BEST 810 ST $12.50 BEST §15 ve as we do. 12, $15. iT ! Jolls, marked 25c. and ic. ted Candy Jellies on y loys at half price. or children, 3c. to 3! in Men's Gold Plat: ind without Fobs,' a in on sale Thursday n Parlor Lamps aud AIR E. Y BOOTS . A. Slater Hockey Boot it in Canada. $3. nd waterproof. nd $1.25. Store . Her Own. ealer. n front of us prevents he stage." o bad! I don't © ne about it. I sup right to pile her hair es." - raise a word of -ol- her Rair--but it is the front seat heard 8. rms, or dresses mage for er is placed mow at ry. R, Uglow & Co. the matter to his final judgment pest My heart. is.ull afire, dear Jove, They consented and a day wes ap. Nohd You Fave alow' Pointed for the ne Lit 1 ew hooks for gifts. Ugle 4, The judge said the only Way ho The death took place this morning, could decide was to see Nl le ja the home of her daugh Brock both styles & dan. ing. 8 dance | oirect west, of Mrs. Coristine, aged Julia was only too willing, and pj eighty hur vears . arp, ex-Governor of Kansas, | Fouctted in front of the judge to E J. H. Mills to-day sold by auction 12 a Totter from 1227 I street, 20. I. Wash- | Complete satisfaction RES ¥ | the hou chold goods of Mrs. Nichol In5ton, D. C., writeh: Mmmmeu Then he felt constrained to decide } E00 University avenue. The results "I can carnestly recommend your, 3 Is. reputation cs a cure for catarrh ig firmly established dy my friends, who have Been benefitea by its vse, and the public should know its great cura. Peruna gs an cxcellent tonic, tive qualitics." -==Isaac Sharp. Congressman II. Henry Powers writes "he from Morrisville, Vit.: "Peruna I havoused in my family with success. '1 can recommend it as an ex- cellent family remedy." If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from tho use of Peruna; write ot once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be plessed' to give you his valuable ad- vico"peatis. . Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0, AEB COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL MARKETS, Dee. 16th Ash. 1a Canada Pacific Ry 1ivg 11v 1otedo Ky p Montreal St Ry. (New) Montreal St. Ry 5 'toronto St. Ry. Halnax St. Ry Twin Lity Transit Commercial Cable 5 Montreal 'telegraph 164 161 Lei 'leiephone Co 160 [i Mentreal Cotton Co 110. vu bommion Cotton Co ou 33 R.'& O. Nav. vo. . Hi Merchants' Bank 000 Pominion Steel, Pret 26 Dominion Steel . 4 Dominion Coal 76 Letro:t. United "0 itréal Power To Aova Scola St. Ry = TH Ogilvie Milling Cot 125 119 Un on' Fank 000 132 bank of Ottawa 214 ooo bunk 'of Commerce 000 13513 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHAN 1 yee Unjon Facific St" Paul Manhattan B. R. Transit Suttur People's Gas S. Steel U: 8S. Steel, pid Tenn. Coal Miss. Pac Southern Pac Ont. & Western Western Un'on N.Y Atchison, pid Rock Istand Pennsylvagia RR Texas & . Pacific Atchigon -- Am. lee Pre. Mail Col. 1. & F American Loco Amal. Copper 17% 1s OPTIONS. The following are the quotations from and Iron London, ¥ng., for ome, two, and three months i= To mid. To mid To mid Jan. ac. Fe C. Mar. ac. Atchison Lp Atchison, pref 24 Balw.. and. Ohio 2} Can. Pacific 23 S¢¢- Paul ' i Denver, common, 1} Erie, common Ji Louis! and Nash." 2} Miss. K. & T., com. 1 Norf. 'and Western 24 24 Ont... and Western 13 14 Beading. ($50 shs) 1} 1§ Sguthera com. 1% 2 South Pac. 2% 2 Southein pref. .. 2% 2 J. 8. Steel, ord. 2 2 Us 8. Steel, pre 2% 2 Union Pacific 24 3 Wabash pref. 23 2 We are prepared, to deal in options (puts or Sally at above prices Ail 1 transactions Tn options are for cash and | expire at noon '12, ON contango day of the account in which the call is due Free booklet on application Prices subject to change. PARKER & CO., 61 Victoria Street, Toronto. CrEETE------------------------------ LAKE POOL'S LOSSES. Disastrous Season Fcr Marine Un- derwriters. Detroit, Mich., Dec. 15.