"| contract. Considering that the peti: Hamilton Herald, Having created the t industries at the Sou: F. RH, ow now comes to the front again proposes to save them. hd Endorsed A Tory. Advertiser. ; and, the o silmour, conservative member who does fall is at once pick- | for East Middlesex, told the House of i ; that of Middle: i bution "just as jt ought to be." The 'Jews, in a word, share their --~ bounties and burdens; they counsel and The Crasy Burglars. +] beliiend sach. gther; they. practice gen- | Torento Malt... ith a conspicuous unity and hercism | that are. sears in the SLnirs: Thuy have Shi: full bon hat Shey ane Sanching = Ye ata have glso their graces; and some ---------------- of these latter are worthy df all ad IN OUR OWN OIROWIZ, "It is said a Gananoque doctor vac- and twenty-five ith's Falls, moved hia 1 ba , family to Toronto where they will re- auient that' the agresuient = between | Gy," Mra, ihe will look after = the the government and the Grand Trunk | business in Smith's Falls. i] fallway compeny, anent the trans- | Mike I Grant, graduate of | continental highway, could mot be | Brockville hospital, was married on ' Wednesday to Elward, Smith's substantially altered' now. But the Falls, by Rev, D, Strachan. statement if not do rémarkable. The | i.e Agnes O'Neill, youngest daveh- reeruent was reached after long de- | ter of L. O'Neill, was united in. mar- liboration, and the peopls are pro {riage to Willrid Laque in St. John's tooled so far aw possible arid in every | church, Reananogue, Wednesday. , Soperton, was | unhurt, ®, escaped . | Henry T EE. and the new Nor is there' anything so unique ab- | 75 trciht shed at lelleville, were <j out thie * arrangement. It prevailed Dida on Tuesday night. No clus k | tot theft been discovered yet. discussion. That contract was discuss: John T. on od by the government and the com- Ault Graham, ton, were married y Dean Bogart pany and then submitted to parla: Bellaville, on Wednesday. They will live in Clergue was | woeond company offered to complete | Mrs. J. H. Allan, nee Miss Gertie E. hen later on, | de Mie for loss money and at leas | CO: died & i » money snd lands to the coun- ul ate amin Jour. , The funeral i the conservative government a short ; {} would 'mot have it on the ground that | Miss McCammon, Gananoque, show- . lit would be a breach of the ngree- |°d a branch from a raspberry bush, } hich are fully one dozen large ment alieady entered into, that its | 00 ; eh \ pe berries and many green ones. Also doption "would be ah vawartanteble | slip of strawberry vine, which 'has ' » Hip Cons died at the There is consi ; Wo ust at 41a 15 avers fn onsiderable of fares abit RO erin Ja. Hib. G Gananoque, on. Thursday. TH, A the original, the ond, the only moddler known on the market. When 1. talk, eroryons looks at sky, he eryone bard. My specialty is to pi vulgar common sense on everyone meet. This hotel question is a vital one. We all want a summer ho here, but how to get it? I said no use to try to raise capital here. Can we? Let's look around. At bridge richest men raise a tremendous kick if they lose twenty-five cents. [ill such men. subscribe to a hotel ? Sure, 1 know it, rich men only have the right to be stingy, poor men must be i uerous or go- "Then a man is never a prophet at home. He is too well-known. His servants tell neighbors' damaging stories about him. He got into a quarrel with the furnace. man, who told about it to the lawn-cutter, or the snow. shoveller, and then it go i fs F i r £ ZZF ed out over town. After that rich wan lost his influence and * ti confidence of the lic. The best thing for him wi be to go away and start life anew. A new man is always welcome in a community, if he hds brain and a few shillings. But he a tan ete sgody Mrives a Adage. Ev owe ever as and ips about every- body. Everyone jealous of every: ong. Jim starts something. Ned siarts n else in opposition, and in came the fogies with' money who kill them both. No one dares raise his voice for fear of losing a customer, Everyone is satisfied. with the paltry few dollars he painfully makes the vear aroufid: "The city he dammed. I pull through, that's all 1 care." "Grand, nd human and splendid narrow-mindedness, but narrow-mind- edness is only a private virtue. It's the standard of all communities below the twenty thousands' population mark, It's everywhere the same. am hankering for something more general of a wider range. If we can't get it here, Jet's go outside. I am decided to talk about the summeér hotel, on all occasions, till the coma of death chokes me. I hate fossils, mummies, fogies, young or old, and I am going to tell them so to the bit- ter enfl. We want to make a big and flourishing city of our