Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jan 1904, p. 3

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ILES AGAIN. ch and You'll © & man a for- \ppearance and , 5" and ing is dyspepsia. is friends and ritable. He is so n misery that he ry one else. Re- and depressin comes a oo ng men. Tablets are be- st effective and offered to ' the ple disease. The nds of cures they nd the enormous fully attest the nt. , a natural re vactly the same astric juices and of the stomach ally do the di- stomach and en st and recuperate i well. They act anner and cause digestive organs. mentation of the ur stomach. In ience the subject a stomach and ness presents a , former | dejec- Stuart's Dyspep- mnually and they of their popular- rings letters of rateful ones who his terrible dis- r is one of hun- eek : of Wymore, Neb., ars 1 have been sia. Last fall I armed at" some ouble and came a sympathetic re- wo diseases, or wach trouble was t disturbances. I )yspepsia Tablets sted a dollar and xes which lasted | I can eat anv nd have a good, though I am sev- 1, T now feel per- mut being request- ce this statement y the virtues of 'ablets." Tablets are at 50c. a box. fackenzie of the isch Piano jano Co., Limited, Toronto, Canada. for ish to express my of your Mason & tone is in weyery n the sonorous base I was struck by ploar which can. be yers of my calibre, be considered pi- sense of the term, add my testimony en; Rich in tone, h, firm mechanism, | a fine pianoforte these, Allow me and the Dominion roduction of such thfully yours, PC. CKENZIE, JOURNALS 1904. Journal. Four way; a Lady's Smart Relerine; ase, and a Muff, 1; four patterns ated Dress Mak- r patterns, only BET, Py the days @ lasts, then IFT & 90. me 135. La i i he m-------- $15 Only. Worth o $20. New York clothing , will make to or coat for $15, guar fit and trim- ortment. to choose nd overcoating. uying elsewhere, sce orsets, ordered or - __ mAvELNG. Was Unable to do any TRI Branch Line Time Table' In effect Oct 4th. TRAINS WILL LEAVE CITY DEPOT, FOOT OF JOHNSTON STREET, nn, GOING EAST. | GOING WEST. No. 5 Mail...... 1.08 3 Fast Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 run daily. No. 5 daily, except Monday. Nos. 6, 7, 11, 12, 15 and 16 daily, except Sunday. J. P.- HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. TRAINS LEAVE KIKGSTON : 12:40 p.m.--Express, for Ottawa, Mon- treal, Quebcc, St. Jobm, N.B.; Halifax, Bostd |, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Ren- frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. Sharbot Lake, 5:30 p.m.--Local for east and west. connecting with C.P.R. 8:10 a.m.--Mixed, for Renfrew aad [3 termediate' points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:40 p.m. arrive in Ottawa at 500 p.m. Peterboro, 5:10 p.n.; Toronto, 7:30 p.m.; Boston, 7:30 am.; St John, N.B, 11:35 a.m. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. ¥. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, Gen. Pass. Agt Gen. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all lo- eal points. Train leaves City Hall De- wt at 4 pm. F. CONWAY, Agent, 4. Q. Ry., Kingston. .. BERMUDA .. THG NOW FAR FAMED BERMUDAS, with cable communication and equable JR., Supt. winter temperature of 65 , u- scenery and 100 miles of good roads, headquarters of the British North American Squadron, is unrivalled in its attractiveness, reached by the first-class iron steamers TRINIDAD or PRETORIA im forty-eight hours from New York. Sailing every THURSDAY. The islands, including SANTA YRUZi, ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE, ST. UCIA, BARBARDOES AND DEMER- » allord beautiful and interest- img tours, all reached by steamship of the Quebcs Steamship Gompany, sailing For descriptive pamphlets and sailing apply to A. EMILIUS OUTER- BRIDGE & CO., Agents, 39 Broadway, New York: J. P. HANLEY or J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, Kingston, Ont. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec, ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS From St. John. From Halifax, Jonian, Jan. 16th, wu w + « Jan. 18th Sicilian, Jan. 23rd, . ws ws Jan. 25th. Parisian, Jan. 80th. .» Feb, 1st. REDUCED WINTER RATES. 1st Cabin, $50 and upwards, according te steamer 2nd Cabin, Liverpool derry, $37.50 and $40; extra. 8rd Class, $25 and Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, Through tickets to South Africa NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Siberian, Thursday, Jan. 21st, 12 noon. 1st Cabin, $45 and upwards, 2nd Cab- in, $85; 8rd Class, $26. J. P. HANLEY, Agat, G.T.R., City J P. GILDER- EATRVE. Clare London- $2.50 and London, $26, Liverpool, London Clarence Polite Attention Doesn't necessarily mean an oily smile and houeyed words Such outword s.gns of defer- ence often vanish when the »smooth" salesman has your or: er. When we say well give your fuel orders our polite attention, we mean it in the true sense of the expression 'We'll give you courteous treat ment from the instant you aps proach us until -the fuel is deliv- ered oy And if anything about it isn't right, we'll thank you for inform- ing us. We want to serve you not once. 