ning wid exiremes, Play etians, Box 'and Broadeloty eres. Cravenettes, Cheviots, quiet, unobtrusive eloganes by fabrics that: Liold the ip. Am them are Camel's now Flake Buitings, Corded te, range in valae from 85, {EGEIVED 8. lined or unlined. , aiid Muslin Blouse Waist sgular marked price. BROS. A LLL PPY HOME RANGE powerful [Water ter, a Good Baker first-class in every ect. . Ask to see ppy Home" ncess Street, H » NEVer was a more shoe built at the 1 yal Men about town ou that, ) and 85. oit's Shoe Store. Lon Tock i to call and our, splendid assort- 8--Ask to see the I, the newest boot in ow ers for ' pen fr Valises. s, New Blous- t Lustre, ete. Ladies' est range we Leading : "BOOTHS COAL . wr fp pure oils ONEY AND BUSINESS TWQ HUNDRED THOUSAND *DOL- he jog from ons usand to a oh GODWIN'S INSU. ANCE Ee ORIy over Express Office, Market Square. . MONEY TO ie IN LARGER OR small suds, at. low, interest on oo ahd "far y. Boas gran on "ty and county deben- tures. «Apply & C dsl manager' of reitit Loxn vestment . Moe the Pest opary LIPO ko ol LONDON AND akon assets, 61,187 187, 2p, addition to which the policy holders ve for the unlimited liabilit; & tockholiders. Farm an at lowest tanile & TY rene ing old or wiving me bw aom » E & "& STi ANGE. Anata. No oem. - .{ USBMITH., ARCHITECT, Anchor sa dias, arket POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER- chants' ok Building, corser : Brock and Welliarton streets. 'Phone 213. ARTHUR BELLIS, ARCHITECT, OW- ficg site of New Drill Hall, near cor- por of Queen and Montreal Streets. WM. FEWLANDS, ' ARCPITECT, OF- fi second floor over Makood's drug store, corner Pristess and Bagot treets. Hatrance om Bagot street. 'elephone 608. TO-LET. I I I TTT SOPOD FURNISHED ROOMS, TH or without board: 101 Queen Street. -------------------------------------------------------- WELL FURNISHED ROOMS; BOA: also table bo rs, at Mrs. Yates 64 William street. -- i espn ea DWELLINGS FURNISHED AND UN- furnished, stores, etc. McCann's Real Estate Office, 51 Breck street. Phone 826 or 631. FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS with board, with all modern con- veniences, at 191 University Avenue FURNISHED ROOMS, without beard, » - Avniy 160 King street. corner Union Street. Exchange Chambers, rply to Geo, Cliff, le gent, 95 Clarence street, or John udie. BOARD. EEE GQOD ROOMS "A FIRST 4 oR also : . May be had wt Mrs. s, 24 Btuary Bt LARGE FRONT ROOM. ALSO ° TWO gle rooms, with modern "conven- ce, central, mot far from city and Macdonald Torus party of from Street. 0000000000000 | § SUMMER FUEL" on GOAL $ Makes an-excellent @ fuel for summer. Suitable for a thires to 'five. 195 Bar! $6 per ton. WooD HARDWOOD, SORTWOOD, KINDLING. Is an attraction for svary one. The cheery glow immense heat of out ¢od) will make iteel! felt with Nene during the cold | weather. It's just the kind to oak th, too. (348 84 21 FO «wwE very housekeeper can..have. her uses Sunlight Soap. No matter what may be the --washing clothes woodwork lighten the 'work and ikke everything and fats, § ber. home. cheerful and gt and sweet. Broadway and 63rd Street, N.Y. €ffy. Telephone in Every Room Rooms $1 per Day and Upwards, From @ ahd Sout Btation take cars 4 Broadway to Fort Lee Ferry," ahd reach Hotel Euipire in sav- ou migutes, All suriace cars of the ** Metropolitan Transit Co." pass the Hotel Empire. The westaurant of the Empire is noted for. thy eisellence" of its cuisine, its 'ef- ficient 'service and moderate prices. A_fpe. library of choice literature for the lusi¥e use of our guests 'THe Empire has long been the favorite hotel lor tourists visitine the Metropolis Orchestral concerts every evening Withs ten minutes of amusement and she g cemtres The Smpire is the bea. Uarters of the Canadian Sotiety of New Send for Booklet. W, Johnson Quinn, Prop. OYSTERS ARE SEASON. And _we handle principally Booth's cel- ebrated Oval brand, which haved mo aqual