NOT ALL Happy f Lydia, Had Trou. Own, And There hn D. Rockefeller of 18, Was- very wel) goods and chattels, roesiis'" is a saying > Ol. He*had 5 , and some of them He was taken cap- us only saved for ch man's trogbles 1. igh living and could "are bj t on hy rich, heavy foods at ck of proper exercise, Ain, unnatural stimu. ire _€ommonly know, yspeptia and weak ATe SeTious troubles t only 'can they |, al be cured, and 8 of time or prope ment. Proper sla Tablets are the lyspeptics, ich and * is no such thing ag ward progress ney. as placed its stamp 1 their noble work and thousands of flected and the hap therefrom have made sehold word through Stuart's Dyspepsia ld in a word. They vork that the weak ach is unable to do ecuperate and regain hey contain all the s -that the gastric gestive fluids do, and od just as a sound would. They reliave as one rested and n. velicves the one ired and worn, and wn work of restora ple, natural process understand. You ean without fear of re yspepsia Tablets are ruggists at 50 cents s all' know better get along without ind for them is great tmag irchased in Toron- , a large stock of imported for an Montreal. These 2 sale Wednesday. ly. 121 Princess St celebrated Mason 1y Books Boys. Girls. oks for Sun- Schools. rds, etc. SsBET, Book Store. si . COAL RATE. ght, Try it . Toads, headquarters of the British- North EXCURSIONS «CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAYS. SINGLE FARE--Good going Dec. 24th and 35th. Return lipit, on or before § Pec. 28th. , ~ FARE AND ONE-THIRD--Good going Dec. 28rd, 24th and 25th. Heturn lim- it em or before Jan. 5th. : NEW YEAR SINGLE FARE--Good goi S1st, Jan. Ist. fore Jan. 4th. FARE AND ONE-THIRD--Good going - Dec. Return limit, or be- Dec. 30th and 31st, and Jan. 1st. Re- turn limit on or before Jan. 5th. Tickets to certain points sold in ae- cordance with the above will not he good for passage on train No. 1, or train No. J. P. HANLEY, hs City expat. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. For Christmas and New Year's Vacation WILL ISSUE RETURN TICKETS. « GENERAL PUBLIC .. *. , AT SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE-- Good going Dec. 24th, 325th, valid for return until December 28th, 1903. Good goin ember 31st, 1903, and Janu- ary 1st, 1904, valid for return until January 4th, 1904. AT FIRST-CLAST FARE AND ONE- THIRD--Going December 23rd, 24th, and 25th, and December 30th, 31st, 1903, and 'January 1st, 1904, good returning witil January 5th, '1904. Full particulars at K. & P, and . P, R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR., Gen. Pass. Gen THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all lo- ¢al points. Train leaves City Hall De not at 4 pm.v F. CONWAY, Agent, 4. Q. Ry., Kingston. DOMINION LINE _ STEAMSHIPS PORTLAND--HALIFAX--LIVERPOOL From Portland. Jan. 9 Agt. Supt. From Portland. Manxman, Dec. 19 Ottoman, Tauric, Dec. 26 Nomadic, Jan. 16 Canada, Jan. 2 Dominion, Jan.23 Passenger steamers west bound call at Halifax. For all particulars as to freight passage apply to i-- ¥ ge ar HANLEY, G.T.R. J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, 43 Clarence St. The Dominion Line, Montreal & Port- land. eee eee *» BERMUDA a se THG NOW FAR FAMED BERMUDAS, with eable i and bl winter temperature of 65 tiful scenery and 100 miles of and degrees, beau- good Anwrican Squadron, is unrivalled in its attcactiveness, reached by the first-class iron steamers TRINIDAD or( PRETORIA in forty-eight hours from New York. Sailing fortnightly up to 1st January and every THURSDAY thereaiter. The tropical islands, inc uding SANTA CRUZi, ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE, ST. LUCIA, BARBARDOES AND DEMER- ARA, also afford beautiful and. interest- ing tours, all reached by steamship of the Quebcs Steamship Company, sailing from New York about every 10 days. For descriptive pamphlets and dates _of sailing apply to A. EMILIUS OUTER- BRIDGE & CO., Agents, 39 Broadway, New Yerk; J. P, HANLEY er J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, Kingston, Ont ARTHUR AHERN, Secrétary, Quebec. ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry. . ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS From St. John From Halifax. Dec Tunisian, Dec. 19, ow wu' a 21 Parisian, ---- --. « w mw « Dec. 28 Pretorian, Jan. 2. .. . . Jan. 4 RATES OF PASSAG First Cabin -- Tunisian, $60 and upwards; Parisian, $55 and upwards; Other steamers, $55 and upwards, Second Cabin ~-- Liverpool, and Londonderry, Tunisian, $40. Other steamers, $37.50; London, $2 extra Third Class -- $25 and $26, Liv- erpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow. London --through. tickets to South Africa NEW YORK TO GLASGOW Corinthian, Thursday, Dec. 24th, 1 wm P 1st Cabin, $45, 2nd Cabin, $35, 3rd Class, $36. J, P. HA EY. Agent, GTR. City 4 5p. QILDER RIEROR. ce treet. A few facts worth noting are that tires redet cold by Henderson's tire set- ting machine, don't burn the rims, don't mar t, don't destroy the wheels. It f is just right. i hieps she dish ol Rhesis Ju . a , *. LF ia, toca ha FE Vind Ho's" 48, 6 Pinkie sires Winter "Weight i _Overcoats. Crawford & Walsh, Leadivg Tallors, Princess & Bagot Ste. Had to Give up and go to Bed. Several Doctors Attended But Did No Good.\ QUITS Milburn's Heart ana Nerve Pills CURED. Read what Miss L. L. Water- side, N.B., says: "I feel it my duty to | the benefit I have need Fo Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. A year Ago: last spring 1 began to have heart re. At first I would have to stop working and lie down for a while. Then of a box 1 n to feel the benefit and by the time taken three boxes | was completely 0 "~~ Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure nervousness, sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart, skip Tene ad al troubles arising from the heart or nerves. Price 50 cts. bo i Po x, or 3 for $1.98, all THE T. MILBURN CO., Limited, - TORONTO, ONT. EXPORT LAGER. Gold Seal Lager Beer is on most places where gentlemen drink. In bottles only. The _Sleeman B: & M. Co. Limited Guelph, Canada. Established 1351. Incorporated 1900. DR. ROOTS WARNING 1t you hay . ¥ ai Se ry aha, following Symptoms, Pains inthe Great Desire to Urinate under maTyed Bian ists Unaceo! N Sai 'vyousness repr Shoulders Take Dr. Root's Kid: Pills without delay. 25 cents a box, at all Drug Stores, If your druggist hasat Dr. Root's Kid Pills In stock, Write for sample to Dr. Slocum. Limited, 179 King 88. Wi TW ichesale Distributors for Canalh. ny ty i Purchasing : Period ! Now gis the time to be thinking 3 of what presents you will make. We can help you. Our splendid new stock of Clothing and Fur- nishings will help you. What better gift could you give than a beautiful new Suit or Overcoat ? fe have them, cut in the latest § styles and 'made from the newest fabrics, and prices that will 2 suit limited pocketbooks There are many things a visit here will suggest. Come and see them. Correct Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furs. Louis Abramson. The Up Town Clothier, 336 Princess Street. Cr BOBO HOBOS ECEOBNB0, MAYORALTY OF 1904 ALD. W. G. CRAIG Requests the votes and influence of the Electors of the micipality of King- ston, for Mayor/for 1004. MAYORALTY 1904. TO THE ELECTORS: Ladies and Gentlemen--1 respectfully solitit your votes and influences to elect me mayor for the year 1904 C. J. GRAHAM, JOHN H. MILLS The Leading Auctioneer. The News Put Into Condensed Shape -- The : Episodes That Create Tilk in The Country And Hereahouts. Invitations are out for the marriage of Stanley Wales, Napanee, to Miss Alice Brown, Deseronto. Dr, Reid, Perth, has given up prac tice and left Jor near Collingwood, where he will locate. J. C. Dunlop, Pembroke has made an important purchase in the form of a valuable iron mine at Dacre, Out. W. J. Abercrombie has sold his 100-acre farm on the 10th concession, of North Elmsley, to J. S. Moore for The death occurred at Beamsville of William F. Zimmerman, a fifly- four years. He hpd many riends in Belleville. 2 George Thomas, alias Thomas Mor ley Drinsdale, has been arrested in Te: ronto for stealing from the Quinte hotel, Belleville, a year ago. y © Word 'has been received in Belleville of the death in Texas of Ketcheson Reed, who formerly lived at Tyendin: aga. He was aged eighty-two. Mise Kathleen Morton, Toronto, who is holding evangelistic services in Hal loway strect Methodist church, Belles ville, has had fine success during the past week. Robert Quinn, an aged and respected resident of Oxford township, is dead from a paralytid stroke, at the age of eighty-five. His scn, Rev. Mr. Quinn, is of Pembroke. Invitations are out for the marriage of S. E. Bolton, barrister, formerly of Gananoque, to Miss Eleanor Gurd, Cranbrook, B.C. The ceremony will he perfornied on December 21st. William Drewry, aged about twenty- two, son of George Drewry, living near Stirling, got his thumb caught in the shaft of a windmill and torn nearly offi. Amputation was necessary. A new boat club house to cost $1, 500 is to be erected along the