Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Dec 1903, p. 3

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JOT ALL EN HAPPY, Lydia, Had Trou. 8 Own, And re Others. 8 D. Bockdler dla, Was very yi. oa MHI UME ely, 1 a saying old. He hag |< and some of them He was taken dap. us and only gyveg burned alive hy of Solon, the 8 flee his kings, age. for \ man's troubles 1, living and couly are brought on 1, ; , heavy foods slack of Proper ental strain, Unng te, and are gp, Indigestion, dyspep omach. They 4, 1 right, but voided but can als, t without loss of 1 and nourishment a Tablets are (}o Speptics, rich - gpg 8 no such thing 4 ard progress noy. 8 Placed its stamp their noble work, thousands of cures and the happiness have made their word throughout t's Dyspepsia Tab- in a word. They k that the weak h is unable to do uperate and re hey * contain all ties that the gos digestive fluids J, e food just as nach would. They just as one vestod an relieves the tired and worn, own work of re mple, natural pro. | understand. You t without fear of yspepsia Tablets drugpists at 50 ste all know bet et along without for them is great Weese"s 25¢. . lars for 35c. ctures, at 15¢. ', 20¢., to 25c. at bargains. relties at low Christmas. & CO. Risch Piano. i 00ks ) ) ys. Is. s for -Sun- hools. , etc. SET, k Store. ] ne 000000000000 0000000000 -- <Q hon. ry SIONS Th i « CHRISTMAS SINGLE FARB#800d going Dec. 241), and 25th. Ret@fm limit, on or before Dec. 28th u FARE AND ONE-THIRD--Good going _. Dec. 23rd, 24th and 25th. Ret im- it on or before Jani"Gih. Tm hh NEW YEAR SINGLE FARE--~Good going Dec sist, Jan. 1st. Return limit, rb Jat, dan. I on or be FARE AND ONE-THIRD--Good going Dec. 30th. and 31st, and Jan. 1st." Re turn limit on or before Jan. 5th, ® J.P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Rallways, ~~ "= For Christmas and New Year's Vacation WILL ISSUE RETURN TICKETS. -~ GENERAL PUBLIC ., AT SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE-- Good going Dec. 24th, 25th, valid for return until December 28th, 1903. Good going December 81st, 1903, and Janu ary 1st, 1904, valid for return until January 4th, 1904. AT FIRST-CLAST FARE AND ONE- THIRD--Going December 23rd, 24th, and 25th, and December 30th, 31st, 1903 and January 1st, 1904, good returning until January 5th, 1904. 8 Full particulars at K. & Pp C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St F. CONWAY, A. FOLGER, JR., Gen. Pass. . Gen. Supt THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR ' Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all lo- eal points, Train leaves City Hall De 20t at 4 pam, F. CONWAY, Agent, 4. Q. Ry, Kingston. DOMINION LINE STEAMSHIPS 'PORTUAND-HALIFAX--LIVERPOOL From Portland. and ¥. Agt From Portland. Canada, Jan. 2 Dominion, Jan. 23 Ottoman, Jan. 9 Tauric, Jan. 30 Nomadic, . Jan. 16 Canada, Fev. 6 Padiinger s¥amers west bound call at . For all partisulars as to freight and passage apply to :-- x J. P. HANLEY, G.T.R. JUPUGQILDERSLEEVE, 42 Clarence St. a Dominion Line, Montreal & Port- d. on BERMUDA op THG NOW FAR FAMED BERMUDAS, with cable communisation and equable winter to! aturg of 65 degrees, beau- Wiul - sCen and 100 miles of good roads, headquarters of the British North American Squadron, is unrivalled in its attractiveness, reached by the first~class fron steamers TRINIDAD or PRETORIA ia forty-eight hours from New York. Sailing fortnightly up to 1st January aad every THURSDAY thereaiter. wopieal islands, including A CRUZ, ST, KITTS, MARTINIQU LUCIA, BARBARDOES AND PEMER- A, also afford beautiful and interest- ,* all. reached by steamship of the 'Quebee Steamship Company, sailing Wot New York about every 10 days Far descriptive pamphlets and dates of sailing apply to A. EMILIUS OUTER- & CO., Agents, 89 Broadway, + J.P. HANLEY or J. P GILDERSLEEVE, Kingston, Ont ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS From St. John From Hai ax. . ed Tunisian, Dec. 19. .. 