ix quality and favor. When pur- chasing, why not get the best, which is only to be had from us? Give us = trial order and see for yoursell. We alse dle kinds of game that are in season. Poultry always on Band Yours truly, DOMINION FISH GO. 68 Brock Street. ' NL Fle : Our Coal Is A Clean As Though It Were Washed and Brushed. Each lymp stands by (teell. - Good reaches the surface of the earth from the mines, imptirities are picked out by hkad. Thereaiter it is screened srveral times bafore it reaches you, and het slate 10, really have no chance if donlels are careul. "Se are very careful Crawford, COAL THAT SUITS, Foot of Queen St.--'Phone 9. CANN EL COAL i --FOR-- 3 YOUR GRATE. 2 It lasts all night, Try it. PP. WALSH - 85-87 Barrack Street, 'Phone 133, foot of West St, GOT we 8 5 E53 SRB RE, Ui | 1 HOTEL..EMRIRE, | strongly bound by tin, solid coal--eo wmiuch solid fire After § coal Vouk Stud & Sue For her he holds his head sree ror her he H hy tol slinks in 15 Biden 3 pass For her he's loyal or ot de bnrid in errors way And' ® tha thi thines that Sane jor good, Whats ap dav wer day, har Rumah. transforu:. these unod tedious and tire- and pleasantacss of a household Pas- what invention has 40 make up- to-date housekoop: 4 To. begin wg Fg Perv pot. The iron kettle, porcelain lined, rath: ar broad" than deep, is a 'favorite, Je cause being heavy, it burn. Bau there are, TH sufficient "for preserving for a of two or Eig enough for a hotel When 'it 'comes fo spoons the house spoons or those of granite or enamelic spoons with bowls of and sizes, "wobden forks, wooden mia- shers and in either granite or enamel or round skimmers with long handles, scoops and jellies, the newer stvle of dial are not at all extravagant in price, The requisites in the way of jars, cans and other utbnsils used int the preserving apd cénning show numer olis improvements 10 make them more convenient and efficient. There is a can which has impressed' on the lid the Radics of the various fryits and. yege. ples arranged m lines radiating from the centre like the spokes from a wheel. The housekeeper wn akés a wark in the space in th§ centre opposite the name of the fruit or vegetable the can contains, The task of extracting the juice of the fruit is one of the most disagree able parts of the preserving or jelly making process when done by hand, but the housekeeper is no longer com- pelled to show fingers stained purple with grapes. There are fruit pressers, one, for instance, having a perforated tin. can inclosed with a regular one, the whole mounted in a galvanized iron frame. The fruit is placéd in the inner can and by means of a preds the juice is squeezed out snd iskues out through a little trough below. But the time-honored jelly bag id not discarded only vou don't have to squeeze is by hand. A very "clever in- vention consists of an arrangement of galvanized iron that fastens to the side '6f the table. From this 'extend two rods from which the jelly' bag hangs. The fruit is put in the bag and a heavy iron clamp adjusted around the bag just above the fruit. + The weight "of 'this presses the fruit down 'and the juice runs out. You ean walk away 'and do" anything else you please 'and éome batk and find the juice extracted "and ready for the pro- cess of preserving. Invention has not only revolutioniz- ed the appliances for canning fruits and vegetables, bul dlso the process itself. There is a canner, for instance, which consists of 'a reservoir as. a base fitted with tall separate copper or tinplate cylinders having covers] each cylinder is placed over an open jar and its contents; the steam\ from the water in the reservoir is forded in- to the cvlinder, sterilizing the germs and expélling the air. The mouth of the jar is then tightly scaled. There is a steam whistle attachment which blows off at the pioper timé to warn the operator when more Wafer is re quired in the reservoir. It is claimed