3b 5S a $358s88 - BO he "Nils elvey, ry .. Wood allowed Adorn and A ve to retain nopposed It was felt gone before the a ward he would handsome "| There be contests only in On- | tario, Cataraqui and Frontenac wards, the. four - witrds returning their ' ves wu >. 1 nen: Suan amd mien 5 vol Pe: Fa Righey, ad Dr. A.W. Richardson, Mayor and W. H. Dalton resigned from Cafaraqui ward the candidat / @ atc McLeod, es, Mallen, Dr. Waugh, W. Strainge "i Those 2 who astiied apt. in : The Frontense ward car: Aldermen Tait, McFarlane, 14 with D., Couper McCann. The osly re cived from this ward was ompson, ' now stands, there and five conserva already elected. It is the first » in a great m ears that th of Rideau ward agreed 'to hatk their three [FAphanthtat; ves | unopposed, which Speaks for : worthiness of trio . that 3 the school trustees have been . | elected withant, ppposition. In Cata- ui ward J. G. Evans resigned and allowed 7. A. Hallo to take the of 8 same thi {ened a Bade on hing hap- | of 'F. H. Metualte allowed 8 to is seat at board without having to fight for it. D.A Shaw's a in Fron. teiac w allowed J. D. Thompson to go in by acclamation. rhe aldermen at, nt elected are. Sy am ward--Dr. Abbott, Georye Sears, R. H. Toye. St. Lawrence ward--J. M. Mowat. Carson, Dr. McCammon. Rideau ward--R. Meek, J. F. Knapp, J. Hoag. Victoria ward--F. King, H. Angrove, .. E. Bassam. ; For school trustees the named have been returned in the wards : Sydenham, L. L. Henderson: Ontario, 8. H. Fee; St. Lawrence, W. H. Godwin; Cataragui, P. A. Haffner; Frontehac, J, D.. Thompson; Rideau, J. Laturney; Victoria, H. W, Richard. son. It was understood that Dr. Waugh Was to retive from the aldermunic test in Cataraqui ward; he secnred 8 resignation hlank from the city clerk, but when the hour for receiving resignations passed, the blank had not been returned, so his name will ap pear on the ballot paper. -------- To Be Here To-Night. The Ottawa Journal says: 'A Sountip Gil" came to Ottawa stamp: ed with the seal of approval by To ronto and Montreal audiences and as a result the play house was packed from top to bottom. There was ne vacant chair and many had to stand. When the curtain went down there was only one opinion--that the pro- duction is a most delightful one. From start to finish there is not a minute that one could say was not pleasing. The music is dainty and very tuneful. The production is beau: tiully mounted, the m nistry of fine arts building in the second act being seldom if ever excelled in Ottawa. The costuming is also good." In A Serious Condition. William J. Brown, - Shannonville, was brought to the General Hospital Tvasay oon in a serious condi- tion. He fell downstairs last' Friday, injuring his spine. Partial paralysis and other internal troubles developed, and. Jittle hope is entertained of re- covery, Gained Forty Pounds In Thirty James the following Days. For several months our younger | gestion. He tried several remedies but got no benefit BE Bt Si taking them. Inside of thirty days he {trade on the Tablets.--Holley Bros. by all a Long Branch, Mo. Por sale Aor 5, out for hi va, and R. Donaldson Ean fe gist, was mar- ooklyn, N.Y., to-day to Miss will reside on University . Martin Dolan, who fell on a side dislocating his hip walk last woek, is recovering, and will soon be EE slackson, who has been vis- iting his 'mother, Pine street, for the past week, has returned to Chicago to position. R. M. Graham resigned as a candi date for the Portsmouth school hoard, and the other candidates are i is is + Toronto at- tending the committee of nineteen ap- pointed by the Ontario Educational Association fo report upon the ad- aptability of the new curriculum. ss Mary Nash of Toronto, daugh- ter of Dr. Nash, Bath, has been ap- pointed to the position of directress of pliys and imdustrial training at the Orillia Asylum for the feehle- 1 x A, R. Wright, a graduate of Kings ton Business College, now representing a Montreal manulacturing house throngh the North-West territories, is in thé city, the guest of his sister, Mrs. W. H. Warren, Garrett street. DEATH OF SAMUEL PHIPPEN. Died Suddenly At Chicago--A For- mer Kingstonian. A telegram from Chicago Tuesda afternoon announced the sudden deat of Samuel 