-- suffered terribly §, m_ for five affected | hag "0 Lway tried man pA) on ei Advert; oe sicians, ( it wag gy Wirie r have fq Smith ry , 11g for 3 han ah it 15 frock on hds of - for to cure Yoursejs testimonjalg, on estand safest wa p.. Baby's hy 1s {0 use only Y'S OWN SOAP Daimy, Delicate, of .Imitations, S04P.G0., Mirs, MONTREAL Particulars, (ree & unkenness ERR Cc Address Keelay Institute, Toronto, Ont u Thinking g a Piano buy the best ? Don't of a small difference in the unexcelled ANO. nd-, warergoms, 32 all eese & Co, y Kingston, Agents. able by drinking TERS especially benefloial end )Y Drugusing IN OF COLDS ARYWHERE. > 1 Paper, Paper. ir Empire. ada. e Prize. Friend. agazine, Etc. SBET, Book Store. AS BOX Hath 5 215 timas we will give 08 an HN " has 18 su- them @& ~ 'MUSIC STORE Se., City. AUNDRY INDRY ths go0y Ania, AUNDRY"' Basan m IAI PIPIOIIE "a Petroit Specialist Discovers' Something fa . New. for the Cure of Men's . beaded tn Encir Own Homes, Tou Pay Only if Cured Free Method: and Sent --Write For It This Very Day A Detroit specialist rho has 1 certificates and i fi and boards, has er Siig mpd Fin diases of men in rm i so that there nay Se 00 doubt in he' mind of any man thas be DR. §, GOLDBERG, The Possessor of 14 Diplomas and Certificates Who Wants No Money That He Does Not Eam, h the method and the ability to do as he sa tod Goldberg, the discoverer, will send the ober iv entirely free to all mien send Lim their name le, lost ma enaciation of parts, my etc, His wonderful method not only cures th itself, bus like. wise all the complications, 'such as rheumatism, bladder or kidney trouble, 'heart debility, ete. The doctor realizes that it Is one thing to make claiins and afiother thing 30 hack thang, 30 he has made it 2 rule not to ask money unless he cures you, and when 'you' are tured he feeld sure that you will willingly pay hima small fee. kh would seem; t that'it is to the best interests of evety man who suffers in this way to write the doctor confidentially and lay your case before him, He sends the method, as well 'as many booklets on the subject, including the one. that contains the 14 diplomas and certificates, entirely free, Adress lim simply Dr. 5. Goldberg. 208 Wodllbard Ave , Room W, Detroit, Mich., and it will All immediately be sent free @ : 'This is something enti new and well worth Fanwing more al at once. - EXPORT LAGER. Gold Seal Lager is as good as it looks.and looks almost as good as it is,' | It answers every test of color, brilliancy; flavor and stability. The Sleeman B. & M. Co. o Limited Guelph, Canada CAN WAKE WEN SOUND |: . wcseasersssiiasens Lilie has two sovereign moments-- Une when we settle down To sowe life-worthy purpose; Ue when we grasp the crown. + Matthew, Richey, Knight, May one put in a plea for the shop girls, whose none-to-easy life, is made doubly, trebly, "hard time ! Don't say, as did a woman the other, day whose meanness is in inverse ratio to her means, "They're paid to do their work. 1 don't see why people should be expected to make a fuss over them." (This is one of the women who is bothered by the servant question. This by the way.) Certainly they are paid to do their work, but its a question whether they are paid to endure with meekness, the insufferable treatment accorded them by undecided, stingy, querulous, ex- acting, underbred women. Now and again, a si mangges to be a little irritating when you have about fifty-nine seconds to spend, and she is in the midst of an exciting account to a fellow-employee of what some particular He said to some particular She, or vice versa, but you 'don't have to overlook this sort of. thing very often, and you might do the ov- erlooking, for humanity's sake, re- membering that "the colonel's lady, and' Judy O'Grady, are sisters under their skins." There are three notable ways in which you can make their way pleasanter, Go and do your holi- day shopping, right now, and in the morning, if possible, when everybody, yourself included, is fresh, and there- fore disposed to be amiable. Second, know before You start out, what vou want, or kuow as much as You can about it any way. It's just as easy to sav "I want a Pair of undressed kid gloves, please, light grey, size ix and a quarter," as to have this in- formation drawn from: you bit by bit, Third, you