Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Dec 1903, p. 1

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ality natu. ' Bnished cuffs and and most er offered. it lasts is | >S | Gloves ladies in ices 20¢,, ators. sn JON... TIE olors. hristmas. { STORE Watch Ghis Space MNext Week. 00-000, {3 JENKINS 3; POTHOOTOTOOO0000000008 A Holiday Vision ! STOCK COMPLETE : High Grade Umbrellas. Special Values Flue Imported ¢ hiva in Watches. Sterling Novelties, Tadioe' Long Chains. Bronzer + andleabras, Gents' Lockete. 8ilver Toilet Requisites, values in For especial Fear! Crescents. LADIES' RINGS we Sifnbarste. would mention «(ur § Gold Cuff Links. Stone Whole Pearl Hoop in 4k, at $5. SMITH BR.OS., Jewellers and Opticians, 350 King St. tipster BARGAINS IN MUSIC Our Stock of Violins Must be Sold. VIOLINS--Roegular price, $40, , $15, $10; now selling for $25, $16, $9 and $6. Bows and Strings, same reduction. 2p GUITARS--Were $15, $10, and $3; now $10, $6/50 and $3. Come and buy Mouth Organs at your own price, dh R. J. McDOWALL. UNION MASS MEETING. TO ALL' ORGANIZED LABOR OF this city: 'A mass meeting of all unions will be held in the Labor Hall, to-r row might, I'bc. 31st, at 8 0 clock ery anion man is urgently requested to be present. ¥. Villard, President Dn Campbell, Financial-Secretary. ere MUSIC! 7 "i oe SINCINC, PIANO, VIOLIN 60 Wellington Street: = Kingston WANTED, Sire rm A GOO! GENERAL SERVANT FOR A small family, Apply to Mis. W.. G Kidd, 146 Barrie street -------------------- #---- re ieeeret AT ONCE, A GOOD GENERAL SER- vant. Apply to M W. S. Gordon 801 University Ave A GOOD GENERAL SERVANI AP ply in the eveming to Mrs. Henry Wade, 238 Brock t. ---------------------------------------------------- GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY IN THE *.. afternoon, or -évening, at Hilleroit Academy, Union Strter, West -------------------------------------------- A GOOD STEADY GIRL, OR MIDDLE aged woman, to care for an invalid Apply in the evening, 457 Frincess street. WE WANT PEOPLE IN EACH LO- cality to work for us during spare Liberal pay Ontario Pleasant work. London, time. Imperial company, BY A CLER modern dwelling Apply at Mc- Agency, 51, Brock HOUSE TO RENT, min ; small, will pay $18 to $20 Cann's Real kstate street. A FEMALE TEACHER FOR SCHOOI Section: No. 8, Township of Kings ton, one guile from city Apply to Frank Irwin, Trustee, Lower GTR Station, Kingston MEN WHO WANT A FURTUNE AND are willing to work to get it. Only ambitious men need apply No room for drones, Write G. Marshall & Co., Teas, London, Ont. TO RELIABLE LADY AGENTS orders for the best cust Dress Skirts and Walking Canada. Write quickly Dox Garment Co., Guelph, Ont., Bo x' I'AKE r A TEACHER, FOR SEPARATE School, No. 2, Wolfe Island. Apply at once to the Trustees, hating, ary and qualifications anie! fod Ft; Francis Greenwood, Archibald : ad Trustees. Pi nie ---- MEN -- WE OFFER SPLENDID IN- 'ducements to learn barber trade Short: time required. Tools donat- ed, board included, diplomas granted, positions furnished. Hest paying wr in existence for poor man Write for particulars. Moler Barber College, Chicago, 111. HOUSEKEEPER--FOR THE KING ston General Hospital Applications will be received till Oth January 1904, by - Miss Flaws, lady superin- tendent, Kingston. Relerences will be . required. Salary $200 a year with hoard and lodging. A BEAVER MUFF, ON THURSDAY, 244th _inst Finder will be suitably rewarded on returning to 132 King street. ' | [iy A BLACK WGMBRELLA WITH RUSTIO "Handle, the week before Christmas. The finder will be rewarded [by leave ing it at this office. fl \ ; | ( of dou R AL | a | having exceptionally great influence in | TO At the TO Fair Thursday No man who does you a ever forg 4 Keep Wednesday . (o our clerks can assist. a selection in (@ the most difficult case g ® Sterling and Silver Plate. : B. CREWS, re-election Ladies and bof manv of your number, fering for ek be grateful fo = a ean sweep of hol p of holiday goods at Woods' IU's gn. eas ter to bear es I: easy matte Jay iter to bear the aches ther's corns . An injury will ive you for it 3 ven the silver-tongued orat ] orator is sel- 1 able to oF Is sa interest his wife meeting of Li Wednesday. eve cular >) UW stone lodge, i 8 o'clock January 13th for th ' vy 14 e me Of the season, Le Windt, the great traveller P Paratory service will he held in St te s 3 irch this (Wednesday) even. december 230 Min gh iy 18 a. ah er) 534: 1 rd Kipling bc . 