Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jan 1904, p. 3

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» of rectal disease. and smnoying is no- ent cure can be superficial treat- which cause the in- scomfort of itching 440 Armitage ave "Some time ago vour Pyramid Pile able case of itch- g five boxes I con- cured. of the dis- hanks to this ex- I shall never fail eny of my friends ) be troubled as 1 + Cure is probably extensively recom- s, because it is so the relief afforded y the only positive r sell it at fifty pid Co., Marshall, cause and cure of any form of piles for a package of end try it to- flackenzie " | status of the anos is attested ative letter (see rom Sir Alexan- » eminent com- the Royal Ac- mdon, England, the Great Can- stival now in ifax to Vancou- B.C. isch Piano Co., t, West, Toronto. agston Agents. 4 manac, Almanac, 5, es, Commentary School Les- is, etc, BET. it's ifon al 0000000000000 00000420000 LE. ND ENGINE, AS lo in Sorel. Ap- o office, Belleville, EMAN iE LICENSES, IRE 1VSURAXC ER. ot. 'Phone B96, 'SySebam fit, | When the Lamp | of Life Burns low the strain on all the delicate o of the body is very great. Th stomach and bowels are ak the liver more sluggish. Constipa- tion paves the way for dreaded kidney and liver diseases. Abbeys Nature's own aperient, is extracted from the pure juices of fresh fruit. It is not a ive but a gently effectual insistent laxative. [t relieves the system of all impurities 354 acs he most Seusiive or- without discomfort. Abbey's cleanses and purifies the blood, Ay lates the bowels and brings sound refreshing sleep. It cures constipa- tion by removing the cause, and brings the entire system back to healthful vigor. Directions on the bottle. At all druggists z25¢. and 6oc. BETTER THAN EVER MYERS' CELEBRATED HOME- Made Mince Meat, Pork Sausages, Ten- rloin, Brawn, or Head Cheese. All inds eof Cooked Maats, Bacon and ams. All to be found at GO Brock Ht "Phene &700 Branch Line Time Table In offect Oct. 4th. TRAINS WILL LEAVE CITY DEPOT, FOOT OF JOHNSTON STREET, ---- GOING EAST. | GOING WEST. No.5 jail. ...100 Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4 run daily. No. & daily, Wkdept MOuday, Nos. 6, 7. 11, 182, 15 and 16 daily, except Sunday. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. Bingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12:40 p.m. --Express, for Ottawa, Mon- gral, Quebec, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Posto 4 Torento, Chicago, Denver, Ren- ew, timult Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, innipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, #ad San Frangcisco. 5:30 p.m.--Local for Sharbot Lake, connecting with C.P.R. east and west 8:10 a.m.--Mixed, for Renfrew aad in- Cermediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:40 .m., arrive in Ottawa at 500 pm eterboro, 5:10 pan.; Toronto, 7:30 m.; Boston, 7:30 am; St John, N.B., 11:85 a.m. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P R. Ticket Office, Ontario St ¥. CONWAY, ¥. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Supt Gen. Pass. Agt. THE BAY OF QUIKTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Pweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all lo- al points. Train leaves City Hall De wot at 4 pm. F.- CONWAY, Agent, 4. Q. Ry., Kingston. .. BERMUDA .. THEREAL FACTS CONSERVATIVES. The Statute Enactments Regarded as Desirable by all Parties-- Was Done to Alow Fublic Business to go on. Toronto Globe. 'Lhe opposition _press can make a grievance of the calling together of the legislature only by suppressing some of the facts. It would, of course, be desirable that the ultimate right of all the members to occupy their seats should be settled before the house meets. But there is something equally as important. It is equally as import- ant that the business of the province should be transacted, and there is no chance of its being transacted in the next few months if the course recom- mended by the conservative press be followed. The section of the statute which provides that no election trials shall go on while the legislature is sitting is one that was regarded as desirable by both parties, and was