home, and when 1 am dead, I'd like people to say 1 threw oil in the fire of ambition and conceivable wav. A radical change iohsly hurt Tues- | enterprise. I don't care a rap where hel cannot be made without the consent of | day. or por A ind with -- they put » {I both sides. : In the they put the hotel, but one we must bave, and put it up any how, no mat- ter, where. Let some one start the ball' arolling a big one, snowball like, which wil bring down avalanch- ex of million on our Limestone queen Belleville, and Miss | of the lakes. Hy. sahizion is to oo and, the thing fresh before the public, in. St. John's, {by Jamma, 1 will, while there are peus, ink and paper in the country. "A Resident" is fond of mysteries. He hides himself behind thé mask of on Sunday, the anonymous, to say little nothings to the public. Let him come forward in a manly manner, as I do, and I'll have a talk with him. T sum up : Our city must have a palatial sunwner ho- tél and it shall have it. Now my meddlesome friend is wrong here. He never gave his name to the public. Of that. I am the one who bas signed all these articles for over two years. 1 have been here the echo of the say- ings of all my friends. Naturally | mons. The conservatives . conceived | Bho was ahout to leave.for Winnipew |enough, 1 take the responsibility of | the expedient of petitioning against | to join her husband, who bes a good $he GT-R., and seut out blanks for: PTDL In gb cy. __, Lo signature. These blanks were carried | | Fits vi around 'among the 'faithful And 8% [hate Frege a pact anne on hae | now being fyled by the Bordea sup: | L.O.L., No. 1. His record as an Or riers legred tests againdt an dates back forty-eight years, i ya hit She aT he has never ig tn during the twenty three years that he bas been recording secretary. CANADIAN SUES tions were not generally discussed, that they were signed as a matter of form, and that some persons did not know probably what they were sign- 1ing, the force and effect of their wee |For a Portion Of New York are exceedingly doubtful, Ne York. o5 iy? Mp W The conservatives gre going through ew York, Sept. ~Mrs. W, J, 3 Walker, Gatineau Pol m the the routine of the liberals in the C, ee of 8 rn oF te Fo he P. R. case, but without the reason | wily New Harlem. And if a legal act: and the prospective advantage. And |ion started in New sYork is success- onder ful, she will get her share of land ay » What 14 is all, uphill | Chie in now timated to be worth ------ four hifion Sellars. ' legal s t one of t ost curious a EDITORIAL NOTES. fights heard for a long time. Tt will Toronto Wants a Curfew bell. It can | be an attempt by the heirs of the ori- have ours. Long observation has con. | ginal settlers of 'the old town of New p 1 King of England, but which, as pensed withi 4 + |New York began to expand, was > ly swallowed up in the growth 3 hs Y Lumtih aw Hin put of that great about size of Kingston, is. ie : the names of the twenty: = = metropolis smallest arrears of taxes on record. | Among {But the abolition of the upper houss interests Mr. Toler is working; con- will satiety the toile. The old gentle. | ident of succocding in recovering the men will please make a note of this. | four. bi'lion dollars. « heir Fall Importation, 1908. fiscal Prevost, of the Non Jo Harlem to recover the land inally" the Whig. that it ie doing no | Rarlem to over the Jar SoCal i -- The first will be to 'call a town The Manufacturers' Association pro- | meeting, which will be practically = a poses that the tariff be taken owt. of | meeting of the heirs. polities. Is it possible ? Can the tariff A their arguments. Nothing would please me 50 ~ much as to know the name of 'A Resident," If he is worth the trouble, I would have no objec: tion to break a few hours with him in the friendly field of the Whigs columns. If he is a better citizen than I am, I shall willingly surrender my pen to him. This the reader will decide. But, in confidence, 1 may say I have a suspicion that "A Resident" is one of those useless. men, who go tottering about town, busy-like, fussy, empty-headed, full of plass and pro- jects, killed hefore they are born. This Kind of men ave just the sort to drive our city to ruin, to a Hogering death. Progress is their onemy, Are all old fogies and brainless men going to guide our town to destruction, to ob- livion ? Mind you, old fogies are not alvhys old men. Old fogies are often you , with petty foggery edu- cation. Many old men are younger than their age in the spirit of enter- prise. This is idle talk though. The thing is this: Is there no young bl in the community to give our beloved city the place it has the right and the duty to occupy in this great land of Canada? By Order Of The