using DIAMOND DYES. : -are money savers. | , Bank and Soha ofr. wai oft -- Cough Remedy. monia. Tf your blanket costume, sash, tuqne and stockings worn last year are now faded, soiled or spotted, you can, at a cost of from 10 to cents make then as good as new is easy and simple. Diamond < STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, , Linen Markers, Dates, Mires Oats by The Ticket by selling his oracular notes of advice. illson's WAS IN A FELT DROWSY AND MISERABLE. a Tongue, Fingers, and Toes. St. Petersburg, Jan. 7.--A peasant named Masunin, of the village of Ala- gir, near Viadikavkas, in the Caucas- us, had for some time shown signs of mental t. His relatives as- cribed this to an evil spirit, and re sorted to the local sorcerer, who is to be found in every Russian village, and is supposed to cure all kinds of dis- eases by means of spells. He ordered that Masunin should be hed with "charmed'" water every day at sunset and sunrise. In spite of the patient's opposition, this injunc- tion was strictly carried out. His condition, however, became worse, and at last resulted in religious mania, un- der She inuence ot ich Masunin cut off his right ear, his tongue, three of his left hand, and three toes of left Hoot. On the police investigating the case he wrote on a piece that he had crippled himself vse these parts of the were unnecessary The people are now inning 'to Sendider him us a Sait. and Maks ilgrimages to him. He writes his ad- vice on pieces of paper, which the '| peasants believe to be endowed with special powers. Instead of sending him to an asylum his relatives are mow making money Simply A Wonder. Peck's Kidney Pills are simply ao onder, act like magic +f the rompt. Colds are quickly cured by Chamberlain's It acts on nature's plan, loos- secretions, effecting a permanent eure. It coun- fteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneu- 1 . It is pleasant to take, both adults and children fikeit. Price age. large size joc. A luxury is somelhing that only a man can sford. x about "wa » songs, which were render y ; jes' Gaelic Choir at crofter maidens, i done by a number according to the length of majority being young there are always two . them. The 8 - 538 of wit. The cloth is od up, and then follows Ve consecration ceremony. cloth is turned sunwise three by the three most important women present, who each t a "vann"' while turning it. Then the chief celebrant, with her hand rest Fie & i | The famous and beautiful New ies were laid the floor of the church in Am that the relatives might claim them and take them away. Dr. Licema, the pro- vincial surgeon, certified to their death, and the judge gave the. seal of i proval. Some pr 4h hours later, according to the newspaper account, two con- stabulary officers, Capt. Long and Lieut. Collins, entered the church to see if the bodies They were horrified to find that three of the criminals were still alive and asking for water. Water and restora: tives were applied freely, the men were unbound, and were soon able to be removed, by their friends. The fourth had already been removed and was really dead. Une of the other three has since died from the shock and exhaustion. The remaining two, at latest reports, were convalescing, and may live for years to come. But it is written on the court records of their province that they are dead, having paid with their lives for the crime of murder. "The Jo, is declared, 'can neither unished them again, nor can it recog: hw their existence. In editorial com- ment the newspaper says : "The victims who survived the offi- cial execution are legally dead. In a court of law Li will po | be Joes tad to impeach reco) Ll execu- tion. Their rights and privileges be- fore the law are ended. They cannot sue, be sued, marry, own property, vote, or exercise any of the rights of a citizen. Neither will they be held accountable for their acts. H ar raigned for depredatians it will only be necessary to rest on the court re- cord of their death. "The men may now watch the ad- ministration of their estate and the scramble of their legal representatives to succeed them. in worldly posses- sions. They may atténd the marriage celebration of their respective widows and congratulate the step-fathers of their children." ' Catching Cold. Allow yourself to "run down' and F Els ; the | You catch cold from the first mn that comes your way. Wade's gem Tonic Pills make you cold proof by iving you rich healthy blood, the Kind that kills all dicase' Setwma, Ii boxes, 25¢c., at Wade's. oney back if not satisfactory. An Engaging Man. Smart Set. "There was a drummer took sick and died here, three weeks ago," said the landlord of the tavern at Polk: ville, Ark. "He was a thick-set guitar. playin' sort of feller, and the girl he was engaged to marry came over from Torpidville to attend the funeral; also from Waupsey; also from Peacock ; also from Tonganoxie; also from so- m'ersin Kansas, and some place up in Missouri. Seein' how. many there was of 'em, they put away their engage ment rings," figgeratively speakin', or- ganized a new Bociety, and invented a yell. And it was a pretty durned ex- pressive one, too, lemme tell you 1" _ Many a man who on Saturdar thought he was. "it."' woke up Mon. day evening to find himself in the "has-been" class. MRS. THEODORE