TORE rr thing nicer KINGSTON, ONTARIO. D DAY, DECEMBER 29, 1903. siristmas . at 7c. and. $1. : Music. Gabinets, $4.50 to $20. Jardinier Stands, B0c., 6bc. to $4.50. Ladies' Desks, $4.50, $5, to $25; sonie splendid lines, 'at $6 and $7. = See them, Children's Toy Sets, $1.35 to $2. Children's Desks at $3. Centre Tables, 75¢., $1 'and to $10. ROBT. J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 2 Doors Above the Opers House. Ambulance Telephone ¥77. A Holiday Vision | ~ STOCK COMPLETE * | High'Grada Umbrellas, Special Values | 25,25 Watches. * || Ladies': Long Chains. ta' Lockets For special values in So 'Cresconts. LADIRS RINGS we Sunhurefs: Jould_ndmion ue 5 Gold Ouff Links. Sune lo idk, ace, oP SMITH BROS. Jewellers and Opticians, 71330 King St. How About a Wood Burning Outfit for That Christmas Present ? We have them from $1 up. Also An Artistically Framed Picture Makes ;g most acceptable gilt. Our Frames are MADE IN KING- STON are guaranteed by the ABRCAINS IN MUSIC ust §ipek of Vielins Must vir. beSoM. . Howse hndy Strings, same reduction. GUITARS--Were $15, $10, and $5; now $10, $6.50 and $3 Come snd buy Mouth Organs at your own price R. J. MCDOWALL. FRONTENAC WARD. TO THE ELECTORS : 1 have been asked to offer myself as a candidate for the Council and have con- sented. 1 solicit your cordial support in the election. DANIEL COUPER. usic Teacher ------e eee M 1 Mr. J. Watt Trendell, S SINGING, PIANO, VIOLIN 60 Wellington Street = Kingston ----I WANTED, BSA A GOOI} GENERAL SERVANT FOR A small fanuly, Apply to Mrs. We U Kidd, 146 Barrie street. ------------ 'AT 'ONCE, A GOOD GENERAL SER- vant. Apply to Mrs. W. S. Jordon, 801 University Avenue. a GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY IN THE afternoon, or evening, at Hilicroit Academy, Union Street, West. A GOOD STEADY GIRL, OR MIDDLE aged woman, to care ior an invalid. Apply . in the evening, 457 Princess , Street. -------------------------- WE WANT PEOPLE IN aca A for, us duri ~Sality 9 Ri 4 Liberal pay. 'mperial company, Lendon, Ontario. ---------------------------------------- HO [ ENT, BY A CLERGY- . TO, mall modern _ dwelling ; .. small, will $18 to $20. Apply at Mc- 5 Canela heal Estate Agency, 51 Brock A ALIFIED TEACHER FOR Se y Section No. 4, Katadar, for to <'. Apply, stating salary, to W. £ ¢ a, Ph vetary-1roasurer, North ' Brook, Ont. n MEN WHO WANT A FORTUNE AND ee ------------------eee el CITY PARCEL DELIVERY TRUNKS, FICie Our wi ill be made with merchants bavi F. D. BRADLE are willing to work to get it. Only eed ly. No room mg Tag te a Marshall & Co., Teas, London, Ont. -- SPLENDID IN- ME mie or. A, barber trade. Short time required. Tools donat~ ed, board included, diplomas granted, itions furnished. Best paying in existence for poor man. Write. for particulars. Moler Barber College, Chicago, 111. S| ER--FOR THE _KING- HO eas Hospital. Applications will be received till 6th January. 1904, by Miss Flaws, lady superin: tendent, Kingston. Relerences will be required. Salary $200 a year . + with board and lodging. -------- LOST. A BEAVER MUFF, ON THURSDAY. 94th indt. Finder will be suitably rewarded on returning to 132 King street. -- i ---------------------------- A BLACK UMBRELLA WITH RUSTIC Handle, the week before Christmas. The finder will be rewarded by leav- ing it at this office. -------------------- ---------- Monkey DB da Soap makes copver Tike 1, ig Tike silver, crockery like ty -and windows like crystal DAILY MEMORANDA. + -- Longshoremen's unio; ally close at 9 Pom. ates' association meet, Firs: Duptist church, reduced price list is an Exhibit of Packard A small boy's idea of 8 § i ¥ mountain with the cork a aker never succeeds wit a he gets the hang of it. 2a any a man doesn't realize h d he is when: the girl a Jor, When a girl pretends imagines that her eyes meeting of Limestone lodge Wednesday evening, 8 o'elaok, December 29th in history Canton taken by British, urniture Fancy Rokers, from $2 to $12; some Keep Wednesday, January 13 Y. 3! y th f lecture of the season, De Windt, ihe ** Hugh !"* said the bell ** This is do - ness on a small scale." ing Win Why are some married men like an arc Because they are not al- lowed to be out at night. NEW YEAR'S Wine Glasses Of every description ; also Decanters, etc., CORRECT PRIGES. Large assortment to andlieabras, Silver Toflet Requisites. ROBERTSON BROS.. 2 DIAMONDS, : WATCHES, JEWELRY. Including the newest in cach line. (8 » Our prices are the lowest pos- 8) sible considering quality. ® Rich Art China, Bronze Ornaments, ® Hawk's Cut Glass, : ® Sterling and Silver Plate. Ni lar price, $40, $25, $15, +" naw selling for $25, $16, $9 d h . A call will convince you that our clerks can assist a selection in the most difficult case. P. B. CREWS, ath Annual Dinner Kingston Commandery, No. 4, C.0. K.G. AMERICAN HOTEL THURSDAY, DEC. 31st Tickets to be had at the hotel. All commercial travellers cordially K . er EC RUBIN GOLD Celebrated Lecture-Recital CONVOCATION HALL G JAN. 9th KINGSTON LADIES' MUSICAL OLUB. KINGSTON & BATH ROAD CO. NNUAL MEETING Stockholders will be hel Kirkpatrick, Rogers strest, ON° MONDAY, January, 1904 at 3 o'clock in the afier- and Nickle, untario the fourth day of trial. Telephone D4. Y. 128 Barrie St. HE REGAINS SIGHT. Blind Man's Accident Proves a Violent Blessing. street, was struck by a Homestead' & Homeville traction car. 1% became conscious In red, it was found that he d his sight after Take Life Easy. gz in 8 pair of our very pair at cost few days. At Aber Spend the evenin I Bic SCARE Given to Watchers Over a Body. AN AGED NEGRO TOOK A FIT AND WAS SUP- "POSED DEAD, Charles Busey Causes Consterna- tion by Declaring He Would Live a Long While--A Big Sen- sation. Martinsburg, W. Va, Dec. 29.-- Chatles Busey, of this city, an aged and courtly darkey of the old school and one of the, most widely known and respected members of his race .in this section of West Virginia, was the central figure in an incident that has caused a decided sensation amcng the colored people of this city. Owing. to Busey's advanced years and a long life of toil the old fellow has been in feeble health for several months past, and when the news that he had dropped dead while at work was circulated about the city there was littl: surprise expressed among those who knew him. He was taken to his home," was pronounced and an undertaker summoned to pre- pare him for burial. He was laid out pending the preparation of a casket, and plans were immediately made by Lis friends and relatives to give him an elaborate burial A number of colored men and women volunteered to act as watchers about the bier, and about a half dozen gathered at his home and took u their station in a room immediately adjacent to that occupied by the body, which was lying in plain view. About three o'clock in the morning, as the watchers were yawning and nodding in. their chairs, they were palsied with fear and amazement to see the figure of the supposed dead man, in his funeral robes and with the white sheet trailing from his shoulders, stalk into the room where they were sitting. Halting in the midst of the terrified crowd the old darkey exclaimed in his deep, firm tones : "I want you niggers to understand I ain't dead yet, and I'se gwine to live foh a long while, too !" Galvanized into action by the voice of the man they supposed to be dead, the crowd of watchers fled shrieking in all directions, upsetting chairs and ables in their efforts to get out the house. Among the watchers wa$ William Bailey, a son-in-law of the supposed dead man. Bailey was sit ting near a window. when the figure of the old colored man entered the room and his escape through the door be- ing cut off by the apparition, he leaved through the window with a yell of terror, taking with him the glass, ssash and outside shutters. He has not since been seen, and his friends fear that his mind has been affected by fright. Busey is about as well as usual, and declares he will return to work. He is supposed to have been in a cataleptic fit when he was laid out for burial. ESCAPED A MINE. Warned in Time to Steam by Danger Spot. Victoria, B.C., Dec. 20.--The steamer Shinano Maru, just - arrived from China and Japan ports, brought a re- markable story from Singapore, which is vouched for by Shanghai papers, of the narrow escape of the German mail liner Prinz Geinrich from being blown up by a submarine mine. s When the steamer was leaving Singa- pore a steam launch with a large par- tv of British naval officers on board, steamed toward her, and the British naval men shouted excitedly : "You are in great danger! Right before you is a submarine mine ! For God's sake, go astern full speed !" ; Capt. Heintzer, realizing that his vessel had too much way to stop quickly, steamed shead, hoping to get over the danger spot. Suddenly the mine exploded about two lengths astern with a tremendous roar, throw- ing up the water with a gréat splash. COL. DENISON. Has Made the Editor of the Glas- gow Herald Mad. London, Pec. 29.