Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jan 1904, p. 7

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Ss es See O02 SE pt PS See Paso > Rn E22 t! RS" 38 * JAY 7S. hoes, 1d Valises HY, a i A, 8S one for $2.75. B | RS rr ar's Dinner the largest OS .. y Zincs. ITO, ONT. THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUAR\ 7. _ EI ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario--What Do yout not know that the kidneys must be kept in good working condition or you cannot be well? That delay in this case is very dangerous? That the stand- ard remedy for disordered kidneys is Bu~Ju? Why not. use it at once? All druggists sell Bu-Ju in box of Fifty Pills Fifty Cents. Reject all substitutes. Glendower, Jan. 4.--The late snow has made the roads good for sleigh- ing. The Richardson - feldspar mine will soon open again, and will em- 1 ploy a large gang of men. The ore will be hauled to Bediord Station. Ansom Timmerman has been appoint- ed school trustee for the mext three years. Jedediah Timmerman is getting out wood for the school house. T. J. Kelly hes bought a fine horse. 8. Leeman and sister Jodema, and Mr. Ringer and Miss Simpkins, Suis Falls, are' at A. Leeman's. Wedded At Vennachar. 1 Vennachar, Jan. 2.-The weather still continues very cold.' Miss Ethel Irish and Anson Thompson were mar: rid on Tuesday by Rev. Mv. Je Mills, pastor in charge. Miss Grace Irish, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, while George Jackson was best man. Prosper Cowan is spend- ing a couple of weeks visiting friends in Lansdowne, The Misses Mar- quardis, Renfrew, were the guests of Miss Annie Connor on Wednesday. Scheol meeting passed off quistlv, Mr. J ---------- MONEY AND BUSINESS. : Tr - Cowan was put in A. Gregg's place as Father and Son |. SAFE i SURE RELIABLE f House And Contents Burned. rporated 1833, Cupital Fal'y Paid, $1,000,000. CURED Oso Station, Jan. 4.--School has British American Assurance Co. | som or oped with Nise Crompson aa teach- Al of Fire Insacance Writtea. : er. The sleighing is good and people GODWIN'S INSURANCE EMPORIUM (KIDNEY TROUBLE are taking advantage of it by haul Tejepaone 434. Market Square. ing out wood, ete. All our young men ; BY have returned to the shanties after spending Christmas holidays at home. ' William Francis, Sr., had the mis- an S fortune of hwving his house and con- 8 : 363. ot} ) tents burned. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. ee Society. OMcs - spposite - Stanley, Rochester, are visiting some the Post Office. : id 1 friends here. Mr. and Mrs. David Cox, meer ney 1 S. Port Arthur, are visiting friends here. wy [BEQOL. LONDON AND Obie Thomas Myers and family are visiting sects, $61,187,316. aR AIIOR As sr friends heré. Miss Walker, our former which the policy bolders have for Mr. a . Jeaches, has paid a flying visit to Benjam! Brooks, 8 well-knowa | ; 4s here. security the 'umlimived liability of all tha stockholders, Far farmer of West Cape, P.E.L., tells -- ie MUNEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR i small sums, at low rates of interest on city and farm property. Loans property insu at iowest possible > iotore renewing eld or wiviox of how his son was cured of Westbrook Waits. ef ra rom " RANGE & STRANGE, Agents. Kidney Disease, and how Westbrook, Jan. 6.--Very little in- he was cured of terest was manifested in the election Backache. on Monday, as compared with former ARCHITECTS. years, the extremely cold weather TEL ee. Plest ou kept many voters from the polls. Hen- y . IT .