21 Parisian, ---- --. .. . Dec. 28 Pretorian, Jan. 2 4 RATES OF P First Cabin -- Tun wpwards; Parisian, $55 and upwards; Other Steamers, $55 and upwards Second Cabin -- Liverpool, and Tunisian, $40. Other :80; Londpn, $2 . Class -- $25 and erpool, y, Belfast, Glasgow ~through tickets to South Africa NEW YORK TO GLASGOW Corinthian, Thursday, Dec. 24th, 1 pm. cist Cabin, $45, 2nd Cabin, $35, 8rd 18s, o " . ent, G.T.R., City 3 Eo SIARLEY. Agente GTR, oo 8, Clarence street. London MAYORALTY OF 1904 ALD. W. G. CRAIG Requests the votes end influence of the Electors of the Municipality of King- stom, for Mayor for 1904. MAYORALTY 1904. TO THE ELECTORS: Ladios and Gentlemen--I respectfully solicit your votes and influences to elect me' mayor for the year 1004 wT. C.J. GRAHAM. MME E. ELDER MASSK ". AND TDRESSMAKING Parlors, Forma, produces ad growth of Rair at once, prevents fal aiid grdy hair, cures Dandruff, Neural ia and Ecrema. Latest styles in Car- Fes amr "Even Gowns, Tailor Mude NEW YEAR'S YS ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Must Bear Signature of (Hote Zant See Fac-Simile Wiser Below. -~ 2 Very small and as casy 10 take as sugar, | CARTERS FOR READACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. CURE SICK HEADACHE. "Night Sweats Afternoon: Chills and Fever, Loss of Flesh and Strength, . Weak Voice, Difficult Breathing, Fickle Appetite are symptoms of Consumption, DR. SLOCUM'S " POICHINE (PRONOUNCED SI~KEEN) Drives out the Tuberculosis Germs from your system, and produces Flesh and Strength, two essentials for a permanent cure, For sale at all drug stores. Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King St. West, Toronto, Sample free upon request. : SS ----------------------------e ee. Feeling Prettv Well ¢ dinner and good y a man as con- ver think of what's a well-cooked din- right on time--until it happens " the other way. Good fuel makes good fires, fires that can be depended on to heat v n to the temperature résponsit ner served ie pot boiling affairs run- reliability, you can to deliver your coal ist when you s good fuel as next order in if you'll lét us ship-shape style R. CRAWFORD, Foot of Queen Street. 'Phone 9. Now is the time to be thinking of what presents ¥ il make } We can help you lendid Ww stock Cle Fur- wi Wy t 'could yu give than a Suit or Overcoat ? cut in the late de from the newest that will There styles a fabrics suit li and prices ted pocketbooks y things 'a visit here will § Corr and see them. gO Correct Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, > Abramson.. The Up Town Clothier; 336 Princess Street. CANNEL COAL A FOR YOUR GRATE. It lasts all night, Try it. -P. WALSH - 4 Little Liver Pills; Wr Cael HAVE A GREAT MEETING | ST.LOUIS. The Gathering . Will Last "For a | Week--aA Few Men Alive Who Were With the Society at Its Introduction. } PROF: I. C. RUSSEL. Chairman of the association. St. Louis, Mo., Dec, 28.~Scientists fram all parts of the country--repre- senting chemical, geological, mathemd" tical, engineering, botanical, micros- copical, astronomical, psychological and kindred societics--gathered in the central high school building of this city to-day to attend the forty-third annual meeting of the American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science, The convention will hold daily ses- sions for the rest of the week. To- day being the opening day was given up to addresses .of welcome. Prof. Ira Remsen, the retiring president, called the meeting to. order, and introduced Carroll D. Wright, United States com- missioner of labor, the new president, Addresses of welcome were delivered on behalf of the city of St. Lowis and Washington University. In the morn- ing and aficrnoon several sections of the association held individual meet- "ings. The American Association for - the Advancement" of Science was practical ly founded in 1848 at Philadelphia. The first suggestion of the idea of an association was contained in a letter WILLIAM TRELEASE, President of the Naturalist's society. written by Prof. Hitchcock, of Am- herst College, to his friend, Prof. Henry D. Rogers, © of Philadelphia, April 4th, 183%, Correspowlenee among the geologists and naturalists of those: days continued for some time, and finally in April, 1840, the ' Associa- tion of American