i {ard Co., 2 2 g I £ il . Say morning XK. 1. Prince, A. Pack- spring, 1004. § ~~ Kicked By A Horse. Farting afternoon the ten-year-old hicked by a horse owned hy the Jag was playi loose when he a approaching it, was the office of a a sro Mi Pacy Un giaced with a chaning + pot eanlit: is a brilliant conversationalist, | and 'noted for her originality and | witticism. Graceful in figure in aa ei aie makes a lmpros She with Arh 30 her fondness for Aywtomatic gavel at the Grand on Wednesday evening, afternoon 'and Thurs: J. Prince, the Cana- i rockton, Mass, makers of Packard shoe, will bave his swell sathples on exhibition at the local agency, Sutherland's shoe in Kingsto og man in n is in. and see the styles for To Remove The Plant. installed the in the Carnoy- The space cleaner is Pigno Bates, Montreal street, Laundry company. in the yard, The ani- the face. The boy was tak- surgeon, who stitches in the wound to bt: R Feaser, Montreal, of the M.T. company, is in the city on busi- W. Marshall, of the Grimason hotel, ill of nmaticn for some 'weeks, is B. 3 Beruggan, Smith's Falls, in- spector of the sition Express com: pany, is here. William D. Parker returned: to To- ronto last right after spending Christ- mas in the city. Et Nelson Woodrowe, of. the Whig job room, ill of typhcid fever, in the gen- eral hospital, is much improved. On Thy ight the street rcilway conduet" hanumed jwould result in the amalgamation of the two companies. : T.R. has received a notifica- tion from the authorities of the Louis- iana exposition that there has been to the country a consider- able space in the of and fish and game. In the reservation mentioned there will be 600 feet of floor spacé and 3,000 feet of wall space. Here the G.T.R. purposes mak- ing an exhibit of views along its line, and of game and fish procurable in contiguous territory. SHOT HIS MOTHER-IN-LAW. Bridgeport Man Commits a Terri- ble Crime. Bridgeport, Conn., December 2 Filled with rage because he believed that his mother-in-law, Mrs, Elizabeth Lawrence, had induced his wife to leave him, Joseph Eardley, a plush weaver, forced his way into Mrs. Law- rence"s home and shot 'her. She died. Eardley was arreited and became hys- terical in the police station. He made a statement in which the police says, he admits the shooting. ng the morning Eardley visited the Lawrence home and inquired for his wife. Upon findi that she was not in the house he departed. Mrs. Lawrence later saw him ap- achi with a revolver in his and. She called to her son, Not- twenty-five, who was in bed man, aged dying from consumption. The young who had braced herself against. the door, but his strength failed and Eardley, forcing the door, threw him on floor. Mrs. Lawrence started to run, but Eardley fired a single shot which entered her temple, : Eardley is thirty-two years of age, while his victim was fifty-two. Eardley was married to Mrs. Law- rence's daughter about five ears ago, and the couple lived at the Law- rence home. Five weeks ago, it is said Mrs. Lawrence ordered Eardley from her house because of his intemperate habits, and succeeded in keeping her daughter from accompanyi him. Since : ) ets while intoxicated, threatened to kill his wife. She had gone to the police stat on to '| ask for a warrant for his arrest, when he shot her mother. ENCOUNTERED ICE. In Crossing Over The Detroit River. > Windsor, Ont., Dec. 29..-The railway car ferries had' the first rough experi- ence of the season with the ice in De- troit river yesterday and on Sunday night. In many instances it k sev- eral hours to make the trip. and tlie steamer Pierrepont started out | car boat Huron was fast in the jor at 11:30 o'clock this morning . with haanly half a day before being re the Cape ahd island She | leased. In many places the ice had went as far as was Somitls, near to | piled up in heavy windrows and the Garden Island, for ice is getting | side-wheoled = ferries had hard work thicker every hour, To-morrow the forcing a passage through. The, Jime may be unable tables were disarranged seriously snd but. few trains, the cars of which woes ferried over the river, left either «ide on scheduled time. : '} day. of Benjamin Ryan Tillmen, Jr. _- Seeretary Hay Indisposed. Sashington, Dee. 20.