| The Sign of Kidney Trouble. rv Watts was elected reeve, and G. etc, Amchor Building, Market and, M. Fowler, F. Gates and C. ee rem-- Redden were elected councillors. The TowEn & SON. ARCHITECT, MER. | Hess: "Qur little boy was troubled | {cq-meeting on og tit ™ TR & SON: aio. corawr Brock | with kidney disease. We bad tried many | a success socially and financially. A And Wellipvton streets: 'Phone 313. | kinds of kidocy pills but they only I helped | 1, EE lin Parpy. of Whit. eer hs Doan's - x A ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- fora time. Wo BD rt cure. Alavi by, was much appreciated. Miss New- fice, site of New Drill Hall, near cor- | gig w after this I caught a very bad ton of Kingston is engaged as teach: ner of Queen and Montreal Streets. sold that settled in my kidoeys. My back | °F for 1904. D. Sheehan, accompanied WAL. was so sore I could hardly walk. { went | by his nephew, Leo. Kennedy, spent Square, Phone PNY ed Jag Hy oF: | to the drug store and gota box, took them | New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Meagh- store, corner Princess and Bagot accordi tions and the result was | er at Marysville. Miss Ada Rosevear, Streets. Entrance on Bagot strest | that my ' was completely cured. I | Kingston, visited friends in the vil: believe they "e the best kidney pill on the | lage last week. Mr. and Mrs. Archie market to-day." Howie visited friends at Hay Bay re- There is not a kidney trouble from cently. KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE | Thers, ia oot Xo riokes that Doss's ¥ KINGSTON, Kidney Pills will not relieve or cure. The TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE | §i:3§ sod may v2 pr Boke gr TORONTO. or from may be procured at all dealers Usequalled facilities for securing posi- THE DOAN KIDNEY PILL CO., tioms. TORONTO, ONT. Largest and best equipment in Canada OR 831 Queen street, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Confederation Life Building, Toronto. ee -------------------------------------------- . A Satisfactory Showing. Melcombe, Jan. 4.--The annual meeting of the Deer Lick Cheese com- pany, was held: on December 30th. The following statement is taken from the 1,167,913 pounds; 430 pounds; cash received, 812,014.71; expenses, $1,100.68; paid to patrons, 210,914.03; pounds of milk to pound of cheese, 10.11; average price per pound cheese, 10.45 cents; average price per ton milk, 818.69. A vote of thanks was tendered W. J. Lappan, the maker, for his valuable services during the past season. He has been re-engaged for the coming year, which will be his ninth of continuous service with the company. A vote of thanks was tendered the salesman. He was Maple Avenue News. Maple Avenue, Jan. 4.--School re opened to-day mith Miss Vanalstine as teacher, our former teacher having re- ined. Rumor says Dhilander Kose has sold his farm to I. A. Snider, Millhaven. The Misses Alvina dnd Linnie Snider spent Christmas with their sister, Mre. Thomas Sharp; Odessa. Mrs. Charles Snider gone to Cayuga to spend some time with | her son, Dr. Snider. A numbe young people from: this vicinity at | re-ongaged for the coming season at tended a party at Keitha Parrott's | an increased salary. one evening last week. W. C. Smider { has accepted a position as travelling Millhaven Jottings. agent for the National Fence com Millhaven, Jan. 6.--Elmer Sharpe, | | | 1 pany 'of Merrizkville, and starts this | wi'e and children, are spending a few week, Mrs, C. Rose and Mrs. R. Ben: | days with friends at Marysville. Miss jamin were on Sunday guests of Mrs. | Schioels, of Fellows Corners, has been N. D. Hicks, Odessa. Visi + G engaged to teach the school here for Montgomery and family, Odessa, at | the coming year. Mrs. Harvey Amey Reason Snider's; Mr, and rs. Jobn | is recovering. Miss M Demorest an Alsombreck, Newburgh, at I'. Rose's; | Mrs. Leslie and child left Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Snider, Millhaven, | visit friends at Newport. M at W. C. Snider' =. N. D. Hicks, ard Miller entertained about Our Acetylene Generators Odessa, at B. Rose W. Balance and of their friends to an oy Are approved by the Canadian Fire | (51h, Myrtle, a Ww. IL | to 'on New Year's night. Mi : ® Smiths; r. anc Mr ra Snider, | Hester Underwriters Associaticn. Thorpe, at James Me | The Positive Generater for over two years has been used in Churches, Stores, Yrotels, Factories, Dwelling Houses and Summer Resorts, and in all cases have given the best oi satisfaction. The Positive is easy to recharge; makes gas automatically, slo scqioTalonlly, be us it- takes all the gas out Qf the ' ph 3 a wastes ate for reeve and councillors since the | (jsiting her sons at Portsmouth. village became inc orporated, passed P. E. WARD & CO.. off quietly yesterday, very little in 93 Princess St., Kingston, Ont. terest: being taken in results. A num- | h ber of students, who have spent holi d ders. | Purdy, | Maggie Baker last week. Mrs. Fred SORES A Westport Home Bereaved. { and is again quite il A Melcombe Marriage. Meleombe, Jan. 3.