can all say "Thank you," and you can say it with a smile, and if you've given a lot of trouble, as You may have had te do. you can Say you're sorry, just as you would if some one took one-quarter the trou- ble for you in some other way. It may not exactly take the weariness out of the tired feet, or the ache from tired backs, but it will make lighter hearts, and not altogether within the shop girl's breast, either, Isn't the re- sult worth while ? Mrs. Steacy's very pleasant tea was the event for Thursday aiter- noon. Miss McKeon, the hostess" sis- ter, received with her, adding her quota to Mrs, Steacy's bright and gracious welcome. Over the tea cups and the coffee wn in the dining room were Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Phelan, and their quick and willing helpers were iss Fanny Macarow, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Mabel" Dalton, Miss Lorraine Dalton, Miss Ward, Miss Ger- trude Power, Miss Effie Robertson, Miss, Irene Swift and Miss Minnie Ross. The handsome mahogany table, with its polished surface, was centred by a tircle of lace, on which stood four pink candles, in silver candle sticks. Nosegays of pink roses with lace fern in small crystal vases, also formed part of the eentral decoration and wide-branching candle sticks, with pink-shaded candles were at either end . MAYORALTY OF 1904 ALD. W. G. CRAIG Requests the votes and influence of the Electors of the Municipality King- ston, for Mayor for 1904. of MAYORALTY 1904. TO THE ELECTORS : Ladies and Gentlemen--I respectfully solicit your votes and influences to elect We mayor for the year 1904. C. J. GRAHAM, H Cosy Bright Fire Is an attraction for every one. The cheery glow and Beat of our coal will make itself felt with pleasure during the cold Weather. It's just the kind to took with, too. Let us fil your bin with -BOOTH'S COAL - 'Phone 133, foot of West St. CANNEL COAL YOUR GRATE. It lasts all night, Try it. 55-57 Barrack Street. op Sere geet JOHN H. MILLS of the table, the whole effect being unigue as well as extremely pretty. eT TNE Mrs. John Campbell's 'dance on Tuesday was one of the gayest and most enjoyable events so far this season. The charming hostess spared no pains to make her party pleasant, and deeply appreciative guests 4 are her reward. The house was led with flowers and greenery, wii® car nations and ferns predominating, The floor was perfect, and everybody said a good word for the orchestra. Sup- per was served upstairs, the dining- room being turned into a cosy sitting out place, and card-room, where the elders of the party amused them- selves. There was also a card-room upstairs, which was largely patroni- zed. . . - - A jolly driving party, with Mrs. Roderick Mackenzie as the origina- tor, and Miss Norton-Taylor as guest of honor went out Monday to West brook, where they had tea, and then played games, till the time for home- turning arrived. «vv F Mre. Martin's third dance, which came offi on Wednesday, was every whit as good fun as its predecessors. This_genial hostess doesn't think of trouble where young people' pleasure is concerned, and her efforts on their behali are always ably seconded by Mr. Martin, who has a special weak ness for seeing the boys and girls enjoy themselves, and the consequence is that when these same boys and girls are under Mr. and Mrs. Martin's hospitable roof, they do enjoy them- selves to the full. . . . Miss Macmorine, and Miss Mildred Macmorine were hostesses at an in formal little thimble tea on Monday, when about a dozen pairs of hands busied themselves . over pretty trifles for Christmas. I Mrs. Hague gave an extremely Jo ly young peoples' party on Wednes ay. Progressive ping-pong, and other games, were the amusement. 