Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Oct 1903, p. 6

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Aas ou quality Cand value, = SPANGENBERG - Jeweller, King Street. Sterling Fourtain Pens, il ih Le br i ie i AAS cemetery, where the placed in the vault. A pum Sn ne Hy hich she was held in that city ; | i Fis 4 FT if 2 i si i H A In ¥ i i Eid Fa 1 ¥e i that his lawyer told him could not be enforced. An- clothier, (a very ingenious fellow) at the required hour, again, the obmerven. the iter of id an effort will be stores at the stat. £ 5 i 18 F i £ & i i Successful Rifle Shots. Slater shoe trophy, North-West Mounted for at Calgary by the various divi jo; Constables A. po A. Willis. An Old Kingston Boy. Jobn Elsmere, of Bell Creek, Na, i « ' F 2 - : i fF 7 3 £ his western home. and J. Morgan Shaw were school boys together, and he still has & warm spot in his heart that he is succeeding in the west. Is Your Back Lame? Does it hurt to stoop or bend down! Have you a beavy dull pain at the base of the spine! If so, the best remedy is Nerviline; it will io vigorate the tired, sore muscles, make them supple and strong. Nerviline will drive out the pain and make you well in no time. Nothing so good as Nerviline for Lumbago, Stiff Neck, Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sciatica. Buy a Me. bottle of Nerviline to-day, Many Horses Dying. A pew disease bas broken out among the horses of Wolfe, Amherst, Simcoe and Howe Islands, and many of the animals are succumbing to its ravages. Within the t week ten horses have ded on Wolfe Island alone. The ani mals are at first affected with a dull ness,then high temperature follows, then loss of appetite and finally in flammation, The disease can be arrested if treated in time. Turkeys Will Be Dear. Turkeys will be more expensive this coming winter than ever before, is the prediction made by those in the business. Buyers have been in this dis trict for se time - past making con- tracts with t farmers. One buyer went through Amherst Island and to pay $1 for every turkey in ht on Tth, Congratulations All Round. The Brockville Times, noting the fact that the honorary degree of LL.D. had been conferred wpon Dr. V. H. Moore, of that town, by Queen's Uni- versity, adds : "Everybody who knows him will heartily congratulate Dr. Moore on this well. deserted recogni: tion of his ability and also congra- tulate the institution which conferred it on the discrimination displayed." Pay water rate I ineaunt ickory nuts were tiful on to-day. One farmer had six [BATTLE ROYAL Tilley, ber has arrived at St. John's to dry dock for repairs, after having had New - it was the most gamey odd whales that taken this senson, being taken in it and the towing of the whaling station. whale was hit it started at the vate of seven the engines were rovers. which, under ordinary mean a retrograde about eight knots. This hours, the ship as the off in zi courses, bury if and washing the decks, windlass fis cil 2 Ti ie i ¥ i Fo, and only when the fish began to be fatigued could the wen standing on the deck, who were all drenched with the flying spray and seas, secure the cable which held the monster. It was the most exciting chase the Newfoundland whalers ever had. FIRE AT MONTREAL. Inmates Rescued--A Quartette Un- der Arrest. Montreal, Oct, 17.--Exciting inci dents took place this morning at a fire which broke out in the Ladies' Benevolent lastitution, Bertheleot street. The inmates number aged, in frm and children. The latter were got out in order, but there_was dii- ficulty in rescuing the aged, many of whom are crippled and blind. All the inmates were got out without injury The firemen succeeded in saving the building, but not before considerable injury had been done to the interior, The Thiele detective agency last night arrested E. J. Edelson, J. H. Edelson, Robert Edelson and Mrs. E. J. Edelson, Chicago, on the charge of obtaining money under false preten- ses. E. J. Edelson, it appears, ob- tained credit to the amount of $50, 000 in the cigar and tobacco trade, sold his stock for whatever it would bring, and then left the city. The store was at 578 Milwaukee avenue, Chica go, Nine thousand dollars was found hiddeg in Mrs. Edelson's "undercloth ing, and about $5,000 under the sofia. TO BE AT PEACE. -------- United States And Great Britain Are Friendly. Toronto, Oct. 17.