Professor of, Chemistry, R.C.S.L, | . pe ------ hit, while a number of others iden- fierce thirst to slaka after the usual eqtertainment, Crosby | their stay in Dublin will extend over Ex-Provident of the R. Colleges | : in newest Cub. + $ Most Pe atifig. | £4 tified - themselves with him at the | A Strwiitey ve wme--or lemon or | & Thornton conducted o vefy pleasant | four days only. While in Jreland next " Sune, and iin 3 » ickest Shiflsiatid jiine and deserted him at a later per- w chocolate-- 3 dance, which was largely attended. month their majestios will visit the | § | : yh : . : i : rn abt 0d, @8- their interests dictated. His © » we exclaim or we feverish J. L. Joynt, MP.P., North' Aug. | Duke and Duchess of Devoushire, at ! trating" linigien?" on" the myr- Policy How underwent a change, and shout ¥ht. 3 5 atl I) Castle, Ww ket to-day is Smith's White Liniment. | } was, quite evident thet Mor: Wo. sigh with usta, has purchased from H; Brennan, | Lismore Castle, County Waterford, a ' Mah 7 , . : i : . 4 ™ pd owellings, | 1¢ 3 is e ont t M homed 2 content as they put th Ottawa, the cottage and island op- | and the Marquis and Marchioness of : in SAR sprain " a byllal as exerting his influence w ive orem in; posite Anglot's Jun, for the' sum of | 1©ondonderry. ut Newtownard, alls, outa + to, 'expite, lis ine £0' rebellion ¢ gurgle with glee as the syrup | $900. " it is likely they will go to Belfast, HATS | wid, Jmbego Dottles, 2c. sfafont. British thoricy; 5 runs gut. Those desiring rents collested, to | and thence to Londonderry. : Tw i ) ted, to force im f ON, hot Yor the sod purchase or sell real estate, will find" Hor Nalncty Quen Alans han ne whi abi gid x 3 ore a » 1% sodg-- it in i 2, 8t) rt Styles m Hats, 4 3; The Rideay, Steamers and pvied | The racy, real soa, Rickndnn, erst to NT Well ard again set the note of delicate mauve eno , : oid nickel, celebrated water, in } ie The very tall and handsome Duchess |} ranciseo. om Auguss 14th. The last one 'we have and the man | inity. the jeity and vic of Portland invariably wears: the nigh | { DR. BARNARDO Says i . tins intial . Ing thence to Lassad aks or wants a dime-- The improvement of the Rock Tslang | Medici collar with both day and even- WW pA oy ov 3 ; light. of ite. Fine: +¥i i the | 178 dress. At Madame Melba's reap- © have already used Neave's Food in pos i pearance in opera she was entirely. in | [$70 of our Homes (Babies Castle and the Village Home), and I have no hesitation in stant ¥ We then ciiss the soda river, which has ai adequate and with The false-pretence soda sarin, has evs apptetiad by lane black, with the high collar embroider saying it has proved very satisfactory." No aed at this The man-trapping soda, boat: captains. The: lighthouse has | °L in diamonds, prom ar 27th, Foor ' yg That costs 4 whole dime. been moved from the middle of the | Mr and Mrs. Walter Douglas, of y island and reconstrigled on the point New York, are expected in Ottawa A whic no into the | 8rly in August to visit Mrs Doug. i : which has been extended ott into the ' g Zi iver. A yr las' parents, Dr. and Mrs, Robert R -~Owing to the res | river. A gas buoy. bas been placed on 1 as 4 . rs, vegetation is rn. | the Opposite shoul. where the red spile Bell, after which they leave on a fish- pidly advancing. Thomas Nuttall has | buoy was formerly losatedl ng trip, up. the Saguenay. purchased a new road cart, J, Me- Mangere dOSIAN Bogard 2 Ow § Ea---- . J Calpin's bee, erecting the frame for Caledonia Springs Resort. Wholesale THE LYMAN 8ROS. |" i ; v began his new barn, was largely attended. / y Visitors at Grand Hotel, Caledonia & Co, oe Toronto and Montreal, About Sanative Antisep- session of supernat: The efficiency of our young men and Springs for week ending July 1st: : . serting that he ceu hes ty* with which. they worked tind Nn, James Sebnston, Miss I. Burns, : 3 . i an easy one. Mr. Mc om Hon. Mr. and Mrs. James McShane, » 3 fic Cleansing : Colpin and. family have moved to fs Miss K. McShane, Mr. and Mrs. A, TO STRANGLE THEM, 8 r -- hight new home, with which they are re 4 & W. Robinson, Master Evan Robinson, bined delighted. vicinity, 'wae - & | W. Strachan, W. Laurie, Miss K. KE. | Societies Are Grave Menace To % And. about the Care of the Skin, represented in. Gananoque on 4 ; Ibbotson, Mrs. M. S. Wood, Mrs. E. Throne. ; A ! g ; July dst. The fireworks exhibit was y Rawlings, ' Miss Rawlings, Mr. and Poldn, July 11.