put there expressly for such purposes as it now serves. The purpose was to prevent the legislature being embar- rassed by conteniporaneous proceed ings in the courts. What would happen if the course re- commended by the conservative news. pupers were followed ? trials might result in rendering the standing of the two parties equal. This would not matter if the hye-el- ections could be held at once. In all probability, however, there would be appeals to the court of appeal, and during the period between the deci- sion of the trial judges and the hand ing down of the judement of the court of appeal the members affected could not take their seats. Under such cir- cumstances it would be 'useless call- ing the house together. By following the course taken by the government the session of the legisla- ture can be lezally and properly held, the business of the province can be ex- peditiously despatched and important enterprises set in motion, and subse- quently the trials will go on It would no doubt please the opposition to sce an interregnum of some months dur ing which evervthing would be at a standstill, but the people of the pro- vince have not the same interest in chaos. There is no violence to the constitution in holdine the meeting of the legislature on the 14th of Janu- arv. «The candidate whom the 'return- ing officer declared to have received the majority of votes is member de facto and de jure until some compet- ent authority declares otherwise, so that when the legislature meets every member of it has a statutory right to be there, and the vote of a member who might afterwards be unseated is of as much effect and force as that of any of his fellow-members. The cases in which men have sat and voted in the house while there was a petition waiting to be heard, and who were subsequently unseated, have been: too frequent for any claim to be set up now that a new procedure is being re- sorted to. Tt is useful to remember also that it is not the fault 'of the members whose seats are attacked that the cases have held a year ago, and these petitions after the period within which, accord- ing to the law. they should have been tried had expired, a postponement was procured, settingtdown the hear- ing for a time when the lerislature is a clear space of time since the legis- lature last rose, om the 27th of June. of more than six months within which to bring the cases to trial. If there is The Usual Cause And Indigestion is Constipation and Cure Can Only Come When the Bowels, Liver and Kidneys Are Regular and Active. Dr. Chase's -- Digestion is not confined to the sto mach, for by far the most dificul part of the process of digestion take 4G NOW FAR FAMED BERMUDAS, with cable communication and equable | mperature of 65 degrees, beau- Star lore and 100 miles of good reads, headquarters of the British Rorth dron, is unrivalled American a by the first-class TRINIDAD or PRETORIA New York. 1st January The forty-ei = iling fortnight 8a) ry THU SDAY thereafter. ric islands, includin; SANTA TRU, ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE, ST. LUCIA, BARBARDOES AND DE ER- A, also afford beautiful and interest- g tours, all reached by steamship of Quebes Steamship Company, sailing 5 New York about. every, 10, Sav 'descriptive pamphlets and da o wl Ne i EMULIUS OUTER RID & CO., Agents, 3 roadway, Hy a J.P. WANLEY or J. >: - SRSLEEVE, Kingston, Ont ARTHUR AHERN, Sccretary, Quebec. ALLAN LINE Lh 1 and Londonderry. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS Prom St. John. From Halifax. Gumsian, Dec. 190. .- - to BEC By Pretorian, Jan. 3. .. Jan. 4. RATES OF .P AGE. $60 and Mirst Cabin -- Tunisian, : hears: Parisian, $55 and upwards; Other steamers. $55 and upwards. ond Cabin -- Liverpool, and Laudonderty, ian, $40. Other Steamers, $37:50; London. $2 extra. Third Class -- $25 and $36, Liv- #cpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London -- h tickets to. South Africa. re Ew YORK TO GLASGOW. Cerinthian, Thursday, Dec. 24th, Piet Cabin; $45, 2nd Cabin, $35, 3rd Mass, SWANLEY, Ageat, G.T.RL City ue 5p. GILDER BEEEOE Dies sot 1 bile and the regularity and bowels in removing the waste mat te prompt indigestion and