~J. Athol Morti- mer, of the United States civil ser- vice, Washington, who passed through Toronto yesterday on a trip to the Pacific coast, said that important re. sults were expected to follow the re cent visit of the Honorable Artillery Company of London. In fact, he de- clared. it was no secret in Washing- ton, that Secretary Moody had made the statement that the visit of the ar- tillery company was one in a series of events which were éxpected to lead divectly to the signing of a military treaty between the two great branch «8 of the Anglo-Saxon race. Mr. Mor- timer said, further, that it was rum- ored in Waghington, that President Roosevelt, had . received within the past couple of weeks a personal let ter from King Edward in which the subject of closer relations between the two countries was broached. ---- DIFFICULTY MET WITH. In Accepting The Terms of Speyer And Company. Toronto, Oct. 17. --Some difficulty has arisen regarding the acceptance of Speyer & Cos offer to postpone the sale of the "Soo" properties, by rea- son of the current injunctions re stralaing them from taking posses- sion of the properties: These, how ever, stand good only till Tuesday. Meantime James Bic knell, K.C., act- ing for Speyer & Co., bas returned to the "Soo." The injunction orders granted here yesterday' have not been issued. The plaintiffs are reguired to guarantee that any damage resulting from the injunction shall be made good. James Conmee and C. N. Bowman have accepted these terms, and the in- junction order has been issued, but the order obtained by Everett & Con- nors, creditors, Saulte Ste. Marie, has not been taken out. -- THE RUMOR BELIEVED, ---- United States Steel Can Be De- livered Cheaper. London, Qet. 17.~The report that the skipbuilding firm of Halland & Wolil, of Belfast, had contracted to obtain its entire supply of iron and steel from the United States Steel cor- poration, has not been confirmed, but it caused a flutter a the English and Scotch iron men, who are inclin: ed to believe it, and regard the move as the beginning of the trust's inva- sion of Great Britain. The Belfast correspondent of the Morning Post says that United States iron and steel will be delivered at thirty shi lings a ton cheaper than the British, which means a huge saving in u year. S-------- Dominion Council Elected. + Toronto, Oct. 17.--The Brotherhood of St. Andrew today elected the Dominion council as follows : James Catte, R. H. Coleman, Dr. Harly Smith, N. F. Davidson, F. W. Thom as, Hubert Carlton, Toronto; A. B. Wiscllo, Halifax; H. A. Genet, Rramp- ton; J, DP. Christie, Simeos; vA t. John; H. S. Webber, treal: Charles W. Heoning, W. =. Davis, Hamilton; D, M. Stewart, Mon teal; A. T. Gilbert, Ottawa; OC. E. Baynes Reade, Brockville; F. W. Winnipeg; Fred Bowman, The DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 17. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ------ Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By on Their Rounds. Dr. Coutlee, of Sharbot Lake, in the city to-day. H. B. KR. Craig is in the city, from Bannockburn, spending a couple of hal Sa sual gulf saich for the He- wett handicap trophy, was scheduled to take this afternoon. Col. Hunter will leave a week from Tuesday for New Ontario to locate land grants and do a little hunting. Rev. M.'M. Harding, late of King- ston now of Brandon, is to be mis rionary archdeacon of Saskatchewan. Remember to pay your gas and elec- tric light accounts before the 20th inst., and the benefit of discount. rs. Jack, Miss Jack and Mr. Lit tle, of Belleville, were herc for the Queen's ceremonies. They were the guests of Mm. T. M. Fenwick. . John Brennan, of the William Davis company's store, Brockville, returned east yesterday, after a few days with his parents on Johnston street, : Miss Kathleen McConkey, Brockville, a graduate of Queen's, is stopping with Mrs. Robertson, Alired street. She came up to attend the college proceedings. Do not suffer from wick headache a moment longer. It is not necessary. Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure you. Dose, one little pill. Small price. Small dose. Small pill. Cadet Harrington, of the RM.C. rughy team, was stunned in yester day's match. He was taken to the General Hospital, and was expected to was be able to return to the college this evening. : : Four prisoners from Sault Ste. Marie were brought to the Kingston penitentiary this morning. Among them was one of the men who escap od from Sheriff Thompson on a train recently and who was recaptured An Italian named Antonio Giovani, who crossed from Kingston to Cape Vincent and walked to Watertown, was arrested for unlawfully entering the United States. A week ago he was deported from Buffalo, having an in- curable disease. Hon. G. W. Ross' plea for prepara- tion, and election of university men to positions of public usefulness was delivered. at the right spot unques- tionably. College men have gone down in elections in recent vears be- fore Messrs. Robinson, Gunn, Met calfe, Harty and Pense. The only pro- fessional men elected since confedera- tion have heen Sir John Macdonald and Maxwell W. Strange. To-morrow being the day of inter- cession for Sunday schools, commun ion service has been appointed for teachers, workers and senior scholars in all the Angli8in churches. At' a union service of city and suburban schools at 8t, George's at 3 p.m., ad- dresses © will be made by Archdeacon Worrell and Rev. Mr. Crisp. The gal- leries will ba reserved for visitors. ELLEN STONE'S ABDUCTOR. Boris Sarafoff, Head of Insurgents In Macedonia, Killed. Salonica, European Turkey, Oct. 17. ~The report of the death of Boris Sarafoff, the famous Macedonian lead- er, is confirmed. A despatch from Sa- lonica save that Boris Sarafofi was killed October 12th, in a skirmish at Pruva, near Florina. Boris Carafoff was the life and soul of the insurgent operations in Macedonia. He was popularly believed to be the real instigator of the abduction of Miss Ellen M. Stone, the American missionary, in September, 1901, in or- der to procure through her ransom funds to enable the Macedonian re- volutionary committee to organize the insurrection. In 1896 Sarafoff forme a band of desperadoes to raid Turk ish territory. Since then he headed nearly 400 daring raids into Turkey. SEVEN MEN KILLED. In Railway Accident at Trenton, N.J. Trenton, -N.J., Oct. 17.--A railway accident ocourred at Washington crossing on the Belvidere division of the Pennsylvania road, about eight miles above Trenton, at an early hour to-day. Seven men are known to have been killed. It is understood two work traing were in collision. These trains had aboard men who were engaged in repairing the road at points where it had been washed out by recent floods. A number were also seriously injur- ed. A special train has left Trenton for the soene of the wreck, carrying physicians, -------------------- Baby's First Tooth. Every mother knows how much baby suffers whie cutiing teeth. Swollen, tender gums cause a feverish, fretful condition, sometimes seriously affect- ing baby's health. This can be over- come, and the teething process made easy by the use of Babys Own Tab- lets. Proof of this ix given by Mrs. J. Peckover, New Liskeard, Ont.,.who says: "I am the mother of six chil- dren and 1 can truthfully say that Paby's Own Tablets is better than any other medicine 1 have over used for the ills of little ones. 1 can es pecially recommend therg for teething children, aud would advise all mothers to use them." The tablets cure all the minor ills from which infants and young chil- dren sufier, and are guaranteed to contain no opiate or harmful drug. Sold by all medicine dealers or hy mail at 25 cents a box hy writing direct to the Dr. Wiliams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Grateful To Canadians. London, Oct. "17 --A% a meoting of the board of directors of the Man- chester Chamber of Commerce a reso lution was unanimously adopted that the hearty thanks of the directors be conveved to the Montreal Chamber of Commerce and the committee of ar rangements for their laborious and successful efforts in organizing and carrying out the enterprising project of holding the congress of the Cham- bers of Commerce of the Empire on Canadian soil, and ales for the warm welcome and cordial hospitality ex- tended to the British delegates in every part of the Dominion. The Hamilton Trades and Tabor Council, at n meeting, last night, de cided to have candidates in' the com: WORLD TIDINGS OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. Despatches and Cullings Telling of Events