Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Dec 1903, p. 3

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our -- OF Ir. sive 'and Dang. an: Be Cured ople. of the Unite] without "wary; ne ive nature caus i humiliation. | ten dangerous an onchitis and coy. y resulting. if .. Fan its course yup. Tablets have don, fected urn pall, ov 'aggravated us, dherred fo. Thos They the svstaa un impurities. Under tarrhal poise. the eure iv' com- wyee and , says: '] catarrh sof = th, twelve years. I, impossibly to get inual dropping of e into the throat | hoarseness, seri vith my public me an hour or ng, expectorating norning before | 0 work and thig brought on. ca , causing loss of fon and a foul d me exceedingly, I me to try Sty and I took them was astonished to bublic hava no nmending them. easant to take, at the very root use since asing race of catarrh." blets are for sale Je. @ box. They bod and the de great that no » keep them in are other reme- a much greater w, however, that } & great mis- their business to Jatarrh Tablets enness i eines 786 Queen St., W, Toronto, Ont Weese's Se. irs for 35c. tures, at 15c. 20¢., to 25c. t bargains. ities at low hristmas. & CO. isch Piano. 4 00ks S. for Sun- 100s. etc. SET, ¢ Store. bbb 9 'S on | G0. 399 MAN CENSES, NSURAYCE . 'hone 896, £7 m---- ; CHRISTMAS SINGLE FARE--Good goin and 20th. | Dec. 28tk. g Dee. 24th Return: limit, on or before § AND ONE-THIRD--G EASE 2 99d. going , 24th and 25th. R 8 Jan. Bh, eturn lim. } NEW YEAR SINGLE FARE=@ood gist, Jan. 1st. fore Jan. 4th. FARE AND ONE/THIRD--G A and gt, an eg going Dec, Return limit, on or be going o and Jan. 1st. Re Dec turn limit on or before Jan. 5th LEY, Agent, IB. HAN : : Si 'assenger Dopot. i -------------------- | Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Padific Railways, Msiebetroons For Christmas and New Year's Vacation WILL ISSUE RETURN TICKETS. -~ GENERAL PUBLIC ., AT SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE-- Good going Dec. 24th, 25th, return unt going December 31st, 1903, ary 1st, 1904, "valid for re January 4th, 1904. December 28th, 1903. valid for Good and Janu- turn until AT FIRST-CLAST FARE AND ONE- THIRD--Going Decembeér 23rd, 25th, and December 30th, and January 1st, 1904, good until January 5th, 1904. Full particulars at h P, G 81st, BE. & P. cket Office, Ontario St. F. A. FOLGE Agt. 24th, and 1908, returning and , JR. sen. Supt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Desgronto, eal points. wt at 4 p.m.» 4. Q. Ry., Kingston. and all lo- Train leaves City Hall De- F. CONWAY, Agent, DOMINION LINE STEAMSHIPS PORTLAND~HALIFAX--LIVERPOOL From Portland. Canada, Jan. 2 Dominion, Ottoman, | Jan. 9 Tauric, Nomadi¢, Jan, 16 Canada, From Portland. Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb, 6 Passenger steamers west bound call at Halifax. For all particulars as to fr passage apply to :-- J. P. HANL J. P. GILDERSLEE land. eight and Y, G.T.R. , 42 Clarence St. The Dominion Line, Montreal & Port- a ) .. BERMUDA .. THG NOW FAR FAMED BE with cable communication and RMUDAS, equable winter temperature of 65 degrees, beau- tiful . scenery and 100 miles of good roads, headquarters of the British North American Squadron, is uarival led in its attractiveness, reached by the first-class iron steamers TRINIDAD or PRETORIA in forty-eight hours from New York Sailing fortnightly up to 1st January and ¢ THURSDAY thereafter. 'The tropical islands, inclyding S. NTA CRUZI, ST. KITTS, MAI 'INIQU 3T LUCIA, BARBARDOES AND DE SR~ > ARA, also afford beautiful and interest- ing tours, all reached by steamship of the Quebes Steamship Company, sailing from New York about every For descriptive pamphlets and saili BRIDGE & CO. AL New York; J. P. HAN GILDERSLEEVE, Kingston, ARTHUR AHERN, Secretar or 10 days. dates of apply to A. EMILIUS OUTER- 39 Broadway ¥ Ont y, Quebec. ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS From St. John. Tunisian, Dec. 19. .. Parisian, ---- --. .. . Pretorian, Jan. 2 RATES OF Cabin -- Tunis Parisian, $55 and First upwards; P ASSAGE From Halifax a Je ic... 21. . Dec Jan. 4. and upwards; Other steamers, $55 and upwards. Liverpool, $40 , 82 Second Cabin -- Londonderry, steamers, $37:50; 1 Third Class -- erpool, Derry, Bellas ~--through tickets to NEW YORK TO GLASG Corimthian, Thursday, Dec. m, 1st Cabin, $45, 2nd Cabin, Class, $26. and Other extra. $26, Liv- , London ow 24th, 1 $35, 8rd . P. NLEY, Agent, G.T.R., City -- AY = P. GILDER- Clarence street. MAYORALTY OF ALD. W. G. CRAIG Requests thie votes and influence of the Electors of the . Municipality ston, for Mayor for 1904. 1904 of King- 'MAYORALTY . 