8. Phippen, a former secre- tary of the Kingston school board. No articulars are at hand, the telegram Long confined to the bare ennounce- ment of the sudden death. It is pre- sumed that heart failure was the cause. The late Samuel Scobell Phippen was born in England, but came to Canada with his parents when about two years old, He made Kingston his home "til about twelve or fourteen years «go, when he went to Chicago, where he remamed until his death. Latterly he was employed as traveller for the firm of Parsall, Schultz & Co., dealers in steel dies, ete. : he deceased was the eldest son of the Inte Samuel Phippen, who for years carried on business in Kingston as a soap and candle manufacturer, He is survived by three sisters--Mrs. Grist, Ottawa; Mre. R. Hendry, and Mrs. J. J. Linton, Kingston, and by two daughters, Mrs. (Canon) Forneri, Morvickville; and Mrs. Edward Phip- pen, Conway. The late Mr. Phippen held the posi- tion of secretary of the public school toard for upwards of twenty years. Many of the middle aged citizens will remem his visits to the schools during their boyhood days. The re mains will reach Kingston to-morrow for interment in Cataraqui cemetery. Last July, duri the old boys' re- union the late Mr. Phippen returned to the city and remained for about a month, visiting old friends and ac- quaintances, Returning To Ottawa. Ottawa Citizen. x Their many friends in Ottawa will be pleased to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Phillpotts intend taking up their resi- dence again in the capital, early in June. Some weeks ago Mr. Phillpotts was appointed to the New York branch of the Bank of British North America but urgent private matters made it impossible for him to meet the wishes of the bank management, 0 accepting a position in that city. He has therefore "decided to retire from the service of that institution at the expiration of four months leave of absence. As an evidence of Mr. Phill- potts populdtity as manager in King- ston he was presented by the staff of the bank on Christmas dav with a beautiful cut glass and silver claret jug suitably inscribed. ------ Officers of Stella "Prentice Boys. The "Prentice Boys' Derry lodge, No. 2, clocted the following officers : P.M., Hartley Fleming: W.M., Rab- ert Marshal; D.M., Joseph Bray; chap- lin, Wiliam H.' Preston; recording- secretary, James Strain; financial see- retary, Charles Gibson; treasurer, Samuel Glenn; D.C., Wesley Brown; I. G., David Filson; 0.G., "John Reid; first committeeman, Edward Scott; se- cond committeeman, Arthur Finley; third committeeman, Wiliam Glenn; fourth. committeeman, David Bray; fifth committeeman, William Clyde; auditors, Edward Scott, David Caughey. a---------- The Whig Got Ome. The Winnipeg Free Press makes each year a Christmas gift to its advertis- ers and press friends. This year th offering is a gopher's tail, the read genuine thing, a good luck bringer ac- cording to traditions. The number desired was formidable, but only 833 animals could be captured in the Nor' West. Accompanying 'each of them on i's journey is the Troe Indians' story of the gophers geifin, i print for the first time. A Unique Christmas Greeting. Yesterday a Princess street tobac- conist received from a ber of To- ronto friends a card, about three feet long by a foot wide, bearing the fol- lowing 'Christmas greeting: "If it takes twenty yards of cheese cloth to now given in make an alligator a suit of clothes, how long will it take am nt with wooden leg to kick a in a a pickle Prospects Are Bright. H. H. Gildersleeve, president of the 4th Regiment Veteran Association, of interviewed the heads of the militia department ip Ottawa, and re porta that the prospects for the vetée Is ; are very bright | St. James Had Theirs in the City Hall -- The Events at St. | George's, St. Ahdrew's and The annual C treat for the senior pupils of Sunday school of St. James" church, was von in he i Tuesday ing. From si 10 SORE Oden capper was merved, supper 'when about 300 children partook of a sumptuous repast, all sit down 10 tables. Each- pupil was vided with fruit and co . At ht o'clock the second part of the enter- ¢ out when a tainment was carried lendid me of esc Lillian $ Sythe, the 3 y solos, Misses Kathleen