'hut many times. We want you "Yo be fully satisfied. We've been in business 25 years, and eur first 'Customers. are still among our firmest friends. Doesn't that bespeak "polite-at- tention'® to their wants? We are ready to give you the same good service. . : Coal and Wood at market prices. R. CRAWFORD Foot of Queen Strect. 'Phone 9. Work for Four or Five Months. * ie. Was Weak and Miserable. { Thought She Would Die. Dootor Could Do No Good. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills Effected a Complete Cure in the Case of MRS. CAROLINE NUTT, Morrisburg, Ont. A Sms, She says t "It affords me great speak about what your Heart and Nerve Pills have done for me. Abouta year ago was taken ill with heart trouble and got bad that I was unable to do any four or five months. I got so weak iserable that my friends thought I was going to die. The doctor attended me for soe time but I continued to grow worse. At last I decided to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and after taking two boxes they made me weil and strong again. I cannot praise them too highly to those suffering from nervous weakness and heart troubles." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are so cents per box, or 3 for $1.35 at all dealers, or THE T. MILBURN CO., Limited, TORONTO, ONT. g Eq If you want = really good ale ask for Sleeman's Black Label. : The Sleeman B. & M. Co. Limited Guelph, Canada. Throat Sore? Catch Cold Easily? Procure from your druggist - DR. SLOCUMS COLISFOOTE EXPECTORAN Clears the Throat and Lungs, heals and allays Inflammation, cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Croup, by removing the cause Nothing better for Children. | Price 10c. and 25c. a bottle. Dr. T A. Slocum, Liniited, Toronto. . RIDEAU CANAL. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS, "ADDRESSED to the undersigned and endorsed °° Ten- der for Timber," will be received up to noon on Saturday, the 20th of Febru- ary, 1904, for the supply and delivery of British Columbia or Douglas Fir Tim- ber required for the Rideau Canal. Specifications and Bills of Timber can be obtained at the office of the Superin- tending Engineer of the Rideau Canal, Department of Railways and Canals, on and after Monday, the 11th January, 1904 The lowest, or any tender, will not necessarily be accepted. L. K. JONES, Secretary Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, January 4th, 1904 The Best Is What You Want. Insure in the North American Life Assurance Co. The most popular and progressive life tmsurance company in Oanada. THERE IS NO SURER OR BETTER INVESTMENT An Investment policy in this ideal com, y will yield you handsome cash results, if you live long enough, and give you, also, insurance during the in vestment period. The North American Life Assurance Company has ui earming powers, which means large profits lo policy holders. Young the habit of saving, by taking a policy in the North American Life Assurance Company. It is a splendid investment tor a portion of their surplus earnings. All the most desirable and up-to-date licies are Iss by this Company. oderate rates, good profita and abso fute security. Goed reliable agents wanted. For full information apply te Ww. J. F District Manager, Kingston, Ont. Have You Wood 9 and Coal to Burn Here are the two most economical fuel investments We know of : Hard Coal! Hard Wood ! Whether it's Wood or Cosl we deliver, we employ careful teamsters, who know their business too well to do it in an untidy way. No extra charge for the cleanliness--Dut it's Wo something to BOOTH & CO. "Phone 133. Foot of West St. PRESSING AND REPAIRING. THOMAS Bib ! It Is Thought He Tried To Liber- BROKE JAIL WILLIAM HILLIS SKIPS PRO" BABLY ACROSS BORDER. sie ate Yates -- Hscape Carefully Planned--Hall a Dozen Charges Against Him For Burglary. Hamilton, Jan. 11.--William Hillis, who with Herbert Yates, was to have been tried at the winter assizes next week, for alleged burglary, broke jail some time during Saturday night. He has not yet been recaptured, and the belief is that he has crossed the bor- der. and that he is now in the Unit- ed States. Hillis before going away, attempted but unsuccessfully, to liber- ate his companion Yates. There are reasons for believing that the escape was. carefully planned, and that Hillis ceived assistance from the outside. There are half a dozen charges, against Hillis and his companion, and in addition, the men were charged with bringing to Canada revolvers stolen from the armory of the 65th Regiment, of Buffalo, N.Y. ---- Live Stock Markets. East Buffalo, Jan. 9.