My FT SUN is the ding for degendents = ergo A a EP fay a Tesery, uy S Lompany doing busing la he, cantindous Lutaluen Te the Nor et an meric ultking absolu Idual undg, Mike th ka nd SOM such a eon he North American Life qua FA or. it Sines representa, on IBgston and viojpre® | h A Salary of $100.00 at @ right man. . J. F fics Manager, AIR ' Di oRONTO Enibiion ALL! s, etc. 'gin he gtand display of y & RISCH PIANOS, eraowis 82 King street W |. WEESE & 121 Prin {Wes Bt, King:ton REE Musie Gat atoguc AW Toran Agen ropalian Stock Exchagle Th Under the Laws of Massachusetts PITAL $ FULLY 100.001 (INGSTON BRANCH aac Chambers, Clarence St Opposite British Am" rican Hot. one 409. J. J. MCKENNA, a Manager, selie,: Grat islors * aa in and | rovisiors 'oughta usical Fair -to-Date Music Store +286 Princess Street. ECIAL BARGAINS br¥iing mn Music from a Jews ndelssohn Piano. our window" &nd como in the store ar our new Music. p-¢. Off During Fair we place new lights avd repair old ones. Guaruntee the . Sigh work and reasonable prices. ry evarythiug needful in stock: Glassware, etc. Attend {0 your gas service wiille get the work doue cheap. DE INTELLIGENTLY BY KEEPING INFORMED d eur "Guides to Investors" and y 'Market Letter." Both avenues ney making, mailed free iT & FREESE COMPANY 'TOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON SLHDA STREET, TORONTO, ONT. 1 3 ac te nd finan sihoraib fe a" Tiroker as ak selection of right stocks." "ood" Phosphodine, +b Great! Poglish Remedy, ha old, well estab Aud oF hinkle preparation. Hos preseribed and beet overd yours, All drap shu ia the Domial Canada sell RS on +, Phomphoaive mbhodiae te sod in Kings MEDICAL. OUR. HARMLESS REMEDY fail 8S a without, delayed or sup: mn, Yor free trial ress Paris Co. Milwau- Wis, i EXCURSIONS Sept. 24th, 25th and 26th At the following [ares from x Spe wh. ' gl w oth, $4.15. o cme A I Sti atth 4nd 16tn; $8.05. Heturn limit. Sept. 21st ke Vor particulars and tickets apply to Ker Eatlman accommodation or any further rormation apy to J.P. HANLBY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. ee ----eet tere en Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Rallways. EXG RSIONS es from Kingston ol Sept. 11th, 12th, Mth, 16th, 19th $4.15 opt. 15tH, 17(h, 1Bth, .. $3.08 Return limit, Sept. 21st, 1903. TORONTO EXHIBITION. trast, and giving us the joy of color Sept. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Sth, Sth, Oth for colors sake. In England we are 210th aid BIR. 5s. fore. vet en $5.40 1 40 permeated by the sj init of compro Sept. 1st and The oe see wise that even the sun bids us 15th, 1003. pightly farewell in a Bimbus of peu Hetunn limit, Sept. : To Canadian Northwest. Going dates, Sent. 15th and 20th. Full particilars ot K. & P. and P, R. Ticket! Office, Ontario St. CONWAY, F. A. POLUGER, JR, {ien, Pass. Agt. Gan. Supt, THE BAY.OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT. LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee. Deseronto, and all lo- | ¥ cal points. ¥ Train lédves Ofty Hall De 0. y pot st 4pm WB CONWAY, Agent, tibn in the:corporate life. by means B. Q. Ry. Kingston. of which saciclies are built up and in A --= | indivituals are verdered innocuous. [PEN PICTUR OF MOROCCO; low, color standing together in daring con their strength is the land of barbarism, which in the THE LAND OF THE SETTING SUN, country 'farthest west," upon the Atlantic Ocean and saw the sun dip inte. the sea their utterance naturally clothed itself .i poetry, and land of their name, The Land of Mauretania to yoked out r Morocco to us. The sunsets of have impressed its mew occupiers, "as they do us to-day, - Last night, while churning our course along oi Spain. 'one of these upon us in all its grandeur and sim pliity. The sea was an expanse indigo, 'darkening ag the horizon was terminating in a clear OTTAWA EXHIBITION. . line almost of black; cached, and sky of lurid orange melling into wel forming tw ral tints. it bursts _apon us in splendour we begin to have vet to know living is. where we now are we have the sunsot with which the Moor identifies his na And tive land. How typicAl of the dis posicion of © this people it in !