1865; Rr i, & FOR NEW YEAR'S Wine Glasses Of every description ; also Decanters, etc., ~--AT-- Large assortment to select from. completing a ERTSON BROS 1 mg year. Another ordinance creates a "a CEE REC LEONE I WATCHES, JEWELRY. Including the newest in each line Our prices are the lowest pos- Of sible considering quality. I Art China, Bronze Ornaments, That mark of merit Hawk's Cut Glass, A call will convince you that NOVELTIES 'Phone 336. MAYORALTY, 1904. At the earnest solicitation of a large number of influential citiz I have « nted to be a or re elec as Mayor for In 1g so 1 to thank the citi- zens as a whol the confidence they expressed in mie electing me as their Chie p 1903 If my oor « had been such and 1 have 1 respect and influences to 1904 J. H. BELL. ee een ONTARIO WARD DR. A. W. RICHARDSON | Cordially solicits the votes and influences of the elec- tors for his return as Al- derman. ' ONTARIO WARD. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Having been urged to offer myse n dermahic Candidate in OU Ww = 1 TE Tl vou tes nd hience to elect me to represent a in Council for 1904 SAMUEL HARKNES ONTARIO WARD. TO THE ELECTORS yur a are respect pg as Aldermas ONTARIO WARD. TO THE ELEC TORS Ladies and Gentlemen --~Aga n <ked to be one of your represe i A a y respectiully solicit your V nd influence to return me for 1904 ROBT. E. KENT. FRONTENAC WARD. Having been requested to offer ¥ as a oa t He fully solic our Vou ; elected 1 will serve your interes th best of my ability J. S. BR. McCANN. fe FRONTENAC WARD. THE ELECTORS ber of ast of a large nu : % myself for the re R 1 again offer ratepayers R.N.F MACFARLANE. CATARAQUI WARD. THE ELECTORS Gentleme n --At the desire I amr again of- jection as Alderman and will r your votes ani influences. W. G. STRAINGE. Q { i y | man By Reducing Fleet, Japan to Russia. IF YOU DONT THEN WE SHALL HAVE TO GO TO WAR. Says Grand Duke Alexander, a Naval Authority, Gone to St. Peters- burg--New Japanese Ordinan- ces Provide For Emergencies. London, Dec. 30.--Although nothing authoritative is known of the terms of the notes exchanged between Japan and Russia, the Mirror claims to sup- 'ply information on the subject of Japan's demand. 1t says that Japan invited Russia to give a material guarantee of her honest intentions in regard to Corea, by reducing hgr fleet in the far cast by one-half, and de- clared that if this was refused, there must be war. A despatch to the Times from Seb- astopol reports the hurried departure of Grand Duke Alexander Michelovitch for St. Petersburg, which, the corres- pondent says, is much commented up- on in naval circles, the grand duke the naval councils of the empire. A Times Tokio special says: An im- perial ordinance issued to-day guaran- tees six per cent on the loan of 10,- 000,000 yen for the Seoul-Fusan rail way, and grants 2,000,000 yen for the work within the com- high council of war under the presi- dency of the emperor, having for its object the securing of the efficient and rapid co-operation of the army and navy. The personnel of the council in- cludes the chiefs of the naval and | military headquarters' staff, the min- | isters of war and marine, and other high offiers selected by the sovereign. Bennett Burleigh Alarmed. New York, Dec. 30.- from London to the to-day says: Bennett Burleigh, in a cable message to the Daily Telegraph | from Tokio says: "War trembles in the balance, if it has not already tilted the scale, for report, affirms that Rus- sia on Saturday answered, declining Japan's request. Diplomacy is terri- fied as to what will happen in China if there is war between Russia and Ja- pan. It is agreed, and Pekin despatch- es show, that the imperial, authorities are on the alert, and will attack Rus- | sia. Their best generals are eager to | engage the enemy in Manchuria, but | the real key to the seriousness of the i | -A special cable ew York Herald situation is in the question, will there be further terrible outbreaks against foreigners in China ? Or in the equally dangerous problem, what steps will Germany and France take if disturb ances break out ? Great Britain and the United States should be prepared to see that if Japan wages a success- ful war she is not prevented from reaping the fruits of victory." oh War May Come. St. Tetershurg, Dec. 30.