-It mated that the lake pool of underwrit ers is about: £300,000 behind on the season. Aggregate losses, including cargoes, were about $2,100000. This represents the total amount of pre miums paid. During the season fifty two wooden vessels, valued at £9 600, passed out of existence. The son from the underwriters' standpoint is the worst since 1898. The greatest surprise comes in heavy losses on grain cargoes... Lostes on this class of insur ance represent eighty per cent. of the premiums instead of the ust ents five per cent. Thirty-seven disasters were caused by fire, 119 disasters ars charged ta Lake Frie. Lake Michigan cote wext with ninety-three. Detroit river shad forty-two. is esti Oxford prayer books. R. Uglow &'Co. JULIA DANCED BEFORE TH JUDGE AND WON Him uence rendering his theatre Poptlir. The manager had a writte, contract with her, providing that sh was to dance in certain operas h traditional dances required by puke. z Julia said in court that taste was depraved and that the hizhost rules of the art _ The jurers would have liked to gin judgment for i > terps right. So the judge asked the they would consent again partis i in his private room and sul that the theatre manager was and that the new dancing provement. When he gave against. the fair Julia he asked her 1c remain in his room a few minutes he wished to speak to her alone. Miss Julia's surprise was ¢ received an offer of marr thesjudge, whoshad been fa her grace and beauty. She acceptec him on the spot, and paid the fine imposed on her by theatre manager, . -- RINKS CHOSEN. was no im For The Winter By Kingston Curl- matches : No. 1--H. Macpherson,. J. E. Elliott 9.--D . Sliter, W Smith, G. Y. Chown, E B. Dalton, skip 10.--Prof. Callender, Prof. Gwil . Knight, Dr. Watson, kip 11.--Prof. Campbell, Dr. Ros Farrell, A. Strachan, skip No. 12--W. Givens, he Mitchel H. A. F. Shaw, skip No. 13.--F. A. Hateh, .L. Hooper, A McNaughton, 1. Slater, skin No. 14.--Dr. McCammon, J. C. Al mon, R. E. Burns; L. L. Henderson, skip. No. 15.--E.-M. Storey, F. Conway, Dr. gh, H. Yoplden, skip. : No. I6.--Lieut, . Roy, Capt. Leslie, Lieut. Mills, Major Massie, Col. Ogil vie, skip, Rinks Nos. 1 to 8 will play in ser A; Nos. 9 to 16 in series B THE LATE EDWIN CHOWN. The Funeral Ceremonies Held This Morning. The funeral of the Chown took place at Wednesday, from his late residence on Brock street. Service was held at the home by Rev. Dr. Philp, of Sydenham late ten o'clock on Edwin Steet Methodist church, assisted by Rev. W. T. G. Brown, of the same church; Rev. Dr. Antliff, of Queen ( Street Methodist church, and Rev. Dr. Mackie, of St. Andrew's church. The six sons of deceased acted as pall-bearers--Dr. H H., Winnipeg; Stanley Renfrew; Rev. E. A, Toronto; Geo. Y Charles and Dr. Albert P., Kingston. offerings was a larg Medical Faculty of sity, of which Dr In. the cortege were the governors of the General Hospital, the direstors of the Ontario Building ety, and many of the dec time The taken to Cataraqui cemetery Among the floral wreath from the Manitoba Chown is dean. Univer Savin employees rema Death Of David Little. David little died this Cornwall. © He was once teemed citizen of morning in a highl m. Deceased a wile and Kingst leaves to mourn his dem several sons and daughters. He ducted a large boot and shoe store in | Cornwall. The funeral wi'l take Friday. place | } ' Surprising. | "The, Lockett shoe store received by | express this morning their sixth shin iment of hocke boots this season. | Erxidently the aters know {right thing can be got. where the Jawes Cr his wife and daugh ter, Grace, aged, thirteen, was burn ed to death in their home, Johnstown Pa., early on Wednesday, while a son Jawpies, is missing Oxford University. defeated Cam bridge University by three goals and a try to two goals and a try in the annual footballs match, rughy rules, to-day S Steamer Monarch is frozen in with two tugs ear Sailors' mpment, St. Mary's river. The ice twelve in chee thick. Callaghan out on hail, failed to ap- pear for sentence in 'Toronto, and postponement made to 5 n.m. Daniel Cavanagh, Parkdale, Ont, killed on Wednesday morning by en engine toppling over on him. 3 Fancy. perpetual callenders for office desks. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. !bern fixed for March Ist. LOST HER SUIT, ; Miss Tomaska Pleaded That The | {. E. Terpsichorean Taste Of The | Public Was Depraved--Gave an | pe hibition, A meting of the city property com- T Wapest, "Hungary, Dec, 16, Tiliy | mittes was held this afternoon, by a > an operatic s , Was sued Storey cake tins, roasting pans. ue nager of the theatre gt Na- | Lemmon, Claxton & Lawrenson. gy Arad for not dan ing according to | r. Pell, Watertown; N.Y. is the the best traditions of her ert, and in | guest of his cousin, G. W. Bell, V.S. un- | Beautiful the the | out to make your Christmas pur: chases. | W. Hazlett, Frontenac street, is the public ! very ill. te 1 her man- ne"GE dancing was in accordance with *harean | Julia, as she is a | votes at the balloting for the position lovely girl, and gave her evidence with | of chief of Quebec pelice, much animation and wit, but they Sutherland's for your Xmas shoes. could not agree as to whi h side wes Meliecaue shel ovsters, handpicked to try the cosa right Judgment as | Anticipating Christmas bills her husband the ing Club. his terms are epted he will take . The Kingston Curling (lub hae Charge right iad : chosen these rinks for the winter's lub Ih is eighteen inches of snow at H W. H. Dalby, skip : Kirkpatrick, L. W. Gill 8 v, skip Macpherson; F. Macnee W. A. Maclnnes, Dr. Her , SKip. No. 4.--T. Rigney, R. McKen 1, 'G E. Hague, J. W. Power, skip. o. 5.--Dr. Black, RB. J. McKelvey, W. I. Webster, W. Leslie, skip : No. 8.--A, McLean, J. A mes, ( D. McFarland, skip. N T--Lieut. Claremont, 1 t. Pe net, "Capt. Grant, Col. Drury, skip No. §--J. McKay, D. J. Mackinnon, H. . Seott, E. Lyons, skip a Pa vord, th (NCIDENTS OF THE DAY, | Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Reporters On Their Rounds. Shop early all this week. Sutherland's for your Xmas shoes. Artistic ealenders. R. Uglow & Co. Whelchan has been appointed reg istrer for South Perth. See our all steel filled corset, at 50:. e worth 75¢. New York Dress Reform. aving mirrors for Christ mas. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. n . A Read the Whig ads. Lefore you start el Friends. have been ed to his bedside. The report of the Piisoner's Aid As- ation, Toronto, shows 839 prison ers helped dwing the ve a Licut.-Col. Hudon received summon- soveral sclets, for the helidays at Carmov- i | sky's fruit and fish market. Oh, 'walk upcn my heart, dear love! The pain were rapture sweet, were qui e satisfactory. Sutherland's for young men's shoes. Christmas comes but And when 'it comes >i And vet it once a year sort of givés one -- ---- The adjourned case of W. C. Mar tin, for infraction of by-law re opera house license, was further enlarged at the police court this morning. i Remeins of the infant daughter of Mrs. A. D.. Cartwright, Toronto, is to be brought here for burial. It was born on Friday last and. died Tues aav. negotiating for the stock-in-trade and Iroquois hotel. If Con.' Millan is purchase - of ° the good will of the Watertown, N.Y, at Richland, N.Y Vincent and Watertown vesterday by the ward O'Phrion has ariived in the citv. He has consi John H Mills, auctioneer, a valuable. collectipn of pictures, which will be sold at gue tion. Particulars to-morrow. Instructisng have heen given the office of the Hudson's Bay com any at Winrin for the bpilding of a flour mill the mouth of the Peace Fiver, where its unite with those ¢f Lake Atha A A joke is being told of a local hot el-kedper who, on Saturday night last, lected to lock the front door of his room. This fact became known to ers of the place, with the re Monday. morning he * had enough liquor on hand to and about four fet Trains between Cape were delayed now nsigned to from near waters t on do business RELIEF, ALMOST JOY -- ln In Two Soos Over Consolidated Sales. Sault Ste. Marie, Dec. 16.