Kaiser. Berlin, Sept. 24--1t is stated that the release of Herr Rebein, the reporter of the Vorwaerts, who informed the military authorities in regard to the maltreatment of recruits and was af terwards arrested, was owing to the nal order of the kaiser, who of the reporter's detention through tho newspepers only. The kaiser regarded the arrest as a blun- der and ordered that the man be set at liberty. Lipton Testimonial Fund. New York, Sept. 24. n testimonial committee met at the Wal dof vesterday, and examined designs for the testimonial that the American Jropk will present Sir. Thomas ipton. Two Tiffany designs were considered the best: of those submit ted, but no decision has been reach ed. Indications are that the fund will reach $3,000 or $10,000. In The House Of Commons. tb tin, he S EEGEG DEEP I » ) yo) RGGI £0 ZITLRIRERITDEE) Na ginger in his suit: He wants more coloring, more fashionable curves and kinks thin the older and 'more conservative dresser. We have caught the spirit of the young man's 'wants, and have as his heart cn desire. 7%» * The fabrics: are new AL and not a featur¢ could ii*t be added 10 put more Xi style lato the cut, mak- %. ." ing or trimming of our &... Young Mén's Suits. > Prices are. nov high when we furnish all this swellness for $7.50 /48, $8 50, - $10 $12, $12.50 AND $15. We want every young man 'in town to make it his business to see these Swagger Fall Suits. NEW FALL HATS! We believe our BAR- RINGTON HAT to be the best $2 HAT on the market for the money. Newest Styles in Stift Hats at $1, $1 25, $1 50, $2, $2 50, THE H. D. BIBBY GO. * One Price Clothing House, Oak Hall, DEY 0 OOO OO) TIE TEEOe OOOOOCOIICOCOCO PEE! Millinery Department In full swing, after the most successful Opening in the history of the store. Sales unprecedended and orders far beyond former seasons, course, as ho was mad, he overlooked } LARGE Ottawa, Sept. 26--Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick, in the Commons, yester , in an amendment to the Trapscontinental Railway bill to make dearer the conditions that all, ma terial imported in connection wit S railway must pay duty. The closing tilt between "| i ria sian and onion John RE. Moodie will erect a £20,000 The Jacket and Skirt Department Is also rushing.' Never such value shown before. Good serviceable Coats, Oxford and Black, latest styles, $4.50, $6, $6.50, up to $18. Children's and Misses' Coats, all sizes, in Lawn; Navy, Brown, Royal, Black, and Cardi- nal, $2.50 to $7.50. Our Skirts are a wonder. The Oxford antl Black Skirts $3, $3.50 to $5, are eye-openers. Also finer goods up to $10. We sh ow Tailor-made Skirts from $1.50. SPENCE & CO,, ™ Leiog Miners TO THE TRADE ST THE MONTREAL. SOLDER, BABBIT, LEAD PIPE. ETC THE CANADA METAL CO. TORONTO, ONT. ---- te---- . RAILWAY COMMITTEE. fo Brockville, Westport « & - Northern R.R. Bill Adopted. 1z8RY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, Ottawa, Sept." 24.--The senate rail: Savare, "Phone ady in. Market yay Stl to opted the. Brockviile, - Testport & No ratlway bill, in- | POWER & SON, A MER- cremsing the capital to two mi Tend _ chants' Bank VR SIUTRGE. Brock dollars, authorizing an extension of | 20d Wellineton streets. "Phone 211. the line to the "Seo" and to develop A 'along the voute. The RHO Ells, Seni HOT, OF # its rights: unless it Ber of Queen and -- subsidy in hate it | Sr m------------------------------ construction. creditors, | WM. NEWLANDS, "ARCHITECT, OF- a Antal 76.0, of which | » second Sook over. Mahood dro 000 8 owing. 4 3 store, corner Princess ° ARCHITECTS. g a well Young Man iN Wants life, dash and PREECE suits as smart and'swell WRAPPER SALE EVER INAUGURATED IN CANADA We hive bought the Entire Stock of Wrappers of the Largest Manufacturers in the Dominion and are offering ihem at less than manufacturer's prices. Over 4o designs in 3 shades to the design. Write tor sample lots ; they will noi last iong. THE GAULT BROS, 60, LIMITED, ---- , mear cor- Streets. Te ¥ Mrs. Hughson, of Chicago, whose letter follows, is another woman "in 'high position who owes her health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Money seemed but r and pal- try com to health, and A a Lydia E. few 'dollars invested in Pinkham's Vegetable Compound brought me good health. I suffered for several years with general weak- ness and bearing-down pains, caused by womb trouble. My appetite was frightful, and I would lie awake for hours, and could mot sleep, until I scemed more weary in the morning than when I retired. After reading ono of ite advertisements I decided to try the merits of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, and 1 am so glad I did. No one can de- scribe the good it did me. I took three bottles faithfully, and besides build- ing up my general health, it drove alk disease and poison of my body, and made me feel as and active a8 a young girl. Mrs. Pinkham's medi- eines are certainly all they are claimed to be."