constipaticn, becaus they have a direct and combined ac tion on the kidneys, liver and bowels, making these organs regular and ac | tive in their work of cleansing the sys- | tem. | Instead of merely aiding digestio they have a beneficial action on the entire digestive system. They remov the cause of trouble and ensure the the various or The healthful functions of gans of digestion and excretion. cures, they bring about. are thoroug and lasting. Mrs. William Scott, County, Ont., states : mend Dr. Chase's always keep them on hand for use i cases of constipation, kidney, liver and stomach troubles, and do not hesitat to say cine we ever used. We have also use Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur when thev have coughs and colds and found it excellent. We have unlimited confidence in these remedies of Dr. Chase and feel pentine for the children oH THEY ARE SUPPRESSED BY The election not come to trial. The elections were have been hanping fire ever since, and ' of Dyspepsia Kidney - Liver Pllis. place in the intestines and depends on the activity of the liver in supplying! of the kidney Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills bring | on them, relif and cure for dyspepsia, | Portland, Leeds : "I ean reécom- Kidney-Liver Pills! as an invaluable family medicine. nl rea' colds and that they are the best medi CHEMUL-PO, THE PORT OF SEOUL. Will be the scene of tho Russo-Japanese hostilities in the event of war in Far East. % said that the liberal party is respon- i sible for it. CHANGED HIS OPINION. | -- | Regarding Telephone Girl--Mer- chant's Experience. { 'Last week a Princess street merch ' ant had some difficulty with his tele phone; he thought he had a grievance | because he could not secure a connec tion just when he wanted it, so he got real hot around the collar. Put- ting on his fur-lined donning his cap, he hastened down to | the telephone exchange to enter a for mal complaint with the ever-patient and to express his opinion | ible terms of the manner in which he thought the local business is | conducted. That was his intention | when he started out. but he returned { shortly atterwards looking: very thoughtful. "I had an idea," he said, in speak- { ing of the matter, "that the telephone girls just sat around in the office and | overcoat, | was of the opinion that they spent i most of their time carrying on flirta- | tions 'over the lines. I don't think so any longer." "A substitution of knowledge for ignorance. As long as I have been in business I never had occasion to view the inside of the local telephone ex- change. But last week 1 got a little hot over a fancied grievance, and hustled down there to take a round out of the manager and everyone con- nected with the place; but I didn't." "Was the manager a bigger man than vou ?"' ventured the scribe. "I didn't happen to see him, butl came in contact with one of the young ladies connected with the place, and learned enough from her sravhic description of the work to convince me that my conception of how a tele- phone exchange is conducted was all wrong. "Just picture in your mind a dozen girls sented on high chairs. facing an excharige board that looks like an overgrown eribbage board; chur:k fai of holes and each hole numbered: Each girl has a transmitter strapped to her head, and works both hands as usually called tosether. Those who though she was tvpewriling against are objecting te the entanglement time and attempting to play a piano which has now occurred should tellus at the same time. Why, the girls why they have been so slow in unseat- scarcely have time to breathe, much ing their opponents if they have anv; less carry on a conversation; and. in evidence against them. They have had order that the girls do not become negligent, a supervisor is constantly on tk 2 alert How the girls manace to muke connections .so correctlvideit- ly and quickly is beyond me. An a regrettable situation it cannot be | hour's work on the board would, 1 thik; drive me crazy. "I have often heard men give utter: ance to angry and uncomplimentary words when told that the 'line is yusy," or something else to that of- ect, blaming the girls for the trou ble. 1 discovered the