--It was with a feeling of relief, amounting in the majority of s almost to joy, that the news of the sale of the pro- perties of the Consolidated Lake Sup erior Ww received in the two Soos. It is generally believed that the company will be re nized, the plants put into successful operation within a few months. Speyer and company's is generally believed to beg a i avoid the litigation which s threatened in the Canadian courts, of of and move np to w Some express a fear that the works may fall into 'the hands of steel trusts with the result that they would be shut down fcr good, but the majority of the people do not believe that the steel trust in its present con- dition has any desire to monkey with the plants of the Consolidated Lake Superior company. Ask Government Aid. Toronto, Dee. 16.--F. H. Clergue, H. C, Hamilton, James Conmee, M.P.P., T. J. Drummond, Montreal, and others intersicwed the Ontario government this morning urging that if the Con- idated company 'is wound up the government, through its control of the land the Algoma Central should protect the Canadian creditors grant to Mr. Clergue sail Spever & Co. © were willing to admit creditors and share holders to any re-organization in or der to let them save their investments { if possible, He said that of the 88,000, 000 required hy the re-organization committee $ had berm re | ceived that is half a million more than was reported yesterday. Mr. Clergue belioves re-organization will proceed, but that the work will be slow, A NOTED DESPERADO And His Pal, Loose In Ari- 1 zona. Tex., Dec. 16.--Burt Al noted Arizona desperado, under sentence for train robbery, and Lis partne Billy Styles, broke jail ut Tombstone, Arizona, last night, S.x isoners escaped with the train other robbers Narrow Escape From Drowning. On Friday night a Pittsburg fara- er, who had partaken too much intoxi cating | walked off Richard elevator wharf into the wv wat- Verages, sons' er of the harbor. He thought he was going across Cataraqui bridge. Capt. Oliver and Mr. Dereau heard his strug { gles and managed to' haul him out | IN CALLACHAN'S TRIAL OF COUNSEL'S MISTAKE. -- Evidence Coming In In Sut For Damages--Clergue Confdrring With Shields and Barwick-- Peterboro Electric Matters. Toronto, Dec, 16.~W, H. Callagh an's counsel . made a mistake as to the hour at which his client was to be sentenced in the sessions to-day. Callaghan did not appear, this morn- ing, but will be on hand this after- noon, Counsel urged that sentence should be pestponed, till the reserve case is argued, but the judge did not agree. Chief Justice Meredith is to-day, hearing further evidence and argu- ment in a case recently begun before him at Lindsay, in which Charles Vassar and David Finn, Kirkfield, are suing the township of , Thorah, and contractors F . D. Brown, and John Avimer, for damages. The plaintifis fell into a hole left by defendants who were sub-contractors on the Trent Valley canal. F. H. Clergue arrived in the city to- day, and has spent the morning in conference with Cornelius Shields, the general manager of the Soo compan- ies; William Coyne, assistant general manager, and Walter Barwick, K.C., who made the application for the winding up_order wnted here. No new announcement has vet been made James Bicknell, K.C., solicitor for Speyer & Co., savs he has taken no fresh step this morning. Judge Meredith is) to-day, in the appl Meldrum, to set aside two by-laws of the town of Peterboro. One by-law gives a. franchise for thirty years years to the Radial Railway com pany, and the second extends for ten years, the lighting contract with the Peterboro Light abd Power company, at the rate of 850 a lamp. The ac ceptance of the first contract by the company was made conditional on the agreement bv the town a sion provided for 'by the second by- law. It is claimed that the American Cereal company, "is practically both the companies referred to in the hy- laws, that an iffer of lights at £35 per annum was rejected, and