--The Novoe Vermya begins its leader to-day with "There is no war to-day. To-morrow there may he war." The Novoe Vermya stil professes fgith in a peaceful settlement. ORDINANCES ISSUED Which. Completely Provide For All Emergencies. Tokio, Dec. 29.--An emergency ordi- nance promulgated last night invests the government with practically un- limited credit for the purpose of mili- defence. Three other ordinances issued relating, first, to the iI-Fusan railway which is brought ¢ r under official control; second, to the revision of the organization of quarters in war the imperial military time; third, to the creation of a war council in war time. These ordin- ances it ie considered completely pro- A . vide for all emergencies. PRETTY WORDS. | Exchanged By French President | And Russian Envoy. . | paris, Dec. 30.--M. Deniledoff, the | newly-appointed Russian ambassador | to France, presented his credentials | Loubet yesterday. - He had instructed him to | devote k to the preservation and development of the Franco-Rus- sian alliance. M. Loubet replied that France joyfully rec ived the fresh as- surances of the czar's magnanimous interest, and the government would work unceasingly to develop the alli- ance. | to President said the cz come see A Calgary Bigamy Case. Calgary, N.W.T., Dec. 30.--A tragic | svent in connection with a recent ap- | plication for bigamy proceedings | against W. F. Herch, occurred here we vesterday, when Mr. Hérch, the od second wife of the accused died in the hospital of appendi- { citis. Herch ie said to have been mar- | ried twice and his first wife took pro- lings against him. He was admit: 1 to bail and subsequently' left the city and the hearing of the case was to have come before Judge Sifton at the court next month. The late Mrs. | Herch is a native of Ottawa. { On. Saturday last at the residence of ! Daniel Pillsworth, he 'and Lis wife ! celebrated their diamond wedding, | having been married in London, Eng., ! on December 26th, 1843. John R. Mott, the secretarv of the World's Student Christian Federation, will travel for some time in Europe i in the interests of that organization, We de BARRON, The engagement ss May Barron, girl golf expert and society belle, to John New York, Dec: is announced of I. Archibald, ri®%-president of the Standard 0il company. The wedding date has not been 'fixed. Miss Par ron was educated in a French school and has spent mugh time abroad in studyinz music end painting. | | Laurier To Get Medal. Ottawa, . 80.--~' To Lieut. Wilfrid Laurier " is the inscription on a Fenian raid medal that is at pres- ent in the . possession of Col. Pinault, deputy minis- ter of militia. It is for the premier and is grant- ed for the time he shoul- dered his rifle to aid in su- pressing the attempted Fen- ian raid in 1870. Sir Wil- frid w as then a lieutenant in the provisional regiment which was raised at Artha- baskaville at that time. It is likely that the medal will be presented to the premier on New Year's day. PEF F2434 44904000000 FELT TEP 22049940 520407 | WANTS TO GET RANK In The Atlas Loan Company's Disbursements. London, Ont. Bec. 20.--The Mer chants Bank, before the master-in-or: dinary, to-day, pressed three claims to runk as creditors of the Atlas Loan company. The first: claim arises from a loan of $8,000 made to Dr. James Fulton, as secmity for which $14,0004 of debentures. of the Atlas company were, together with $2,000 of stock in the Anglo-American fire insurance company was put. up. The second claim # under a loan of $5,000 to A. E. Wallace for which £40,000 of debentures of the Atlas Loan com pany were deposited, 'I he third claim is on £3,000 loaned E. A. Smith, St. Thomas, - for which Smith deposited 500 Atlas Loan debentures and $4, 500 bonds of *the Niagara Power com pany. In all the bank claims $17.4 for which it had securities amounting to $18,315 and $61,500 debentures, The question at issue is who should bear the loss, the individuals or the com pany for Wallace said he was acting jor the company and Smith that he was acting for Wallace. STOP MASSACRE Appeal to President Roosevelt For Immediate Action. Washington, Dec. 30.