y »y YQuR moxcy Lick py 09 07 cup, any of our patrons fare right, too, for . suit for $10 that doing it, Made ith as much: care ts. If ev man xe here before he sold in town this ainproof Worsted, 12.50, ; . BY C0, Oak Hall, Exhibition, and want a eS, Of Coat, Boys' wear equally tself dressed just as st.. Don't hesitate t once. We have I1.Goods rst-class qualities. it as can be made, bm, i Fo rtisement during nt. cash discount [BIG INDUSTR - DOMINION ---------- Our Butter Market Is Capable New York Sun. called attention to the enormous and the increase in ber production cereals. These are important items Canada's recent rapid development of dairying interests notable. speaks {0 young women about | The value of Canada's wheat ex +1 suff for six with dys- | 943 a figure a little above that of Bat 1 drosiiy ntul periods, Ro rchso the wheat sxpoct. Thins pee ago it mean 9 mogth, sacrcely excéeded $1,000,000. Less at- r hpihroe or 4 us an 30 intense tention has been paid to butter, yet an inflamed condition of the mterine her 'exports of that article now ap- &ppen caused by repeated and |Proimate $6,000,000. i : neglected colds and fect wetting. The total value of dairy products as "If young 1s y realized how | compared with the total value of ce- dangerous it fre ® cold at this | real production, including in both critical time, much suffering would be | groups the home consumption as well od them. * Phank- God. for Lydia B. Plakhams Vegetable Com- Poy that was the only medicine which helped me any. Within three weeks after I started to take it, 1 noticed a marked improvement in my general health, and at the time of my 2, ae health. ~ Mims A zs ILLER, tomac ' , Hk ve., Chicago, Hi: ! --$6000 rg tiove The monthly Xi<kneas refl, the condition of " health: Fifty thousand letters from women prove that alia EB, ham's Vegetable pound Painless, makes those periods THE FAT MEN'S GAME. -. The Far Kingston Men. Were Ahead in Weight, Watertown, N.Y., Standard. Just, previous. to the ge moth baseball bat, seven feet long by eight inches in" diameter and appro- priately inscribed and decorated, was presented by A. E. Elmer, Kingston, on behaif of his comrades to Mayor James F. Pappa, through: the offices of Alderman Peter W. Roblin, In a neat little speech Mr. Elmer made the presentation and expressed the good wishes of team for the mayor's future prosperity. In the second inning Kingston woke up and fell upon Watertown's pitcher with suth effect that, when the smoke of battle cleared, it was found that thirteen runs had been chalked down to the credit of the men from Cana- da. This was too much and the game ended at the end of the fourth inn- ing. Ex-Alderman Carson, who, when at Home, is the genial landlord of the Westbrook hotel, swatted out a two bagger in 'this inning and the way he got his 257 'pounds. around the bases was a sight for sore eyes. The men" from this city were fairly stout, but they were but light weights as compared with their' rivals, the lightest of 'whom weighed 218} Jhe., while the majority were over 230 Ibs. and averaged 240 lbs. Re Young Men Too Sporty. Hamilton Times. Rev. Mr. Miller, a &uperannuated minister, of Woodstock, preached a sermon in Brantford, which shows he is a pretty, level-headed old gentle- wan. Depicting the practice some young men have of devoting all their attention to the sporting columns of the newspapers, he said, "the press to- day was a mighty factor as an educa tional institution: and fairly teemed with priceless reviews and articles which would be of unfold benefit to youthful readers if they: would but take advantage of the opportunities afforded of carefully perusing them.' Nr. Miller is right. The young man whose literature is 'mainly made up of baseball? stores 'and. 2-minute clips is likely to. lag in the race of life later on. Sport is all right enough in its place, Shut it should mot engross a young man's thoughts to the neglect of all other matters. A Canny Scot. London Tit-Bits. ' sheep farmer in Perthshire, the owner of a fine collie , was visited by a gentleman who took a fancy to the animél. He offered many pounds for the dog And bought him. After. wards' the 'gentleman asked the farmer if it would not be more profitable to breed such dogs instead of sheep. "No, no," said the farmer; i can aye get merchants tae buy sheep, Lut I canna aye 'get fools tae buy my dogs.