Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jan 1904, p. 6

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store with "of the to York, Jan. received ecord. the weeks following the as a period of holiday. trade. Occupied The Town A1.~News freight hox car being hauled to Bros' malt house, left the y tracks at the foot of » in the Ontario street this afternoon, blockading traf: Siteltn, three potinds ut Carnovsk v's, wore dull sea- | 3. nks fo the influence of adver- e is mo longer a dull aa v enterprising. merchant hos / i; of | Robert Barker, of Brighton. his announcements i people who have 1 has just 1 first important hee Savane troops and onists in Uruguay, says a Jes- from Husbos Ayres. "he battle 0 Bot on Haruary 3rd. Mayocluis 8 a vy, of rebels near 'Trinidad,' detente thin and oo- x United States x in Suge ar, + countries, the buyer, second with market in Paul and Minneapolis at Fa barrel. 'The cargo was worth $128,000. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. - Hickory nuts, 5c. Carnovsky's. for children, Chest protectors for 'son's Red Cross Drug Store. Sir John A. Macdonald was born on January llth, 1815, in Gl , Wonder how Mayor Bell likes his first nate of presiding over a grit 2 Miss Patterson, went on this after- Gib- | nocn as teacher of the Central school "Phe RB otonta. Star publishes a pie re of last winter's Beechgrove Fron- Jt hockey teain. | Jf. 1). Nithmo assumed charze of " Mark's church, yesterday, officiat: nf 4 both services. LR wt fitting chamois vests, $1.50. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, It is a good proof when physicians recommend Gibson's Red Cross Cough Cure. This morning Con Millan pur- chased the Iroqucis hotel. He will take, immediate charge. "Classes at the Royal Militarv Col- loge resumed to-day. The cadets re ported for duty at 6 a.m. : 0. F. Telgmann is forming a har monic orchestra. The first rehearsal will take glice next week. Frosh herrings at Carnovsky's, Aldermen King died hard at this morning's session of the city council, His death struggles were pitiful. hols Aw ge Syracuse, N.Y., at ing 1 re during the urned ter viel home . to- past two weeks, ret day. oe: A. Givens says his name was not brought before the council as auditor with his consent, He was not an ap- plicant. for the. office. { Aldermen Carson made the first move towards reform at this morn- ing's session of council, in regard to the collection of taxes. Ex:Aldermen Reeves said this morn- ing that had he sat at the council hoard this morning he would have voted with the reform majority. "James T. Sutherland left for Nava- nee this afternoon to referve a hockey match botween Napanee and Deseron- to. To-mortow night at Belleville he will arbitrate between Belleville and Peterboro. The death occurred on Sunday of L. Auston, druggist, Brighton, a voung martied men of finest promise. He was son of John Auston, formerly of Cobourg, and grandson of the late Danger Of Being Alive. iDhiak water and get tyohoid fever. Dink milk and get tuberculosis. Drink whiskey and get the jim jams. Eat soup and get Bright's disease. Fat meat and encourage apoplexy. Fat oysters and acquire {oxaemia. Fat vegetables and weaken the system. Eat dessert and take to paresis. Smoke cigarettes and die early. Smoke cigars and get catarrh. Drink coffee and obtain nervous prostra- tion. Drink wine and get the gout. In order to be entirely healthy one must eat nothing, drink nothing, smoke nothing, and even before breathing make sure that the air has been properly sterilized. The appoibtments of C. E. Whelih- an, registrar for South Perth, and FE. Cruickshank. police macistrate for a | Niagara Falls and Fort Erie, are ga- zetted. » THIS IS WHERE YOU SAVE MONEY Big cut in prices and big induce- ments to do business here. 30% OFF Everything in Ready-to-Wear De- nent : Men's Overcoats and Suits, ' Overcoats and Suits, Boys' Recf- Odd Vests and Trousers, Fancy ests and Hunting Coats. This sale only last until JAN. 31st, 1904. nces like this to save dollars oat come every day, so make the best of it The discount is for cash only. : VINGSTON & BRO.,, Pasied Of Very Quietly--The of