= @ 5STORE. )08O©e©9 hoes rices. Store, ne for $2.75. RS ar's Dincer the largest oS .. ALE SAFE SURE Insurance Written. GODWIN'S SNSURANCE EMPORIUM Fewtpnone Market Square, MUNEY . TO LOAN IN swall sums, at low rates of interest on ei and farm Property, ran on city an coun Fa : 5° Cp Consumption the Office, . Opposite tures. Apply to manager of Frontenac Lean and LIVERPOOL, LONDON Fire lasurance assets, $61,187,215, whith the Joliey holders have OCU] mi liabil all wtockholders. F mbilit rates. Ore renewing old or givi new business get rates STRANGE & STRANGE RELIABLE 1883. Cupital Fully Paid, $1,000,000, British American Assurance Co, L AND GLOBE Company. Available In addition to arm Omer iStured at lowest x from Agents LE Itisa dange Shiloh's ure The Lung Tonic The cure that js guaranteed by your druggist, bie Prices 25¢,, 80c. and $1.00 S. C. WELLS & co, Tous thing ¢ neglect Cure it with glo pendent Opinions--The Issue ~The Summing Up. ! II. 0 cate of the election of aldermen as an advocate of any measure that promises for the good the people. I favoured the of this subjéct to the electors, and THE WARD ALD. MEEN'S CONCLUDING LETTER ON THE SUBJECT The Religious Phase--Some Inde Ottawa--An Impartial Review I have been referred to as an advo- large. Rather I prefer to be regarded rogrossi reference tors and for such study as they m be able to put upon them, ° Discussion In Ottawa. wa discussed - ti of clecting its aldermen by der consideration here, 1 submit summary of the debate: "Ald. Stroud had no objection went elected the gemeral vote e claimed. ive of | the Dominion, to become alarmed when there is geal ly occasion. However, I submit the figures for the edification of" the elec- It must nut be forgotten that Otta- this year the question the gencr- in | al vote. The issue was before: the city council of the capital whey it was un- letting the people decide, but he was ot | opposed to the principle. You might as well have the members of parlia- i "Ald. Hastey said it ill becalue any I | alderman to say he would not allow nay a to of Fi . "SEAL BRAND" ment hags Oitrand 2-Ib. TinCans(airtight). 8 {moisture-proof). ry Toronto, Can, Leroy Ny. have no apology to offer for my oc | the ple_to say what they wanted. ARCHITECTS, | ; ri tion. I have not, however, rod to | "Ald. Grant cuffactarisnd Ald. . NRY P. SMITH, ARCHITG fhauire into the 'subject, and 1 trust | Stroud's arguments 8s absurd as = in |e em---- -- a Alchar JButaing, aan | EET TTT ------ I have established my claim, by these | Ottawa all public men are known to pects cp quare, one 245, : POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER. Building, corner Brock 'Phone 213, ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, op " « site of New Drill $lall near cor- * chants' Bank and Wellington strests. 4 oi Queen and Mon Streets. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, Of. A oor dyer Mahood's drug , second fl tore, corner Streots. Entrants on Talaphone 40R incess and Bagot Bagot street Whether for immed. iate or future consider. eration our prices for Copper Plate Engray. Ing are worthy of note, KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE ? KINGSTON, TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. Unequatied facilities for securing posi- tions. Largest and best equipment in Canada. 831 Queen street, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Confederation Life Bulldiag; Toronto rr c---------- TO-LET, es DWELLINGS, FROM MAY 1ST, ALS0 | stores, Real E: es and stora ate office, 51 k' street COMFORTABLE ROOMS AND BEST Can be had | § Modern conven- | § table. board, if desired. at 189 Earl street, ences. eee LARGE SHOP, 42 AND 44 PRINCESS street, also dwelling, and stone sta- Lle. Rent low Lo a desirable ten- aut. Apply 249 Brock street. FINE STORE, 165 PRINCESS street. Possessim Dec. 1st. Altera- tions to svit deirable tenant. Ap- ply to C. H. Powell, 103 Raglan Road. ON APRIL FIRST 1904, THAT DE- sirahle Store, resent occupied by Taylor & H n, as Tinsmiths and Plumbers, 8 Wellington street, with large wockhop in the Apply to Felix law, 115 Bag McCann's | For instance, we en. © grave a plate like this for $1.00. From the plate we print 100 choicest quality cards for $1.00, { The "plate" will last a lifetime, | Write for a copy of our new handsomely illustra. ted catalogue, ready Nov, 15th. Oa request we will send it to any address free of cost. RYRIE BROS. JEWELERS 118, 120, 122 and 124 Yonge 5t., Toronto | Feeling FOR THE CHILDREN prev well