Transpiring in All Parts of the Earth, James Little Plume has confessed to the murdér of seven persons at the In- dian, Reserve near Browning, Mon, Miss Bessie Quirk, daughter of J. E, Quirk, general baggage agent of the Grand Trunk. railway system, Toron- to, died lass evening. The skeleton of a youth of about fifteen years has been found by a gar- dener digging oun his property adjoin- ing the Humber River, near Toronte. The Bishop of the Diocese of New Jersey, has refused to appoint Rev. George F. Kettell, to the parish of Christ church, Elmira, N.J., as he is married to a divorced woman. Germany proposes to prolong the most favored nation agreement be- tween Great Britain and Germany, which expires December 31st. Canada will be excluded from its benefits, In an attempt by three officers to arrest negroes at Glassport, Pa., Wil- liam Shields, a constable, was shot through the heart and instantly kill- ed, and Peter Melvin, one of the ne- groes, was shot dead. William H. Kennedy, agent for the Lake Erie and Detroit River railway at Kingsville, Ont., ever since the road was constructed, died last night. Mr, Kennedy left a family of eight children. His wife died a few years ago. In the case of Hon. J. I. Tarte against Godfroi Langlois, editor of le, Canada newspaper, charged with hbelling the editor of La Patrie, no thing was done this morning, both sides consenting to an adjournment. James Watson, aged seventy-four, clerk of the township of Moore for thirty-five years and a life long libe- ral, is dead at his home at Bear Creek, near Sarnia. He was an inti- mate friend of the late Hon. Alexan- der Mackenzie. Frau Schumann-Heink has given up her contract with the Roval Opera company. Berlin, thus forfeiting her indemnity for breach of contract in or- der to sing in the United States, hav- ing been unable to obtain further leave of absence. E. C. Walker, head of the distillery interests of Hiram Walker & Sons, of Walkerville, has declined to accept the conservative nomination in South Es- sex, in opposition to M. K. Cowan, M.P., tendered him some weeks ago, at a convention in Kingsville. The executive committee of the Na- tional Trades and Labor Congress will wait on Sir Wilfrid Laurier on Mon- day, to present resolutions asking the government to recognize only the Na- tional Congress and ignore the Domin- ion trades. The plate glass window in Thomas Lee's jewelry store, Hamilton, was found broken early this morning, neat- ly cut with a diamond and the piece knocked in. A few gold filled watches and three or four umbrellas were taken. The umbrellas were found later on by some boys in a nearby alley-way. D. D. Mann, of Mackenzie in an interview, said that the firm had no intention of abandoning its transcontinental project. "It is our in- tention," he declared, "to have a line from the Atlantic to the Pacific. We hope to connect our Nova Scotia sys- & Mann, tam with that of the west." Country Harbor is spoken of as the Atlantic terminus. Questioned regarding the projected road from Hudson Bay to Mexico, Mr. Mann said he knw noth ing of it, but added that the Canadi- an Northern would extend from Win- nipeg to Hudson Bay; 300 miles is al- ready built. CE HAPPY SOCIAL FUNCTION. Concluded The Fete Days Queen's University. The Queen's University festivities concluded with a concert and promen- ade last night. Old Convocation Hall was filled to its seating and standing capacity by a happy throng. Sir Sandford Fleming, Principal Gordon and a number of the outside universi- ty delegates were in attendance. The contert was one of the finest ever given at Queen's. It consisted of ten numbers of which J. M. Sherlock, tenor, of Toronto, contributed four Mr. Sherlock never sang So well as be did last night. His pure, sweet and flexible voice held the close atten tion of the audience who demanded a return in each case. His numbers were "Sunshine and Rain (Blumenthal). "In Dreams I've Heard The Seraphs Fair," (Faure), "Adien Marie" (Adams), "The Students' Serenade" (Hatton), Miss Beatrice Tandy, of. the Ladies Musical Club, sang several sweet selec- tions. and Miss King of same club, con tributed an admirably rendered piano solo "Magic Fire Scene' (Wagner), Paul Hahn's 'cello solos were oreatly enjoyed. Ho plaved "Romance" (Gol- terman), and "Spanish Dance" (Pop- per). Miss