fact that it takes less time to make a connection than to say 'line's busv.' Besides, the in- stant a number is asked for, the trained hand of the operator mechani- cally towards it and the connection is made; do not believe it takes more than a second or two to make the average connection ---- hes out "Like a great many more users of the telephone, I used to 'think that the girls had little to do but stand around and gossip, when not carrying on flirtations, but when it is consid- t1 ered that there are over G00 tele- <| phones to be attended to, and that most of them are in constant use, one may gain an idea. of how busy these girls are kept. From what I' could see | of the place, the girls are as busy as bees all the time; it is a great strain and if persons using the telephone realized this they would be eo! more considerate. Bet vour life I learned mv well. and vou will 'not catch me ab- «| using the telephone girl again. I'm go- ing down there again to learn more about the business, I've taken a fancy n! to it. and I'm going todo alls gan to lessen the worry of the over wok ¢! od telephone irl" lesson -------------- Nothing Loosens Up Colds On the chest and relieves that tight h feeling and hard cough like Nerviline, writes E. P. Renshall of Sutton. "I never use any other remedy but Ner- viline and find it serves as a general household liniment best of all. Child- inflammatory pains are quickly cured by Nerviline, and its action on colds, coughs and sore el throat is unequalled by anything I ever used. Nerviline is hoth powerful ! pleasant and reliabl "verv mother should use Nerviline."! Price 25ec. d 3 Most Penetrating. The quickest soother of pain, and the that we cannot recommend them too! most penetrating liniment on the mar- highly." : . : {| Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, on ers, or Edmenson, rento tions the portrait and es. a dose, 25¢. a box, at all deal-! inflammation, neuralgia, Bates & Co., To- and , protect you against imita signature of Dr. A. Chase, 'the famous raceipt - book author, are on every box of his ! remedi | ket to-day is Smith's White Lininunt. o! A positive cure for sprains, swellings g rheumatism, lumbago. Big bottles, 25c., at Wade's. Corsets of every description 'at 25¢c., and , did pretty much as they liked; always | "What brought about the chance of | heart," asked the reporter. | FASHION"S FORM. A Velvet Suit That is Quite Stylish. This is a very pretty design'for one | to follow in making a velvet suit. Made with a long skirt it would ' be suitable for teas, church or afternoon wear, being a very dressy gown. Dark blue, brown, gin metal, purple or green are all pretty colors for making a "velvet suit. The coats are being cut longer this season--from thirty six to forty inches in length. . The litth yoke in the coat is made of Irish point lace over white velvet. The shaped collar, cuffs, belt and skirt to the coat are trimmed witha wavy black silk. braid. Black silk ornaments with cords and tassels al- S4esssssneseveencetnsg i Goldin the i Guilight. i! | guest of Mrs. Pense. Everyone is glad that the traditions of kindly hospitality, so inseparably connected with "Hazeldell," under the Cartwright rule, are not to be done away with, and yesterday the old house showed that it had not "for gottew its trick of looking pretty and comfortable, and welcoming. Fires were burning in all the grates, up and downstairs, "holly and mistletoe, were all about, and Mrs. Cooke gave the pleasantest of welcomes, before sho passed her guests on to shake hands with Mrs. Francis Cooke, who with Miss Constance Cooke was re- ceiving with her. were Mrs, Herbert Horsey, and Miss Cordelia Straubenzee pouring coffee and making tea, with Miss Frances Macaulay helping the ices, Miss Isa- bel Cartwright, and Miss Mildred Cooko assisting. The tea was limited to the unmarried, not even one stray matron being admitted, and the list of guests included : Miss Straubenzee, Miss Constance Hora, Miss "Annie Daly, Miss Kathleen Daly, Miss Grace Worrell, Miss Amv McGill, Misa Flor- ehoe Richmond, Miss Going, Miss Carr- Harris, Miss Wrenshall, Miss Callach- an, Miss Lilla Callaghan, Miss Anna Lesslic, the Misses