™ ---- Most Penetrating. The quickest soother of pain, and most penet liniment on 'the mar- ket to-day is Smith's White Liniment. A itive cure for ins, swel 3 nation, ur eh and "lumbago. = Big bottles," 25¢., at Wade's. x ---- H. C. HU. Bhagnon, Coaticook, de. game a mam- fb for the fiscal year ending. June as the export trade, would doubtle exhibit a greater reals. But the dairy industry wou show itself close upon the heels of t 1804 the figures with &hout two-thirds of her im ported cheese, but makes only a sma showing in England's butter trade out 85,000 tons at home, buys abou 22,000 tons from Russia, about 10 000 tons from Australia Zealand, and distributes her trade fo the remaining 170,000 tons other countries of the continent ada secures less than five per cent- of the total. This is not because she can because 'she does not produce g larg er quantity. an opportunity for the Canadian far millions of dollars upon Canada's al ready very large export which cheese appears as largest items. A MAGIC MIRROR. Strange. French Scientist. Paris, Sept. 10.--M. y'avet, a French antiquarian, making researches in the ancient soil of Antinoe, recently made some strange discoveries. He unm earthed the body of a certain woman magician named Myrithes, with seve ral of the implements of her trade, among .them a , magic mirror some cabalistic writings. Later, coming in contact with a young man endowed with psvehome trie gift, the antiquarian declares in La Renaissance Latine that murvel lous results were attained. The brain cells of vibrate not at fifty-four pulsations, like those of the ordinary man, but at 100, and if an object is given him and he presses it against his forehead he can evoke scenes that took place in the presence of that object. As a consequence he was able to call up one scene after another with the aid of the magic mirror, describ ing faithfully the country of Antinoe and the costumes wf the remote period in which the magician lived, though he knew nothing of the place nor the wpoch. He finally called up such pic tures of blood and carnage that the agonized M. Gayet could endure no more. He regards the instance as one of the most remarkable on record. THE LATEST DEMAND. States Minister Leishman has present ed a demand to the Turkish govern ment for the dismissal of Reshid Pasha, Vali of Beirut, on the ground that so long as he is retained in of fice, the lives and property of Ameri cans in Beirut are insecure. The Porte has not replied to the demand, nor has' there "been any development in | connection with other American claims. An irade was issued, to-day, order ing the fortifications on the Bosp horus and at Adrianople, Chatalja (Roumania) and Erzeroum (Armenia) put in effective condition. Sm ------ Mys. Rathwell, wife of John Rath- well, Brockville, died on Tuesday, af ter a long illness. She was born in county rh, and was a loyal member of the church of Ireland. mands the appointment of a: French- Canadian successor to the late Hon, Mr. Cochrane, in' the senate. "Only one pair" of lungs. Take care of them by taking the Red Cross Cough Syrup. 