--the broad efiects that come as the ex sression of primitive © instincts the absence of compromise I'here was no gentle passing from one primary color to another in thi et, but the two in they gave to this new adoption the fitting the Romans, Barbary |} We aro so unused to HARVEST EXCURSIONS. ture's whole he even and Rn and as they the Setting Sun, Morooco mizht well the colst sunsets burst of above it a o bands of primary na what the joy of in the latitude and: modula s sun- all Morocco side by side in purity. means thes marked and it ig compliment with every mark of satis pinnacle of eivilisation. native vigour. action. Chigago, 11 . ai A Copyright Article From the Pen Ei Oh fa of Douglas M. Gane--Intro- LCotumtun,_Bhiv iz ductory Reflections. and centre of Vetroit, Mich Lh 0 en A eislec Ne. 3.) Moors were "rand Rupids . «as 14 It is fing that the nature of a Indianonetis, v ana country so full of 'poslical and his- fod of expansion beg Ming Abolis, Mian... ne "30.50 torical memories should have been | period of religious st. Paul, Sinn 3 = 3380 crystallized a name: so replete 'with | though Spain % Saginaw, Mi Baht cas ch - 14 suggestions of the beautiful as kl Bo. Th vii earaing on "or. before Maghrib el Akea, the Land of the EXHIB Supset. The Arabs in their wilder BITION-0H ? 24¢h ings west along the north coast - of Sept. 11th S13. 13th, 14En, T68h, | Apico had at, length reached the Barbary are prese habitations driven on their dispersal. Absorbing as is the interest of these parts by reason of its memories, it is of still greater inte fron ts possibilities. Mystery." political possibilitie mystery, this suspense and expectation his of men who wait dark, that adds another ¢harm to the country, and which cannot help mak ing h vidit to it memorable. life,. a jaded cony we have breathed the free ocean, and are regaining some of onr Our spirits are revi ing, and we are bevinning to feel the approach to a country where people live a simple life and take things easi ly. mn their esteeni of a brave . reported that he t hy reason took No otie ean enter these regions with out calling to mind the glory of Moorish dominion of Spain, a domin- ion that lasted for seven or dred years, and brought Spain to the of real national \ The southern coast of Spain is the country of Granada, Malaga, and Cor dova, names that appeal to the imag ination as those that were the scene a golden age. diives from Spain Ferdinand and lsabella, and the peri an, a8 also intolerance; rom that time became an empire, with the departure of the Moors she lost her true distinction, which she has never regained. Whether the Moors will some day-retura it is not given to us to know, but report has it that in many Moorish homes in rved the keys of the which they were wight hun- The the but ot Every century--nay. every decade, has added a fresh chay. andi be and it i watch written to foresee. ** Land of ter to its history, amd now a harvest of national issues is growing shat uay at any time be ripe for cutfing. The boundaries that enclose parcel it off as a nation are crumbl ng away, and sooner or later must give way before the pressure of civilization, The conflict of interests amongst nations of Europe that will then arise will carry on the history for a furthm period, but what will its pages it is impossible Moro« © has beer called the The mystery extends to its Morocco and the s this in the may be its political ted work that wiieh But whatever y feel that We associations and memories, Morocco pany its as this It ha For fiv air historical saving grace and final recommendation, that it is the land of health. vine climate, and in Morocco men are strong, and know nene of the ailments We are bound thither, coming out of the four walls of a city s a di eo days of the ENDS TERROR'S REIGN, Last Submits Baillet, ? tl sbinson + classification of nations 2 t ! and no more, namely, that Moroeco Giant of Woods at 1 \ 5 h is a land where the ingividnal has de ' to Arrest. Commencing Sept. 1 { veloped at the expense of the state, Troy, Pa., Sept 10.