1904. T0 THE ELECTORS : Ladies 'and Centlemen--I respectfully solicit your votes and influences to elect me mayor for the year 1904 SSAGE Pablors; Capilli Forma, p C. J, GRAHAM. MME E. ELDER , SSMAKING AND DRESIMA how eu) growth of hair at once, prevents Talkin Car and gray hair, cures Dandru gia and Eczema. Latest st Tiage and Evening, Gow, Suits, Coats and Wraps. Honary. ending nll onary. g ani ci atherings and dr, les in ilor Made Ladies' Waists I tatichs for so- entertainments . - = a a" *s hd : aig." : fe Soff »*, {=e hb » NN DH iS " --"e . ) Odi 8 i 5 Mi No J 3 . . £, : I tn ? : x Drill of Health and Energy. Life #8 worth living when one can awake after a good night's sleep-- ready for anything the day may bring. Eye clear; tongue clean; liver active 3 Stomach right ; hand steady and every nerve vibrating 'with that splendid sense of the power of perfect health. Too few enjoy this enviable morning awakening, but can always bs depended upon to restore the system to,its natural con- dition and keep you in good sound health. A gentle laxative it helps nature to rid the system of poisonous impurities, stimulates the liver and tones up the digestive organs. At all Druggists 25c. and 6oe. Stones Together with num. ber and price, we publish here alist of special Birthday Rings. All stones mounted in 14k. gold' ns rei, 6 Pao. 6TT--Price, $2.80 arch onic, 6210 Fo. @n--prics, ni These with innumerable other choice | Rings at very low prices are illus trated in our new catalogue, ready Nov. wgth. Write for a copy. 118, 120, 122 and 124 Yonge St., Toronto Feeling Prettv Well dinner and a man good as con- it ha Good t when you » as good fuel as ¢ next order in if you'll let us, CRAWFORD, "Phone 9. R. Foot of Queen Street. | CANNEL COAL es FOR YOUR GRATE. E It lasts all night, Try it. _P. WALSH - 55-57 Barrack Street. Smaart R 2 DAYS ONLY GREAT BARGAIN SALE OF SHEET MUSIC 5 We have hanging in his yo] 300 Songs asd Piso Flos: these as follows ; 20 pi yo cing the new 75¢. Sacred & Piocss: Ri ing, * Beautiful Home of © for $1.50; © pieces, includ- Adie. 31: B piotes, including samo, : 1 piece, 24c P- i Bold in the Builight. : CETHUEONOROOSeOS HORE Optimism is a good thing at all times, but its a positive necessity if youre travelling rund about Christ: mas time, for tl R.R's take the meanest advantage of the peace and good will spirit which every one: is supposed to keep on tap at this sea son. They're late, they're cold, aad merally nasty, just because they now so well how to be, and if you feebly protest, they look at you more in sorrow than in anger, and intimate that your way of keeping Christmas isn't at all up to their standard. One woman nearly ran out of her stock this season. First of all, "the weather on Christmas eve was enough to dampen the spirits of dry champagne, and when, the woman found that the RR. had made league with the cabman, who hadn't brought her telescope down to the train, her optimism, not' to mention her "faith in human nature, got a° rude shock, for there were Christmas presents in that telescope, and to go off on Christmes eve leav- ing your presents behind, would try the fortitude of a Stoic. A merry little maid who gave the woman half her seat, and told her she knew her quite well, and fed her on chodalate, and in to whose sympathizing éar the ' wo- man poured her telescogfic - troubles; kept the full awfulness of 'the: thing away from her as far as Belleville, but the maid took all * gfh% Sunshine off with her at that station, and the woman relapsed into the gloomiest of thoughts, which were turned in the direction of foaming rage, when the conductor, in answer to a query as to when the C.O.R. left Trenton for Picton, calmly said that there was no train to the latter place that night. I don't like to tell you, but the fact ig that woman stamped off the train using language unfit for publication. She had nothing against Trenton, but to stay there all Christmas eve, just thirty miles from home, well-- ! However, 'twas a false alarm. The C.O.R. did start one hour late, and if the "thought of that telecope hadn't been on the woman's mind, she'd have had a high old time, even if the train did stop at every woodpile, and slow up to whistle "A Merry Christmas," to every home that had a light showing any where, For there were faces which looked like ves, they were--no, impossible-- looked too old--yes, no, yes, they were--faces she had known ever so long ago. "Was that -- ? and she said over to herseli the name of a professor of jurisprudence, who is one of Prince Edward's famous sons. Why, when she was a little girl, she remem- bered he had fair hair, and looked like Sir John, and now he wasn't thin any longer, and there was a streak of grey in hair which wasn't fair at all. And there were pretty women, whose only change appeared to be that they had added to their joys by becoming married