cid TH N E L i ARE OTE EES | 0 will be. tired enough just the same. | ; -- } © Our fuiv, takes place next. week, and power; Uh whole | it. Es # % on dts work. But months will be spent before §t is finished and the | boundary fine may be still Wisettled, Lisp SPA Emmis ing 54 Lif it. gets all it is promised. in weather, 'support it will be a success. I |8 EEREE i 1 work tells the manager has not spared Montreal, says the Witness, contri: of schools T g £ g sy 5 Ror Wor fie $1 7 ¥ 'men that 'the best results can by 'choosing a man who is t ow up with the work nd Sevelep WE FR Canada's Competition Hurts, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 5.--Promin- ent grain brokers from representative houses' of Baltimore and Philadelphia met in confercnge here this week and discussed plans: to save the large ex- porting firms from the disaster they y is threatened by the diverting of western = grain fr {-cduse assigned grain business is that the rate on the Chniadian railroads is much lower than "on be secured on -any seaboard wl runs into Philadelphia or Balti- more, A Bocond conference 'will be held in the near future to further discuss the 'matter and decide upon some plan of astion, . . Can't Come To Terms. New , York, Sept. 5.-The protiised cohlition 'between Tawimany and the Greater New York democracy some- how fails to materialize. The main bone 'of contention hetween them would seem to be that olden one of spoils, Mr. Sheehan, the leader of the opposition has made a greater demand upon Tammany for places oh the may- oralty ticket 'than the big Tudian ié willing to give, hence the eonciliation and co'operation remains for the fu- ture to determine ' with 'the chances somewhat against union. Mobiles For Mail DeMvery. London, Sept. 8.--The London post office authorities are engaged in an in- teresting experiment with. a view to determining whether motor mail vans can be depended upon to give a more efficient service: 'tham the present horse-drawn. vehicles; So far as the experiments. have proceeded, it is evi- dent that the "horse will 'be sidwly, but. surely 'superseded by the motor. Lots of sports and amusements © at Kinguton's big fair next week. Basehigll cv hutwa anes, 3 Sho lant Dreaded Results of Kidney Disease. Sdn ' s | CHASE'S KIDNEV-LIVER PILLS suffering which accompany he, rheumatism, lumbaga, sto i kidneys and bladder; when ob thie the dreadful fatality Bright's i and Sint rou of Sora the Blood Abe. Bepu the aly matter 'there is trouble | grey, 'and niul and dangerous nature, {ong the first symptoms are backache, weak, lame back, and sid ¢ and pa bition, stiffuees | and in the joints of weariness ah lassitude. oy "Provention is always better than | henoe the advisability of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pi very first indication of suc) pent. Whether to k . Chase's Ki finding ne OOOOO0OTO0O EERSTE I PEE LOO OO O000000000000 ONTARIO. RAILWAY: (Ontario Government Railway) $2,750,000 33 per cent. 30 « Tenders. for Bonds,"' will be re- ceived by the Commission at its offices in Toronto, up to Ten o'clock a, m , SATUR- DAY, Sept. 1ath, For all or part of the above issue. Forifs of tender and copes of the pro: tus can be obtained on ap- pliestion to the undersigned. ® P.E, RYAN, Our Coal I8°As Clean As Though It Were Washed and Brushed. Each lump stands by iteslt, solid coal--so much , solid fire. coal reaches: the surface of the . earth from the mines, impurities are picked out by hand. 'Thereafter it is screened several €imes before it. reaches you, and dirt, slate, ete., reallv have no chance if the dealers are careful. We are very . Crawford COAL THAT SUITS. Foot of Queen St.~'Phone 9. £ SUMMER FUEL PEA GOAL . Maukes an excellent fuel for summer. $6 per ton. W00D "HARDWOOD, SOFTWOOD, KINDLING. - JAMES SWIFT -& 50. _t'PHONE 136. WHY 'A MAN AGED. FIFTY SHOULD INSURE Because it is the safest method of pro- yiding* for' dependents. "There Has heter been & failure of a legal resérve Life In surance Company doing business in Can- ada. + The. coytinuous instalment policy offered by the North American Life Assurance Qupany, is_an ideal method of waking bsolute provision for de- pendents. For a payment of $369.00, and a like amount each year thereafter, a men aged 50 secures. for bis beneficiary, aged 46, an annual income at his death of $500.00 for twenty Yeprs, certain, and ds much longer a8 'the beneficiary lives. ... The strong financial position of the North "A afford A undoubted to its policy holders, munkes it desirable counipany. with Thich such a contract. ; desires to of Kingston and vicinity, will a salary of $100.00 a vionth to thé right man. wW. J. FAIR % Manager, Kingston. Bright Fire "1s An ebtraction for avery dne. The cheery glow and imgmense " heat of our coal will make itself felt with pleasure during the cold weather. It's just the kind to cook with, too. Let us fill your bin with ; -BOOTH'S COAL - Phone 133, foot of West St.