'BAKING PowpER - MAKES HOME BAKING EASY. AND HOME BAKED THE BAKER', IS THAT OF GMEESE IN THE Much Expansion--Britain Gets Bulk of Cheese From Canada. During the last few weeks we have crease of. Uanada's foreign commerce, the extension of her railway interests, development, but they are only single items. Other items remain and among them the 1903, is given as $24,566,703. Thirty years ago it was about $2,000,000. Canada's export of cheese for the last fiscal 'year shows a value of $24,713 value for the ce- much, better known products of the Canadian fields. England is Canada's best market for her butter and cheese, as also for her wheat. Last year Canada sold to the United Kingdom 13,238 tons = of butter and 87,883 tons of cheese. In for the same trade stood as 2,197 tons of butter and 55,- 19 tons of cheese. Canada thus dem- onstrates 'her possibilities in the Ppro- duction of these two articles of dairy use and consump®on, for which the demand is permanent and constantly increasing, She now supplies England England consumes about 285000 tons of butter 'annually. She produces ab- and New not secure a larger share, but simply In ithat direction there seems to be mer and dairyman to pile a few more trade, in one of the and Weird Find of a and this young man Lord Brooke is of a lively, ener 2 getic temperament and appears to That The Vali ot Beirut Be Re bave inherited more of the qualities moved. of his famous mother than those of Constantinople, Sept. 10.--United | his father, the earl, who is a quiet FASHION'S FORM. Y Anyone whe has ever had a gown indispensable they of | Tobe. Thix gown is for most in- of in is re h, d SS Id he in a point back and front. The sleeve, are tucked in' the same way, and thi is then pution 4 plain blouse of aocor dion-pleated net or chiffon, also black The skirt carries out the same design with the four tucks ending in front. This necessitates a sean down the front of the skirt. The cir ,- |cular flounce has four 1 | the edge, EE A SUNBURY WEDDING. t |A Charming Girl Bride. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. r | Patterson, Sunbury, was the scene of among and a portion to the United States. Can a happy event on the morning of Sept. Ist., when their daughter, Eth el Lorraine, was united in marriage f {to Clarence Hanley of the same place. - | While the wedding niarch was being played by the bride's cousin, Miss - | Pearl Murray, Kingston, the bride entered the parlor, leaning on the arm of her brother, by whom she was given away. The ceremony was per formed by the Rev. F. Davey, the groom was ably assisted by his cous in, Herbert Ball, while the bride was attended by her cousin, Miss V, Gil bert, Kingston. Only a few of the near relatives of the bride and groom wirnessed the ceremony, The bride looked charming in a suit of navy blue silk trimmed with white silk medallions, and a waist of white silk, trimmed with applique in sertion. She carried a bhouguet of white carnations. The bridesmaid was also dressed in a navy blue suit, with white silk waist, and carried a bou- quet of heliotrope. After the ceremony the party repaired to vhe dining room where a table was tastefully decorated and laden with a sumptuous repast. Aiter the happy couple partook of breakfast, they departed, amid show ers of rice and good wishes for an extended visit to Toronto and vicin ity. The groom's present to the bride wae a fleur-de-lis pin, set with brilli- ants, and to the bridesmaid, a eres cent-shaved pin set with ' brilliants. The bride was the recipient of many valuable and beautiful presents. AT WARWICK CASTLE, * Big Time When Lord es of Age. London, Sept. 18 --There goings-on this * week at Castle, the magnificent scat of the Earl and Countess of Warwick. Lord Brooke, the eldest. won of the Karl and Countess, and heir to the tithe and estates of his father, comes of age, to-day, and the event is being celebrated with a great house party as such events are by custom cele brated in these isles. Brooke are great Warwick and reserved man. In the days of his early youth about K Leamington, near where Warwick Castle is located, and later av Eton Lord Brooke was re | {garded as a frail, delicate boy of n | quiet disposition. But ae his years | increased he soon showed that he was | possessed of "ideas" like his clever | and attractive mother. y | When refused permission to volun | teer for Africa, be ran away, sold his | fur overcoat and trinkets to buy a | ticket for Durban, merely leaving a | note explaining his intention to enlist |in one of the irregular corps of cavalry. He was 'forgiven, and re ceived on arriving in Durban a com | mission that attached him to the staff of one of the commanding offi cers. During the troublous times in Servia following 'the assassination of King Alexander Lorg Brooke served with credit as the correspondent at Belgrade of the Times. ---------- SUE FOR DAMAGES Aims, For Mental Anguish During 4 Trial. New York, Sept. 10.