the dif ference between this officer and £50 a year, means X1 400 a vear. which is practically a honus to the Radial rail way. Another objection is that Mavor Rogers is secretary of the Radial railway comoany. aring argument ation by W. H. Col. Henry Gordon, president. and A. Norvel, first vice-president of the Muri inel Bond Securities ' com pany, Cincinnati, ani heve this morning with F. H. Clerone and with him had a long consultation with Walter Barwizk, K.C. ------ GAMEY BECOMES VIOLENT. Regrettable Scenes At His Beach- burg Meeting. hburg, Ont, Dec. 135. -- Mr. y was received with open arms by the conservatives on his entrance to the North Renfrew campaign. He Was -fhet' at the station in Pembroke CAPRICES OF THE YUKON. -- River That Freezes From the Bettem Tp o --A Water Juggler, The waters of Alaska freeze from the bottom. One may be gliding along on a glassy lake, with a gor geous sun overhead, in a crisp, ia vigorating atmosphere. There is not a sign of ice except high up on the mountain sides. A litle circle ap- pears on the silvery suriuce, as though a einy pebble bad fallen in--then an- other, and still another. There isn't a sound, and not evén a mosquito to disturb the placid picture, but still the little circles come. Presently a glassy bead bubbles about in the cemtre of one of the widening circles, then a larger one, and g still larger. Those beads are tiny ice globules. They come bob- bing up in rapid succession, then several together. In half an hour the surfuce is coverai. They hawe grown as large as a butter bean, and ncar- ly the same shape, but crystal clear, In an hour they are as large as a lady's watch, and cach one has little grains of sand sticking to it; some have a large gravel sealed up in- side. The old "sour dough' will row for the shore when he sces these signs upen the water, for he knows well that in a few hours the whole sur- face will be a mass of slusl ice, from which it will be impossible to extricate a rowboat, and equally im- possible to leave it, By morning the cold air of the upper world will have welded all this ! mass together, and we have the first freeze-up, If one will take the trouble .to peep' into' some shallow rivulet at this time of year he may sec nature in her workshop making 8 winter, Each tiny grain of sand is first giv- en a coat of ice. The coat grows thicker on the upper side. Finally it gets so thick that tho buoyancy of the ice overbalinces the weight of the gravel; the mass leaves the bottom, and, reached a stratum of warmer water, the ice melts a little, © releasing the ' grawel, nd bobs merrily to the surfame. The fact of its being anchored to the gravel at the bottom has given it the name of anchor ice, and that freeze-up is expressively called "'the anchor ice freeze-up.'* After a week or two of good hard freezing there is nearly always a chinook wind that comes up from the south for a last flying visit, and the ice is broken up into huge cakes. These drift before the wind or with the current, and when they are stop- ped by some natural barrier they pile up on cach other, sometimes: many fect high, making the ice jams that are so hard for "'mushers" or 'log wallopers" to get over in traveling. Then comes the real freeze-up, when the surface of every lake and river is scaled solid. As the cold grows more intense the water in the depths give off a vapor, and this, being warmer than the ice, melts it here and there, forming air holes--the river's lungs. Woe betide the unwary pedestrian who happens to strike one of these air holes just before it opens, for in each one of them is written tho im fornal legend, "Leave hope behind, who enters here." One may look out upon the frozen surface of a lake or by the leading 'members of the party and diiven to the residence of My Dunlop, where a reception was held. | In the afternoon he drove out here, | ace panied by a dozen loads of con | ervatives, to speak for Mr. Dunlop. | The ittle hall was packed to the doors. The meeting several times was in an uproar. Mr. Camey took two hours in explaining his side of the case. But his vielent language dis gusted the more serious-minded of his hearers, and bis threats to do ph cal violnce to Dr. MacKay wer sented Ly the audience gene Some of Mr. Gamey's phrases werd the verge of blasphemy THE WITNESS' VERDICT J. B. Mills' Libel Suit Was successful. Montreal, Dec. 16.