--School ope ned or Monday with Miss Minnie Mi days at home, have returned, in | Mitchellville as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. ston: Miss 'Eth Tag, ot. | R- Foster, Charleston, visited friends nzsion; Bi thyl Taggart, Y | here last week. The patrons of Deer luding Freddie Kennedy, of Queen's, SKATES {awa Normal College, and others. The e E races take place on the ice here next | Lick cheese factory held their annua Gorrel received the sad news on Sa- having been their sad be- | FOR SALE. sympathy of all in t reavement. F.C. Taggart, Port | 1 | was united in marria Perry, general agent for the Massey- | | | | Rev. Mr. Heeaey, Lan performed by -- 3 i Harris company, 1s spendin; holidays { J R. C. DOBBS & ¢0., ameng his jFriends _heee, -- ve} 171 Wellington Street. fore: -- -- { to Trenton. After thir return the: _----a - | will reside here. A . Ferguson's Falls Personals. ~~ Colds sre quickly cured by Chamberlain's Ferguson's Falls, Jan. 5.--Miss Len ty c h Remedy It acts on pature's plan, loos- Hourigan, of Smith's Falls, spent oug . i A few drow here ens the cough, relieves the lungs and opens the jas wirots bu secretions; effecting a permanent eure. It coun- ale ok cooper this teracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneu- monia. It is pleasant to tak children like it. Price 25¢4 | of Cslgary NXT. three years. / % nber people attended a New Year's eve pa large size OC. ¥ § ty given by Mr. and Mrs. R. Dowd turned home on Thursday after s ing the WHAT WHIG CORRSEPOND:- | Place. ed to her home at Black's Corners af- ter visiting her sister, Mrs. D. Hor- rick's for the past few weeks. Losi Fan Dott And What this week ith Miss DeWolf as teach- Mine To Open Again. coning wilk season. annual report :- Total milk received, | she had been a long time a resident cheese made, 115,- | of the island. The ice has formed a and ] e Forward has returned from | ighey's: Mr. | \icit to ber son George. The Misses | and Mrs. James Boyce at. Levi Sni- | Florence and Eva Marsh and Davil Collins Bay, visited with Miss | Miss erick Hudson has suffered a relapse mond 's; T : Miss Frances Westport, Jan. 5.- The first election | Smith is recovering. Mrs. Finnigan is ) Jet's: A. Redmond at H. Day's, Hat tchell of} Kingston. Ars. J. Properly Ground with Special week. Several trotters have arrived | meting on Wedhestiny. Recetshse oy ke | on ry i ini ory '. J ps | am se! up usimess 10 L year. Machine and Fitted to Boots. | nnd are in training ever day. James | ad settled Ap bi man, spent Cheist- i ? | me 3 Jatives here. A pretty ev- T iter turday of his son, Fred, | mas with rela h hg * > " . k in Ww 1 cd. v, De em- ) Sewing Machines, ypewr S$ accidentally shot in the Yukon Terri- f ont Yul place o ec fy oy gle a | week wo years. ou ater = torv. Mr. and Mrs. Gorrel have the | sor 30th, at the hom y . he OT, hy Ein thi » Landon, when her dau hter, Mav E. e to Mountain Grove to work in i + to Herbert] the woods. Mrs. W. Cannon, Brandon, Cook. The marriage ceremony Was Man., is | downe. Miss Nora Donovan acted as bridesmaid, and the preom Was Sup h ported be F. McNeil. The newly wed- | zar Doel, Toronto, ded couple leit on a honeymoon trip | I few days with Mrs. M. Gray last week x attended the auction t A Vallely's on Tuesday. week with Miss C P | M. Doyle as teacher. Edward Murphy, herry ectoral is visiting his sis- ' avs . after an absence of | for 'colds, coughs; bronchitis, we | . 1 , t and { ter, Mrs. M. Gray, % both adults an A large number of young all, | saying OUR NEIGHBORS |: a ftir | ev oo 4 w= sige Catarr t two months in Carleton jss Nellie Donaldson return- Died At Junetown. Junetown, Jan. 4.