ANOTHER CAR | C h a ir JH IUST ARRIVED Ranging from 50¢. to _ Cbitches, good velour, from §8 to THEY ARE BARGAINS. ROBT. J. RE 2 Dagts ¢ Opera House, Prine THE Gv UNDERTAKER fmtuilunce Telephone B77, AUCTION BA Ne man WEDNESDAY, Aug. I WILL SELL AT THE RES of Mr. J. W. Hast, 172 Barrie following household furniture fects, . viz: --Drawing Reom Rew Silkk, Fancy Chairs, Oi Table, Uak Sideboard, China Leather Covered Dining Chair wall. Organ, three Bedroom Su Bedsteads, Mattresses, Sprin Louinfve; Wardrobe, Brussels Cer Lures, Haury Thought Re Range, Kitchen Utensils; Hose; Sale commences at 10:30, aa Cash! : - SRLIEN, the Aw AUCTION S¢ oF FURNITURE ( MONDAY, 10:30 E. P. Bransigan's; Moutre SQUARE "PIANO. FARLO Fancy Tables, Chajrs; Lounge Walnut Dinine Room -Furnftu) Walnut Bedroom Sets, Bedding, Curthins, Range, Heater, Kitcl sils, etc: 3 Grandfather's 0 "IN MINIATURR We have =" sale 'of these now on, and what could | novel 'or jusetul as a gift; your own mantle ? We keap every clock go SMITH BR 350 King 8t. Ki Mother Hendy's All PRICE, 25 CENTS. WILL CURE "Burns, Froe Cuts, Salt _ Itheum, Broken Children's. Sore Heads, Boil Poison and Bealing Fingers. DIRECTIONS Spread the sa linen or cotton _cloih, chang svosy 24 hours. SOLD BY AL G 3 : TO LET. FURNISHED FOR THE" WI irae and centrally lots . fH,' Whig office. FOUND. A LADY'S GOLD WATCH. can 'have same by proving and paying expenses. WANTED. I I EI A DRUG CLERK, EXPE] man, either gqualiied or not Melsod's Drug Store ---------------------------------- A 'GOOD DRESSMAKER A' must be first class cutter i Box 59 Feanville, Ont. COMPETENT HOUSE WORK 1st September. Factory factory urs' service, or month; without washine ol Apply Detween 8 and 9 p Clergy street. ------------------ ROT FAEES NOR FAD needs. Used eve Coren "Mills Company, Kin, MEN ly) LEARN BARBER Abundante of practice. tions: os parr, ate: X Porn, als on free Soler. Barter Sclins SATESMAR 4% AE or Grestine Cards in King Gas war 4 Hr Satyh fay. FiCting rs , Tot ee knit operon: