m your floors and stle, neat as a pin. 3 COMPANY, al. \INE'S -LERY POUND osen Home e of Wo ty, Nobility ose in the r Walks of THE NERVOUS, PEPTIC, UMATIC RALGIC. Recommend It. POUND L EMPIRE, d 63rd Street, N.Y. City. hone in Every Room per Day and Upwards. id Central Station Broadway to Fort Lee each Hotel Empire in scv- take tars of the " Metropolitan pass the Hotel Empire int of the Empire is noted mce of its cuisine, its ef- and moderate prices. ry of choice literature ise Of our guests. has long been the favorite sts visiting the Metropolis oncerts every evening. minutes of amusement and for es. is the headquarters of the ety of New York oklet. nson Quinn, Prop. 1 Stock Exchange der the Laws of Massachusetts L $100.000 LLY PAID. 'ON' BRANGH ambers, Clarence St. British American Hotel. . MCKENNA, Manager. iraln and Provisions bought on BATEMAN \RRIAGE LICENSES, and FIRE INSURANCE OKER. 'Phone 396 28 Sydenham St 1en a child amberlain's e child be- upy cough never RF ? Sl . 4 fad = TN = \' kL =f / There is nothing lik household utensils... Tedo good light Soap for all household JR THE OCTAGON BAR. Sunlight Soap washes the ¢lothes white without injuring the hands. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED; TORONTO. fot # - or Soap for Household Utensils. . When you have to use bard Water it is not an easy matter to wash washing you should haye good soap and soft water "(gin water), If you use hard water you must have good soap, and the'best soap you can get is Sunlight. Soap because it softens the hard Water and makes a copious creamy lather. Use Sun- and the results will surprise you. 6a CUMMING'S™, Consumption Cure The Gleat Lung Tonic and i Wonderful Blood Purifier. 1s a guarknteed cure for Bronchitis and all Lung trouble, if taken in time. It is unsuinassed for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Disease of the Kidney, Liver and Bowels. Even rheumatism, that long dreaded dis- ease, can be cured, of no matter How long standing. It is ah indisputable medical fact that Rheumatisiu is eaused {rom acid in the blood. Cumming's: Con- sumption cure drives those acids out of the blood, tone up the whole system and insure strength and vigor to the human body, Leing composed of nature's own remedies" tweniy-one roots and herbs, some of whith are gathered Irom the West Coast of Africa. Cumming's Consumption Cure is man- wlactured by Cummings & Hunter Medicine Co. KINGSTON, ONT. And will be mailed free of charge to any part ol Canada on receipt of b50c. and $1 per bottle. None genuine with- out photo nf proprietor. ---- For Neuralgia. Lumbago, Sprains, 'Toothache or pains in_any part of the use Cumming's Electric Liniment. For sale hv James B. McLeod, Drug. Stove. Cor City Montreal and Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. Are You Ready? Rubber season will soon be here. Every one should have the best in. Rubber Footwear for economy's sake, : YOU CAN'T DO BETTER THAN GET BERLIN RUBBERS H. JENNINGS, King St. TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE = TO RENT All Kinds REPAIRED OFFICE SUPPLIES Telephone 480 | vengeance, / He says happy. ALL DRUGGISTS. SUNDAY STUDY. Hope son for November Ist Samuel xv, 1-12. The golden Exodus xx., 12. In this through evil. as graces and accomplishmen concerned. story is in eonnection mon was the son of one of there was constant jealousy Absalom after nothing about it, and vears for the house. order of succession he was 1 of the history entirely, death is not recorded.) tor his father had weaken wailing for David to die; himself 'the next king; wives, and Absalom of another, wailing opportunity, kided his hal. brother who he Fad invited to be his guest at a feast in his country Instead of being | third in .LACTATED FOOD 'nas made him healthy, strong and text lesson study of the life of David is resumed, and tells how Absalom hoped to gain i BABY SECRETS. Baby is imparting a secret to his mother, David And Absalom---The Latter's The Intérnational Sunday school les- is found in 11 & a Absalom was an ideal prince sp far ts were His first prominence in the with his mur der of the crown prince. Ammon. Am- David's and between the children oi the different wives of the harem. Ammon wronged Absa. lom's si:ter, Tamar, in a most out rageous way, and as David,who should have punished the offender, weakly did vowed OW (2) two the cond, (or perhaps first, for