8. hal, Mrs. Adam Shortt will give a small Gained Forty Pounds In Thirty Days. 7 several months our younger bop: had been troubled with indi- gestion. He tried several remedies but got no henebt from them. We purch- assed some of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and he vominenssd taking them. Inside of thirty days be had gained forty pounds in flesh. He is now fully recovered. We have a good trade on the Tablets. --Holley Bros. Merchants, Long Branch, Mo. For sale ruguists. by a Mechanic's Pare Tar Soap heals and softens the skin whils mptly cleansing it of grease, oil, ET Inval for mechanics, farmers, sports Free at Christmas | Mrs. W. J. Crothers will entitain sunshioy little woman will he glad to hear that there is every reason to | believe. that she will he ablo to see [| visitors by Christmas time. . . - -. Mrs. Hemming is spending the week | end in Toronto. Canon and Mrs. Loucks retuned to- day to Picton. - Mrs. Edward Lewis, who has been a guest at "'Bishopscourt" since Mon: eree------------ MISS MAY H Dp Famous beauty and belly of Baltimore, Washington and New York 7 Whose oft-reported engagement to Brown Pot- ter, the New York clubman and society man, is again revived. Mr. Potter's first wife was Mrs. Cora Urquhart Potter, the Mrs. McParland, Emily street, is ill with a heavy cold, and so will not ar- rive till Monday. Mrs, McParland hopes to have Mrs. Briggs with her for a week or two. Mrs. Henri Panet has heen "spending the week with Mrs. Bermingham, Miss Cameron, of Hamilton, is stay- ing with Mrs. D. E. } undell. Sir Richard and Lady Cartwright were invited to dine at Rideau Hall, Ottawa, on Wednesday night. Crea, Easton's Corners, are in King- ston for the winter. Miss Isabel Polson left yesterday Dr. Munro was' married on Thursday at Toronto to Miss Elena Eyes of Millbrook. The groom, a great orand- son of Sir A'exander Macho. 'r, the noted explorer, Los heen for six years one of the medical missionaries of the VYresbyterian church in the Canadian west. The bride is a gradu- ate of the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, and the Training School for 4 IRBAY. bi ys no; BE. of Ottawa. S¥he man al 's, Bowe, BE. Place the thikd week in aro out for a tea at Mrs. | December, Harry Richardson's on Tuesday, eB. at tea on Thursday of next week. week is, at present, di the hon- " ; BTN . ors with the Alma Mater ons as s. Crumley, who has béen more or | a topic, of conversation, a icipa- less ill for upwards of a year, and | tions of a thoroughly apd aa hop who lately underwent a serious op: | are heard on all sides. or eration at the General Hospital, has| Did your hear of the really: clever recovered sufficiently to he moved to | thing the members of Chalmers church her home, and is geiting along very oung People's Society: It's | nicely, and every our who knows this worth repeating for the benefit of oth isa' K. t brooch. Mr: § of Dr. Jock Harty, and Miss Kathleen | 2¢ A Harty eft on Monday for New York, Montreal. ya best hy hid, . the where Miss Harty will remain till Mi. maids were Miss Vaughn Avery, ort ' iss Elsie Ritchie, Mi§8 Price Quebec, Christmas. {ll able and largely attended. tea yester- corations in the driv riage of Miss Wade and Mr. Garnet, the present visiting her. sister, 0'- Neill, at Shans Castle, BE dy ex. pected in Ottawa and will be accompanied by the Hon. Miss O'Neill. Brockville, has been transferved to Col: lingwood. . |. bs The danve which is fo tome off next er societies in a similar box, At the last annual, Miss Mair, who, w $0 long president, ud and 8 consternation reigned | societ, ranks, til a ch ane on Ag struck. an idea, which was to elect Miss Mair vice-president. and leave out the president's office alte s This was acted oo: natural , with promptness, so the society still flour ishes under its former leader. * . . iss Rose A. Branifi has opened a studio at 167. Princess street, where she is prepared to receive pils for vocal and phasic! culture. Braniff has been closely 'associated during the past eight vears with many leading American artists and is jn possession of ~ the most wientific method of breathing known to the profession, Among those with whom she has studied are : A, FE. Ruf (only teacher of the eminént basso, Fugene Cowles), Widdath Beas. Burr, of the celebrated ess _lamily, Germany; Madam Lillian Ballah and Maud Hayter- Hartley, Fng- lish contralto, of the Royal. Conserve: tory of Music, London, Eng., Miss Braniff had distinctibn of being presented to Mr. Shakespeare, of Lon: don, during his American tour and heard 'his lectures in which he advo cated the use of certain breathing gymnasties that are a part of her method. These who desire the hest in- struction 'wold do well to consult Of Miss Ida Margaret Johnston, sec- ond daughter of Mr. Robert Johnston, of Taronta, to' the Rey George Scott, : celebrated actress. late graduate of Durham Aniversity, Somplied jAhd mude a bolt on the presi- . 