The Com- .Chairmanship mittees in Good Hands--Very Little Friction Occurred. At eleven o'clock this morning the jon of the new city council took place in the historic city council chamber. There was a swall attend 'ance of the electors to note the pro- ceedings, which were of a quiet na- The city clerk read out the names of those returned at the recent elec | tions, after which J. M. Farrell, police mag or J and the oath of office to Mayor Bell, fol lowing this by investing him with the chain of olice. Mayor Bell then aking 2,678. | 'swore. in' the aldermen in groups of three. The clerk then called rhe roll, all answering "present." or Bell delivered his inaugural address, which will be found in an- other column. The delivery of the ad- dress was recsived with applause. On motion cf Aldermen Behan and Me- Leod, the mayor's address was referred to the different committees affected by its clauses. All. McLeod wanted the address referred to the vext meeting of council for general debate, but, Ald. Behan pointed out that the plan - ted by Ald. McLeod had been tried last year and had not worked out satisfactorily. Ald. Behan's mo- tion carried. Ald. Behan' and Kent 'moved that the following committee be a commit tee to strike standing commitiees : Alds. Behan, Kent, Mowat, McLeod and King, The mayor declared the motion carried after which Ald. Mec arose with an amendment, se conded by Ald. King, that Alds. McFarlane, Meek, King, Behan and McLeod be a committee to strike standing committees. The ministerial- ists agreed to take another vote, 'which resulted in the amendment being lost and the original motion carried. The mmyor declared a recess of ten minutes in which to allow the striking, committee time to perform its work. When the time limit had expired, the wtriting committee returned, and Ald. Behan presented this draft of the standing committees : Finance--Mayor Pell, Alds. Pehan, Kent, McLeod, Meck, Mowat, Toye. Board of works--Alds. Knapp, Bas- sam, Behan, Carson, Couper, Sears, Strainge. Water works--Alds. Meek, Angrove, Alatt, Mowat, McFarlane, Sands, oye. Fire and light--Alds. Toye, Abbott, Carson, McCammon, McLeod, Mowat, Sands. ~ City property -- Alds. McFarlane, Hoag; king, Mallen, Sands, Sears, Strainge. Parks--Alds. Bassam, Carson, Cou- per, Kent, Knapp, MeCarpmon, Rig- ney. Printing--Alds. King, Abbott, An- grove, Mallen, Rigney. Jnciuatrios---Alds. Carson, Belian, Mec- Leod. House of Industry--The mayor, Alds. Hoag, Knapp, M¢Cammon. T rt was signed by Alds. Pehan, Mowat and Kent. In cach case, the first named of each committee is the chairman. Ald. King considered that he fared fairly well, but he arraigned the ministerialists for inconsistency, re ferring to thé fact that last year the minority had presented a slate, which was not expected to pass council, but was supposed to be the best that could possibly be arranged. He thought his conservative allies had not been treated fairly by the reform majority this year. Ald. McLeod took a similar view of the situation; the minority of the committee had not been able to grasp the slate as presented to them. He unfairness in striking committees, and mentioned the fact that last year the to Ald. Craig, It would be only fair that one party should treat the other as théy would expect to be treated. The conservatives, he thought, should have been given either waterworks or fire and light. Ald. Meek took the ground that the water works department was so con- structed that it should not be tossed around from one committee to anoth- er, as it took some time to master its dftails. When asked if he would take the chairmanship of the water- works on the understanding that all the committee, who served last year, who were in this year's council, were as- sociated with him, If ex-Aldermen Reeves and Tait were in the council he would have insisted upon them be- ing made members of the committee this vear. Ald. King admitted that the water works committee could not have se- cured a better chairman; he felt as- sured that the department would be judiciously managed. Ald. Behan was glad the opposition had such little objection to offer to the committees. The