Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Nov 1903, p. 2

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«Fig TN ik 7 fF i 4 2 £Fiis F il 4 hi ti} 5 on ad 2 is $ g 2 8 : £ g - ids In 1882 the rate of taxation was onk that an jot sixteen mls am Golan, sow 0 is , after twenty mi ls. eo thought executive committee, so that The city as a ool Sour ht copies of the bylaws, |, every alderman; it would result in of 'similar organisations obtaiving a hetter class of men iu the an association in | council. , alto, there are too be of the greatest | many allormen at t.: He could ths 2 owners, could profit by it. to zation be f £ ; it EF g 2 ¢ EF § | : F is fils i g 2. 2 i g : Ss oT " i i 7 tr 3 5 LY 3 iis iF p 2] presen | not see that the councils covld have done only to lose it said ppd ty. that while miftes" to complete organization : J. Carson, J. McKelvey, Capt. Gi ' an J. Db, son, R. 1 A N.C. Polson, representati f this commi orm was hot Meek was named as mitlee, so wi W.- Pp, 'membership the withdrew, Aion the recent would on the committee, take had been made in appoin committee before organization been completed. All could do would as Grimshaw, D. Geol 'Melahon, Ti. N. Rob Cann, Dr. Brown. by Mr. Carson that ves from each ward ! ttee, but this advice, Alderman member, but considered it inexpedient for an alderman 16 act on the com- Nickle was also named for 1 committee, but that in view of the! trend which eortein speeches took at 0, meet meeting in Rideau ward, be Jaexpaient for him to act R. F. Elliott considered that a mis- nt os the committee _be to work up enthu- of Interest to the People. ion is essential to success. ! I Creme 'Cross Be sure Whig on A copy Store. | Saturda; of Successful political. orators a thing. from Chickering's. Orders received a MecAuley's. this afternoon at {0c it Cross Drug Store. magistrate at the morning. Apples sold on the market Potatoes, purest and best. Crawford. Score cocart, Uity: hall, Nov. 30th. As long as there is hope, there will fortune - tellers, Dentifrice tooth paste, 20c. buy the twelve page the elleville Ontario, of Rugust 15th, reached the Whig office ay. say things that sound well and mean no- Henry Cunningham, piano tuner, ie board of works was summoned four Flannel covers for hot water bottles, Red A cléan sheet greeted the police police court this this morning for $1 a barrel, a very rea. "She Died In The Hospital During the y ) oath of Mrs. 1, wife of Prof. J Marshall, 171 Union street. She the birth of an infant. Tecen aq Ras aged thirty-eight years, is: city, a daughter of the late Capt. W. Givens... She was =» te of Queen's University, of the class of 1887, where 'she took 'a good cotrse, witining, in her last year, the scholar ship in history. It was there she met her husband and shortly after duation ed by her husband, four daugh- ters, the Shicst, of wham, Nobel, i fourteen, and youngest four, an one son, Harold, aged twelve, who, to add to the thetic situation, is confined in the Hotel Dien with scar- let fever and cannot be told of his mother's death. She is also survived by two brothers, D. A. Givens and W. R. Givens, of this city, and two sisters, Mrs. M. Neilson and Miss Givens, St, John, N.B. Mrs. Mar- shall was interested always in philan- thropic and charitable work, and was a lady of quiet, lovable qualities. In their afflistion the husband, children and relatives will have the sincere sympathy of many. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. t g- siasm. "B a mestin p ili tizens eting of Women's Auxili- : Not too' beh, The Victoria Ward Ignored. AEC. hall, Priday, at 3.30. | Accusation Preval AR. | fault could . { » + welcome. . Tt 3 The ci the cit | The Real Estate Owhery Aanosiac Der nefer was a man so lazy Mot he| Kingston, Nov. 19.--(To the Edit- blame: they kad the in eto Hen gov 1 atin tae 3 a. , vould nod vork a friend--Dinklespiel { ov) : Is not the old conception of own 3 bert hl emady - r art ' - dos i ight's mise! 08: Pe -- in Chicago Examiner. : loyalty to the state sadly on the it. The many bonuses giv PPIX. | ming ted that the So mattite be com. ' pro day T. H. Ferguson shipped to | wane ? Surely it is, and the prool blame dor hich-rute rr to in rhe a it on F-onth word a fine © wedding cake, for use | can be found right at hand in our The real estate owners had failed red t the ey atives yd t followed. there to-morrow night. municipal affairs. Is something not aol fight . to The Buggeition was ao in this , We sell fine high