Mudie, Miss Alice King, the Misses Porteous, Miss Edith Folger, Miss Mabel Gildersleeve, Miss Kerr, ss Mary McRossie, the Misses Macmorine, Miss, Macnee, Miss Lor: raino Dalton, Miss Gertie Whitehead, Miss Marion Calvin, Miss E 3 ham, Miss Lilla Herald, Miss} F cue, Miss Millie Ferris, Miss i Miss Cottar. . Queen's German Club met last night at Mrs. Gordon's. : Miss Janet Templeton, of Napanee, is visiting Miss Robb in Montreal. Miss Wrenshall is home from St. John's, Que, Mrs. Horsey, Queen stroet will enter- tain to-morrow evening for Miss Flor- ence Horsey, who is home for the holi- days. . - - - Mr. Grant, son of the late Principal Grant of Kingston, is the guest of Sir Sandford Fleming, in Ottawa. Mr. Neil McLean, late manager of the Bank of Montreal at Brockville, with Mrs. McLean and daughter, are spending the winter in Toronto, » * . . (enon and Mrs. Loucks and Miss Ethelwyn Loucks came down to-day from Ficton and will stay with Mrs, Muckleston, while they are engaged in house hunting. Mrs. Sparks will hereafter receive on the first and second Friday in the month, instead of Tuesday. The winners of prizes at the last West End Euchre Club gathering were Miss Mowat and Mr. fey Tandy. Miss Jean King, of Toronto, is the Sic Kichard. and Lady Cartwiight are entertaining at dinner this even- ing. . » - . Mrs. Stephen Roughton, Allred street, has issued cards for an 'At Home" on Wednesday afternoon. Mis. McKenzie's children s party is the event for the little people to- nirht, while their elders are enjoying their leap-year festivities in the Whig hall. . - . . Mr. Alban Bedford-Jones' has gone so trim the collar and cufis. There is a deep ruffle of accordion pleated creamy lace feliing' from the wrists over the hands. These ruffles have become very popular this winter, and kavé been noficed in many of the smariest gowns. THERE 1S GREAT DANGER IN CATARRH. If Left to Run Its Course Un- checked, It Often Causes Death. Catarrh scatters its poisons through are swallowed during sleep. Dyspepsia, inflammation of the stomach, brch chitis and consumption are the re Aults. The blood also becomes con 'taminated and carries the poisons to all parts of the system. Frequently in the more ad:.anced sts the bones of the hend become decayed and the air passages are a putrid mass and create a so foul -gnd offensive stench as to be unbearable, The expression, "rotten with catarrh," is not ovef drawn or exaggerated arrh Tablets strike at s terrible, odious dis cate it from the system, nstitutional remedy that vstem thoroughly of all purilies the blood. Under the head becomes clear, at the nose snd drop pings into th: throat cease, the lost sen +» of smell is restored, the eye + .ghtens, the foul 'breath becomes pure and sweet and the odious, disgusting disease is thoroughly expelled from the system Stuart's ( the root of ti ease and erad They are a «« cleanses the poisons and their influen the discharg: |, "A Cincinr a'i man savs: "1 suffered henry and humiliation of catarrh for "twelve yonrs, My case became so aggravated that it seriously interfered with all my business relations. The disease beconic so offensive that 1 would not venture into any one's pres- ence unless it were gbsolutely neces- sary. 1 tried every remedy that 1 could get hold of. Some helped me tempor- arily, but as toon as 1 ceased taking them, 1 would relapse into thé old con- dition "Finally a friend told me of Stuart's Catarth Tablefs and insisted that 1 try them. | had about despaired of ever finding belp, but bought a box | anyway. [| began to notice the im provement within twenty four hours after I begen taking them. Before the first box was gone 1 felt like another men. 1 kept up the treatment till I had taken three boxes and was «n- tirely cured, 1 have never had a re currence of the trouble from that day to this. v heat 'is clear and well and none of ihe offéniive symptoms ol the disease ever trouble me. Tt has heen two years since I stopped taking them." 40c., B0c., and up. New York Dress Reform. 