to husbands, who were com- ing home with them to eat mother's Christmas dinner. And there was one young fellow, such a handsome lad, who talked about having been in Cuba, and other far-off lands, and the woman recognized him as having heen the terror and the joy' of the publi» school staff, many moons ago. And they all looked at the woman as if they weren't' sure of her, and she re told her woes, to a happy-hearted little school teacher, whom she didn't know from Eve, and who consoled with prophecios of it all coming right; and at last the conductor said "Pic ton," and the train drew up at a new station, which seethed with wel oming humanity, and didn't know in the least where she was at, and she had come up as a surprise, and nobody was there to meet her, and the one omnibus was full in about ten seconds, and so she started to walk. Now for the woman to find herseli as far up town as the town You Cannot Rely On Imitations, When Threatened With Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia or Serious Lung Troubles Be Sure To Get The Genuine DR CHASES Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, r----sp---- - : . * * she For generations the value of turpen- tine as a remedial agent in all affec- tions of the bronchial tubes and lungs has been well know. It remained for Dr. Chase to so combine turpentine, linseed and half a dozen other ingredients as to not on- lv make a wonderfully fuccessful medi- cine also one that is so pleasant to the taste as to be sought for by children. : The sale of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine is more than three times that of many similar reme- dies. The result of this success is a host of imitations. When attacked by coughs and colds which threaten to reach the lungs and prove serious; when awakened 'by chil: dren with eroupy coughs, gasping for breath, you cannot afford to trust to imitations. si 0 Pollard, Echo Bay, Ont, writes ; "I was troubled 'last winter with a very:bad eold, which was be ginning to settle on my lungs. T was co hoarse that I could scarcely speak, and had a nasty hacking cough. which I could not get rid of, One bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur rentine cured me, and I can heartily recommend it." Tir. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine is sold by all dealers at the advertised price, 25c. a bottle, family size (three times as largs), fc. Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. To protect you i imitations but to find that she had to take the punip; aloue, was a sufficient shock, | middle of the road if she wanted to! was young. ] v "Biz Hill," a prospect to strike ter- ror to the bravest, for the ive was very icy, and the rain wasn't improv- ing matters. And of all the things! Standing in the express office rij was the member for Firton; common sense tol that woman that he'd never | recognize her, but did she listen ? Not much. She got into the worst kind of funk. Once more she walked, an in fant of nine years, holding togethera | much-delapidated skirt, an unwilling hand clasped close in the hand of that inember, then only a clever lawyer, | who had carried her off home from a slizh-riding fracas between the chief of polize and' some urchins, in whizh che was the only representative of her § lovely sex, and once more she heard the reproving voice of an aunt, ob- jecting to the phrase "us boys," which che had used in recounting the valiant | deeds: of the afternoon. It 'was very dreadful to be wrenched from respeo- table, responsible, middle age, to a period marked by youthful misde- meanors. So when the woman had slid down the hill, somehow, and at last got home, she was meek as she used to be after glaring naughtinesses and never stood up for herself when the family scolded because she wasn't warmly enough dressed, andl hadn't waited for a second trip of the omni- bus, ete., ete., as families do. But she hadn't much to complain of, for the same family "Jot her talk thew blind till nearly morning, when -- she stopped becgusg "she fell asleep in" the middle. Anfl presently, a familiar sound woke her up to finde sa white world, afid the bright new Christmas day coming up over the hill in the same old beautilul way it had of coming up and shining through the trees into the valley, years and years ago, And the sound was the bell calling to church, where the woman found the trimming done in the same old way, and "While Shepherds Watched," was being play- ed over on the old pipe organ, whose notes used to go on strike sometimes in the days when strikes were unknown and are still at the good work. And and lat- there were handshakings, later the telescope turned up at the station all sereme, and, wonder of wonders, when the woman opened