- School opened The Antiseptic Vapor of Catarrhozone Cleansds, P ' i Clark Turner 'is arranging = bis business so as to be ready for the James Nowlan ic il Miss Hattie and Lena Frank: lin. Rockfield, were caling on friends here. Visitors : Mr. clean at Wil liam Purvis; Mrs. Chick at Mrs. homes Franklin's. Miss Inez Ten: nant is suffering from an attack of erippe. Miss Minnie Franklin is visit: ing friends at Lansdowne. Alpheus Scott, for many years a resident of Junetown, died at his home on Decem- ber 29th. Me. Scott was bom in Leeds county. During the last six vears he was a sufferer from asthma. to which he finally succumbed. He was a Preshyterian in religion and liberal in politics. Rev. Nr. Poly had charge of the funeral at the close of which the Masons committed his body| to tie earth. : Shennan Died In Seattle. Adolphustown, Jan. 2.---Many por sons at this place were sorrowful when the sad news came to J. W. Dorland. by telegram, announcing the death at Seattle, on January lst, of George W. Murdoch. place about sixty years ago, and was a scn of the late William Murdoch, and jor years lived with his father on the homestead. He was genial, unsel- fish, always looking after the wants of others. It was truly said of him that his aim was to help the sick in their aflliction. He belonged to the Masonic fraternity, as well as other societies, and was a bachelor. His sisters are Mrs. J. W. Dorland, Mrs. C. R. Alli con. and Mrs. W. H. Cadman, of this Iso Mrs. (Rev.) Fletcher Os- 'ew York. He has four bro- thers living in the states. His oldest brother, Phitip 8. Murdoch, Water town, was visiting his friends here when the sad news came. place, pOI ne, Westport News. Westport, Jan. 5.~Monday was elec tion day for the village. These were elected : Reeve, G. W. Castle; council Jors. Messrs. W. Wing, C. Speagle, J. McKeown, S. A. Conklin, G. F. Rey- nalds and W. E. McCann, left on Tuesday for Tamworth. P. J. Quinn was in town on Sunday. Miss Lizzie Walsh entertained a number of young people at her home on New Year's eve, in honor of her guest, Miss Har- ris, who left on the following Monday to continue her studies in Washing- ton. A most enjoyable time was spent. Joseph Noonan, of Kingston, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Ryan, Miss Tessie McCann is engaged in Ard- more school for 1904 and Miss Phy iis McCenn will teach in the Egan settle ment for 1904. The concert in the Me- thodist church last Thursday was a fnancial success. Miss Pearl Moulton fills the vacamcy made in the puklic school by Miss Wilstie, as yet no prin- cipal has been solected. Deaths On Amherst Island. Stella, Jan. 4.--We have to chronicle the death of two residents. R. McCabe passed away on Dee. 25th, after a long illness. His remains were placed in the vault at Glenwooa cemetery. Mrs. McGinnis, mother of W, P. MeGinnis, died on January 2nd. An uld lady, bridge to the main land once more. Our stage commenced regular trivs to Kingston on Saturday: As Willard handles the reins again. "Lhe congte gation of St. Alban's and. Christ church had their entertainment and Christmas tree in Victoria hall on December 20th, The congregation of St. Paul's Presbyterian church beld a concert in Victoria ball om New Year's nizht. A good programme was W. Johnston has returned for a visit. A little girl has come to stay at J. S. Neilson's. Miss Edith Scott has been engaged to tc ach in the school at Parrott's Bay. Holleford Tidings. Holleford, Jan. B8.~Jar Walker had a gathering on Christioas, vise, his parents, brothers and sisters, and their families. There wero forty pre sent, while twelve wore detained at home. G. Elderboe Las moved on his new farm. The triuitoes have engaged Nis Swerbrick, Parham, as teacher this vear. Miss Mary Medcof gave an "At Home" to her young friends. on Wednesday evening. of. W. Redwond sold a horse to R Snider, Sydenham. J. Walker, Wallaceburg, 18 spending the winter with friends here. Visitors Annie Redmond, Adams; Miss M. Babcock, Perth Road, at J. Red Mrs. 1. Clow, Hartington, at A. Collins'; James Deyo, Miss Pearl Walker, Desert Lake, at James Wal rowsmith; Charles Walker, Sr., Desert Lake, at J. D. Walker's; Misses Emma and Ada Martin at Dr. Mundell's, Redmond, who has ill, is convalesvent. nN been seriously -- A Teacher To Study Medicine. 