fe ange cnow how Already. RCH EEK ETHY'S ss Lace Boots own firms of 0., Hamilton, Toronto, Boston, Boston. ock will be for this week. ps this is a » save money. Kingston. --" ALE QUIRING 1 Tin. 0, ONT. The Dominion Line, Mo land. EXCURSIONS ren Prem. Western Points and Pacific Coast Until Now. 30th, 1903, Colonist Fares From KIN \ as follows : Seale, Vi Victoria, Veneer, Port: $46.30 Rossland, Neon, Taal, Robern, $43.80 For further information apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific ® BALES. REDUCED FARES PACIFIC POINTS Until Nov. 30th, 1903, Colonist Fares From KINGSTON TO Seale, Victoria, Vancouver, Pon. $46.30 San Prancisco, Los Angeles.......... Full particulars at K, & P. and ©. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. #. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR., Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt. THE BAY OF QUITE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all lo- cal points. Train leaves City Hall De wut at ¢ pm. F. CONWAY, Agent, J. Q. Ry., Kingston, DOMINION LINE _STEAMSHPS HALIFAX TO LVERPOOL. xDominton; .. 9, Noon BOSTON T '0' Li VE OL. Columbus, . .. . . «. Nov. 13 Commonwealth . .. «.Nov. 19 PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL. xNomadic, Nov. 14, xTouric, Nov. 21 AVONMOUTH DOCK AND BRISTOL. From Montreal. Ottoman ....Nov. 18 BOSTON TO MEDITERRANEAN. Vancouver, «+ Nov. 21 Storage and cool air. Cou storage. For further vatucalors apply. to J. P. HA J.P. GILDERSLEEYE 43 Clarence St. ntreal & Port- ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry. From Montreal From Quebec: Jonian, 7th Nov. 7:00 a Ionian, Hh, Jor. we p.m. Tunisian, 14th Nov. 7 'Tunisian, iatn Ro, "9:00 p.m. Parisian, 21st Nov., 7:30 a.m. Parisian, 21st Nov., 8:00 p. First Cabin. --Reduce winter ian: $55, and upwards, Tdi to steamer. Second Cabin.--Liverpool and London. derry, $87.50 to $40, according to stea- mer. London, .50 extra. Third Class. and $36; Derry, Belfast G1 ow, Through tickets to Sout MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, Corinthian, (dayli ht), . P. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R., ty Pola HARLizY 5 "p. eiLp BIEEVE. Clarence street. fd is we're Busy Selling Scranton Coal aa Phone 135. 0000000000 0000000000000¢ : 00000000 Metropolitan Stock Exchange Incorporated Under the Liws of Massachusetts CAPITAL $100.000 FULLY PAID. KINGSTON BRANCH Clarence Chambers, Clarence St. Opposite British American Hotel. "Fons 408. J. J. MCKENNA, Manager. Bouds, Stocks, Grain snd Provisions bought oo |uyin or for cash. JOHN H. MILLS The Leading Auctioneer. AND STRONG. Detroit Specialist Discovers Something tirely New for the Cure of Men's Diseases in Their Own Homes, You Pay Only if Cured Expects No Money Unless He Cures Yous Method and Full Particulars Sent Free =Write For It This Very Day A Detroit specialist who diplomas fi medical col Perfected sling method men in be no doubt in the mind DR. 8. GOLDBERG, The Possessor of 14 Diplomas and Certificates Who Wants No Money That He Doss Not Earn. both the mehod and the ability to do ashe Dr. Goidberg, the discoverer, il send send the entirely free to all men who send him their and address. He wants to hear from have stricture thut they have been ry Who cured, prostatic trouble, sexual cocele, lost manhood, emaciation of parts, impotence, etc. inethod not only cures the condition oat, but lie wise all the complications, pach as rheumatism, bladdef or kiduey trouble, heart disedse, nervins de! iy, etc, '['be doctor realizes that it is one thing to make claims and another thing to back themup, so he has made ita rule not to ask for mont} be 'cures 'you, snd wheh you are © rhat you will willingly pay hima ra Reh wp would seem, therefore, that it is to the best the He sends the method, as many on the subject, including he one that contain the 14 diplomas and certificates, entirely free, berg. 08 Woodward Ave , Room W' Detroit, Mich., and it will all immediately be sent This is cthing entirely new and well worth knowing more about. Wri at once. Scottish Soprano Vocalist Now booking engagements. circulars, and window cards. 