--Farl Steamer Toronto will leave Kingston as withous the state. has doveloped at | 'the wild man of the woods,' Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. go the: expense of the fndiy idhanl. been captured by Sherif Re ing east, at 5:30 a.m. and going West, | We are now fast entering the sea [and placed in jail to await the de at § pan. co full of 'classical - aggociations, that | cision of the authorities concerning a tract of water where the Mediterra disposition of his case, Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte § and Mo tredl Lite. revives so many memories part r td A Spoginl. low: ratch for Seplember. parcel of the growth of ous nation. fago. Of late years he has roamed in 5 , . i Toronto. : a Sacre Mave Kingston i-- Yesterday we passed Cape Roca, and | the forest each summer and lived, a The fir ha AN & 4 ot Mine Reatrice Ryley, dauphter of GOING EAST. GOING WEST. |'on the stmmit of 'the spur that juts [silent and brooding giant, with his oains}l oh in Noveitet will wit NY. G, Wi Ryley and Yn Krys ot 4:30 p.m 1:30 pu ; 0 i i iste rir 2 Winter. i ness' the wadding of the Duke of Rox: | tawh, _ tt Wednesday, Friday Thesday, Thurs: [1h the, sea and hides Liskion Jeg Rister during he Wintel He is of hurghe and: Mise May Goelet, at Na Lin As tole. ay mon of and Sunday day and. Saturday. | OUr View we 3aw he palate o e | great size, of herculean strength and en Tink es , 4 ir, Burritt, nronta, or, 1 FP HANLEY, +. SWIFT & CO. | King of Portugal silhouetted upon he [has not shaved nor had his heir cut | Port. in Trinity church, A big rweop. | The marringe of Miss Mastorie Rid, chet "Agent. Freight Agent. | vary blue line. The full moon stood fvince his parent's death. tion will follow wt Ochre Court, on aell, daughter of We. ALF. Riddsll) above it, and for some time her rays | During his habitation of the woods the Cliffe. More than two thousand in. * Rherhrodke steve, Montréal, to Mr, passed through a delicate tracery of he discarded all garments and lived vitations will "be ismied. Mrs. Goclet, : Stead, is arranged to take place og DOMINION LINE STEAMSHIPS doud that looked for all the world |.ike a wild man. Roots and herbs and Miss Goelet and the duke will be the | Sentember 2rd. 3 Rk og On rounding ha ( Be pod Jude were hb diet, His wppeitiunce gues Y Me. and Nn ! oh attiage o Mine Varia Tarte, o iN a ; ne Ly the flashlight at ats CAC rep ba) in we viddnity"® of homes or wiore : m ( or daughter ol * on, arte, to MONTREAL ASD. QUEBEC To gradually unfolded itself, in the bosom [hunters or camping parjics hat. $6 Star for a cruise of several weeks, Dr. F. de' Martigne, will not take LIVERPOOL. hich Lish li We could not I seriously frightened I starting next week, and visiting B Ince before the awin xDominion, Sept. 5, Uet. 10, Nov. 14 of which ishon lies. eo seriously frightened so many persons Hark ' ng - Bar place hele ¢ g. : "Kensington, Sept. 13, Oct. '12, Oct. 17 | wee it, as darkness had crept on, But | that the authorities finally considered arbor. After the weddiog. the duke | The marriage will take place in Kap tanta. % Bap 0, Of 31 | \umerous lights marked its position, |it necessary to take him into custody, | and his. bride will sail for Scotland, tember at Pretoria of Mine Gwendoling HOUNOSTON 0 LIVERPOOL. "| possi Iv lights Bait he guidance of In the forest he carried a great club Jo.:tvaide ju Gd yiofia of he Duet Scloman, only daughter of Hon. Sir Mayvflewer, Sept. 10, Oct. g | mariners entering the agus, . anc presented every appearance of : P the aple of elu Richard Solomon, K,C.M.G., and Commonwealth, = Sept. "24, | Gct. 22 ®, the night we have passed Cape the most ferocious and dangerous of | 8r¢ preparing to give the duke and his . Lady Solomon, of Pretofia, to Liewt.. New England, Oct. 1. Oct. 31|5¢. Vincent, and soon we shall enter giants, Through one of his relatives bride a fitting home coming. Col. Sir Perey Qirounard, K.OMQ,, ; FORTIARD Jo rns of. ia Gibraltar, a name that almost spells he was invited to go to a farmer's The members of Lord Lyveden's par. D.8.0., RE. son of Mr. Justice Gir: RUTH DOOK a RD BRISTOL. the greatness. of the Writish Empire, | home for dinner and when he was seat ty were entertained at five o'clock tea ounrd, of the supretie court of Ca. . its puliadimm of 'navel, supremacy. fed at the table, dressed in a respect. | at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, nada From Moutréak xTurcoman,Sept.11, xManxzman, Sept. a5 BOSTON TO MSOITHRRANBAN. Cambroman, Sept. 19, Vancouver, Oct.10 > Slorage and coOl air. xCold storage. For further particulars apply to J. P. HA s G.T.R J. 42 Clarence St 'fhe Dominion Le, Port Jani ties Soe L.0 & 8. of Q. Stb, Co.. Limited CHANGE OF TIME. Steamer North Ring for Rochester and Thousand