that it takes only twelve minites to can four jars of whole tomatoes and five minutes for peaches and berries in a four-cylinder canner. An adjustable jar sealer and opener } is a neat little arrangement with iron handles, attached to which is a circle of heavy sheet wire which closes around the kd. A pressure of the thumb opens the jar, and it is sealed guite a= easily. An adjustable jar holder to prevent hurning your finger in HKfting hot jars is leather lined, with wooden handles The old-time housekeepers had vari- oud wavs of sealing jelly. Generally, they tied the glasses up with paper The up-to-date housekeeper wees par affine. Pure refined paraffine if an in sxpensive product of petrolenm, per fectly clean and pure, tasteless and odorless, air proof, water proof and seid proof. The process of sealiag jel Iv from «ir with a contine of paraflise ix simple. When the jelly is enol. anv wirniue. adhering to the inside top of the olass is wined off: then a laver of | meltad parafline algont aneeiebth of ont Inch thick ix nonrad over the sur face of the rooled iellv, The paraffine | shonld he allowed to harden. No oth i or coverinm: is weoesswv Ji duving 14 rrooess of eooling and herdenine the Irver of narafine ehrinke from the sides of the ~lase or else cracks, it io» pond idea ta none another thin Inver of the naraffine. Thia second Inver woe he added two or three hours after the When ver do pot relish vour fond and foal dull and stanid after eating oN wom need jo a dose of Thasher Fins Stamach and Tiver Tablets. They will make von fel like a now won snd ofve von an annetite like a bear. For sale by all drugglets. . Cina great month for re presery and the var ¢ \ ous a which ol to ante for social ik could some processes into almost the ease a she unmarcicd officers at Stanley time are a Souvincing illustration of {7 ¥ not readily recently departed to his nianagership | granite kettle and Berkey in the Piet. | ty-looking enameléd white and bine wares. One can buy a keftle of gos bite in kesper can take her choice of wooden ware. There are long handled wooden many shapes od' ware come ladles and dippers, flat funnels for tilling in the Preserving is an exact science, not ah 'hazard process. Scales are to be : in? bat' tha found in every up-to-date kitchen, the sidered "nies" by' these fait maidens by conventional coffee or sugar scalds or spales. Both come in_various sizes, and scales of . either kind suitable for household use : : jhodoe, and from these she made sev tere. The sonnets of: Shakespeare were "one of Kate Greenaways dainty mail by forcing he -- into the eck of the bottle so as to form' a" shallow up on top into which the eed parafine is poured and Jol fo Ba . The ing u lipped from the Toronto t's society columns One of the Younger sot, recintly re- turned from her summer triumphs and ready for winter conquests, was he modning 'the fact, the other j hat all the "nice men" who not know what be" dove about it. ""With thive rocks, vir, Captain Elmeley, Mr. uglas Yeung, and Mr, Nt on at Ottawy taking , course. in ry; with Ye. Wilmot Mat od, Mr. Hugh Osler in ho "a or Churchill Cockburn 'ranchi far North-West, Mr. Leigh Carthy at Dundalk, Mr. Dudley Oliver remov- ed to the bank in Montreal, Mr. Oscar Bickford gone to teside permanently England, engaged in the motor business--where are the dancing men to come from !"' Now, here is & chance for the many "nice" me n who have permitted & themselves to be pushed 1] aside a barely considered for the last couple of seasons, from a certain modesty and diffidence, to make them selves ingispensable to the many charming girls in the younger pet who are certainly feeling somewhat for- lorn at the prospect of gayeties with. out partners. And 4 whisper ito "the car of each 'of these men "You can earn or juMilv voir richt to be Son. beine en evidence and socially inolin. od throughout polo week at (he vari one 'mests of