'ngland; 'recently -. b in banner ! ; day, leit yesterday for Montreal g thRrch: of i Miss Margaret Anglin, acknowledged 4. and Mrs. T. J. Donoghue are fhusge of the Chueh of the Ascension, by the entire critical fraternity of the visiting in Montreal. Of Miss Ferguson," of Eastons United States to be America's fore- Mr. Burton Horsey, who spent the Corners, and MF. William Best man- | most emotional actress, will be here early part of the week ia town, left ager of the Massey Harris office, Ot. | on December 11th. S on Thursday for Montreal. Dr. and tava; * : ' Standing near the corner of Brock Mys. George Horsey are now staying . . . and Clergy tre 3 Norte Saw strest in Devonshire, Kng. X cars at' the head and foot of the street, re teen, who was expected in| At the mariage of Miss Bessie | Fifty fect either way will prevent such town yesterday to be the guest of | Avery, in Grade chiirch, Ottawa, tol, sight bicing witnessed, Mr. Arthur John Price, of Quebec, the bride' wore ivory crope with coMar of French embroidery, pearl studded, and her veil was of Py The gift of the groom was mond cor: SNe Hoan and Miss Marion Ave - » . #04 Mrs. A. Guy Rost gave an enjoy- day afternoon, at her haine, Rose- mount ave., for her sigier, . Hugh E. F. Austin. The color scheme of de- : ad Mrs. 8. McBride, Montreal, - (nee | tastefully carried out; + '| sets any style and rantee a ' per Miss Sherk) is visiting her parents' in | Ross was gowned in wl her | foot fit. New York Reform, 909 | Belleville ' : sister, Mrs, jminy wore® wed: | Princess strat. Mrs. Gordon, who has been the guest | ding dress. of white: sb over whito | my. North American Review closes of Sir Sandiord Fleming whilst in | Satin. is i. tea fod Mab ar- | the year with a number of notahle Ottawa, has returned to Kingston. | ranged sib iru te, wi re excellence, that bears impressive testi- Mrs. Sedgewick was hostess at a very nd as t oh or » Mots Cre. | ONY to the success with which the enjoyable luncheon," givén in honor of anstond an oh Ts. I. Mes i pre-1 ditor pursues his purpose of keeping Mrs. Gordon and others. sided, assist by - | Miss T na it close to the most important inter- . - - - 'y ol y ' Hughes, Yet. Pol Laub aylor, | ests of the time. Men of thought resd Colonel and Mrs. Reade entertained ov arjorie » 8 Nora this navlow. Yor at dinner on Wednesday. 3 b> i li oys | you are going to your Mr. H. McCrea and Miss Grace Me- NS, wi Ly ple JLB. fo Miss ey mother a Christmas present her have gone to England, where the mar- : te, by Taylor & Hamilton. for London, to spend a month with Vy will take place on December Kingston has Swany school trus- her aunt, Mrs. Rollins. 5.58 is tees; tem could do the business--some The Rev. CC. H. Munro, M.D., of gars. Slat No mith, an Jpeud say two or three do it--hence the Fthelhert, Man., and wife are in the Mrs. Stanley Maude, &t Ridean Cot.] Move to reduce the nu \ and have city prior to leaving for the "west. tage. ' 3 them elected by the city as a whole Lady Elizabeth Cochféne, sister of Karl of Dundondld, who is at carly in January, A Mr. Alcorn, of the Bank of Montreal, WT ne ------ Ed LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS : INGENER Occurrences in the City and light arbitration at an end are now leit out in the ved 'at MoAUley + or 180 ceived at 's or The sei < no matter how it goes will have a Good-win ! hen a qiiet day in Kingston , except at Nt, H UO McAuley's book store, Princess street. of agateware and tinware at Taylor & Hamilton's at reasonable prices ant soap powder is better than other is dying; Kingston is not flattered by the proposal that it Become one of her brood. Sunday as a day of rest should be fought for by every man works. That day he is a free man. Let keep himself free, with Miss Braniff, Hotel Randolph. four of both sexes is a nail biter. ._ iid adap Kingston has many who indulge in The' engagement is announced : the habit. And some are men too, sign "Bolton for President," and then sets at 50c., also dip-hip corsets at 50c., New York Dress Reform. Cosmos and send one to your friends in Ohicago, St. Louis and New Op- leans, C Whig office, price, 50c. ber is a strong number. Dowie as "A Charlatan Elijah." The magazine promises many new features