--With a view to enlisting the immediate and active interests of the United States against the reported contemplated massacre of Jews in Russia 'on January 7th, the Russian New Year, Simon Wolf, a member of the executive council of the B'Nai B'Rith and representing the United Jewish societies, to-morrow will lay before the state department an urgent appeal in behali of his people reported to be thus threatened. Following his visit to the depart- ment, Mr. Wolf will be received by President Roosevelt, at. which time the whole subject of the status of the Jews in Russia will be disgussed PRINCE IS COMING. Will Act On Com- mission. Berlin, Dec. 20.--Prince Eitel Fred erick, Emperor William's second and favorite scn, who is twenty years old, probally will vi it the St, Louis ex hibiticn. There i: a strong feeling in military circles that the German mili tary equipment might be improvid by adopting some of the American in ventions. So a military commission of oflicers selected bs Emperor William will visit the exposition and report of uniforms, field, and commissariat ap- pliences, The report wil be made di rect to the emperor, 'Prince Fitel "Fritz," it is expected will acdompany this commission. Kaiser's Son TO LEAVE OXFORD. Sir Richard Writes Letter To Lib- erals. Ottawa, Dec. 30.----8ir [Richard Cart- wright has written a letter to the lib- erals of South Oxford intimating that it ig not his desire to seek nomination in that elsatoral district. He regrets that the rheumatism from which he fnffers makes it impossible for him to devote the time and attention to a riding so remote from the capital. . Troubles Of Emperor. Ana There is Demand For Tenders DAIL D-- - r-- ; ¥ MEMORANDA. iS ENGAGED. | MURDERED BY DOGS. hings RE ---- ; L " 8 -- & aris ving a Possess . make -life : The . Wedding Date. Not Yet. Missiondry And Eighteen Follow- hones 3 SOUBUY - GIA," Grand opera ; Fixed. 0 ers Perish In Forest. AY 5 rae. dn. isa ; : Washington, Dec. 30.~United States stubborn things C0 rYS: and facts are . Minister Lyon has « reported = to the Is Date of the Ontario Leg- islature, WHY SO EARLY APPROPRIATIONS ARE ABOUT EXHAUSTED. i. ~ For The Work of The Exten- sion of The Temiskaming Rail- way--A Convention in British Columbia. Toronto, Dec. 30.--The Globe an- nounces, to-day, that at a meeting of the council held yesterday afternoon, Premier Ross and his colleagues de- cided to call the legislature together on Thursday, January 14th. The pa- per "credits Mr. Ross with stating that an early session was rendered ne- cessary by the fact that the appropri- ation voted by the legislature would carry the government only until the close of the year. In addition the gov- ernment contemplates the extension of the North Bay and Temiskaming rail- meet the Grand Trunk Pacific and the survey being now well under way the house must be asked for levislation in order to call for tenders for the work of construction. A Vancouver special: to the Globe says that the conservative party has called a convention for early in Feb- ruary at which Hon. Charles Wilson, the nominal head of the provincial conservatives, will be deposed and Premier McBride formally made chief. tain. ' Robert Gilmour, manager of the Scottish Ontario and Manitoba Land Co., died last night as the result of a stroke of paralysis suffered on Mon- day. He was seventy years of age and was well-known in business circles throughout the country. A widow, two sons and a daughter survive. PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. The Deminican rebels are attacking San Domingo City. The tone of the far eastorn spatches to day is pessimistic. John Charlton, M.P., 4 -} poor health, and is to. seek rest for a time. A treaty of commerce and naviga: ten was completed between Cuba and Italy. 