Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jan 1904, p. 3

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ES AGAIN. and You'll 1s Face. It. ore than all a» man a for- earance and ranky" and is dyspepsia. friends and ble. He is so isery that he one else. Re- nd depressing 168 8 good men. \blets are be- effective and red to the disease. The of cures they the enormous lly attest the natural re- tly the same ric juices and the stomach y do the di- mach and en- and recuperate ell. They act ner and cause estive organs. tation of the stomach. In ce the subject tomach and 3 presents a former dejec- uart's Dyspep- ually end they their popular- ra letters of eful ones who terrible dis- s one of hun- ymore, Neb., 1 have been Last fall I ned at some le and . came ympathetic re- diseases, or 1 trouble was listurbances. I epsia Tablets | adollar and which lasted can eat anv have a good, ugh 1 am sev- now feel per- being request- this statement the virtues of ets.' blets are for 50c. a box. OWN P ar people @ md old. § soft, clear as Good. oss § 'fra. MONTREAL. CET TNTS ackenzie 'the ch Piano no Co., Limited, 'oronto, Canada h to express my your Mason & one is in every he sonorous bass I was struck by ur which can be rs of my calibre ve considered pi- se of the term Id my testimony Rich in tone, firm mechanism , fine pianoforte ese. Allow me id the Dominion luction of such fully yours, MACKENZIE in SITY, with airranted to , $1. H, a larger re ink, $2. OUNTAIN BET, yok Store. ear Right yur Groceries, ROCERY [ERING, PHONE 530. * TRAINS WILL LEAVE CITY DEPOT, fu pm ee ---- TRAVELLING. CT RI TINA Branch Line Time Table In effect Oct 4th. FOOT OF JOHNSTON STREET, GOING EAST. GOING WEST. No, 5 Mail.....1.08 Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4 run daily. No. § daily, except Monday. Nos. 6, 7.11, 12, 15 and 16 daily, except Sunday. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. ---------------------------------- Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways, TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12:40 p.m. ress, for Ottawa, Mon- treal, Quabec John, N.B.; Halifax, Wosta |, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Ren- frew, Sault' Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, aad San Francisco. 5:30 p.m.--Local for Sharbot Lake, connecting with C.P.R. east and 'west. 8:10 a.m.--Mixed, for Renfrew aad in- termediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:40 .m., arrive in Ottawa at 5:00 p.m. Peterhoro, 5:10 p.m.; Toronto, 7:30 p.m.; Boston, 7 80 a.m.; St. John, N.B., 11:35 a.m. Tull particulars at K. & P. and C.P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. A. FOLGER, JR., Supt. ®. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all lo- cal points. Train leaves City Hall De oot at 4 p.m.' F. CONWAY, Agent, 3. Q. Ry., Kingston. .. BERMUDA .. THG NOW FAR FAMED BERMUDAS, with cable communication and equable winter temperature of 65 degrees, beau- dful scenery and 100 miles. of good roads, headquarters of the British North American Squadron, is unrivalled in its attractiveness, reached by the first-class won steamers TRINIDAD or PRETORIA im. forty-eight hours from New York Sailing every THURSDAY. The tropical islands, including SANTA QRUZi, ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE, ST. f.UCIA, BARBARDOES AND DEMER- RA, also afford beautiful and interest- tours, all reached by steamship" of #he Quebec Steamship Company. sailing #om New' York about every 10 days For descriptive pamphlets and dates of ailing apply to A. EMILIUS OUTER- RIDGE & CO., Agents, 89 Broadway, ew York; P. HANLEY or . GILDERSL VE, Kingston, Ont. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. an Bi tse ee ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry. > ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS Wrem St. John. From Halifax. Jemian, Jan. 16th, @ mw ® Jan. 18th. Hieilian, Jan, 20 ve .. Jan. 25th Parisian, Ja . Feb, 1st. REDUC = F 1st Cabin, $50 and upwards, according to steamer 2nd Cabin, Liverpool and London- derry, $37.50 and $40; London, $2.50 axtra 8rd Class, $25 and $26, Liverpool Derry, Belfast Glasgow London Phrough tickets to 'South Africa MW YORK TO GLASGOW an, Thursday, Jan. 21st, 12 noon Cabin, $45 and upwards 2nd Cab- im, $35;. 