Geologists" was founded in Philadelphia. At the third meeting of the society of geologists of Boston the naturalists joined, ~ and the name was changed to the '"Asso- olation' of American Geologists and Naturalists," In 184%, with a member- ship of 461, the American Association for the Advancement of Science was definitely founded, and its first meet- ing was held in Philadelphia. Since that time fifty-two meetings have been held, those for 1861 and 1865 inclu sive being omitted on account of the great disturbance consequent on the civil war. Of the body of men who met in Philadelphia in 1848 there are alive to-day : Samuel L. Abbot, of Boston; Martin H. Boyee, of Coopersburg, and Wolcott Gibbs, of Newport. The con- stitution which was adopted at the Philadelphia meeting , remains to-day in all its essentials, and its first clause sets forth the broad objects for which the association was formed ciation showed a fluctuating member ship from its foundation until 1875; then increased until 1892, when it numbered 2,037. There was a slight falling off in the next six or seven vears, but the increase began again in 1900, and it now numbers over 4,000. The names of nearly all the prominent scientilic men of Am erica are to be found in the volume of the proceedings of the association, the greatest achievements have been first as<ociation's meet- The asso- gradually and many of of American science announced at the ings. Your Choice For $15 Only. Worth $18 To $20. Prevost at the New York clothing store, rock street, will make to or- der a suit or overcoat for $15, guar anteed first class fit and good trim- mings, large assortment to.choose from for suiting and overcoating. Ladies' Fancy Slippers. Great variety, at AQernethy's. ---------------- The Winnipeg Electrie Street railway ompany, as a Christmas gift, pre- sented all employees with five per cv, bonus on their salaries. - Ayers Hair Vigor Always restores color to gray hair, always. Makes hy 1 W.-K mings, late of Picton, died at Ni y Aion hi on Puen, ber Sth, { Kincardine high school, at an increase 94.70. Miss Katie, McDonald, Almonté, has been e on the staf of the Mar. mora publiz school. Mer.. Nebomal, mig hilar. Been appein «assistant to I. at'the B. Q. R. station. ve The dwe house ff * Sylvanus Rohiin, Turner's Settloment, Sidney, was burned on Wednesday. Miss Julia Keony, Sth concession, Lanusk, Eu St hoary failure on Des cem! , aged seventy, Miss Nellie Brisco, Neponts, goes to New: Nork "State, to enter a sanitnr- ium as a purse in training. he Avery. 8, Wright, g carriage bailder, a popular Brockvillian has been appointed jail turnkey there, M ones, Athens, was unit- William Poole, Grenadier Jaland, on Wednesday. Mrs, * McInnes, aged fifty, Nodes, N.D. She was step- mother of J. D. McInnes, Lanark. Small-pox is prevalent in the town- ship of Camden. The authorities am taking every means to suppress it. Miss Reid and Miss Merrill, leaving Yarker school,. were presented with useful and pretly presents and an ad- 'N. James, Otntreville, aged sigh M. James, Centreville, eight y- eight, died on Déconber Tad Hen father of Dr. M. James, M.P.P., Mat- tawa. Invitations have been sent out for the marriage of Miss Annie E. White- house 'to J. W. Wilson, at Roslin, on December 29th, Thomas A, Martin, Brockville, - go- ing to the North West was presented with a gold watch, chain and locket by admiring friends, Rev, W. F. Crawford, St. Andrew's church, Lanark, was recently present- ed with a beautifcl Persian lamb cap and silk handkerchief. W. T. Castle, aged forty-five, died at Brockville, on Wednesday. He had lived in Chicago, for twenty years uid when he becavie ill came home to ne, The engapément of Miss Grace E. Proctor, daughter of Mr. and . Mrs. Henvy T, or, to Dr. Franklin D. Earl, is announced at Ogdensburg, Over 100 car loads. of lambs have been hought this vear in Lanark and 2 Renfrew and sent to Boston. The breeders rectived $75,000 for the stock, Miss Lizzie Hinch, Enterprise, receiv. ed a prize for being the prettiest girl, and a set of china dishes, with a ma- jority of 6,175, for being the most