primary object had been to be fair to all parties. He referred to tha fact that nearly all the committees were: constituted of old members of the council. Referring more pointedly to the fire and light committee, the speaker referred to the fact that no chairman in the past has given more general satisfaction or had done more for the department than Ald. Toye. The speaker also eu logised the ability of Ald. McFar- lane to handle the city property com- mittee. The objret of the striking committee, he said, was to select the best men to fill the chairmanships with a view to seeking the city's best interests. The results, he held, would he the best obtainable for the city. He asked the hearty co-operation 'of the council in working economically consistent with geod government. The report was therevnon put be- fore _the council and carsied. Communications Considered. L. W. Shannon, city clerk, cortifyiag to the vote of the electors on the by- Jay to elect aldermen hy a vote of She "whole of the muncipal electors. -- W. H. Miller, applying for position of city anditor.~Held over for action. John Macddnald. secretary hoard education, notifying: council "that re- also arraigned the ministerialists for | in connection with the conservatives had given water works legally of the street Y WH1G. MONDAY. J. og - ---- ™ ir bigh schoo] trutens are: 8. W. Rdward Beanett. --Fricd. W. Bdwards, county elerk, ask- ing payment of $100, awarded to the county of against. the city by the failway committee of the privy corned pes "Subway matter Fin ance committee. : I ML. Meclutyre, city solicior. agam ing atlention to the nccesity of i a by-law ' respecting (gress from public buildings. --Finane com- mittee. + . J. Taylor, manager Bank «of U'sitsh North America, askine that the bank premises be ro-painted.--City property committee. J. Ross Robertson, Toronto. asking | for a grant for the hospital for sick children at Toronto.~--Finance commit- tee. John McKay, askino for remission of taxes on account of vacency.--Fin- ance ittee. John Elmer, chief of fire department presenting antiual report of his de partment. --Fire and light committee, . Appointments Made. Al. Mowat presented a by-law to appoint two auditors, W. H. Miller and D. F. Armstrong. Alds. King afid McFarlane presented the name of D. A. Givens as a sub- stitute for that of D. F. Armstrong. This was lost and the original names confirmed. : Ald. Kent presented a by-law to ap- point two members of the court of revision. Mayor Bell appointed J: S R. McCann and the council named James Laidlaw. --Adopted. Ald. Meek presented a bylaw to appoint=--+. D. Thompson and John Melntyre members of the local board of health. --Conlirmed. Ald. Knapp presénted a by-law to appoint two members of the board of governors of the school of mining, Alds. R. E. Kent and R. Meck.--Ad- opted. Ald. Abbott presented a by-law to appoint two trustees for high school gorges, Dr. S. W. Dyde and Dr. A. . Richardson. Alds. McLeod and McCammon mov- ed in amendment, that the name of Dr, Richardson be struck from the by- law, and that of Edward Bennett ap- pointed. The amendment was declar- od lost, and the original names con- firmed. Ald. Sands presented a bylaw to appoint W., H. Godwin an auditor to examine - gecounts between the city and the county of Frontenac. Adopt ¢ Some Resolutions Offered. Alds.. Carson and Couper moved {hat the tax collector be instructed to collect in all outstanding taxes hy February lst, and that the coilector be further instructed, after that dute, to proceed to collect all outstanding tares according to law. Ald. Carson, in support of the by- law, said he had noticed there were $44,000 in taxes outstanding. He considered it his duty, as a represen- tative of a commercial ward, to pre- cent" such a motion. The city could not afford to do a banking business and loan money, and the interest on the outstanding money would go a long way towards keeping the city streets in repair. Ald. Kent. spoke strongly in favor of the motion, and Ald. King pointed out that a by-law adopted last year covered the point raised by Ald. Car- con. AM. Meck presented a motion, which he asked