3rd Class, $26 3 PF. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R., City Passen Depot. - J.P. GILDER HLFERVE, Clarence street. Polite Attention Doesn't necessarily mean an oily siile and honeyed words Such outword sens of defer- ence often vanish . when the "gmooth" salesman has your or- der When we say we'll give your fuel orders our polite attention, we mean it in the true sense of the expression We'll give you courteous treat- ment from the instant you ap- proach us until the fuel is deliv ered And if auything about it isn't right, we'll thank you for inform~ ing us. We want to =crve vou not once, Hut many times. We want you to he fullv satisfied We've been in husiness 25 years and our first customer's are still ameng aur firmest friends Doesn't that bespeak 'polite at- tention" to their wants ? We are ready to give you the same, good service Coal and Wood at market prices R. CRAWFORD Foot of Queen Street. 'Phone 9. CUTICURA OINTMENT Purest of Emollients and Greatest of Skin Cures. The Most Wonderful Curative of All Tima For Torturing; Disflguring ~ Skin Humours And Purest and Sweetest of Toilet Emollients. Cuticura Ointment is beyond question the most successful curative for tortur- ing, disfiguringhumours of the skin and scalp, Including loss of halr, ever compounded, in proof of which a single anointing preceded by a hot bath with Cuticura Soap, and followed in the severer cases, by a dose of Cuti- cura Resolvent, is often sufficient to afford immediate relief in the most distressing forms of itching, burning and scaly humours, permit rest and sleep, and point toa speedy cure when sll other remedies fail. It is especially 80 in the treatment of infants and chil- dren, cleansing, soothing and healing the most distressing of infantile hu- mours, and preserving, purifylng and beautifying the skin, scald and hair. Catjcura Ointment possesses, at the same time, the charm of satisfying the simple wants of the toilet, in caring for the skin, scalp, hair, hands and feet, from infancy to age, far more effect- ually, agreeably and economically than the most expensive of tollet emollients. Its 'Instant relief for skin-tortured babies," or ** Sanative,antiseptic cleans. ing," -or * One-night treatment of the hands or feet," or ** Single treatment of the hair," or * Use after athletics," cycling, golf, tennis, riding, sparring, or any sport, each in connection with the use of Cuticura Soap, is sufficient evidence of this. u I s ouse + Paris, 5 Rue de Ia Paix: Australia, R. Towns & Co. § fay! Huston, IF Colu: [eal Corp . Role Proprietors Cor Send or The Cuticura Skin Book." Dr. Wood's Norway . Pine Syrup Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Pain or Tightness ia the Chest, Eto. It stops that tickling in the throat, is leasant to take and socthing and heal- ng to the lungs. Mr. E. Bishop Brand, the well-known Galt gardener, writes: -- I had a very severe attack of sore throat and tightness in the chest. Some times when I wanted to cough and could not I would almost choke to death. M wife got me a bottle of DR. WOOD' NORWAY PINE SYRUP, and to my eur- prise I found speédy relief. I would not be without it if it cost $1.00 a bot- tle, and I can recommend it to everyone bothered with a cough or cold. Price 25 Cents. SVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARAAAS CANNEL COAL ~--FOR-- YOUR GRATE. It lasts all night, Try it -P. WALSH - 55-57 Barrack Street. 0000000000000 Buy a Ton of Swift's Scranton Coal Count the days while it lasts, then compare ! P0000 000090O $ nis SWIFT & .$ 0600600000860 260620500 Telephons 1. Sooo 000000009 Wood = Coal EE i e---------------------------------- J. WYATT TRENDELL, MUSIC TEACHER The central Wood and Coal yard is located at 236 Earl Street. All kinds of good hard wood, cut and split to suit, dry kindling, always under cover. Prompt delivery. Prices right. None but the pure Scranton Coal--no mixtures. 