809 University Ave. Kingston. Address WE SELL THE Finest Canadian Chocolates 40c. and 50c. per lb. --rT-- CHINESE LAUNDRY done up stylishly, with a take it to the "SING DOO LAUN or by leaving word, you will always go to Corner Barrie and Will'am streets. ELEPHANT ket, most durable, finest golors, and prices right. Sole agents for Kingston. A. STRACHAN, HARDWARE MERCHANT Bree Slack COAL $5 A TON FOR STEAM USE S. ANGLIN & & 00., Foot of Wellington Street. LET ME HAVE YOUR And I will guarantees you factory results. but perform the work. G. A. BATEMAN ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, CAN MAKE MEN SOUND SPORTING NEWS x a x Eo, ned their teams considerably, and the Jean Waldrum 'Andrews champions will have their work cut Terms, | The N.Y.A.C. REMEMBER ! i." 5 new stars on boys may be considered a strong fac- GANONG l tor in the' struggle for the ¢hampion- ship. 9 A. J. REES', Priacess $t. IF YOU WANT YOUR LAUNDRY) yards off, * | boat, and although they had no gun, will call for laun- they went alter the deer with the pur- @ry and deliver it again. With ene trial | pose of getting him, and they succeed- "SING DOO LAUNDRY" READY MIXED PAINT |..oc. chant, ieee Settled The very best paint on the mas- guests, who were watching the strug- We don't brag, Nothing sacrificed, but your best interest studied. W. J. MURRAY, The Auctioneer, na: LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE, ted 5 WILL SIR THOMAS LIPTON - CHALLENGE AGAIN ? { 3 mind, The Reliance Thought to be Good Enough for Another Contest-- The Hockey Teams of New York. If Sir Thomas Lipton challenges tie New York Yacht Club a fourth time for the America's cup--and many yachtsmen think it probable that he will do so-- official notice of his intention should be in the hands of ar officials in a short time, js' g from the record of past chal os from the same source. The first ballenge from Sir Thomes was pra- sented in person, by a committee from the Royal Ulster Yacht Club, on Sep- tember 3rd, 1898, after some corres. pondence between the two clubs end the challenger. The second challenge came on October 2nd, 1900, and the third on October 16th, 1902, with the request that the races be sailed in August, when it was believed that the yachts would be favored with songs er and steadier breezes. The result showed that they were but little bet ter than when the races were sailed a month later. The ten months' notice required: by thé deed of gift for a Finflange » has been waived heretofore, ps, Sir Thomas will take his tlt Ti mit of time, and not challpnge until late .in November, or even De cember, by which time he may have completed arrangements with George L. Watson, who, it has been reported, is willing to try his hand at another challenger. Yachtsmen in the United States declare that Watson should be the most likely map in Great Britain to design 'a successful ninety-icot yacht, for he has" had a great deal more experience with large racing yachts 'than Fife, Moreover, the yachts he has sent for the cup have done the best work of all that have crossed the Atlantic, for that pur pose. Watson designed the Thistle in 1887, Watson designed the Thistle ia 1892, Valkyrie III, in 1894, and Shamroci: II, im 1901. The challenge for the Thistle did not come until March of 1887, and the race with the Volunteer was wailed in September. Lord Dunraven's challenge for Valky- rie Il was received in Novembee, 1892, She met the Vigilant in October, 1893, Watson was also the designer of the Britannia, 'a notably fast cutter, now owned by King Edward VII and the Distant Shore, now called the Karaid. There are many yachtsmen in the United Stated who believe that, with the Reliance put in first-class condi- tion again, there would be no need of building a new boat next year for the defence of the cup. Hockey In New York. New York, Nov. 13.--Ice hockey, which has been steadily gaining in pa pular favor ax h winter sport in this city, promises to be more popular than ever the coming season. The five clubs which compose the New York 1 eague-- the Crescent A. C. champions for three years; the N.Y.A.C.,, the srooklyn Skating - Club, the St. Ni cholas Skating Club and the Hockey Club of New York--have all stren, th. out to win the pennant for the fourth will probably lose one players in America in Howard. The Mercury however, has secured two jrom the Canadian it is probable one of these players will succeed Howard as captain. Canada has always turned out the strongest team, and with these two the team the N.Y.A.C. of the best Capt. Tom Foot teani, players How A Dger Was Killed. Utica, N.Y., Nov. 13.