strange! enotigh, David's second son drops out though He probably hi 8 had his eye on the throne at this time. But, however, that may have been, he had killed the heir to the throne, and, fearing the indignation of the people, fled to Syria After three vears he was recalled by David, and in two vears more restored to full favor at court. But his respect l, and dur ing the vears of exile, he lost what little 1ove he may have had for him From the very day of his reinstate ment, Absalom seems to have heen Hotting to seize the throne. Hi: mo tives were probably four™ (1) A de sire to become king at once without on tempt for the way in which his fatier bad fallen under the influence of Bay sheba, the latest addition to his harem, and suspicion that David would make her child rather than (2) a feeling that David had wronged him in ban idiwg him for avenging the outrage to, Bis sister, which according to im memorial custom it was a kinsmen's duty to do; (1) a feeling not wholly cclish that he could and would gov- ern better than his father, whose sen i THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTO fmmm---- Ee mee = NEWS_OF FIRE THAT SWEPT. AWAY THE PAPER MILLS A Workman Of Many Years Saw The Buildings Burn Down With a Sad Hoeart--Died in New- burgh. Strathcona, Oct. 25.--On Sunday morning, about five o'dock, the nizht watchman at the paper wifl discover ed fire in the machine room. Not un: derstanding the working of the hore, he was some time raising an glarm and getting help. The fire bad gained such headway that it was impossible to save the mill. Mr. Finley is a heavy loser. Nothing was saved ex- cept an enormous pile of coal, beside the old furnace room, A large num ber of people are out of employment. George Dunlap has had charge of the beater room for twenty-five Fea in fact, he has been in the pill singe it was built nearly "thirty years ago. It was with a sad heart that he watch ed the place, where he had passed so much of his life, bein, destroyed, In fact, thery are mmny spd hearts here; for the means. of livelhood have been snatched from many people at the be ginning of winter. ne rs. Johnson, visiting for some time has returned to East Angus, Quebec. Mrs. J. Taylor is the guest of Mrs. Lott. Miss Cummings and Miss Mor- tons Kaladar, are the guests of Mrs. F. Cummings. E. Lasher and bride are settled in their new home. We are glad to welcome Mrs. | to this neighborhood. * F. Pybus * hip cow with her leg broken rec B. Rose has his sister from in Ed ward county visiting Li Uavy Is seriously ill; he is anx «0 sell his farm and stock. J. Rumsey has mov: «d from Galt to take possession of his farm. ; Elijah Wells, who came to Newburgh to consult Dr. Beeman about two months ago, was too ill to return home: he remained there with his sis ter, Mrs. E. J. Madden. On Sunday, ISth, after terrible suffering from blood poisoning, death put an end to his misery. s funeral took place the following Tuesday from his home, North Fredericksburgh, and was large ly attended. He was about sixty sears of age and unmarried. Two sis ters and a brother are left on the homestead; they will feel his loss very keenly. Mrs. H. Martin has returned from a visit to Brandon, Man; » was delizhted with the country. Miss Flossie Dunlap is in Napanee taking a' course in training in millinery in Mrs. Doxee's store. ee -------- FASHION'S FORM. a A Fall Suit Trimmed With Stitch- Here is a to | hooadd th pated, very good model for a fall made in a lightweight The little jacket is box- large pleats, and a1 it, ) vther stitched on the outside. The sole trim ming wo the entire suit is stitching. The collar, cufis, and around the edge of the jacket are stitched in a desirn making points. To do this evenly draw the first line in French chalk, and for the other rows use the guide on the sewing machine. The skirt is seven-gored, with a hip voke continuing around from t! + front width, and a circular floune i ched on in points. The edge of the slirt is finished with stitching.! A pretty flounee must always be worn under a jacket oi this description, as so much of it shows. Camden East Parish. Thanksgiving day was a red letter day indeed in English ehurch curcles. when two large congregations met to return thanks for the bountiful har vest. Rev. G. Ross Beamish, of Belle ville, was the special preacher, his «1 PRODUCE AND PRICES. The Rates Which Govern the Local Markets. Kingston, Oct. '27 duce market prices 1' tionary. Few changes Fruit--Grapes, 30 50¢. 