'SINCING, PIANO, VIOLIN 60 Wellington Streef ~ = | ingsion | Nie. CHE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY is. : : : A GREAT EVENT. SHE CONFESSED THAT SHE WAS GUILTY OF MURDER, The Inauguration Of Gov. Warfield In Deleware. Mrs. Nancy Brown, on Death Bed, Admitted She Killed Dr. Jacob Keeley, at Rock Bridge, Ill, in 1885. Medora, Iil., Jan. 13.--A death bed confession has finally cleared the mys- tery surrounding the murder of Dr. Jacob Keeley at Rock Bridge, - this county, on September. 11th, 1585. Mrs, Nancy Brown, a sister-in-law of the murdered physician, died recently at Waco, Texas. Just before she expired Mrs. Brown confessed the murder and related the details. The news of the confession has caused a sensation here, Dr. Keeley was a prominent druggist at Rock Bridge.in 1885. When me night he failed to reach howe at th usual hour his wife instituted a search, and Keeley was found dead on the floor of his office in the drug st. with two bullet holes in his head. He i had been shot through a window. Ba GOVERNOR EDWIN WARFIELD Annapolis, Md, Jan. 13.--Edwin ! d | Warfield (democrat) was sworn in as treatment accorded her sister is | governor of Maryluad at noon, to- claimed to have been the motive of | gay, succeeding Jobn Walter Smith. the crime. The oecasion was one of enthusiam At the time of the murder Mr: | for the thousands of democrats who Nangy Srown, then Miss Nancy Clar came from all parts of the state to was visiting in Rock Bir idge. It was participate in the ceremonies. The re ten asserted that if Miss Clark did not | ti.ing governor and his successor were the crime she knew who: did, and this t | 5th Regiment V an Corps, of Ba'ti ion against her | more, and the cadets of St. John's d. College. The addresses were delivered years following | from the front portico of the capitol. Clark married a {In his inaugural address ! Governor 1d re-aflirmed the anteelection ¢ of his party and connselled economy in the appropriation of funds for educational and other institutions Following the prominent soci prevented the being publicly as Leaving here a few the crime, Nancy man named Brown, in St. Louis, and they went to Waco to reside, taking Mrs. Keeley with them, and she | since resided in the Brown housel unaware of the fact that her | requi was the murderess of her husband un- | addre there was an adjournment til the, death-hed confession. | to the senate chamber, where the er | oath of office was administered to the CAN POSITION BE PURCHASED. |new executive: by Chief Judge Me Sherry, of the court of appeals. ng state aid Senator Hearst Becomes a Serious Problem. FASHION'S FORM. Washington, Jan. 13.--Is it possible for a rich and ambitious man to | | The Home { his way into the presidency of th | | | 1 | | | | 1 | | | | A Pretty Frock For Wear. United States. This is a question which many democrats are now discussing To-morrow the democratic national committee is to meet in this city to fix the time and place of holding the national convention. A number of members of the committee and other prominent democrats have already ar- rived. To the surprise of some of them and to the disgust of others they find their party menaced with a scandal--the -andal of a deliberate, brazen, persistent and pos sibly successful effort to buy the d mocratic presidential nomination and tlie presidency itself. William Randolph H st iz the man who is trying to do this. He has been at it a long time and he has made more headway than most people sup- pose he has. serious -------- An Asthmatic's Story Told. Sleepless nizhts, suffocating sensa- tions, dificult 'to even breathe. "I can scarcely describe ll 1 suffered from asthma," writes Mrs. E. P. Ca vanaugh, of Colborne. "Spasms of g would come on that made ak. Nothing did me anv good | sign. I used the fragrant, healing Ca- | lightweight material, Pretty silk anc I am delighted to recom: | wool crepes ore being sold now for : »dy which cured me of | dollar a yard. Etamine can be bough a after scores of good a ' given me up. Ca- ate frock is made like the above de tarrhozone mend this rc shronic asth physicians 1 starrhozone is better for asthma, gives quicker relief than any ren edy I know perfect one." Try a vard, so house frocks can be gotter up very inexpens ively. This frock is pretty made in a pale ble Box plait. down the front width and down the middle of the back. Manchester, Jan. 13.