--The conditi 'of Uni ig States Secretary of State | Hay "remains unchanved. Contrary to the expectation of 1i« physician, : the secretary's bronchial troubls has not yitlded wadily to treatment, and Nr. Hav probably will leave Washing: ton carly in January for Thomasville, Moo The mild climate there has hel, the secretary before, and it is hoped may again prove an effective cure, ' Tillman-Dugas Wedding. Edgefield, 8.C., Doc. 20:-At Edge: wood, the r hone of Geévernor Pickens, one the war governors of South Carolina, Miss Lucy' Frances Fickens Dugas became the hide, to- Owing to the family of the bride be- in mourning, the wedding was a quiet one, attended only hy the rely: tives. and few intimate finds of the contracting parties. company, man attempted to assist his mother, |W MISS BELEN MARION, =<, \ She is " Nan." in "" A Country Girl," here Wednesday. fome time, is now residing at Detroit, Mich. ' Dennis Farney, Detroit, Mich:, for- merly head clerk at the British-Am- erican hotel, is in the city visiting friends. An 'old-fashioned snow storm from the south-esist set in to-day and sleighing is fine now. There was. no witid so the snow fell 'evenly. A number of the general hospital nurses have recently been off duty, suf- fering from a 'light illness. Severe are 'at present on the sick list. Strings of eleigh bells, pleasing sound and reasonable in price. Pig display at Lemmon, Claxton & renson's. "The Country Girl", company comes hére to-morrow morning from 'Oftawa by Sheetal train of five cars, three of hich are used for baggage and scen- ery Law- In Picton, W. Boulter, H. C. Mec Mullen, J. Clapp, G. M. Torrington, D.'J, Barker, C, B. Allison, A. H Bake, are candidates for the mayor- alty. . The members of the court of revis- jon sat in judgment this afternoon to hear complaints' for the usual' allow- ance of taxation for vacancy. There was. a large list to consider. This year Toronto. school trustees are elected by general vote of the elec- tors. There ave fortyzseven names on the ballot; twelve afe to be. selected. Would. that ballot frighten Ald. King? To-morrow afftrnoon, from four to six o'clock, the offic.rs of the R.C. F.A, will tender the men of the two local corps, their wives, children, ete., an entertainment in the city hall, tak- ing the place of the usual Christmas tree treat. : Every new! 'movement has had its opponents. This has been so since the time of Adam.: Forward movements are looked at askance but when prov- ed successful are. embraced with ar- dor. This would he the case of gene tal vote for, mayer and aldermen. org swollen joints, sharp, shooting pains, torturing muscles, no rest, no sleep~that means rheumatism. Tt is a stubbonf disease to fizht, but rlain's. Pain Balm wn- qguered it thousands of times. One plication gives relief. Try it; an druggists sell. it. HAS PROMISED AID. Alleged Conditional - Offer To 'Soo' Committee Philadel; hin, Dec, 29.--An offer has been made by the government of On- taric, to pay the $1,500,000 required for the reorganization of the Consoli- dated Lake Superior company. The goteriment has promised to take the money from its exchequer if Attorney P. F. Rothermel, who is now in Can- ada, oan satisfy the officials that that sum will | place the company's affairs ch a good financial basis. ANOTHER DEATH. As a Result of The Boiler Ex. x plosion. London, Ont., Dec. 20.--Privato as Worgwick, another of the R.C.RI men injured in the boiler ex- plosion at Wolseley barracks, on Sun: day, died this morning. This is the second death as the result of the ex- osion.. Worswick's brother, Walter, is still in a serious condition. THE COURTS. Victoria Nickel Mine Loased To International Nickel Company --Mathematical Men Meet-- Euclid May Be Cut Of High School Curriculum. S Toronto, Dee. 29.