grade ready-to-wear wrong when people are anxious to go had : e bonus- ar Sydeuh ns; One io. 1: St. Clothing cheaper than any other store | into the Witness box . and give evi the city carried and overs Janne : Rleubau, he 2 ron fonag. i 8 Kingston. Roney & Co. dence to the detriment of their city? city. In the opinion of 3 wrence, 2 tara, ™ nae, When an old chap marries a young | I attended the non-jury sittings of th assessor Gordon's work | 3; Rideau, 4; Victoria, h > 'A8t | woman he must feel like a man who | high court last Monday afternoon an was away ahead of the svatem which | named ward had Be or six Jepreuta: has robbed his best friend. theea questions struck me with great in operation. Intitty a . 8 a ha W. H. Reid, cattle exporter, to-day | force : Why are citizens so disloya) Rtg t posomo- es brig ee tat ignor. shipped a car logd of hogs to Mon- | that they will abuse their city for the rade, y - association soeaker | 'that some one point out how city council or of trade remiss in their duties. Cast No Reflections. Mr. Carson said he did not have any intention of eastiog reflection upon either the board of trade or city coun- of the as every property all that was desired was to have them work together for the. city's best interests. Capt. Gaskin pointed out that when he was mayor in 1882, the debenture debt of the city was only $401,000; now it is $082,746.98. But he wold not say, like some, that the city was going So the dogs. py rene] t was made up largely of bonuses, but of the amount, $257,000 resented the water works debenture t; "this investment for the water works de of $725,000 remains, showing that since 1882 the city went behind by £324,580.27. In 1888 the city Jutel $i gp Lo the Napanse & Tam- wo! Rail eompany; tl Aptaleer had posed the bonus tooth and nail. is bonus would cost the city $1,076 each year for twent. years. In 1897 the city granted $25 to the Mocers' Flovator company, which | saddled the city with a yearly debt 'of $1,842 for twenty years. The fair added 7. more to the » at a yearly outlay of $1,252. The oy vote for either of by-laws. The M.T, Sombany. received a bonus of $35,000, 8d cost the city $2,578 a year for twenly years. This was one of the best paying investments the city had over snternd into. The ~amelter site coat: the city $9,000, and added $810 8 year. to the city's burden. Next coma (ueen's College of $50, 000, costing the city $3,681 for twent Sous. 'this was also a good invest ment, the city getting a good retumn for the money. The onl enterprises the speaker had favo: had turned out to be good ones; those he fought had proved trous to the city's interests. These total debentures gach $211,000, costing the city $14, a r to carry. A to these were public school debentures of $36,000. }igh school, $21,000, and lo- eal Tmprovements, $30,000. Another matter which the speaker had notice of interest to ratepayers was the fact that for three years there remained in uncollected taxes $34,000. Then, again, in the last budget of the city council was an item of $6,000 for con- ingencies. When he was mavor in 1 the Joly vm of contingencies was one of for the general hos pital, now $3,995 a year is handed out to local institutions and societies. bentures, a otherwise than they did; aldermen bad not' robbed the city. The sity had been unfortunate, that the to: deaft by-laws, ob- ; A ol Toei Re PF. 'the Aho meet : i : - i ij tive of the city as a whole. PERSONAL MENTION They Are Saying and Doing. Mrs. P. Shannon, Albert street, is visiting her son at Spencerville, Ont. merchant, returned yesterday yuginesw trip to Montreal. © Pr. Th is recovering from a se- vere cold, which has confined him to his room for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Scott and Mr. . 'RW. McConville, Kineston, were in Belloville on Tuesday. Allan Houghton, street railway mot- ornan, is confined to his room, suf- fering from thé effects of blood pois- ouning in his foot. Un November 10th, 1888, Sir John A. Macdonald attended the funeral of "iss Macdonald, of Kingston, the last I his immediate family, ~ wt ---- \ For A Bad Cold. If you have a bad cold you need a rood reliable medicine like Chamber ain's Cough Remedy to loosen 'and re- lieve it, and to allay the irritation and inflammation of the throat and «ngs. 'The soothing and healing pro- perties of this remedy and the quick from a ite everywhere. For sale by all drug- rite. Many Happy Returns. etiger agent, Kingston and Pem- broke railway, at Kingston, Ont. born at Ermesttown, Ont., November, 19th, 1850, M.