--Prime Minister Balfour who 'is visiting this city has received a deputation of cotton spin' ners, who are sceking to abolish spe- culation in cotton futures. They asked Mr. Balfour to enquire whether an official compilation of statistics re rarding probable cotton crops could be organized and promised to consid- or the deputation's proposals that an Lake Ontario Falling. Toronto, Jan. 13. Institute on Saturday evening Kiva Tully. C.E., read a paper on "'Fluctu ations of Lake based his remar} cords and personal observations cov upon official re Our trunks of tea are the purest tea There had, he pointed out, been a gra grown, 4 lbs. for §1.20. Crawfor em. fall, amounting from 1868 to 1593 tc 2 602 inches, and from 1893 to 19008 to 1,583 inche Toronto harbor re cords during the Ladies--Special bargains in corsets. Have a look at car stock.- New York Dress Reform. A 3 Miss Victoria McManus, daughter of | lowering of Frank McManus, Maitland, fell en Sun Ontario of 12.61 day, fracturing her left leg above the knee. 2 discrepancy em ------------------------------------ duction in r BE Croup. \ The peculiar cc ugh which indicate eronp, is usually demand nches. This not explained by a re d snow fall n WHEN YOU'RE RUN DOWN Just build Jp Joui system with tho great th American Nervine, the health builder, blood maker and nerve food, that is quick- est and most thorough in its action. WII put every organ in the body in wood working order Specdiy and permanently, { rough ving them a new nervous energy, and fills the avatem with health, ior and rich, red blood. . W. Dinwoodlie, of Campbellford, Ont. states: "For years [ was troubled with nervousness and impaired liver aad kidneys. 1was Froud by several octors : tried eyery fal should be lost in the treatment of it and for this pr feceived more 1 Chamberlain's ( sale by all d ersal approval thar ugh Remedy. Fo sis. ea British Elections Near. 13.--Prime Ministe ech at ext general election ir London, Jan. Balfour, in referred to th a manner ths hearers as indi tion of par marks have terest in polit cal cirelegs and are th subject of much . disenesion in the \ting that the dissolu nt is mear. His re skened epnsiderable in I took but a very few dosca and the nervous depression left my entire sys- tem. 3 will never be without it. grown, 4 lbs. for 81.20. Crawford's J Representati of the congregatio of Cardinal and Mainsville called wy on their pastor, Rev, George MacAr thur, and in the | gation, presents I him with an addres and a very hai some fur coat. Lever's Y-7 (Wise Head) Disinfectan Sean Powder | It disinfect and cleans at Kendric died Sunday at her hom aged seventy-fiv allow the sufferer from ind to eat heartily and heavily any- thin, he, Jkes while suring him, Mrs. for the Pineapple actually digest Kendrick « the stomach rest endrick, ¢ the food, letting Ca naci i nadowhe, Sold by W. H. Meflley and G. W. Ma- enly at Gib ¢ B. BARNEY bood, store, commit 1 0 escorted to the state cavitol by a hut _ there was no tangible evidence | military parade, composed of the against her. The young woman wus a | militia compan of Annapolis, the A useful, pretty gnd not too clabor- It should be made of a rather as low as sixty and seventy-five cents At the Canadian Ontario" Mr. Tully | 1¥m international conference on cottoR | ering a space -of fifty vears, anc gambling was summoned. dealt' with the physical conditions which' determine and cause fluctua Important Thing To Remember. tions in levels of all great lakes dual diminution in the rain and snow same period show a he water level of Lake close scrutiny and inauiry, a the well known to the mothers of cronpy children. No time we no medicine has Manchester, yas interpreted by his jcine. Last fall Ted aa bottle of clubs. e---- SOUTH AMERICAN Important Thing To Remember. NERVINE. Our trunks of tea are the purest tea name of the congre a boon to any home. eame time. | quality therefore is uniform, its do relict of the late J und whi you enjoy fod tee 5 cents. 