Cheap al Useful | | | Children's 3-lce Toy Sets, Red or Blue. . Children's Wd or Rattan | Rockers. | Children's Hig Chairs, with Tray. | | could sug- Suitable presents for yourand old. Also anythingne gest in Furniturdne ; Our Christmas livery promises to be the largestst. | | JAMES REID, Mail orders pnptly attended to. The Best Is WE You Want. | Insure the | North Ameria | --- Life Aseance Co. | The most popular ¢ firogressive life I Insurance company insnada. THERE IS NO SUROR BETTER INVESTIT } An investment pol in this ideal | | company. will' yield yhandsome cash | results, if you live.g enough, and... give you, aiso, insursduring the in- | | Vestment riod. | The Nobth Americlle Assurance | Company has unexcell@rning powers, which, means large fits to policy holders. Young memould cultivate | the Jair of, saving, biking a policy in the North Aweri Assurance Compsay. It is a slid investment for a portion of theirplus earnings IC | to-date + Penal NS $ hous Serica] Batapany Manager. Sec--Tre ay Nodarasa rates, good ff and abe rm mt-------------------- ute security. ood eof | . : B wanted. { Nothing Finer For full information ly te W. J. FAIR, > merase. | ngston, Ont, AY | So | n | SL fa A few facts worth ae, 8re tires reset cold hy Heals Dire sep. ting machine, don't burp fils, Bont | sa mar the paint, don't desithe wh Tt It keeps the dish of wheSEF bh the work quickly Ww and all * 80c. a wl WARD & CO'S., 2, 46 Ww | Than a Box of |GET WE HAE YOUR SALE studied. A ten course dinner and good digestion. makes a man as con- tented as a kitten. Most men never think of what's «responsible for a well-cooked din- ner, served right on time--until it" happe "" the other way Good fuel makes good fires, fires that can be depended on to heat your oven to just the temperature you need G keeps the pot boiling ¢ domestic affairs run- thiy of reliability, you can to deliver your coal, wood or kindiings just when you want it And it will he as good fuel as buy your ship-shape style next order in if you'll let us R. CRAWFORD Foot of Queen Street. Phone 9 aa SEASON RATES: ientleman, single .... .... .... .81 00 ady, single ... i. ce aii 300 'hildren' under twelve years ..... 200 'amily of two ..... £ 00 Family of three «... eee cos 700 'amily of four or five .. ...... 8 00 "amily of six or ten .... .... ... 10 00 Those wishing to secure gents' lock- ers should apply early. H. W. Richardson, | . E. Bonter, GANONG'S For Christmas. Cail and sce them at . J. REES', Princess St. And I will guarantee you' satis- We don't. brag, Nothing but your best interest ctoey results. crificed, Mes Willem Bomest Bray cussion. opponents of pretty in Kingston, hen it was that the citizens should mayor, by direct vote, who regarded elect 1 the aldermen, tors who have not yet been reconcile to it, the man who he without hor When it was P at the same | places as the elections there were protests. T Pponents of the 'proposal saw in it cation through political taint or for tact But again the made, and who now wrong with it? The people are unduly exercised effect of innovations in our system. They are tached to old institutions. regard for the antic ue, reached the age sees anythin I have m but I have no when 1 regard ol amended. eration of the new method of electin our aldermen with an open mind an with a desire to consider the subjec without prejudice, The Religious Side. The side of the actively canvassed and that is per haps least understood, one. Electors who have not usually given race or municipal elections ed upon them this thought--that some of the strong denominations may, by the concentration of their votes, la affect. if 'not determine the election. The only reliable data at hand is supplied by the last census, crediting it with the population it now has, but for the purpose of com- wards and denominations follows : or ax = This givef the city a population of letters, 'to fairness and fullness of dis- I am reminded that there have heen nearly every re form which has been brought to pass proposed there were wen w It as a great mistake. They liked the election of mayor by on the ground that the prophesied a re turn to the old order of things would danger of injury to the cause of edu change . was act is, some over the municipal wonderfully at. things as too sacred to be touched or So I came to the consid question that is is the religions religion a thought in havé had impress- It does not do the city full justice in Putation or comparison the figures jit |-ope alderman to represent cach ward, affords are interesting. The table bv | BRC every one. idea. to let the people decide, but he d he creeds, and nationalities. argued Ald. Davidson. o ple were of one religion and one ne and Catholics, are living harmonigls ly together; care should he taken/no he a Ottawa. 