\J. Butler, chiel engineer Loco- motive & Machine company, of Mon- treal, at Montreal, born at Deseron- to, Ont., November 19th, 1856. Your Choice For $15 Only. Worth $18 To $20. Prevost at the New York clothing store, Brock street, will make to or ler a suit or overcoat for $15, guar anteed first class fit and good trim- assortment to choose y rom for suiting and overcoating. Regret His Leaving. To-night in St. Luke's church the united congregations of Christ church, ataraqui, and St. Luke's church will "id farewell to Canon Cooke, who has been in charge of these churches. He will be presented with a complimen- tary address and a purse of gold. Both congregations regret his leaving. ------ Kant Krack Rubbers. Sold only at Abernethy's. ---------- The Lipton is the latest in qver- coats. Come in 'and see the most dressy coat in town, Roney & Co. Chest protectors, chamois and felt. Red Cross Drug Store. A STRONG STAFF. The Power Of Poor Food. "Some years ago when we lived in New York city husband and I lost four of our little ones during the hot wee- | "When we moved to Vineland, N.J., we made the acquaintance of the food Grape-Nuts. It was here that our little irl; Majuba, was born, but she was so rail and 'skinny' that we feared we would lose her as we had the other babies. When she was ei arms she is is so firm, "Fam convinced = that Grape-Nuts with a little white sugar and boiling water would save many a poor baby's life during the hot weather when milk is aur ond the Hott ones avfier most "After sec the power Tape | Nuts upon our little girl my husband | began its use last summer when we Pa.. Though was ashing tho Bardi tl was al ing work. digging di time he felt strong and well > ed. The committee is not representa- Movements of the People--What Joseph Silver, the Princess street ures which it effects make it a favor | F. Conway, general freight snd pas | i ' secretary and E. Lyons, financial - treal. The animals yere all prime. A cut having no 'reference to to belong to the advertisement. Credit sale farm stock. implements, ete., at the residence of Walter Monk, Pittsburg, on Monday, Nov. 23rd. Wm. Murray, .Jr., auctioneer. .-W. Phillips, superintendent of parks, and party, on a deer hunting expedi- tion to the north country, have re- turned home with the regulation al- lowance of carcases. Regular meetings of Amherst Island Farmers' Institute will be held at Em- "heese factory on Wednesday, Nov. 25th, and Stella town hall, on Thursday. Nov. 26th. Derangement of the liver, with con- stipation, injures the complexion, .in- duce pimples, sallow skin. Remove the cause by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. Try them. Grand Opera House. Another large audience greeted Marks Broa' Dramatic company last night. The play was "The Montana Queen," with Miss May A. Bell Marks as "Hulda," the mountain pirl, and Arnold C. the hero. W. C. Millard, as the Duteh. man, kept the audience convulsed in laughter throughout the performance. Ho is a very clever impersonator. The other members of the company sus- tained their parts most creditably. The arena contortionists were espe- cially good. But the illustrated songs iby May A. Bell Marks, captured the of the audience. The specta- | tors joined in the choruses, and en- joyed the recreation. The pictures were in themselves very beautiful. To- night the attraction will be "A Moth- ers Heart." Last night the house was well filled. Says She Was Married Before. David Wilson, a Wolfe Island farmer, "hes turned up to accuse Myrtle Eliza. beth Clark; married to Burton Hy- land, of Cataraqui, a day before he was arrested, for cattle stealing, with being a Ligamist. He says he was mar- ried to her by the Rev. Isaac Wheat- ley, of Wolie Island, on July 25th, 1901. He only lived three days with ker she haviog refused to leave her parents for his home. The Clark fam- ily removed to Kingston and 'then to Cataraqui. Rev. J. D. Boyd, Kingston, conduéted the second marriage. Wilson is seeking law. He says endeavors are | being made to try to get him to live | with her again, but he has positively declined. The much married young wo- man is only iu her twentieth year, | is twenty-four years old. Married On Tuesday. A happy event occurred at the home of John McVeen, Johuston street, at " high noon, on Tuesday; when his daughter, Miss Susie, was united in marriage to G. H. Strawbridge, of Stratford. The ceremony was perform- od by Rev. J. D. Boyd, Zion