Wilscn, Derry; recitations, Carew 3 Misses Clara Robinson, Ada Maxwell, Dotothy Harvey, J. n qunrtete, Misses Macmorine, Bailey, essrs, BE. C. Dean, Woolsey. Miss Wrenshall and Miss V. Mundell were ths clever accompanists, while Miss M. Macmorine and Miss R. Corbett were the music directory, filling their posi: tions acceptably. o several pretty choruses by the pupils were pleasingly rendered, Mrs. Augustus kindly under- teok ths traini of the scholars in the building of. the cross, which made a pretty stage pigtuse. At Queen Street Methodist. The Queen street Methodist Sunday schocl kindergarten and primary de partments had their Christinas enter- tainment yesterday aiternoon at half past three o'clock, and though the weathor was stormy, there was a full attendance. These two departments are resided over by Miss Bateman. and iss Martin, with * cight or ten gitl assistants, and they provided an ex- cellent entertainment for the benefit of the children. and their. parents. The little folks congributed a number of Christmas 1 ticns and choruses. Following this ad their refrésh- ments, and as souvenirs of the occa- sion the tots carried home a - little mug from which they had drunk their milk, in place of the usual books or presents from a tree. events wal : Duett, ynolds; Olive At St. George's. The annual Christmas tree and en- tertainment of St. George's Cathedral Sunday school came off last night. The. programme began with 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing"; recitation, Mas- ter Jack Smythe; scng, five little girls; backward drill, a most amusing performance, reflecting great credit on those who got it up; tong, Miss Inez Abbott: recitation, Miss Edith Evans; song, little Misses Gweneth Merrick, and Katharine Trendell; Japanese drill by ten girls in pretty Jap costumes; Jack o° Lantern song, five small Loys, a great hit. The chairman of the first part of the programme, Rev. G. L. Starr, gave a short address, in which he gave great praise to both teachers and scholars, and said that if there was any blame attaching any- where, it rested on the parents, who are singularly uninterested ifn Sunday school matters, on The second part of the programme was in cha of the dean, and .con- sisted of prize giving, and the distri- buting of bags of candy. The prize winners were as follows : H. McCor- mack, James O'Hagan, Rex, Saunders, Clifford 'Richardson, Herbert Richard: son, Frank Smythe, Jack Smythe, L. McCormack, S. Storey, F. Lémmon, George Gorrie, W. Mackney, A. 0'- Hagen, ¥. Thompson, Emie Cockburn, Ernie Thompson, Fergtson Twigg, Harold Jamieson, Elsie Lowe, Alma Price, Allie Storey, Ruby ' Conley, Edith Evans, Maggie Jamieson, Zelica Burns, Florence Shannon, Annie Rob- indon, Lilie Thompson, Mabel La- turney, Sarah Clark, Freda Burns, Gertrude Graham, E. Prince, Sylvia Cochrane, Ethel Clark, Alice Sears, Mabel Slade, Annie Ryder, Violet Me- Neice, Annic Merrin. The prizes by the childrens' own choice consisted largely of Bibles and prayer books. At The First Baptist. Last night was bad weather for a Christmas tree entertainment, but the hardy little "Canucks" of the Firat Baptist Sunday school seemed to ra- ther enjoy it, and were out in full force, and brought their fathers and mothers and friends with them in such numbers as to fill the building. The children on the programme acquitted themselves most creditably, and de- lighted everybody. Dr. Lake, the high- ly esteemed and efficient superintend- ent, presided and _ all went throuch without a hitch. At the close of the Programme some fifty carefully select- ed books were awarded piipils, who had earned them as prizes for attend- ance and diligence in preparing les- sons. Then presents galore were - dis- tributed from the rayly decorated and heavily laden tree, - and every little body was made happy. In every way the entertainment was a complete suc- cess, : At St. Andrew's. St. Andrew's Sunday scheol had its annual Christmastioe festival last evening from seven till nine o'clock. erected in The tree was the grandest the hall, the colored electric lights strung among the palm branches, by Harry Breck, making a beautiful sight when the hall was darkened and Santa Claus appeared. The first part of the eveiing