-- Mgrs. M. E. Huansox, 347 E. Ohio St., Chi , 11. -- gs000 1 original bof | above le proving P00 Tuten produeed. If the slightest trouble appears which you do not understand, write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., for her advice, and a few timely words from her will show you the right thing to do. This advice costs nothing, but it may mean life or happiness or both. IN REALMS OF FROST. = . A Vigid Description By An Eng- lish Banker. Far off, and away in the frigid de mains of eternal cold, gripped tight in the icy hug of biting, ceaseless frosts, and face to face with a mighty gelid barrier of solid ice, towering high to wards the heavy leaden skies, is a va liant band of heroes who, year after year, have been essayving to reach that new object. of the explorer's ambition, the South Pole. Through the long, deadly swinter plinged day and night in cimimerian darkness; furious bliz zards driving before them a blinding whiclwind of frozen snaw, which smites them as though it were a tempest' of missiles hurled from some angry vol cano; 'their good ship "Discovery" shrouded deep. in an ever descending snowy avalanche, every mast, every rope, encased in a thick sheathing of ice, there these brave men while away the heavy time in a deadly monotony, only broken by ever recurring tempests and whirling hurricanes. And when at length the sun after its long -absence once more for a few short minutes rises above the icebound horizon, -the outlook is but 'a dead world, a very wilderness of upreared, banked hummocks and grinding floes, all covered deep by the driven snow; the entire frozen prospect without ves tige of life, a grim and deathly strik en realm. And then, leaving thelr wintry home, they start on their sledges, drawn by a score of hardy dogs on a long and dreary journey over the desert snos waste, in order to attain the sum of their ambition and plant the British flag upom the very southern apex of the world. But, one after the other, the whole of the wretched shivering animals succumb to the piercing cold, and thew, harnessing themselves in the yoke, they drag the heavy sleighs slow lv and jaboriously back to the ship; all happily surviving the melancholy and dismal ice voyage, though frost bitten and nipped to the very bone by the cruel Antarctic blasts, and be numbed hy a frost so intense that the mercury 'itself is frozen hard. And then, though with the advent of the sh summer the good ship is freed pr its imprisoning jce-tram- mels, vet there they still remain, still content to freeze ip that inclement, inhospitable realm of cold, still en- deavouring to discover some inlet through which they can take their ship yet nearer, to. the pole, even though vet another: and another wild winter's hibernation may he involved. Surely one cannot help admiring the indomitable courage and unfinching perseverance of those hardy' explorers, even though after all it may be diffi- cult to understand what materiel or moral gain will be achieved, even if they do place a cairn o¥er the axis of the globe. But if men would under go as much hardship and as much pri vation for the sake of attaining an in- heritance in heaven it would be intelli gible. Happily, however, it is only needful to live a godly life, and to claim the atonement of the Redeemer as sufficient satisfaction to Divine jus tice. For. then that inheritance is ab- solately assured. . Must Sit At Westminster. London, Sept. 24. -- The London Globe, discussing the political sftug- tior, says : "Among tters which press for éonsideration is the question of admigistrative legislative machin- | ery. The empire represemiatives from _ the eoloniss will have to be welcomed at Westwvinster and new provisions made by which their views way be constitutionally expressed. The ques- tion of imperial defence must be promptly dealt with in concert "with and not over the heads of colonial governments." ---------- R. C, Dunbar, Toronto Globe staff, joins the official reporting staff of the House of Commons, commonly known as Hansard. This makes seven Eng- lish reporters. s EE I ETI STI ---- When you do not relish your food and feel dill and stupid afier eating, all you need is a dose of Chamber- Jnin's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will make you' feel like a new Bn SEAL a pn Be» Ma bow afte vide com ed sing will is a youl sets fect Prin Pe the gent Wat the used the Tl cent tari Rev miss Th stor mec view Kin fina F.C the $700 this tent juni Car Oy cint olde Hue bor; 179 livie