church, assisted by Rev. J. Cumberland, Stel- la, former pastor of the bride, in the 'presence of about thirty-five relatives and friends. The presents were very numerous and pretty. After lunch the happy couple took {he 3.920 G.T.R. train amid a deluge of rice. They will {spend a fouple of weeks visiting | friends before 'going to their home in Stratford, Ont. - Officers Chosen. Nominations for officers of the C. M.B.A. were made last night. Acelam. ations were accorded to Lawrence O'- Brien, president; M.' Nolan, recording soc. retary and delerate to the mext con- vention, The election of the other of- ficers will occur two weeks hence. Added To Staff. Guards Caughey, Dean and Doyle have been to the permanent staff at Kingston penitentiary. Sheit pe! ency dates from Novem- Stop That Cough. The "Diamond" Cough ives at once, composed prvi in eeleen . valuable mpane, horehound and other , Pleasant to take Doss small, 25¢c. and 50. at Wade's, Se ------------ the goods advertised will probably not do the same service as one which seems Baliwin as Jack Truesdale, | benefit of a stranger ? And have law- vers no pride for their native place or loyalty to it, and are they willing to take un an outsider's case for the filthy lacre, giving all their energie: to fighting 'against their city? If J was a lawyer, no aid would I ever give against my city; outsiders woulc be left that work. As a citizen, I am too loyal to raise my voice against Kingston in any sidewalk case. 1 was glad to see in your paper a reference to the duty of citizens in reporting loose or broken boards in sidewalks, I know of lots of cases where people will grumble over little defects and perhaps "dangerous spots, but they will never report them to the proper citic authorities. Let every citizen arise to the sense of his res ponsibility, and if he does Kiagstor will begin to climb the hill of pro- gress. ~LOYALTY, Cooke's Church Additions. The extensive repairs to Cooke's church, decided upon last spring, have been about completed, and the. edifice is in fine condition. In another si weeks the new carpet will be laid, anc then the ladies will take hold of the organ problom. Down-town this morn ing, a Cooke's church member looked very happy in the midst of a grou; of eo-religionists from Chalmers ahd St. Andrew's. "Just wait for an- other * year," he said with upraised hand, "when we get all the frills and tucks completed. Then we'll hold ow heads as bigh as the rest of you stiff necked and pompous people." Is Your Catarrh Any Better ? You ought to treat it now, the wea- ther is so favorable. In the winter you catch cold, nose and throat are kept inflamed despite all you can do. Now there's that delightful remedy, sc pleasant to use and so efiective--Cat- arrhozone. . In the Summer it ou vatarrh in a very ort time. ou see it heals, then removes the cough and bad breath, in fact I cannot sav too much in its praise; it's just splen- did. I am sure vour druggist sells Catarrhozone and recommends it also. 25e. Awaiting The Outcome. Residents of Portsmouth are anxi ously awaiting action by the civic finance cominittee regarding the pro- posed scheme of annexation. They hope the matter will be in shape to | have a by-law submitted to the vil- lage ratepayers at the January elee- tions. As far as known, the finance committee has not yet considered the matter, Life's A Burden. If the stomach is not right. Is there Nausea ? Is there Constipation? Is the Tongue Coated ? Are yeu Light Headed? Do you have Sick Head- ache? Any and all of these denote Stomach and Liver Disorder. Dr. Ag new's 'Liver Pills act quickly and will cure most stubborn and chronic cases. 40 in a vial for 10c. Sold by Henry Wade and H. B. Taylor--T77. ---------------- To Be Wedded To-Night. The mariage will take place to- night of Miss Baliantyne, daughter of City Messenger Pallantyne, and Rob- ert Shaw, son of Abraham Shaw, in- gpector of customs. The cere 3) will be performed at hali-past nine. have Sn te ots of ay ast | SCOTT'S EMULSION oo makes pale, thin children fat Remon for onions, | and chubby. Opyercomes in. by applyi mam's Com sad| Wasting tendencies and brings Vert Steirig. Ditmas Com tad back ny cheeks and" bright never burns, always cures prom i " i and efiectually. Use only "Putnam's," | €yes. a + Marine Notes, It's surprising how quickly wSrmutond's hart onichooner Trade-| children respond to Scotts Richardsons' ovate : WIE Soa Emulsion. It tains just Myles due from Fort Willia ith 40+ 000 bushels of