water front at Gananoque next season. The stock is to consist of seventy-five shares and ave selling at $20 each. Rev. D. J. Lavin, parish priest, of Pakenham and Fitzroy Harbor, died on Saturday after a brief illness. De- ceased was about sixty-five years of age and had been parish priest thirty-five years, A List From Uglow's. A dainty "evening fan. A fine leather card case. A new wrist bag (new red). A writing portfolio. A music portfolio. A fancy photograph frame. Maple leaf book cover. New books, holiday edition. Gentlemen's dressing cases. Collar and cuff rolls. Hand-painted frames. Waterman fountain pen. Box fancy stationery. You are invited to look through our holiday stock. R. Uglow & Co. Sherwood For Lennox. The liberal meeting for Lennox coun- ty, on December '5th, unanimously sels ected Dr. Vrooman as candidate for the House of Commons representation, adjourning for two weeks to give time for his due consideration. It is now announced that he cannot accept, 'in view of necessary sacrifice of his pro- fession. There was ho dearth of good names before the convention and now a deal of public interest centres upon T. B. Sherwood, superintendent of the Bay of Quinte railway, as a most de- sirable choice personally and as a public speaker. When In Doubt Send A Book. Is an excellent and safe rule to fol- low in the giving of gifts. This #ea- son R. Uglow & Co. are offering a very large and attractive stock of books, in rich and artistic bindings, suitable for presents, ;. Taylor & Hamilton are still in busi- ness at the old stand, 183 Wellington street, We sell some Christmas goods. Come and see them. Pure tafies, rich chocolates and all the toys Santa Claus ever thought of aré on view in T, H. Ferguson's store, King street. Drop in and look at 'ems. Our advertisers have wonderful things to tell you, show and sell you. Aldermanic ads. ought to be pearing now. Stricken With Pneumonia ap Almost Ready to Die--Alonszo W. Douglas, of Woodbridge, Was Saved By FERROZONE. "For the benefit of others," writes Mr. Douglas, "I desire to state the re- sults I derived from the use of Ferfo- zone T'wo years ago 1 wad stricken with Pneumonia. So severe was the attack and 'so reduced was my strength that my life was despaired of. 1 had the very best medical attention, but made no ress towards recov- ery. When TL to practically a skeleton, a kind friend told me of the remarkable powers of Ferrozone. An improv began slhuost at once. I gained steadily in weight and strength until Ferrozone made me a new niam. [ will gladly answer enquiries from other sufferers if they care to have further particulars about my recovery. Ferrozone deserves its great measure of sutéess." . This is but one of the many cases that are being cured. every Jay by Ferrozone. No treatment was ever known to supply a weak system So quickly with stréagth and energy. No tonic does its work so thoroughly. It is a specific for tiredness, langour, loss of appetite; weakness after fevers, and all debilitating diseases. Ferro. zone makes you strong end keeps you strong--in a word, it assures health and costs but 50c. a box, or six box- es for £2:50. at any drug store. By mail fiom The Ferrozons Co.. King: ston, Ont. Get a supply to-day Wwita- out fail, : A Smart Bl for | 24440404 H IPP PHP Pot EYY [ION'S FO } ack Frock For One in Mourning. This frock would be a good design for one io follow who is in mourning but it is not essentially a mourning frock. The waist is a plain full blouse of. jon-pleated chiffon or het. The little 'jacket cfiect, which gives the idea of bei separated in the centre, is made of black tafieta and braided in hlack silk "braid. The high cufis, collar and caps to the sleeves are also of the taffeta, braided in the same way. The skirt is made of three circular flounces, each hanging loose over, the other. If the frock i¥ being made for one in mourn- ing, bias bands of crepe should be used instead of the braid. This frock could also be made of any pale color, with the blouse of White and the braiding of lace: insert- ng. . Buy Christmas goods now. You can get a better se- lettion than if you wait till later, + Do mot go at noon hour; the clerks have to eat oc- casionally. Do not t in a hwry and ininghne other ecusto- mers should stand aside for REL EF ERE KES J 1 ¥ * + you. > Give the clerks a show. They are anxious to please + you and can succeed much better if you do not fuss 4 about like an old maid. "> Get around in the day- % time, you who can, so that those who cannot do so 4 may have a