Islands. GILDERSLEEVE, MoutTeal & re -------------------------- August 30th, steamer Jenves . Kingston on Sundays at 5 p.s. for Summerville (Port of Rochester), calling at Bay of Quinte ports. . Returning, steamer arrivis at Kings ton oa Sundays at 10:15 a.m., and lewtes for Gananoque and 1000 Islands Steamer Alothx. -- Kingston, Picton Commencing September 1st, steamer feares Kingston daily, except Sunday, Jor Bay of Quinte ports and Un Tuesdays, Thursdays and Scturdays steamer calls at Deseronto, Normore and Hélleville. For full information spply to HANL J. . Cowpmentingy 1, P. Y, JILDER- R/RLIFRVE, JAMES SWIFT & Co. Avents. Praetorian, Anew, 10, Ga bY Bavarian. A 48 3% An 33am Jonian, Aug. 29, 5 a.m.; Aug. 29, 6 p.m. First Cabin--$65 and upwards, accord- tee Lo steamer. Second CabinLiverpool and London- ' 50 and , London $2.50 extra. Third Class--$35 and $96, Liverpool Derry. Glasgow, Belfast, Lomion. 'Inrough tickets to South i fo Glasgow; Direct. ahelinn (Jaye) Avie. "16th Corathian (daylight) = =. : and ob i Class ede Bort # - ELEPHANT READY MIXED PAIN The very best paint on the mar- ket, most durable, finest colors, and prices right. Sole agents for Kingston. PRIVATE BOARD 3 UVATE BOARDIN street. King A. STRACHAN, NARDWARE MERCHANT. nean and Atlantic join; a region which the mount on world and the ly fit that the er of Ladysmith tion desires to ed 'a command was 'itself the greatest siege to setisfly the i be in things. But Gibraltar that seem deser moment. and hero-worsl saken us at th membered how, final assault specially cons wooden roofs, of by des danger th rescued fate, and woul or drowned hac vears of invests which we have the wives and who have what 'i= more nature as perm found its coun upon relieved Gibral Bri G Elliott loud on and could not soon given to Eider, Fro. iy way in As one of the pillars of ancient Calpe, it marked, with Abyla, shore, the ends of the earth. marks the gateway between the id. Tt seems peculiar Gibraltar should be the heroic defend ably given to soldiers whom the na- George White, who successfully resist- siege which memorable place in our anndls, should in harmony with the eternal' fitness of There are early its history which seem our national character when the Spaniards were making their on the hot shot set many of and the Spaniards were in imminent but the majority with a following of men, pushed out and saved wmearly four hundred of theth--and this after the defending gariison bad endured nearly three and hardships that attended it. This, of course, has its parallel in our duct. oi the Boer war, in the wey jought seems to fix certain qualities in our allel in the two worship to which they both give rise on our part at their termination, and and which, in both cases, was' directed towards onr opponents. of admisation that marked the arrival of the three Boer generals in London which greeted the Duc de Crillon when, the declaration ish lines to pay terpreting it as a pacan over a conquered enemy; and Hercules, the the opposite African It now new present governor of .- The post is invari- honour, but that Sir will ever hold a station which scene of perhaps the of our history, seems magination and te be of a has other memories ving of revival at this points in to exemplify of 'humanity that have not for It will be re- faanous siege, hip is day. at the Rock in tructed with "Old Elliott's" them on boats heavy red fire, truction. Some were eir fellow-countrymen, were left to their i have heen blown up i not the brave Curtis, ment and the privations con in suecconred and tended families of 'the men against us But remarkable, and which anent, is a further par- conflicts, the hero The display terpart in the orations of peace ~ that tar, he rode into the his respects to . He was received with the part of the soldiers, understand it, inter of triumph But he was understand that it. was able suit but Baillet, to no resistance. London, London suitable chiidver start in life. Investigations Canada Ottawa, | 8 Capt Sey store, ki« tailoring splendid Photo which British soldiers preity ones, Poor Law Baillet has been mentally ed since his father's death seven years of clothes, kept in a hollow tree in the forest, the sherifi and several deputies approach ed him. They expected a tervible fight, their nn which, surprise, 10 \, inns all over the country serious attention to this method giving théir young charges a made where homes are them under the supérintendence of the Canadian government has worked ex celiently well, and is tisfactory emigration scheme will, at an early date Bernier's North Pols expedition in the house, and urge that the Do mindon parliament Capt. Bernier himself ix as hopeful as ever and draws attention to the fact Prevost, of the New Brock street, depar assortinent clothing and gents' new goods) just arrived. It will pay ou to examine the above goods be fore buying elsewhere. albums for H. BT ~The in an ent ).