'Ponder the ly," he urged .. It is g | say Lot the people Heaven's come." y | the people was defeatef t | words the Ottawa countil refused t d {let the electors' pronoufice upon it. -- Independent, / Voices. 3 Friends abroad Aave very kindiy , {sent me their opinighs of the new de- " | parture. An elftor in Hamilton, who is not a polffician I take it and is not sending ye political bouquets writes : "'Defore / electing your alder men from the gly generally wait for results in oth I do not like + "AM. Champagne pooli-poohed the "Ald. Ross said he would be willing not think the principle a good one for Ottawa owing to the different classes, "The people. should have the say, d have the general vote where the peo- tionality, but here where French ant wor in his set or circle. | English, Irish and Scotch, Protestants t oo roposed to have school rustee electio, pS > s re aa, the oe Sey wel to disturb this harmony. by a possi- h ble favorable verdict or a catclyvote, The principle might be all right else- where, but it would be a calaglity for matter /ferious- all very well to decide/ but for sake don't let uy do any- thing we will be sorry for in years to The motion to refer nf sitar Wo . n other He Clinched It. id : "Mayor Cook took the floor amd | awn. But the miners tramped in and members of the council knew best who 1 speech nsf tween dances had earned Promotion, and that thev nade sm out BT peas ion ght 0 much be u hat Bes should be trusted to confer the honor w rope most serious of the vear. fore midnight the ladies Qeclured) the i the candidate who deserved it. But Ald Ross had touched the erucial Sook wy slippery ey Svuldut the 'change was made, and though IB " 0 ary avel Afigther P un ng am aware that there are cortany ok point, I. _Sould be all: ver avi]: to that never was possible in m ed up their dog sleds and rode away." will substantiate what I say." cepted Miller's invitation to attend the . | lecture in the afternoon. 7 Parnell's Superstitions. A DANCE IN THE KLONDIKE Joaguin Milter's Story and the way At one of his lectures just after his return from the Klondike Joaquin Mil ler told the following story: "One night JX was invited to a dance in a miner's cabin, and while Bill Dalton scraped away on his fiddle we just hoed it was done. Then something was done days in California. Each miner gal lantly opened his buckskin powder ~ | pouch and sprinkled gold dust on the t | floor! And this was repeated through- out the night. And in the morning, ladies and gentlemen, those miners never troubled themselves about sweep. ing up that gold dust. They just hitch. At this point of Miller's narrative there was a slight agftation in the au- dience, an ominous sign of incredulity, but Miller was equal to it. With a wave of his hand toward one of the boxes, he said, "And my old friend up » | there in the box, Captain John Healy, It was a master stroke of the poet, for the house burst into applause and , | greatly embarrassed the modest mil- lionaire mining and railroad promoter of Alaska, who unstispectingly had ac- Charles Stewart Parnell was one of %%i THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GE CALORODYNE CHLORODYAE CdR0DIvE ME 55 55.2 CHLORDDYNE fz, ri h tis, ote. , M.D., formerly Lecturer at St. tation in stating that I an Anti dic and 'sed #0 as it in Consumption, Asthma, Diarrhoea, and other diseas feotly satisfied with the result." "Earl Russell communicated to th Col : ceived a despatch from Her Mojorty's Cauel® a a Cholera has been sgl fearfully, 'and: that the only R vice was CHLOROD NE. -- Ses Lancet, December 1st, CAUTION-BEWARE OF PIRACY AND ! CAUTION--Vice Chancellor Sir W, Page Wood st LIS BROWNE was undoubtedly the inventor of C whole story of the defendant Freoman was deliberately ble rect gloat det too eften Fever, Croup, Ague. Bis acts like a charm in Diger the only specific in Cholera From W. Vesalius Pett pital, Lotidon--"I have no any dici caci it and there gre many like me. It is | the stron st men that ever lived, but | '°tted to say had been sworn to.