'a bay; The local pro- in about sta- wre to be noted. o 40¢. a basket; atermelons; 10e. s. each; lemon, 200. to 25c. a dozen; bananas, Zk y 25c. a doen; California oranges, tc. a dozen; Ja- muica' oranges, Ue. a dozen. Vegetables--Votatoes; Ste: to-§--a bag; cucumbers, 1c. to 2e. peck; corn, 7c. to Se. a dozen; turnips and car. rots; 40c. to 0c. a bag; tomatoes, t0c. to SOc. a bushel; onions, $1.40 a bag. ng. rish--White fish, mackerel, salmon trout and pickerel, 12jc. a lb; had dock 'and 'cod, 10. a lb.; pike, Be. a lb: finnan: haddie, 10c. a lb.; halibut, 20¢. a lb.; + fresh ciscoes, Sc. a lb; Seattle salmon, 26c. a lb; salt cod fish, 7¢, to 15¢. a lb; kippered her- ring, 30. a dozen; oysters, 40c., B0c. and 60e. a quart; shell oysters, 20c. a dozen. Poultry--Chickens, 50c. to 70c. pair; fowl, 70c. to 80. a pair; ducks, 70c to 80c. pair; turkeys, 81 to $1.75 each, qoese, B0e: to 60c. each. Flour and feed--Bakers' strong and farmers' flour, $2.30 to $2.60 a owt. ; oatmeal and rolled oats, $4.20 to 24.50 a bbl; cornmeal, $1.40 to $1.60; | Hungarian patent, $2.30 to $2.40 a cwt.; bran, $18 to $21 a ton; straw, £3 to $4 a ton; new hay, $5 to $7 a ton. Grain--Wheat, Manitoba, No. ), Ode. a bushel; white, winter and Can adian spring, 70c. to 5c. a bushel: local soft wheat, 706. to 5c. a bushel; Northern, No. 1, 80c. a bushel; buck wheat, 50¢. a bushel; peas, Tbe. a bushel; barley, 420. a bushel; oats 98. a bushel; ve, 50c. a bushel. Meat=Lamb, Te. to Sc. a Ib.: pork, Se. to Ye. a lb; mutton, Ge. to Te. a b.: 'whole hog, live $6 a cwt.; dress ed hogs, $8 a owt. Hides-- These prices are given by John McKay, Brock street: Beef hides, Bic. to 6lc. a lb. kips, No. 1 6e. a lb; dekin sking; No. 1, 50c. to 60c. : veal, skins, T0c. to 90c.; lamb «kins. fresh, 56c. to 60c.; shearlings fresh, 50c.; tallow, rendered, 4fc. a h.: tallow, rough, 2¢. a Ib Butter. Wholesale--Creamery, 23c. a Ib. far mers' prinls, 20c. to 22. a Ib.; in rollg, 18. to 19¢. a Ib. Retail --Creamery, 25c. a Ib: farm ers' prints, 22. to 25¢. a Ih.; in rolls, 19. to 2lc. a 1b Eggs. Wholesale--Fresh, 20c. to 2le a dozen. Retail--Fresh,/23¢. to 25c. a doren packed, 20c. a dozen. Live Stock Markets. Monreal, Oct. 26.--About 800 head of butchers' cattle, 70 ealves and 700 sheep and lambs wore offered for sale at the East End Abattoir to-day. The birtchers wore out strong and ther was a good demand with firin pric paid for the best cattle, G ALWAYS SICK, CONSTANTLY TIRED Nerves on Edge, Appetite Poor, Sleep Disturbed=~¥ou Need mons were powerful and mueh ue ciated. At the 11 a.ow service inan: communicated; the decorations ad in excellent taste and the music good, At the 7:30 p.m. service the choir of BA - suel life had greatly weakened his Yarker and Newburgh came over to J . R C DOBBS & v0 character and made him lax . in the Camden East and assisted he . . . ¢ 3 | performance of duty. church, lit with electric lights. | oled 171 Wellington Street. Absalom's methods were those of |its. very best. The «lx ha ¢ eran Ca demagaseo. fe made the peaple reached Si with man i How STAMPS AND MARKERS. belisve mat De carod for them, |The 1citor and wardeas tu RURBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS [while he really cared only for himself. | thanks to the pari di oer vie i Bel IRAN Len, Marues, Hates, His plot was worked out in a master heruilty, Jo the o} ' o Biss Oifce' Stamps, ot6... Repairs pronwa | 17 way. and at the close of this _a- [30H Jlneh, | : F. thew JOHN OFFORD, Whi' fice. "on seems almost certain "uo succeed. exceller' tentleri urls, to the Lid « whe tec we church m---- ET ------ - = mm fn tacts and le Iped Lo wahe the success Waltham Lifelong free upon request. American Waltham Watches friends. : *The Perfected American Walch," an illustrated book of interesting information about watchez, will be sent Watch Company, Waltham, Mass. * The One Thiii Needed «Hi rederi-k Horden, minister of mili iv, has kf for a couple of weeks' at his home in Canning, Ye ut.oon hE 'Kectol,"" the mest sensible, practi cal and satidactory pile cure. Treat ment diferent from others. 