--The freedom of the pn in the province of Quel was considerably enlarged by a jurs which in five minutes returned a ver dizt in the action of J. Bidwell M lls, of Hamilton, for 810,000 damages from the Witness. Justice Trenholme cut out from the guestions to be put to the jurors those asking whether the article in question had been of public | interest or for the bénefit of the pub lic. The principal question was, were | the charges in the article substantial. | ly true? The jury decided that they | were, and that the plaintif had suf | fered no damage through their publi. | cation. What the Witness had said | was that Mills, who bad conducted a | collecting agency at Hamilton. was | connected with the Montreal Business Men's League. CHINESE BRIGANDS Un- Make Things Lively In churia, " Vladivostock, Dec. 16.--~Word reached here to-day that the Chun Chuzes, the Chinese brigands. who have been con ducting a- reign of terror in Manchuria, attacked the Bank at Kunachends, and got away with 7,000 roubles. Four per- sons were wounded in the fight, which Man- occurred during the attack on the bank. Bernie Mitchell Released. Bernie Mitchell, Owen Sound, sen tenced to seven years in the peniten tiary for criminal assault, has been re leased after serving eight months of his sentence. The release is made up- on the recommendation of the judge, the prisoner having been wrongfully convicted Gen. Francis V. Greeneawill become a resident of Bufialo when he retires as New York's police commissioner on January 1st. He has accepted an offer to take charge of the Ontario Power building now being erected in Canada opposite Niagara Falls, It has been decided not to make any further issves of the tartan or khaki service clothing to the rural militia corps during time of peace On dit that Lord Aylmer will be ap pointed to the command of the Cana dian militia on the retirement of Gen. | Lord Pnndonald. Archbishop Prachesi, Montreal, cele- just as he was drowning. Fred. Krug, killed and two scalded bv explosion of a power bntler | at Wilkinsonburg, Pa. A. G. Bushell, the New Haven, Conn., cashier who suicided is $17,000 short Coal scuttl: done for? Try Lem mon, (laxton & Lawrenson's. The general election in Japan bas | brated the twenty-fifth iversary of his ordination to the hood on Tuesday. river and see many of these air hol- | es, distinguished only by the volume of vapor rising like the. smoke of huge signal fires upon a prairie, When the weather moderates some of these gigantic nostrils seem to be un- necessary, and 5 thin coat of ice forms over them. They they are more dangerous than ever, because the channel 'is just beneath, ready to take the victim instantly into the bowels of the ice. After a month or two of freezing weather the ice grows very thick. Thé waters beneath, dried up at their source, shrink into smaller space, and the great mass of ice Long cracks open up in surface with thundering noises like volleys of artillery. Then the water beneath, hard pressed for an easy channel, runs into and along these cracks, the surface freezes up, and there "is an artificial subterran- ean river, fo to speak. More cracks open up and more of these little rive ers form, until the great mass of ice contains a veritable nftwork of im dependent streams . At this time of the year the "che- chako,"' or tenderfoot, may dig with pick and ax and shovel for 20 feet "settles." its narrow | down through the ice to get water, all the time hearing its deep-toned gurgle somewhere beneath. Finally he strikes almost dry sand in the bottom of the river, but no water. The '"'sour dough,'"" on the other hand, is a water witch, after a fashion. With his ax he will per- cuss the surface, just as the physi- cian does a man's chest, and often- times one blow will open up a cry- stal river. His ear never misleads him. The signs are infallible, But the 'sour dough" will find more than water down there, When night comes on he will cut a spruce torch from the forest near by whittle a harpoon out of pine knot, %tand with his lighted torch at the hole he has made and pull out J big fine fish until he and his 'dogs are satiated. --John A. Hornsby, ia Toronto Sunday World. Ri Leo Makes His Own Liguern A letter received at the Toronto Methodist mission rooms recently from R. W. Large, M.D., superinten- dent of the Belia Bella Hospital, Bri- tish Columbia, says: "Owing to seo much work around this part of the country at present, it is almost im- possible to get the people to attend church," says Dr. Large. "Indians have been keeping from drunkenness of late, due to better co-operation between tho managers of the various works and the policemen, although several of the tribe have just lately found out a way to manufacture an intoxicating liquor from a mixture of berries, rice, sugar, beans and ap- vies. The ringleads however, have since been captured, and are now confined in the Provincial jail, Many Chinamen also .have joined their comrades in the lock-up." Every gentleman appreciates a pair of military hair brushes. Beautiful ones at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, 3 16-0z. packages cleaned currants, 25¢., at Gilbert's. Sutherland's shoes are solid leather. - a cap from jar : A Net Wrinkle, Ne: 5) Above is taken from edition "Culinary Wrinkles" a icin from edition di fuze Sk SR re me Extract of Beef The Best Extract of the Best Beef Sold by all jobbing and also retail drug and grocery trade. Christmas = Gifts Linen Handkerchiefs, 156. "to 506. Smoking Jackets and House (: for their friends now. Many st: seli above goods only, in holiday son, and such never buy, if they were buy themselves, We sell ~ thesé 'goods +1 the season around and we sell ¢ to particular men. The ma deen carefully" selected; they are wut in most expert manner and dignified and correct style. C. LIVINGSTON & BRO, 75-77-79 Brotk Street, Kingston, ro « ow Jackets, $3.75 to $6.50, Trending Gowns, $5 to $18, Bath Robes, $4 to 4 : Umbrellas, $1 to $5. Stylish Neckwear, 5c. to $1.25 Stylish wraps, 75¢. t Gloves, 75c, to $1.50. Suspenders, 23¢. to bes Shirts, $1 to 81.50. Pyjamas, $2 to $3.50, Silk Handkerchiefs, 33c. to 81. Silk Garters, 23. to : Woollen "Shoes, 30c. to 786. © * Cuff Links, 50c. to 81. Cravat Pins, 50c. to Ladies are buying Dressing Gos goods as men would They're comfortable and last longest. McDermott's WHY NOT GIVE SLIPPERS ? Suitable Gifts ! You can reach a man's heart through his fect Women's too. Give a pair of Slippers for Christmas and see. To be doubly sure of pleasing, give a pair of McDERMOTT'S SLIPPERS. They are the m ¢ Shoe Store. age. The Age Of Wealth. Canon Hensley Henson. An altogether false ideal of success has grown up. We respect and esteem the rich man, while we abhor the means by which he has grown rich. The poor prostrate themselves in ab- ject idolatry of the rich, and to con- stant and Yavich display of wealth make them discontented with the hon est obscurity and steady toil which, if they but knew it, are the pillars of New books for boys. R. Uglow & Co, whatever virtue in to this money- Dr, KOHR'S RESTORINE 2 = Fe To rd has re d address plai an a of Restor ve wil beset FREE in hesitate a mome: with success and with hovest confideuce. Dr. KOHR MEDICINE CO.. P.o. DRAweR I 2341, MONTREAL. getting, money-spending, ing England. Boots, the greatest variety in i" city, at A. Abernethy's. enry Cunningham from Chickering's. Orders received McAulév's hook store, Huntley & Palmer's demon wafers, only oer a dona £4 ; a case. nl; money lov ; Hockey And Skating H; i hy tuser, Princkss stroot.