~See Times; > 13th, o aay a big fight between the two be bad gest men superstitions. Once Sold in bottle of ls. 14d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and a, each. N political paghes." He seems to think " that municigal elections here are non political eynts, and he may he sur prised whet he reads the papers. Another correspondent, who holds a high offi@e in another city, a gentle man of / long municipal experience, havin fread the controversy 'in the writes : "I have an idea that some believe that better re yfwill be obtained by having say fthe rest aldermen at large. While opposed to the system of ward 'rmen, when carried to the oxtréme. having nothing but aldermen elect- by the people of a ward, | am of the opinion that it is well 10 have a ward represented by some individual of that ward, but at the same time have the election of other aldermen at large." These: personal expressions, from competent witnesses, are submitted for the consideration of the electors. The Summing Up. The three strong' points in favour of a change in the system of electing aldermen, are: 1. That it will give every elector a vote on the twenty-one aldermen and the mayor. 2. That t will practically abolish canvassing, and that better men will be induced to offer themselves as can didates because their success depen ls upon the public's estimate of their fitness, 2 That it wil end the "pull" for ward appropriations, and the jealon sida and disputes among ward repre sentatives over the expenditure of public money. The three strong arguments against the change are : 1. That it wil lead to: indifierence on the part of the aldermen at large to the wants of the ward and the wants that would be attended {o by the ward representatives. 2. That, it will put the property owner-at a dicadvantage seeing that 17,746. Inthe schedile there is no mention of Christian Scientists, and their nyhber I have not beside me. But it if included in the record of the other ¢hnominations and does not af: fect tye .gencral result. Now of the- 17,74 what is the proportion which Feprgfénts the electorate ? The voters' listf contain the names of many who not exercise the franchise. The vftes cast in the last two municipal ections, in connection with the may- ralt give a basis on; which tg f In the Shaw-Tove contest there were 2,644 votes polled. In the Bell Graham-White contest there were 2,- 609 polled. Can any denomination ex ercise an influence so potent as to turn an election ds it desires 2 1 do not see it. I cannot work it out by any process of calculation. I do see where the stronger religious bodies night by combinations the most rare make their presence by the ward sys. tem felt. But it has never been done, EE ---- An Attack Of Pneumonia Warded © Off. "Some time ago my "daughter caught a severe cold. She couplained of pains in her chest and had a bad cough, | gave her Chamberlain's Cough Rewedy according to directions and in two days she was well and able to go to schodll I have used this remedy in my family for the past seven Years and have never known it to fail," says James Prendergust, merchant, Annato Ruy, Jamaica, West India <i. ands. The pains in the chest indicat- ed an aoproaching attack of pneu- monia, which in this instance was un- Joubledly warded off by Chamberlain's Cough medy. It counteracts any be will have ng larger share in the choice of aldermen than the man whe is not a property owner. 3. That it may lead to political ex citement beside which the excitement of the day is not a circumstance, that it may introduce the rule of the poli tical machine: S------ { Conclusion. More could be said, in elaboration of the subject, and of gueries that have been raised in the course of my enauitior, but T have said enough. 1 trust that I have made the wav clearer for an intelligent vote on Mon- day.-- Yours, R. MEEK. Postscript--Since writing the above there has come to hand the informa tion for whith 1 have been writing and waiting, the experiénce of 5 large number of places in the election of al. dermen by the ward system and by the general vote. This information I will give to the press on Saturday. R. MEEK. Couple Courted In Court. Mineola, L.1., Dee. 31.