<Mrs. Blanche Chestborough, the former wife of Rol and B. Molineux, is planning to sue General Edward Molineux, the young man's father, for $100,000 damages for mental anguish while Molineux stood. charged with the murder of Kate J. Adams. Twenty-one Secured. Sixteen men from Kingston were se- cured by the agent of a western Tum- ber company to work in the woods in New Ontario, and they have already left. The agent is here , and has secured five more. "His will re- A Black Taffeta Gown of Fine De thi oe riptton il aren £02 9 | VICINITY | NEWSPAPERS, "are to one's ward: ---- Js not too elaborate occasions, yet sufficiently dressy to be. worn . most any place. The illustrated design here is made of black taffeta. The waist is a short | Roque, on Wi day last when Mise jacket effect, fastening in back and ln Gillespiosand W. Hawke were unit tucked in four half-inch tucks ending | '0 marriage. in a point tucks around Becomes a ILY WHIG, THURSDAY, SEP1EMBER 10, [DISTRICT NEWS. SPICE OF THE ARTICLES IN The News Put Into : Condensed ra Cowntry in the | and Hareabouts, Drilling at the Melrose oil well will be on Monday, Wl og Brockville, y > into ednesday, $10.90 ps vil - ad De. F. Talt, Rochester, N.Y., has purchased Myers' island, at the head of the Narrows. Miss Katie Brennan, and John Bol ger were married at St. Michael's J church, Belleville, on Wodnesday. Fred, Fairman, Belleville, Was sen. tenced to two months in jail for be- ing drunk and assaulting Harry Lew. i». Cards are out for the mars of J. Walter Keith and Miss Gre) ham, at Smith's Falls, September 17th. J. Alired Champagne was am int od to Till the a on the Tok, ville police force caused hy the Pewig- nation of John Ferguson. Byron Crossberry, Trenton whi' thrown from a waggon laden with stones; the wheels passed over hig chest, causing death in o short time, Miss ' Hattie Vermilyea, Murray township, was married on Wednesday to Thomas Crozier, Belleville. "The bride has been most successful as a trained nurse, A quiet wedding took place at the residence of the bride's rs By Gan- ---- »| World's Tribute To Britain. Pittsburg Post. The tribute the world pays Great Britain in interest and dividends is shown by. official figures from London that aré eloquent. The total amount of British money owned and invested abroad and in India and the colo- nics was 5 little over $6,000,000,000, on which the interest paid was $304, 600,000, or about $107 per capita for every man, woman and child in Eng- land, Ireland and Scotland. It has taken a deal of figuring and investi gating to arrive at these fasts, but they explain why English imports ex coed exports year after year and the country still increases its wealth. ------ Provident Customs. Germany has a bridal ceremony pe- culiarly its own. This is a "pay wed ding" at which the bride receives her guests with a basin before her in which each person deposits a jewel, a silver spoon, or a picce of money. In somo parts of Germany the expenses of the marriage feast are met by each guest paying for what eats or drinks. The young couple often make 8 handsome profit out of their wed- ding, realizing a gum sufficient to start them in life. n d ------------ Wolle Island Waits. Wolle Island, Sept. 00.--Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wheatley are visiting friends in Belleville. Mrs, 8. W. Greer has returned home much improved in health after spending a month in b Michigan, Lesslie Armstrong as re turned to Carleton Place aftor spend ing a month with his parents here. Mrs. Donnelly is visiting friends on the island. George Rodgers, had the misfortune to have his fine young colt To-day was a good The threatening clouds in the morn ing soon disappeared, and the after noon was bright and warm. The coun try people flocked in jn large num bers, and every hotel shed was crowd ed with vehicles another big day, and the mayor has | b called upon the people to observe it as | citizens' day 8 > Odessa Personals. ¥ Odessa, 10.-Quite a number froin here are in Toronto attending the exhibition. Mys. B, D. Clark hax]! returned after a three weeks' visit with her son Reginald at Elgin. Mrs T. Turnbull, of Kingston, is visiting at J. Jones'. Mrs. B. D. Clark, of |* Thorpe, is renewing old acyuhintances around here. Miss Myrtle Perry, of} Morven, has returned to her home, | . after spending a week with her friend | © Miss Nora Simpkins. -- Sure Diagnosis, Washington Star "So you think it is an advantage to a boy to be reared in the coun- |." try 1" "To be eure" answered Farmer Corntoskel. "A boy has a heap better chance in the country. For instance, | .. when a boy is surrounded by orchards | N and melon patches he can have a sto mach ache without the doctor jumpin' to the conclusion that he's got 'pendi- | 5 citis.""" fo -------- at Purchased A Business, James Cornelius, hustling clark ins, en's grocery store , has resigned, and, with Mr. Moncrief, has purchased Crawford's branch grocery store on Division street, which they will hereafter con- ei duet, ot Sept tc Ww ---- Dr. Alexander Johnson, late vice- | ni principal of McGill University, has been requested by the University of installation of the Rev. Dr. Gordon | he as principal of Queen's Miss has returned weeks' visit in Syden . Miss Ida Wert, Belleville, was mar. | 8; ried on Wednesday to Vently 8. |F¥ Smith, Saskatoon, Man, William Mitchell, Drummondville, | the postponement of the evacuation of will be called to the senate in place of | the Kirin and Amur districts of Man- the late M. H. Cochrane. churia, wet for October Sth. Hard or soft corns cured with three The Bishop of Ottawa is lamenting applications of Peck's Corn Salve, 150. | the scarcity of candidates for or: at Wade's. ders. The reason he thinks Abput. 1,200 people fame to fresh, 50c.; tallow, Ib; tallow, rough, farmers' prints, rolls, 18¢. to 20¢ 5,000; market steady; good steers, 85.40 to $6.05; poor ers, $2.10 to $4.20; cows and he $1.50 to 8; bulls, $2 to $6.75 strong, others slow; $5.10 to $5.60, light, $5.50 to $6.20; bulk of sales, $5.50 to $5.80. stoady to wethers, $3.25 to $3.75; fair to choice badly cut in a wire fence. a, y es native lathe, | ------ to $5.25, ! A A Big Day At The Fair. Fast Buffalo, Sept. 8.~Catthe--Re- day at the fair. | ceipts, 200 head; steady, unchanged. $5.25 to 88 active, to $6.30; mixed, The streets were well | ers, $6.25 filled every day, and from twelve | 86.10; roughs, 85 to o'clock on every car to the exhibition | to $4.50; grassers and dairies, $5.00 grounds was packed to overflowing. | to $6.20, It is expected that tomorrow will he | Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 3,100 drew Clark notice » him at table declined a dis to hich he helped himself plentifully. He asked if she did not like it, as drew; "it would not cal magnate had forgotten, answered the, popular book of the has been successfully launched on the for eight years a that neither he, nor any other Roman Catholic priest will give absolution to those who have taken the oath of the International The oath demands the members' alle Grosse Point track, Detroit, burst a tire, the oar running into a fence, and Dublin to be its representative at the injuring a spectator so severely that University. eral minor accidents the same day. Hazel Kennedy, Brock street, "Spicy Marquis," after a pleagant two | horn bull, was purchased on the Tor. ham, onto exhibition The Ruswian minister o pains Lg 700. to A Flow and farmers' flour, $2.20 to oatmeal and rolled $4.20 a bbl; on y arian t, 89. owt: bran, $18 = | Meat--Reel, western by the Tio. to Bie. a Ih; pork, Ib., by the quarter, whole hog, $6 a cwt.; dressed hogs, 10c, a skins, fresh, 50c Retai , 30. 