--Mr should tment. of aylor. found balanc he bad offered LAND OF PROMISE FOR POOR. Efforts to Increase Emigration of Poor Children. Sept. Liverpool Mercury hopes that the decision of the Guardians, i vor of encouraging the emigration of will induce guard in fa Canada, which receives a great majority of the irely sa: Captain Bernier"s Project. Charlton, bring up prsint York clothing has received all his fall importation for order work in Also ready-made furnishings (el amateurs-- very for it. Guilight.§ eeassnsnceccsse Weonght, gold and. silvery ivory, like lace of fairy weave, jewels in abun dinte and without price, and casket upon casket inlaid with precious ne tals by the wonder working fingers of the cunning artificers of the east --of such were the. Jubilee gilts to the empress they had nevor seen, from sub jects who yet Joved her with a pas sionate dévotion, which sought ex- pression ja the choicest gifts they had in #&tore. é was a golden box overlaid "with ivory wrought deliente ly, inset with 'gems, sapphires and digmontls and rows of pearls and rubies of fabulous peice. And an ivory The Earl and Countess of Aberdeen, who have been in London most, of the season, are building a pew howe for themselves on their Aberdeenshire es tates. It is in qa differnt part of the country from which gives aon, of course, amociations with another Prime minister, the fourth Lord Ab- | erdeen. He was premier about time that Queen Victoria and Prince Albert firs weit to Aberdeen has a second estate to that besmiful n shire, and he is replacing the old ma: sion on it with their chiel seat, Haddo the tithe to their eldest Jord Aaddo. On one occasion r. Gladstone visited it, and it bay, the Lord Abe « Balmoral. quarter a now one. As it hap. box from' the African diamond fields, [TON* 8 neighboring proprietor. ix bearing on ite lid the shamrock, rose Sir John Clarke, whose father, 3 Bir | and thistle in precious stones. There Janes Clarke, the eminent physician, were velvet saddles and saddle cloths, had a large voice in determining on wrought in gold, and studded - with | Desde for a raval residence. The west turquoises and pearls, and bridle coast of Beotland had = been thouwht worth a king's ransom. There were about hut Queen Victoria and Prince Livory boxes inset with silver and Albert accepted Rir James' view in jewels in patterns so fine and inti favor of the Aberdeenshire Highlguds a« Having a drier and more bracing ate, that they seemed the tracings of a pen. A model of an Indian temple in silver on ebony steps, was a mass of oinute figures hall an inch 4a height, somé on horse Lack, and the huirs in the horses" manes and tails were clear and! perfect. Rol's upon rolls there were, containing werolls, and loyal addresses, some of ivory, wealth vested ite golden feet on white golddwaring quartz, typical of the {*¢ wealth of our sister colony. There | 1 was a wivet album, embroidered in diamonds, the V.R.I. blazing bright, and another album with covers of |W wrought gold. 'A silver box, much | battered, antl with marks utes | of the teeth of royal children. An ivory throne with its twomtoried footstool, was carved into marvelloug beauty, dnd another rajah's gift was a vase of ebony, the bowl a lotus, with curving petals of ivory. In a case by: themselves were the presents sent po the Inte queen by the Dufferine when they were viceroy and vicereine of India sod of our own dominion. A battle axe used! by one of our own rodmen, in the war of the rebeliion, and foumid in a field at Prescott, and nearby, clusters © of jewels once the adornment of beautiful howis. Some delicate beadbwork from the tribes in our own North-West, and elephant trappings from the splendid east. Sandalwpod there wax, wrought in delicate