1 Hartington, Jan. 4.-- Eliza Sigs worth lost a valuable colt last week by it jumping against a wire fence. Two sleigh loads of young people at- tended a surprise party at /iolet last week. Charlie Bell is home after an gon visiting her father, David Bennison. 'Mr. Bass, Kingston, spent Sunday at E. Revell's. Miss Ethel De Wolfe iz visiting -at Wilton. Mrs. Ed- was calling on her many friends here. Nelson some of | Ayers '# | consumption. have been this for 60 years. of Drummond. Miss ary, and Miss Rilla McCaw, Carleton Lizzie Dial, Inver- so have the doctors. {oA neuday, January 13th. was Lom in this cure it. of catarrh for all time to come. a i = h Prever By Inhaling Catarrhozone. fies and Heals the Mucous Membrane -- Prevents and Cures Catarrh. The remedy doesn't exist that will cure quickly as Catarrhozone. It relieves the most ¥ ry cases in'a short time and drives the ghly from the system kg re ly farr- ozone cures ¢ breatl me ed air, a everybody. ggists always recommend Catarrhozone in preference to all other remedies, because they know it's the best, and every progressive doctor prescribes it for the same ocd reason vrata ie at's t ood of experimenting 'with snuffs, stomach A tablets gratin Th did cure catarth, and never will, simply, : ey can't reach the trouble. But Catarrhozone goes whet: ever the air breatned s, and no matter how seated or chronic the disease may be, it will reach a Now, that's the kind of remedy you want, so get it to-day and cure yourself NOSE AND THROAT CATARRH CURED DUTCHER LAW, a prominent citizen of Italy Cross, N.S., says! "I expeyimented 'with hundreds of catarrh remedies, and found the majority worthless, dismal failures. Catarrhozome way the first to give lasting relief, if cured me, and 1 can with pleasure testify as to its great merits as a cure for catarrh of the nose or throat." (Signed) DUTCHER LAW. NOSE COMPLETELY STUFFED uP JOHN D. PERKINS, a well-kno wn merchant in Hamburg, writes: *"My nose. was so stuffed up with css _ tarrh that 1 couldn't breathe except through my mouth, My' breath was horribly offensive, and my digestion was completely knocked out. 1 used Catarrhozone, and was cured in two weeks. 1 wouldn't take five thousand dollars for the benefit and good healt h 1 received from using Catarrhozene which I can recommend as a corbain absolute cure for catarrh." (Signed) JOAN Db. PERKINS, = . WELL.KNOWN ATTORNEY CURED 8. E. MacCAULEY, the well-known attorney of Portland, writes : "I am anxious to make known that al from weak throat and eatarrh I have been cured by Cafarrhozone. 1 was treated 'by I have used scores of different remedies. [ have suffered evi thing catarrh entails, is so sure to cure as Catarrhozone, which did me untol ol © (Signed) SAMUEL. yn three years' suffering doctors of wide reputation. and am convinced that no medicine eradicated this awful disease from my system." Ld Knowing that Catarrhozone is an absolutely certain cure for ve type of Catarrh, we are willing to guarantee it and will refund the RTI GUARANTEE money to anyone who will say th at after a faithful trial Catarrho~'R * sone has not benefitted. No firm ever made a more generous offer. We are able to do this te-B cause in Catarrhozone we have an honest remedy that does cure every case not beyond the reach' : of medicine. Ii you suffer from any Catarrhal trouble get Catarrhozone and be cured. Complete B outfit 'with hard rubber inhaler and extra supply of liquid costs $1.00 at all druggists or * by mail from N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont., and Hartford, Conn, U.S.A. : 3 CTC AT ANN, 3 Som pm Babcock and family, Sharbot Lake, ave visiting friends here. Fred. Trous+ «2. OUR =e dale has resigned the school at Holle- ' SWE la ford, and will take up the study of de pd } : medicine at Queen's. Mrs. M. Clow 9 1 and doughter, Mildred are home alter t spending the holiday . week in the : : ' A suk Bart city. N. O'Brien, of the Whie staff, "Ts now on and and Mrs. O'Brien returned to the city to-day. Miss Oliver is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Leonard spent Christmas with their son at Tamworth. of January." the best" is always our endeavor, so we intend for quality and low prices this Sale shall surpass all its predecessors. Harlowe Happenings. Harlowe, Jan.b.