0 Mo. a Ib; 22. i Be. a bb; in o. a lb, ---- Wholesale--Fresh, 14c. a dozen. Retail-Fresh, 16c. to 17e. a dozen, Live Stock Markets. Chicago, Sept. 8.--Cattlo-- Receipts, to prime to me- dium, $4 to 85.25; stookers and foed- canners, $1.50 to $2.60; $1.50; calves, $3.50 to Hoge Receipts to day, 13,000; best, mixed and but. chers, $5.35 to $6.10; good to choice, heavy, $5.65 to $5.90; rough, heavy, Sheep Receipts, 26,000; lower; good to market choice Veals--Receipts, 63 head; 25c. ower, Hogs---Receipts, 5,100 head; fairly " to 15¢, lower; heavy, $6,90 $6.30 to $6.35; york- to 86.35; ok odo de ead; sheep steady; lambs, 15c, to 20c wer; lambs, $4.50 to $6.40; yearlings 1.50 to $4.75; wethers, $4.25 to $4.50; wes, $3.25 to $3.50; sheep, mixed, 1.50 to $A. -------------- Her Doctor's Order. ondon Sketch At a dinner party one night Sir An that the lady next was excellent. She replied : "Oh, I like it, but my physi an forbids me to eat it." "Stufl and nonsense," An- one, yos; said Sir hurt any ho is your physician 7' To'Which the lady, whom the medi: ith-a demure twinkle in her eye: "Sir Andrew Clark." ------------ "Quincy Adams Sawyer." 'Quincy Adams Bawyer," a strong ew England . play, dramatized from same name, age this winter and will be seen here r the first time on Monday evening, the Grand. ------ Rev. M. J. Ward, Beloit, Wis., says Typographical Union. ance shall have priority over every her obligation. Barney Oldfield's racing auto, run- ng nearly sixty miles an hour, on died shortly after. There wera sev- an imported short- grounds last week by r William Van Home from W. D. att, Hamilton, for $3,000, has proposed due to in- STi i Fire iH IREef.§ Vegetables--Green 18e. to 0c. a peck; oa ers, Lf a bag; cor, 10¢. a doz; beans, 30. a fr Sha A, Sd ; turnips, 13. to . 8 3 tomatoes, 0c. a bushel, . a lb; had dock and cod, 100. Ib; pike, 60. a Ib; finban haddie, 10c. & Ib.; snappers, 15. a Ib; halibut, 20e, g Ib.; fresh cis coes, a lbg trout, We. a b.; white fish, and trout, 134c. a lb; pickere 1, 13§e. a Ib; Seattle ---- Me. ab; salt codfish, 7s. to 150. a Ib; Mi , 3c. a oysters, 0c. a quart; shell clams, 200. a doeen, 'o 00. to 78c. a a ducks, 80c. a pair; turkeys, $1 to a ton; straw, $1 to $4 a ton; new hay, 8 to $7 a ton. Grain -- Manitoba, No. Ode. a bushel; white winter and Ca- adian , 70s. to 78e. bushel; Iocal 300k whel, "soe. 'G 06.8 bushel em, No. 1, SOc, a bushel; buckwheat, 80c. a bushel; 78¢. a bushel; ba ley, 48c. a bushel; oats, 30c. s bushel; rye, 80c. a bushel fe. to Sh $8 a owt; mutton, Se. to fo. a lb; lamb, 90. to Butter. Wholesale--Creamery, 21a. to 33. a Ib.; farmers' prints, 100. to 200 a b; in rolls, 18c. a Ib. J Because Sunlight Soap is a pure use for washing children's x arme sweet and clean, because it'is a pure soap that clean foamy lather--no grease in it. The Soap that without your help, if you carefully follow directions ons on bit 3 . H. SUTHERLAND & BRO, Delighted to Show Them. BERLINER GRAMOPHONE At the Fair, The greatest "talking machine" made. It talks, sings all songs, plays or reproduces every instrument, plays dance music, reproduces | a full band, ete., etc. SMe PRICES, $16 TO $45 ieLubiNG RecoRss. | Guaranteed for 5 years. Made 'in Canada, § Sold on easy instalment terms if desired. . F. W. COATES' JEWELRY: STORE: § 158 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON. ~~ § Heel vo a mais till Monday. next, and take the to-day to attend the More of Taylor's del pS niiite support, not fo JUST RECEIVED | ® DOOCROCOLIRFOOO CHOIROD » Another lot of the G.A. Slater Shoe § « These goods sre made § 3 on their newest lasts for 2 fall wear. Fi Splendid values at | te : : and