--The persistent of- 3 Scalp, Hair and Hands. enjoyed by al. Its brilliancy, how- : » of Mrs. D. J. Nunn and child, Miss Lock: | forts of the Yang Tse viceroys = to 1 Tv ho oy ever, was surpassed by the terrific ¢ erby, Mr. and Mrs. George Creak, Mr. strangle the anti-dynastic societies yal I 25% nat wb 2 : } . eléetric storm which followed. Misses | snd Mrs. F. BE. Mussen, Master C. which: have - grown remarkably si Lena and Lulu Todd, Brewer's Mills, Al N = Smith, Miss Dow, Miss J. Dow, and the Boxer uprising. of 1900, have + ros] recently visited Miss F. Nuttall. Miss . maid, Mrs. A. Linton, : Miss Rees, Mr. | suited in the arrest and trial of five USED IN THR the s A \ a3 much stress cannot be plsced on , 5 great vale of Citlcira Soap, Olt: : ' Lottie McCalpin has resigned = her J > and Mrs. T. A. Crane, J..D. McFar* | leaders. This has greatly pleased the 'a . ; \ school, and contemplates attending bh) lane, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Liddel, D. } government which regards these . so- model school. T. Maxwell, Pittsferry. £ 3 H. McLeunan, Col. C. McArthur, J. cieties 'as a grave menace to the recently 'visited at J. Featherstone's, , Marshall, KE. Emery, J. J. Roy, L. | throne, also M. Kelly at Mrs. James Short- A ne Wienberg, Mr. and Mrs. R. CO. Barry, | The board of foreign affairs reports Thomas Washed. M. Smith i Sas three native Christians have ben -------------- ins, G. Han n, Master Hanlahan, | killed at Ping-Li-Hsien, rovine Accident In A Fog. . E. W. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. W. L Shenst, by as p ; ? Halifax, NS., July 11.~The Norwe- er -- Haldimand, 3 L. Sichalson, B 8. ------------------ gian steamer Hermod, ing at al, , eve in Mmermia Clouston, and valet, J. @. artin, | Thousand Islands and Rochester. good rate of speed, eras 8 on the gr Jone, ee WI Coan ah Alexander Martin, Mrs, J. B. Martin, Steamers North King and Caspian, rocks on the north-east of Blind 1s And never tell a' soul, 1 vow Miss C. Martin, Miss FP. Martin, Ma- commencing 28th June, leave Swill's land, early yesterday, during a heavy | FI show' you some. Bekide the sea. dam C. Darveau, Montreal. Mrs. J; aily except Monday at 10:17 a. fog. . The vessel's bottom was evident. Te i= Hodgins, Hon. A. G. Blair, Miss 3. | mM ¢ Thousand Islands, ly pietced, for. she began to make Has Been Appointed Agent, Blair, Miss Isabell White, Miss Elsie steamer leaves at 5 p.m. for Rochester, water fast and sodn t was three W.°J. B. White his sepured the local Cotton, B. E. LaPointe, F. Q. Gray, XY. en 05 8 a fect of wager in her id. The ecap- agéncy of the Canada Life 'Mssurance | Dr. R. H. Mackerras, Ottawa, Mr. and gg Se : 8 tain ory the life boats to be company, succeeding his father, ex | Mrs. W. C. Johnston, Clinton, Mass., of latnched and the mate and others Alderman J. T. White. The wide ex. |S. BR. Bori ht, S. Boright, Richford, succeeded, with difficulty, in making | perience whith Major White has had | Vt., J. E. Fournier, Kingston, J. R19 Port Moren. Sub pently tugs wore |i, insyrance business eminently quali- | McLaurin, Mise L. McLaurin, were sent out to the vessel, and she fies kim for so important & position, | Donald McGinnis, Mrs. J. R. p- was successiully floated. and under his judicious? matigement Laurin, Vankleek Hill, J. M. LeBigh t ---- the, local agency is bound to develop | and wife, South Bend. Mr. and Mrs. J, Thirty-si% deaths and eighty-five | into 'one of the most prosperous . in | E. Lortey, Lachine. M. G. Jorden, prostrations in and around New York Canada. : 3 L'Orignal, Senator Jones, Hamilton, and Brooklyn tell; the story of Fri. o J. 'F, Duling Mr. and i, 4 T But day's t. It w he hottest July' livan, St. Albans, Vi. Charles es Yoh in 3 b Back From Dakota. senger, Albany, N.Y. W. H. Parker, Miss Minnie Robertson, Carleton] Wagarville;: July 9A Jarge number | Lac La Peche, H. W. Thompson, Hud. Place, leaves shortly for China where!| attetided the party at "As Brown's. | von Heights, Que. Rev. D. A. Twomey, she will labor ish Mes. E. Walker, Browaville, N.Y., af Tweed, Opt. Rev. J, L. Hogan, Na- | © dn abfende of si¥ mon: i re |pance. Rev. Dean O'Connor, Marys. | newing afquaintances peshe is |yille. Mr. and Mr W, S. McCorkill, now a . NeCubers My: | Farnham, Que. Mr. and Mrs, ¥. For- and Mrs. 0. Wager, North Dakota, are guson, Ottawa. : dows (5 stay the okie re | IE ------ °F berries are, geting ripe quite. 4G. H. Cumni , piano tuner : Stott had the oo 'of losing Chickering eS oem: York. Ovtars ou : , : ceived at McAuley's ¥ "Working every night' Gibson's Red | oatmeal cream : Cross borated

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