chance. Te Buy from éur own merch. # Bats, ve > » "+ Win Affection And Defraud Widows. Toronto Telegram, Albert Hamilton Whitesell who ob- tained money ftom, widows by repre senting that he would marry them, had a good pleader in the person of A. R. Nassard, who asked for lenien- cy. Judge Winchéster said that he didn't know of a more contemptible and dishonest act than that of which Whitesell is guilty, "Even a highway robber is to be preferred, for he takes chances; but, in this case, to win a woman's affections to'defraud them of their money, and a married man representing himself*to be unmarried, is a most despicable act." Whitesell was sentenced to the penitentiary for three years on the two convictions. His face, naturally pale, hecame more so, and tightly drawn as he heard his doom. The many letters written to him by many women, and the photo- graphs they sent, will be destroyed. SORRY TO HEAR IT. How It Was With Them Last Year. Isn't it tough to think that, this season, the Bellevilles will be unable to meet their old college chums, the Kingston Ramblers, who for some rea- son or another, ave hot in the 0. H.A, this year, which means that there will be less arnica and sticking plaster neoded.-- Belleville, Intelligencer. [1 NY This is how it was in Belleville last year, after the game with Ramblérs : Belleville Druggist--Did a good busi- ness to-night ! ' Customer--Didn't sell any fireworks, did you? } Druggist--No; but I sold about thir- ty pound of arnica and fifty yards of court plaster, Your Choice For $15 Only. Worth $18 To $RO. Prevost at the New York clothing store, Brock street, will make to or- det a wit of DremOat for $15, guar anteed first class fit 'and g trim. , i assortment to choose from for éuiting 'and oy ting. The Latest Books. All the leading publishers have this year issued special books for the holi« day season. 'R. Uglow' & Co., are showing a full line of these publica- tions, ete csetmempes Remeniber the 'little omes at Christmas, 'and remi¢mber that Fergu- son's candies are pure and bis toys very attractive. EAC a g 'Other Nigh ¢ Sek grades io tichly-colored parch. it's the BEST. an ;t ROSS IN RENFREW. Rousing Meeting At Beachburg And Pembroke. Pembroke, Dec. 11.=Into the poli- tically-warm atmos) of North Renfrew, which has been represented as being in rebellion against the On- tario government, Premier Ross came to-day and added two more to his long list of platform triumphs. The coming of the was the occasion of magnificent dem- onstrations, and the prospects for the Lorne Hale, were materially increased, though already bright. Mr. Ross in a little over a day has had a period of activity, which would have been too much for many a younger man. After a day's work in his office yesterday he addressed a meeting in Toronto last night, took the might train Jor Otta- wa, conversed with many on the train till after midnight, b asted at Ot- tawa, took the train for Ci s drove eleven miles to Beachburg, spoke one and onehalf hours to a large gathering of Westmeath 'town- ship farmers, drove sixteen miles far ther to Pembroke, and spoke one and one-half hours to another crowded ga- thering to-night. The premier's addresses were exceéd- ingly strong and appealing. He ans- wered the corruption ory once more effectively; and challenged Mr. * Whit- ney to give details of the expenditure of the $28,000 fund for which he was responsible. He frankly admitted the wrong-doings in West Elgin and North had heen punished by his government, and pointedly asked what might have methods of their opponents in many past elections. The premier also an nounced that the next budget speech would reveal a surplus of $4,000,000, and that a new timber policy was un- der consideration. ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE. -- Graduates Who Have Come To Front. Canadian Military Gazette. Capt. H. 8. Rogers, R.E., son of Col. H. C. Rogers, Peterboro, Ont, and a graduate of the Royal Military college, Kingston, is of a visit to his home. Capt. Rogers has' received a staff appointment to Woolwich Ar- senal. He says the R.M.C. boys are making general progress. Among the recent successes noted are : Lieut.