--The master-in-or- dinary, Judge Hodgios is, to-day, en- aged in hearing the arguments in the Atlas Loan a Recently at St, Thomas, he took - the evidence on several cliims against contributor- ies, and is now concluding this branch of the liquidation. ' . It is announced that Dr. Ludw Mond's wickel mine at Victoria, North- en Ontario, has been leased to the In- ternational - Nickel company for a year, The mine will be closed, and the the iron mine at Massey. A committee of mathematical teach- ers from all parts of the province, is meeting here, to-day, revising the mathematical curriculum of the schools. It is suggested that eueclid be cut off the list, the training being confined to plain geometry of use in industrial life. PICTON VS. KINGSTON, Hockey. A mixed team of hockeyists, com- of a sprinkling of Queen's, rontenacs and Beechgroves, journey- ed to Picton yesterday, and met t strong aggregation of imported play- eré "who are representing that thriving town. The game, at times, was a very brilliant exhibition. Picton start- ed off very fast, and succeeded in pil- ing up six goals in the first half to Kingston's nothing. This -was due ingipally to the Kingston defence al- fowing itself to be drawn out of posi- tion. In the second half the tactics were changed, and Kingston succeeded the game ending, Picton, 11; Kings- ton, 3. Martie Walsh, Jack Williams, Oldrieve and Potter, on the forward line, played a fast game for Kingston. while Harold Clarke showed up splen- didly at cover, and Dick Mills did well in goal. Jack Powell and Seale, of Kingston, who are members of the "Picton team, surprised the local lads by their improved playing. Embury and Strike, on the forward line, play- ed a very dashing game, while Rocque in goal, stopped a dozen sure goals. The boys speak very highly of Maa- ager Boulter's courtesy, and the splen did rink at Picton. The team arriv- ed home at noon to-day. Capt. Gil bert, of Varsity, refereed satisfactor- ily. The teams were : Picton--Rocque, goal; Greeman, point; Powell, cover-point; Gerow, Strike, Embury, Seale, forwards. Kingston--Dick Mills, goal; Robin- son, point; Clarke, cover-point; Old- rieve, Walsh, Potter, Williams, for- wards. Napanee Model School. The following were awarded third class certificates at the close of this examination : J. C. Davy, M. D. Per- ry, Jennie Carroll, Bertha Gould Frances Hayes, Martha Milling, Ethel Preston, Leah Webster, P. M. Edgar, E. E. Taplifi, Margaret Edwards, Flor- ence Hayes, Nellie. McKnight, Lettie McCaugherty, Josephine Ryan. The following passed the profession- al examination and will be awarded third class certificates on passing the junior leaying eXamination: L. V, Cunningham, Lester McCaugherty, 0. E. Wellbanks, Jennie V. Finn, Flor- ence Lake, Annie M. Reid, A. J. Kil lorin, J. M. Ovens, Luella Dean, Iolene Haight, Edna O'Mara. ---- What Rumor Says. It is rumored that the death of E. J. Wells, a tutor in botany at Queen's University, was indirectly due to a blow he received on the'head during the students' rush on Princess street a little over two weeks ago. He after wards complained of the trouble which his head caused him, and during his illness it was manifest that his head gave him great pain. Physicians say this trouble retarded his recovery. Limestones Theatre Night. The champion Limestone Rugby team are preparing for their time at the Grand opgra house to-morrow night. The two boxes given them by Man- ager Martin are being decorated, nn- der the supervision of J. T. Suther- land. warm reception. Archbishop Bourne Enthroned. London, Dec. 20.--Dr. Bourne, mer Bishop of Southwark, was eh- throned to-day as Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster Cathedral with much stately ceremony. The ca- thedral was filled to its capacity with church dignitaries whose robes of of- fice lent gorgeousness to the picture... for- Governor-General Levee. Ottawa, Dec. 29.--The governor-gene- ral is to hold his usual New Year's levee next Friday, when Col. Finault, deputy minister of * militia, and L. P. Hebert, sculotor, will be invested with the m:ignia of C.M.G., confer red upon them on the occasion of Eg majesty's birthday. Was Electrocuted. rmAuburn, N.Y., Dec. 29. --Frank White, convicted of the murder of George Hare, a farmer, near Oswezo, on September 15th, 1901, was electrocu- ted at the prizon here this morning. Dunlop's Majority. Pembroke, Ont., Dec. 29.