Ethel Armstrong was vio linist and her rendition, with Miss Singleton at the piano of "Fantaisie" from Tell. (Rossini) was vigorously applauded. The concluding selection was a.trio by Miss Armstrong, Miss Singleton and Mr. Hahn, who render. od "Novelletten." (Gach). Miss Single ton and Mrs. Campbell wore the ac companists. After the national anthem, the large crowd proceeded to the new arty' building, where a promenade took place. Crosby and Thornton's orches- tra furnishing music for the numbers on the programme. In the large read ing room on the ground floor, refresh. ments were served hy a staff of alert waiters under the supervision ofo W, E. Whinton. T. Wl. Ferguson was the caterer. At midnight the music ceas- ed, and the three successful fete davis at Queen's were concluded At Underwear Requirements We are now prepared for a busy Au- tumn. We expect it and state again the fact that it will be hard to find va- lues like those we offer, choose from. to 40c., different" qualities. Underwear For Ladies and Children Children's Wool Vests, all sizes, from No. 1to No. 8, 5 qualities to Children's Natural Wool Drawers, soft and well shaped, from 20c. up Infants' White Cashmere Vests, sizes from 1 to 4. Children's White Unshrinkable Wool Vests, from sizes 1 to 8. Ladies' Vests axd Drawers, 25¢.,; 35¢., 43¢., 75¢., 63¢., 95c., $1.25. from. Hosiery For Ladies and Children Children's Ribbed or Plain Cashmere Stockings, all sizes, Prices range from 20¢. up, according to size, 6 qualities to choose Ladies' Black Cashmere Stockings, 25c. Ladies' Black Cashmere Stockings, 35¢., or 3 pairs for $1. Ladies' Black Cashmere Stockings, extra fine make, spliced ankles, double heels, 45c. and 49c. Ladies' Black Cashmere Stockings, fine makes, at 75¢. and high 20c., 25¢., sizes, 25c., 35¢, 45¢., 49¢. MILLINERY Ladios to our store this week will unite in saying we are a very busy lot. Style, Workmanship and Prices, He Learned A Great Truth. It is said that John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Wesley : "Why do you tell that child the same thing over and over in." "John Wesley, because once telling is not enough." It is for this same rensoit™ you are told again and again . that Chamberlain's Cough Rémedy cures colds and grip; that it counteracts any tendemcy of these diseases in to result s and that it is pleasant and safe ing elections. A committee will pre pate a list of available candidates. to take. For sale by all druggists, C stent with quality, all combined, we attribute the cause Kindly come in the forenoon those who can, so that Fou can get waited on more satisfactorily. ; _-- S.--New goods arriving nearly every Jdav Pearsall"s Milli s Millinery, 228 PRINCESS STREET. TO REXT, RESIDENCE. NO. 98 EARL STREET, Al improvements. E J.B. McRae, on the Boys' Stockings Boys' Heavy Ribbed Cashmere Stockings, double knees and heels, Iec., 49¢. Boys' Scotch Kait Wool Stockings, extra strong and durable, all JOHN LAIDLAW & SON... 170-172 Princess Street, Kingston. £L Your shoes properly fitted at the store. depends on a right fit, both for durability and comfort We have so many shapes, so many different widths and heels, we strongly advise all who possibly can to take time to have the shoe properly laced up and adjusted to the foot by the salesman who waits on them. Our New Fall Stock is Very Zoarge THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE EXHIBITION and SALE BRONZE ART 600DS From the leading designer of Japan KIRKPATRICK'S ue. COMMENCING TUESDAY, GCT. I3th. The public are cordially invited. FURNISHED without 438 So much Telephone y Rooms $1 per Day and Up) From Grand Central Stat marked way to erry,'"' and reach Hotel Emp 'all suriace cars of the Met cars Co.," pass Hotel I b t oL the Within ten minutes of amuse ving centres. A is the headquarts ne Ewnirs of New York Send for Booklet. w. Johnson Quinn, RAISED ON LACTATED FC The Healthiest, Plump Happiest Babies are Fed | LACTATED FOOD. Au DruccisTs. A SALE OF TIMBER BE PUBLIC NOTICE 18 HERE Jouneil, Red and Picater in the following | ths and areas, pamely Po THE DISTRICT OD NIP the ips of Hutton, : Eats Sb . nt Berths Nos. 195 and 301, the of, Kichoner and Roberts nit Epis ir » and the following cut and rem the Merrick, ), Stew " Th Osborne (part Di

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