3 * Andrew Pattullo, M.P.P., committed svice in london while temporarily insane. . The liberals of North Renfrew will protest Mr. Dunlop's clection on char- ges of bribery. . It is feared that the gollier Venice has crew of fifty-one. Alderman Ames has censervative nomination teitie division, Montreal, Lord Tredegar, who took part in the charge of the light higade at Balaclava, is reported to be dying. R. W. Fraser, Halifax, a prominent citizen and pillar of the Methodist church, was found dead in a ¢hair on Tuesday. Rev. Walter Ayers, one of the oldest Methodist -clecgymer, died in London, de: French naval been lost with hex accepted the for St. An- Ont., aged" seventy years, He was born in England. : W. P. Tellord, banker, of Owen Sound, was nominated for parliament by the liberals of North Grey. North Wellington conservatives nominated John McGowan, M.P. At Sydney, N.S.W., the Japanese consul is overwhelmed with offers for volunteers for Japan. The consul says it is impossible to accept the applica tions of foreieners for enlistment. Dr. Matforek, of the Pasteur Hospi: tal of Paris, has found a positive cure for all tuberculosis diseases, and the first exhibition of his cure in this side of the Atlantic will be given in Mont- real. Rev Dr.. Potts, president of the Lord's Day Alliance, and Mr. Shearer, secretary, are asking for the intro- duction of a bill next session degling with the question of Sabbath observy- ance. Gen. Reyes, the Colombian special ambassador to Washington, has pre- sented the demands of his country re- garding Panama to the United States government and these will' be answer- ed on Thursday. The special train carrvine the BSth Company, R.G.A.; arrived on Tuesday afternoon from Halifax, on the way to Esquimalt, to relieve fhe 83rd com- pany, which left for Hong Kong on the steamer Empress of India. HOTTENTOTS RAVAGING. German South West Africa And Plundering. Cape Town, Dec. 30.-~A despatch to the Cape Times fiom Kidiberly says that considerable alarm is occasioned by the threaténing attitude of the Hottentots throughout German South West Afiiza. Bands are ravaging the country, .and plundering Europeans. 'here are indications of a general na- ive ris ng. The German outposts at Oapis have been overpowered hy the Hottentots, and the occupants are re- jorted to have been Jilled. Bankers Against Him. Tondon, Dec. "30.--~Herbert =" Glad Vienra, Dee. 30.--While Emperor Fren:is Joseph was visiting his duugh- ter, at Wallsee, he fell upen the car pet in one of the rooms of the castle ¢nd bruised hie forchead, He returned , here yesterday. He has a black eye, 4 and is suffering from a slight attack of lambago, ) : any eminence who bas given cny ad hesicn to Chamberlain's policy, for ng class knew more ' about colenial trade, Mr. might, Mr. Gladetons thought, strong for him. way up to the point it is expected to | stone, speaking at Chester, declared he did rot know of a single banker of foreign or Chamberlain find in the. long run the bankers were too | American: state department that from Monrovia, Liberia, the of the massacre in an African forest of a white missionary of his - following, eighteen in number, Massacre took place March 15th, 1901, The first detailed account has just me to hand in an affidavit by Mrs. [Mary L. ' Liberia Allin, a white "missionary . She had the stor "some of the native Doo triBibihen, Tate had a' large mission and farm, and main- tained di 'schvgl, and altogether nine sople were in the mi Ww it was surrounded jn the night by the Dooe. All were mu d, and their heads taken as trophies. Minister Lyon has communicated wieh the Liberian secretary of state with a view to securing fuller irform- ation, and "perhaps the punishment of the Doos. ARCHBISHOP BRUCHESI. Appeals For Suppression of Sa- loon Evil. Monireal,, Dec. 30.--Archbishop Pruchesi has written a letter to the civie police committee, making an ap- peal for the 'lessening of the saloon evil. He suggests that it would be a great benefit if saloons were to "vlose earlier, especially on the eve of feast duys, or of Sunday. He closes as fol: lows: "In the name of our peoples' most sacred intercsts, 1 entreat you gentlemen, to make a generous effort to check the progress of intemperance end of the evils which are its inevit- able consequence. In doing so, you will secure the gratitude of our familics, of our whole city and particularly of ours very truly, Paul, Archbishop of onteval 2? CAPT. FRANK CRAFP. May Be a Pere Marquette Vie- tim, Windsor, Ont., Dee, 30.