--The final roturns in the North Renfrew election give Dunlop, the conservative candi date, a majority of 602. The tenders for additional rails for the Temiskeming railway were opened by the commissioners at Toronto, on Tuesday, but the contract will not he awarded for a day or two. No reason is givea for the delay. Ladorna Beaver, of the Windsor New Eve Colony, will be tried on December 31st on a char i i ARE STILL BEFORE melter used to refine the ore of |! The Little Town Does Well At |] in scoring three goals to Picton's five, The champions will receive a |. % '9 5 3 ° Men's Fleece-Lined ® & Nightgowns Made from a extra goad quality natu. ral fleece--pro rly shaped, finished with sateen collar band and cuffs and in every way the peatest and most comfortable Nightgown ever offered. The price for this lot 'while'it lasts is " 99¢. Each. Come Early, the Lot is Limited. Ladies' Black Tights, 50C., 75€., 95¢., 99C,, $1.35. Girls' Black Tights, ' 50¢., 75¢C., 85c¢. Children's Black Tights, 436, 45C-y 49¢+, 53C. Overstockings For Children, Girls and Ladies. Skating Gloves Warm Knitted Gloves for children and ladies in neat designs, strong and comfortable, Prices 20c,, 256. 35¢, 39°. White Knitted Gloves, White Clouds, | White Fascinators. -.JOHN LAIDLAW & SON... 170-172 Princess St., Kingston. <Q oT Fireside Slippers A large attractive stock in Black and Colors. Moccasins for the Boys. Leggings for Ladies and Girls. Home Comfort Slippers for Father. Empress Boots for your Sister. Please don't wait 'till the day before Christmas, THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE : Wateh Ghis Space Next Week. is JENKINS ° A Holiday Visior STOCK COMPLETE High G Flue 1 Special Values ter! 3 Bronzes in Watches. |"05.. Silver Toilet R Tadios' Long Chains. Gents' Luckete, For special va Fearl Orescemts. LADIES' RINGS Sifnbarstes. would mention ( Gold Cuff Links. Swe Whole Pearl in 4k, at $5. SMITH BR.OS. Jewellers and Opticians, 350 King BARGAINS IN MUS Qui Stock of Violins Must be Sold. VIOLINS--Regular price, $40, $25, | $10; now selling for $25, $16, and $6. Bows and Strings, same reduction. GUITARS--Were $15, $10, and $3; 1 $10, $6/50 and $3 Come and buy Mouth Organs at) own price, ' R. J. McDOWAL UNION MASS MEETING. ALL ORGANIZED LABOR this city: 'A mass meeting of al will be held in the Labor Hall. row might, Itc. 81st, at 8 o'clc ery union nan is urgently res be present. ¥. Villa d, Pre Campbell, Financial-Secretary MU TO 1 Mr. J. Wyatt T' M S Musi SINCINC, PIANO, VIOLIN 60 Wellington Street = Kings A GOO GENERAL SER small family, Apply t Kidd, 146 Barrie st -------------------- A---------------- AT ONCE, A GOOD GENERAL vant. Apply to Mrs. W. 5. Gort 801 University Avenu A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT ply in the evening ) Mr Hi Wade, 238 Brock street -- ------ GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY IN 1 afternoon, or -evening, at Hille Academy, Union Street, West ------------------------------------------------ A GOOD STEADY GIRI OR MIDI 1 aged woman, to for an invi Apply in the evening, 457 Irn street. -------------------------- WE WANT PEOPLE IN EACH cality to work for us during Si time. Pleasant work Libera lmpeérial company, London HOUSE TO RENT, BY A min ; small, modern will pay $18 to $20 Apply at Cann's Real Estate Agency, 51.B) Street. A FEMALE TEACHER FOR SCH! Section: No. 8, Township of K ton, one Juile from city Apply Frank Irwin, Trustee, Lower {( Station, Kingston MEN WHO WANT A FURTUNE J are willing to work to get it ( ambitious men need apply No ri for drones, Write G. Marshall Co., Teas, London, Ont. RELIABLE LADY AGENTS, TO TA orders for the best cust Dress Skirts and Walking S Write quickly Canada. Garment Co., Guelph, Ont. 1 A TEACHER, School, No. 2, at once to the 'l ary and qualificatior t, . Francis Greenwood, Archi y, Trustees. a MEN -- WE OFFER SPLENDID ducements to learn barber ur Short' time required. Tools do ed, board included, diplomas gran positions fuspnished. | Bett a) M or ) tra in existence in Write for particulars College, Chicago, Ill. re « HOUSEKEEPER--FOR THE ston General Hospital will be received till Ot! 1904, by Miss Flaws tendent, Kingston. I be . required. Salary with hoard and lodging ee A BEAVER MUFF, ON THURSD 24th _inst Finder will be suit rewarded on returning to 132 I street. 4 A BLAGK WCMBRELLA WITH RUS Handle) thé week before Christ) The -finder will be rewarded /py | ing it at this office.