A. HAVEMEYER, dley Martins, Mrs. Macka; the | on the cloth and on those who are to ; Mo i Fie doth four hours, this was schedule ol of the cloth was piri id taken from the ma- always followed b- a dance, when the PL pd A i York society woman, who will y, Mrs. - young men of the township ~ot. a share in the fun, and on this dca sion, the Inverness Gaelic Choir in- vited all competitors at the mod to spend the rest of the might in the highland reels, which they did with such hearty will that the morrow was between four and five hours old before these 'merry dancers" amid many friendly threats as to the desti- nation of next vear's prizes which are to be competed for in the ancient sea- port town of Greenock. Most Penetrating. The quickest soother of pain, and the most penetrating liniment on the mar- ket to-day is Smith's White Lininunt. A positiye cure for sprains, swellings, inflammation, neuralgia, rheumatism, and lumbago. Big bottles, 25c., at Wade's. Prompt relief in sick headache, diz ziness, nausea, constipation, pain in the side, guaranteed to those using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. Small * price. Small dose. Small pill. It is likely Mrs. Dr. Saunders and daughter, Brockville, will leave next month for Japan, Saunders. Reputation is sometimes more valu able than character, ECONOMICAL HOUSEAEEPERS USE WalterBakers Cocoa and Chocolate Because they yield THE MOST and BEST FOR THE MONEY Ry Trase-Mans The Finest Cocoa in the World 40 Hi Awards in Ha us Earyps Our Choice Recipe Book, sent free, will tell you how to make Fudge and & great variety of dainty dishes from our Cocoa and Chocolate, ADDRESS OUR BRANCH HOUSE Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. 12 and 14 St. John Street MONIREAL, P. Q. F| At the recent highland mod at Inver: | {| ness southrons had an 'opportunity of | to join Rev. Mr extreme satisfaction that the person buckle, Brooklyn, Ryan has returned to Rochester after REV. R. HATCHETT. He Asserts People Should Speak Plainly When Their Words Will Benefit Others. From the Recorder, Brockville, Ont. Rev. R. Hachett. general agent of the African Methodist church in Can ada, spent several days in Brockville recently in the interest of the church work. Talking with a reporter he said he always liked to visit Brockville, er, "giving your experience with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ?" "Noi, at all," said Mr. Hatchett, "I always a good word for this medicine whenever the opportunity offers. I know some people object to speaking in public ab- out medicines they use, but I think this is a narrow view to take. When one finds something really good very helpful in relieving human ills, it seems to me it is a duty we owe other sufferers to put them in way of obtaining new health. You can say from me therefor that I think Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a very superior medicine--I know of no other so good. My work, as you may judge, is by no means light, I have to travel a great deal in the interest of our church 'work, and it is no wonder that often I find myself yh run. down, and afflicted almost with a general prostration. It is on occasions of this kind that I resort to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I can say in all sincerity that they have never failed me. The pills have also been used in my family, and among my friends, and the results have always been satisfactory. You may just say for me that I think those who are afflicted with any of the ills for which this medicine is re- comniendéd will make no mistake in giving Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial." The Rev. Mr. Hatchett's home is in Hamilton, Ont., where he is known to most of the citizens and greatly es- teemed by those who know him. " CURSE " OF OATMEAL. Scots Doctor Denounces Scotland's Staple Food. It is startling to hear of oatmeal, Scotland's staple food, being de- g g noun as an article of diet by a Scottish doctor, well known as a diet specialist. "As an article of diet," he remark- ed, "oatmeal is very much over-rated. 1 consider it the curse of Scotland and the curse of every community i i Sis it. 'this is a sensational to bring against a food which has for so long formed the staple diet of millions, but 1 am prepared to back up my statement by facts. - 'I'here are two classes of persons who partake of oatmeal--those doing hard, manual, and bodily labor, and those who work with their brains, but do not do much with their muscles. The first division, such as Scottish quar- rymen, find oatmeal a good enough article of diet. But owing to the ex- cessive muscular efforts by which thev maintain themselves, they could eat paving stones. To the second class, however, the people who live in towns and who work with their brains, and are trou- bled with digestive disturbances, oat- meal is little short of a poison. The average town diet of meat potatoes and bread will supply the consumer with intinitely more proteid and also phosphates than he would obtain from oatmeal with less digestive effort. Dr. Johnson said that oatmeal was a food only fitted for Scotsmen and donkeys. 