9 vears. Deceased leaves four sons and | gists, price 50c. per box, or six boxes one daughter, for $2.50. Insist on having only Fer- Oleo caine, the great dog remedy | rozone Refuee all substitutes, Rv on's Red Cross drug | mail from N. C. Polson, Kingston, OUR NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRSEPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They are Doing." Westport Wafts. Westport, Jan. 11.--Westport races will be held on January 12th, 13th and 14th. Very large crowds were ex- pected each day. The electric lights are on once more. The people appreci- ate the need of them for the past two weeks: St. Edward's school has re- opened with a full attendance. Miss Riordan,. Wellington, is the assistant teacher. As yet no principal has been procured for the public school. Mike Toppings, Deseronto, is spending a few weeks in town. Miss Minnie Me- Guire, Merrickville, is the guest of Mrs. J. McCarthy. Mrs. Hammer, of Toledo spent Sunday in town. She loft her daughter, Anna, in the con- vent here to be educated by the sis tors. Casper Speagle made a business trip to Marmora last week. Centreville Personals. Centreville, Jan. 12.--The people are complaining of scarcity of water for their stock. A number of wells are dry in this vicinity, School began on the ith with an average attendance. Miss Laura Lochhead has returned to Not mal College, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Edward James attended the funeral of Mr. Martin'James, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Kenney, Kingston, return od home after spending part of last week with friends in this vicinity. William Whalen passed peacefully way last Friday evening after along iliness, Miss Gertie Perry has 'return ed to her home at Myer's Cave. Miss I.. Ingoldsby has resumed her duties in the N.H.8. Visitors: G. Thompson and W. Thompson, Napance; Miss L. Dewey, KEapanee; A. Vanderwater, of Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. "J. Cassidy, Stoco:. J. Barrett at William Cassi dy's. Teachers At Work. Caintown, Jan. 11.--Miss Minnie Franklin, is this week visiting friends in Lansdowne. H. W. Powell returned honte last week after visiting friends in Toronto and the west. Mrs. Rose well, Edmonton, NNW.T., is this week the guest, of her sister, Mrs. H. Ww. Powell. The Misses Eva and Annie Earl Lyndhurst, spent a few days last week visiting their friend, Miss Norah Kincaid. Miss Alice Tennant has be gun her duties as school teacher for the year, 1904, Harley Ferguson and Chris. Connolly have returmed to Ath- ens High school. Blake Hogeboom has returned home after a visit with some friends in Guelph. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Tennant pleasantly entertained a number of young people at their home last 'Tuesday evening. All epent an enjovable time. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Read were calling on friends in Lans- downe last week, Miss Estella Hyde, Brockville, has been engaged to teach the school'at Ballvcanoe for 1904. Miss Flva Boyd, Oak Leaf, was the guest of the Misses Kincaid during the Christmas holidays. Miss Emma Kin- - | eaid has gone to Glen Buell gs public school teacher for this year. 1 ------------ \ | Your Choice For $15 Only. Worth : $18 To $20. Prevost at the New York clothing store, Brock street, will make to or der a suit or overcoat for $15, guar antead first class fit end good trim 1 of. My cure is a bis ' Aes : : A : isenit color. The tucking in the waist i Catarrhozone, it never fails to cure | ig very ec wiving the fect of three mings, large assortment to choose thma. Complete outfit, 81; trial { jorge box plait "The little square trom for suiting snd overcoating. size, voke and cuffs are made of a cream . 