was devoted to a pro- gramme of recitations, songs and choruses by the children. Then fol lowed the serving of refreshments, and fnally came the stripping of the tree by Santa Claus' emissary, W. T. Pills at rule of health--Keep wels regular. And the The the ns geting m Hg wil now tackle the land grant question. td Cunningham; | A this candy pac 8 for eve largely attend- as probably the best . ever St. Andrew's. Hae ES m---- Had A Good Time. Sixty-theee happy little tots sat down to the most fisting of teas in Sydenham Street odist Sunday school yesterday, afternoon, the feast having been provided by Lend-a-Hand ciecle of Ring's Daughters. Alter tea, and the vlogs of a sweet little Santa Claus song hy little Miss Hughes, Santa himse'f, in the person of Mr. oe brilliadtly-lighted tree. took a mew end pretty gift for each child, accom- panied by sweets. Amongat the pro- motors présent were Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. McCammon, Miss Shaw, Mrs. Henderson, Miss Hurd, and Mise Ger- trude: Strange, thes head of King's Daughters work in the city. There were plenty of assistants, and the af- fair went off in the happiest manner possible. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Reporters on Their Rounds. Shovel your walks I There was a blank docket at the police court this morning. : Canvassers were out to-day solicit- ing subscriptions for the proposed ice- trotting Tabs early in February 55 Corsets every description at a 10c., 80¢c., and Ye New York Dress Reform. P. McDermott, jr., Wolfe Island, has received the contract to bush the roud between Kingston and Wolfe Island, when the ice is firm. A chamois vest that keeps the heat next your body is the kind you get at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The members of Court Earl Roberts, LOK. will.hold a pleasant dance in the Whig hall on Thursday night, the eve of the new year. Let us then, be up and doing, Though we oft land on our pate; Never mind the falls ensuing-- We are bound to learn to skate. Kingston Freeman; The Ross gox- ernment has still a majority of four-- enough to keep the wolves from the door power for some time to:come, Don't forget to send your bex of Huyler's candies New Year's morning. Gibson's Red Crosss Drug Store, The thermometer is not resting these days. From twenty-five degrees above zero yesterday afternoon, it dropped to near the zero mark during the night. Ladies before buying elsewhere, sce our values in corsets, ordered or veadv-made. New York Dress Reform. An angle worm was found in a cup of water drawn from a Queen street tap. The specimen is at the Whig office. A case of meat and drink as it were. "This is without doubt the dullest and coldest municipal election that has been held in Kingston since the year 1845," says the Freeman. Is the Freaman editor really so aged ? For Grip and colds take Gibson's Red Cross Grip and Cold Cure. The boys of Westhoro, entertained on Friday night, regardless of denomina- tion, by Rev. FErnest and Mrs. Thomas, showed their appreciation of kindness by presenting Mrs. Thomas with a beautiful silver tea set. The Master Mechanic's Pure Tar Soap heals and softens the skin while promptly cleansing it of grease, oil, rust, ete. lavaluable for mechanics, farmers, sportsmen. Free sample on re- ceipt of 2c. for postage. Albert Toilet Soap Co., Mirs., Monreal. v tt The Old Year. By Nora Chesson. Withered and old and pale to see, The year that once was warm and fair Walks in a white world wearily, With withered leaves wound in her hair Where garlands of red roses were. Without, the world is cold sud white; Birds are struck duthb with frost, alas ! An old trone crying in the night Walks by the streams locked up in glass; There is no color in the grass. Within, the houses great and small Are warm with fire and loud laughter; Red holly queens it in the hall And ivy trails link beam and rafter; Men feast, nor look before nor after. with Girls, glancing out at whirling snow, Their lovers meet with brighter eyes; Light laugltter flickers to and fro, And ne'er a one its right denies Unto the Druid mistletoe. Kisses and laughter, here's the end; A wiser end could scarcely he. You were our lover and our friend, Old year, and so the world and