--The Broad Arrow save : "The greatest steps to imperial unity during the last few years bave been the fiscal policy, and the pres ence of Sir Frederick Borden on the defence committee. Canada realizes her imperial obligation. The step is full »f magnificent imperial promise." : Col." Denison's remarks regarding the honesty of Chamberldin's opponents, aroused the anger of the Glasgow Herald, which says no man shouts "the empire" louder. He is, it says, not a representative Canadian, but a home grown jingo. Many "Britons re- sent his impertinence. The Herald gives reasons for doubting Canada's ap- proval of Chamberlain. Further reduc tion of Canadian tariff is a possibility. (Canadien bounty-fed iron should be penalized like Germany's. ------------ John Alexander Dowie, "Elijah the Restorer," is to visit Detroit and Windsor next week. The colony be lieve it is his intention to make a short evangelical tour of Canada, ac commonied by Fis "hest" and heaven- ty choir. : "Three chemists in Paris have been fined in all $1,250 for providing a man with morphine without a doctor's cer- tificate. : Driving gloves, wear like iron and keep out wind. See them at Lem- mon, Claxton & N . dns i presents the Russian population as sullen and threatening and the Jews. as apprehensive of further disorder. Gulf of California, are on the war- path. They are said to be cannibals, and the fastest runners in the world. of Fig al Oalumpit, in the Philippi aur Coming Wash- MRS, JOHN HAY. Washington, Desi. 28.--If Mrs. John Hay bis fi soddety after her great dinner to the di tic corps to-night, as it i reported, the capi- batt mney sot Will lose a leader, for Secrethry and ie. Hay have been among most lavish en- tertainers in OE ct: 11 - health is said to be the eause of Mrs, Hay's retirement, for a Season at least. -------------- PITH OF THE NEWS. S------------ The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Two revolutions are in progress in San Domingo. George Gissing, the English novelist, died of consummtion aged forty-six. At a conservative convention for Dorchester county J. B. Morin, M.P., was chosen as candidate. Three persons had a narrow escape from death in-a fire that destroyed Nia Sarah Smith's dwelling at Corn- wall, The Japanese ministerial council has decided to transfer $25,000,000 from the educational fund for emergency purposes. Senator Forget has resigned the vice-presi of the Dominion Coal company and will be succeeded by Mr. Wanklyn, Montreal. The latest news from Kishineff re- Panama is willing to assume a por- tion of the Colombian debt. This fact has been transmitted to the British government for its consideration. The Seri Indians, Tiburon Island, 250 "horses. ovate) lives were lost and 1,000 persons were ren. dered homeless. The losg is $75,000. Hon. .A. G. Blair has resigned his seat for St. John and his appoint- ment as chairman of the railway com- mission will shortly be ammounced. The London Daily Chronicle says Japan has bought two wi hips, which are being built at Genoa for Ar- gentina and are 'almost completed. Beerbohm Tree's production of "The Darling of the Gods" at His Majesty's theatre, London, on Wednesday night, met with a good but not wildly en- thusiastic reception. The special court at Kishinefi has declared that the April massacre was in no way due to an organized anti- Semetic campaign, and the main Jew- ish contention has been set aside. Frank Rose, barber, Salt Lake City, shot and killed his wife on Christmas day, then surrendered to the police. A two-year-old baby was found hy its murdered mother's gide, and is ser- ously ill. Colon carrying two battalions of mar- ines, including 600 men, dnd five months' living and fighting supplies for 1,000 men. A. M. Beaupre, United States minis- ter to Colombia, and Mrs. Beaupre, arrived at Solon from Cartagona on the United - States cruiser Olympia. They are bound for the United States on leave of absence. The pore has written to his vicar eneral, expressing a desire for a re- lormation in church music. He ad- vocates adherents to gregorians, and condemns the transforming of church services into concerts. Melton Losey, Peterboro, Ont., died as the result of a fall on an icy grano- lithic "pavement " on Saturday. His skull wai fractured. Losey wife and two children. After failing to procure the arrest of Van Housten entered a saloon and Housten made his escape. Miss Annie Connell, Council Bluffs, Towa, has filed suit for $30,000 in the Omaha courts, against the convent of the Sisters of Mercy, alleging that she was compelled to do work, for which she was physically ine e. "There has been a record-making de- cline in the American merchant marine during the past seventy years, and it now stands humiliated in the eyes of the world," said Col, Clarke