--Cattle re- ceipts, 50 head; steady, unchanged Veal receipts, 150 head, 5 cents er, 36 to #5. Hog receipts, 12.000; active, 5 c. lower: heavy and mixed, $5.30 to $5 35; Yorkers, £5.25 to $5.30; pies, ¥5.- 20 to 85.25: roughs, $1.40 to $4.50. Sheep and . lamb receipts, 10,000 head: active; sheep steady: lambs, 10 to 1c. lower; lambs, $5 to $6.60; vearlings, $4.75 to 35.50; wethers, 81 50 to $4.75; ewes, $4 to $1.25. Jan. 9.--Cattle receipts 350 head; , nominal. Hog receipts, 23,000; market, steady at vesterday's close; mixed and but. £4.90; good, to choice heavy, 81.85 to 83: roughs, heavy, $4.60 to 84.80; light, $¢70; bulk of sales, #1 70 to $4.85. Sheep receipts, 20,000 lambs steady: good to choice weth' ers, $1.10 to $5; fair to choice mixed, £3.95 to #4: native lambs, £4 to $6.30. OW sheep and A Pretty Marriage. A pretty wedding was solemnized January 5th, by Rev. E. Farnsworth, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. eph Clark, Macdonald, when their eld est daughter, Mabel: Beatrice, was united in holy matrimony to Will C. Joyce. The bride was gowned in pearl rev with white silk chiffon trimmings, and carried a shower houquet of white carnations, and was assisted by her sister, Miss Violet. Stanley Joyce act éd as groomsman. After the usual con- gratulations the guests, numbering about forty, partook of a sumptuous wedding breakfast. The happy couple left for Toronto and points west. The presents were. numerous and costly, showing the high esteem in which the bride and groom were held, Jos Dislocated Her Shoulder. Mrs. Johanna Soderholm, of Fergus Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her shoulder. She had a surgeon get it back in place as soon as possible, but it was quite sore and pained her very much. Her son mentioned that he had seen Chatiberlain's Pain Balm adver- tised for sprains and soreness, and she asked him to buy her a bottle of it, which he did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep which she had not done for several days. For sale by all druggists. Ttalian oranges<only 10c. a dozen at Ferguson's, King street. A message was received in Belleville announcing the death of ) J. John- scn, which occurred suddenly in New York. The deceased was a sister of Mrs. William McIntosh, also of Belle- ville. Well Balanced Nerves, YOUR SUCCESS IN LIFE DE- PENDS UPON THEM. If Lacking In Nerve Force, Build Up Your System With Ferro- zone--It Has Helped Others-- Let It Help You Too. Happy is the man who can work unceasingly without fear of an "at tack of the nerves." He gets along, prospers, rises to position of power and importance. The strong man is pushed over the heads of his weaker brothers by virtue of being capable to do and act when necessary calls. The weak, nervous men is distanced before the race. starts But he shouldn't give up withowt trying what Ferrozone can do for him. Th strengthening tonic has great power for building up people who are run down, tired and exhausted. Ferrozone starts right at the root of the trouble and diives all impuri- ties out of the blood. Then it gives the blood an additional supply of iron and other strengthening elements which enables it to nourish the nerves back to normal condition. Once the nerves are toned up, indigestion and stomach trouble disappear. Then your system is in good order, and capable of being rebuilt in the proper way. Nerve tissue is formed, flabby muscles begin to harden, weak organs regain strength, and before long the half-wrecked man glories in the new- fourid vigor that Ferrozone has brought him. You may have tried a hundred re- medies; they may all have failed But this mustn't influence you against Ferrozone, which is so different from other preparations. Ferrozone actual ly makes blood, and makes thé kind of blood that is valuable in maintain. ing health. Then Ferrozone, has a wonderful action on food, converting it into nuttiment, so that everything you eat is going to be useful to your body. Ferrozona is unexcelled as a rebuild- ing tonic for children, - women and men, the young and old, in fact every- body can derive benefit from Ferro zone which is specially recommended for chlorosis, anaemia, lassitude, weak- ness and all disorders arising from impaired nerves or blood. Try Ferro zone yourself. Price 50c. per box or six boxes for $2.50. Sold by druggists and by mail from N. Polson & Co., DAILY Interesting Ceremony In St. { George's Cathedral. A very interesting ceremony took place in St. George's Cathedral last night. Immediately at the close of ev- ensong which had beeen sung as usu- al by