Ald. Carson to accept, pro- viding that the qygstion of collection oi arrears of taxey' and taxes of the future, be referred to the finance ¢com- mittee to see what taken to have outstanding taxes col le-ted at once. Adopted. the auditors examine all accounts from time to time, and manent city offic ial pass on all ae- finance committee. Adopted. case, the solicitor be asked to report upon one other point, viz., the right {0 extend its switch from the Y.M A. hall to the corner of Clergy street. Carried. The: council adjourned at o'clock on motion of Ald. Beban. ------ TO BE PEACE. Capitals. eign office, to-day stated that they be- lieved peace certainly would be secur committee, he had consented | 4 i the far east. They give no par- ticular reason for their belidf. The Offer To Japan. Paris, Jan. 11.-Diplomatic advi with Corea for concessions there. ---- Express Contempt. St. Petersburg, Jan. 11.--The gov- ernment denies the report that Rus- ships. The Russian Japanese fighting ability continues to \be nanifested. eam Had A Rough Passage. New York, Jan. 11.--The Cunard Liverpool and Queenstown, showing the effects of her rough encounter with the westerly gales and heavy seas. The forward bulkhead, under the bridge was stove in and had been stop- ped with canvas. The steamer had violent gales and heavy seas through- out the passage. The Minister's Remarks. Ottawa, Jan. 11.--Sir Frederick Borden addressed the Canadian Club to-day, telling of his experiences in England on his recent trip. He said any severance of the tie with the home authorities hy a Cenadian commandimr officer being apvointed is more than compensated for by the ap- pointment of the minister of militia to the defence commission. I, C. Willing, proprietor of a de- partmental store in Waterloo, Iowa, confessed that he was about to burn hit stock of goods to collect the 85,- 000 insurance, and told of two fires started by him a year ago, action can be Alds, Meek and Knapp moved that that a per- counts before they are sent on to the Alds. Meek and Abbott moved that street railway railway company ¢ 12:45 -- This is Belief Now At Various Berlin, Jan. 11.--Officials of the for: say that peace in the far east is as- sured, provided Japan will be content with Corea, and keep her hands off Manchuria. Japan is now negotiating confirmation of her sia is negotiating for foreign war- contempt for the steamer Umbria arrived to-day from GOT OUT OF JAIL PRISONER'S = REMARKABLE ESCAPE FROM PRISON. A Bed-Ridden Man Did Some Tall Work Ina Very Short Time-- Sentenced For Hotel Swindling. Springfield, Mass., Jan: 11.--William hI. Reid, alias L. 0. Hoffman, who is charged with swindling thirty two ho- tel: in various parts of the country out of $10,000, and who was sentenced to ten years'. imprisonment, broke jeil here on Sunday under remarkable circumstances. In his escape he unlocked nine doors and sawed through three chains, visit- ed six Cifferent rooms of the county jail, passed in front of watchers, and tnally climbed an eighteenfoot wall. Ttis was accomplished early Sunday, but he wus not missed until = seven o'clock. He had been practically bed- ridden for thice months, and was sup rosed to be too weak to move with- out a crutch. In order to get through the many dcors he must have used first-class hacksaws and keys that perfectly fitted the locks, vet there 'is not the slightest clue to the manner in which ke obtaived these articles. While he was working his wav out he broke into various rooms and shops to obtain a suit of clothes, some tools and a ladder to scale the prison walls. He was seen immediately outside the jai', 'but not afterwards. Reid was arrested in San Francisco under sensational circumstances in June, 1902, and after a legal battle was brought to Springfield, where he was sentenced for hotel swindling. ---- . CHIEF ELMER'S REPORT. Property Loss Was Not Heavy-- Two Recommendations. At this morning's session of the city council John Elmer, chief of the fire department, . presented his arnual re port, showing that during 1903 there were ninety-eight calls. Insurance tar- ried on buildings £37 affected was 750, with a total loss of $65,230. There are sixtecn men oh the brigade, twelve permanent, three call men and one ex- tra man. There are seven active horses. Thére are a few repaics and changes © sary _in some of the equipment. "It would be a saving," the chief reported, "if each committee furnished hose for its own depart went." The report alio contained this dause: "1 would like to call your attention to the advisability of tak ing into your consideration the ne- cessity of properly equipping our city buildings, schools, a and other pubiiz buildings with up-to-date fire protecticn. With a small expenditure, the slizht improvements necessary could be made, which would mean the savinz cf thousands of dollars." -------------- SHOT BROKE ICE. Artillery Fire From Point Is Very Careless. Hl. Grimshaw, of Wolfe Island, call- ed at the Whig office this afternoon to complain of the danger to people driving across the harbor, from the target practice of the field artillery, who to-day were engaged firing from Point Frederick. One af the shots struck within a short distance of the travelled road, broke a hole six feet square in the ice, and "held up" eight sleighs for a time, the horses eing frightened. The shot struck just forty feet. from Mr. Grimshaw's sleigh, and he offered to drive any one out and show him the spot. he hole is probably between a half and three-quarters of a mile in a straight line out from Macdonald Park, and dangerous for anyone to drive in that direction. 'Mr. Grimshaw claimed that those directing the firing whould be more careful, else.there might be a fatality. ------ STAGE COSTUME INDECENT. ---- Wear It--Sued For Damages. Paris, Jan, 1l.--Mlle Cartigr, young and beautiful, has been summoned by the management of the Theatre Ma thurin before court. The management claims $1,000 damages because she refused to sing a certain role. In her defense Mile, Cartier testified that she did not refuse the role, but refused to wear the costume furnished it, being too much abbreviated for decency. The judges put their heads together, smiled, winked and then directed the actress to appear again in court with the costume on so that the judges could determine whether it is within the bounds of decency or. not. 'The court room certainly will be crowded. Refused To More Like Him. Bobcaygeon Independent. This great journal is frequently in- vited by all manner of clubs and as- sociations to furnish copies to. their reading rooms, free of charge. This g. j. wishes success to all these associa- tions, but when it comes to contribut- ing to them, it really must be excus- ed. 'As announced on the fourth page of this issue this g. J. is not conduct- ed on philanthropic principles, purely. The main object is to earn a living, strange as it may appear. It is a straight, business proposition. A copy of this g. J. once a woek, fifty-two weeks, one dollar, cash in advance. Out of those dollars this g. j. has to pay all office expenses, whack up rent and taxes, buy pants, butchers' meat, and fire-wood. Now, when thoso enter- prising associations ask this go. i. for a free paper, what is it thex expect it to go shy on. Is it fire-wood, meat or pants, because when this ¢. 1. 8 pub- lished free, it must necessarily get free "wood, free meat, free pants, or go without, and the chances are ten mil, lion to one that it would have to eo without. Really. now, doncherno| dear boys, your associations are most commendable, but when it comes to kilts at twenty below zero--No posi- tively and emphatically, No! ---- New Appointments: Ottawa, Jan 11.