popular. Dr. Vandervoort, Deseronto, has been appointed high school trustee Ly the: county council to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late T. UH. Nasmith, Miss Edith Henry, teacher of Eng: lish and moderns at Harriston high school, has been engaged to teach in in saiary. On Wednesday the marriage of Mac. Howell, Ameeliasburg, te Miss Cassie Williams, only daughter of Caleb Wil- liams, Picton, was performed by Can- on Loucks. On Wednesday at the residence of her uncle, James Brickman, Redners- ville, Miss Mettie May Weese, Redners- ville, was married to William Perey Crouter, Albury. : At Newburgh on December 16th, Rev. J. F. Mears united in 'marriage Alvin R. Perry, Wilton, to Miss Mabel Pearl, eliest daughter of William B. Edgar, Camden East. At the closing exercises at Carman- vi le school on Tuesday last, the pu- pils presented their teacher, Miss Bea- trice Kennedy, with a valuable pre- sent, and an address, Danicl Pretty, Tatlock, was married Wednesday to Miss Carrie Manson, of Drayton, N.D. The wedding took place at the home of the bride's grand father, William Manary, Raycroft. Harvey Palmatteer, = Hungerford township, passed away on Friday last after only two weeks' 'illness. He is survived by a widow and family 'of nine children. He was about forty- nine years of age. John Carr died on December 15th; at the home of his sister, Mrs. Irvine, San Antonio, Texas. Deceased was associated with his father in the hotel business, and occupied the old Tich- borne house, Napanee. Died snddenly at Millhaven, on De- cember 17th, Mary Helen Demorest, cllest daughter of the late George Demorest, Richmond, and wile of T. W. Collins, aiter an illness of three days' duration of pneumonia. On December 18th the pupils and friends of Miss Eva Herrington met at the school room 8.8. No. 2, Camden, and surprised her by presenting her with a handsome Lady's Companion and handkerchief case, and an address. F. B. Parker, Stirling, died Wednes- day. He was a member of the county council, and an aspirant for the war den's chair. For upwards of fifty years Mr. Parker had been a resident of Stirling. Deceased was seventy-one vears of age. He was a Preshyterian and a liberal. After a lingering and painful illness of two years' duration, Mrs. Wiliam Knowles, an aged and highly espect- ed resident, passed away at her home near Bogart on Sunday last. De- ceased, a daughter of the late William Badglwy, was born in Hungerford over sixty-two years ago. r. and Mrs. William Ferguson, Na- panee, were released from the hospital on Wednesday night, and are none tho worse for their recent smail-pox ex- perience. Mr, Ferguson was scarcely sick a day, and Mrs. Ferguson, who heroically insisted on nursing him. cs- ¢aped the contagion entirely. Rev. R. H. Leitch, Picton, was busy on December 23rd when he married Derwerd B. Gerow, to Annie Maude Gibson, all of Hallowell: Benjamin Payne, of Bloomfield, to Lena Mabel Jackson, datighter of Edgar Jackson, of West Lake; Samuel Delos Williams to Carrie May Welbanks, all oi North Marysburg. There was a family home of Mrs. Charles: Lane, Napanee, on Christmas, the following members of her family being present : Mrs. Dr. Grey, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. James McBurnie, Buffalo, N.Y.: Mrs. Archi. bald Dingman, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Charles e, Chicago, TIl;; Freeman Lane, Buffalo, and wife ; Mr. and Mrs. 1 55-57 Barrack Streef. 4 . Suits, ? * Waists rodea any en jn Atting. Elocu- tiogary reading and Recitations for so- car' Atherings wud - entgrtainments h dialect a specialty), B. ELDER, SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN/L R splendid dressing, falas: and stops. falling hair. | Smith's Falls closed its 'civic vear § with a » of 85; reunion at thej TO MEMORY OF EIS FATHER. New York, Dee. 28.