we Throw kisses to you as vou wend Your way and speed you merrily. Walsh, came on the scene, and froma' SPORT RE) EE THE O.H.A'S. LATEST WORD Simply Because They are Ask- ed to do Something Unreason- able -- Hockey And General NOT Arr Croesus, King of Lydia, Had Troy. TO THE EASTERN CLUBS. Bles of His Own, Ang 9 UY There are Others, The Latter 'Are Antagonistic | Croesus, the John D. Rockefeller of the kingdom of Lydia, wa vei to-do in Lm, an at "As rich as Croesus" js » saving about 2,500 years old. He Jag 1+ Notes. Yroubled, however, and some of them, The O.H.A. executive has done all ere -- own. He was taken cop. i a . : y Cyrus and onl ave it possibly could do, in declaring that himself from being but on! HR d als. There was no clude within the time is all well enough for the "He! He!" and "Ha! in twenty-seven days, 0.HA., and required of it. Notice To The Limestones. requested to meet o'clock, wearing the vided for them in stone colors. Hockey. its three series. - takes place in Ottawa to-night. A hockey team from Lachine 'I'oronto. It looks as thourh the Victorias would win the Pittsburg, Pa., cham- pionsh Cup hockey team has been insured for $2,000 a player. There was some fierce bidding for the policies among the in- surance agents. Lemesurier, who was summoned to Montreal on bank duty has returned, being only away temporarily, The Frontenacs are pleased that they will have him as wing, for he is counted upon to strengthen the forward line. It has not yet dawned - upon the Toronto folk that the St. George's beat the Montreal Victorias on a lit- tle rink. The Toronto Mututal - street ice sheet is far too small for fast hockeyists, and must have bothered the Victorias. Morrisburg * opens the hockey sea- son on New Year's night when Queen's College plays here. Morris- burg will have practically a new team this season, and in their contest against Queen's will be strengthened by Dillabough of Varsity. The Frontenac hockey team to play in Brockville on New Year's night, will be chosen from the following: Goal, Hiscock; point, W. Mills; cover- point, Elliott; forwards and spares, Robinson, Lemesurier, Laird, Ashley, Betts,' Lieut. Mills, Drury, Dobbs, Hackett. The hockey team of the Crescent Athletic Club opened the New York Amateur League season by beating the seven of the Brooklyn Skating Club by a score of 5 to 4. The match provided one of the best contests of the Canadian game ever witnessed in Brooklyn. A pig crowd was on hand to watch the struggle: Queen's hockey team left at noon for Peterboro, where it plays to- night. The players will be: Goal, Mills; point, Macdonnell; cover-point. Sutherland; centres, Walsh, Knight ; Wings, Brewster, Richardson; spares, Sargent, Gillespie; trainer, "Alfie" Pierce. The team will play in Prescott to-morrow night, and in Morrisburg on New Year's night. Toronto Telegram : There is an eastern clement situated not a hurdd- red miles from Kingston that loves not the O.H.A. Tn the early fall it tried to form an Eastern Ontario Hockey Association, but failed. Tt now looks as if some of the clubs that re- fused to form the new association had been entrapped into doing that which they declared against. Matters At The Mills. Kingston, Mills, Dec, 29.--The people | are oll glad to see the snow; the icy | fields were very hard on horses and cattle. The blacksmiths are doing a! rushing business. The Misses Donoghue | spent Sunday and Chilstmas at home. T. Fague spent Christmas at P. Ho gan's. Miss B. Doyle has returned to Watertown, after spending Christmas With her mother. Mr. and Mré. F. Mc- Grath spent Christmas at D. Gra- ham's. William Anglin end J. Don- oghue spent Sunday in Kingston. L. Donovan spent Christmas at his home in Escott. Miss G. Moran is home for her Christmas holidays. Your Choice For $15 Only. Worth $18 To $20. Prevost at the New York clothing store, Brock street, will make to or- der a suit or overcoat for $15, guar anteed first class fit and gvod tin hy assortment to choose ons or tig aay ovéreoating, Were Sworn In. On Tuesday all the serutineers to act for and inst the proposed by- law to elect aldermen by a vote of the whole electorate, were sworn in by the city clerk. itit fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig- nature