for its thirtieth year. It is $2 a year. Send to William Briggs, Toronto. from the manufacturer, your order to agents. We make cor one ranges, they ate the best. thing to elect aldermen by all, the same rule applies to trustees, the Toronto News : News where M. Parkinson, school trus: tee, had spoken highly of Hon. AL. Vielnity--Othesr Brief Items of Interest to the People. Be sure and shop early. Who is your candidate for mayor ? Wonder if 1904 will see the electric ? Thermometers, like nacho players, Wm. Swaine, tuner, orders re- science men at Queen's that Come to think of it, Friday whs not 8 The Whig has $25 to prove its ac- curacy as to the strike at the General Hospital, Money talks, , plano tuner, at Water is cleansing, but the city au thorities say do not use it on a fros- ty morning on the walks, Ash sifters, coal hods and all kinds Lever's Y-% (Wise Head) Disinfect wders, as it is both soap and dis- t. Portsmouthites say that annexation him In the schools of France one child in The science men at Queen's put a hey grew warm when the arts men See out special all steel filled cor- Read the Kingston number of The ies may he procured at the The Methodist Magazine for' Decem: It describes Ladies, better to our corsets 0 not trust buy ve Stewart & Milne's Sold only of Burrow, nd not by wards. Hit is a ------ WELL DESERVED. Tribute To The Hon. E.' J. Davis. "A Tory Traveller" writes this in "I read in my bof. opposite each : Nurses, Toronto General Hospital, Continued on 5. During the past two years she has ( 2, Page ) been in Birmingham, Alabama. : Mrs. Laidlaw, mother of Mr. D. G. E Cerismat Bf idea + Ale Laidlaw, is now a guest at her son's ay style : a r~ home. She lives in Montreal. nethy s. Te men. A I oe A TT Se The engagement is announced of Miss Clara Oberndorfier to Mr. J. E. os S 3 #, zr / -- = RS as = "Oh! woman, } ovcly woman!" oui ¢ with a sob, # No shop worn Christmes goods at Red Cross Drug Store, Davis as commissioner of crown lands. Like Mr. Parkinson, I am also a con- servative of long standing, but not so mortgaged to my party that I can- not see and give 'honor to whom hon- or is due,' even though it is a grit. In my capacity as a traveller I have been four times this year in Temiska- ming district where there has heen such @& rush for homes, and, Sir, 'it would be impossible for the affairs to be rum in a more thorough business like manner, than has been duri great rush up there, Why, Mr. Davis travelled all over that new country! himseli, and became personally ac quainted with the requirements of the country. 'In the opinion of the peo- ple all gover New Ontario, they have never had as good an administrator of their affairs as the present minister of crown lands. oo : TTT TAT Srey '" 77 9" -- "K the feet w, and head cool" is a ourehon] ed that, carried Colds and Grip. DR. HUMPHREYS' AIDS TO "77." 1 for Fevers, Congestions. 8 '" Teething, Colic, Crying. 8 " Neuralgia, Toothnelie, Faceache. cents, Medical Guide mailed reg: Humphreys' Med, Co.,. CoF. Villian and Tenn Bireets New Four iam | Ea | Every style and price at Aber nethy's. i LIKEWISE EDDY'S and will deliver it to an Sarnia; W., White Family Savety Pratt's Astral Brilliant .. ELLI Taelophane, 380, WARM FEET eh ary 1 1 th , even if semading in water, snow | bry' . Re tn any address, post per pair The F.E.KARN CO, 132 Vietoria St, Toronts The central Wood and Coal Yard is located at 236 Ear! Street, out, no doubt saves many an illness. , M in addition to this, You will sar. | AI KOS Sf 600d bard wobd, cut and ry and take "77' at first chill} ynder cover. Prompt delivery. Prices or shiver, you will k free frown | right.. None but the pure 'anton Caal--no. mixtures, ¢ B. BARNEY >¢| MME E. ELDER 10 Dyspepsie, 1 oi. MASSAGE AND DRESSMAKING | M4 Sale Rhum, Has. Franth of Bal at am Ree. provents 7 Ki Dat, vende felt Sod ab of JE 30 © Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed. | in Costumes, Tailor 'made suits, Io amall bottles of pleasant peliota lighitioes snd _ Evening Gowns, Shirt Shas tthe vest pocket. -At SLE, | tionary rendings and recitations for rob and parlor Entartainionts tch dialect a specially), by E. Elder, rine stroet. 7 Christmas Slippers. We carry the following y past If you want a goad oil try the "BRILLIANT OTT BROS TIT El = the city at $3