the tonrmament." ainigl og Lietit, Goorge N. Smith, R.N., 'who had been vifliting his dster, Mrs. Mid: dieton, left 'on Monday for Vancouver en route for his home in Now 'Zea: land. . Mes. J. Lyons Biggar and family bavé returned to Ottawa, from Pat: terson's Point, where they had spent the summer camping. W. Rose, the son of fon; George W, Ross, Toronto, has arrived in the Old Cotintry, after a very plea: sant vo¥age. He will walk the hospi: tals of Edinburgh and Leipzig for two years, Nrs.' Geo Burn, thé Misses Burn and Master wond Buen, Ottawa, have reétdrned from C ushing's Island, where they spent the summer. Mrs, J. W. Stirling, Mountain sireet, Nintreal, was in New York last week for the marriage of her brother, Mr, John Primross, and Miss Charity Steers, Mrs. Sins. of Prescott, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Charles Keofer, in Ot- tawa. ne [1 | Of Miss Patriot Parte, davihior of Mr. J. A latte, Montreal, to Mr. George Royd, of Mont of Mies Mien Rome a. daughter of Wage Riek tn Mr. David Sh Wy Bee son of Mr, ur, of that city. The welling wilt whe lace' in Now. ety in anni of Christine oh he dw nb ot) r. Willinm Whyte NE LN Edward Went. wo, EE I real, to Fr Hea Routh ake place shortly, at the | re © bride's sister, Mrs. ok. she i TM Pine avenue, he. ana of Mise Apnie Wilson Ena wrhter of the ints Mr. Joho Livingston, well known Canadian journalist, 4 Nr. Walter 8. Marson, took plese this' | woek very quietly at the residence of the om W. R. and Mrs, Orulokehank, whose guest the bride has been for some tinm. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr: Frank Liv. ingston, of Torohts, was gowned in her travelling costame of fawn cloth with bat to mitch, The ceremony was perforamd by the" Rev. Mr. Cruick: shank in the probénes of ox few intim: ate friends. Mr. ahd Mis. Nason, Jef of a wip to Poston, New York, Balti more anil he South, Happy is | We Soman who has soe | bits of that old-fashioned lace a* tatting. Hapifer still is she os ean wie "the tatting shuttle and make as much of this lace an she liked 'or has time for. For nothing is more tashionable At the present time than tatting, 'and at its best few things are more sautifil or_desitable, This fori of haud work dates back to toetith oohtury, and has ht ate many Pitiade of popularity, Underslepves of lace, of hand -embwoi- dered white batiste and linen, and of all-over embroidery are for sale in the shops, A foulard or voile gown is prettily varied hy having several sets of them undersiseves of different do rees of slaborateness. Very dainty -and refined looking wre kimonas of white linen lawn, with the collar and suzned-over fronts trimpiod only with large French kaots. Chari ng negligoes are. made of dotted mus- lin. The use of neglicees in two pieces, inchet and much ruffled skirt, seems in creasing. A smart waist of white linen fs did in rows of shirt tucks grranged in points separated by several up ahd down 'bands of open-work embroideey, The little turnover collar and eufls are of fine batiste, most delicately om- broidered in & 'rose pattern, a con: trast to the heavy linens and Russian embroideries so much in vee. IN OUR OWN CIROUIR News of the. District on Both Sides of the Line. ! The deaths of » Mra: Wchard Davis and Mrs. dave; Cinps Vines, N.Y, wre Mr. Maurd'é Plummer, RA. vouns- est pon of Me. J. H. Plummer, Toron- to, was' Among the pgssengers on the Parisian on Saturdav.' He will join his battery as soon as he arrives' at' Ald. ershot. The Miskes Kittson Wave returned [from Berthier to Ottawa. Miss DuMoulin, ' daughter of the Rishop of Niagara, has gone to Johns Hopkins 'Hospital, 6° enfer on her probation for the nursing profession. Mrs. Jean Blewett tetwrned to Tor obto from Denver on Tuesday. She spent July and August in hat city, with Mra. Leland Scinmers (nee Brod liaue), the well-Enowh writer. Mr Blewett met her in the west and ar companied her to