-- Canada Gazeite publishes the appointment of Andrew John Jeffrey. Stratford, to be deputy collector of inland revenue of Strat- thur. to be assistant inspector of weights and measures in the inland revenue division of Winnipeg. ford; and of W. F. Gilby, Port Ar | {ye same | the kinds. "Coffee (In 1 Ib. and 2 Ib. cans). The King of Good Coffees Chase & Sanborn Our January Sale of WHITE UNDERWEAR Is fairly started and promises to be the greatest success of any, and will interest WHITE every woman who . requires UNDERWEAR. THE POWER THAT RUNS THIS WHITE SALE has a dozen different names. It is called "'erergy," "loresight," "experjence,"" 'knowledge' and "service," but they all mean the same thing. We commenced six months ago to prepare for {he event now about to take place, otherwise 'we should never have been able to give you White Underclothing so good for the money. Nightgowns 63 different makes. Drawers Corset Covers White Skirts Chemises. Our stock of the above garments is fully twice as large as that of any previous year and should be seen now when assortments are complete ANEW DEPARTMENT Children's and Infants' Whitewear Has been added to our Ladies' Whitewear Department and you will find a most complete as- sortment cf CHILDREN'S SKIRTS, DRAWERS AND NIGHTGOWNS, INFANTS' LONG DRESSES AND SKIRTS. ..JOHN LAIDLAW & SON... SOME OF THE BARGAINS AT THE _ LOCKETT SHOE STORE [lid = Winter Sale We fully realize that to make people buy their shces months ahead the saving must be very apparent and the goods must be' just what they are likely to need, ' This List for Ladies 29 pairs Empress make, Oxford Shoes, 8 different Kinds of Empress $3.50 $2.50; now §2 Boots; = now ; $2.75. E airs Bell's Oxford Shoes, $2.50 3 different kinds of Dorothy Dodd n now at $2 and $1.60. Boots, broken in sizes, $3.75; now $3. 27 pairs Kid Evening Slippers, with All our whole stock Impress Boots re- { handsome bows, $1.50; now $1 | All our whole stock of Oxford Shoes | reduced, some 30 per cent.. and the rest { 20 per cent All Fine Slippers reduced uced. All Bell's and other makes reduced 30 per cent., 2% per cent, 20 per cent., or 10 ver cent., accordifig to quality. Our 'store is one great Bargain House for a shart time. We will tell of some really good bar gains in Men's to-morrow. All Feit Goods down, 80 per cent., 25 per cent... and 20 per cent. according to} yi 71ST YEAR. ] JANUARY 8 FURNITUI Big Reductions in a Expensive Furr C - Solid Brass Beds; reg B50, for $35. Mahogany Dressers a stand; regular price $75 Mahogany Dressers a stand, regular price, $3! Side eboard, $65; for §! All other goods in pr | ROBT. J. R Leading Funeral Dir 2 Doors Above the Opers Hou Ambnlguce Telephone 577. ood Burning We have them from § Also An Artistically Fran Our Frames are MADE oC) STON and are guaran KIRKPATRIGK With Frozen Water Pipes time and patience trying t out, but ring up 335 and promptly attended to at DAVID HALL'S, 66 ANNUAL ME Of the Township of Kingst a Agric Will: be held in thé Tow raqui, 7 WEDNESDAY, "JAN."1 At one o'clock, p.m.' A. Wo EDWA MANTLE OL In Marbelized Wood & We are very confid prices will please; , t are the best to be put. 'op your mantle. guarahteed. A] Bronze Ornament for af ' same, would ad "effet: 'We have, the prices. SMITH BI Jewellers and Opticians, -- ee tes mi THE ANNUAL MEET] Shareholders of the King broke - Railway Compan; tion of Directors dnd the business' 'generally will be NESUAY3 the tenth da) next, .at the head office ol Kingston, at twelve o'clo The Stock transfer bod New York 'on Saturday, 1904, at one o'clock, p.x will -be reopened on Thurs ruary. JOHN. WHI Secretary a Kingston, January 11tl 70 GONTRAC SEPARATE AL OR BUI will be received by the Ri Marmora, Ont., up to SA 16th, for the, different 1 quired in the erection of pUTiding "4t Murniora," fr pared by H. P. Smith, A Plans and specifications the Presbytery, Marmc tender necessarily accepte epee NORTH AMERICAN TEI LIMITED. THE ANNUAL GENE] of the Sharcholders of th can Telegraph Co., Limit at 1760. Notre Dame St THURSDAY, the 18th d 1904, at 12:30 p.m. 3 Ww. B Kingston, January 12 WANTED DWELLING, FOR MA 7 rooms, from $12 month. 'Address 51 ------------------ TWO' GENTLEMEN | fortable rooms in m central locality Ap 180 Johnston Street i eee WE WANT A FEW PE( locality to work for time. Pleasant work Imperial. Company, 1 eee A GOOD PLAIN COOK perienced Bouse I references Apply te King strect, after 7 evening. ee et AGENTS AVERAGE 1 the year round sel Always in use. H ties, not fads or Iw reason. Write London, Ont. i an ei EARN A BETTER SAL Rion. Study Electr #4 peering. Telegra® Wa ghondence Th "ral. "Thomas A. Fd te Book. '*€ stit We Flectrical Fneineer Rlectrical Engine 'York. =~

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