'Stuart's Catarth Tablets are for sale by all druggists at 50c. a box. EE--m--metm | out the entire system, The stomach and lungs are affected by the drop-| pings that fall into the throat and | to Ottawa for rome days' visit. { Mr. Drummand, of Picton, is the | guest of hia sister, Mrs. George Burn, | Metcalfe street, Ottawa. | --~lady Galt and Miss Galt have sold { the fine old house in Pembroke street, | Toronto, and are at No. 46 Gerrard sttoet east, occupied last winter by | Mrs, Heaven. | s Rowand, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. sander, and Miss Dora Rowand | have retuned to Toronto from Que- | bec. | Lady Ruby Elliot sails on January {13th for Dresden, to continue her | musical studies. Miss Mary Slater has returned to Ottawa from Toronto. Skating and tobogganing ' parties | will te held by invitation of the Coun tess of Minto on Saturday afternoons during this week and next, at Gov ernment House. Lady Minto request ed all the children who took part in the wonderfully beautiful fancy dress {y to go to Rideau Hall to be photographed in character. Lady Gzowski is the guest of Gene rel and Mes. Sandham at Folkestone . - . » | A \ The matviage of Miss Mary Louise Flow, of Barrie, to Mr. Harry Rich ard, of Toronto, took place at Barrie on Saturday last. - The marriage of Miss Eloise Glover, oungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs Peter Glover, DPeterboroj to Mr John Leigh Wood, 'Toronto, is an nounced for Tuesday, January 12th, 1904 Mis Eva H. Edgar, sister of Mrs. (lsaver, and dgughter of the late Rev, Dr. James Ed, was married to the Rev. (i. Sherlock Faircloth, B.D., as sistant pastor of Sherbourne Street 'Mothodist church At Beleville on Wednesday, Miss Ada M. Ward, daughter of Mrs. J. H. Ward, was mariied to Mr. Herbert Al:xander, of Campbellton, N.B., at the residence of the, bride's mother. Hon. Willidm Gibson has iwued in- \itationa for the mariage of his daughter, Miss Frances faabel Gor: | don, to Mr. John Jennings, on Janu ary 13th, at four o'clock, in the Pres byte ian churen, Beamsville, A re | ception will follow at "Invergie." ! A marriage has been arranged and will shortly take place between Dr. 8. H. McCoy, of St. Catharines and Mrs. {FM Fraser, of Toronto Junction. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Russel', Detroit, isined invitations fot the mar riage of their daughter, Miss | Chris tine. Russell, to Allen Fulton . Ed wards, to tale place on Thursday, January 21st. " 'e "0. | The engagement is announced : Tn St. John, of Miss Muriel Adair Thomson, daughter, of Mr. John H. Thomson, to Mr. Walter Harrison, of the Bank of New Brunswick. | Of Miss Evens, daughter of Mr. E. In the tea room | We use a fibrous, tough rub. ber in making soles and heels. It must stand hard, grinding wear--it must grip the slippery pavement--not slip and cause nasty falls. We make the sole corrugations deep. Our special secret process gives the sole lasting durability. The sole generally holds good the life of the rubber. Our rubbers will give you pro= tection and safety, and they FIT LIKE GLOVES 100 railwa er of Mrs, E. G. Harold R. Chillas, of Montreal, . * . . of Minto. Lady Minto wore a gown collar and necklace. Misa (England) was fmpire style, trimmed with lace. The procession of the children fol pinafore, her feet gmcased in ankle-strapped shoes. The "White Rab do, the Gryphon, the Duchess, Hatter, the Dormouse penter, the Cook, the Fro the Fish Footman, Old Father Wil liam, the Young Man, the Cat, ete. The first pack of cards fol lowed, with Lady were 'taken by the taller girls, to the tiny tots, who aces pieces, led by the White Queen followed hy ° th vius Sherwood), from 'hrough 1 follow characters Glass' cial Looking ledee," *"The Old perfectly dress woman.' name.' Half Holiday. - English pociety, and changes in the dinner arrangements Some hostesses ask seven o'clock, play bridge for an hour tll midnight. Others give what is called repast, consisting of hot soup, entrees several cold plates, sweets, savories champagne and liqueurs--in dinner in everything but name. 5 . | A. Evans, of Québec, to Mr. Edward has better advice. h~ ee rere eet ee LARGE SHOP. 43 AND 44 PRINCESS ---------------- TT Blair, formerly of Quebec, and now as- sistant manager of the Montreal street y. Miss Elsie V. Helliwell, only daught- Helliwell, of "Iver- holme,"' St. George