-Col. F. St. D. Skinner, p x.c. Royal Sussex regiment, has recently obtained the command of the first bat- talion of the regiment. He is the first Kingston cadet to attain the regi- mental rank of lieutenant-colonel and the command of a battalion. / Capt. R. J. F: Hayter, Cheshire re- giment, ib among the officers qualified at the recent examination for aduais- sion to the Staff college. Mejor G. D. Luard, Scottish rifles, has been appointed a recruiting staff officer, class 2. Brevet Major H. G. Joly de Lothin- iere, D.8.0., RE, has quitted the war office for 'duty with the Somali field force as a special service officer, ss "Try To Prevent Lung Trouble. It's the. dried sputum floating around in the air that gets into your lungs and causes consumption, A sure preventive is fragrant healing Catarr- hozone, which is inhaled right into the lungs, kills every germ, heals the sore membranes and cures thoroughly every type of catarrh, bronchitis, as- thma and lung trouble. "I caught a severe cold which developed into eca- tarrh and finally settled on my lungs," writes A. Northrop, of Bed ford. Catarrhozone relieved quickly and cured me. I recommended Catarr- bozone highly." Two months' treat- ment, $1; trial, size, 25c. ---- Skull Fractured. John Flood, a stone-cutter residing on Grindstone Island,' has been work. ing in Montreal for some time past. On Wedhesday evening he arrived in Gananoque, und crossed to his home on the island. During his absence some alterations were made to the house, among which was the removal of the railing enclosing the stairway. In pra. paring to retire for the night, r. Flood extinguished the light and un- 'conscious the absence of the rail- ing walked into the opening. "He fell headlong to the bottom; fracturing his skull. Dr. Emery was summoned as quickly as possible after the accident, and found the vnfértunaté man in a low state. Little hope was entertained for his rocovery when the doctor left him on Thursday. Mr. Flood is a mar- ried man about forty years of age, and has a small family. 25 Cent Present. - Are you looking for something at 25¢., if so try these: 25 cent neck ties, 25 cent braces, 28 cent silk "handkerchiefs, 25 cent mufflers. Jenkins. Beautiful Holiday Goods. R. Uglow & Cos. holiday stock is now very complete. Fine books, &r- tistic stationery 'and beautiful pic- | tures, all Wake choice gifts. And Skating greatest variety in the Abdrpethy's. ~ Hockey Boots, the city, at liberals' gifted leader | election of the government candidate, | Waterloo, showed how corruptionists | been done had the liberals adopted the | FOR LADIES, $1, $1 25, $1.50, $290, $2 FOR MEN, 75¢c., $1, $1.50, $1.75, $2. FOR CHILDREN, 1oc. to $1. Who desire to save a dollar, read of Special Offerings : -- BARGAIN No. 1-- Suitable for evening | Drawers in dress, waist or drapery, 913 yards value at Silk Crepe de Chene, with white Akista in » und, and green, blue, cardinal, Bink, canary " black floral Ae dinat, good 'value at 78c., sale price 25e. yd. BARGAIN No. 2-600 Japanese ps and very suitable for w ~ mostly in jnncy stripes, also in all white and black ; regular price was 50c., sale price 3c. yd. BARGAIN No. 3-098 yards Watered IE Moire Silk, in pretty evening tints, | BARGAIN No. 7--Women's § pink, cream, old rose, reseda, gray, | Folt Hats, from $1 to torquois, brown, navy and - black; | price 40, each. ) worth 75c., sale price 39¢c. yd. BARGAIN No. 8=W. . MANE Xe ei, Tok, Me Wh rT Ari) ilk ; regu a lar value hed a pric Ly 15. sale price 39¢c. yd. BARGAIN No. 5--A huge sale of Wo mes Flonnsiette i at wenr, and worthy of special inspéotion : Gowns in wy blue, cream, good : : Sone ow a: Si wow Gh. wach, Bargain 1 3 and aa owns in , blue, crear, go ne 1, 3 at' honest 2 at $1.25, now 78c. Ge ion fiess a Gowns in pink, blue, cream good 3 honest value at $1.50, now Be., 98. | ° Bargaing 5, 6,7 and 8 on a Gowns in pink, blue, cream, good | floor in New Millinery and honest value at $1.65, now 9%¢, Parlor. * Corset Covers in pink, blue, cream, : . = good honest value at 25c., now 19%. | Bargain, No. 5 is perhaps one of Corset Covers in pink, blue, cream, | most interestin ] good honest value at ., now 20c. | of the year. . ve Drawers in pink, cream, good honest | Women's Fl a large factory at a profit, and how share value at 25¢., now 19c. Drawers in pink, cream, good honest value at 40c., row 25c. lent bargain with you. .. CRUMLEY BR Elegant Designs, Popular Materials, Right Prices : Trimmed Mil for the over a There is no gift a man receives that he so appreciates and so thorougly enjoys as a comfortable PAIR OF SLIPPERS. Ours is a'most complete stock. Prices From 75¢c. to ri sini, McDermott's Imperial Babbit--A Canadian Metal for Cana Once used always used, because better, than any other Lead Pipe," Battery Zinc, Fuse Wire, Phosfor Tin,"Pig Tin, timony Lead, nid all White Metal mixtures. Wash THE CANADA METAL -€0., 3