5c. Wade's. vou want to L to an groon » care to Pp you 8 yoverish '.ood i: acconn wily ill. Take § I'c ille on will n i health V vaefited, vour hod pu vl Tvs strony ih 00 pil wt Wade' \ FERROZONE "The benefit 1 derived from Ferro zone," writes AL P. Whitehead, from Moncton, "is really marvelous. For two years 1 didnit- have one day's { freedom from headache side. | consulted doc and pains in | the back and i wirs in Montreal, but wasn't helped | 1 used Ferrozone, and am glad to say | my health is betfér to day than for | many years. {Yih ten pounds Virose and look and feel stronger. Fer yorome is tha best tonic I ever ued." Mix, Duncan W. Dunham, of Port land, writes © "Last winter 1 was at | tached do neuralgin and was run down in health. 1 used all sorts of mei 1 oes, but found BKervozone the Jed. at brought back my appetite und has made me strong, so that lon't expect to be bothered with nen ralgia or weak spells again." I'he cures of Ferrozone are lasting, bee muse it does its work thoroughly. ! it is a specie for all forms of skio | Cisenses, kidoey, liver, and stomach trouble. It cures hwadache aod lan {ud feeling in a short time, Ferro zone contains mom nourishment vitalizing properties than you can get in any other way--in short, it assures health and costs but 50c. for three weeks' treatment, or six hoxes for $2.50. At druggists, or by mail from and SPOOL SILK As Corticelli costs YOU no more than poor silk, why dorit you'bu Martel BER 27. =~ SPOOL shine. 100 11 for six of the RR best steers on the market. Pretty good tle sold at from 3c. to a little over 1c, and the common stock at from 21¢. to a little over 2c. to 3c, per 1h. There wen very few canning tock on the market to-day, The alves sold at from £3 to $10 each, nost of them being grassers which ell at from 2 to, 34e. per Ib; good cals bring from 4c. to 4c. per Ib Sheep sold at from 3c. to 3ic. and the at from 3je. to de. per 1h. Good ois of fat he Id at fro. Sle. to Sie. per Ib , weighed offi the cars Toronto Street market. Toronto, Oct, 26.~Wheat, white, bush., %2c.; wheat, goose, bush, 7 Oo The vheat, red, bush wheat spring, b Se, te 821 peas, bush. 76 oats, hush, Me. to 30c.; harley ash. 16. to Hk bush hay, timothy clover, ® S11 to 811.50 75 to 86: red othy, £1.10 81 50. Apples, per bush., to 81.25; dressed hogs, 87.25 to 87.75: eggs, por dozen, i to. Mk hutter, dairy, 19¢. to 2c; © butter, creamery to 2c; chickens, per Wh, 10¢. to Neg; ducks. per 15,, 106. to 11e.: geese, per Ih., Se: turkeys He to Mic potatoes, per b to The; cab hage, per dozen, "10c. to bbe; wili The. to $1; celery, : beef, foreguart 81.50 to $5; beef, hindquarters 87.50 to 8.50; beef, choice, carcase, 86 50 to 86.25: heel, medimn, carcase, $( to £7. lamb, yearling. 85.50 to Wh mutton, yearling £5.50 to $6.50; veal, 27 to 80. per ewt., Simply A Wonder, Peck's Kidney Pills are simply a wonder, . they act like magic in the cure of Kidney and bladder troubles For Lumbago, pain in the back, and all urinary troubles, they are unequal led. They cleanse the kidnevs, and thus allow them to purify the blood, instilling new lifs and vigor into the entire system. Each box contains two weeks' 'treatment, 25c. at Wade's. Kant Krack, Rubbers. Every phir guaranteed. Sold only at Abernethy. The Canadian Society, of Loudon, of which Lord Stratheona is presi dent, is making arrangements to hold a wid dav luncheon monthly in order to give Canadians an opportunity to meet. most perfert fitting truse made; Yuh wm weight; easily kept clean: will nover The Ferrozone company, Kingston, Ont. Gel a supply to-day. wear out. Sold only at Wade's. Common shoes sell by their ; Slater Shoes--price i | branded by their makers-must. . wear well. instantly that the shoe B ornot. Goodyear Welt means | smooth insole, flexible; A Slater For Men = EAA F. G. LOCKETT, Sole Local Agent. 'the "Delamotte' rubber trugs is the Gz IMB ' "» 4 Shoe Finish, Wear, Finishis the cheap- est part of a shoe= = wear is the dearest --Comfort the most difficult. Ig dH "r Your foot tells . © fits sional, ep Pi : strong a ¥ . A atasaiah | 3.50 _ For Women KANT KRACK RUBBERS "Every Pair Sold only by A. Aberne- thy, 127 Princess Street, headquarters for Triifiks and Valises, also Geo. A. Slater's Famous. Invictus : ell Bh Brand of Men's Boots, - A. ABERNETHY, Princess St, Kingston eee ---------- im ene. STOVES AND FURNA | ATTENDED TO Now is the time to have your Furnaces and Stoves : overhauled and cleaned. Having a competent sta workmen all orders I¢ft with us will be promptly attend- ed to and satilfaction guataoteed. dowpnit . ELLIOTT BROS 77 Princess Street. ®hone 35.