~In Judge Seu hury's court, the other mornine ao constable saw a man sitting on a young woman's lap. He had one arm around her neck and was looking into, her eyes. The constable turned to Sheriff Johnson and said: "Sherili, do you allow that sort of thing in court 7° : . "Good gracious, no 1" replied the sheriff. "A stranger would think this was a concert hall." : Sherifi- Johnson is a friend of Presi dent Roosevelt. He told the constable to. reprimand the couple and provide them with two chairs, . J. MURRAY, The Auctioneer. tendeney of a cold toward poeumonia. For sale by all druggists, a Indignagt. at this interference, the a colleague of hix brought him the draft of a bill to the cell he was then occupying in Kilmainham. It was in thirteen clauses. Parnell was horrified. He insisted that somehow or other a fourteenth clause should be added. Once Parnell saw a colleague with three! lights in his bedroom. He was quite uneasy until he saw one of the lights put out, I traveled with him once when he had a scarf that had been presented to him by a lady ad- mirer. There was some green in the scarf. One of his superstitions was that green' was an unlucky color. He used to say, half joke, whole earnest, that all the misfortunes of Ireland came from the fact that her color was green. He was very much put out by this scarf. It was in the days when the habeas corpus was suspended in Ireland and we were sleeping on the mail boat at Kingstown and were not to start for Holyhead till next morn- ing. He was quite sure the green scarf would have us arrested before we left in the morning.--M. A, P. Beauties of Red Tape, A typical instance of the war office methods is furnished by a correspond- ent on one of our stations. An officer having occasion for the use of a screw. driver made application for the supply of that humble but handy implement from the government stores, His appll- cation was bandied about in the usual manner from officer to officer and final- ly reached the upper authority, from whom a reply filtered back by the same devious ways to the effect that screw- drivers were only supplied In tool boxes and not singly. Nothing daunt- ed, the officer at once applied for a box of tools and after the usual cir cumlocutory tdctics was informed that boxes of tools were only supplied to carpenters' shops. By this time the officer, who had quite forgotten what he bad wanted the screwdriver for, had thoroughly entered into the spirit of the campaign; and his next applica- tion was for a carpenter's shop. He got it.--London Tit-Bits. MacMahon and Grevy, 'In Paris in the revolution of 1830 a law student was soundly kicked by one of the king's officers for tearing down a copy of the ordinances placarded on the wall. The officer was armed, the student was not; so the latter ran away. Nearly a balf century later, in 1879, the officer called upon the stu- dent to bid him goodby, having just resigned the presidency of the French republic on account of a radical differ ence with the majority of the national assembly on questions of state policy. He combined with his adleus also a graceful word of congratulation on the student's election to succeed him in the presidential chair. The student was Jules Grevy; the officer was Pa- trice de MacMahon, who died ripe in years and honors, ---------- 'Where They Eat Tobacco. Perhaps there is nothing more pecul- lar about the Eskimos of Point Bar. row than their methods of using tobac- co, which, of course, they procure from the whites. They know good from bad tobacco. When they get hold of a few plugs, they show a marked apprecia- tion of it. The habit of chewing the weed seems to be universal, Men, wo- men and even unweaned children keep a quid, often of e ous size, con- stantly in the mouth. The juice is not spit out, but swallowed with the saliva couple left the room, Overshoes and Rubbers, hn without the words "Dr. J. Collis Hire wna's Stamp. Overwhelming Medical Testimony SOLE MANGFACTURERS, J. T. DAVENPORT. < 0 Lower' Prices VORDE + : TT ------ USINESS RINGERS 2 FOR HOLIDAY SEASON! I-MILLINERY We have placed on 'tables on ground floor a number - of whe, trimmed Hats and Ready-to Wears. These are all this « I goods and represent the balance of our splendid winter ock, boy clear them quickly the following price inducements are offered se $1.25 Ready-to-Wear Hats for 75c. #1.50 Ready-to-Wear Hats for 87. $2 Ready-to-Wear Mats for $1.26. #3 Ready-to-Wear Hats for $1.95. 75¢. to $2.59 Untrimmed Hats for a25¢, to $1.25. 2--MANTLES | Still a nice assortment of the se very stylish garm duced prices the rule here too. 8 oon spring goods will 'be con some on the ocean now--and before they arrive evéry Jacket If you need a Jacket, or will soon need somebody who needs one, here's y our opportunity, EARLY CLOSING k February; .9 p,m. 53 p.m. other. ny. High - Grade Rubber We have a special line of High. Grade Rubbers for city and country use. > Heavy Rubber Felt and Knit Socks, "(Children's Rubber Boots. EI without producing any symptoms of nauseq, ----