Toronto. Lord Surdcnitt and Captain New ton, A.D.C, left on Monday for She diac, New Brunswick, The Royal Canddian Cat Club have fectived a Very tharming letter from Lady Aberdeen, ng success and "aecépting the 'offic? '8f patron of fhe €lab. This, with" she" nagwes of Lady Marcus Berdsford, Ws. HW. M. Pella and Miss Dupont, should set the "hati wiark™ and enable them to add rapids ly " their list of members. Price and Miss Ross returned to vhs last week 'after o short visit in Toronto. They will remain there for the present and then go to { Toronta for the entire winter, having | taken apartments at 31 Wilcox street. which are being got into readiness for them Nits Gladys Nordheimer has refuin ed to Toronto from Murray Pay, where she spent the summer with her vouhg brother, Cadet Nordheimer, of the RN.C. Kingston. Mrs. Frederick JU Steen; has return ed (0 New York from Cap » I'Aigle Mrs. Critchley, who had been the guest of her father, "Sir Sandford Fleming, in Ottawa, fetwrned on Mon dav to her home in Weston, Ont. During the foysl visit to Dublin. Queen Alexandra was pleased fo com mand specimens 'of "various kinds of embroidery executed bv the Roval Ir- ish: Schoo! of Art Needlewoik. to be submitted to her iat: the Vieoregal eral purchases, natably some hooks beautifully bound in embroidered cov enclosed in parr hment; decoratsd with ens plucking a rose, the whole carried ont in the most delicate atitohery and coloring. A volume of Christian Ro.- selti's poems boasted g resplendent reacock in the fpest egabroidery on the cover, the title being carried out in effective gold work, Her maiost: also ordered a vown to he worked for her in the exavisite embroidery and seatiin work identified with the school. y which now rivals the t continental ! needlework Productions, " The engagement is announced : Of Miss Nevada Webster, ward of Dr Vrooman, M.P., of Lindsay, to Me Louis T. Best. of Seeaia. Of Mr. Henry Wilmot of Bemont, brother of Mr. R. I. Wilmot, M.P. for Sunbury and Queen's, NB, and Miss ~~ TN ® Joseph Peo, Cape Vinott, 'N.Y, a well mown boat builder, died on Tues: day, aged fifty-six years. A wife, 'a daughter and his two song survive, His end was sudden; Architect Dillon bas completed plane for a new storé hotel at Newboro. The builder "is G:"W. Preston, 'whose hbobel wan destroved hy fire a lew months ago. It will be éroctéd on the site 'of the old building, John B. Juynt, a well-known remi dent of Léeds illness of cancer of the stomash, aged severity four, at the home of his son in-law, Samuel Bushiield Mrs Katherine Sheppard," Mount Vernon, drowned in the St. Lawrene, near Seven Tales, Sunday morning. wag the woman Charles P. Chipp bhiined for she thefts from the New York city treasury that landed bj in Sing Sing. The One Thing Needful. If you want to live to a green old age, take care to lwep your Idond pure. lmpoverished . blood ig secount- able for pearly all bodily Mis. Take Wade's Iron Tomic. Pills, and, you wil find your health benefited, your blood purified and nerves sirsagthened. pills for 28c., as Wade's. 20¢. Butter. Butter. Butter. 20c. Tubs finest butter, 2¢., rolls butter, 30, prints, 23¢. Crawlord, Are free from all crude and irritat- ing matter, ' Concentrated medicine only. Carters Little Liver Pills. Very winall; Very "easy tO aks; no pain; no yEript no purging ry them, Sed pr. 3 sh holder rage at: 50. New York Dress Raf mans 3 Toogoed, daughter of { the ln ne ped late Cap: i CHLOR wad 0 , , died on Sunday at 3 Neéwboro Narrows, after go lingerihge 4 tihng wiv net ald ville THE CANADA METAL tt ot "WHERE QUEEN QUALITY SHOES 'ARE M Length of lactory 439 feet. Front width 124 feet. J aiein a_i 'working on the modern, ning. hou? basis, make 7000 pairs of shoes daily, are anu 0 - » Largest makers of women's fine shoes in the world. ; Sold only in Kingstonby J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. GWE WO NE an wn 2a wat ea ¥ CO!