at the Cambridge Citizens" Trade Associa tion. G. W. Garth, president of a New York bank, jumped overboard on Christmas night from the steamer Denver as she was making Galveston. He has been suffering from a long siege of illness, and was taking a trip for his health. F. T. Jennings, chief operator, and circuit manager of the C.P.R. eastern division, has been made inspector of telegraphs of that division; H. Bott succeeds him, J. F. B. Caisse fills Mr. Bott's place, J. Mitchell becomes night chief, and A. Bennie will step in Mitchell's shoes as assistant might el . The United States auxiliary cruiser Dixie, has sailed from Philadelphia for twenty-seven. years of age, leaves a Albert Young, of Portland, Ore., for alienating his wife's afiections, David shot the alléged transgressor dead, WERE A (LE Pinholes Aided to Unravel Strange Robbery. : PARCEL OPENED AND QUITE A BIG SUM WAS | ABSTRACTED. The Package , Was Sent From Buffalo to New York--The Pa- per Binding Originally Showed That Sum Stated. Had Been Enclosed. Buffalo, N.Y., Ded. 29.--Pinholes in a paper binding' put around a package of bank biils may prove an important clue in the mysterious disappearance $5,200 from a package sent from the office of Collector Brendele of the port, to the. sub-treasury in New York, the package leaving Buffalo on Satur: day, September 7th. The kage was supposed to con: tain 7200 when it was sealed up in the office of the collector here. It ar- rived at New York with seals un- broken, and there the government of- ficial by whom it was opened claimed that on counting the money all he could find was $2,000. As soon as Collector Brendele was notified of the theft he directed that the binding which had around the pile of bills be returned to him for inspection, Brendele discover- od that pins placed in the hindi where the pinholes were found, fit exactly, which would indicate that the $7,200 was in the package when it was wrapped up. RUSSIA WILL BE CHECKED, By Japan--Fleet Organized--Con- trols Railroads. London, Dec. 20.--The Daily Tele graph's Tokio correspondent says that after the meeting of the ministerial council the emperor entertained councillors at luncheon. The cabinet then held a sitting, which was pro longed until late at night. The gor respondent says that the finance min. ister on Sunday entertained the lead- ing bankers at dinwer for the purpose of discussing with them the best means of meeting the emergeny. Santinnibe the sosrespondent says : "The Japan: ese officials have alre taken byver Sansa) of Se Seon 0 an Jail ay. ident of the railway has Aistatssed, and been aced by Mr. Fuss hich of the Japanese veilway The Japanese fleet has been organiz- ed, and n disposed of in divisions and squadrons, prepared to check any Russian movements from Vladivostoek or Port: Arthur. . The Daily Mail's Pekin correspon; dent sends an unconfirmed report that in the event of the war, that China will join forces with Japan and Japan will send an army corps to Pekin, AN IROQUOIS TEAMSTER Struck By Train And Badly Hurt. Iroquois, Dec. 20.--At four o'clock this morning, a teamster named 'homas Morin, who lives near the G. T.R. station, was found in the high school grounds in an exhausted con- dition, and with a broken, and otherwise injured. He had been struck by 8 passin train, and thrown into the ditch. She indications are that he lay there for some time in a semi: conscious condition, until able to crawl along the snow and cell for help. He had moved about a hundred yards when found by Peter Johnston. He was taken to the hospital at Cornwall on' the Moccasin, The ther- mometer was well below zero at the time. The wonder is how he escaped being frozen. A NEW GOVERNMENT. Has Been Formed In Santo Do- mingo, San Domingo, Santo Domingo, Dea. 22.--1t is reported that Gen. or has formed a provisional government at Azuade Compostella, presided over by himself and that the inhabitants of Barahona have joined in the move: ment, and that the two forces are jointly marching on this city. Con- sequently there are now two provision- al governments in the republic. The German war ships left here yos- terday for Kingston, Jamaica. United States gunboat Rawport is the only war ve here, owing to her small crew, she ean not restore or der if a serious outbreak occurs, The situation demands the presence of more warships here. A CHRISTMAS MURDER. Santa Claus Killed Disorderly Person at 'bama. 2] Bessemer, Ala., 20. Informa: tion has reached 'here from Cedar Bluff, of the killing of John Parsons by A. J. Lockhart, at a Christmas treo entertainment given at a