street, Toronto, to Over 200 children took part in the fancy dress ball given at Government House by her Excellency he Countess gen green mousseline, embroidered with silver sequins. She wore crimson roses on the corsage, and a diemond tiara, | Seymour in white. snd pink, in of flowered organdie maiden dressed in blue frock and white black bit"--Hon., Edmond Elliot--ecame next, and was followed by a long procession of special characters) such as the Do- the (Miss Beryl Maude), the Caterpillar, ths Lobster, the Mock Turtle, the Walrus, the Car- Footman, Cheshire ands LIGHT made Ruby Elliot ae Queen of Hearts, and Lord Melgund as Knave of Hearts, the suits being gra. duated from the highest cards, w ich down represented Then. came the thirty-two chess end King (lady Fileen Elliot and Mr. Li castles, knights, Lishops, pawns, ete all dressed in white or red, More spe: «d, including "The Lion and the Unicom," "Hump- ty Dumpty," "Tweedledum and Tweed: Woman with the Sheep's Head," and four charming flower characters, the "Rose," 'Tiger Lily," '"Violet,"" and "Daisy, and last, but equally interesting, came the oysters and the soldiers. All the characters were wonderfully exact and "I positively detdst the sight of the "I loathe the very mention of her Are you going to her pext "At money ? Shel Hou M We don't mean full weight "Oh, yes. Are you?" good measure--no RELIAB Of course. 1 am."--Ally Slopes] = dealer will take advantage Bridge still holds undivided sway in the omnipotent game is, in a way, responsible for their guests for dine at eight, and then resume cards "bridge supper." The invitations are fuel when it's wanted and do it for mine o'clock, bridge is played for withous, Sire or Gistwrbants. an hour, and at ten comes a bountiful ful service if you'll Jet us fact, a 9 5, Cherry Pectoral for hard colds, chronic coughs, :onsumption, old cases, severe cases. Ask your doctor if he DWELLINGS, FROM MAY 1ST. stores, offices and si Md 2 Real Estate office, 51 street. COMFORTABLE ROONS AND BEST board, if desired. Can be at 189 Earl street. Modern conven: ences, : street, also dwelling, and stone s ble. Rent low to a oe ant Apply 249 lirock ON APRIL FIRST, 1004, THAT sirable Store, at present Taylor & Hamil a8 and Plumbers, Wellington with large workshop in the res Apply to Felix Shaw. 115 Bagot CANNEL COAL ~--FOR-- £ YOUR GRATE. It lasts all night, Try it. -P. WALSH - 553-57 Barrack Street. eet, KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON, TORONTO BUSINESS COLLE! TORONTO. & 3 Unequalied facilities for securing posts tons Largest and best squipment in Canada. 831 Quoen street, Kingston. $ SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Confederation Life Building, Toronto, res re eemmsemeemet JOHN H. MILLS The Leading Auctioneer. PRESSING AND REP A SPECIALTY. YOUR OWN BALLON! TI Sos He. next. BARGAINS IN MUSIC Our Stock of Violing Must bo Sold. > VIOLINS--Ttegular price, $40 : $10; ow ing A es and $0. } 2 Bows and Strings, same reduction. GUITARS--Were $15, $10, and §5; now $10, $6.50 and $3. Come and buy Mouth Organs at your own price, "or ¥ R. J. McDOWAL i lowed the entry of the Vice-Regal party. Firgt came Lady Violet Eliot spit: ye as "Alice," the chief figure in the Fight, story. She was a very demure little | Coal--no mixtures. * « B. BARNEY '¢ Have You Seen lt? . 4 avis RATAS Reine Wa moan tng HUMPHRY LIGHT outside our it's a brilliant light, - 1 . about prices. Breck & Halliday, Princoss Stroet, § o @ Dollars And Sense When you buy fuel do you get the most possible . for your But do yo t tion to your IRE livery and satislactory service every way? If you're buying of Crawford its 8 hundred to one you'll say : "yes. Our customers often tell us how much better service we give than ' So-and-so did. Well, we DO give personal at- i tention to every order, deliver the » It's vour due. You pay for it. Use sense with your and ' purchase your fuel where you'll receive vour money's wo R. CRAWFORD Foot of Queen Street. 'Phone 9. sti eet A--------. The Brightest Thing in Stove Polish Is X-RAY Goes twice as far as paste cr liquid "polian---No 5 drying up~Tlasts Iomger--At v

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