1 entirely agree with him. The Englishmen who attempted to digest it are the donkeys mentioned bv Dr. Johnson. The immediate effect of eating oatmeal is a feeling of such eating it is unable to partake of anv more food. For an hour and a half or two hours, the feeling of satisiac- tion continues, but there soon begins a feeling of 'discomfort in 'Little Mary' and a desire to swallow saliva. There are other disquieting symptoms and then the stomach feels empty and manifests a semi-catarrhal condition bv a feeling of false hunger. The un- informed lavman is almost delichted to find that this hunger disappears at the sight of food. He does not know that his stomach 1s getting into a condition of chronic catarrh. . Another disease caused bv oatmeal, too, i» appendicitis or avenoliths, or oat-stones. are often found after op- eration. The eatinr of oatmeal is also responsible for much drunkenness among the working classes, especial ly in Scotland. Oatmeal causes a drv mouth. In America. Canada, and Scotland; oatmeal has caused what has been called the Boston stomach. It has transformed man- hundreds of healthy persons into martvrs to in- digestion. It is a curse." Marysville Mutterings. Marysville, Tyendinaga, Jan. 6. -- Quite a number from here attended the balls at Belleville, Newburgh and Sydenham last week. Mrs. Are: N.Y, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Stack. Miss Annie Nonis, Kingston, spent Sunday with Miss Annie McAlpine. James Meagher has returned to Belleville af- ter spending the Christmas holidays at home, Messrs. McDonald and Mad- digan, Trenton, are visiting Archie McGuinnes, Miss Bertha Gould left on Sunday for her school at Forest Mills. John Brennan, Deseronto, spent Sunday in the village. Miss Clara spending the holidays with her father, . Ryan. John C. Meagher spent Tuesday in Bel'eville. Mise Hilda Me. Gurn has been as teacher for 8. 8. No. 6 for year. ANOTHER [AN INTERESTING CHAT WITH| Hs / » CARPET SWEEPERS A good one for $2.50. A better one for $2.75. The best one for $3. CLOTHES WRINGERS From $2.50 to $3.50. Have your Christmas and New Year's Dinner cooked on a " HAPPY HOME" Range, the largest and most economical range on the market. .. ELLIOTT BROS .. 77 Princess Street. EVERY DAY BARGAIN DAY AT ABERNETHY'S. Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Telephone, 35. Moccasins, Rubbers, Overshoes, Trunks and Valises. A. ABERNETHY, 123-125 Princess Street, Everything for Winter Wear Qur ability to provide knows only the limit of your needs. *'Every day" Suits and Overcoats are mentioned most, because the demand for them is greatest. But a "Fit- -~ Reform" Wardrobe is ready to supply everything your ward- robe lacks. We provide not only the "day,'"' but the afternoon and evening dress, of equal excellence. The perfection of one but speaks for the perfection of all. $ Slip into a ** Fit-Reform" Dress Suit or Tuxedo, Frock Coat, Cut- away or Sack Suit or Overcoat--and you'll find your ideas of style and comfort--tailoring and fit-- better carried out in the actual clothes, than in the ideal you had pictured or yourself, Suits and Overcoats........$12 to $30 Trousers............$3, $4. $5and $6 "Fit-Reform * Suits and Overcoats have the *" Fit-Reform " label, with trade mark and retail price as fixcd Ly the makers. None genuine without the label, , . . , . , BE 4 H Fit-Reform Wardrob E. P. JENKINS Sole Agent for KINGSTON. USINESS RINGERS FOR HOLIDAY SEASON! 1--MILLINERY We have placed on tables on ground floor a number of um- trimmed Hats and Ready-to Wear s. These are all this season's goods and represent the balance of our splendid winter stock. To clear them quickly the following p rice inducements are offered :-- $1.28 Ready-to-Wear Hats for 75¢. $1.50 Ready-to-Wear Hats for $1. $2 Ready-to-Wear Hats for $1.25. 83 Roady-to-Wear Hats for $1.95, 75¢. to $2.59 Untrimmed Hats for 25¢c. to $1.25. . 2=-MANTLES Still a nice assortment of these very stylish garments; and re- duced prices the rule here too. Soon spring goods will be coming-- some on the ocean now--and before they arrive every Jacket must be gone. If you need a Jacket, or will soon need ome, or know somebody who needs one, here's y our opportunity. EARLY CLOSING==January and! February, 9 p. m. Saturdays, 5 p.m. other days. Hunger will sometimes make even a lazy man hustle. SPENCE & CO,, ™ ling Milaery | # 8 yo del: _ dang ard re kidney not use druggists of Fifty F Reject all Our Acetylene Gene Are approved by the Canad| Underwriters Assoclat P Generator for The Poattive used in Churche ears has been Hotels, Factories, a H mer Resorts, in all c i the best of satisfaction. The Positive is easy to recha gas automatically, also econon cause it takes all the gas o carbide and wastes none. P.E. WARD & 03 Princess St., Kingstos SKATE Properly Ground with Special Machine and Fitte Sewing Machines, Ty FOR SALE. J. R. C. DOBBS 171 Wellington Str GEO. CLIE Roa! Estate, Insurance and Mining 9s CLARENCE ST OPPOSITE POST OFFI Seal Jack Alask: Blectric Seal Jacket of fur, well tailored and lined 1 any sleeve desired, twenty - four inches | jong, same as 'above 4 design, » ~~ ~~ * Write for particulars catalogue and self meast of latest fashions. Money #if not satisfactory. | he. & 0. DINEENO Cor. Yonge aad Temper: @® TORONTO, Ont heres rm AGinP will not only prev: but will assist the } the impurities from roperly means a g r rin, in wood health. Gin Pills are hox, 6 boxes for $2.50 THE BOLE DRUC