church. Lockhart was acting as Santa Clans. It is alle that Parsons became dis- orderly during the exercises and Lock- hart ejected him. When the affair was over Parsons attacked Lockhart with a knife as the latter left the building. Lockhart drew a pistol, and shot Par. sons to death, after having hipsclf been cut in several places. t The Hamilton jury which investigat- ed the death of Ida Crane, returned a verdict to the effect that the girl died on December 19th, from the elie Hattie Waters, to whom she had been referred by J merce commission ot ] ganizations having to do with rail way transportation. This means of | has been singularly mild a criminal oreration, performed by, ohn. Flynn. Mes. Waters WON, A. G. BLAIR. Ottawa, Dec. 29.--Hon. A. G. Blair is shortly to leave for the United States to make some enquiries into the working of the Interstate Com: or: Mr. Blair is to receive the chairman ship of the railway jon of Canada, a. position to - which report J had long since assi him: "Mr. Blair ie) air entered parliament and the vernment 'of C ye op for St. John city, and minister of rail: ways and canals, in 1806, He rosign. od from the government on July Sh ft ar, r. Blair br i a H R. member for Westmoriand, N.B. Fo. ---------- A GREAT FIND, Almost Mors Gold Than Rock Near Dease Lake. the temperature is far below zero, and the snow lies deep on - desolate k end frozen waterways, a very Ja gimp lb adr 1 wirict, '1s a ten gaged ino mad stampede to what is and Teslin . This news comes in a lewsr just received from Tele: graph Croek, which at 4 t also » hel ; oe won hod: treas n un: dred ive. due north or hare. The find is described as "almost more gold than rock." -- Made A Rich Strike. Dawson, Y.T., Dec. 20.--It is stated that an enormously rich Jhiike has been made. by Louis Cardinal, of Ot- tawa, and others about ten miles across the border in A domed to-morrow with a ten dollar eutfit to work the new sf White * River. C the ground goes from «ighty cents to threo dollars per pan and is not near bed-rock. It is feared a & will ocgur although Cardinal every effort to keep the matter guiet. Car dinal worked for. the Canadian gov- t locating ine between Alaska and the Y believes it will prove an enormously vich district. ---- DR. J. A. SMITH Appointed Censor of Literature Coming In By Windsor. Windsor, Ont., Die, 20.--Emile ham and Joseph Nantais, two of t Sandwich East hotel keepers, for selling liquor to Indians, paid their fines 'to Magistrate Bartlett fpesserdny Joseph Menard is the only 'one of t quartette who has not 'effected a settle ment with the court. ' The dominion government has ap- pointed Dr. J, A. Smith, collector of customs at Windsor, censor of all questionable literature coming into the country by way of the port of Windsor, and also of the advertising matter of theatrical people. : ANOTHER WRECK, Fort Wayne, Ind., Dec. 20. --~Limited train No. 5, west-bound, on the Penn- sylvania railway, was wrecked about six o'clock this morn in a rear- end collision with a Larwill, west of here. an Staf- ford, and Baggageman yan neer 3 in tl missing, d | limited, "is pin age of his engine, terribly injured. A num- ber of passengers are reported injured. . at THE U. 8. NAVY, ---- > More Powerful Than Any Except Great Britain. Washington, D.0., Dec.' 20.--Senator Hale, chairman of the senate commis- sion on naval affairs, said thet it is the intention to make provision for Suather addition fo She navy during 1 t session congress. on a That when the additions. already authorized are completed, the Unitad States will have a more powerful navy than any other nation except Great tain. Manufacturers Get Together, . Pittsburg, Pa., Dec, 20.--As a result of the movement started some time ago the window glass manufacturers of the country are holdi another conference in Pittsburg ie believed that this meeting will in the formation of the pro a tional sel agency ; 2 the hoary." practi "all the fan forics, and to maintain the selling ies. and thus keep up the wages of he workmen. v Singularly Mild Weather. ; Dawson, Y.T., Deg. 29.--The weather ild for the 3 month. The thermometer was Sim Mees oF was: not present, being laid up = with Vancouver, B,C., Deo, 20.~A 7 which is' 'at the oad v waters of "the HL Coffee there is nothing better JAVA AND MOCHA BLEND this Coffee in the green stato on the premises, and grind d insuring that delicate, fragrant sro) so dear to lovers of goud Coffes. price of our pure Java and Juice has no equal, Pint Bottles, « « « ; Quart Bottles, « « w « ww Home-made, Pints, .. Home-made, Quarts, Crosse & Blackwell's,