--Miss Kate Butterick and: her escort, Willard Ames, both residents of Malone and members of a house party at Indian Lake, in the Adirondacks, were stand ing on the shore of the lake early last Wednesday mogning when they saw a large buck deer in the water, twenty They lost no time in getting into a ed. Keeping the boat between the deer and the shore, they so tired him that he made little resistance when Mr. Ames seized him by the horns and kept his' head under water until he was drowned. The buck was then towed to the gle, warmly congratulated the occu- pants of the boat upon their success. an ---- An Enemy Of The Race That destroys thousands of constitu- tions every day--catarch. Perhaps you are one of its victims. Have you head- ache, droppig, in the throat, bad breath, co! ? These are sure symp- toms. Cure it now by inhaling Catarr- hozone. It's a meverfailing remedy. Cures the most chronic tases in a few weeks. Use Catarrhozone, the medi cated air treatment, for it is guaran- teed to cure all forms of catarrh in a short time. gists sell it in two sizes, 25¢. and "Rectol," the most sensible, practi: cal and satisfactory pile cure. Treat- different from others. 50c. Wade's.s Never ask a man how he likes mar- ried life in his wife's presence il you want to hear the truth. The temple of success newspaper columns. is reared om Infants Rubber Diapers ON THE STAGE, How The Encore Fiend Spoils x Peace and En'oyment. "The Wizard of 02" is more than duplicating, in the principal cities, its phenomenal success of last scason in New York: A modern comedy in four asta, writ- ten by Mrs. Craigie for Nethersole, will be called "The Flute of Pan." It is is to be first perform. ed in "Little Hans Andersen" is the: title adopted Basil Hood for the piece whiel W liam Greet is to pro: duce for a series of childrem's mati- nees at the London Adelphi-atChrist- mas. oq The New York theatre managers are in a state of bewilderment as to the cause of the sudden crop in their business.' It camo last week without warning. What caused it so far re mains a mystery. The St. James' Gazette says: The actor who bemoans the good old days is an ingrate deserving to be kicked. A ffth-rate comedian is better off to- day, than the geniuses who braved the stormy times of the eighteenth century. Sir Henry Irving went upon the stage in 1836, consequently should he retain active for three years more, he will have been treadine the boards for a full half 'century. There seems now no reason to fear that he will not attain this honorable dis- tinction. It is obvious throughout "Mary of | Magdala," that in the mind of the author; Paul Heyse, Mary is ut a secondary figure, and it takes all the art of Mrs. Fiske to invest her with dramatic interest. Few scemed to reas lize that the play was built around Judas. J. M. Barrie is a lucky man. At the present moment he has two plays running in London, the royalties from which bring him in perhaps as much as £250 a week, and in addi- tion his income is increased by the royalties on his other works now bes ing performed in the British provine- es and in America. The Montreal Star unmercifully roasts the '"'encore fiend." Referring to. "The Chined» Honeymoon," it says: "One night this week--just an ordinary, average night--there were twenty-five encore numbers in the first act, and thirty-two in the second, a total of fiftv-seven. The leading hand- banger is always furious in his en- thusiasms, he arouses a spirit of emu- lation in the young and unsophisticat- ed in the very intensity of his appro- bation. Given half-a-dozen of these en- core infected persons they can destroy the peace and spoil the enjoyment of any evening, in fact they not only can, but do." Ibsen, the Norwegian dramatist, it is claimed has exercised more influence over the drama of Europe, both on its technical apd ethical side, than anv man since Shakespeare. It has been his good fortune to achieve this dur- ing his lifetime, whereas, Shakespeare did not begin to exercise an influence outside England until nearly two hundred years after his death. Techni- cally Ibsen has taught men to tell a story with vast ramifications, in the simplest and most direct manner. He has taught them how to give enorm- ous significance to the written phrase. On the ethical side We has impressed vlaywrichts with the necessity of deal ing with weightier matters if the the atre is not to be abandoned wholly to singers and clowns. 