is on each box. 28c. ---------- i --_------ Assists In The Welcome. "Clark's Lunch Tongue" always brightens the welconié for the unex- pected guest, yer's Pills. great medicine--Ayer's Pills, -------------- inipe Capsules, all sizes, Gibson Hey Bins Diy Sia Yee. Gibson's | General Sport. Spectators seem to be well satisfied with the foul strike rule. Only 'the players are kicking. There have beén forty nominations for places on the Ontario lawn bowl- ing team to tour England next sum- mer, 4 The most significant comparisons are those which show that under the foul strike law there was __a loss of 751 safe hits during the se don, a loss of TM runs, a loss of 94 in stol- en bases, .and a decrease of from 30 to 18 in the number of men who bat- ted with dn average of .300 or better. The committee of the English Rug- by Football Union, provided they can secure a representative team, are considering the desirability of send- ing an eleven to Australia noxt spring. It' is proposed that the com- bination should leave England in May the probable duration of the tour to be five of six months. ---------- Henry Cunnin "piano tunes, from. Chikerts Ooer" received at McAuley's book store, ) wtreet. Cough syrups all 'relia at Gibson's Red Cross. BIbs Figs sisi ona 8 bs. Dates, ia wo a. 3 quarts Cranberri . 8 Ibs. Raisins, ., .... 5c. 4 Ibs. Currants, ., . + see 28c. Ruckwheat Flour, « «io 106, pkg Maple Syrap,.. .. .. 0. Case qt. C. H PICKERING 0.1 PUNE ST. 'PHONE SED. | if a winner for No. 2 senior pririet ia not reported by January 3st, it wi not recoguize that district in the fin- rule by which it could step in and Seow the sastern district out now ause t atter ok fy \ would not report a schedule to con- be avoided. They pre brought on hy limit. The matches must proceed till the end of the month. Then probably the "to-be outlawed" clubs may get together, take a ballot and eome to a conclusion as to which is best among them and worthy to play in the semi-finals. It west to Ha!" but for a district to play twenty matches arrange rinks, te, is no' easy thing. The east does not desire to be antagonistic to the only protests because something unreasonable and unfair is All the Limestone rugby players are at Baker's rooms | the on Princess street this evening at 7.30 club's colors, and thence proceed to the boxes pro- the Grand Opera House. The boxes have been decorat- ed. All supporters of the champions t h are also requested to wear the Lime. | the essential properties that the gas. The W.0.H.A. has eighteen teams in The first of the Stanley Cup matches have asked the St. Georges for a match in The Finnipeg Rowing Club Stanley quoting a saying of Solon, the Sao. | He finally had to fice his kingds, ©: parts unknown. His King for Many of the rich man's troubles to- day eome from high living and could eating' all kinds of rich at irregular times, exercise, 'undue mental strait, urn. tural stimulants, etc., and are cop. monly known as indigestion, dyspep- sia, and weak stomach, They are serious Srgules all right, but not only can they be avoided but can also be cured, and that without loss of time or proper food and nourishment. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the certain relief of dySpeptics, rich and poor alike. There is no such thing 44 stopping their onward progress now, A great nation has placed its stamp of approval upon their noble work. The thousands and thousands of curcs they have effected and the happiness resulting therefrom have made their flame 2 household word throughout The story of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tal- lets can he told in a word. They actually do the work that the weak and wasted stomach is unable to (lo and allow it to recuperate and re gain its strength. They contain al tric juice and other digestive fluids do and they digest the food just as sound and well stomach would. They relieve the stomach just as one rested and refreshed workman relisves the one on duty that is tired and worn, and nature does Wer own work of re storation. It is a simple, natural pro- cess that a child can understand. You can eat all you want without fear of results. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for sale by all drugpists at 350 cents a box. Druggists all know bet- ter than to try to get along without then, as the demand for them is great end universal. z for Drunkenness ay Druusing Address : Keeley Institute, 786 Quesn St., W. Toronto. On? Specials at Weese's 400 Books, 2 for 25c. Calendars for 42 50c. 35e¢. each. Small Framed Pictures, at 15c. edch. Fancy Note Paper, 20c., to 25c. a box. . 2 Parlor Mirrors at bargains. Besides many Novelties at low prices, suitable for Chrigtmas. nN WEESE & CO. Holiday . Books Books for Boys. Books for Girls. Reward Books for Sun- day and Day Schools. Wall Texts. Reward Cards, etc: F. NISBET, 00000000000 Swift's $ $ Scranton § Coal & Isa wp Hindrance To Gold. INES SWIFT & 8°, Telephone 135. 4600@ JOHN H. MILLS | The Leading' * . .Aucticnee:. EXCURSION: CHRISTMAS AND KEW YI HOLIDAYS. CHRISTMAS SINGLE F ood going De and 25th. iy ga, on or Dec. 28th, = =F FARE AND ONE-THIRD--Cooq Dec. 28rd, 24th and 25th. Retu it on or before Jan. 5th. NEW YEAR GLE FARE--Good oin Se. 1st. Return Nmit py jore Jan. 4th. FARE. AND ONE-THIRD--Good Dec. 30th and 81st, and Jan. 1s turn limit on or before Jan. 5th. J. P. HANLEY, City Passenger | --------------------------_-- Kingston & Pembroke & Can Pacifio Railways. For Christmas and New Year's Vaca WILL ISSUE RETURN TICKE . GENERAL PUBL AT SINGLE FIRST-CLASS § Good going . 24th, 25th, val return until December 28th, 1903. going December 31st, 1903, and ary 1st, 1904, valid for return January 4th, 1904, AT FIRST-CLAST FARE AND THIRD--Going December 23rd; 24t 25th, 'and December 30th, 31st and January 1st, 1904, good ret uatil January 5th, 1904. Full particulars at XK. & Pp C. P. RN. Ticket Office, Ontario St F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY SHORT LINE FOR Twedd, Napaxes, Deseronto, and cal points. Train Jeaves City Hs 70t at 4 p.m. . CONWAY, . 4. Q. Ry., Kingston. DOMINION LINE STEAMS PORTLAND-HALIFAX--LIVERPO From Portland. From Port Centtla; ~ "Jan. 2 Doniinion, J. Ottoman," Jan. 9 Tauric, Ji Nomadic, Jen. 16 Canada, Fi Passénger steamers west bound ¢ Halifax: = For all particulars as to -freight passage Apply to i-- J, P. HANLEY, G.T.R. J; PGILDERSLEEVE, 42 Claren The Dominion Line, Montreal & land. .. BERMUDA THG NOW FAR FAMED BERMU with ¢able communication and ec winter temperature of 65 degrees, tiful scenery and 100 miles of roads, headquarters of the British ! American Squadron, is unrivalled attractiveness, reached by the first iron steamers TRINIDAD or PRET! in forty-eight hours from New Bailing fortnightly up to 1st Ja and every THURSDAY Inereateet jea. islands, includi § on Ph 8ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE LUCIA, BARBARDOES AND DE! ARA, also afford beautiful and int ing tours, all reached by steamshi the Quebec Steamship Company, si trom New York about every 10 For descriptive pamphlets and date sailing "apply to A. EMILIUS OU BRIDGE & CO., Agents, 39 Broad New York: J. P. HANLBY or J GILDERSLEEVE, Kingston, Ont ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Qu ALLAN LIN Liverpool and Londonderry. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS From St. John. From Ha Tunisian, Dec. 19. . . Dee Parisian, ---- --. .. «ow ooo Des Pretorian, Jan. 2. : Jan RATES OF PASSAGE : First Cabin -- Tunisian, $60 spwards; Parisian, $55 and upw Other steamers, $55 and wpwards Second Cabin -- Liverpaal, ' Londonderry, 'Tunisian, stamers, $7:50; London, $32 oxtre Third _ Class -- $25 and $26, erpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow . Lo --through tickets to South Airica NEW YORK TO GLASGOW Corinthian, Thursday, Dee. 24U am, Er Cabin, $45, 2nd Cabin, $35, Class, ' $26. : J. ot HANLEY. Agent STR, Passenger . Depot. oui G SLEEVE, Clarence street. : Present : Purchasing 3 Period ! time to be think ou will mal M our splend Now is ti 3 o what pres 3 We ca; elp yO « J new otk ot Clothing and IN $ nishings will help you. . = B better gift could you give 2 beautiful new Suit or Qercon y We have them, cut in the at § styles and made) from the news fabrics, and prices that Ho suit limited pocketbooks. h 2 are many things a visit rev suggest. Come and see Correct Furnishings, LOS Abramson The Up Town Clothier, 336 Princess Stree o Established 1800. Te W. F._DEVER & O Stock an " ,