--The school trusices appointed for the coming year are : J. Hiller, John Thompson, John Miller, J. A. Plack, recretary and treasurer Rihool will open on Monday. Miss Das vis, of Morton, has been engaaod as teacher. Ezra- Thompson got a Yiy bad cut cn his arm on Tuesday, but is getting along nicely. The Horner. ites held a watch night service at Wi liam Thompson's on New Year s eve. b \ Mr. Clarke and son, of Lost hamnel 1 o, 4 id - ar prvaring. to set hr, wil in | of ENAMELLE Special Discount of 20%. The whole 'of 'our large wa stock and fine assortment D WARE is undera .. = Mr. Hamilton's mill with a slight at- tack of pneumonia. Miss Nellie and Philip Critchley spent the holidays here. C. and T. Thompson made a business trip to Tweed last woek. Mrs. Harriet Roger, of the Ladies College, Kingston, is home for a few days. G. to 5% Hn ees Napanee, is visiting o num- | We are ready for customers at 8 am. and we don't ber of relatives in this part The 1.0. 3 : rs S GX. lodge, which has been recently close until 6 p.m. Remember, first. cotnes gets first organized intend meeting every wo . : organi ng the winter mouths, com- | CHOICE. What you want may be gone long before the mencing January 9th, A number have I Jast month. end of January. Fi Wee pledged themselves in the -- Cedar Valley Items. Cedar Valley, Jan, 5--Farmers have been taking advantage of the sleigh ing. They report this to be the finest winter in the woods in thirty years. D. E. Rogers did not accept the posi tion in Toronto. He leaves on Janu- James ary 15th for Rat Portage. . Moran i: about to leave and live a retired Ife in Smith's Falls. Dr. D. McKELV EY & R. Rogers, while returning from Elsin aro sick enll on Sunday, met wit : : : aivet 8 intar bi ide Tie Tod Mis 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. « cars and hands frozen ('ecit Bolton | == - we eee FOR HOLIDAY SEASO 3 i Ce 2 - received word from England that he 1--MILLINERY has fallen heir to a large fortune. T. K. Rogers, of Stittaville, spent his We have placed on tables on ground figor a trimmed Hats and Ready-to Wear 8. "These 'are all Je. Asis usual with all our Special - Discount Sales, the cut prices are for Spot Cash Only. TOT. aww ie 3 PARLY C14 i i i [ February, 9 p. m. holidays with friends in the Valley. Mrs. Yellow gave a farewell party to S p.m. other days. her two nieces, the Misses Hunt. They left for Assiniboia December 29th. James Ralph spent New Years at T, Canley's, Lombardy. W. Rogers spent his holidays at I". Plunkett's, Cheneys The peoples in the village tended to Viei- J ay county. » 1 wonder when if it ix ever in have the Valley incorporated s : R. Cane, Three Rivers; Miss ¥ Hay - 66 Moriarty, Westport; T. J. Hart, | goods and represent the balance of our splendid winter stock. To Smith's Falls; M.. Murray, Elgin; | clear them quickly the following p rice ts are offered i= Misses Ripley and Morris Portland. $1.25 Ready-to-Woar Hats for 75¢c. eet \ : Dae: $1.50 Roudy-tos Wear Hats for $71. Township Of Hoos $2 Ready-to-Wear Nats for 81.25. ud Reeve a, 100; Miller, 78 Councillors-- Hinchey, 7); Nd 06; Vringle, 92; Parks, 97 The oth ers got, Clarke, 65; Hawley, 60. $3 Ready-to-Wear Hats for $1.95. X 75¢. to $2.59 Untrimmed Hats for 25¢. to $1.25. 2--MANTLES ies iow S411 'a nice assortment of these very stylish garments; 'and Otto. Fritsch, Fauced prices the rule here too. 8 oon spring goods will 4d before they 'arrive every one; or ove EY ---- Township Of Denbigh, Ete. Reeve--John 5. Lane. Councillors--G. Fox, Adolph John, and W. Sallons _ | some on the ocean now--an seodi . + and horses at the Be gone. If you need a Jacket, of will soon pr ee of Marysville, somebody who needs' one, here's youx opportunity. Wolie Island, Wednesday, January em ete 13th. Donald Grant, auctioneer. a oe ; k 4 Meeting of Kennebec Agricultural SPENCE & CO, Society in town hall, Arden, on Wed ugh 2E-mapth Buy early in the month and early "inthe day. |

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