it, there wasn't a jelly of glycerine and church embrdidery, pen and vk sketches, and alcohol, best clothes and chocolates, not to mention fragmen- tary china, as she confidently expect- ed, so she wished the station agent a merry Christmas, and thought nice things of the baggageman down at her other home, and also of the individu- als she won't call "baggage:smashers' any more. And of course there was the midday service, and the Roman bell ringing the angelus, which al ways strikes in across the service in St. Mary Magdaleno"s, sounded as sweet as ever. Then the dinner, which always suffices till about the new year. followed and finally she was dragged off to the big new rink which has wire fencing round to keep the puck from taking innocent hockey spectators in the eye. And the sight she saw, was a sight for sore eyes, They skate, do the people in the old town, skate all the time. . They don't find it neves sary to spend one-third of the time sitting down on. the ice unintentional ly, and gnother third. picking them- selves up; as they do in some places, She watched them fascinated, and oh ! she was so proud of two girlies who have a special interest for her. Sure and graceful they were on their steels, as swallows on the wing. And a curly-headed lad did wonderful things down the middle of the rink and back again for her, and sha thought it was all lovely, and she said she hoped their team would lick Queen's, of course she did, and then she wound up the day by telling a Family Compact man, whose faith" in her dyed in-the- wool toryism was absolute, that she thought the conservatives deserved to be beaten in North = Renfrew, because they had taken Gamey in to help them them--and--well--they saved the pieces, and they eame home shortly af- ter in a box, and they weren't pieces of the Family Compact tory either. " - * » The wooden wedding party given last night by Mr. and Mrs. Iva Mor- tin was one of the 'jolliest and nicest affairs that has come off in Kingston for many a day. Mr. and Mrs. Martin understand the art of entertaining, and their guests are sure of spending pleasant hours once within their hos- pitable doors: The house was bright with Christmas greenery, evergreen, holly and mistletoe, being everywhere, In spite of the guests being principal ly married people, the music of the orchestra was so tempting and the floor so good, that dancing was the chief feature of the wai Upstairs bridge and poker occupied the time of the less hivolous and ener- getic. The wooden presents were some lovely, some host amuring, and all unique, the majority bearing humor- ous original verses. Mr. Charlic Shan: non's offering of a h pair of wood- en shoes, tied with white satin rib bon, seemed to cause the most merri- ment. Supper was served at midnight according to good, old custom, but the festivities did not end till very late, or rather very early, so loth were the guests to leave the fun bet hind them. . . Mrs. John Mackie was hostess at an informal little tea at the manse vesterday in honor of Mrs. Minnes, of Ottawa. Mrs. Boak entertained at a little tea this afternoon, among the dozen or so of guests being Mrs. Calvin, Mrs. Clarkson, Mrs. Fair, Mrs. Hemming Mrs. Almon, Mrs. Raymond Reade, Mrs. Bruce Carruthers, Mrs. Norman Leslie. ¢ . - . . Mrs. Briggs will be Mrs. McParland's guest until Thursday. She will zail by the Celtic, from New York, for England on January 13th. Miss Gertrude Wilkinson went down yesterday to Montreal to visit Miss Teel'er. oo. . Miss Nellie Creighton has been in town for Christmas. Mr. J. C. Innes t the holiday with. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fraser. Miss Helen Fraser went down last week to Ottawa," where she spent ty)y B. LFS P-70-DATE MUSIO STORE ES the rait and signature of Dr. A. Ww. the famous receipt book au for kidney troubles. +B S-- nuts" for Christmas, went back to the states to-day. and daily Mr. and Mrs. Mills have Been spend- i dally use ing Christmas with the Bishop and ; 9 oy Mrs. Mills, and Mp. Sydenham Lind: " ol say has alse heen staying with his ? aunt, at "'Pishopscourt." : Mr. Stuart Sutherland is home from The Original Cocoa for Chatham. od, {Broakiast and Supper. Mrs. Sidney Paterson, who came wp fiom Montreal! last week with Mrs. Herbert Spencet, and stayed for a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Knight, left on Christmas eve for Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips, and their little daughter, of Ottawa, have been spending Christmas with iss Spangenberg. + Per. Courtland Strange, and Mr, Ernest Strange; who have been home for Christmas, have gone off again. Mr. Charlis Shannon spent Christ mas in Pieton, Mr. Stanley Craig will go up to Picton for the New Year. Mr. Miles Cotton, who has just re- turned from the North-West, is receiv ing many congratulations upon his engagement to Miss Cecil domgll, which has just been announced. Miss Gorrell is one of Ottawa's prettiest girls and is very popular among the young people.