2 The Old Farm. Jlaliis W. Field, jn zhe Qu Quincy Whig. old farm house I In its Mod dark eaves ry twittering It ra long ago; And 1 breathe once more the south wind's balm And sit' and watch in the twilight's calm, The bat flit to and fro. The white cows lie at the pasture bars, And Joe dairy, cool, with its tins and jars, Is stored with curds an: T here' u i Someboyy patting dine he things to And Hough the window 1 see a light, From the tallow candle gleam. The rden is rich with old-time bloom, And I catch, in fancy, the faint perfume Of blossoms dank with dew And over it all the starlit dome, And round about it the peacé of home-- How it all comes Back to view ! The night wind stirs in ela and oak. And up from the mill pond comes the croal Of the bullfrog's rich bassoon: And T catch the gleam, as over the brink There peeps with tremulous, shivering blink The rim of the crescent moon. It all comes back from the dusk of time, With the mournful cadence and swell of rhyme That is hall remembered ktill-- Like Fi measire from 'some forgotten ain That gly COmen fin again, And under a dusky. Ere It, mingling, floats the X laintive erv Of the desolate whipspoar-will. rp ------------ Animals And Telegraph Poles. Springfield Republican. 'A strange thing is the effect ~ of electrical cnergy om birds and wild beasts' says a lineman. "Woodpeckers are continually tap- ping teligraph poles. 'In' the country you will find everywhere honey- combed by the sturdy bills of wood peckers. The birds mistaké the hum- ming inside the poles for the hum- ming of insects, snd it id to get these supposed insect that they make their perforations. Bears, on the oth: er hand, think the humming comes from the bees, and overturn the stones at the polt's' in their en- deavor to get the honey. Wolves are afraid of the sound.' 'A_wolf 'won't go near a ydogtaph pale uwiider any cir- cumstances 'A Passing Gleam, W. J. Fleming in The Living 80 be thou content, the dusk of the ie or abho rise aware that the w. Of thy feet was. the way of the Lord. if thou Now, at ye Whate'er it has witnessed of quty mise don rred, Thou still art the stronger at moon for Bot a moment, | Content, for some space of seli-conquest, shortlived. yet cot Hh FOLLOWING SUMS ARE THE MINIMUM ACCEPTED FOR PLAY: Te rr ana war of For a play on each hones . jt fo hor 2 a a Hay on such hots horse ...8 73 fou a By so much Sheu, art 4 pe heav'n, | For a 30 Bry on each horse a on each horse i di For . \ hy ht 10 Yi Gay Company. 93 Cane ur ew Orleans. A ie Maxiz & Gay be opi t track by the i & Gay Co., and Week's "Break Up # Cold Tablets" | make all accoun be plants. The Maxim & Gay Co. assumes all sures a cold while os 26¢. 'at uk te oleate' § No greater opportunity has ever been afforded the Ameri to earn a steady income with a small capital vse fink you at New Orleans, beginning Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 26. = Everybody conversant with the history of the Maxim & Gay Co. at New Orleans it has scored those sensational suc a household word among patrons of the turf. No cord : aumber of winners named at long prices at the Crescent City. Our ready on the ground preparing for the opening. Every in k passing our best efforts ia furnishing information from. that track and we are certain we will enable patrons of the Company to win steady incomes on sm vestments there. " EL $60 NETTED 201.] 3: FEE par' Sein oh La Wm Jive ia ca Series" dur (Note fal to begin with of a8 & Tatler ¢ oy $10 play on each horse considered by us a good bet: L) I The system we employ to locate winners id identical with Gates, W. Langdon, os, Yonge, and other famous plungers year, and Jangdel. proves just - SUT, ait s gather o oral on of pros the horses in Abeir af -morning trials, The money that is os)) ma into ini: oh are bound to be, on into the clientele, stands at the head, The wor tely good and the Western J try with as much transactions in the bet ther transactions this is whose involved transactions are on. their minds, day and Our Clients Won a As it is well known that our clients have solipetivel do not Maxim uh SEE ET ER rua The answer is simple enough if one stops fo i the sit organization, capital and piverjsing, have secured an enormous capital. If we can pick this immense : our 'awn money. Only; for ona badls of 3 por sion, one man out every four for the benefit of the public as stuck to as for two months ever failed to get Winn stables of racshorses and who are cuttin cher pal hich ge such tha prind upon w we operate in that we come, as pointed out, is derived solal vou win, our estive incomie is out The grea in the history of it will ois my Ta. of the year and prepared for it. So have we. ered there before, we h have Bors ex ot cann. the game, boo ou want to those J we t Al betting pr we consider tions un ut Jeans ab soon pa yout an. F wil be u oh Fh ing begin reaches us hore hg 2: . - it in registered letter. Ui ed bank draft, express money o To MAXIM & GAY CO. (Incorp.), 928 Canal St., New Orleans, Town or City s THE SANITARY RUBBER CO. oan. , (Lady agents wanted)