the newly inted vanon, the dean, and Ret=William Lewin read- ing the lessons, the chancelloz of the diocese, Dr. Ri T. Walkem, advanced from 'his seat in the chancel and read the mandate of the bishop, appeiut- ing Reve G. L. Starr. M.A, canon residentiary of the Cathuled Churen of St. George the Martyr. lo was then duly installed by the degn, "to a seat in the choir, and a voice in the chapter." The honour, which is usual: ly given as the reward of long ser- vice to the senior priests ix this case signifies the deep regard held for Can- on Starr by his bishop and deaw. Af- ter the installation, the bishop preach- od on the visit of the Magi, to the infant Christ, with their offerings of humble adoration, and their costly gifts, comparing unfavourably the modern tendency: to give tq God's service either self, apart from wordly possessions, Or money apart from soli. This last was an especially com- mon fault in the sister church in the United States, and was a cause of great grief to the clergy. First Baptist Church: The congregation of the First Rap- tist church was pleased to hear Rev. Mr. Laird, of Cooke's church, yester- day mori The evening congrega- tion listened with intense interest to the pastor's sermon on 'Lessons From the Chicago Disaster." A pleasing incident in the Sunday school 'yesterday afternoon was the presentation, on the part of the. teach- ers and officers, of an appreciative ad- dress, and very handsome Bible, to Dr. Lake, the highly esteemed and efficient guperintendent. The Bible was a late Thon of the revised version, with marginal references, concordance and Oxford Teachers' Helps, and in quality and make-up is of the best. The address was read by the pastor of the church and the presentation made by Miss Calvin, superintendent of the primary department of the Sunday school. Dr, Lake was taken completely by surprise, but returned hearty thanks to the donors, express: ing appreciation of the valuable gift, but more especially of what the gift expressed. -- Church Paragraphs. Rev. Eber Cruminy preached in Do minion ' Methodist church, Ottawa, on Sunday. Miss Ada Chown, daughter of A. F. Chown, is a coming vocalist. She sang "Abide With Me" with much street {aste and expression in Queen Methodist church. Rev. Father J. Meehan, Huntley, or- dained to the priesthood" at Christ- mas, has been appointed curate to Rev. Father O'Gorman, at Gananoque. Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Rees, Len. Cook and A, Lemmon sang a very sweet qudrtette in Cooke's Presbyterian church last evening during service. ete e------ A SUDDEN DEATH. -- On Wolfe Island--Many Schools Without Teachers. Wolfe Island, Jan. 8.--The entire community were shocked to hear of the very sudden death of Mrs. James O'Brien, which took place at 'the resi dence of George Morgan, on Tuesday morning, where she and family had gone to attend a station that was held by the Rev. Father Castie. She was in the act of making a Christmas offering when she was stricken down, and lived but a short time, never re gaining consciousness. The deceased was highly respected and of a very charitable nature, 'always willing to lend a helping hand wherever her ser- vices were required. A husband and seven chilhren are left to mourn her untimely end. The sympathy of one and all is extended to the bereaved ones in their sad affliction. The funeral took place on Friday morning and despite the early hour at which it was held, it was one of the largest con ducted on the island. The funeral of ome of our oldest and most respected citizens took place on New Year's day, in the person of Patrick Moran. His sister, Mrs. John ston, and brother, John Moran, Strat ford, Ont., were here to attend his funeral; also bis daughter, Mrs Michael White, Rochester, N.Y. 1 he deceased's brother and sister leit for their respective homes yesterday. wil liam Laughlin is rapidly recovering from the recent opeation he under went. Mrs. Frank Walker's condition is rapidly improving. Since the advent of - the ice a daily procession of rag and bone peddlers | dan be seen approaching our shores | at the rising of the sun, where they remain until the setting of the same, gathering their motley load of mer chandise. It is stated that it is thirty years since a horse crossed to Kings ton on ice in' December, which event occurred on the 31st of December. The road between the island and Kingston has been bushed out and is now in a fine condition for travel. The road has also becn bushed between Cape Vin cent and Point Alexander. Schools have all been re-opened with the exception of those which have been unable to secure 'the services of a pedagogue, and there are quite' a number of them. Miss Allen, Kingston, again assumes control in the village public school, with