--Ottawa Citizen, Mrs. Petrie and her little Jeople have been with Mrs. Richard Hooper for the holidays. Mr. Don Paterson, of the Bank of Montreal, Toronto, has been with Mr. and Mrs. Paterson, Union street, over Christmas. - » . - Mrs. George Macdonnell was, hostess of an exceedingly jolly young peoples" dance last night, and everyone says that, if posible, it was gayer and pleasanter than the hop given by this popular hostess a few weeks ago. rs. Iva Martin is giving a chil: dren's ry to-night, Mrs. Mackenzie will give a young peoples' dance at the Bank of on- treal to-morrow night. - - * The meeting of the Rideau Euchre Club, which was to have been * held at Mrs. Grover's, on Thursday. even ing, has been postponed, : Tice Lucas, is now en pension at 20 Wellington street. Mrs. Pattee came down yesterday from Trenton, and went up to-day, to Picton, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Bigelow, who is happily better. Mrs. ginald Gourlay, of Picton, is with her cousin, Mrs. Robinson, Al fred street. : Miss Mary Simmons, Newboro, is staying with Mrs. Noonan, Rideau street, Mr. J. H. Singleton has come back from Newboro. . - » . Mr. Conway Cartwright has arrived from India and is visiting his pavents, Sir Richard and Lady Cartwright, Ot tawa. Miss Coutlee, of Ottawa, entertained at a small tea in honor of her guest, Miss Drury, of Kingston. Mr.R. C. Carter, | of the Rathbun company, Deseronto, is at the Wind- sor, Montreal, with hia wife . and daughter, 'Mr. Carter is receiving the congratulations of his friends on his recovery from a serious illness from which he suffered all summer, Henry Cunningham, piano funer, from Chickering's. Orders received at MeAuley's book store, Princess street. Seven thousand sheep were burned to death in the cast Buffalo stock yards, ; Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling throats. Doctors have known this for 60 years. Ask your own doctor about it Do as he says. Lov al &es. Ontario Churchman, KINGSTON Newsiest and Brightest of Church Newspapers At the nominal price of sub- scription, canvassers cannot be employed. Kindly send in names without solicitation. It is not an undertaking for profit, but for co-operation and improvement. Per year, by mail, 25¢c.; to ad- dresses in Kingston, 35¢., because of extra postal charges. Is the proper performance of the function of the kidneys--to remove from the blood. Uric acid causes rheumatism, stiffness of the muscles. Bu=Ju acts directly lating and toning these important organs, It is the latest scien Koop yoursel? well . : ¥ pains in joints on the idn - healing , stimus ue in box of 80 pills,' 80 cents. UA woe omnes. Roar > ¢ cat High - Grade Rubb a en oi sls Be Overshoes and Rubbers, Heavy Rubber Felt and Childre H. JENNINGS, | NH USINESS RINGERS FOR HOLIDAY SEASO 1.-MILLINERY We have placed on tables on ground floor a number Hats and Ready-to Wears. These are all this Stiupel hos t the A 1 of our splendid winter stock. thems quickly the following price inducements are offered Saag wuicily yi ear Hats for 760. 871.50 Ready~to:Wear Hats for 81. $2 Ready-to-Wear Hats for $1.25. oy $3 Ready-to-Wear Hats for 81.96, § 75¢. to $2.50 Untrimmed Hats for asc, to $1.25. 2--MANT LES 3 te; and : Still. a nice assortment of these very sty. garments; duced prices the rule here too. 8 oon spring goods will be coming some on the ocean now--and befor ¢ they arrive every Jacket must be gone. If you need a Jacket, o¥ will soon need one, or know gofaébody who needs one, here's y our opportunity, ; a ---------- SPENCE & CO, ™ Ww & ' "CARPET SWEEPERS A good one for $2.50. A better one for $: 2 ne ford 5 The best one for$3. | iia" CLOTHES WRINGERS Have your Christmas and New Year's Dina cooked on a " HAPPY HOME" Range, the larges and most economical range on the market. 1 re -------- .. ELLIOTT 77 Princess Street. Telephone, 35. x : i [RANSFER OF TAVERN LICENSE. mt £0 ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the License Commissioners of the City of Kingston have been asked to transfer the liquor license of the Iroquois Hotel, Ontario street and Market Square, King- from John Gilpin to Joseph IK. Dubrule, Prescott. - The said commissioners will meet to consider said@application at the Police Court room, Kingston, on Wednesday. the 6th day of January, 1904, B 'elock, p.m. 2 Dated ys Kingston this 22nd day of A s , JD. 1908. : Ducessber, A. 8 WM. GLIDDEN Inspector. at Christm with _her ; Gearge T d Mr.

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