tfwoery, and ebony carved in to beauty. One could think but of Solomon, and the temple that he built, and the wonders' that Hiram, King oi Tyre, brought ih ships from Tarshish for its adornment, and then came 40 mind the exclamation of Sheba's queen, "Behold, the hall was iw w tol ¥ Toronto, on Monday, by Mr. J. Cas to meet the visitors, Nr. and Mrs. Jowdtt, of Leeds, Eng. « jand, Mra. W. T. Benson, of Cardinal, are visiting Mrs, G., F. Benson, at her country house, in the Thousand 1s lands. Lady Growski, General and Mra, « Sandham, sail text week for England "Yes," replied the man; "gentlemen to devote | Lady Growski will vemain thére for come from, the hotel early in the of | the winter morning, and akk for fifteen and twen good Col. ¥ Minden Cols gave a amall ty-five ent cigars. 1 hand them oul dinner at St. Jameé®' Club, Montreal, for 8ir Gilbert Carter, governor of the Bahamas, and Lady Carter, who were | poor children sent out by philanth- | in town for a couple of days on their | "Oh, no, it #sn't said the store ropiec societies, show that under the | wedding trip " keeper, calmly; "1 have done it on carcful regulation which cover thi¥ o 0 OVE iy you veveral times." yo) io etnigration, most uxcelosy Mrs. Alfred Jones has returned to | ------ rosults have been obtained. The ut |[Toronto, from Murray Bay. must care has been exercised in select Mise Rutherford, tony, has re A Nonogenarian Dead. ing homes for the new comers who | turned from Minnicog, Georsian Bav Bella, Sept. 9.--Mrs. Ennis had an are under the supervision of the Miss Vaux hos gone. to visit her | BUCtION sale a few days ago of farm Canadian government brother, Dr. Leonard Vaux, in Otta- { stock. Everything brought a good The Yorkshire Post says the sys- | wa » price. The funeral of the late Mrs, tom of sending destitute children to Mrs. W. D. Gwyne has returned to Fowler was largely attended. Decons: Toronto, from Brockville. Mrs. Rudyard Boulton of Brockville, ie the guest of Mrs, J. Boulton, at 107 8t. Vincent street, Toronto Mrs. Dumonlin and her daughter, | Mra. Alder Bliss of Ottawa, are stay | ing in Toronto, | Mr. and Mra. Frank Despard have sold their house in Rosedale, and tak. | en a flat in Hazelton avenue for the | winter Mr. and Mrs, F. C. "I. O'Hara have returned to Ottawa, from a visit to Belleville that the recently despatched expedi Mr. George Burn and family return tion. to Hudson's Bay proves the |od to Ottawa from Coshing's Island in uth of bis statements made six | the beginning of the week. voars ago that the United States is . . . . taking furs which belonged to Can Her Majesty Cuicen Alexandra and ada, from the Arctic seas. The Mar the princesses have heen noticed late | coni: wireless telegraph people are | Iv as wearing the short skirts, and | willing to assist Capt. Bernier. sleeves in nowise exgggerated as so | many are. A faihlon amongst some Fall Importation, 1903. groat leading dames in Fnoland of adopting one special shape of hat or toque as being the most becoming. ir- respective of the fashion of the mom ent, bas been much in evidence this ET ---- EN ST When vou do not relish your rod and feel dull and stupid after eating, all vou need ix a dows of Chamber Irvin's Stomach and Live Tablets They will make you feel Jika a new man and give you an a pear, For sale by all elimate. turned fron a visit to' Mos. Fleming at Fernbank, Mrs Powell in the guest of Mr. Ottawa, after spending the summer at some of gol and silver, all chased } Riviere du Loup and Fernbank, where and carved with the utmost skil. Ope {he was the guest of Mrs, * C, Ji casket from the Australian common Smith. given bv portunity of mesting two learned cous ine of Mr. Gommill him just now. and Mrs. Lewis of Cambridge, and are Fall known in English litetary circles, The lawn, and i clusters of red gladioli. {was also stationed on € | tea was quite don, Ont, té Dr Lambeth, son of Pp, "daughter of 'oronte, to Mr. John A. Milne, bar ristor-at-law, the wedding place early in October, of Dr. O am, of Hull, to Mr of the Geological Survey of Canada son of the late Colonel Tyrewhitt, of tell Hopkins. Among those present ford to Mr Austin, will take place were: Lord Lyveden, Lord and Lady towards the end of November in irave, Sir Edward Clarke, K.C., Col. | Montreal. Sadler, M.P. for Middlesborough, and | Mrs. Sadler, Rev. H. G. Hopkins, M. | Proof Positive A., of lan, Derbyshire, who is an un- ppiasdelphia Teador > cle of the host, A few Toronto people, One of the best known lawyers of including Rev. Prof, Clark, were asked Philadelphia had a case in court against a man who kept a cigar store law lawyer, "that you have made a living five centers, and they don't know the difference. { of mont.s have wll returned to their Ll Miss Lola Powell, Ottawa, has ne and Mrd. Franch I". Miss Mav Loucks has retumed to Colona and Mes, Rutherford have sme back te Ottawa, from Bt. Pat: ok". . On Saturday a garden parly was Wee. J. A. Gemmill, Otta a, at which the guests had the op: who are visiting They are Mra. Gibson were pet shout on the were doocorsted with hued An orchestra lawn. The a large one, and the neste enjoved greatly their meeting ith Mra. Gemmill's clever visitors. a TT The engacement in announced : Of Miss Victoria Cameron, dauchter f Sheriff and Mrs. Camerén, of Lon. Roy Routledge, of De. Routledge, M, tahles J. Kinneat, slost of Mary Mr. James Kinnear, Of Miss to take Of Mise Mildred Graham, daoghter %. Gralami and Mrs. Grah: RB. B. Tyrrwhitt, The marriage of Mise Father Durn. pposite one of the large hotels. The nan had in some way broken the 'Do you mean to say," 'awked thé wit of that store for one year ?" "Impossible," seid the lawyer od was a very highly respected lady, was ninety-two years of age, and pro bably the oldest lady on the ifand. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Instant were here for a visit lately. Mr. Instant has returned to Cralgmont. The people rusticating on Stella Point a coupld homes. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Polley have returned from Toronto fair. Mr, and Mek Togwell are in Hamilton. Mr. MeGrattan returned from Toron: to ---------- School Of Musketry. The Canadian school of musketry for (he fall torm, has opened at Rocklifie, Ottawa. Thix course is principally for the benefit of the permanent corps and wil be made up of officers and non-commissioned officers. Some will be admitted from militia corps. In all there will bo twenty-vight of the per manent corps in the clams. The Kings ton contingent is composed of : Lieut, KE. de Panet, Sergt. Major Gimblett, Sergt.- Major J. O'Grady, Quartermas ter-Rergt. Instructor W. Clifford and Sergts. W, Bramah and Dn. Crockett. All of the R.C.F.A. I'he Australian government was de fwated in the. House of @ Representa tives by the passhge of a labor dment railway servants. Mc Our now a copys rf i gad IR SEER » WHISH CAN BE armies, Ra usd fn Rs 8 The 7. Milburn © Hetherington, Jost soon had younger was agreed upon life with start for the veterans they found they Jove and they had workhouse. commun'eate tawa. a making the conciliation bill apply to We sold 135 of these ranges in present time 50 per cent: Fall | this spiaks voluisies. lor the dre thinking about making a chaige, nr some of youe trendy, Who ure using "Happy 1 KELVEY & 89 and 71 8roo at pre the same cost to you as if pues chased in person at our store. Catalogue ready Nov. ath, JNRIPE FR CHANGE OF WATE COLDS, 1RRORER DICT, ase ary, Calle, Cramps, go ahead o will be Write for a Diarrhosa, Dysentery Painiythe Stomash, Cholera, Summer Reliable and Effect. Has beéni used In thousands of houies for nearly 60 years sud has never fafled to give satisfaction. 8 Price 38 osiits, at all druggists. . Limited, Toronte, Bat THE WILFULNESS OF LOVE. A Ninety-year-old Pauper Eloped With An Inmate. London, Sept. 10.~A story showing the wilfulness of bye in an nonh na . rian inmate of Bampton workhouse i t bog was told to the Carlisle Guardians. Pe | When a respectable old innate, Betty her husband she a suitor for her hand--an: other inmate, 8 guartor of a century than herself. An elopement Oue day they left the workhouse to all the confidence lovers of tender yvars. Unfortunately who had been so grievously wounded by Cupid's shaits, could not live on to return to the ----e Any person having a knowiedge the prisent address of Trooper Smith, Canadian Beouts, will the same to the adjut- ant general, militia headquarters,' Ot- a] UIT, of of obert please ig, oi eer ol A wot. (10 pe.) tender, Shedue w eel trac i in Case dot, > i ne of Public ¥ EE ment partment, will not be se ------ i i Eile & 2 i {fi PR YOUR GRATE. It lasts all night. Pry