--Announcement is made of the purpose of James Gor- don Bennett to lay out and adorn a large park to be dedicated to the public use and pleasure in memory of his father, the founder of the Herald. It will lie between the Boulevard ha- fayetie and Broadway, north of 182nd street, and consist of lands now own- ed by Mr, Bennett. Upon the highest elevation within its hounds will he reared a monument to James Gordon Bennent, the elder, She Must Go Back. New York, Dec. 28. Wiss Lillian Bennett, who was to have met here and married Ambrose Good, of New- castle, Pa., who lost his life in the railroad wreck at Connelsville, Pa.. Wednesday night, arrived on the steamer Cedric from Liverpool, and was informed at quarantine of her lover's death. iss Bennett was grief-stricken over the news, As he came over in the steerage and has neither friends nor velatives hore to take charge of her she must, under the law, be returned to England. 20c. Butter. Butter, Butter 20c. Rolls or prints, 20c.; sweet apples, 15c. peck, chickens, turkeys and sau- sages. Crawford. Assists In The Welcome. "Clark's Lunch Tongue" always brightens the welcome for the unex- pected guest. , Kant Krack. Rubbers sold only at Abernethy's. Henry Ounningham, piano tuner, from Chickering's, Orders received at McAuley's book store, Princess street. The Mexican govérnment has con- ceded to the United States authorities the extradition of Charles Kratz, a former member of the St. Louis city on a charge of bribery in connection council, wanted in that city for trial with street' car franchise legislation. Fragrant, Public speakers and mixtures, sprays, lozengers, etc., and state that for irritable throat no remedy ca pares with Catarrhozone, the advantage of which is : : Fal that it is suitable and convenient to use in public places, and cures quickly. The soothing vapor of directly to the affected parts, and quickly allays irri- tation and congestion of the mucous membrane. clears the throat and nostrils, aids expectoration, stops coughing, and removes all soreness more effect- ually than can be told. No treatment is so clean, so 'pleasant, so d¢entain to cure bronchial, throat and catarrhal troubles as Catarrhozone. The iohaler can be used while at work, in the church, theatre, street cir, any place, at Read the following testimonials and be convinced. They come from well- known members of the Canadian clergy, who have carefully looked into the merits of Catarrhozone before lending it their en- dorsements. Nothing could be more pleasant to use, nothing can relieve "quicker, nothing is so perfectly certain to cure your trouble and preverit its return, Therefore use Catar Members of the Canadian Clergy Endorse Ce tar any time. An Aid To Public Speakers. REV. J. 8. HUGHES, of Perth, Ont., says: "I have used Catarrio- zone With most beneficial results. In my work as a public speaker I find it of great value. It helps my throat very much." " Itis unnecessary to further qualify the foregoing statements which prove Catarrhozone possesses exceptional merit Beyond i © will cure, Complete outfit with hard-Tubber inh Sold by druggists ¢ Kingston, Ont ; sample size a5c. Honey Lose, Napanes, : to N. C. Polson & Co., wo Bln ow R00 i Will Present ais New York ASK FOR : LABATT S 3 | IRRITABLE SOR And for Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, and er's Sore Throats, Nothing Relieves and : Cures So Quickly As 3 The Purest. mts Must ion i RLAND, 2 JAS. McPA We have the best braride'at the McDermott's * : Princess Street Healing Catarrhozon singers know how useless and sickening are co x ra = Catarrhozone is breathed It Zz ey Nery, a From Ny SBFIN HOW CATARRAHOZONE 8 ft vc Qures Throat Irritation. . Cured Chronic Cat REV. M. M'KAY, of Goderich,] REV. D, R. SMITH, of writes ©: "Catarthozone is an ¢x-| N.S. says: "Catarrhozone cellént remedy far throat irritation manently cured me of chronic o arising from public speaking. T high- | of the nose and throat, trom ly fecommicnd it." suffered for many years." ail doubt it is the beat and m scientific remedy for throat, lung and torthal troubles ever discovered. It " fectly har less--comiposed entirely IW &= gamic ling antiseptics.. When all fails to bring relief, remember, Catarrhozc r and extra supply of liquid cost Oy mal Jo any address if price is forw y Ont ,-and H | rd, Conn USA. : Aba hs us Bans a v4 Sl Stan o

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