wheat. ra. 5 Credit sale farm stock; implements, known as the late ote; at the farm James Scott far | had been ill since Monday, following her, they were married. She is Thompson, wife of Dr. Thompson, re Robert Hurdman, the well-known lum- berman. at the lowest prices is the secret of our success. Roney & Co. his wifé because the telephone won't work, when he doesn't dare ask cook for hot water to shave. the element of noupish 'their little bodies need, They thrive on it. baby's bottle have a notice- able effect for good. . Nothing better than Scott's Emulsion | ' Coughing is the outward sigy 4 of inward disease, Cure the disease with Shiloh's | --~Onsumption Cure The Lung Tole and the cough will stop, Try it to-night, Are you thinking of buying a Piano? if so, why not buy the best? Don't j.waste of good money on a poor instru. nent for the sake of a small difference in rice. Examine the unexcelled MASON & RISCH PIANO. Head office and Warerooms, 32 King St., West, Toronto Catalogue and particulars, frees. D. A. Weese & Co., 121 Princess St., Kingston, Agents. TIME FLIES Jhristmas Cards and Calendars for 1904, For South Africa and Australia should be mailed this week: ' Beautiful Calendars from 5c. up. ward. Make your selections now. v Block Calendars Nork, for = Fancy * ~. NISBET, The Corner Book Store. CHINESE LAUNDRY IF YOU WANT YOUR LAUNDRY 'one up stylishly, with a good finish, ake it to the "SING DOO LAUNDRY," or by leaving word, will call for lave iry and deliver it again. With one tris! vou will always go to "SING DOO LAUNDRY" Corner Barrie sad Willlam streets. G. A. BATEMAN ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE BROKER. Office, 61 Clarence street. 'Phone 398 Bvening address, 88 Sydesham St DIED IN JOHANNESBURG. Dr. H. H. Hurdman a Victim of Prneumonia. News has reached Ottawa of the death of Dr. H. H. Hurdman, son of the late Charles Hurdman, of Aylmer and a brother of the late Dr. Hurd: man of Ottawa, who some time ago died in Brandon. The late Dr. Hurd: man died in Johannesburg, South Af- rica, where he had been for the past veer. Dr. Hurdman was for some time in Dawson City, where he was at- tached to ihe hospital of the North- West Mounted Police. | It was 'while there that he contractéd pmeunionia, a second attack of 'which resulted in his death in Jolanneshurg. He was thirty-three years old = and leaves three surviving, brothers, «Charles G. of Renfrew, W. 'H. of Ottawa, and J. A. of Ottawa. His sister, Mrs, W. A. sides in Dawson, where she has been for some time. He was a nephetv of Kant Krack Rubbers. Sold only at Abeérnethy's. Selling thoroughly reliable clothing It's funny how a man will blow up the t Even a few drops in the | AY, 2 Western Points and P Until Nov. 30th, » KIN Sein ctoris, Rone 20m Trail, Rot ERE For further information a J. P. HANL] City Pass 1908, Colonis \ as follo Vancouver, | Kingston & Pembroke ¢ * Pacific Railway REDUCED F PACIFIC * PO) 30th, 193, Coloniet KINGSTON TO Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Pe land A Util Nov. Nelson, Trail, Robs 0. i iiiinenri rasan Anaconda, Butte, Helena, Colors Sptiogs, Denver, Pueblo, 8 ° DO. P. R. Ticket Office, Onta F, CONWAY, F. A. FOL + Gen Pass. Agt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAI SHORT LINE FO Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto eal points. Train leaves Oi 708 at 4 pm. F. CONW 3.Q. Ry., Kingston. DOMINION LIE STE HALIFAX TO LIVER xDominion, De B 2 N_ To Live xNomadic, Nov. xTour: 14, AVONMOUTH DOCK AND From Montreal. Ottoman : f BOSTON TO MEDITERE VanoouVer; ... vc ou we 5s... *Uoid Storage and cool als xOold storage. For further Fors Shinar 4 Y afuighinsial Rio? ALLAN LJ Liverpbol and Londonderr) From Montreal: Fron Parisian, Nov. 21, T a.m., No New York to Glasge Laurentian, ... .. .. Nov. | First Cabib--$45 and up Cabin--$35. 8rd Class, $36. J. P. HANLKY, cu ES Depot. . - ALEEVE. Clarence street. ET HOTEL EMF Broadway and 63rd Street, | in Every Roor Rooms $1 per Day and Uj From Grand Centfal Sta ars marked ** Broadway to Ferry, and reach Hotel Emp Sn cars ol the Mi suriace Transit Co." 'pass the Hotel restaurant of the mpi for the excel ot its cuisin ficient. and moderate estral concerts every ev: Within ten minutes of amus Cr Eth ktope Send for Booklet. W. Jobason Quinn, Metropolitan Stock E Incorpor ited Under the Laws of Me CAPITAL S100 KR Y PAID. KINGSTON BRA 'Clarepcg Chambers, Clar Oppoeite British American rd IM cKEN M:

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