the able assist ance of Mrs. John Horne, who will teach the junior classes, Dr. Staley is spending holidays with his parents. Mise Jennie McCarthy and Mrs. James McCarthy leit for Rochester, N.Y., last work, the former to enter as a nurse in-training, the latter to enter as an assistant, Customs officer G an is instal: Jed at the point. We learn that Father Spratt's condition is steadily improv- ing. i -- The Shedden Company's Horses Were nearly tuckered out on Satur day drawing the big purchases for our red letter shoe sale. The result of our buyer's visit to Toronto last week. Don't miss the really 'good snaps at Sutherland's all this month. -- Take Life Easy. Spend the evening in a pair of our swell + slippers. Every pair at cost price for the next few days. At her- THE SERVANTS OF ORANGE N.J., HAVE FORMED A UNION. ------ Lowest Wages $25 a Month, Eight Hours a Day, Half a Day Off Thursday And All Sunday Among Demands. New York, Jan. 11.--=The Herald says there is dismay among the housekeepers, of Orange, N.J., who have learned that a servant girl union is forming as an offset to the women's club. _ Some assert that the women's club is. responsible, but the majority blame Mrs. Margaret Walsh, a labor organizer, who has been working quietly and effectively among the do- mestics of Orange. Orange has been agitated by the servant problem for several months. Faauties have broken up housekeeping, fled from homes io the suburbs to flats in New York, be- cause the demands of servants reach ed the extreme point. It was only natural that at a: re cent meeting of the woman's olub, called by its president, Mrs, Henry P. Bailey, the exile of so many should cause the subject of the servant girl to be brought up for a = discussion. Things were said that hore the im- press of having been long nursed in the speaker's inner heart. How it got abroad no oné knows, but soon the housemaids were arming in defence, Miss Maragaret Walsh ap- peared. The servant girls flocked to her standard and hailed her as their champion. More than 100 girls have enrolled in the union,\it is said, but membership in the organization and its meeting places are secret. Among the demands formulated are these: Smallest wages to be $26 per month. Eight hours a day's work. Half a day off Thursday and all day Sunday, = The use of the parlor three nights a week. The use of the piano for practice be- tween 10 and 11 am, Family breakfast to be served at ten o'clock, luncheon at two o'clock and dinner when it is ready. No non-union food to be handled, no remnants of meats to be saved. One servant lady to be employed for évery three members of the house hoid. The woman not to receive wore than four callers in one afternoon, or, if she does, she must answer the door bell herself, CALGARY BOOMING. Cold Does Not Deter The Builders ~A Festive Season, Calgary, Alta., Jan. 4.--(To the Editor) : The Christmas season which has just passed, though many in this country spent it amo strangers, seemed to be remarkably pleasant. Dame Nature certainly did her share in providing most beautiful weather, and, taken altogether, everyone whom I have seen seems to have spent a very enjoyable holiday season. In this city the Methodist church gavé a very successful "At Home" on New Year's day to all strangers, which was great- ly enjoyed and appreciated. In the evening a mock parliament and di vorce case held in the old church, amused a large audionce. The Pres byterian church also held an "At Home" in the Oddfellows' hall on New Year's evening. It was largely attend ed and proved a very successful means of getting strangers acquainted. It was reported a few days ago that Cashel was found near the city, but so far he is #ti] at large, and by all appearances likely to remain so. It is to be hoped, however, that the ef- forts to recapture the murderer may be successful. -Only a week or so age a poor. old' Swede, who had worked hard all summer, had all his year's savings stolen from him right here in Calgary. Some one else, so it is said, lost a valuable grip in the same way. It seems that the escape of one erim- inal from justice has a" matked ' in: fluence, In spite of a little frosty weather and an inch or so of snow, the build ers here do not seem to cease their work. It ia wonderful how many build ings have been erected during the last fow months, and #till the end is not yet. Everyone. predicts that by this time next year the population of Cal- gary will be at least 10,000, and cer: tainly with the rapid strides she has made in the last six months, I don't see why it shouldn't be ro. A great many people from the city and also from all along the C, & EK. railway have taken advantage of the excursion rates, to visit their friends in Ontario, and a great many more who haven't gone, would like to. I wish the Whig and all its readers a very Happy New Year.