5 : ! all-over lace. F v buttons are sew Married On Monday. ol Balfour May Act, | he cake. The aliet. hos @ dou | Charles W. Nullock. a well known re' sident of Lyn, was married on Mon- day evening to Miss Bertha KE, Neil son. Wilton," Lennox county. The cere. mony was performed at the bride's home by. Rev. Mr. Milligan. After a short honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs wullock will take up their residence in \ 9 ---- Soe our all eteel filled corset, at 503, | | worth The New York Dress Reform France will not fight for her "ally, Russia, while the present British gos t is in offic OE eeme---- Human Body Has Its Equinoxial Storms ) In Its March From The Cradle to The Grave, The Body Has Its Periods of Change Which Are Associated With Alarming Dis- turbances. ---- 5 I'here are two great periods in men's lives About forty-five every man realizes that some new condition has ' | arisen, and if this time is happily pass ed, about sixty the health barometer takes another dip and storms of neat import cloud the horizon of life These storms must ne met, and wise people will fortify the resisting power of the body by Ferrozone, which builds rf up bodily strength, renews the blood, strengthens the heart and vital organs 2» | Now tissues are formed by Ferrozone, which enables the body to resist di . | sease and prevent the organic changes w | go likely to supervene at this eritical - | time. o No matter what the age or sex of the , | individual, as a nerve builder, a brain strengthener and general body invig orator, Ferrozone is the best medicine, It pushes back the feeling and appear ance of old age, and puts the clasticity and vim of youth into systems that ordinary remadies fail to rebuild. This is not mere theory, but a claim that nie reinforced hy overwhelming ev » | ence of the honest merit of Ferro \ r zome Unlike oily emulsions, and alcholic «| bitters which are no longer prescrilad by intelligent physicians, Ferrozone t | contains the latest and best strongt! elements in tablet form. " ening «mall, just one tablet at meal time. e | You ean't fail to be greatly benefited | by Ferrozone, which is sold at drig- TO-LET. DWELLINGS, FROM MAY 1ST, ALSO stores, offices and storage. McCann's ' Real Estate office, 51 Broek street.' - ee pet COMFORTABLE ROOMS AND BEST table it desired y Can be had at 189 Earl street, Modern convem- ences. ---------------------------------------------- -- fu LARGE SHOP, 42 AND 44 PRINCESS ois street, also dwelling, and stone sta- . ble. Rent low to a desirable tem ant Apply 249 Brock street. ee te sere ON APRIL FIRST, 1904, THAT DE- sirable Store, at present occupied by Taylor & Hawilton, as Tinsmiths and "Mumbers, 'on Wollington street, 2 with lurge workshop in the A Detroit specialist who has 14 certificates and 4 diplomas from wedical colieges awd boris, ¥ Apply to Felix Shaw, 115 Bagot perfecied itling method of chring the vised es of men in their own h met; so that there oo ¥ 14 ho doubt in the mind of any man that he has CAN MAKE MEN SOURD AND STRONG. Retroit Specialist Discovers Something En tirely New for the Cure of Men's Diseases in Their Own Howes You Pay Only if Espects No Money Unless He Cures You= Method and Full Particulars Seat Free «Write For It This Very Day ----ETEEETT--CTI-- The Best Is What You Want. Insuro in the North American : Life Assurance Co. 1he most popular and progressive life insurance company in Canada: THERE IS NO SURER OR BETTER INVESTMENT Ap investment licy ideal company will yield you bandsome cash results, if you 'live lom and give you, also, insurance vestment od. y North American Life Assurance Com: y has unex wars, which means large profits holders. Young men should cultl the habit of saving, by - in the North American Lite Assurance vowpany. It is a splendid investment for a rtion of their surplus . All most desirable and up-to-date DR. 8. GOLDBERG, licies are lmued by thi " The Possessor of 14 Diplomas and Certificates Moderate rales, ad motla an a Who Waats No Money That He Does wanted. i For full Information apply te District M. W. J. FAIR, tron our. Not Earn. . both the method and the ability to do &s he sa Dr. Goldberg, the discoverer, will send the meth entirely free to all men who send him their name "nd andres He wants to hear from men who have stricture that they have been unable to get tic trouble, sexual weakness, vari cele, « manhood, blood poison, hydrocele, emaciation of parts, impotence, etc is wonderful method not unly cures the condition itself, but like: ull the tomp ications, such as rheumatism, bladder or kiduty trouble, heart disease, nervous detnity, etc, The doctor realizes that ft is one thi claims and another thing to back th has made it a rae not to sk for money unless he cures you. and when sow are cuted he feels sure that ¥ w will willingly pay hima small fee. h fore. that it is to the best interests ars in this way to write t d lay your case before him, Ta well as many booklets on the coe that contains the 14 es, eutively ree dress 'RIDEAU CANAL. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS, ADDRESSED to the undersigned and endorsed ** g to make up, so he Ten der for Timber," will be received up to noon on Saturday, the 20th ol Pour ary, 1904, for the supply and delivery of British Columbia or Douglas Fir ber required for the Rideau Canal. Specifications and Bills of Timber can be obtained at the office of the 8 a w tonding. Engineer of the Rideau anal wi Be Re sent Department of Railways and Canals, on and after Monday, the 11th January, 1004. The lowest, or any tender, will not ccessarily be accepted. necessarily o L. K. JONES, Secrotary. y mething entirely new and wll Worth Vorwing prove shout. Wrie at ence ~ Could Not Lie On Her Left Side. sn WAS TROUBLED WITH PAIN IN HER HEART FOR SIX YEARS. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, January 4th. 1904. ONTARIO LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Monday, the twenty-fifth day of Janus ary, next, will be the last day for re ceiving Petitions for Private Bills. « Monday, the first day of Feb » -- hext, wil do the last day for in a ing Private 8. N Expected Her Friends Would Friday, the twelfth day of February next will be the last d for recel reports of committees on rivate Bills. CHARLES CLARKE, Clerk Logislative Assembly, Toronto, 30th Dec. 1908. THIS 1S A FACT | To clear balance of Winter . Suitings I have decided to sell at 00ST : $18 to $22 suits at $16, $22 to $25 suits at $18, And all Tweed Suitings From $25 up for $20. 25% off Overcoatings. All goods sold at these prices for CASH, for this month only. A. C. WAGGONER. ton Streot. Find Her Dead. Mrs. C. Bondreau, Campbellton, N.B,, was completely cured by MILBURN'S Heart and Nerve Pills. ann She tells of her experience in the follow. ing letter: "I was troubled with a pain in my heart and weakness for six years. Most of the time I could not lie on my left side. I consulted a doctor but got no re- liet and was completely discouraged. did not think I would live long and expect- ed my friends would find me dead. A friend brought me a box of Milburnls Heart and Nerve Pills and | took them to please her, not thinking the; would do me any good. [I had not use half the box when I commenced to feel myself getting better and by the time 1 had taken two boxes I was completely cured and can re- commend them to all sufferers from heart trouble." Price go cts. per box or 3 for $1.25, all dealers, or THE T. MILBURN CO,, Limited, TORONTO, ONT. Electr Estimates We Gupply figures for all' kinds | of Electrical work in and outs wide of the city, Our work is T guaranteed to - Suit, and our prices are always low, Breck & Halliday, Practical Electricians, Princess St. a Jf You The real reason for the instant success of Gold Seal Lager is the fact that it is different to others -- and the points of difference are all good points, sp Grouble Gold Seal : With Frozen Water Pipes ouble In bottles only. time and patience trying to thaw them out, but ring up 335 and have them Sold where genticmen drink. grompily attended to at DAVID HALLS, 66. BROGK ST BETTER THAN EV MYERS' CELEBRATED HOME- Made Mince Meat, Pork Sausages, Ten- derioin, Brawn, or Head Cheese. All kinds of Cooked Meats, Bacon and ams. All to be found at 60 Brock At 'Phens K70. GEO. CLIFF, Leta shod 1890. v4. is | Roal Estate, {nsurgnse Broker and Mi, 's W. F. DEVER & G0. 9s CLARENCE STREET 159 Wellington Street, Kingston : Write for our Daily Market Letter. K. ¥. RICE, MANAGER. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Ces ; Mother Hendy's All' Healing Ointment PRICE, 25 CENTS. 5 JOHN H. MILLS|aithbatien iz The Leading PO ECTIONS--tpread the salve on Ont., and Hartford, Conn., U.S.A, -~ 1 uh. change

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