~Capt. Frank Crapp, of the steamer Tonia, is miss ing, end it is feared he was a vie tim of the Pere Marquette wreck, near Grend Rapids on Saturday night. Milwaukee, and sent the freight to KE. J. Thompson, Walkerville, own- er of the Ionia, and wired he would start for home on Thursday. Since that {ime, nothing has been heard of him. Defectives have been en to locate the missing' man, Capt. lives at Walkerville, and has a w CONGO FREE STATE. Wants Hamburg-American Steam- ship Service, Not. British, Antwerp, Dee. 30.-1t is Vngeistand on high authority, that the offigials of the Congo Free State, are negotiating with the Hamburg American Steam- ship company for a service to that country to replace thq present one by British lines. This is the outcome of the general indignation caused by the attitude of the British toward the Congo Free State, and a desire to treat with the Germans, who have ob- served an attitude of neutrality. The negotiations are almost completed. SNOWED UNDER. Street Cars Are Tied Up In Ottawa Ottawn, Dec, 30.---With one street car on each line to-day, Ottawans are experiencing the inconveniences of by- gone days. People had to make an early start for work and walk. The vabbies are doing a land office busi- ness and busses are being pressed into service, There is no promise of a ser. vice for a wee Olney May Be Candidate. Boston, Dee. 30.--Hon. Richard OL ney is a eandidate for the democratic presidential nomination. He has con- sented to allow his friends to boom his name for they tell him he never will have a 'better opportunity to gan the nomination and that the chances of a New England candidate being «lected were never better. Oranges, 10c. to 40c., Ferguson's, King street. The Week of Prayer Arrangements for Annual Meetings Week Commencing Jan. 4th. a dozen, at MONDAY---First Baptist Church, Children's Aid Society. TUESDAY~Cooke"s Church terian), the Lord's Day Alliance, WEDNESDAY--St./ Andrew's (Presby- terian), the Bible Society. THURSDAY --- First Congregational, the (Preshy- missions. FRIDAY Queen Street, (Methodist.) The Y.M.C.A. A fuller statement with nmnes of speakers will appear later. 4th Annual Dinner Kingston Commandery, No. 4, 0.0.K.G. a BRITISH AMERICAN HOTEL THURSDAY, DEC. 31st 'At 8:30 p.m. Tickets to be had at the hotel. All commercial travellers cordially in- v ited. | K.M. IRELAND, ROBT, HENDRY, K. C a. Secretary. BOARDERS. ANY PERSON DESIRING BOARDERS will please leave name and address at office ~of Dairy School. Long couwse begging on January Téth. J. WW. > Mitchell, Superintendent of School. ------------------_---- i i A --------. FOR SALE. J A MARINE COMPOUND ENGINE, AS Capt. Crapp laid up his steamer at} and one child, n . We have just received fro: makers a consignment 2 goods, which are now ready fe inspection. They are extra value and you will miss chance if you do not 300 yards at de. 200 yards at Be. / 200 yards at Ge. Insertions; very fins, wide, at 10e.," 11¢. a3 5 pen, { y of this The remainsswill be bro for interment. : .. DAY--At Elginburg, on Dec. 25th, ph roar Tian on un 20th fe For. New Year's day, and for day, there is nothing better than JAVA AND MOCHA BLEND. Wa b this Coffee in the green stato on the pretuises, and grind daily; insuring that delicate, fragrant #6 dear to lovers of good Coffee. price af our pure Java and Mocha * Grape Juice As a delicious and in every way satis: factory beveriige for the table or for social purposes, the Vineland Grape Juice has no equal. : Pint Bottles, .. .. .. «oo, Quart Bottles, . . «wo Raspberry Vinegar Home-made, Pints, .. . « « . 20 cents. Home-made, Quarts, 36 cents. Crosse & Blackwell's, Pints, .. 25 cents. Jas. Redden § @o Kirkpatrick, Rogers and Nickle street, ON MONDAY, the fourth January, 1904 at 3 o'clock in the noon. | b: Ganong's chocolates, creams and creams, always Ferguson's. Sick or Well oe A. Hot Water Bottle is a se cessity in every home nowadays. b The efficiency of hot applica: § tions in cases of toothache, ear: ache, neuralgia, cramps, ete., is too well known to need men tion. i : guaran. | Regal Water Bottles teed and sold only by good as new: made in rel. Pe niv at Daily Ontario office, Belleville, nt. ¥ M. B. TAYLO

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