--Yours truly, ) mm -------- ¢ Bound To Go. Washington Star, Mon come and men go, and they sing and they weep, And the world travels on just the same. They revel and dance or they loiter and I world travels on just the same, For there always are hearts that are honest and true, Who do with a will what they're fitted to do And it's thanks to this Joyal and per manent few That the world same. travels on just the Perhaps 'twould go faster, if all lent a afd-- But the world travels on just the same, And it does very well with the force at command, For the world travels on just the same, Put you 'may 8s, well strive with the best of your skill. If yon dom't do your duty, why, some body will, And claim the reward, while your record is mill For the world travels on Just the sama Twe Big Shoe Stocks. Our buver was in Toronto all last week looking up 'special snaps for our annual red letter sale. He closed some heavy purchases with laree manufac- turers. and. the goods arrived to-dav. We are conseonently offering two Lig shoe stocks at the best reductions ever attempted in Kingston. Sutherland's. ---------- New dates, figs and Malaga crapes at Ferguson's, King street, Twisted horehound candy for colds. on These Shoes are the most stylish and best fitting we have ever sold. Your choice of Pa- {ent Colt Vici Kid Velours and Bax Calf. he Remember, only $235 the pair. who is interested in fine shoesto call and see for herself. ren mn i ASK FOR LABAITS A The Purest and Most Agreeable Beverage ¥ ¥ 5 It will pay every the Market. EE? of Malt and Hops. JAS. McPARLAND, Agent. SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. le Very small and as ousy 10 tale a8 sugar. . WOO'S RWAY PINE SYRUP Cures COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS and all THROAT AN ABSOLUTE | MUSIC SALE Mandolins ++, . Hall Poe Banjos From $1.50 Up. Clarionets and Piooolos Finest assortment in the eity. (ome and get one I Th he stat Mc DOWALL'S Have You Seen lt? Tein We mean the HUMPIHRY ARC LIGHT outside our it's a brilliant light, CANNEL COAL 4 YOUR GRATE. : It lasts all night, Try i | P.YALSH. nn Wood = Coal The central Wood and Coal Yard is located at 236 Earl Street. All kinds of good hard wood, cut and ii kind! dur cover Prompt sy. rie right. None but pure Scranton Coul--no mixtures, ¢ B. BARNEY ¢ LUNG TROUBLES. Miss FI E. Mailman, New Germany, NS., writes: -- I had a cold which left me with a very bad cough. 1 was afraid 1 was going into consumption. I was advised to DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. I had little faith in it, but before I bad taken one bottle I began to feel better, and after the second I felt as well as ever. My cough has completely, disape PRICE as CENTS. ~ CHIMNEY ISLAND SOLD. Homer Briggs, of Youngstown, O., Buys It. The historic Chimney Island, two miles below Ogdensburg, has been pur. chased of Samuel 8. Rogers, Lisbon, by Henry Briggs, Youngstown, 0. formerly of Lisbon. The price paid, it is scid, was $2,000, It is not known what Mr. Briggs intends to do with the islend. Rinee going west Mr. Briggs has prospered and it may be that he intends to build a summer home on the island. Mr. Rogers hought the island a few vedrs ago, together with some boat house property along the Crescent for £1,200. The island was once offered to the state as a public park, but the state declined to purchase it. At vari- ous times there have been rumors of plans to purchase the island with wri vate funds and preserve it as a his torical spot. Nearly all the evidences of its occupation as a military strong hold a century ago have Nrappeare M All That Are Lett. All the slippers we have on hand will be sold at cost price. All kinds and sizes. At Abernethy's. Henry Cunningham. piano tuner, from Chickering's. Orders received at MeAnlov's hook store, Princess street Diphip - corsets worlh $1 for B6e. Kingston, Unt., and Hartiord, Conn., Us. G. by's livery. & pethy's. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. New York Dress Reform. BETTER THAN EVER SELEDRATED HOME- KINGSTON, 3 TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. Unequalied facilities for securing posts tioms. a Largest and best equipment ia Canada. 831 Queen street, Kingston. ta SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Confederation Life 4 The Brightast Thing tn Stove Polish 1s X-RAY Goes twice as far as paste or liquid polish~ No drying up-Lasts Jonger--~At * -- STRACHAN'S HARDWARE -- Nen't forget weather strip to keep on', the cold. I resi ------ shed 1890. Tol. 888 W. F. DEVER & CD. 159 Wellington | 5 ston RIE, MANAGER 1 JOHN H. MILLS The Leading ry "Auctioneer. ¥

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